Selecting a wardrobe of clothes for Yorkshire terriers

During the cold season, clothing for the Yorkshire Terrier must be present so that the dog feels warm and comfortable in it. Despite the fact that the breed originated from the northern part of Europe, namely from England, where the average air temperature in January-February is 4-5° below zero, it is decorative.

The pet spends most of its life at home and is not used to being in the cold. Having a dog outside during the rainy and snowy season becomes stressful for your Yorkie.

Why do dogs need clothes?

Pets, especially toy breeds, are susceptible to various colds. To protect your pet from cold and bad weather, you should think about what to wear for your Yorkie when going out in the fall-winter season.

Also, clothing serves as protection from dirt. You can’t bathe dogs every time after going outside, but buy a light overall made of raincoat fabric that can be washed.

The market now has a huge variety of different fur coats, sweaters and overalls for four-legged animals, the prices of which sometimes exceed the cost of clothing for Yorkie owners. But there is another option - to sew clothes with your own hands, using a design that best suits a particular dog and its size.

Wardrobe items

Each pet should have its own set of things. Clothes for a boy Yorkshire Terrier include a weekend suit, winter overalls and attire for the house. Girls have a larger wardrobe, they definitely need panties, which should be worn during the estrous cycle (estrus) so as not to spoil the carpets and sofa upholstery. Things can be purchased ready-made or made using a master class.

The mini terrier will also need indoor clothing, especially in the autumn when the central heating is not yet turned on.

There are several recommendations for choosing a wardrobe:

  • A collar, harness and muzzle should be in the wardrobe of every dog, regardless of breed. Items of ammunition must meet all requirements and standards. In addition, be comfortable and reliable. For a Yorkie, it is best to choose leather or fabric harnesses; a soft base will not rub the skin or mat the fur. The muzzle is used for walking to prevent the dog from picking up food, and it is also worn during transportation.
  • Jumpsuits are universal clothing. When choosing winter clothes for a mini terrier, you should give preference to synthetic items. This material has the ability to retain heat, and it also does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Raincoats for Yorkies. In the mid-season, you will need wardrobe items that will help you hide from the rain. Raincoats must be warm and waterproof.
  • A sweater is worn on a furry friend in cool but dry weather.
  • The bathrobe should be made of warm terry cloth. After water treatments, the Yorkie feels especially uncomfortable; he trembles and freezes. A robe will help him warm up quickly.
  • T-shirts will be needed for the summer season. It is best to purchase products made from natural fabrics; they are considered hypoallergenic, so they will not provoke allergic reactions such as itching or hair loss. In addition, you need to make sure that the T-shirts do not fade, otherwise you will have to wash the paint off your beloved pet for a long time. Cheap things should be avoided.
  • Girls really like decorative outfits; they often dress up their beloved pets in beautiful dresses or suits. All kinds of bows, headbands, and hats are also used as decoration. These fashion accessories can be made by yourself.
  • Shoes and socks. For a miniature breed, shoes are extremely necessary, as they protect the animal’s paws from various injuries, dirt, and puddles. In summer, light boots made of fabric are purchased for them, and in winter, the dog will need warm and reliable boots. To avoid chafing, which often occurs from rough seams, dog handlers recommend wearing socks made of soft material under your shoes.

Note! In the pet store you can find absolutely everything for Yorkies, from collars to toys. The pet department offers a wide range of wardrobe items for your four-legged friend.

Types of clothing for Yorkies

Clothes for Yorkies can be sewn not only in the off-season, but also as a holiday outfit. For example, it is possible to make a dress for girls, and a T-shirt for boys.

Also in a small dog’s wardrobe there may be shoes, a raincoat, panties, a sweatshirt, a down jacket (vest or jacket), clothes with a hood, with ears, and so on. Yorkie outfits are made from various materials, depending on their purpose.

The most acceptable fabrics for sewing clothes for dogs:

  1. Fleece - from which pietas and sweatshirts are made. The good thing about the material is that it stretches and wears out slowly. The animal will feel comfortable in it, even with wet fabric, the material retains heat in any conditions.
  2. Cotton is the most popular material used for sewing dog clothing. Its advantages are that it does not fade in the sun, is soft to the touch and is breathable.
  3. Satin, artificial silk - used for linings. Thanks to its sliding properties, it is easily pulled onto the animal, so it is hemmed under winter clothing. The downside of the material is the accumulation of static electricity, you will have to buy an antistatic agent.

In addition to the listed types of fabrics, microfiber, polyester, and antibacterial fabrics are used. For the internal filling of overalls and jackets, padding polyester is suitable. The outer layer of winter clothes is sewn from raincoat fabric or Bolognese fabric.

You can also make knitted items for animals with your own hands. The choice of yarn depends on the preferences of the owner, the main thing is that it does not wrinkle, is easy to clean, does not fade, is breathable and absorbs moisture. Color and style are chosen at your discretion.

If you sew things for a little Yorkie at home, it can be done from old things that are still in good condition. The yarn is taken from the owner's unraveled sweater. Before knitting, the threads are evaporated over boiling water.

For boys

Sewing clothes for boys is different in terms of life-size patterns than creating similar items for girls. The overalls for a male dog should not completely cover the abdominal area so that the Yorkie can relieve himself without ruining the thing.

To sew a suit, you need to correctly calculate the size of the dog and transfer the measurements to the pattern using a pattern. The clasp should be in a place convenient for the owner so that it can be easily used while dressing the dog (on the back).

An alternative to a closed jumpsuit is a blanket; it comes with a hood and sleeves. This product is suitable for both sexes and is easy to put on and take off. The clasp is located on the abdomen. The blanket can be decorated with a side pocket.

For a small Yorkie, it serves as an addition; you can put a bone from dry food there. The pattern of a blanket without a hood and sleeves consists of one element, which requires knowledge of the volumes of the chest, neck, and body length of the Yorkie.

For girls

Sewing a dress for a girl's terrier with your own hands is very simple. In appearance, it is essentially a T-shirt sewn to an apron or skirt. At the same time, the dog does not feel constrained; the Yorkie has free space for its legs and can move around easily.

Let's look at how to sew a simple dress model with a detailed description. Based on this version, you can come up with your own options, decorating the Yorkie product with stripes, ruffles, bows and other additions.

To create the outfit, you will need fabric large enough to wrap around the dog's waist with some leftover for an extended hem, a baby tank top for a one-year-old, elastic thread, a sewing machine, and ribbons to create the ruffles.

Operating principle:

  • measure the Yorkie's waist and the distance from it to the tail;
  • transfer the dog’s measurements onto the fabric;
  • fold the material in half and cut out the design with scissors;
  • decorate the resulting piece with ruffles. To create them, take three ribbons and sew on a machine with an elastic thread along the center of each of them;
  • sew ruffles to the main pattern;
  • for the top, take a children's T-shirt, maybe with a print, cut it in half and sharpen the edge;
  • sew top and bottom;
  • add a belt to cover the transition from the T-shirt to the skirt;
  • the dress is ready.

You can also make a flared sun for a Yorkie girl. To do this, you need to cut out a large circle on the fabric, and inside it also outline a circle corresponding to the size of the dog’s waist. Sew an elastic band or a belt with ties to the inner oval. Sharpen the edges, decorate with beads, seed beads or lace. A smart skirt for a little fashionista is ready.

A complete DIY wardrobe for your Yorkie

In the summer, you can pamper your Yorkshire Terrier with a light cotton tandem of several things at once. They can be sewn as independent items, or the fabric can be selected so that they become elements of a one-piece suit.

Video - DIY dog T-shirt

T-shirt pattern

It is advisable to sew a T-shirt from cotton material with a light percentage of elastane so that the product has a slight stretch. This will make it easy to put it on the animal over the head.

Tip: if the fabric is not stretchy, you can add snap fasteners to the T-shirt - they are sewn in the places of the so-called straps of the T-shirt. The straps are not sewn together.

Mike needs to sew according to the following rules:

  1. According to the template, you need to cut out 2 parts of the product - the chest part is indicated in blue and markers with the number 1, the back - in black and markers without numbers. Both parts are turned with the front part up;
  2. in the image, the markers correspond to the measurements: AB - 1/3 of the neck circumference, A1B1 - 2/3 of the neck circumference, BV/AZ/B1B1/A1Z1 - distance from the neck to the base of the front paws, VG/B1G1/ZZH/Z1ZH1 - half-circumference of the base of the front paw , GD/G1D1/ZHE/ZH1E1 – distance from the base of the front legs to the base of the hind legs (shirt length), DE – 2/3 of the chest circumference, D1E1 – 1/3 of the chest circumference;

    T-shirt pattern

  3. the armholes of the sleeves (VG and V1G1), the neck (AB and A1B1) and the bottom (DE and D1E1) must be processed with an edge seam - for this, when cutting the parts, you need to take into account seam allowances;
  4. in the places indicated by arrows in the diagram, the parts are sewn together (sections BV and B1B1, GD and G1D1, EZh and E1Zh1, ZA and Z1A1).

Ready-made T-shirt for Yorkie

On the back or collar you can decorate the product with a sewn bow, as in the picture.


It is worth noting that this headdress is suitable for most small breed dogs. It is better to make it from light but dense fabric that holds its shape well.

You will need non-standard measurements - the circumference of the animal’s neck directly under the chin (the sum of segments BV, GD and EA) and the circumference of the animal’s head from the chin to the top of the forehead (AB). The length of the visor can be arbitrary or equal to the distance between the animal’s eyes (K1K2).

The procedure for sewing is as follows:

  1. in accordance with the pattern, it is necessary to prepare 2 parts: the cap itself and the visor;

    Pattern and finished cap for a dog

  2. in the places indicated by the dotted line (BV, GD, EA), allowances of approximately 1 centimeter must be left. When added together they form the girth of the neck;
  3. both parts need to be cut out and processed along the edge with an edge seam;
  4. in the dotted areas, the fabric is folded and stitched so as to form peculiar loops. Through them you need to thread a rope-tie, which will hold the cap on your head;
  5. the visor is sewn to the product at the location where similar points are marked on both parts (K1K2).

To fix the cap on the animal’s head, you need to loosely tie a rope under its chin in a bow.


A full tulle skirt for a Yorkshire Terrier is one of the cutest pieces of clothing. Moreover, it is incredibly easy to sew; just measure the animal’s waist circumference.

Tulle skirt for a dog

For sewing, you will need a cotton ribbon about 3-5 centimeters wide, 2.5 times longer than the waist circumference, and a wide tulle ribbon 2-3 times longer than the circumference. The length of the tulle should be approximately equal to the length from the waist to the tip of the tail. The material should not be too long, otherwise it will interfere with the dog's walking.

Sewing a skirt takes place in several stages:

  1. The edges of the tape are folded in approximately 5 millimeters on each side and processed with an edge seam;
  2. on the total length of the tape, measure the length of the girth so that on both sides there are free segments of the same length (future ties);
  3. In the measured area, tulle is sewn to the lower half of the ribbon, laying it in folds under and on itself. To distribute the folds evenly, you can immediately sew the beginning and end of the tulle piece to the tape, and then proceed to laying and securing;
  4. after the tulle has been completely sewn, the upper part of the ribbon is placed exactly on the lower one along the entire length and sewn.

The belt can also be made with Velcro. In this case, its length should be equal to the waist circumference. In addition to the skirt, you can tie a matching tulle bow on the animal’s head or neck.

How to choose the right clothes for your pet?

If the dog owner decides to purchase a factory-made outfit for his four-legged friend, he should know about the intricacies of choosing dog clothing. First of all, you need to think about the comfort of the animal, and only then about beauty.

If it is not possible to try on clothes for a Yorkie, especially when purchasing online, then it is enough to know the dog’s parameters, including the following criteria:

  • girth of the widest part of the Yorkie's neck;
  • distance from withers to tail;
  • the volume of the dog’s chest and waist (plus 5 free centimeters);
  • length of paw to big toe.

When choosing clothes in a store where you can touch and inspect them, as well as try them on, you should heed the advice.
What you should pay attention to when buying an outfit for a small dog:

  1. Determination of fabric quality. You need to wrinkle the material and see if the design cracks. Low-quality dyes, when exposed to moisture and sun, stain the animal’s fur.
  2. Location of seams. The internal stitching should not stick out too much, rub or hurt the dog.
  3. Unnecessary decorations. It is better to exclude additional pockets, belts, and a hood that do not provide functionality from the Yorkie’s wardrobe; such accessories interfere with the dog’s walking.
  4. Choice of clasp. If the dog has long hair, it is better to choose clothes with buttons or Velcro, for example, Yorkie hairs often get caught in the zipper. For trimmed dogs, any type of fastener is suitable.

What is the breed

Before choosing a wardrobe for your pet, you need to learn about the characteristics of the breed. Many inexperienced dog owners choose Yorkies because of their sociability and easy-going nature. Yorkies are one of the smallest and cutest (in appearance and character) dogs. They get along easily with other animals, do not cause trouble, and are prone to affection.

The birthplace of the breed is England. It is believed that the ancestors of Yorkshire terriers were rat-catching terriers, who saved the British from annoying rodents. The breed has its own characteristic features:

  • The size of the dog rarely exceeds 20 cm at the withers. Compact sizes allow you to take your pet with you on trips and trips;
  • Without cutting, your pet's fur will reach the floor. If you plan to dress up your baby, a haircut will help avoid problems;
  • Yorkshire terriers are very mobile, active, and cheerful. They love walks and outdoor games. Things for your pet should be comfortable. If the fabric restricts movement, the dog will become depressed;
  • The breed has advantages and disadvantages. Yorkies are loyal, cute, cheerful, and their fur does not cause allergies. But coat care requires constant and thorough care, and health also requires attention. All representatives of the breed require clothing; in winter they freeze and cannot play or run. You also need to think about shoes for your pet.

You can find many photos of Yorkies in clothes. They look cute, but the main function of clothing is to protect the dog from the cold. Children often catch colds and suffer from rhinitis and otitis media, which is why taking care of them is so important.

How to train your pet to dress up?

In order for a dog to wear purchased or made clothes, the Yorkie must be slowly and patiently accustomed to this. An animal that has never tried on a suit perceives a new thing as a foreign thing and wants to get rid of it.

At first, the Yorkie may pull and bite what he is wearing, but over time he will get used to it and will accept the clothing normally.

Getting used to wearing an outfit is the same as the process of training a Yorkie. To help your dog get used to clothes faster, you should follow some tips:

  1. When putting a suit on a pet, the owner should behave with restraint, not be nervous and not tell the dog in an orderly tone to sit still. This will scare the little animal. A stern voice will be perceived by a Yorkie as if the owner is dissatisfied with the pet's behavior.
  2. If a dressed terrier freezes and cannot move, you should not calm the dog down. Such a tone will be perceived as approval of such behavior.
  3. To distract your dog from the discomfort, you can start playing with your Yorkie so that he does not react to the discomfort.
  4. The dog's first clothing should be sleeveless. It will be easier for York to get used to it. To begin with, it is better to let the dog walk around in a mini vest.
  5. When teaching a puppy to wear clothes, you should put on clothes for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the time your Yorkie stays in the outfit.

We knit and sew ourselves

Even complex wardrobe items for decorative dogs can be sewn or knitted yourself. To do this, you need to focus on standard patterns, adjusting the size of the animal.

Professionals can easily make a down jacket and trousers in three layers for a pet. And for beginners who decide to test their tailoring talents, we offer patterns for beginners.

You can sew clothes for your dog from old things. Making a t-shirt for a Yorkie from the children's version is very simple. You just need to adjust the size to the dog and reduce the chest part.

You can make a sweater for your Yorkie from an old knitted stocking by attaching short sleeves and a collar.

Pattern and sizes

By grasping the dog with a tailor's meter, you can determine its parameters yourself. But there are cases when the dimensions of the animal are established approximately or only the breed and approximate weight are known. A table of clothing sizes, which is used to purchase things through online stores, will help with this.

The sizes, as in humans, start with the smallest S and end with XXXL for large dogs. In this case, we need the size for the Yorkshire Terrier, based on weight, the dog falls under S, L and M.

Another definition system is designated by numbers from 8 to 18. Yorkie sizes correspond to sizes 8-12.

Having indicated the required length of the lines for the pattern, it is necessary to transfer the drawings onto tracing paper (preferably) so as not to spoil the fabric in case of incorrect calculations. Having adjusted it to perfection, transfer the drawing to the material. On the pattern pieces, indicate in letters the places that need to be connected: Sew A-B of one part to A-B of the other, and so on.

Ready-made life-size pattern diagrams for the Yorkshire Terrier.

Selecting the size

For standard Yorkies, size S is suitable, and for mini and micro varieties - XS. For large Yorkies, clothing in size M may also be suitable.

It should be taken into account that the main measurements in these sizes are:

  1. XS: Neck girth - 18 - 22 cm, back length - 18 - 22 cm, chest girth - 28 - 32 cm.
  2. S: neck girth - 20 - 24 cm, back length - 22 - 26 cm, chest girth - 36 - 40 cm.
  3. M: neck girth - 24 - 28 cm, back length - 27 - 31 cm, chest girth - 40 - 44 cm.

Depending on the breed variety and height, shoes of sizes 1 - 3 are suitable for Yorkies.

Knitted clothes for Yorkies

In the world of craftswomen, there are ready-made designer models for creating dog things. You can knit any product, from a simple cap to a jumpsuit with a complex pattern.

First you need to decide on the yarn. It is better to use mixed types of threads, since each of them has its own disadvantages.

For example, knitted clothes made from 100% wool quickly stretch out and collect pills, synthetics accumulate electricity, and cotton is too cold on its own.

In order to calculate the required number of loops, you should make a small sample and multiply the resulting number of 1 cm by the desired length.

To knit a sweater, the dog needs to know the volume of the Yorkie's neck, chest, waist, distance from the withers to the front paw and the length along the back from the right leg to the left. First you need to make the upper part according to the standard pattern, then the chest. Next - sleeves, and at the end make a collar. The photo shows popular models for Yorkies.

Knitting a jumpsuit for a terrier is easier than it seems. First, the body is made, then the sleeves for the Yorkie’s limbs are knitted. When creating a jumpsuit, reaching the waist line, you should leave room for the genitals of the cable. Below is a diagram of a simple costume model for a Yorkie.

We knit a blanket for a dog. This type of wardrobe is the most basic. The entire part is knitted with a continuous thread, at the end you can extend the collar and decorate the blanket with buttons.

Creating stylish clothes for small dogs is a fun hobby that can be turned into your own business. Many owners of four-legged friends will be interested in purchasing elegant, warm and elegant wardrobe items for their pets.

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