published • 12/04/2021
You have a young bitch in your home and now you have to learn how to periodically go through the estrus cycle with her and adapt to this inevitable process.
When does a dog's first heat start?
The first heat in dogs usually begins after the change of teeth, but it is impossible to predict the exact date, because estrus completes a certain stage in the development of a young bitch’s body. Each dog has its own.
What can help in guessing the deadline?
You need to ask when your dog’s mother’s first heat began and how it went. Characteristics, behavior, course of pregnancy and childbirth are passed on from mothers to daughters and, from experience, in most cases, this is confirmed.
How to notice the onset of heat or signs of heat in dogs?
You can notice the approach of estrus while walking your dog. The dog urinates frequently. Behavior can change, often the dog becomes active, playful, and disobedient. Hormones begin to “play”, and instinct pushes her towards free behavior. The bitch makes frequent marks - scent “lures” for males. The bitch wants to explore ever larger territories, thereby spreading her scent and luring potential “suitors.” Often bitches begin to shed before going into heat. During this period, males approach the female, sniff her, but do not mount the female, and the female herself behaves more aggressively towards males. When examining the dog, the owner notices a change in the bitch's genitals. The loop becomes more and more swollen; when pressed, you can see a discharge of light pink or dull pink color. If you notice changes in the dog's behavior, do not be lazy and check the dog every day for the onset of heat by dabbing the bitch's loop with a napkin or toilet paper. Pinkish discharge will be the beginning of estrus - mark this day in your dog’s notebook.
Dog mating
— how it happens
Puberty in males occurs at 6 months. This means that from now on the male can mate at any time. And don’t think that if you have a brother and sister from the same litter, and the sister is in heat, the male will be stopped by the relationship. However, it is best to start breeding your pet from 18 months of age. Early separation of a male dog can lead to early stunting.
The first estrus - estrus in bitches occurs at the age of 6 months to 1 year. The intervals between estrus in dogs can be from 6 months to 12. Of course, for you as the owner, the longer the dog's period between heats, the less hassle. However, if these periods are always different, you should contact your veterinarian.
The optimal age for mating females is 2 years. If you didn’t breed a bitch until she was 4 years old, then it’s better not to do this, because... late labor becomes dangerous for the bitch's health, the pelvic bones diverge poorly, and a caesarean section may be necessary.
A dog's estrus period lasts 21 days (3 weeks). Before a dog goes into heat, the loop swells. The heaviest bleeding is observed during the first 10 days. To avoid unwanted stains on furniture and floors, you can purchase special panties for dogs at a pet store. Of course, your dog will not like them very much, however, be persistent and encourage him and he will get used to it.
From about the 10th day, a period favorable for conception begins, when it is desirable to mate the dog. Jack Russell Terriers are of the “early” type and can be bred starting from the 8th day.
In general, the owner himself will be able to determine when his bitch is ready for mating. At this time, the dog forgets about everything, even that the owner took him outside “on business.” She is busy looking for a partner to procreate. As soon as you stroke the dog on the back, the tail rises and falls to the side, opening a loop.
It is at this moment that you should take your girl to mating with the groom. As a rule, mating takes place on the territory of the male dog. There he feels like a master and mating success is more likely. In the territory of the bitch, the male may become nervous, and the bitch may begin to snap.
The process of mating (mating) of Jack Russell Terriers is quite simple, because... dogs are light. If you choose the right mating day, you don’t even need to invite a mating instructor. Give your pets freedom of action. After a short period of acquaintance and courtship, sexual intercourse occurs directly. Ejaculation in a male dog happens quite quickly, literally, after several frictions. After this, the bitch continues to hold the penis in the vagina by contracting the vaginal walls. The male gets down from the bitch and turns his back to her. At this moment, it is better to hold the dogs so that the dog does not try to run away, thereby injuring himself. A “lock” in nature is intended not only to prevent sperm from leaking out, but also to prolong pleasant moments for the bitch. The duration of the castle can be from 5 to 40 minutes. In general, it is believed that the “castle” does not affect the likelihood of conception, however, the owners prefer that the “castle” happen.
For greater confidence, a control mating is carried out every other day.
Whether the bitch is pregnant cannot be determined until about the 30th day, even with the help of an ultrasound. The fact is that dogs have a two-horned uterus and during the first half of the bitch’s pregnancy, the fetuses are located in the horns of the uterus. The fruits emerge into the uterine cavity only on the 17-18th day. From this moment on, the bitch's belly will begin to increase. At this time, the bitch may begin to refuse food, sleep a lot, and even experience toxicosis. However, in the first half of pregnancy the bitch leads the same lifestyle.
Well, the 30th day has come, and you finally realized that your pet is pregnant?
Congratulations! Now get ready for a new, troublesome, but very exciting period in your family’s life - pregnancy, childbirth and raising puppies.
How to choose a pair?
When choosing a partner for mating, the owner of a bitch needs to focus on the following criteria:
Health. The dog must be healthy himself and be free from hereditary diseases. Psyche. The male must have the typical temperament and character of the breed. Exterior
It is very important that the male dog is as good as possible in terms of conformation and even surpasses the female dog in this regard. Origin. The mating partner must come from a good modern line, famous both for its health and victories at exhibitions
The more champions in the line, the better. Titles. It is desirable that the male be at least a champion of the breed.
It is better to spend time looking for a worthy sire than to breed a bitch with an unremarkable dog whose only advantage is that he lives nearby.
Expert opinion
Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich
Expert dog handler.
“It is recommended that you select the best male dog you can find for breeding. He must be healthy both physically and psychologically, and his conformation must be as good as his pedigree. Finally, if you are going to untie your girl for the first time, then choose an experienced stud dog as her partner. And it would be nice to also look at his offspring to have an idea of what kind of puppies are born from him.”
A dog's reproductive cycle or how many times dogs go into heat.
Monocyclicity, i.e. reproduction once a year is typical only for wild animals - strictly in a certain season favorable for this. The gonads of male and female wild animals function only during this season. A distinctive feature of domestic animals from wild ones is that they reproduce two or more times a year, the so-called polycyclicity. Female domestic dogs have a polycyclic cycle of two to three sexual cycles during the year. In male domestic dogs (breeding dogs), the testes function all year round. The number of sexual cycles your dog has is mainly determined by the conditions in which the dog is kept.
Phases of the reproductive cycle.
The dog's reproductive cycle includes four phases.
PHASE 1 - PROESTRUS - HEAT. The period lasts from 3 to 20 days, but in most dogs it is 7-10 days. In the ovaries, follicles grow and mature, secreting female sex hormones - estrogens. In the bitch, the functions of the mucous membranes of the genital organs are enhanced, the loop swells, the size of the uterine horns increases, the walls of the uterus and vagina thicken. During this period, the bitch’s behavior changes, she becomes disobedient, active, playful, often urinates, making marks around the territory. During this period, the bitch reacts aggressively to male dogs, not letting them near her.
The duration of pregnancy is approximately 2 months. The owner needs to take care of the dog and monitor its well-being. A pregnant shepherd needs careful care and proper nutrition.
The first signs of a dog's pregnancy:
- rounding the sides, increasing weight;
- sagging abdomen;
- the mammary glands swell and become lighter;
- nipples harden and protrude;
- the dog’s behavior changes, it becomes lethargic and apathetic;
- there may be morning vomiting;
- discharge appears from the loop and colostrum from the nipples.
If the owner runs his hand over the dog's belly, he will feel the nipples pressing against him. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
How long does it last?
If everything is fine with the dog’s health, then the pregnancy will last approximately 2 months. It may end a little earlier or later. If your shepherd's gestation period is 10 days over, then you need to urgently take her to the veterinarian. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing offspring.
The length of pregnancy depends on the dog's age, as well as its mother's pregnancy rates. There is also a connection with past dates.
How is it going for the first time?
It proceeds in almost the same way as in dogs that have given birth previously. The dog needs to be carefully looked after and helped to make it easier for her to endure her first pregnancy. For firstborns, the gestation period may be slightly longer than usual.
Stages of heat
The first stage of the cycle is called proestrus. It lasts 7-10 days and is characterized by disobedience and aggressiveness of the dog. At this time, eggs mature in the ovaries, and the inner lining of the uterus is covered with a thick layer of mucus. The owner notices swelling of the loop and the appearance of serous discharge. Labradors often ask to go outside to urinate, but they still won’t let males near them.
Estrus or sexual heat occurs on the 10th day after the first discharge appears and lasts 4-6 days. The egg is released from the ovaries and travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube.
While walking, bitches mark and attract males. After sniffing, they take a characteristic pose with a raised pelvis and a tail laid to the side. The loop becomes soft and the mucus becomes transparent.
After the end of estrus, a new stage begins - metestrus. The vulva gradually decreases in size to its normal state, the discharge stops, and appetite appears.
Even without mating, the dog’s body secretes progesterone, which causes the nipples to swell and irritability and anxiety to appear. The state of false pregnancy goes away on its own. The total duration of the phase is 10-14 days.
The last stage of anestrus is called the rest period. For large breed dogs it lasts 8-12 months. Veterinarians note that only the first 6-7 heats are distinguished by a clear periodicity.
Prenatal period
After a successful mating, the Jack Russell Terrier bitch becomes pregnant. The average length of a dog's pregnancy is sixty days. The entire period of gestation can be divided into four phases:
- twenty-one days after mating;
- fourth week;
- fifth to seventh week;
- eighth week.
In the first phase, the pet has no visible changes either physically or psychologically. Leave the feeding ration unchanged. You also need to add to it preparations with vitamins A, D and E in the dosage specified in the instructions for use. During the entire pregnancy, give the Jack Russell Terrier bitch “Undevit” one tablet once a day and “Ferrum Lek” half a tablet per day.
In the second phase of pregnancy, the dog begins to develop toxicosis, due to which it may refuse to eat, preferring water. You cannot force your pet to eat.
At this time, thick, colorless discharge may appear. If blood appears in them, you need to give the dog a five percent solution of calcium chloride for three to four days - half a teaspoon twice a day.
In the third phase of pregnancy, long, quiet walks in secluded places, where there will be no unnecessary irritants in the form of other dogs or unnecessary noise, are recommended. If you live in an apartment building, do not allow the female Jack Russell Terrier to walk up the stairs by herself: either in the elevator or in your arms. If your pet has developed an appetite, be sure to increase the amount of food, but divide it into three or four meals. Keep giving vitamins.
In the third phase, noticeable movements of the fetuses begin in the womb of the bitch. You need to reduce the amount of meat and meat broths, and a couple of days before the possible day of delivery you need to replace the meat with cottage cheese and cheese. Meat can be given again three to four days after birth.
Preparing the site
You need to prepare the place for the birth in advance, about two weeks in advance. For this purpose, choose a room where the Jack Russell Terrier bitch will not be distracted by extraneous noises or strangers. If there is a window in the room, it is best to cover it so that direct sunlight does not bother the dog. Also clear the room of all unnecessary items so that you can quickly get to the bitch when she goes into labor.
Place a birthing box in the selected room. You can purchase it at a specialty store or make it yourself. The main thing is that it fits the Jack Russell Terrier in size - the pet should be able to freely stretch out to its full height. The box where the birth will take place must always be in perfect condition. Change bedding or diapers as they become dirty.
Features of the first heat
When buying a Labrador, you need to ask the breeders how many births the mother has had, how long the estrus lasts, and how easy the pregnancy is. Such stages of development are transmitted genetically. Typically, puberty occurs at 10-12 months of age, and the first mating occurs at three years of age.
The Labrador's first heat cycle is short-lived. The dog's body is just preparing for procreation. Owners are not recommended to breed a female dog until her third estrus. Otherwise, pathology of the reproductive organs often develops, puppies are born prematurely and die in infancy.
Possible problems
Pregnancy and childbirth are a complex and dangerous process for the female. Problems that may arise during pregnancy, childbirth and after:
- The discharge from the loop smells bad or is green in color.
- Post-term pregnancy. If your dog does not give birth to puppies on time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Delayed birth may indicate the death of fetuses in the womb, pathologies of the reproductive system, or infections.
- Uterine bleeding.
- The puppy got stuck in the birth canal. After the first attempts, the baby should appear within two hours. The next puppies are born every 30–40 minutes one after another.
- Miscarriage.
The first heat marks the female Jack Russell Terrier's puberty. From now on, every six months the girl will go into heat. Constant hormonal changes lead to the fact that the dog's life is shortened, and she herself becomes vulnerable to many diseases of the reproductive system. If the owner has no desire to engage in breeding, the pet should be sterilized. If the owner wants to try his hand at breeding, it should be borne in mind that this activity will require a lot of time, effort and money. It’s definitely not worth doing something like this for profit.
Dog care
During estrus, bitches secrete special pheromones that attract males. During this period, it is better to stop walking and take your Labrador out only for a few minutes to empty the intestines and bladder. The dog must be muzzled and on a leash, and the owner must take a shocker, the sound of which drives away dogs of any size.
Provide your dog with a calm environment during heat. Do not take it with you on trips, trips, or guests. Do not change your diet or bring other animals into your home.
Due to the vulnerability of the body during this period, the Labrador can get sick from drafts and cold air from the air conditioner. An open cervical canal increases the risk of infections entering the uterus.
During heat, your Labrador will produce mucus that ranges from pale yellow to dark red. To prevent your dog from soiling upholstered furniture, you can put special underwear on it, like baby diapers. However, it must be removed periodically so that the bitch can perform hygienic care. In addition, the greenhouse effect often changes the microflora and provokes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
Delivery at home
Often, Jack Russell Terriers give birth easily. However, you still need to look after your pet so that in case of complications you can come to the rescue in a timely manner. The first puppy should be born within two hours after the first attempts. The baby can come forward with its head or tail. Under no circumstances should you pull it. The female must cope on her own. She should not be allowed to give birth standing up, otherwise the puppy may be injured.
The baby is born in a transparent cocoon, from which the mother delivers him. If the dog is too weak, the owner must take on this part. The shell must be carefully torn apart. Wipe the puppy's nose and mouth with a cloth. If there is a lot of liquid on them, it can be removed using an enema bulb. The umbilical cord must be tied with a thread at a distance of 3 cm from the tummy and cut off. Treat the edges with a disinfectant. The baby should be wiped well with a dry cloth. After this, it can be applied to the mother's nipple. To distinguish puppies, colored threads are tied around their necks.
It is important! It is necessary to ensure that all the afterbirth comes out of the female. If this does not happen, your pet needs to be taken to the doctor immediately.
Preparation for mating
For the first few years, the owner should monitor the Labrador's cycles. It is necessary to record the duration of estrus, the behavior of the dog, the intensity of discharge and the condition of the loop at each stage. Based on these records, the onset of estrus can be calculated. Such information will help you prepare for mating: find a male, agree on mating, take a day off on mating day.
A few months before mating, your Labrador should be taken to a veterinarian for examination. The specialist will do an analysis for hidden anaerobic infections, give an anti-helminth tablet, and drops to kill fleas and ticks.
If mating coincides with vaccination, it is necessary to skip a year. Postponing ovulation with the help of hormonal pills often leads to the appearance of weak offspring and deterioration of the dog’s health.
Signs of the onset of whelping
Four days before giving birth, the female may begin to behave strangely. She will eat less, start wandering around the house and digging on the floor. The belly will drop towards the hips, and the dog's body will begin to resemble a pear. Transparent discharge from the loop may appear. Two days before giving birth, the female’s body temperature drops to 37 °C.
A few hours before giving birth, the puppies will stop moving. The first contractions can begin a day before whelping. The dog will begin to spend more time in the maternity ward. She may begin to tremble. The female will begin to lick the perineum.
Jack Russell Terrier in heat
- home
- Jack Russell Terrier in heat
You have a young bitch in your home and now you have to learn how to periodically go through the estrus cycle with her and adapt to this inevitable process.
When does a dog's first heat start?
The first heat in dogs usually begins after the change of teeth, but it is impossible to predict the exact date, because estrus completes a certain stage in the development of a young bitch’s body. Each dog has its own.
What can help in guessing the deadline?
You need to ask when your dog’s mother’s first heat began and how it went. Characteristics, behavior, course of pregnancy and childbirth are passed on from mothers to daughters and, from experience, in most cases, this is confirmed.
How to notice the onset of heat or signs of heat in dogs?
You can notice the approach of estrus while walking your dog. The dog urinates frequently. Behavior can change, often the dog becomes active, playful, and disobedient. Hormones begin to “play”, and instinct pushes her towards free behavior. The bitch makes frequent marks - scent “lures” for males. The bitch wants to explore ever larger territories, thereby spreading her scent and luring potential “suitors.” Often bitches begin to shed before going into heat. During this period, males approach the female, sniff her, but do not mount the female, and the female herself behaves more aggressively towards males. When examining the dog, the owner notices a change in the bitch's genitals. The loop becomes more and more swollen; when pressed, you can see a discharge of light pink or dull pink color. If you notice changes in the dog's behavior, do not be lazy and check the dog every day for the onset of heat by dabbing the bitch's loop with a napkin or toilet paper. Pinkish discharge will be the beginning of estrus - mark this day in your dog’s notebook.
Basic rules step by step
Dogs are not fed before mating: the last meal should be no less than three hours before the “event”.
Immediately before mating, the partners are walked: this can be done separately or together.
How to knit according to the rules:
- To carry it out, you need to choose a place on the dog’s territory. A room in a house or a private yard is ideal for these purposes.
- It is advisable to cover slippery floors with old carpets or mats.
- If mating takes place outside, it is advisable that there be a canopy there.
- The dogs are allowed indoors or into the yard, where they begin to look closely at each other and get to know each other and play with each other.
- After the bitch allows the male to approach and sniff her external genitalia, he mounts. Further events can develop in different ways: either the male manages to get into the loop, or the female turns out and runs away. In the first case, it is better not to interfere. But in the second, the dogs will have to help: hold the bitch by the collar and under the belly while mounting.
- The male dog may also need help. This happens if the bitch is larger. In this case, you should place a stand under the dog’s paws.
- After ejaculation occurs, a so-called “lock” is formed, which lasts from several minutes to an hour. All this time, the dogs must stand with their backs turned to each other.
- If the bitch is nervous during the “lock”, whines and tries to wriggle out, the owner must hold her by the collar.
- The next day or every other day, a control mating is carried out.
In case the bitch won’t let the male in or the male doesn’t want to breed her, it is advisable to select a spare partner in advance.