Fish moon

The sunfish is different from other fish species due to its unique appearance. If you look at this representative of the underwater world, it is difficult to say that this is a fish and not some other animal. This is due to the fact that the fish's body resembles a disk shape, which indicates its extraterrestrial origin. At least that's what many people think. The easiest way is to compare this fish with an ordinary plate.


The sunfish boasts a round white body with gray spots, which is how it gets its name. The creature's gills lack an external side. The moon fish feels comfortable in a wide range of temperatures and depths, which is why it lives in most oceans.

Moon fish close-up
Interesting fact : in Latin the fish is called mola mola, which translates as “millstone”.
And in Germany the creature was nicknamed “fish head”. The creature lives at great depths and periodically rises to the surface. The moon fish does this on purpose so that seagulls and other birds will land on it. Birds move along it and eat parasites that hide under the skin, between the folds and under the fins. After this, the moon fish swims away to its usual habitat.

Moon fish diet

The sunfish is believed to primarily feed on jellyfish. However, its diet may include other varied alternatives to predatory species, including crustaceans, molluscs, squid, small fish and deep-sea eel larvae. Periodic dives to depth help her find such a variety of food. After a long stay in the cold deep-sea layers, the fish restores the balance of thermoregulation by heating its sides under the sun at the surface of the water.

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The sides of the fish's body are flattened, so it seems that it is stretched upward. During the process of evolution, the creature's tail fin disappeared. This is because his pelvic bones failed to develop properly. The role of the tail is performed by the fused ventral and dorsal fins, which are located on the back of the body. They have elastic cartilages, due to which the moon fish can maneuver perfectly. The creature has 16 to 18 vertebrae in its back.

Since the gills do not have an external side, they look like ordinary holes. Because of this, microbes and other organisms easily penetrate inside, causing serious harm to health through their parasitic activities.

Appearance of the moon fish

Appearance of the moon fish

Appearance of the moon fish

Appearance of the moon fish

Appearance of the moon fish

The eyes of the fish are small, just like the mouth. Thanks to the latter fact, many underwater inhabitants are not afraid of it, because they know that they cannot be swallowed. The moon fish lacks a swim bladder, as well as a lateral line. Thanks to it, creatures are able to pick up water vibrations and detect approaching objects out of sight. Because of this, it is easy to approach her from the side or back. The color of the fish is white-gray, there may be brown shades. There are also individuals whose bodies have multi-colored patterns.

Interesting fact : if the moon fish feels threatened, its color darkens, which helps scare off the enemy.

There are no scales on the body of the moon fish. Instead, the surface is covered with mucus, which performs a protective function. As an individual ages, bone growths may appear. The latter indicate that the species previously had scales, but they disappeared during the process of evolution.

Interesting: Sterlet

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