Documents for a dog: what kit should a purebred puppy have?

Before purchasing a new pet, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with what documents the puppy must have. Official papers confirm the breed and make life easier in big cities. The sooner you take care of basic documentation, the fewer problems you will have in the future.

Why does a dog need documents?

Knowing exactly what documents are needed for a dog, you eliminate the risk of buying an outbred animal at an inadequate price. The lack of basic documentation also puts an end to a show career, traveling abroad and breeding.

Ownership of the dog

One of the most important moments when buying a dog is obtaining documents for the transfer of ownership from the breeder to the buyer. They are necessary in controversial situations when searching for a missing pet or dividing property during a divorce in court.

Papers for subsequent matings and exhibitions

Breeding a breed is an important undertaking based on careful selection of a pair. The absence of official papers increases the likelihood of the development of a genetic disease in the offspring or the occurrence of breeding marriages associated with deviations from the approved standard.

A show career outside the country imposes a large number of paperwork requirements. Getting into the ranks of participants without a complete package of documentation is a hopeless matter.

Preparation for mating

As a rule, dogs go into heat twice a year - in spring and autumn. The first option is preferable for mating, especially if the animal lives in an enclosure. Puppies are born in the summer, and in the first months of life they receive a lot of warmth and sunlight, thanks to which they grow stronger and healthier.

Having chosen the time of year for mating, a month before the expected start of estrus, the male and female are brought to an appointment with a veterinarian. Based on the examination results, the doctor assesses the condition of the dogs and, if necessary, prescribes treatment, diet, and a set of physical exercises.

No later than 1.5-2 weeks before the start of estrus, future parents are treated for helminths and external parasites. At the same time, routine vaccination is carried out if its time approaches.

How does the process of buying a puppy and issuing documents go?

If you do not know what documents are needed when purchasing a puppy, read the Breeding Regulations of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF). From it you can find out the list of mandatory RKF documents for a dog and understand what it is, using specific examples.

According to the Breeding Regulations of the RKF, a written agreement for the purchase and sale of a dog in Russia is not mandatory. The price for a pet is negotiated verbally. But still, an agreement is desirable, since it can subsequently resolve unforeseen controversial issues.

To confirm the official registration of the mating, the date of birth of the puppy, breed and other important data, other papers are used, which will be discussed below.

When selling a puppy, the breeder is obliged to:

  • introduce the buyer to the entire litter and its mother;
  • demonstrate the conditions in which puppies are kept;
  • give comprehensive advice on the maintenance, feeding and characteristics of the breed;
  • if the breed is prone to any diseases, the breeder, at the buyer’s request, provides information that the puppies’ mother is healthy (certificates from a veterinarian, X-ray/ultrasound results, etc.);
  • sometimes such certificates are given regarding the father of the puppies;
  • issue a complete package of required documents and satisfy the client’s desire to draw up a purchase and sale agreement.

In addition, a conscientious breeder will be interested in the future fate of the puppy. At first, you can call him and consult about any questions you have. In some cases, the breeder will help you meet a suitable partner for mating or recommend participation in exhibitions.

Step-by-step instructions for registering the RKF pedigree

How to get a pedigree for a dog? Until recently, this could be done by any owner of a puppy, provided he had a metric, by contacting the central RKF club in Moscow. By contacting directly at the address or by mail due to the distances across the territory of Russia.

Currently, RKF does not work directly with dog owners. Now the replacement can be made through a kennel or kennel club if they are members of one of the RKF federations. Read more in our article about the rules for replacing a puppy with a pedigree. Check the price directly with the club.

What does the main set of documents look like?

The documentation provided is divided into veterinary and breeding. The first confirms the health of the dog, and the second confirms its origin. The main kit includes:

  • puppy card (metric);
  • pedigree;
  • act of mating;
  • activation;
  • veterinary passport.


: pedigree is issued only after 6 months. An attempt to sell a puppy without a metric, but with a pedigree up to the specified age, is considered fraud.

Additionally, the breeder can issue a microchipping certificate.

Metric, or puppy card

The metric is the second official paper after certification, confirming the purebred of the puppy. It contains basic information about the pet, its parents and owner, confirmed by the seal of the nursery or club.

Along the cut line, the metric is divided into 2 parts. The lower one remains with the owner, and the upper one is transferred to the RKF or another canine organization after 6 months to obtain a pedigree. Until this moment, the puppy is prohibited from being bred, and its participation in exhibitions is limited to two classes: baby and puppy.


The official name of this paper is certificate of origin. It takes 9 months to receive it after the dog turns six months old. Exchange of metrics for pedigree after 15 months is possible, but more labor-intensive.

It is better to find out about the registration procedure through the club at your place of residence or through the RKF. The basic information from the metric is transferred to the pedigree, supplementing it with a barcode and chip number, as well as complete information about ancestors up to the fourth generation. If data is missing in one of the required chapters, the certificate of origin is considered incomplete.

Based on the breadth of action, there are 2 types of pedigree:

  • internal (Russian), giving the right to participate in Russian exhibitions;
  • export (international), allowing you to attend international exhibition events.

An international sample is issued only if there is an internal one, so it will not be possible to do it right away. It is not necessary to record a family tree for purebred dogs that do not plan to conquer the podium. In this case, the honorary paper will gather dust unnecessarily.

The act of mating

When purchasing, they check the mating certificate, which confirms the fact that purebred dogs were mated. It is drawn up in 3 copies: two of them remain with the owners of the bitch and dog, and the third is transferred to the institution responsible for registering the event. Based on the act of mating, activation is done.


Within 3 days after the birth of the puppies, the owner of the untied bitch submits information to the club at the place of registration of the pet. Activation is done 1 month after the litter appears. It takes into account the number and health of puppies born, the conditions of their keeping and the presence of a brand. Separately, breed characteristics are prescribed and the first letter used in the puppies' nicknames is determined.

Veterinary passport

Unlike a certificate of origin, a veterinary passport is required for any dog, even a mongrel one. It looks like a small book and contains records of vaccinations and anti-parasitic treatments. In Russia, only one vaccination is recognized as mandatory - against rabies. For free travel abroad the list will be more impressive.

The veterinary passport records, but does not prove the breed. This responsibility falls on the metric and certificate of origin.

How to distinguish fake from real papers

Official documentation is protected by watermarks, coats of arms and holograms, but skilled fraudsters can even forge them. If you want to avoid being scammed, contact only trusted nurseries and avoid purchasing from private sellers.

These papers bear the seals of the responsible institution, the signatures of managers and the emblems of cynological organizations. You can view samples of the required documentation on the RKF website.

Veterinary passport of the puppy

An international animal veterinary passport is made in the form of a small book on the pages of which, throughout the dog’s life, notes will be placed on all your pet’s vaccinations and on the treatment of the animal against parasites.

The initial pages of the international veterinary passport are used to enter basic data about the dog, namely: nickname, breed, owner’s name. A sticker with the dog’s chip number is also pasted here if the animal is microchipped.

It is important to understand one essential point. A veterinary passport is issued to any animal upon first visit to a regular veterinary clinic. It is in no way proof of the animal’s breed, since to obtain it, the veterinarian does not ask for any documents confirming the owner’s words.

A dog needs a veterinary passport for one main purpose - to prove that your pet does not threaten the health and life of people and other animals. Confirmation of this fact are records (usually stickers) on preventive vaccination against infectious diseases and a note on the mandatory annual vaccination against the rabies virus, which is mandatory in all countries of the world!

Without this note in the animal’s veterinary passport, you will not be able to travel abroad with your dog, your animal will not be able to take part in dog shows or any cynological events, and will not be allowed for breeding and breeding activities.

Important! A veterinary passport is not a confirmation of the dog’s breed, despite the fact that the dog’s breed is indicated in it.

How to obtain documents for a dog

When you reach 6 months, you need to decide whether the puppy needs a pedigree. If the answer is yes, read about how to get documents for a dog with and without registration.

Obtaining a pedigree

To obtain a certificate of origin, it is not necessary to contact the institution that issued the puppy card. Contact any club near your place of residence and ask how to get documents for a dog with registration marks. You do not have to enter into it - just pay for the mediation service. The club will transfer your metric to the RKF and provide a pedigree within 3 months.

Is it possible to make documents without metrics?

The procedure for registering a pedigree without metrics depends on the reason for its absence. The following options are possible, explaining how to make a pedigree for a dog without documents:

  1. Restoring a puppy card if it is lost. In this situation, you can request a new specimen from the breeder or contact any kennel club. To obtain a duplicate, you will need to present a stamp containing the unique number of the animal.
  2. Registration of a registered (zero) pedigree. To receive it, you will have to confirm your breed, take part in several exhibitions and receive at least 3 satisfactory marks from the jury. After registration, restrictions are imposed on breeding and obtaining championship titles.

The ban on mating for animals with zero pedigree is explained by the high risk of abnormalities in the litter. In rare cases, breeding of pet-class puppies is allowed.

Papers for travel in Russia and abroad

To travel around Russia, a veterinary passport and proof of ownership are sufficient. If the purpose of the trip is to participate in an exhibition, you will have to take care of obtaining a veterinary certificate.

Traveling abroad requires having an international veterinary passport. In it, all main entries are duplicated in English.


: It’s easier to immediately get an international passport - it will be valid both in Russia and abroad.

You will also need a special veterinary certificate (veterinary certificate in form No. 1, or F1). It is issued in state veterinary hospitals. It is valid for only 5 days, so you need to start processing it on the eve of departure.

The documentation listed refers to the basic set. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with more complete information on the official websites of foreign embassies.

What is zero or registered pedigree?

Even the owners of purebred dogs do not always have the opportunity to say exactly who their parents were and how valuable they were in breeding terms. In such cases, a document is drawn up that, apart from the fact that a particular dog belongs to a certain breed, does not guarantee anything. This is the zero pedigree. The dog for which the document is issued is its own ancestor.

Zero Pedigree Sample

Whether this is good or bad depends on the plans and ambitions of the owner. Of course, he points out that what the evaluator is looking at is not an ordinary yard “bug”, but a purebred animal. You can get to Russian exhibition events with such paper, but not to international and foreign ones. But if you approach breeding with all responsibility, then the sons and daughters of the “Bobby” have every chance to realize the high ambitions of the owner and receive high titles, as well as a full-fledged pedigree, listed all over the world.

Video - Documents for dogs

Documents for a mongrel dog

You can obtain documents for a puppy without a pedigree either officially or unofficially. Naturally, the second solution is illegal. Illegally obtaining breeding documentation is pointless and dangerous, so breeders recommend obtaining a veterinary passport.

It can be obtained from any licensed veterinary clinic. When registering, the veterinarian indicates the approximate date of birth, gender, color and special features. In the columns with metric numbers and the certificate of origin, dashes are placed. The breed is described as "mixed breed".

For greater safety, it is recommended to have your puppy microchipped. This makes it easier to find the animal if it goes missing. The chip data is also entered into the veterinary passport.

Completing basic documentation is an important condition when selling purebred puppies. It removes restrictions on travel, participation in exhibitions and breeding, and also helps to identify a missing pet and prove its rights in court. In other cases, the pile of papers can be reduced to only one thing - a veterinary passport. Only it is mandatory for dogs, regardless of their origin.

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Knitting technique

It is better to carry out mating in the male dog’s territory, where he feels calm and confident. The optimal time of day is the hours after a morning walk. Feeding pets before mating is not advisable.

As a rule, it is not necessary to help animals during mating. When they are released, the male immediately begins to court the female. Soon she turns her back and moves her tail to the side, allowing her to jump on top of her. After mating, the couple remains crossed for some time (sometimes up to an hour) - these are the features of canine physiology. Under no circumstances should you try to separate the male and female dogs: this is guaranteed to lead to injuries to their genitals.

Sometimes a young, inexperienced bitch can show aggression towards a male dog and even injure him. In this case, you must have a muzzle with you. If, even after putting on the muzzle, the bitch categorically rejects the gentleman, the help of the owners will be required. The owner of the bitch should hold her by the neck, and the owner of the dog should hold her by the stomach, preventing her from sitting down. It is forbidden to force a male dog in any way: this can greatly frighten him.

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