cat in the bath
Is it possible to bathe a cat with regular human shampoo?
There are many special products for bathing pets, but sometimes owners are interested in the question of
Description of the LaPerm cat breed and the differences between long-haired and short-haired varieties
LaPerm is a rare breed of cat with a bright and recognizable appearance. The fur of these animals
A dog pulls on a leash while walking: reasons and methods of education
When walking their four-legged friends, many owners encounter a problem - the dog pulls on the leash. Some
Plaque in a dog
Toothpaste for dogs - review of manufacturers and the best products for cleaning dogs’ teeth at home (85 photos and videos)
Breeders have mixed feelings about toothpaste. Many people think that this is just pampering and
Why trim a cat's claws and when to start trimming a kitten's nails
Anyone who has a cat knows that animals want more than just affection
Review of Happy Cat food for cats, reviews
Many owners choose Happy Cat food when choosing food for their cat. German manufacturer
Nobivak for dogs
Vaccine against rabies and other dangerous viruses – Nobivak
Save the article: The Nobivak vaccine is popular among dog lovers for a reason. Animals in her
The dog lies on the owner's leg
Why dogs love to sleep with their owner: explanations from experienced breeders
Whether you stop to take a short break on a park bench or relax while watching
What to do if your cat or dog is lost
How to walk your dog correctly? Advice from a dog handler and veterinarian
Walking is one of the most joyful moments of a dog’s daily routine. Not only
Healthy nutrition is good for cats too.
Veterinarian advice on keeping, caring for and treating cats. How to care for, treat, feed, bathe a cat? How to accustom a cat to a new home, scratching post, house?
It is still unknown exactly when cats (Felis silvestris catus) began to live nearby
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