Beautiful nicknames for horses: what is the best name for a horse?

It’s not for nothing that they say about a person who works hard: “plows like a horse.” Horses participated in the construction of civilization on an equal basis with humans: they transported goods, delivered messengers and news to different countries, plowed the land and participated in wars. Over the past century, for the first time in history, people have finally been able to replace horses with machines. Now these animals are used mainly for sports, both amateur and professional, but horses continue to be the same hard workers and friends of man. For the owners of these beautiful creatures, we have compiled a list of the most beautiful, sonorous and unusual Russian nicknames.

Vyatka breed horse named Swallow

How important is it to choose the right name for a horse?

For a horse, you need to choose the right nickname, because, like a human name, it carries certain information, special characteristics and influence on the future. For these reasons, a name is chosen for an animal only consciously. For example, a domestic horse that is useful on the farm must be obedient and meek, with a short temper. Accordingly, they give her a name that is easy to pronounce. You can call such horses Tisha, Smirny.

The names of breeding horses, whose nickname should characterize the entire pedigree, take on another meaning. Usually, the information included in the name indicates the reputation of the plant and heredity in the breeding line. In this case, the breeder needs to be aware of the rules provided for such situations.

Cool and funny nicknames

With its stubbornness, a horse can sometimes rival even such an animal as a donkey. Excitement, courage and hot temper in the horse’s character are combined with timidity and nervousness. Cool nicknames for the most wayward ungulates:

  • Goddess
  • Rebel
  • Diva
  • Egoist
  • Extreme
  • Crazy
  • Predator
  • Unique
  • Nerd
  • Dancer
  • Robber
  • Norov
  • Rogue
  • quitter
  • Goblin
  • Sly
  • Threat
  • Jester
  • Sugarstick
  • Mistress
  • Nibbler
  • Witch
  • Caprice
  • Joke
  • Plague
  • Fugitive
  • Jamb
  • Crocodile

Milky white horse Ice Cream

Rules for choosing nicknames for breeding horses

For breeding horses, the name is chosen to accurately reflect its pedigree. The initial letter must be the same as the name of the stallion's mother, and the middle of the name must contain the first letter of the second parent's name.

For example, if a stallion is born from a mare named Cunning Lady and from a father with the nickname Arabesque, then the animal can be named Karagöz, where the first letter “K” is from the name of the mother and the middle letter “A” from the name of the father.

For half-bred horses, names are chosen according to slightly different, more relaxed rules. In this case, the first letter of the stallion's name will be the initial letter of the father's name. The names of horses taking part in high-level sporting competitions may also contain information about the stud where they were born, or the stable or club where they trained and grew up.

Slavic nicknames

In Ancient Rus', a horse was considered the most valuable property. Anyone guilty of killing someone else's horse faced serious punishment and a fine. Originally Slavic nicknames for stallions and mares:

  • Tikhon
  • Prokhor
  • Lukyan
  • Miron
  • Zakhar
  • Aksinya
  • Thekla
  • Lada
  • Glafira
  • Gorislava
  • Vasilisa
  • Dunya
  • Zhdana
  • Efimiya
  • Matron
  • Pelagia
  • Anisim
  • Borislav
  • Kuzma
  • Lubomir
  • Nikifor
  • Nikanor
  • Onuphry
  • Ustin
  • Philemon
  • Photius

A horse named Impulse

Names for sport horses

If you look inside the studbook of a horse of any sporting breed, it becomes clear that previously the names of animals, although not always, characterized a clear characteristic of the owners. Names were chosen to emphasize the horse’s merits and individuality.

Today, instead of romanticism, pragmatism has come to replace it. Loud and bright names of animals are not so often heard; now it is customary to select them “from the dictionary”, taking into account the need to introduce suitable letters. This approach is the result of industrial horse breeding, where the name is perceived more as a serial number and stamp rather than carrying an important meaning.

On the territory of Russia, they at least somehow try to preserve the sonority of nicknames for horses, while abroad animals are called long and awkward names. It is especially fashionable to “attribute” to horses the names of stables or factories, owners, companies. Such a horse's nickname can tell little about the animal itself, and it is rare to understand from the nickname who is in front of you: a horse or a horse.

Double nicknames

Usually, double nicknames go to breeding animals - it allows you to highlight the characteristics of both parents or the characteristics of the team, if this is an animal of a sports breed. More often than not, a double name is entered exclusively into the animal’s passport, but in reality it is called by a diminutive name. Such double nicknames are considered very popular today: El Sid, South Wind, Mini River, Mister Gray.

Usually a nickname contains up to 16 letters, sometimes it is allowed to name an animal with a name that contains about 27 letters, but more is not allowed!

Name depending on individual characteristics

Usually a nickname for a horse is selected based on its individual characteristics. It is believed that choosing a name using this scheme is the easiest. Often based on the appearance, character and main color of the animal.

There are three main colors accepted today: red, black, bay. There can be quite a lot of colors, in fact, as well as various spots and marks on parts of the body. For example, a mare named Zvezdochka may have a spot on her forehead, the shade of which differs from the color of the main color.

The weight of the animal is no less important, and the behavior of the horse is of particular importance. If the foal is active and playful, and hardly sits still, names such as Veterok, Element, Energy, but not Meek or Quiet, will suit him. If the horse is squat, it can get a name like Baby, if a tall one - Goliath, Gulliver.

They also pay attention to the color of the coat; horses can be called by the following names: Chernysh, Gypsy, Coal, Bay, Ryzhukha, Squirrel, Snowball, Crow.

Most Popular

Previously and today, nicknames that are sonorous and easy to pronounce are especially popular. Often, after any films appear on the screens, their animals are given such “favorite” names of the heroes. So there are horses with the names Sirius, Belyanka, Gray, Martha, Karat, Bella, Aramis, Rapunzel, Shrek, Fiona, Bond, Boni, Athos.

Depending on their origin, horses are given the following interesting and surprising nicknames:

  • Russians. Berry, Varyag, Zorka, Yasny, Burushka, Bogatyr, Dream, Buran, Swallow, Raven, Yakhont, Ash.
  • Arabic. Sahara, Bombay, Narsil, Vizier, Nuga, Dastan, Leila, Gin, Remira, Zephyr, Osman.
  • English. Diana, Boy, Gloria, Merlin, Ophelia, Vincent, Amanda, Gray, Liberty, Golden, Camellia, Duncan.

Horses from Russian fairy tales

In Russian fairy tales, the horse appears quite often, however, usually this character remains nameless. The most famous horse from Slavic fairy tales is Sivka-Burka, a stunningly beautiful and powerful stallion, whose “one hair is silver, the other gold.” Sivka-Burka helps Ivan Tsarevich pass numerous tests and achieve his desired goal. In general, in Russian legends, a horse is always a positive character. In pre-Christian times, the Slavs represented the Sun in the guise of a fiery horse running across the sky. To this day, a horseshoe or an amulet with the image of a horse’s head is considered a talisman and a talisman that brings good luck.

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Sivka-Burka became the prototype of the Little Humpbacked Horse from Ershov's fairy tales.

According to legend, the hero Dobrynya had a brown horse, Burunushka, who, along with his owner, fought with the Serpent Gorynych.

Mare Mokosh of rare night color

Table of nicknames in alphabetical order

If you can’t find a suitable name for your animal, a dictionary containing a variety of names can help with this. The table shows names not only for horses, but also for horses. This list is convenient because all name options are arranged alphabetically:

LetterNicknames for horsesNicknames for horses
AAdele, Aeris, Azarel, Aziza, Azimbara, Aiden, Aistin, Watercolor, Akvelina, Alabama, Alana, Ali, Alibi, Alice, Aliya, Alkida, Albazira, Albina, Alpha, Amazon, Amakkeya, Aurel, Aurika.Ataman, Apricot, Agate, Altai, Atlant, Amigo, Arbat, August, Adonis, Aron, Apollo, Angel, Athos, Iceberg, Asterix, Avalon, Ararat, Amulet, Gambling, Aniline, Artist, Anrial, Orange, Alhat, Admiral, Absinthe, Apollo, Anubis, Vanguard, Atlas.
BFast, Belogrivka, Snow White, Bagheera, Boyarynya, Batista, Bulanka, Bavaria, Careless, Flashy, Young Lady, Beatrice, Joker, Banditka, Bravaya.Fighter, Joker, Brave, Beads, Boyar, Blogger, Banquet, Benefit, Buryat, Basurman, Bolivar, Balovnik, Rebel, Bonus, Baron, Velvet, Buyan, Leopard.
INVenus, Windy, Virginia, Free, Messenger, Vidnaya, Varava, Sorceress, Card Holder, Byzantium, Victoriana, Flash, Spring, Venezuela, Virtuoso.Babylon, Jack, Vanillin, Waltz, Pennant, Varyag, Vesuvian, Versailles, Vector, Virage, Voivode, Wyandotte, Wind, Veselchak, Polite, Vegas, Knight, Warrior, Virtuoso, Splash, Crown, Velvet.
GGalaxy, Harmony, Grace, Guild, Loud, Graceful, Countess, Hussary, Duchess, Hypothesis, Proud, Glaze, Mistress, Graphics, Ingenious, Loud.Homer, Hyacinth, Hercules, Hussar, Grand, Goliath, Graceful, Gladiator, Count, Tourist, Hercules, Loud, Geyser, Glamor, Hero.
DWild, Daring, Virtuous, Worthy, Maiden, Dakota, Valor, Lady, Dynasty, Delta, Demeter, Diadem, Drama.Dallas, Dzhigit, Dragoon, Joker, Dandy, Deja Vu, Friendly, Dakar, Dobrolyub, Jazz, Daring, Worthy, Dobrodey, Armor, Dobrynya, Gentleman, Donjuan.
EEurasia, Egyptian, Yenisei, Caustic, Euphrosyne.Eunuch, Yenisei, Euphrates, Yerevan, Esaul, Ezdovoy, Evdokim, Evstratus, Jaeger, Elizar.
ANDPriestess, Giselle, Pearl, Jellyfish, Geneva, Gesticulation, Vital.Jargon, Pearl, Jacquard, Jasmine, Ginseng, Token, Lover of Life, Zhigan, Juggler.
ZEntertainer, Mirror, Fun, Perky, Thoughtful, Golden, Villainous, Mystery, Caring.Zorro, Design, Starry, Zephyr, Zeus, Sunset, Race, Zodiac, Stargazer, Conspiracy, Conqueror, Zigzag.
ANDEmerald, Graceful, Empire, Empress, Zest, Spark, Infinity, Intrigue, Illusion, Intuition, Idyll.Interest, Emerald, Indigo, Hidalgo, Impulse, Emperor, Ideal, Seeker.
TOBeauty, Queen, Magician, Sweetie, Comet, Classic, Caramel, Princess, Coquette.Cavalier, Kabul, Idol, Caprice, Cardinal, Consul, Prince, Carnival, Commander, Magician.
LLegend, Radiant, Flattering, Lady, Logic, Kind, Flying, Liberia, Avalanche, Gourmand.Lovelace, Lord, Ludger, Amiable, Legendary, Likhodey, Leader, Laureate, Alright.
MLightning, Music, Magic, Dream, Malta, Melody, Mysticism, Milady, Fashionista, Monica, Mauritania.Moor, Dreamer, Silent, Marksman, Montreal, Marathon, Master, Monolith, Malachite, Monomakh, Mirage, Musketeer, Magnet, Maestro, Myth, Marshal, Master.
NNymph, Reward, Heiress, Find, Note, Nostalgia, Nicole.Reliable, Insolent, Nuance, Elusive, Napoleon, Jade.
ABOUTOvation, Octave, Mischief, Otrada, Olivia, Omega.Amulet, Sample, Mischief, Orion, Original, Olympus, Optimist, Ornament, Orpheus.
PPrima, Panther, Province, Pentagram, Premiere, Victory, Front, Perspective, Palette, Palmyra, Pandora.Pascal, Paladin, Paragraph, Ash, Ghost, Poseidon, Prize, Ptolemy, Landscape, Messenger, Feat, Positive, Prestige.
RRhyme, Rhapsody, Roxana, Rubric, Robber, Rainbow, Rare.Radical, Foreshortening, Raphael, Robber, Romantic, Ruby, Rendezvous, Frisky, Realist, Dawn.
WITHSymphony, Strategy, Second, Obstinate, Freedom, Sahara, Element, Sonata, Soloist, Samara.Sapphire, Socrates, Daredevil, Saxon, Salute, Solieri, Solomon, Sultan, Spartacus, Sputnik, Stimulus, Secret, Sommelier.
TMystery, Silence, Tavrida, Mysterious, Snuffbox, Tactful, Tanzania.Tagil, Typhoon, Timer, Talent, Talisman, Titan, Dance, Tamerlane, Dancer, Tempo, Theodore.
ULuck, Smart, Ultra, Successful, Threat, Handy.Unison, Success, Clever, Hurricane, Unique.
FFable, Faktura, Fantasy, Favorite, Frida, Fortuna, Felicia, Flicka.Favorite, Faraday, Pharisee, Fan, Fragment, Pharaoh, Wrapper, Focus, Fast and Furious.
XCharacteristic, Charisma, Artist, Brave, Chrysanthemum.Caliph, Character, Hacker, Hunter, Chrome, Sly.
CQueen, Princess, Quote.Caesar, Tsarevich, Cyclone.
HEnchantress, Roan, Wonderful, Enchantress.Sorcerer, Champion, Chicago, Churchill, Chaplin, Genghis Khan.
Ш, ШChanel, Champagne, Generous, Naughty.Shaitan, Caricature, Sheriff, Chandolier, Saffron, Shakhnazar, Sherbet, Shanghai.
EEurydice, Exotic, Eureka, Etoile, Elegy, Epoch, Emotion, Squadron.Eurydice, Epilogue, Everest, Egoist, Einstein, Equivalent, Eclipse, Exclusive, Extreme, Standard.
YUYunika, Junior, Juno.Jubilee, Jeweler, Young, Comedian, Jupiter.
IBerry, Brightness, Jamaica, Fury.Yary, January, Amber, Bright, Yamal.

Prohibited names and nicknames of celebrities

If the purchase of a horse is carried out for amateur riding, then in this case only personal preferences, imagination and taste are important. But it’s another matter if the horse was purchased to participate in competitions and the horse has a known pedigree, used for breeding purposes, and representing breed value.

You cannot name an animal whose name contains obscene words, as well as well-known names of stud stallions included in the international protected list.

Most horses went down in history together with their owners. Many became popular due to their sporting victories:

  • Incitet. Horse of the Roman Emperor Caligula. The emperor appointed his horse as a senator, for which he became famous.
  • Bucephalus. Alexander the Great rode a horse and managed to tame the animal when he was 11 years old.
  • Hyperion. A stallion born at the famous stud of Lord Derby. The animal has won sporting competitions more than once.
  • Copenhagen. The horse was carried in the saddle by the Duke of Wellington. Prize-winner of many sports competitions.
  • Vayegold. Multiple winner of international competitions. A mare born in Oldenburg.

Today, on the Internet, choosing a name for a pet is not a problem. Type “horse name generator” into the search bar and follow the link. The owner may like a random name, and he won’t have to rack his brains to choose a suitable nickname.

Horse names from the history of Russia

You can name a horse after the imperial favorite. The most famous Russian horses and steeds:

  • Idol is the favorite horse of Marshal Zhukov, on which Zhukov took part in the Victory Parade.
  • Lisette is the favorite of Peter the Great, whom he bought from some blacksmith in Riga. Later, the horse saved the emperor’s life during the Battle of Poltava.
  • Smetanka is the Arabian stallion of Count Orlov, who became the founder of the Orlov breed of trotters.

Oryol trotter Irtysh

Interesting ideas

Also, when choosing a name, other criteria are followed. For example, horses are named after precious stones; for example, Amethysts, Ambers, and Diamonds are found in the stables. Or they call animals, giving them the names of natural phenomena or winds - Typhoon, Sarma, Blizzard, Bora, Samum, Breeze.

Farmers often turn to:

  • stars and constellations (Orion, Sirius, Andromeda, Cassiopeia);
  • famous people (Nelson, Aurora, Yarmak);
  • mythical heroes (Perseus, Artemis, Athena, Zeus).

There are many more ideas and options. The main thing when choosing is to use your imagination, thanks to which you will be able to choose a completely unique, unusual nickname for your animal.

“White” in languages ​​of the world

On planet Earth there are many languages ​​with which different peoples communicate. And in these languages ​​you can find the word “white”. Below are some of them.

For boys may be suitable:

  • White;
  • Weiss;
  • Argos;
  • Sayan;
  • Asparuh;
  • Feher;
  • Albus;
  • Fionn;
  • Bianco;
  • Belyan;
  • Wits;
  • Fanfan;
  • Dhaval.

Albus meets
And now options for girls:

  • Elva;
  • Alva;
  • Blanche;
  • Asena;
  • Albee;
  • Balta;
  • Bila;
  • Gwynn;
  • Zeri;
  • Baise;
  • Zeri;
  • Byorya;
  • Levana;
  • Gunda.

Blanche is not afraid of frost

Recommendations from horse breeders

Some horse breeders are ready to share their secrets regarding how they named the horses available in the farmstead:

Sergey, 41 years old. I can offer several amazing nicknames for horses.
On my farm there is a Valencia, whom I affectionately call Valya. You may also like such names for horses as Flamingo, Podvig, Amazon, Dayana, Gloria, Boni, Pampey, Bryonia. ★★★★★
Fedor, 37 years old. My mare’s name is Sarabi, and my horse’s name is Fierce (his character is so restive, his color is dark and appropriate).
He named the other smoky horse by the color of his suit - Smoky. I already know what I will name the future stallions – Emerald, Ramses, Bayadère. Hide

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It is very important to choose the right name for a horse, because its sports career may depend on it if the animal is planned to be sent to competitions. Rules for selecting a name will help you avoid making a mistake in choosing, and special dictionaries with lists of nicknames will significantly save time.



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