How to name a Scottish cat boy and girl: popular names for 2022
Scottish cats are very popular because of their plush appearance and friendly nature. As with
homeless kittens
Where to put a cat: review of animal shelters, conditions and terms of keeping, reviews
In this article, we propose to consider options for where to put the cat: forever (they may
What are the differences between a Malamute and a Husky: character traits of the breeds and which one is better to choose
To a person who is far from dog breeding, huskies and malamutes look almost like twins: both
Mekong Bobtail
The most popular cat breeds in Russia according to Avito (12 photos)
08/31/2015 Category: Pets Author: Natalya Ivantsova Cats are very affectionate and kind creatures. They are already
Labrador nutrition: how to feed a puppy, how many times a day, suitable dry food
The type of dog called retrievers includes six breeds. Among them there are very popular
TOP 10 fluffy cat breeds – list, characteristics and photos
What will you learn from the article Fluffy cats Features of fluffy cats American Curl Turkish Angora Norwegian
Dog trimming
Trimming dogs: instructions and review of tools
Each dog's coat is unique, but based on general characteristics, all breeds are divided into three types:
The cat has yellow vomiting: causes, possible diseases, treatment, reviews
When a pet is sick, its owner also suffers. Especially if the cat is vomiting. Of course,
savarra dog food
Savarra dog food: advantages and disadvantages of food
Quite recently, about two years ago, a completely new product appeared on the Russian animal food market.
Dumbo blue rat
How to independently and safely tame a pet rat
Getting a new pet, especially if it's your first pet rat, is one of the most
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