The most popular cat breeds in Russia according to Avito (12 photos)

08/31/2015 Category: Pets Author: Natalya Ivantsova
Cats are very affectionate and kind creatures. They have been living next to us for more than ten thousand years, and today they are one of the most popular pets. There are many breeds of cats. Some of them appeared naturally, others were bred artificially by breeders.

However, they are all beautiful and unique in their own way. Prices for purebred cats vary greatly. First of all, they depend on the uniqueness of the species. We bring to your attention a list of the most popular cat breeds among Russian residents.

  • Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx
  • Himalayan cat
  • Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold
  • Canadian Sphynx
  • British Shorthair
  • Maine Coon
  • Laperm
  • Russian blue
  • American Curl
  • Bengal cat
  • Video: Popular cat breeds

Devon Rex

These cats are very smart and easy to train; they can master even the most difficult tricks without much effort.

This short-haired breed first appeared in 1960 in Great Britain. Its representatives have a very unusual appearance: their fragile body is covered with soft curly fur, and the size of their ears is unusually large. These cats are very smart and easy to train; they can master even the most difficult tricks without much effort. Devon Rex is a hypoallergenic breed. This further increases its popularity. One “alien” cat with all the documents and pedigree will cost you about 350-1250 dollars.

Mekong Bobtail

Mekong Bobtails are cats with canine habits. They love quiet walks on a leash, games of throwing a ball and other pure dog activities. Bobtails rarely use their claws, but in defense they can bite the offender.

These cats are inquisitive and talkative. Bobtails are restrained in expressing their feelings and will never allow themselves such liberties in communicating with their owner as the same Siamese.


A neat, small, but quite heavy cat with a peculiar, seemingly angry expression on its face, short, thin, shiny fur and a wonderful character. Burmese are smart, somewhat intelligent, friendly and excellent with children. The peculiarity of the breed is a rare color called Burmese. The muzzle, ears, paws and tail of the Burmese are painted a little darker than the body, the eyes can be any shade of yellow.

All Burmese are descendants of one cat, brought from Burma in the 30s of the last century. The breed was bred by US breeders, but was soon recognized throughout the world and quickly gained many fans.

It must be said that residents of different countries prefer different breeds of cats. Thus, the American Shorthair, popular in the USA, is practically unknown in the CIS countries; Persians and Siamese do not appear at every cat show. What does this depend on? Who knows, but certainly not from the appearance and character of the cat.

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7) Burmese cat

A characteristic feature of this cat, known as the Sacred Burma, is the white tips of the front paws, although the coloring is reminiscent of the Siamese. These cats have long, silky hair, although it does not require too much care. Cats are easygoing and have a good character. Burmese cats should not be confused with Burmese cats, they are completely different breeds. The Burma has deep-set blue eyes and a pale coloring with dark parts. These cats are sometimes called color points, and depending on the color, they are divided into seal points, blue points, chocolate points, lilac points, and so on. Most points start at $700, with some particularly interesting Burmese cats priced at $1,500.

Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx

These cats have no hair, sometimes there is a small fluff

This breed was first developed in 1994 in Russia after crossing an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. These cats have no hair, sometimes there is a small fluff. Representatives of the breed have a slender body, an elongated head and pointed ears set apart in different directions. They are very curious, friendly and affectionate, and are very trainable. The cost of a kitten ranges from 300-1300 dollars.


Representatives of this breed have a spectacular appearance: a long beautiful neck, slanted eyes, pretty ears, an elegant figure... They are given bright touches by an unusual coloring in the form of stripes, including up to 3-4 shades. Abyssinians are active by nature, enjoy contact with people and take a direct part in all household chores.

The rarest short-haired and hairless species

Acquaintance with exclusive species begins with large spotted domestic cats. They are not classified based on origin, although they all have a common feature - mixing with wild animals.

  1. Steppe lynx or caracal. It is a predator, but is quickly tamed and in a number of countries lives next to people as a domestic cat. The caracal fell into the category of rare breeds due to the danger of complete extinction of the population.
  2. Savannah is a hybrid of a regular cat and an African serval. Breeding started in the early 80s to produce an elegant domestic cat with the appearance of a predator. Like all hybrids bred as a result of interspecific crossing, they bear the designation F and an index from 1 to 7. The higher the number, the less blood from wild progenitors.
  3. Chausie (Housie) is a cross between an Abyssinian and a marsh lynx (reed cat). Another hybrid that was registered as a separate breed in 1995. Starting from the third generation, it is well tamed and gets along well in the same territory with humans. But in the form of F1-F2 (25-50% of the blood of a wild animal) it is only suitable for enclosure keeping. The Chausie has a characteristic feature - these short-haired cats are prone to complete domestication and loss of qualities that were inherent in the selection process. Therefore, to maintain the breed, constant replenishment of the group with F1 hybrids is required.
  4. The South American cat Geoffroy with representatives of the Siamese and American shorthair breeds became the parents of Safari, a large spotted domestic cat. She repeated the entire evolutionary path of her predecessors. Hybrids often have an incomplete set of chromosomes, so the animals are often infertile.
  5. Ashera is the most expensive cat of all existing crosses with predators. The blood of an Asian leopard cat flows in her, and she is the most successful example of the formation of a stable genetic type.

Caracal (steppe lynx)

Savannah cat Chausie cat

Safari cat Ashera
All listed hybrids belong to the category of rare animals. Their populations are small and require significant efforts from breeders to preserve the species.

The exclusive group includes another type of cat – hairless or hairless. Their hair is completely absent or is in the stage of residual growth.

The most famous of these breeds is the Canadian Sphynx, which appeared in the field of view of felinologists half a century ago. Later, other varieties of hairless cats were bred.

  1. The Don Sphynx, an uncontrolled mutation of hair loss in an ordinary mongrel cat, began the Russian line.
  2. The Ukrainian Levkoy is a rare animal, born as a result of crossing the Scottish Fold and the Don Sphynx. Its characteristic features are the absence of hair and ears with curved tips.
  3. American elf - his “parents” were Canadian sphinxes and curls. The former inherited the absence of fur, and the latter inherited curled ears. The elf is the most striking example of purebred rare cats in the category of hairless animals.

Don Sphynx Cat Ukrainian Levkoy

American elf cat

Himalayan cat

This breed is a cross between a Persian and a Siamese.

Beautiful long-haired Himalayan cats resemble Persians in appearance. They are almost identical, except for the eyes and unusual coloring. Himalayan cats were bred in the United States in 1950. This breed is a cross between a Persian and a Siamese. However, there are still differences, especially regarding character. Himalayan cats are less playful, very active and friendly. The character is affectionate and non-aggressive. On average, the cost of one kitten varies from $500 to $1,400.

4) Siamese cat

Siamese cats are known to have the most annoying meow of all cat breeds, and are also not known for having the kindest or most gentle nature. What attracts Siamese owners most about these cats is their special appearance: short hair, fit build, bright blue eyes and beautiful black coloring of certain parts of the body. The price of purebred Siamese ranges from $200 to $800.


A charming cat of a massive build, with a round head, a sweet expression on her face, an almost angelic character and a lush, “expensive” coat, has been extremely popular for many decades, since the very moment the breed appeared. The standards allow almost all existing colors, and we can say that the Persian looks luxurious in any color! The history of the appearance of Persians is long and rather vague, but breeding work in their modern sense began back in the 20th century.


The list of the most famous cat breeds is completed by Orientals. They captivate with their unusual appearance and incredibly friendly disposition. In terms of their external parameters, Orientals are similar to their Siamese relatives: graceful body, slender limbs, sophisticated wedge-shaped muzzle with disproportionately long ears.

The main character traits of cats of the Oriental breed: the need for constant communication, immense devotion to their owner and a fairly good appetite.

Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold

Fold cats are very playful, intelligent, with a balanced disposition.

This is a very interesting breed of cat. The main difference between its representatives is the unusual auricle. The ears of these cats are curved forward and down. This feature is a consequence of a gene mutation. The breed was developed in 1961 in Scotland. Fold cats are very playful, intelligent, and have a balanced disposition. They get along well with both adults and children. In addition, the Scots have a number of unique characteristics. The first is their extraordinary voice. It is more creaky than that of ordinary cats. Also, “Scots” can stand on their hind legs for a long time and look around. Fold cats love to sit in an L-shaped position with a straight back and outstretched paws. The cost of cats ranges from $300 to $1,400.

This is interesting: In the Far East, scientists knew about this breed a couple of centuries ago. In 1795, an article appeared in a magazine that described traditions and life in China. There they mentioned the Scottish Fold. But in Europe they appeared only in the twentieth century.

II category

Scottish Fold cats , like exotic cats, have a balanced character.

Their funny feature is the ability to stand on their hind legs without much effort.

The Scottish breed, like their straight-eared Scottish Straight cats, is characterized by particular silence; their voice is rarely heard even during the “season of love”.

Thanks to their friendliness and playfulness, Scottish Folds can keep company not only with children, but also with ferrets , rodents like degu squirrels and dogs.

Their coat is short and requires only standard care.

You can learn how to wash a cat from the article

"Oh! The hostess woke up again and screamed something. Is it my fault that I only get inspired to play the piano at night?”

The British cat breed is divided into long-haired and short-haired representatives.

Long-haired kitties require the same attention in terms of care as, for example, munchkins .

These cats need to be trained from childhood, as they tend to be independent.

In general they are calm and very affectionate.

“Mmm, how my favorite roses smell! I’ll have to remember to water them today.”

The Maine Coon breed has semi-long hair, but does not require special care.

Standard brushing and bathing - that's all. By the way, these big kitties love to play in the water and swim.

Maine Coon owners need to regularly organize walks for their pets to calm their energetic energy.

These cats are very curious, kind and playful.

If you want to please your pet with a homemade toy, we recommend reading the article

“Don’t even think about asking me to give you these threads! What I found is mine! And don’t look at me like you want me to feed you!”

The Norwegian Forest Cat is also quite large in size .

For all her love of freedom, she needs to communicate with people. Watching her is a pleasure!

So much elegance and dignity in a one-man performance is amazing.

Caring for them is not troublesome - combing them once a week with a furminator ; it makes sense to do this more often only during periods of shedding.

“Hmm.. And where has mine been going for so long? Only send him after the mice!”

The Siberian cat is famous for the almost magical properties of its fur - for many asthmatics and allergy sufferers it does not cause any reaction in the body!

Strong and in perfect health, this kitty causes minimal trouble, but its coat requires frequent brushing.

And the White Siberian, due to his calm and affectionate character, can be confused with a Persian.

The Siberian cat loves long walks on green grass

The Neva Masquerade cat breed is also characterized by its hypoallergenic coat.

Information about other hypoallergenic cat breeds can be found here:

These cats take excellent care of themselves without causing much trouble.

Masquerade cats become attached to the owner, not the room, so they are excellent companion cats.

They are affectionate and playful, very fond of small children, acting as their protectors and educators.

Petting your beloved cat and hearing his contented purring - what could be better after a long day of work?

A domestic cat breed such as the American Curl can have short or semi-long hair that does not require special care.

These cute pussies are unpretentious and easily adapt to new circumstances.

They are playful and friendly, while demonstrating high intelligence.

The expression of an American Curl after he sees his ears reflected in the mirror for the first time..

And if you come to visit where a Turkish Angora kitty lives, be prepared that she will try to constantly be in the center of attention.

An inquisitive and intelligent cat will make a lot of effort to contribute to your communication.

Angoras can be trained to turn on lights, open doors, or fetch objects.

They love to communicate and play, which they can devote all their time to.

Turkish Angoras do not shed much, but it is best to brush their white cat fur weekly to avoid cleaning dark-colored clothing.

"Stand! Do you have sausage or fish? What if I check the packages?”


A muscular, rather large, strong-built cat in a fluffy coat with a breathtaking “collar” and tail, a proportional head, and a smart expression on her face is the pride of many breeders. In addition, Siberians have an excellent, cheerful and sociable character. In general, it is not surprising that the first experience of Russian breeders turned out to be more than successful: Siberians are popular all over the world.

There are numerous legends about Siberians. It’s as if their ancestors were the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia for hundreds of years. However, the breed was bred by breeders - residents of cities in the European part of Russia, and cats picked up on the nearest streets were selected for selection.

British cat

The British cat is an excellent companion that can brighten up the life of any person. A Briton, like a real aristocrat, can be recognized by his measured, unhurried movements. Cats brought from England quickly gained popularity throughout the world. “Plush” coat, round muzzle, willingness to make contact with people - all this has made the breed one of the most sought-after.

Interestingly, British cats prefer to resolve conflicts peacefully. If an animal does not want to be held, it will prefer to free itself with the help of strong muscles, but will never use its claws or teeth.

Read the full description about the British cat.

Canadian Sphynx

Sphinxes are famous for their sociability, peace-loving and friendly nature.

Hairless cats first appeared in Canada in 1966, however, there is evidence that they existed in Ancient Egypt. Sphinxes are famous for their sociability, peaceful and friendly nature. These are very graceful and energetic creatures, incredibly intelligent and devoted to their owners. Often representatives of this breed can be found doing their most favorite pastime: sphinxes spend a lot of time in bizarre poses, thoughtfully looking at some object. You can buy a thinking cat for 400-1500 US dollars.

1) Persian

The Persian cat has been popular since the CFA began keeping records in 1871. Even though this cat requires a lot of attention and careful grooming, such as needing to be brushed daily, it is still the first choice for many cat lovers. Persians are worth spending a lot of time on because they are very affectionate, loving and loyal cats. Purebred Persians start at $500.

Small and playful Kao-mani

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Khao-mani - cats originally from Thailand. Translated, “kao-mani” means “white gem.” The main feature of this breed is its snow-white, smooth coat, without a single spot. The eye color is bright blue, but heterochromia is allowed: one eye is blue, the other is green or amber. These are small cats, up to 30 centimeters tall and weighing up to five kilograms. Kao-mani are playful and curious, they get along well with other animals. Kao-mani require constant attention; if this cat is not shown that they are needed and loved, it will turn away from its owner. The minimum cost of a kao-mani kitten is 100,000 rubles, the price can reach 700,000 rubles.


This strange “naked thing” will not leave anyone indifferent. Sphinxes are either immediately loved or disliked. There is simply no other option. The body temperature of this breed is slightly higher than others, and the metabolism is more accelerated. They eat frequently and are prone to overeating and excess weight.

They have an affectionate temperament and are not prone to displaying anger or aggression.

Very energetic, playful and inquisitive. They follow their owner everywhere, ready to literally sit on his head. They can choose one favorite from family members. But at the same time, they do not ignore everyone else; they will definitely sit on the laps of your guests.

Sphynx cats are smart and quickly master the toilet. These cats require more careful care. They need to be washed more often, their ears and eyes cleaned, and try to be protected from drafts. Do not think that due to the lack of fur, these cats do not cause allergies. Allergies can manifest themselves to sebum, saliva and other cat secretions.

British Shorthair

British Shorthairs come in medium and large sizes

British Shorthairs come in medium and large sizes. This breed was officially recognized only in 1984. Its representatives have a very beautiful and unusual color; the most popular option is considered solid (lilac, black, blue and chocolate). The British have an English aristocratic character; they are not alien to feelings of restraint and pride. As for girls, they are much calmer and not as gentle as boys. They don't need a lot of attention as cats love being alone. But when the desire to play arises, hold on, owners! The cost of one aristocratic British is 500-1500 dollars.


Owners of thick and incredibly soft to the touch plush fur captivate with their cuteness. They have a round, strong body, a wide chest, short legs and a round head with a full-cheeked face.

The British are excellent companions, demonstrating notes of restraint and aristocracy in their behavior. They are sociable, but not intrusive, they love to play, but are happy to spend hours in solitude.

The nuances of caring for a short-haired cat

There are no additional conditions for keeping short-haired kittens other than general hygiene requirements:

  1. The fur coat should be combed twice a week with special combs or a glove.
  2. During the molting period, the procedure is done more often to prevent the fur from matting.
  3. Those with thick undercoat will have to be dealt with additionally - it is difficult to remove loose hairs from the thick layer, which can cause discomfort to the animal and prevent the skin from breathing freely.
  4. Caring for short-haired cats does not involve frequent bathing - brushing and a damp cloth removes dirt no worse than a bath procedure, which is unpleasant for cats.
  5. Vitamin supplements, minerals and beneficial microelements must be included in the diet - short hair poorly masks constitutional flaws and any defect (excessive thinness or excess weight) immediately becomes noticeable.

You should not assume that short-haired cats cause less trouble - a beautiful and well-groomed appearance always requires effort.

The choice of pets from cats with short hair is more extensive compared to their long-haired relatives. There are many of them among aboriginal animals and even more in groups of mestizos, hybrids and street mongrels.

Color options range from traditional cat gray to exotic lilac. So the selection criteria are limitless, and the further relationship between a person and a cat will depend on the maintenance, upbringing and love for the animal.

Burmese cat

The homeland of the Burmese cat is Southeast Asia, the wonderful and mysterious country of Burma (modern Myanmar). In Ancient Burma, this breed was considered a temple animal and equated with a deity. Each monk had his own pet, whom he had to look after. It was believed that the cat brings the servant closer to God, and after death helps his soul move into the afterlife.

If you want to have a Burmese, get ready for the fact that you will not be bored. These animals are extremely mobile and remain so until old age.

Important. The heavy and imposing look of the Burmese is deceptive. In fact, the Burmese cat is considered one of the most playful and active breeds.

Mekong Bobtail, detailed description, photos and reviews from breeders.

Maine Coon

Their favorite pastime is purring and meowing loudly.

One of the largest breeds of cats was bred on a farm in Northeast America in Maine. In appearance, these animals are similar to raccoons; they have a black and white striped color and a large fluffy tail. Maine Coons are very large, their weight can reach from 5 to 15 kg, body length - 1.23 m. This breed seems formidable, but people call such cats gentle giants. Representatives of this breed are kind, playful, love to play and indulge. Their favorite pastime is purring and meowing loudly. The owners love it. You can buy a singing cat for $600-1500.

This is interesting: In natural conditions, these individuals live, like lions, in prides. And the main ones in them are not cats, but cats. The place in the hierarchy is determined by the age of the animal.


Among the most famous cat breeds are the Burmese. The main feature of their appearance is the contrasting combination of the dark tone of the protruding parts of the body against the background of the light fur of the body. But the main decoration of the Burmese is their round, expressive eyes of a sky blue hue.

Cats of this breed are squat and compact. They are very inquisitive and love to play, they really need affection, but they have endurance and self-confidence.

Smart and sociable Chausies

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Chausie cats were born from a hybrid of a jungle cat and an Abyssinian cat. The breed standard was recognized in 2003. However, many believe that it is the hybrids of jungle and domestic cats that are depicted in ancient Egyptian frescoes. Chausies are large cats, about forty centimeters tall and weighing up to fifteen kilograms. A distinctive feature of this breed is its large ears, the tip of which, like the tip of the tail, can only be black. Chausies are distinguished by their intelligence and sociability. Although these cats become strongly attached to humans, they have a certain amount of natural independence. The Chausie is not only a rare breed, but also a very expensive one. The cost of such a kitten ranges from 500 thousand to a million rubles.

6) Ragdoll

A characteristic feature of the ragdoll (translated from English as “rag doll”) is the extraordinary softness of its fur. These large cats can weigh up to 9 kilograms (males) and up to 7.5 kilograms (females). They have blue eyes, and the coloring resembles that of a Siamese. The Ragdoll is famous for its kind and easy-going disposition, sometimes even too kind, which can lead to it falling prey to dogs and other animals, so keeping these cats on the street is simply blasphemous. The cost of this breed reaches $500.

Russian blue

The main distinguishing feature is short blue fur with an unusually beautiful silver tint.

Russian Blue is a very popular breed among Russians. These short-haired cats first appeared in 1893 in Russia. The main distinguishing feature is short blue fur with an unusually beautiful silver tint. These cats are very smart, loving and obedient, however, sometimes they can show their character and stubbornness. There is a belief that people who own a cat of this breed will be lucky and rich. You can buy it for 350-2000 US dollars.

Rating of the best cats

NominationplaceName of productprice
The calmest cat breeds1British Shorthair4.9
2American shorthair cat4.8
4Scottish lop-eared4.7
5Burmese cat4.6
7Selkirk rex4.5
The best hypoallergenic cat breeds1Balinese cat4.9
2Oriental shorthair cat4.8
3Cornish Rex4.8
5Siberian cat4.6
The most sociable cats1Abyssinian cat4.9
4Maine Coon4.7
5Siamese cat4.7
6Russian blue cat4.6


If you need a cat that will constantly ask to be held in your arms and follow you everywhere, hoping to attract attention, then you won’t find a better pet than a ragdoll.
One of the largest and fluffiest cat breeds got its name for its ability to relax and go limp in the hands of its owner like a rag doll. These beautiful, kind and intelligent animals are highly valued for their gentle nature and ability to get along with small children. Even when playing, they do not release their claws.

British breed

The British are very imposing and slow. They probably have the densest and thickest fur among cats. Because of this, they are often compared to plush toys.

They know their worth and often seem like real egoists to others. If these cats allow themselves to be picked up, it is more like a descent towards you. But more often than not, they will not be pleased with the manifestations of affection from a person. They often show waywardness and show their aristocracy with all their appearance.

The British do not tend to show aggression; they are restrained and remain calm in any situation.

This breed tolerates long periods of loneliness and is suitable for people who work a lot.

American Curl

These cats are very inquisitive, friendly and playful.

The American Curl is a breed of shorthaired cat that was first bred in California in 1980. They have unusual folded back ears. Outwardly, they resemble small horns. The most interesting thing is that when curls are born, their ears are completely normal, but they curl up only after several days of life. These cats are very inquisitive, friendly and playful. Curls are loyal and quickly adapt to their new home. The cost of a faithful friend with funny ears ranges from 1100 to 2000 US dollars.

Abyssinian cat

Externally, the Abyssinian cat resembles a figurine from the times of Ancient Egypt. And this is not surprising: the ancestor of this graceful animal is considered to be an African cat that lived in the territory of modern Ethiopia.

Abyssinians are distinguished by a melodious voice, flexible and cheerful character. These animals are active and energetic, so sitting idle is not in their nature. A person’s task is to provide his pet with a variety of leisure activities so that she does not have to get bored.

You can find out more information on the Abyssinian cat here.

Which cat is right for you

The choice of cat breed depends on just two factors:

  1. The desire to have a representative of a certain breed in the house. The desire to get an elite shorthair cat is greatly influenced by personal preferences and fashion trends. Future owners carefully choose a breeder, get to know the kittens' parents in advance and monitor their early development in the nursery. In the future, they constantly participate in exhibitions and breeding, finding in this both the satisfaction of personal ambitions and an additional source of income.
  2. The need to do good. Often people who become cat owners have never seriously thought about having a new neighbor in a small apartment. But one quick glance at a homeless and defenseless baby can turn your soul inside out. This is how the street short-haired cat population migrates to indoor conditions and brings no less joy than its purebred counterparts.

In the first case, you can predict in advance the pet’s character traits and characteristics inherent in the breed. And the second scenario is a win-win lottery. Outbred cats that are adopted at an early age are rarely aggressive. They are not prone to illness and are not particularly picky about food.

Outbred cat - shorthair

Bengal cat

Representatives of this breed are inquisitive and require a lot of attention.

This hybrid breed was developed in 1980 in the USA by crossing an Asian leopard cat and a regular domestic cat. The main advantage is the luxurious thick fur with a leopard color. An adult Bengal weighs about 5-9 kilograms. Representatives of this breed are inquisitive and require a lot of attention. They are smart, active, playful and, despite their roots, not at all aggressive. These gentle and sensitive creatures quickly get used to their new home.

This is interesting: Despite their large size, Bengals love to sit on their owner's shoulder. They love swimming even more! These cats can simply play with water, often ask to go to the owner’s bathroom, and insistently demand that they be given water treatments as often as possible.

The price of one kitten ranges from 800 to 2500 dollars.

The most popular cat breeds in Russia 2022 – Top 15

The rating is based on statistics from the search engines Yandex and Google. What breeds are our compatriots most often looking for?

  1. Maine Coon
  2. Siamese
  3. Scottish lop-eared
  4. Abyssinian
  5. British Shorthair
  6. Bengal
  7. Siberian
  8. Neva Masquerade
  9. Thai
  10. Canadian Sphynx
  11. Ragdoll
  12. Don Sphynx
  13. Persian
  14. Scottish straight
  15. Russian blue

Maine Coon

Maine Coon is the most popular cat breed. In Russia they love everything big. Cats were no exception. These imposing giants, who invariably top the breed ratings in our country, are imposingly in the first position.

Maine Coons captivate with their calmness, phlegmatic character, independence and high intelligence. Cats are unobtrusive and do not tolerate a familiar attitude towards their person. These stern giants amazingly combine animal power and peace-loving character.


In Russia, these cats have been known for a long time, and a special attitude has developed towards them. Beauties of amazing “point” color are among the top three on the Runet.

Siamese attract people with their intelligence and devotion to their owner. Their habits are in many ways similar to dogs. Cats easily learn tricks and commands and love to spend time with people. The breed is sociable, playful and talkative. You will never get bored with such a pet.

Scottish lop-eared

The Scottish Fold is one of the fashionable cat breeds all over the world. In Russia, these plush cats with funny floppy ears are also loved. Not so long ago, this particular breed occupied the first line of the domestic breed ranking. Fold cats are part of the group of “partner cats” - they are more than just a pet. Cats captivate with their calmness and independence. They love to communicate with people and take part in children's fun. But you can pet such a cat only if she wants it herself.


Abyssinians are included in the ratings of the most sociable cats. That is why they are so popular among the residents of our country. With such smart, active and sociable companion cats, no one is in danger of loneliness.

Cats love to be at the center of everything that happens at home. Playful, inquisitive fidgets are real explorers. They will not calm down until they have explored the entire home space. A distinctive feature of the breed is that cats love to “help” their owner.

British Shorthair

Aristocratic-looking cats with an independent character have managed to reach the hearts of our compatriots. They love their owner, but in their own way. Cats do not need constant contact; the animals are absolutely self-sufficient. This is the breed that will not go crazy if left alone at home for a few days.

The British are adorable, but not suitable for the role of a plush toy. They are independent and require respectful treatment. Familiarity is nipped in the bud.


The fashion for the Bengal breed has grown recently. The wild appearance of Bengals and their original color attract cat lovers. However, these cats are not for everyone.

The activity of Bengals is off the charts, cats need a lot of space, access to fresh air, and attention from the owner. Cats are trainable and quickly get used to being walked on a harness. They are one of those pets that are comfortable to travel with. A distinctive feature of the breed is its love of water and swimming.


A cat with a luxurious appearance and a friendly character is located in the middle of the ranking. The breed is popular in the post-Soviet space due to its excellent adaptation to local climatic conditions.

Siberian cats are smart and quick-witted, maintaining a playful disposition for many years. They do not bother the owner, do not play pranks, and treat children calmly. This is a good-natured companion animal with a developed sense of self-esteem.

Neva Masquerade

In the next position is the breed, the ancestor of which was the Siberian cat. The Neva Masquerade combines luxurious Siberian wool and an original “point” color. Sky blue eyes complement the sophisticated exterior.

The breed is popular among cat lovers not only because of its toy appearance and calm, friendly character. The wool of the Neva Masquerade, like that of the Siberian cat, has hypoallergenic properties.

Thai cat

Thai cats have been common in Russia since the times of the USSR; they are also called “Old Siamese cats.” Thais are beautiful, clean animals, captivating at first sight with their unusual appearance with blue eyes.

Thai cats are sociable, but can be selective, giving preference to one of the family members. The breed belongs to the “talking” cats. They have developed facial expressions and can change the timbre of their voice, expressing their attitude to what is happening.

Canadian Sphynx

Hairless “naked” cats stand apart among popular cat breeds. The fashion for sphinxes is not new, but over the years it has not slowed down.

Strange cats with the original appearance of foreign aliens are often included in the TOP of the most terrible breeds. However, lovers of sphinxes are moved by the unusual appearance of their pets. But this is not only an interesting curiosity, pleasant to the touch. Canadian Sphynxes are loyal friends of humans, affectionate and cheerful creatures.


The breed, which tops the 2022 world rankings, is not even in the top ten in our country. A clear injustice to the charming little creature.

Ragdolls have a gentle, affectionate character. They are able to completely relax in the arms of their owner. Cats are calm, trusting, devoted to their owner. This is a real find for those who need constant care for someone.

Don Sphynx

There are many different names for cats of this breed: meowing hot water bottle, alien, companion cat. Elegant hairless pets can frighten with their unusual appearance. But upon further acquaintance, their good nature, activity, high intelligence and sociability make you fall in love with them.

Owners of Don Sphynxes claim that the best cat in the world does not exist.


These fluffy pets with a flattened muzzle and a “bouncer” appearance in the United States occupy the first line of the “most famous cat breeds” rating. In our country, this breed has also been known for a long time, but it is less popular. Sedate cats personify luxury and comfort.

Persians are calm and unobtrusive animals, respecting a person’s personal space. Phlegmatic by nature, Persians tenderly love their owner, are attached to him, and gratefully accept affection and attention.

Scottish straight

Straight-eared Scots are inferior in popularity to their fold-eared relatives, but they managed to take a place in the TOP. The character of the Scottish Straight is peaceful and affectionate. These are calm, clean pets, not prone to pranks and hooliganism. They are easy to raise. Cats understand from the first time what their owner wants from them.

They love to be around people and watch strangers with interest. But they do not encourage familiar behavior towards themselves.

Russian blue

A smart cat with a playful character, she is highly active but careful. It takes a while to get used to its owner, but remains faithful for life. He treats strangers with distrust and prefers to hide in a secluded place when there are guests in the house.

The Russian Blue does not approve of cuddling and stroking and prefers to be close to the person. Delicate and meek cats can show character. They are sensitive to a person’s condition, ready to listen to the owner’s monologues and console.

What breed of cat is best to have in an apartment: selection criteria

When deciding which cat to get, you need to take into account the dimensions of your home. It is not worth having a large or very active cat in a cramped Khrushchev apartment. When considering the question of what breed of cat to choose, you need to remember that the animal will need care. If you don’t have time to comb the fur or wash it frequently, you can’t get a Persian or Sphynx.


To make it easier to keep an animal in a city apartment, it needs to be adapted to them. Experienced breeders and veterinarians recommend castrating cats and female cats to save both the owners and the animals themselves from unnecessary problems. It is important to remember that a castrated animal can greatly change its habits, becoming passive and lazy.

American shorthair cat

Appearance. American Shorthairs are quite large in size. Distinctive feature: the length and width of the head are completely identical.

The coat is short and thick with a dense undercoat. The most popular colors are silver marble, white, black.

Character. The pet will delight its owners with its obedience and intelligence. They are clean, easy to train, and very smart.

Independent, do not suffer from loneliness. Cats are active, require attention, and love to play.

Care. The animal's coat is short, but requires constant care. It should be combed regularly and the pet must be bathed (without fanaticism, as it gets dirty).

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