Trimming dogs: instructions and review of tools

Each dog's coat is unique, but based on general characteristics, all breeds are divided into three types: long-haired, short-haired and wire-haired. The latter type is distinguished by the loss of the normal molting process. If in some pets the old, thinned fur is replaced by a new and beautiful one, then in others the hairs remain in place, losing their beauty and becoming unkempt.

In order to maintain a neat appearance, it is necessary to carry out trimming - plucking out dead hair. Many owners ask questions, for example, is dog trimming painful? How to carry out the procedure at home? Does a haircut have the same effect? What breeds need cleaning? The answers to all questions are given in this article.

Why trimming is needed

Dog breeds with a hard coat - from the group of terriers and schnauzers - have lost the ability to shed on their own. Dead hairs remain in the fur coat, and to rid your pet of them, trimming is required every six months - plucking out old hairs.

First of all, this manipulation relates to hygienic procedures, since old matted fur often causes skin irritations that bring discomfort to the animal. And, of course, this procedure makes the dog’s coat neater and more well-groomed.

In principle, the owner is able to independently check whether the time has come for the pet to be trimmed. To do this, you need to lightly grab a tuft of wool, holding it with your fingers, and pull. In the case when some of the fur remains between the fingers, it means it’s time to pluck out the dead hairs.

You can do this procedure yourself if you have time, patience and special tools. Otherwise, you should contact a specialist, especially when it comes to preparing for an exhibition or competition. Only a person who knows the breed standards can do everything accordingly.


Trimming in dogs is a long, painstaking and expensive procedure. The choice of a master must be approached responsibly and seriously. Consult with the breeder or dog lovers you know. The final result of plucking depends not only on the professionalism of the groomer, but also on his ability to establish contact with the “client”. A regular procedure should not turn into stress for the dog and an endless search for “his” master. You should not take risks and trim yourself if you do not have any experience. You risk causing pain to your pet and ruining its appearance.

Is it possible to replace trimming with a haircut?

Some owners of pets with coarse hair that do not participate in exhibitions believe that only show-class dogs need such a procedure, and for their pets a regular trim is quite suitable.

But it is not so. If a dog with such a specific coat is cut, it may lose its properties forever. Even one treatment with scissors can make the wool, of course, soft and fluffy, but at the same time it will thin and weaken.

This is due to the fact that coarse hair has an interesting structure - thinner at the base and thicker at the end. After removal by plucking, exactly the same hair grows in its place. And if you cut it with scissors, it grows from the remaining thin base.

It is possible to restore the original structure of the coat, but this will require a lot of time and effort, and besides, only a professional groomer can do this.

Dogs with coarse hair appeared as a result of natural selection; hunting pets had this coat. This protected them from moisture, precipitation, wind, as well as from thorny plants and bush branches.

Of course, at that time there was no talk of trimming. Dead fur was removed thanks to the same thorny bushes through which the dogs reached their prey. Pet owners could only remove hair in places where it was more difficult to reach.

New owners are tormented by doubts: what if their pet feels hellish pain during trimming? But these fears are completely unfounded. Of course, the first procedures will make the dog nervous, because everything is new. However, animals experienced in this matter can even sleep on the groomer’s table, right while manipulating the fur.

There are several most vulnerable places on an animal’s body, trimming which will not cause pain, but some discomfort - these are the inner thighs and armpits. Sometimes dogs become restless when the head and neck areas are treated. But to a greater extent, pets tolerate such manipulations calmly, and dissatisfaction arises as a demonstration of their temperament.

Trimmable dog breeds

The procedure is mandatory for representatives of breeds with hard and mixed hair. These include:

  • Jack Russell;
  • fox terrier;
  • Airedale;
  • Irish and Scottish terriers;
  • Cairn Terrier;
  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • miniature schnauzer;
  • wire-haired dachshund;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • setter;
  • drathaar.
  • Jack Russell
  • Fox terrier
  • Airedale
  • Irish Terrier
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Wirehaired dachshund
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Setter
  • Drathaar

Special tools for trimming

Needless to say, it is better to give preference to professional tools of excellent quality, which are not cheap, but working with them is much easier and more enjoyable. The following equipment will be required:

  • Folding table , which is covered with a rough material specifically for trimming. It is quite compact and can be folded up and put away after the procedure. The table is also suitable for use at shows if the pet is destined for a similar career. Naturally, you will have to use it for more than one year, so you should think about purchasing a high-quality table.
  • Combs – a metal tool that has two sets of teeth – small and large – is suitable for trimming. They are used to comb out fur on the paws and skirt.
  • Slicker brush - it is used to remove dead hairs, in addition, it is also necessary for regular combing of the pet, for styling fur when drying with a hairdryer, and for styling fur during exhibitions. It must be selected based on the type of wool; the teeth of such a brush are made of wire. Tools that are too hard are not suitable for this type of rock. And you don’t need to take a powder brush with a large surface - 5 by 10 cm is quite suitable.
  • Trimming knife . They produce a great variety of similar instruments. You can purchase a knife for left or right hand use. Naturally, only practice can show what is most convenient, the main thing is that it copes with plucking and in no case cuts off hairs. To work, you will need two types of knives - one with medium-length teeth for processing the dog’s body, and the second with fine teeth to remove hair from the head, ears, and chest.
  • Trimming stones are also a kind of knives, but are used at the end of the procedure or for plucking fur from puppies.
  • Powder, chalk for grooming - increase adhesion to the coat, eliminate slipping, thereby simplifying the task. You can purchase special products or use regular powder for these purposes.
  • A fingertip is another device for convenience; it is made of silicone and latex. Their task is to prevent irritation and calloused formations.

Breeds and frequency of pinching

Animals of wire-haired breeds and dogs with mixed hair types need to be plucked. This may include:

  • fox terrier;
  • Airedale Terrier;
  • Welsh Terrier;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • miniature schnauzer;
  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • miniature schnauzer;
  • drathaara;
  • wirehaired dachshund.

Puppies of different types of schnauzer breeds are subjected to the first plucking at the age of six months, dogs of large breeds - from 7-8 months.

Light trimming is best done three times a month, full trimming - 2 times annually. The best time for trimming is autumn and spring, when dogs begin to shed seasonally. If you plan to participate in competitions, you need to pluck your hair several months before the start of the exhibition. This does not apply only to schnauzers; their hair growth cycle lasts a little longer - up to six months. In this case, plucking can be done 4 months before the competition.

To find out for yourself whether the time has come for trimming, you need to lightly squeeze a small tuft of fur in your palm and gently pull. If there are hairs left in your hand, this indicates the need for this procedure. You can do this yourself or contact an experienced groomer.

Basics of proper trimming

Like any manipulation involving animals, trimming has some nuances that it is better for owners to know about in advance.

Growing up, at a certain point, the hard coat becomes thinner; this process, on average, occurs 6 months after the plucking procedure. But even here there may be a difference in timing, based on breed characteristics.

A healthy, well-groomed pet's fur is dense, shiny, without separating into separate strands, and does not bristle. But over time, the fur becomes thinner and becomes more faded. These are sure signs of the need for trimming. All that remains is to choose whether to do it yourself, or resort to the services of a professional groomer.

Dogs belonging to the Schnauzer and Terrier varieties of medium and small sizes begin to be plucked from the age of four months at least twice, maximum four times during the year. Pedigree large puppies are trimmed from six months. The most convenient time for trimming is the spring and autumn season, when other dogs experience seasonal shedding.

If we are talking about preparatory manipulations for an exhibition, then it is necessary to carry out the procedure 1.5-2 months before the event. If wool growth is slow, treatment can be carried out 3 months before the exhibition.

You need to start plucking hair from the back of the head, moving towards the tail. The neck is trimmed first from the side, and then from above, the sides from top to bottom, and then the back. The thighs are processed only up to the area of ​​the “hock” joints, the shoulder blades up to the elbow joint, and the tail begins to be plucked from above.

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The animal does not immediately get used to the event, at first it gets worried and nervous, in this case it is better to carry out trimming in stages, giving the animal rest.

Future owners of dogs that do not shed need to be prepared for the fact that trimming is a mandatory procedure to allow the pet to look good and avoid skin problems. If there is no desire to engage in such care, or there is no opportunity to seek help from veterinarians, then it is better to give preference to breeds that are less demanding in care.

Features of the procedure

Trimming dogs is a long-term procedure (can take 4-6 hours), requiring skills, knowledge, and experience. But, if you wish, you can try the procedure at home. To do this, you should know some rules and features of its implementation.

How to do it and in what order:

  • the back of the head, the sides of the neck and only then the upper part;
  • sides, from top to bottom;
  • back;
  • shoulder blades, from top to bottom to the elbow joints;
  • hind limbs (hips) to the hocks;
  • the tail is plucked from top to bottom;
  • ears and paws can be processed in any order.

It is very important to comb your pet well before the procedure in order to see what hair needs to be removed. During the trimming process, periodically comb the fur with your fingers, as if ruffling it, to evaluate the result and see possible flaws. Don't try to remove as much hair as possible at once. This will not shorten the procedure, but may make the dog feel uncomfortable. Separate small tufts and press the wool tightly against the knife. The skin around the bun should be held with your free hand, pressing lightly. You need to pull the fur sharply, with force, strictly towards yourself. After treatment, the dog must be washed, dried well and combed. This way you can see flaws in the work, if there are any, and correct them as much as possible.

There is an opinion that trimming is a painful procedure. Although professional groomers claim that this is not entirely correct. The fur being removed is already dead, so there is no pain when plucking it, although discomfort may be present. Dogs who are not yet familiar with this procedure may show some anxiety. Therefore, it is enough to stop for a while and calm the animal.

Why is dog trimming necessary?

Today, referring to the services of a dog groomer, some can imagine a kind of mannered person with exclusive scissors in his hands, allowing him to make a glamorous copy of a tame dog out of a dog.

To the delight of most, or perhaps unfortunately, this myth is far from the truth. Everything is much more trivial and mundane. Based on the concept, trimming is called nothing more than cutting wool (English: to trim). Unfortunately, the incompetence of the pioneers in the field of translating books on grooming has affected what the Russian-speaking population means by manually plucking hair trimming. Alas, this is not true.

Today, the procedure itself has become traditional, and the concept has gained recognition in society. Based on this, dog trimming requires knowledge of anatomy and a number of individual characteristics of animals. Thus, it is quite logical that the skill of trimming is highly valued among owners of wire-haired quadrupeds.

As a result of evolution, a number of wire-haired breeds have lost the ability to shed. The range of such breeds is quite wide, but eventually the old wool, of course, becomes thinner and dead. Over time, haircuts become ineffective, as the coat gradually thins and becomes softer and changes color.

In this case, the use of trimming becomes justified due to the possibility of getting rid of old dead hair. Certain breeds of dogs are not able to shed on their own, so only trimming can rid your pets of unnecessary hair. Stimulating blood circulation during the trimming procedure can improve the condition of the skin. Dead hairs lead to the appearance of tangles and rapid contamination.

In the salon or at home?

Home care is possible, but less safe. Working on your own, you can accidentally injure your dog, pull out new hairs or form bald spots. If you have a desire to learn, entrust the first treatment to a groomer and watch his actions. It is possible to master the technique, but it will take time.

Grooming salons guarantee high-quality results and the safety of four-legged visitors. Some craftsmen work from home. This option is suitable for shy pets. Usually the excitement goes away by the third session.

If you need to prepare before an exhibition, contact a groomer. Any error that affects the breed standard will result in a lower score.

How to trim a dog correctly

The trimming process can be called an art, however, it is also subject to certain rules. The cutting process begins from the withers, after which the master moves along the back, neck, followed by emphasizing the hips and sides. The wool is removed in the direction of growth, separating small strands.

It is important not to pull the fur upward. In this case, you should act firmly and decisively. For certain dogs with extremely coarse hair, even the head needs to be trimmed. At the same time, you can speed up the process by dealing with the undercoat using a cutting machine.

True, this method has some disadvantages: the undercoat is dense, therefore, as soon as it begins to outgrow, it mixes with the guard hair. If the undercoat is always cut on time, the “shell” characteristic of the pet is lost. Dead hair remains, which can easily lead to severe irritation.

Upon completion of the procedure, the undercoat is tightly packed and acquires elasticity even to the touch. Proper trimming of, say, a fox terrier involves only plucking the fur; there is no need to resort to thinning scissors. A number of craftsmen work in this mode on principle, believing that only by pinching the ideal shape is obtained.

Scissors help

The use of scissors is justified only when cutting hair between the pads of the limbs; the rest is done with a trimming knife. However, today there are not so many principled masters who meet all the canons of trimming. The highest aerobatics for a trimming specialist is considered “manual” trimming, which is a long and labor-intensive process based solely on manual labor - with fingers, without special equipment.

You can take your hat off to such people, as this is comparable to a feat. There are still reasons for this madness: the hair will not break off, and the dog will simply look gorgeous.

Secondly, this trimming technique is comparable only to dog massage. The majority of groomers tend to use scissors and clippers, greatly reducing the time they spend working with the dog, which is sometimes beneficial even for the owner himself. Often you don’t have to bother at all and trim individual parts of the body, the torso or paws.

A wirehaired dog gets a haircut at the end of his professional career, with the arrival of retirement age. The principle of “exclusively trimming” should be applied only to show stars, although in most countries animals are constantly trimmed.

Trimmed wool becomes softer and, therefore, gets dirty faster. At times, after machine shearing, especially when the coat is naturally soft, it is more noticeable. The wool changes its own structure due to the fact that during the cutting process, the scissors do not injure the hair root, leaving only a soft and thin hair part.

In addition, in the case of regular cutting, the ratio of undercoat to hair changes. A couple of procedures may well ruin the coat, up to the need to restore it to its original state, which lasts months, or even years.

How to work with a furminator?

The Furminator is a special tool for combing dogs and cats. It consists of a handle with a comb-shaped blade attached to it. This is the most effective method for removing dead undercoat. It does not damage the guard hairs during shedding. When combing with a furminator, the teeth grab the hair and pull it out, leaving the undercoat behind. Only dry hair should be combed. There is no need to apply pressure when working with the device.

Trim the dog with a clipper

To cut your hair with a clipper, you should read the instructions and cutting options in advance. First, the four-legged animal must be thoroughly washed to get rid of all the dirt in the fur. Next, you need to prepare your workplace. For this purpose, some kind of bedding is ideal, laid out within the reach of the necessary tools. After this you can start working.

All kinds of haircut options can be found in special magazines or even on the Internet. After completing the procedure, you should wash your pet again and, if necessary, adjust the haircut. If you use the machine correctly, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your four-legged dog, since it is not in danger of harm. The main thing to remember is that a dog trimmer needs:

  • sharpening a dull knife blade;
  • cleaning and lubricating the knife;
  • monitoring the condition of the cutting heads.

It is worth understanding that each hair clipper has several replaceable knives. However, each manufacturer labels them differently. Let's say the Moser company offers a knife with a minimum height of 0.1 mm and a maximum of 9 mm.

There are two types of attachments that fit over knives: plastic and metal. Experts agree that knives are preferable to attachments, since the latter cope worse with wool. True, the master makes this choice independently.

For example, some specialists are additionally interested in the possibility of working with attachments such as a dog trimmer comb. In any case, a professional gives some advice when choosing equipment. Let's say a battery-powered machine requires an additional set of these same batteries so that an emergency does not lie in wait right during the procedure.

In principle, this is all the wisdom of choosing a trimmer, so the question of how to choose a trimmer for dogs should not drive you into a corner.

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The choice of equipment for grooming animals is wide. As a rule, all of the specimens on the market can be found in a pet store. Grooming equipment is not considered expensive, but it is not possible to work without it in modern conditions. It is worth understanding that grooming is a complex service, where trimming is only a component of the entire process - hair cutting. At the same time, the appearance will be incomplete without the implementation of the entire range of services.

First grooming of miniature schnauzers

Up to 6-8 months, the coat of miniature schnauzers is more like fluff and does not require special care. Only after six months do they grow a hard awn, which requires grooming. This usually coincides with the appearance of molars. Therefore, the first grooming is carried out no earlier than the puppy has finished changing his fangs.

For the first time, grooming is carried out in the warm season. All manipulations are carried out only with dead hairs. Touching the young spine will frighten the dog and cause him pain. Therefore, if the pet’s “fur coat” is too soft, it is better to postpone the first grooming until 10 months of age.

It is better to entrust the first trimming of a puppy to a professional and learn from him the intricacies of the procedure.

Trimming miniature schnauzers is carried out using a clipper or scissors, removing dead hair from the dog's body. On the remaining parts of the body, the hair is carefully trimmed. Subsequently, the procedure is repeated approximately once a quarter. The frequency of grooming depends on the rate of growth and coat color. Black miniatures with brown or gray undercoat are trimmed more often.

Dog trimming tools with descriptions

AARONCO trimming knife set

A complete set of trimming knives from the famous American groomer Sam Kohl. Premium quality! Ergonomic elongated handles are handmade from hardwood, fit comfortably in the hand and do not slip. The metal part is forged from Japanese steel of the highest quality. Thanks to the ergonomic design of the elongated handles, the knives fit perfectly in the hand, do not slip, are very comfortable to use, and the hand does not get tired when trimming with these knives much longer than when working with traditional trimming tools. The set includes 5 knives (large, medium, small, extra small, muzzle knife) and a leather bag in which it is convenient to store the tool and work, putting it on your belt and adjusting the belt to your size. The knives are already dull and ready for work - make-up artists are protected from the effect of cutting hair. You can also buy all 5 types of knives separately.

Chris Christensen STRIPPING STONE - trimming stone on a wooden handle

Natural stone is the most versatile trimming tool. Suitable for use on any type of fur, does not cut or pull hair, does not damage the skin. Pointed end for detailed finishing. It actually erases the hair of short-haired breeds: boxer, bulldog, Dalmatian, Doberman, etc. For rolling dogs, it allows for detailed processing of the hair - it captures fine hairs without breaking the hair. Removes unwanted ear and ear hair without damaging the skin or harming healthy hair.

The wooden handle makes it easy to use.

Chris Christensen STRIPPING KNIFE - stripping knife

A stripping knife is a type of knife used to quickly and effectively remove dead hair from animals. The stripping knife is suitable for any type of coat that requires periodic removal of dead hair and undercoat (“artificial shedding”), including thick coats with dense undercoat. The blade of Chris Christensen stripping knives is made of high quality polished steel, embedded in a solid wooden handle. The ergonomic design allows you to cope with the volume of work twice as fast without noticeable fatigue of your arms and hands. During the production of the instrument, the final processing is carried out manually by experienced craftsmen. The blade teeth are carefully milled and finished to perfection. This is truly the perfect grooming tool that can replace other stripping knives. Knives are provided separately for right-handers and left-handers. Length: total 15.5 cm, incl. handle 11.5 cm Type: Extra thick tooth for very soft wool - 36 teeth Thick tooth for soft wool - 26 teeth Medium thick tooth for medium hard wool - 18 teeth Rare tooth for hard wool - 14 teeth

Trimming knives Classic Stripper

Classic knives imported from Taiwan can be the best knives for new groomers. The knives have wide stainless steel blades and a wooden handle. Classic Face Knife - for processing the head, ears and detailed finishing work. Fine Stripper knife - for smoothing transitions between areas of different coat lengths and for general trimming. This is one of the most popular knives. Suitable for combing out dead fur. Coarse Stripper knife - designed for general trimming. Very easy to use - its handle fits perfectly in your hand. The manufacturer recommends this knife for any trimming. This is the best choice for beginners.

Fingertips for trimming

The fingertip makes work easier during trimming. For reusable use. Five sizes: Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large

Karlie – fingertips for trimming

Rubber fingertip for trimming. For reusable use. 10 pieces.


Some owners confuse trimming with cutting, although these are completely different procedures. When coarse hairs are systematically cut with a clipper or scissors, the hair becomes dull, thinner, thinner, and becomes soft. After trimming, nothing like this happens: instead of the removed ones, new hairs of a similar structure and density grow. The quality of the hair not only does not deteriorate, but on the contrary, it improves.

Advantages and benefits for the pet:

  • the procedure accelerates blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of new hair;
  • owners do not need to comb their pet every day, and it still looks well-groomed;
  • timely removal of dead hair allows the skin to breathe, minimizes the risk of parasite proliferation and the development of infectious and fungal diseases.

Is trimming a replacement for a haircut?

Some owners of wire-haired dog breeds believe that trimming and cutting are the same thing, without delving into the meaning of the procedures. These methods of processing wool have different purposes, so trimming cannot be replaced with a haircut.

Trimming is a forced hygienic procedure that helps remove dead hairs, thereby ensuring the growth of new hairs with the correct structure.

During the cutting process, only the tops of the coarse guard hairs are removed down to the base, but the structure of the coat changes greatly. The cut hair with a thin base continues to grow and the animal eventually breaks into soft downy thin hair. Even a single haircut of a dog can lead to irreversible consequences and loss of the type of coat characteristic of the breed.

Depending on the purpose and method of processing the coat, there are several types of trimming.

  • hygienic – a mandatory procedure for wire-haired dog breeds, which is carried out at least 2 times a year during molting periods ;
  • cosmetic - treatment is carried out between periods of molting in order to maintain a good appearance of the animal;
  • exhibition - treatment is carried out several weeks immediately before an exhibition or competition.

By processing method:

  • manual method, or plucking - plucking hairs with fingers;
  • mechanical, or stripping - removal of guard hair using special tools.

There are also concepts of light and full trimming. Light trimming of the dog (performed once every 2-3 months) involves uniform, superficial removal of regrown outer hair, without affecting living hairs and undercoat.

Full trimming (if more than 4 months have passed since the last gentle treatment) involves removing dead guard hair, sometimes cutting or plucking the undercoat to a minimum length.

What are they?

To make your pet look well-groomed, you need to brush it regularly. During this procedure, dust, dirt and dead hairs are removed from the fur. Combed fur looks much more elegant than uncombed fur, and the procedure itself, if done correctly, is also a massage for the pet’s skin. And during the molting period, combing becomes a necessary procedure, since otherwise the whole house is strewn with fallen hair.

When choosing a comb, you should focus on your pet's coat type.

Based on coat type, dogs are divided into:

  • smooth-haired (pug, boxer, great dane, etc.)

  • Smooth-haired dachshund

  • straight-haired (Rottweiler, Labrador, Akita, Beagle and others)
  • wirehaired (many terriers, griffins, schnauzers)
  • medium-haired (Pekingese, collie, Spitz, Samoyed, Caucasian Shepherd, etc.)
  • long-haired (Yorkie, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, etc.)
  • long-haired with corded hair (komondor, corded poodle, puli)

  • Corded Poodle

  • soft-haired (poodle, bichon, bedlington terrier, etc.)
  • hairless (hairless Mexican, Chinese crested)

Dogs with different coat types require different care: for some, brushing with a massage brush once a day is enough, while others need long and thorough combing, as well as complex haircuts and grooming.

To achieve a good result, you should buy only high-quality combs for dogs, and this is best done in specialized stores.

ATTENTION! You can’t limit yourself to just one comb: to tidy up the coat of a long-haired or wire-haired dog, you use several combs and brushes that differ in shape and size of teeth.

How does the process work?

It is better to entrust the first trimming procedure to a professional groomer. After carefully studying the work of the master, as well as receiving the groomer’s recommendations, you can treat the dog yourself. The algorithm for plucking hairs is simple, but such labor-intensive work requires patience and some preparation.

Before trimming a pet at home, first of all, it is necessary to prepare a workplace (table, cabinet) and tools. The pet does not need to be bathed before the procedure.

Step 1. put the dog on the table;

Step 2. Carefully comb the pet’s body along the hair growth path with a slicker brush and a sparse comb;

Step 3. You need to carefully separate the tangles with your fingers and try to comb them with a flat comb;

Step 4. It is better to start plucking hairs from the back of the head, or from the back, gradually moving towards the tail;

Step 5. if the groomer plucks the hairs manually, a small strand should be held with the index finger and thumb, then removed with a slight tug in the direction of hair growth;

Step 6. if plucking the guard hair is carried out using a knife, in this case the strand should be picked up with a tool held in your hand, and fixed with your thumb (with the fingers of your free hand you need to hold the skin next to the area being treated) and make a sharp jerk;

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Step 7. After treating the back and sides, you should start plucking the hairs on the hips and shoulder blades.

It is better to pluck dead hairs on your pet's head manually, without using a knife, after combing your pet's head with a comb. You need to carefully remove dead hairs on the face and head. After completing the hygienic stripping procedure, the pet must be bathed in warm water, and after drying, remove any protruding hairs manually or with tweezers.

Examples before and after:

Work algorithm

The process begins by preparing the animal's fur. Owners are not recommended to wash their dog the day before. Dirt and dust allow for better grip on the tool.

Masters comb the animals with a slicker brush. Then the tangles are removed and separated manually using oils. Scissors are used in extreme cases, when hairballs cannot be processed.

Trimming takes place in 3 stages:

  1. First, take the tool and pluck the hair, pressing it between the working surface and the thumb. The choice of device depends on the depth of the procedure and the quality of the coat. The process starts from the back of the animal's head and moves towards the tail.
  2. With well-honed sharp jerks, the craftsmen pull out the wool in the direction of its growth. This is completely painless for the pet; some of them fall asleep during the lengthy procedure. Treatment of the armpits, muzzle, and thighs, that is, the most sensitive areas of the body, causes slight discomfort.
  3. The sequence of treatment is as follows: first clean the sides, then the back and then move on to the delicate areas.

No matter how long the trimming lasts, you cannot leave the process for the next few days. It is recommended to take breaks of 15-20 minutes so that the animal calms down and continue working until its logical conclusion.

After finishing plucking, wash your hands thoroughly and treat the used tool.

Tool overview

According to reviews and recommendations of professional craftsmen with extensive experience, the following manufacturers of grooming tools and devices have proven themselves very well:

  • Macknyfe Specialties (USA);
  • Greyhound Carding Knives (UK);
  • Pearson Product (USA);
  • Chris Christensen (USA);
  • Show Tech (Belgium);
  • Aaronco (USA);
  • Artero (Spain).

Among the auxiliary cosmetics for grooming, it is worth paying attention to powder from Yuup Professional (Italy), Iv San Bernard (Italy), as well as crayons from Show Tech (Belgium).

Grooming table

Special folding tables for grooming with a rough surface and a bracket for fixing the animal are very convenient for grooming procedures.

Of course, not everyone decides to purchase such an accessory to carry out home hygiene procedures for their pet.

An ordinary table covered with anti-slip material is quite suitable as a home grooming workplace.


The owner of a wire-haired dog must have several types of combs in his arsenal:

  • a comb with sparse metal teeth for combing hair on the head, paws, and also for untangling tangles;
  • “rake” comb for careful removal of fallen outer layers of hair and dirt - this comb, unlike the fuminator, does not cut hairs or damage the undercoat;
  • slicker brush for combing the undercoat and removing dead hairs.

Trimming knives

The main tool, a trimming knife or stripper , looks like a comb with metal teeth. It is designed for mechanical plucking of the dead layer of hair. The main function of this device is to hook and remove dead guard hair from the root without cutting it.

The working part of a professional stripping knife is most often made of stainless or tool steel. The knife blade must be dull - this is necessary to prevent cutting hairs and damaging the skin of the animal.

Depending on the frequency and shape of the teeth, strippings are divided into the following types:

  • with a coarse notch (Coarse) for trimming dogs with thick, straight hair, representatives of large breeds, as well as for processing neglected, overgrown hair ;
  • with a medium notch (Medium) for processing the body of the animal and giving it the desired shape;
  • knives with frequent cuts (Fine and Extra fine) are designed for processing short hair on the neck, head, ears, for removing hairs from the undercoat, as well as for final finishing ;
  • a special knife (Face) with short and fine teeth is designed to remove hairs on the face .

Thanks to the large assortment of strippers presented by manufacturers of grooming products, you can choose tools for both experienced masters and novice groomers. Beginners should prefer knives with a coarse or medium cut.

Among the products presented you can see universal 3in1 strippers, models with a folding blade, as well as professional knife sets.

Stone trimming knife

Professional groomers use special universal stone knives of various shapes and structures in their work. Using the tapered end of an abrasive bar, hair is removed from hard-to-reach places, such as the ears, groin, and anus.

The wide part of the instrument is used to treat the dog’s back and stomach. According to reviews from craftsmen, stone stripping knives are very comfortable and lightweight. Such knives do not injure the skin or damage the hair structure, but require some skill when using.

trimming stone

For final processing, a stone with a loose structure, reminiscent of ordinary pumice, is used.

The porous structure of the bar allows you to remove dirt and dead hair.

Powder or chalk for grooming

Pre-treatment of the dog's coat with professional grooming powder makes it easier to grip the coat with a tool or fingers, eliminating slipping, and also promotes better combing of the undercoat.

Grooming powder cleanses and deodorizes the coat, and also prevents skin irritation.

As an alternative to professional powder, you can use grooming crayons or baby powder.


Another auxiliary accessory that will protect the skin of your fingers and prevent the appearance of calluses is reusable silicone or latex finger pads.

The relief layer on the surface of the accessory improves adhesion to the strands, making the work of the master easier.

To protect your fingers from injury, you can also use disposable latex finger pads.

Shampoos, balms

After manual or mechanical treatment, the pet can be washed with a special mild shampoo for wire-haired dog breeds and balm to remove any remaining hair and dirt.

If severe irritation or rashes appear on the dog’s skin, then it is better to limit yourself to rinsing under warm water and treat the pet’s skin with antiseptic solutions “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin”, “Bepanten” cream, baby cream or tea tree oil.

Useful tips

Finally, you should pay attention to the following tips that will help the pet and its owner survive trimming with dignity:

  • the first procedure will have to be carried out in stages, allowing the animal to rest from new sensations;
  • manifestations of nervousness and dissatisfaction on the part of the pet should not be ignored; it is better to distract the dog from this state, for example, with a massage; after some time you can continue the procedure;
  • There is no need to bathe before trimming; clean fur becomes smooth and silky, making it more difficult to remove;
  • After trimming, the dog should be rinsed well with warm water, which will remove any remaining old hair and prevent the development of skin irritation.
  • If trimming is carried out in the cold season, then the dog will have to be dressed for walks.

In the next video you can watch how to properly trim a fox terrier.

Types of trimmers

So, in stores you can find the following types of dog trimmers:

  • vibration;
  • pendulum;
  • rotary;
  • rechargeable.

Groomers usually use the last two types of clippers and very rarely vibrating ones, since they have low productivity and it is difficult to replace the knife on these clippers.

Pendulum ones are quite complex for home use. Rotary ones are the most powerful, they can be used for cutting dogs with very thick and coarse hair.

Sometimes, they have a cooling system, which allows you to do a haircut for a long time without stopping. If you are the owner of a not very fluffy dog, you can purchase a battery-powered one. It will easily remove unwanted hair, while it is lightweight and convenient because you are not tied to an outlet in any way and the cord will not interfere with you during the cutting process.

In addition, when choosing a trimmer, pay attention to its size. If you have a small dog, then, accordingly, take a small trimmer that will allow you to reach hard-to-reach places

You also need to check the level of noise produced; your pet may be frightened by loud sounds.

Advice! In addition to the technical characteristics, be sure to pay attention to the exterior of the trimmer: hold the device in your hand, twist it, etc. You need to choose a machine that you will be comfortable using.

But the important thing is that the trimming procedure is carried out not with the help of a trimmer (clipper), but with the help of a special trimming knife

But the important thing is that the trimming procedure is carried out not with the help of a trimmer (clipper), but with the help of a special trimming knife. This is a special toothed product designed to help the groomer evenly pluck coarse hairs.

Despite the fact that this is a knife, it should not be sharp under any circumstances, since its task is not to cut hairs

This is a special toothed product designed to help the groomer pluck coarse hairs evenly. Despite the fact that this is a knife, it should not be sharp under any circumstances, since its task is not to cut hairs.

This strangeness in the names is due to the fact that trimmers appeared in Russia earlier, and with the advent of a new procedure for plucking coarse hairs, it was mistakenly given the name trimming (in English this word means a regular haircut). It quickly strengthened, but do not confuse trimming and cutting. What is the difference, we will tell you further.

General information

To understand what dog trimming is, its importance, main purpose and meaning, you need to know the characteristics of the coat of wire-haired breeds. They have it in two layers and includes:

  1. Coarse and long guard hairs that protect from external negative influences (rain, tough vegetation, fights with the enemy, strong wind).
  2. A soft, thick and short undercoat that does not allow moisture to get inside and acts as a kind of “insulation.”

This two-layer structure of the coat arose in hunting breeds as a result of natural evolution. This means that their dead fur is removed by thorny bushes and plants, through which the dog gets to its prey.

For animals that live at home, they have come up with an alternative option for removing old hair - trimming.

Through this procedure:

  • blood circulation is activated;
  • wool growth is stimulated;
  • the quality of the coat improves (it becomes more shiny, smooth, bright, elastic, and holds its shape better);
  • the animal looks neat and well-groomed;
  • There is no need to brush your dog every day.

Old hairs removed at the wrong time lead to the fact that the coarse wool and undercoat intertwine with each other, and a kind of matted shell is formed that retains moisture and does not allow the skin to breathe, so pathogenic microorganisms appear under the fur, which provoke the development of various parasites, bacteria, fungi . In addition to the unattractive appearance, the dog constantly feels discomfort, this can lead to a deterioration in overall health and the appearance of various diseases.

Beef trimming: what is it and how to prepare it?

Trimming is an English term that literally translates to “trimming.” But you should not associate the concept with something obscene. Beef trim is a worthy meat product that is used for mass production. You will not find it on store shelves, since such products are supplied in bulk directly to industrial enterprises.

Beef trimming is a raw material that is obtained by trimming the main piece of meat. That is, they take a piece of beef (neck, shoulder or any other), clean it and cut it, giving it a beautiful shape. Then they are packaged and sent to supermarket shelves.

The cut pieces are called trimming. Such meat does not differ in composition from the main piece, but does not have a marketable appearance. Therefore, they are frozen and used to form blocks for sale into production.

There are head and body trims.

  1. The head product is obtained by trimming meat only from the head part of the animal. There are many veins in such raw materials, which is why it is considered tougher.
  2. The body product is obtained from meat cut from any part of the carcass. This type of meat product comes in different sizes. For example, it could be a piece of 15x15 cm or almost a minced mass.

The main feature of this product is the absence of skin and seeds in its composition. There is only meat and fat present here, so it is characterized as a mixture of fatty meat mass with lean mass.

Their ratio must be indicated in the title. For example, “beef trim 60/40.” This means that it contains 60% lean meat and 40% fatty meat. Another option is possible: “beef trimming 90”. The single number in the name indicates the amount of lean meat mass.

Depending on the amount of fat, trimming is divided into several groups:

  • A – 10% fat;
  • B – 10–25%;
  • C – from 25 to 50%.

Ready trimming for the production of semi-finished products is first subjected to fermentation. This process makes it possible to glue together the destroyed proteins of muscle fibers, giving the mass a more integral appearance. Transglutaminase is used as an enzyme.

After this, the meat undergoes aging and quality control. The degree of its contamination with bacteria is determined. This value has clear boundaries - if they are violated, the product will not pass control.

Popular products made from trimmings are the so-called minced meat products, which include minced cutlets, hamburgers, etc. Different countries set their own standard for the ratio of meat and fat mass in trimming for burgers. And this factor must be taken into account when choosing trim. But, as a rule, proportions of 70% to 30% are used.

Beef for the production of burgers can be either frozen or chilled.

Trimmings must correspond to the established number of bacterial contamination, which ranges from 10² - 10³CFU/g.

Recently, a new method for making minced meat for burger patties was developed in the USA - from completely fat-free trimmings. This product was nicknamed “pink slime.” To separate the fat from the meat, the trimmings are placed in a centrifuge. After this they are treated with ammonia. It reacts with water and changes the pH environment of the meat, which causes the death of microorganisms. According to established standards, the amount of “pink mucus” in minced meat should not exceed 25%.

This method of processing raw materials ultimately reduces the cost of the finished product. But this fact did not play a role. And when consumers found out that ammonia was used in the technology, a terrible scandal broke out. As a result, many well-known companies, including McDonald's, abandoned such minced meat.

Beef trim is a fairly common raw material, and, contrary to stereotypical thinking, it is not considered a recyclable material. It is widely used in the food industry, which can significantly reduce the cost of finished products.

You will learn how to cut beef in the following video.

Grooming rules

It is very important to brush your dog daily, and only in the direction of hair growth. Carefully work out areas with tangles. It is advisable to spray the wool with conditioner before the procedure. Then combing will be easier. The brush should be wide and not sharp.

Intimate places are also treated monthly. Using scissors, carefully trim the fur around the anus. Sticking hairs in the ears should be plucked out. Don't forget about the claws. They need to be cut carefully, since blood vessels run through the center of the claw. If you bite off more, blood will bleed and the dog will be in pain.

Listen to the recommendations of experts, and your beloved miniature schnauzer will be the healthiest and most beautiful dog.

Application in production

Pork trimming serves as a raw material for the production of various types of sausages, sausages, semi-finished products, sausages, and cutlets. Absolutely all enterprises use trimming in the production of semi-finished products. This significantly saves time, money, labor and, of course, significantly increases profits and production.

Most of the resulting raw materials are used for the production of minced meat and boiled sausage. Naturally, before going on sale, products undergo heat treatment. Trimming with a leaner meat content, for example 80/20 or 70/30, is used in the production of sausages, sausages or sausages. Trimming 50/50, with a high content of fatty meat, is used for preparing everyone’s favorite jellied meat or minced meat.

It turns out that pork trimming is a raw material for the production of semi-finished products, which, before becoming suitable for food, goes through several stages of processing. It is used only in large-scale production, but is not suitable for human consumption.

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