Maine Coon: origin, breed characteristics, content
For many years, Maine Coons were considered the largest representatives of the cat breeds. Despite the fact that in
photo Brussels Griffon
Brussels Griffon dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed
The Brussels Griffon is a small, cheerful dog with a funny expression on its face. Despite the extravagant
What kind of vision do cats have - black and white or color?
How cats see: a detailed description of how cats’ vision works and what colors they can distinguish
Man has always been very interested in how animals see the world around them. In particular - what
What does a Siberian Husky dog ​​look like: photos of adult dogs and puppies, accepted standard and description of colors
The homeland of Siberian huskies is the northeastern part of Siberia. In these parts there are quite difficult conditions for
The Maltese is the glamorous favorite of French monarchs
Maltese dogs are miniature lap dogs with expressive, curious, dark eyes that are slightly drawn out.
thai cat
Colors of Thai cats: names, descriptions with photos, specifics of the pattern and reviews from experts
Thai cats are all the rage these days and people love their sophisticated, elegant look. This
Miniature Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher: description of the breed, reviews
Miniature Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher: description of the breed, reviews
The Miniature Pinscher is a small, cheerful dog that can become a devoted companion, accompanying its owner everywhere.
Oriental cat - history of the breed, modern standards, character, care, nutrition + 83 photos
This unique breed has many advantages that a person may not even be aware of. Photo oriental
Even if you have allergies, you can have a dog.
TOP 50 hypoallergenic dog breeds for sensitive owners
According to statistics, 10-20% of the world's population suffers from allergies to dogs. So what?
Shar Pei - history of the breed, character traits, care and possible problems + 87 photos
The hulking, funny, clumsy Shar Pei has a heart full of love for the family in which he lives,
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