TOP 50 hypoallergenic dog breeds for sensitive owners

According to statistics, 10-20% of the world's population suffers from allergies to dogs. So, will these people never have a four-legged friend? Not at all: if you are allergic, pay attention to the wonderful representatives of hypoallergenic breeds. But remember that there is no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic dog.

There are breeds that produce a small amount of allergens - so small that they practically do not cause an allergic reaction in an owner who is sensitive to them. Research has found that most dog allergies are allergies to animal dander. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to breeds with minimal highlighting. Dogs' coat is significantly renewed approximately every three weeks - at the same time, skin scales separate, circulate in the air, and settle on furniture, walls, and sleeping places, presenting a serious problem for a sensitive owner.

Dandruff is the main, but not the only reason:

  • Dirt. Street garbage, dust, plant pollen that stick to the fur and skin of an animal are also a source of allergies.
  • Wool. Fluffy, long-haired animals with a double undercoat are the most undesirable pets for allergy sufferers. These pets will shed profusely all year round.

Can you be allergic to a dog?

According to statistics, animal allergies are one of the most common types of this disease. There are many factors that trigger a pathogenic reaction in the body, such as contact with fur, saliva or skin particles. When an allergen enters the body, it is perceived by the immune system as an aggressive foreign element, which leads to typical symptoms.

The disease can be either congenital or acquired. But characteristic symptoms do not always arise due to allergies; characteristic symptoms can be caused by other diseases, such as asthma.

Samoyed husky

Medium sized, muscular dog. The head is wide, medium in size, tapering towards the nose. The nose is black, in rare cases brown. The ears are small, round, and widely spaced. The tail is fluffy and long. Wool has a two-layer structure. The bottom layer is fluffy and short, while the top layer is long and rough.

Despite having a thick undercoat, this dog does not shed often. The molting period occurs 2 times a year. Thanks to this, allergens will not accumulate in the house, which is very good for allergy sufferers. You only need to brush the coat regularly using a special brush.

How does a dog allergy manifest?

Typical signs of an allergy to dogs, regardless of whether the reaction occurs to the animal’s fur, saliva or sweat:

  • respiratory reaction: runny nose, itchy nose, frequent sneezing and stuffy ears;
  • the appearance of redness and rashes on the skin, severe itching;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes, conjunctivitis.

In severe cases, an allergy to wool can lead to angioedema, which leads to severe swelling of the face and neck and disruption of the breathing process. Severe attacks of allergies to saliva or fur cannot be ignored; without medical help, they can be fatal. It is especially common in dogs with smooth, medium- or short-length coats (beagles, labradors, corgis and huskies).

American Bulldog

Dogs of this breed have slender, muscular legs. Their head structure is similar to that of English bulldogs. Their ears are cropped in their youth. The chest is wide, which, together with other elements of the physique, indicates the fighting qualities of the dog. Dogs of this breed can vary in color. But most often you can see white and white with black spots individuals.

American Bulldogs have short hair, not exceeding 15 mm. It is thick and shiny. To prevent animal fur from causing allergies, dead hairs must be removed regularly using a rubber glove or a combing brush.

List of dogs for allergy sufferers

Experts agree that even if you have allergies, you can get a cat or dog. It is important to choose the right breed depending on the cause that triggers the next attack of the disease. There are no hypoallergenic animals, but there are breeds that are less likely than others to cause unpleasant symptoms if the owner has a disease. We have compiled a list of 30 large breeds and toy dogs with hypoallergenic coats.

American Hairless Terrier

A hunting breed bred in the USA in 1970, but not yet recognized by the Canine Federation. The peculiarity of the breed is the absence of hair on the body (it completely falls off by 6-8 weeks), which is suitable for people with allergies. There may be spots on the body that increase in size with age and darken from the sun. As an adult, the Hairless Terrier weighs no more than 7.5 kg and can live up to 16 years. Puppies can be purchased from 25,000 ₽.


This is an energetic and active dog belonging to the greyhound class. They are capable of developing enormous speed when running short distances and can easily catch up with a hare. They have a very short coat of hair that sheds quite rarely. There is no average weight for the breed; males can grow up to 76 cm at the withers. An important plus is adaptation to life in urban conditions. Puppy price: from 10,000 ₽.

Bichon Frize

French breed from the group of lapdogs. The Bichon Frize has long, thick white coat. It has a structure close to human hair, which is why it rarely causes allergies. The average weight is 5 kg, the height of males and females does not exceed 30 cm. Bichons are easy to care for, but have a complex character. Price: from 25,000 ₽.

Shih Tzu

One of the most ancient breeds, until 1920 they were banned everywhere except in the court of the Chinese Emperor. Weighing up to 8 kg and decorative, Shih Tzus have unique courage; they are ready to defend their owner to the last. The multi-colored coat is smooth and requires high-quality care. Average life expectancy is 13 years. Puppies can be purchased for 11,000 ₽.

Chinese Crested Dog

This is a small, active and very inquisitive animal with an unusual appearance. The body is completely naked, with hair only on the head, paws and tail. In addition, the Chinese Crested Dog has no odor at all. They rarely cause allergies and are suitable for children with asthma. Life expectancy is up to 18 years, chronic diseases are rare. Price from 7000 ₽.

Yorkshire Terrier

They are considered the most popular toy dogs in the world. The breed was bred as a hunter, today the instincts are completely lost. A distinctive feature of Yorkies is their long hair, which has a structure similar to human hair. They get along well in a city apartment as a pet and do not require high physical activity. Cost from 10,000 ₽.

Brussels Griffon

The breed belongs to the group of small Belgian dogs, bred only for decorative purposes. This variety has a hard, wiry coat of medium length that does not shed. The Griffon has an interesting muzzle shape and an intelligent expression in its eyes. Weight can vary from 3.5 to 6 kg, height does not exceed 32 cm. Cost starts from 25,000 rubles.

Irish Water Spaniel

This is a rare breed in Russia, bred in Ireland. The coat consists of many dense curls, there is practically no undercoat. The color is red-brown with a pronounced purple tint. Representatives of the breed do not shed, which is typical for many spaniels, which is suitable for owners with allergies. There is not a single kennel in the Russian Federation; you can only buy a puppy in Ireland. Prices start from £400.


A decorative and allergenic dog breed, within which there is a division into large, small and dwarf representatives. For allergy sufferers, curly coat type is considered preferable, which is more common among poodles. Requires complex care - regular haircuts and health monitoring. The length of the age directly depends on living conditions, varies from 10 to 18 years. Price from 15,000 ₽.

Hungarian Shepherd

The second name of the breed is Komondor. This is a large dog, but due to the unique lightness of their bones, they weigh almost half as much as other animals of their size (40-50 kg). Representatives of the breed are also notable for their unusual coat - the hair is naturally braided into peculiar cords, the undercoat completely falls out by the age of 2. Komondors require complex care and do not always tolerate apartment life well. Cost from 50,000 ₽.

Irish Terrier

This is a hardy and energetic dog bred for hunting. They are of medium size, highly intelligent, and have a medium-length, wiry coat. Irish Terriers are not subject to shedding, and the undercoat does not form. In addition, dirt does not accumulate on their body, which is important for allergies to street dust or asthma. With proper care, a dog can live up to 18 years. Price from 15,000 ₽.

American Bulldog

This is a large animal with a gentle character, which is perfect for keeping in a private home. Weight varies from 40 to 60 kg, females and males are approximately the same height. Bulldogs have short hair that lies closely to the surface of the body and rarely sheds. Today, representatives of this ancient breed are on the verge of extinction. Cost from 30,000 ₽.

Samoyed husky

One of the oldest breeds in the world, bred in Siberia. Males grow up to 57 cm, but weigh only up to 30 kg. Wool has several layers and is capable of self-cleaning. This is why Samoyeds do not have the characteristic smell of these animals. Plus, they get along well with children and are always loyal to their owner. You can buy a puppy from 15,000 ₽.

Maltese (Maltese)

This is a small dog weighing only up to 4 kg. They are distinguished by their balanced and predictable character and snow-white long hair. There is no undercoat, so the breed does not shed seasonally. Maltese have a predisposition to asthma, it is important to carefully study the pedigree. Price from 45,000 ₽.

Giant Schnauzer

This is a large hypoallergenic dog of the Schnauzer group. Weight – 60-70 cm, weight varies from 35 to 47 kg. Giant Schnauzers have high intelligence, ability to learn and devotion to their owner. The coat is of a hard type, but the undercoat is retained. As part of its care, it needs to be trimmed regularly. The price varies depending on the level of the dog - 10,000-50,000 rubles.

Miniature Schnauzer

This is a miniature or dwarf schnauzer. The dog has a recognizable appearance and is valued for its fearlessness and intelligence. The average weight is 4-8 kg, and height reaches 35 cm at the withers. The coat is very hard and thick. It consists of a dense undercoat, thick hair that fits tightly to the body. The Miniature Schnauzer is suitable for allergy sufferers as there is no seasonal shedding. However, they can exhibit a capricious nature, which is important to consider when training. The average price is 25,000 ₽.

Wire Fox Terrier

The dog is below average in size, but at the same time has enormous physical strength. Their height does not exceed 39 cm, the ideal weight for exhibitions is 8.2 kg. Fox Terriers of this type have a hard, wiry coat that requires trimming. The breed rarely causes allergies, there is no shedding. The cost of this small hypoallergenic dog starts from 25,000 ₽.


Representatives of this breed are considered the most hypoallergenic dogs in the world. They have excellent immunity, medium height and short, smooth fur. Basenjis can be both an excellent companion and an assistant in hunting. When choosing this breed, you should remember that the dog needs serious physical activity. Price: 20000-60000 ₽.

Italian Greyhound

The Small Italian Greyhound is a slender and energetic hound whose weight does not exceed 5 kg and height - 38 cm. Despite their compact size, they can reach great speed and demonstrate courage in the hunt. This is a smooth-haired breed, but there is practically no shedding. Cost: 15000-55000 ₽.

Miniature Bull Terrier

This is a variety of traditional bull terriers, the dogs differ only in size - the height of an adult should not exceed 35.5 cm. The miniature bull terrier adapts well to the conditions of a small apartment and gets along well with money. Short hair without undercoat allows people with allergies to own this breed. Price: 20000-60000 ₽.


The second name of the breed is continental toy spaniel. The dogs belong to the decorative group, with an average weight of only 2.5 kg. The wool is silky and does not cause allergies in people. All representatives of this breed, unlike the terrier, rarely have diseases; life expectancy can reach 15 years. Price from 13,000 ₽.


This is the smallest dog in the world, which has gained great popularity as a decorative pet. If you have allergies, it is advisable to purchase Chihuahuas with short hair - they rarely shed and have no undercoat. The disadvantage of the breed is a large number of chronic diseases. Cost from 5000 ₽.

Mexican Hairless Dog (Xoloitzcuintle)

A rare breed of dog in Russia with a very unusual appearance. There is no hair on the body, the skin is very smooth and sensitive to the sun. Height can be different, ranging from 25 to 60 cm. Xoloitzcuintles are real long-livers; with proper care, their age can reach up to 18 years. Price from 40,000 ₽.


Dogs of this breed are compact greyhounds. They can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h in a straight line and perform well in hunting or endurance competitions. The coat is short and pleasant to the touch, lying close to the body. Whippets are dogs without undercoat, which is suitable for people with allergies. They feel comfortable in a small apartment and require minimal care. Cost: 5000-35000 ₽.

Border Terrier

The breed was bred in Scotland to hunt badgers and foxes. Today they are kept as a companion. A distinctive feature of this terrier is its thick, coarse coat and light weight, which is convenient even for children with allergies. Dogs have very good health and can easily live up to 15-18 years. Price from 15,000 ₽.

French Bulldog

They are compact and stocky dogs with a characteristic short muzzle. Males and females of the same height – 27-32 cm, average weight – 10 kg. The coat is short and rarely sheds. Bulldogs do not require complex grooming, and their compact size makes them perfect for apartments. Unlike similar pugs, they have fewer chronic diseases and a longer life expectancy. Cost from 20,000 ₽.


The largest terrier of all the dogs in this group. Males can reach 61 cm in height and weigh about 30 kg. Six is ​​dense and thick, it is very tough - trimming is required. Airedale Terriers are not allergenic dogs, but it is important to consider that they are a very emotional animal that requires proper training. Price from 25,000 ₽.


A German small breed related to the miniature pinschers. Their weight does not exceed 6 kg, and their height is 30 cm. They have an interesting appearance and head shape, as well as short and very stiff hair. Affenpinschers are highly trainable and get along well with children and other dogs. The breed is very rare in Russia, puppies cost from 70,000 ₽.


A new breed that is still gaining popularity. Unusual dogs were bred by crossing a poodle and a Maltese. They have a beautiful exterior, high intelligence and, importantly, hypoallergenic wool. The breed is not yet recognized by the canine association, and there is no evidence of chronic diseases. Puppies are rare, price from 80,000 ₽.

Jack Russell Terrier

An English breed developed in the early 19th century. Dogs grow only up to 30 cm, the maximum weight allowed is 6 kg. The Jack Russell is still used today as a hunter, for farm work, or as a companion. If you have allergies, it is recommended to purchase puppies of the wire-haired type of this breed. Their cost starts from 15,000 ₽.


Let's figure out which dog breeds do not cause allergies in humans and whether there are any at all. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to completely exclude the occurrence of an allergic reaction in a person to an animal . But if you give preference to one of the hypoallergenic breeds, you can significantly improve the situation.

The human body is very individual, and can react completely differently even to two dogs of the same breed. When concluding that a particular type of animal can be classified as hypoallergenic, only healthy representatives are considered, since any disease, especially skin disease, can lead to allergies.

There are several criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing a four-legged friend for allergy sufferers. They allow the dog to be classified as a hypoallergenic breed, or a breed with a high risk of reaction from the human body.

So, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Wool length . Most people think that the less hair on an animal's body, or the shorter it is, the lower the risk that any problems will arise. There is some truth here, but a large number of short-haired breeds shed daily, which means they constantly spread allergens. Allergy sufferers need to pay attention not only to the length of their pet’s fur, but also to the frequency of shedding.
  2. Size. Among hypoallergenic species, large animals are rarely found. Mostly dogs are small or medium-sized. This reduces the risk of developing the disease. Since the body area is small, fewer allergens can accumulate.
  3. Salivation . Dog drool is a very dangerous allergen. Many people not only do not like the appearance of constantly dripping drops from their mouths, but they can also lead to severe irritation. Allergy sufferers should completely exclude breeds that are characterized by active salivation.
  4. Character. Some breeds may bark frequently, which also spreads saliva, which is an allergen. You need to give preference to balanced animals, therefore, when choosing a four-legged friend, you should take a closer look at his character in advance.

Even if you have a hypoallergenic dog in your home, you must follow the rules of caring for it, which also reduces the risk of various reactions from the body.

Following is noteworthy:

Purity. Even if the owner thinks that the dog is absolutely clean and there is no odor, it is still worth bathing it at least once a week. This way you can get rid of the dirt and dandruff that has accumulated on her body. You don't need to bathe your dog more than twice a week.

IMPORTANT! Regular cleaning of the apartment reduces the severity of allergic reactions.

Health. The condition of the pet must be carefully monitored. A dog walking outside is constantly in contact with sources of infection with various diseases. Any skin problems, as well as worms and ticks, are harmful to the health of both animals and humans. Scheduled visits to the veterinarian, vitamins and flea and tick protection are things that need to be taken into account.

Feed. The owner's body can react in a unique way to his pet's food. This problem is completely solvable. Firstly, you can switch the dog to natural food, or you can simply choose a different brand of food.


Below you can find the most frequently asked questions regarding dog allergies. This may be important if you decide to get your own pet.

How to test for dog allergies?

The only reliable diagnostic method is a special allergy test. It is important that during testing all irritants that can cause an atypical reaction in animals (fur, saliva, sweat, etc.) are used. To undergo diagnostics, you should contact an allergist.

Can a dog allergy go away?

In medical practice, there have been cases where allergies can go away on their own. However, this is the exception rather than the rule. Allergy is a chronic disease that is difficult to treat.

How to cure dog allergies?

Until recently, allergies were considered an incurable disease. Today there are several methods to combat the disease, for example, ASIT - allergen-specific immunotherapy. During treatment, the patient receives the allergen in the form of tablets or an injection, and the body learns to ignore it. It takes 3-5 years to achieve lasting results. Typical symptoms that occur upon contact with an irritant can be easily relieved with antihistamine tablets, the main allergy medications.


If you want to have a cheerful, cheerful pet, then a poodle is what you need. He has a rich curly coat. The body is moderately muscular and lean. The muzzle is of medium length, the back of the nose is parallel to the line of the head. The ears are quite large and drooping.

The Poodle has a rich, curly coat with no undercoat. Therefore, its owners will not have to deal with the inconvenience that accompanies keeping pets during periods of molting. Poodles don't shed. They are also dandruff-free, which also makes them ideal for allergy sufferers. However, you will have to spend a considerable amount of time to care for the coat.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. People are often allergic to dogs. It can manifest itself in the pet's urine, fur, saliva or sweat.
  2. There is no simple and effective treatment. However, the severity of the signs can be reduced by choosing a specific breed of dog.
  3. The least allergenic dogs are considered to be: wire-haired and hairless breeds, as well as animals with short hair that fits tightly to the body and rarely sheds.

Have you ever experienced a dog allergy? Do you think it is safe to have such a pet if you have this unpleasant disease?

Bouvier des Flanders

The dog is well built and quite powerful. The body is short and covered with coarse hair. Dogs of this breed have a large muzzle with a mustache and beard. The forehead has a flat shape. The muzzle is moderately wide, tapering towards the nose. The neck is powerful, muscular, widening towards the level of the shoulders. The chest is wide and slightly dropped to the elbow area.

This breed of dog does not have shedding periods. This makes it suitable for allergy sufferers. These pets have a special coat that has a special structure. Under the top hard layer there is a soft undercoat. Grooming your dog will require you to spend a lot of time and you will need to brush its coat regularly.

Italian Greyhound

This Italian Greyhound is distinguished by its elegance and sophistication. Dogs of this breed are considered the most graceful. They may sometimes have noticeable ribs and thin legs. However, despite its thinness, the Italian Greyhound has a muscular build. She has a long neck, a slightly arched back and very long, thin legs. The head is narrow and long, sometimes creating a feeling that it is disproportionate to the body.

The dog is suitable for people suffering from allergies because it does not have a dog smell. The surface of the body has very short hair with low shedding rates. To rid the dog's body surface of dead hairs and dirt, you can use a damp soft cloth.

Let's go visit

Quite often, the question of the compatibility of pets and bronchial asthma arises among those asthmatics who are going to visit people who have furry pets. To avoid serious problems, it is better to follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • When planning your visit, review your diet and avoid consuming allergenic foods. Stick to this diet for a couple of days.
  • Be sure to inform the apartment owner if you have allergies. Ask that your pet be sent to another room, cleaned and aired before your visit.
  • Do not stay in a house where there is a pet for a long time (if there is a risk of seizures).
  • Be sure to take the necessary medications with you to relieve suffocation (if it does occur).
  • When you get home, take off all your clothes and put them in the wash. Take a shower yourself and take an antihistamine. Also try to drink plenty of fluids to cleanse your body.

These measures will help you avoid another attack of bronchial asthma. But, of course, they do not provide a 100% guarantee.

Scientists have concluded that with regular contact with allergens in the first years of life, the risk of developing bronchial asthma in a child decreases by an order of magnitude. Therefore, you should not give up your pet after seeing a couple of lines on the test or arriving from the maternity hospital.

Reviews from dog breeders

Margot: From my own experience, I can say that there are no breeds that are less or more allergenic. It's all about the individuality of the body and its reactions to animal protein. For me, once it was enough to visit a house where the same protein allergen was present a couple of weeks ago; after going to this house, my asthma worsened. Now I have been living with a low-shedding animal for several years and there are no symptoms of the disease.

Alexander: Allergy to animal fur is called that for the sake of the people, so as not to have to explain to people for a long time that there is no true allergy to fur and what protein is. The most common culprits of diseases are those with long hair, since these breeds are usually large, have a large area and body weight. They lick their bodies with saliva, the same protein irritant. The same thing is observed in hairless breeds, because they also lick the body, but they are much smaller in build. Thus, a reaction can occur even to air containing animal particles. The point is not in the dogs and cats themselves, but in the body’s tendency to become allergenic.

Taking into account the reviews, it is finally worth emphasizing that in nature everything is purely individual. No two dogs are identical, just like no two people are identical. The breed for a person with asthma or allergies is also selected on an individual basis.

To understand how your body reacts to a certain breed, go to a kennel or visit where there is such a dog. Talk to her for a while and watch your reaction. Pets can have completely different effects on the human body. Some will immediately experience an exacerbation, while others will not have any reactions at all.


Dogs of this breed are quite powerful, with floppy ears and a short neck. Even the fur that covers their eyes does not affect their excellent vision. The color can be black, gray, with reddish hues. Pets of this breed have an interesting coat structure that resembles small dreadlock laces. It can protect your pet from moisture and cold.

There is no unpleasant odor from the dog. In addition, it does not shed, making the Puli dog an excellent solution for allergy sufferers. But long fur will still have to be combed every day. And it is better to moisten it before this procedure.


This is a small, white, fluffy dog. Most of the body is covered with fur, but even despite this we can conclude that the pet has good proportions. The body type is square. Due to its small stature, the dog may appear fragile. However, it is not. The tail is of medium length, set high and curved.

For allergy sufferers, dogs of this breed are conditionally suitable, since they have long hair, which will require proper care. Otherwise, keeping such a pet can cause discomfort to people suffering from allergic reactions.

Shih Tzu

Dogs of this breed are slightly longer than tall. They have a strong body, and the head is proportional to it. Shih Tzus have a short muzzle with an undercut. The head has a round shape. The gait of such a miniature dog is quite fast.

Representatives of this breed have thick, long hair that requires very serious care. For allergy sufferers, such a pet is suitable only if it is properly cared for. It is necessary to cut the wool once every 2-3 months. Once a week you need to brush your dog and do a wet cleaning of the house. Dogs have virtually no salivation, which is also good for allergy sufferers.

Irish Wheaten Terrier

This is an excellent medium sized dog. She has a square body shape. This means that it has identical dimensions in length and height. The body is covered with thick hair, which hides the muscular body. The head and muzzle are covered with fairly thick fur. The head is proportional to the body and has a slightly elongated shape.

Dogs of this breed do not have undercoat. And to prevent the fur from getting tangled, you will need to brush your pet regularly. The fur is soft and silky. There are no special recommendations for care, but you will have to monitor the cleanliness of your pet so that it does not cause discomfort to an allergy sufferer.

Yorkshire Terrier

Dogs of this breed are one of the most popular indoor and decorative pets. They have incredibly smooth, silky fur. They look like little soft toys. In most cases they are black and brown in color. Pets have a harmonious physique. The head is small, the muzzle is slightly elongated. The ears of this pet are miniature and erect.

Dogs of this breed are suitable for allergy sufferers because they do not have undercoat and do not shed. The special structure of the coat is a huge advantage of active and kind Yorkshire Terriers.

Read Dogs that look like a fox - 20 breeds with examples of similarities

Tibetan Terrier

Dogs of this breed are medium in size and have a square body structure. They have an energetic gait. The head is of medium size, not flat, ears are hanging, covered with long hair. A distinctive feature of dogs of this breed is the shape of their paws. They are wide and round.

For allergy sufferers, a pet of this breed will be a real godsend, since it does not shed and has fairly healthy skin on which dandruff does not accumulate. And this is despite the fact that the hair of Tibetan terriers is quite long. The dog will not cause discomfort to allergy sufferers if it is properly cared for.


Dogs of this breed have a lean, muscular build. They have a fairly voluminous chest, as well as a high level of endurance. Dogs have long limbs, an elongated muzzle, but not very long, and erect ears. The coat color is mainly black-and-piebald, red-piebald, white spots are sometimes observed on the chest, paws, and neck.

This breed of short-haired dogs has virtually no odor, which is a favorable fact for allergy sufferers to choose just such a pet. A distinctive feature of dogs is that they do not bark. In most cases, owners hear only whining howls.

Bedlington Terrier

This medium-sized dog breed has a lean, muscular build. They have limbs of medium length, a pronounced chest, and a short tail. The muzzle has a slightly elongated shape. The color of pets of this breed can be blue, red-blue, sand or red-brown.

Dogs of this breed have short, curly hair. Tangles may form. And to prevent their occurrence, you will need to spend time brushing your pet every day. With proper care, the pet's owners will not have any health problems, and the dog itself will have a beautiful appearance.


Papillons have a head proportional to the body with a slightly protruding forehead. The bridge of the nose is flat and tapers slightly closer to the bridge of the nose. The pet's lips are thin and fit tightly to the jaw. Dogs of this breed have large ears with hard cartilage. They have a rectangular body. The neck is slightly meek with a slight arch. The tail of such dogs is straight with a slight bend.

This dog will appeal to allergy sufferers because it does not shed. In addition, it will not have the characteristic dog smell. When handling such a dog, you need to take into account its fragility so as not to injure it.

Coton de Tulear

This dog is small, but not tiny in size. The contours of the body are hidden under the fur. However, the dog is stronger than many identical representatives of small breeds. The tail is long and low set. The nose is black, but there may also be people with a brown nose. Stains and pink tints are not allowed on it.

A dog of this breed is suitable for allergy sufferers, since it practically does not shed. But you will need to bathe your pet often, because long hair will accumulate a lot of dirt on itself. After bathing, it is better to dry the dog using a hairdryer.


Decorative dogs of this breed are among the ten most popular in the world. Pets are distinguished by a short, slightly upturned nose. It should be black or the color of the animal's main color. The ears are large and erect. They widen at the bottom and have a slightly rounded tip at the top. The neck is of medium length with a slight curve at the top.

Dogs of this breed have a smooth and silky coat. There is a small undercoat. There is no allergic reaction to the fur of such pets. Therefore, people with allergies can safely have them. They will become devoted friends.

Bichon Frize

This small dog has a fragile body, paws that are shorter than average, but proportional to the body. The muzzle has a rounded shape. The neck is of medium length and thin. Long ears are not cropped; they hang down to the sides of the head. The entire body is covered with a thick coat of fur, which is distinguished by its slight curl. Dogs are distinguished by their playfulness, excellent attitude towards children, and mobility. They are also known as French lapdogs.

The coat of dogs of this breed is soft. They are not prone to shedding, which makes them suitable for people suffering from allergic reactions.

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