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Differences between toy terriers and other breeds, mestizos and crossbreeds (photo)
The ancestor of this unusual breed can be considered the English black terrier. Dog breeders continued to breed this breed
Puppy metrics - appearance and authenticity check
Puppy branding is a procedure carried out by a club or kennel. Dogs of all registered breeds
exotic cat
Exotic Shorthair cat - reviews about the breed
Posted by Yana Gavrikova Date: May 15, 2018 Exotic cat - almost a complete copy of a cat
Diseases of Scottish Fold cats - symptoms and description of pathologies to which the breed is predisposed
Scottish cats delight with their toy appearance; they are welcome pets in many homes. Majority among
Lhasa Apso walking alone in a field
Lhasa Apso: photo, description of the Lhasa Apso breed, price of puppies
The Lhaso Apso is a relatively small but quite robust dog with a long and bushy coat.
Other diseases How to treat acanthosis nigricans in vetna dogs
Skin diseases are common in dogs and can be caused by internal or external
Microchipping a dog
Chip for a dog. What is microchipping? How it works?
Many pet owners still have no idea what a dog chip is.
Ca de Bou breed
Major Mastiff, or Ca-de-Beau dog: photo with description, breed characteristics, owner reviews
Surely you have heard about Ca-de-Beau dogs. The combination of a charming smile and a mountain of muscles creates a unique
What Pomeranian Spitz puppies look like: development of pets up to a year and how to properly care for them
The Pomeranian Spitz is a miniature dog, which today is one of the most popular among those
Cat vomits yellow liquid
Why is my cat vomiting yellow liquid or white foam?
When a cat vomits yellow liquid, this means two options: vomiting bile or consuming
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