Major Mastiff, or Ca-de-Beau dog: photo with description, breed characteristics, owner reviews

Surely you have heard about Ca-de-Beau dogs. The combination of a charming smile and a mountain of muscles creates a unique impression. Such dogs can be safely called heroes on four legs. Once upon a time, dogs took part in bullfights. They are good guards, bodyguards and even companions. Major Mastiffs (another name for the breed) can be loyal friends, which is why the breed is deservedly popular. Let's talk in more detail about dogs of this breed.

Origin story

Experts say that the history of the breed goes back more than two centuries. The birthplace of Ca-de-Beau is Malta. With the development of shipping in the Mediterranean, an exchange of cultural and other values ​​began between the West and the East. Thanks to commercial relations, the exchange of animals began, including guard and hunting dogs. In those distant times, preference was given to strong and strong dogs with powerful teeth. Mastiffs were considered the best representatives. As soon as Mallorca came under the rule of the United Kingdom, English dog breeds began to appear on the island. Over time, they interbred with local dogs. It is believed that the Ca-de-Bos originated from the bulldogs and Alans who then inhabited the peninsula. Major Mastiffs began to be actively used as watchmen, security guards and fighting dogs. But the most popular animals were for use during bullfights.

References to the breed were found in the Spanish stud book from 1923. But official records about the ca-de-bo appeared only after the Barcelona exhibition of 1928-1929. In the twentieth century, the breed experienced difficult times. There were very few Major Mastiffs left. Therefore, it was soon necessary to revive the breed. English bulldogs were used for this. The breed was officially recognized in 1964. Modern ca-de-bos are not fighting dogs. Their purpose is to serve people faithfully.

Description of the breed

Ka-de-bo are dogs that all people like at first sight. Dogs amaze with their charm. The animals are of impressive size, well-developed muscles, but at the same time have a charming smile. At every opportunity, dogs demonstrate their openness and friendliness. But this is not what made the representatives of the breed so popular. Experts note that the animals combine excellent watchdog characteristics, the ability to adequately assess the situation, and balance. Ca-de-bo dogs know how to behave correctly depending on the situation. They accurately determine who is a friend and who is an enemy.

The breed is known under several names: Major Mastiff, Perro Dogo Mallorquin, Ca-de-Beau. The dogs' homeland is Mallorca. The name of the breed means “bull dog”, which is quite consistent with the appearance of the animals. Dogs are distinguished by their self-confidence. There is no need to talk about courage. It was not for nothing that they took part in the Spanish bullfight. Ca-de-bo dogs provided protection for bullfighters. Therefore, they had to be ready to defend their owner at any moment. An iron grip helped the dogs cope with the bull.

Representatives of the Ca-de-Beau breed do an excellent job as guards and bodyguards. Dogs have excellent reactions. But at the same time, dogs can be wonderful pets. But at the same time, nothing bad can be expected from dogs. They will never harm their household. Dogs are always friendly with all family members. They behave well not only with the owner, but also with the rest of the family, even if there are many of them. Dogs get along well with children.

Character of the breed

When they first see this dog, many people think that it was created only to participate in fights with its relatives and is not capable of affection. In fact, modern ca de bou are very sweet and even loving creatures.

They adapt well to different environmental conditions. These are very active dogs, so they will get involved in all family activities and are very happy if they are invited to play together. The dogs are quite self-possessed, patient, even during a walk, if they meet other relatives, they will not succumb to provocations and enter into a fight.

Ca de bou are excellent guards of property and people. Moreover, they are always ready to warn about danger, but barking for no reason is not typical for them.

The desire to move is so strongly developed in them that sometimes the owners get tired of it. However, you should show restraint and allow the dog to splash out its energy during a walk.

They will be happy to accompany their beloved owner on his travels, even if it involves a lot of walking.

The Ca de Bou dog breed is highly trainable. Accepts commands quickly, but only through encouragement. If you are rude to her, if you hurt her, she will harbor a grudge. The training course should include various jumps, which the Majorcan Bulldog really likes.

Gets along great with children. A dog is capable of not only protecting them, but also raising them. There are no problems in her living together with other animals. True, most likely, she will try to take the place of leader among other pets.

Character traits

What is the character of the ca-de-bo? The characteristics of the breed will be incomplete if we do not remember the sweet disposition of the dogs. They are very smart. Among all family members, dogs accurately determine the main one. Animals are very devoted to their owner, but at the same time they treat all family members with equal tenderness and care. Dogs are very patient with guests in the house and family friends. If there is currently no owner in the apartment, then a devoted friend will not let strangers into the house.

Major Mastiffs usually do not behave aggressively, unless, of course, there is a reason for it. You can raise a loyal friend if you start raising a puppy from an early age. Walking animals is an important element of education. Without daily walks it is impossible to raise a good dog. If you decide to purchase a representative of the Ca de Beau breed, be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly arrange trips out of town. After all, the animal needs outdoor games. Communicating with dogs is very simple and easy; they are incredibly smart, quick-witted and do not create difficulties in the training process. The beautiful nature of the Ca de Bou is the main reason why these beauties are so loved by breeders.

Maintenance and care

You can keep a ca de bou both in an apartment (house) and in the yard. In the first case, the dog should have its own place with a bed, toys, bowls for water and food. In the second case, a spacious enclosure with an insulated booth should be equipped. Keeping the cadebo on a chain is prohibited.

The Mallorcan Mastiff needs daily, active walks. It is not recommended to let your dog off a leash in public places or near public roads.

Even the most obedient and well-mannered dog can forget about its owner for a moment and rush after a cat, for example. So it’s better not to risk your pet getting hit by a car or getting into a fight with a homeless relative.

For active walks, choose a special area. If the owner is involved in sports, the cadebo will be happy to go for morning jogs with him, run next to his bike or swim in a natural pond.

It is also recommended to regularly travel with your pet outside the populated area. It is there that the feather mallorquin, having received freedom of movement, under the supervision of the owner, will be able to throw out the reserve of accumulated energy.

To maintain the health and beauty of the Mallorcan Mastiff, we regularly carry out the following procedures:

  • Using a special mitten, comb out dead hairs from the coat three times a week.
  • During the shedding period, it is recommended to use a furminator, removing dead hair daily.
  • We bathe twice a year, adjusting to seasonal molting. It is not advisable to use detergents more often, as allergies may occur and the skin may be damaged.
  • Once or twice a month we trim the claws with a nail clipper if the cadebo does not grind them down on the hard road surface. With long claws, the dog will be limited in movement and may even get injured.
  • After each meal, wipe the face, paying special attention to the folds.
  • After each walk, wash your paws, examining the pads and toes for signs of injuries or cracks.
  • We brush our teeth regularly to prevent the occurrence of dental diseases and bad breath.
  • Every week we examine the ears and clean the ears using a special product recommended by a veterinarian.

Kadebo's nutrition must be balanced and of high quality. You can feed them natural food or prepared food intended for dogs.

We feed small puppies 5-6 times a day. As they grow older, we gradually reduce the number of feedings. From 8-9 months of age, the Majorcan Mastiff receives food 2 times a day. Water should be available to the dog at all times.

When buying dry food, make sure that it is premium from trusted brands. When feeding naturally, you need to take care of mineral and vitamin supplements. We carefully consider the diet.

It must contain: fermented milk, low-fat products, meat, fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish, offal.

Breed standard

Major Mastiffs have a strong build. Their massive figure is complemented by a large head with a wide muzzle. Due to their developed muscles and overall mass, the dogs appear very large. Although in reality they are not like that. In terms of size, representatives of the breed should be classified as medium-sized dogs. Males reach a height of 55-58 centimeters. Females differ slightly in height - their height is 52-55 cm.

Representatives of different sexes have some differences. But in general the animals are very similar. Speaking about the description of ca-de-bo, it is necessary to remember that dogs can have several types of color: fawn (beige or red), motley (tiger), black.

Choosing a puppy

How to choose the right representative of the ca-de-bo? Major Mastiffs are dogs that are not suitable for every owner. Animals have excellent characteristics, but you need to think a hundred times before getting such a pet. You need to evaluate your strengths and abilities, because you will have to regularly care for the animal. Every day you will have to spend a lot of time on grooming and walking. You need to be able to build the right relationship with a large pet. The beautiful character of the Ca-de-Beau usually does not cause any trouble for its owners. But still, at certain moments you will have to show firmness.

You must purchase a puppy from a specialized nursery. But you shouldn’t take dogs at the poultry market. There is a very high probability that you will be deceived. In a decent nursery you will be offered to meet the mother of the future pet. It is also necessary to evaluate the conditions in which the puppy is kept.

Before you start choosing an animal, go to specialized exhibitions. There you can evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the breed. A lot of interesting information can be obtained from specialized catalogs.


On average, a pero de pressomallorquin can live 10-12 years. But with good genetics, proper maintenance, nutrition and care, the cadebo lives up to 14-15 years.

If you want your pet to become a long-liver, do not neglect the following rules: 1. Routine vaccination. 2. 1-2 times a year preventive visits to the veterinary clinic (X-rays, tests, visual examination). 3. Deworming. 4. Treatment for skin parasites (especially in the spring and summer).

It cannot be said that Kadebo is in poor health. They are naturally resilient and strong. But, like other animal species, the Mallorcan Mastiff is predisposed to the following health problems:

  • Coprostasis is an intestinal disease in which the movement of feces slows down or stops; within a short time, the dog can die if urgent measures are not taken.
  • Dermatitis is a serious skin disease, accompanied by complications and requiring long-term treatment.
  • Joint dysplasia - the dog limps, experiences severe pain in the first stages, in the last stage the pain becomes unbearable, which is why the animal is immobilized.
  • Myocardial infarction is the death of a certain area of ​​the heart muscle.
  • Pemphigus is an allergic skin reaction.
  • Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendons.
  • Bursitis - most often occurs in the area of ​​the elbow joint, has a number of complications if the necessary treatment is not carried out in time.

Recommendations for choosing a friend

If you are planning to get a Major Mastiff (photo is given in the article), you must first decide for what purposes you will use it. It’s one thing if you want to see an animal as a friend, a family dog ​​and a pet for the whole family. It is a completely different matter if the dog is to become a good guard. Pay attention to the pet's character. He must be balanced. The health of the puppy also remains an important factor.

The most difficult thing is to choose an animal to participate in exhibitions. In this case, you will need the advice of an experienced expert. He is the one who will help you choose a worthy pet from the small lumps. If you want to get a future champion, you cannot do without the help of a good expert. Only he will help you choose a worthy Major Mastiff.

How to find a like-minded pet without mistakes? Experienced breeders give advice to help you make a choice:

  1. If the puppy is already 30-40 days old, you can look into the mouth, where all the baby teeth should already be.
  2. Puppies should have a bump on their head. It is not only a feature of this breed, but also a source of information. You can determine the height of an adult dog by looking at the lump. If the animal promises to be large, then the cone should have an impressive size.
  3. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct bite.
  4. The coat is no less important. It must be clean, without any marks. If the fur lies flat, it means the puppy is absolutely healthy.
  5. It is very important to evaluate the tail. There should be no creases on it.
  6. The pet's color meets the standard if white makes up no more than 30% of the entire body surface.

Dog care

The breed is short-haired, so caring for pets is easy. It is important to remember that you will have to brush the coat daily using a rubber brush. This will help keep your dog healthy and well-groomed. According to reviews, Major Mastiffs do not need frequent water treatments. Frequent bathing can negatively affect the fat balance of the skin. If you understand that you cannot do without a water procedure, then you need to use professional products for wire-haired dogs.

The animal's claws will also require care. They need to be trimmed regularly. It is also worth taking care of your eyes and ears. They must be carefully inspected regularly. The ears are cleaned with cotton swabs once every two weeks. If you notice any discharge or an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Eye care is carried out using cotton swabs soaked in a special solution.

Owners should carefully monitor the condition of their pets' teeth. If signs of tartar appear, a trip to the vet cannot be avoided. The problem can be prevented by introducing cartilage, chewing bones, and teeth-cleaning toys into the diet. The animal's mouth requires the most attention at an early age, because it is necessary to make sure that the bite is formed correctly.


Representatives of the breed have a very developed intelligence. But at the same time, dogs are distinguished by their natural intelligence. Animals do not create problems in the training process. If you want to quickly see the fruits of your labors, you need to start training in the first days of the puppy’s arrival in the house. First, the dogs are taught the simplest commands: “place,” “sit,” “come.”

Adult dogs do not cause trouble for their owners if you notice changes in their behavior in time and react to them correctly. Puppies should be prohibited from doing everything that you would not want to see in an adult pet. If you notice that your child is trying to take a leadership position, you need to immediately stop such antics. Sometimes situations happen that cannot be resolved on your own. In this case, you need to seek help from a professional trainer. A properly raised dog will give you a lot of pleasant moments in communication. This pet will never disappoint you. And for children he will become the best friend.

Education and training

Ca de bou has a desire to dominate in his blood. This becomes especially noticeable in dogs with the onset of puberty. The pet can show persistence and stubbornness even in small things. For example, he may want to take the master's place on the sofa. If the owner accepts this, it will be a small victory for the dog. This should absolutely not be allowed.

From the first steps the puppy takes in the house, he should know that there is only one owner here, and he walks on two legs. If the owner feels that he cannot cope in a psychological confrontation with his pet, he should immediately contact an experienced trainer.

Ca de bo is an attentive and obedient dog when he understands that the main one in their pair is a person

But any ca de bou must undergo a training course, starting from about 6 months of age. Ca de bou are capable students, and combined with high activity, this determines the success of training. During training, it is strictly forbidden to be rude or use physical punishment. But, I must say, this is not required, since the ca de bo strives to please the owner and gladly carries out his orders.


The key to the health of any dog ​​is its proper nutrition. What type of feeding to choose for your pet is decided by each owner individually. You can use dry food or prefer natural food. Both options are equally good, it all depends on your capabilities. First of all, you need to focus on the taste of your pet. The dog should like the food. But this does not mean that you need to give your dog everything he wants or food from your table. Food must be prepared according to all rules, separately for the pet. If you do not have the opportunity to cook food, choose dry food.


Experts note that representatives of the breed are distinguished by excellent health and immunity. In order for your dog to stay in good shape, you need to pay close attention to physical activity and proper nutrition. Prevention is very important. Dogs need vaccinations and regular deworming. The breed is predisposed to certain ailments: hepatopathy, myositis, hip dysplasia. If an animal has a reduced immune system, then the degree of development of demodicosis is high. In adulthood, dogs can develop cancer. On average, animals live 12-13 years.

Reviews of Ca-de-Beau

Breed characteristics are what influence breeders' choices. Feedback from people who already have dogs is equally important. What do experienced breeders say about representatives of the breed? People note that dogs are distinguished by their kindness and gentle character. They treat children very well. If a child starts to cry, the dog is the first to react and runs to help the baby. The short-haired breed is easy to care for. Dogs are not picky eaters; they happily eat porridge with meat.

Breeders note that they have never encountered signs of aggression in their pets. It is for this reason that people choose Major Mastiffs for their family. After all, breeders primarily see such pets as friends and companions.

The numerous positive qualities of dogs cannot be erased by just one drawback. Dogs need the firm hand of an owner who will take care of them. But this is typical for representatives of all breeds. An animal cannot raise itself.


Our family is the happy owner of a Ca de Bou dog. Our pet Argo has been living with us for 4 years now. Despite her small size for a large dog, she feels great in our apartment. This is a very kind animal that always treats children with affection. As soon as a child starts crying, the first one who rushes to his aid is our pet. Argo is very easy to care for with his short coat .
He is not picky about food and enjoys eating porridge with meat. After a walk, you don’t have to force him into the bath to wash his paws off the dirt. We have never seen any signs of aggression from him; our pet is even friendly towards strangers. Katya When I found out about this breed, I didn’t find a single negative review about it, so I decided to get this particular dog. But in order to please our daughter, who dreamed of an Amstafa, we chose a black Ca de Bou, which is a bit reminiscent of an Amstafa . My daughter liked my decision. It’s already been 5 months since this girl has been living in our apartment, and my daughter already treats her differently. If we want to get another dog, it will definitely be a Kadeboshka. Dami has become a new member of our family whom we love very much. This is an excellent option for an apartment, because it is small in size, very obedient and incredibly loyal.


This dog came to us recently - only 2 months ago. We took him in as an adult puppy, when he was 6 months old, but we still found a common language with him. I would like to express special gratitude to the breeder who taught him the basic commands. But we continue to train him ourselves. We are literally amazed at how quickly she picks things up. She especially likes to play. We often go somewhere with her to play ball and try to catch up with each other. At such moments the dog looks especially happy , it seems that a smile appears on his face. At the same time, it is an excellent guard. He reacts perfectly to any person who walks along the entrance and emits a menacing growl. However, a couple of moments pass, and she again becomes a calm and good-natured dog.


Instead of an afterword

If you are not familiar with the Ca de Beau breed, you may be intimidated by the impressive size of its representatives. Meanwhile, these animals are distinguished by their peaceful and friendly character. Behind the formidable appearance there is usually a good-natured creature hidden. But at the same time, dogs can show their best guard qualities at any time. Representatives of the breed have the most excellent characteristics. And yet, when purchasing a puppy, you need to take its upbringing with full responsibility. Only proper care and regular physical activity will help raise an affectionate and healthy friend.

Mastiff character

The breed description says that mastiffs are loyal not only to their owner, but also to his family. These dogs have many positive qualities worthy of attention:

  1. Protection. A dexterous and brave guard is not inferior in strength and dexterity even to a strong man.
  2. Patience. At home, Perro Dogo Mallorquin is peaceful and friendly. The Mastiff forgives children's pranks. Will carefully monitor the child going to school. The pet will protect him from offenders and intruders.
  3. Active lifestyle. The dog loves active training and will gladly accompany the owner on a walk with children or at the stadium.
  4. Trainable. Mastiffs are highly trainable and do not violate the rules set by the owner.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Mallorcan Bulldog was often used by the police. The dog did an excellent job of catching criminals and troublemakers.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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