Characteristics of an American Bulldog type pit bull

When we hear the phrase “the most dangerous breed of dog,” we first of all think of a pit bull. In fact, there are no bad or good dogs, kind or unconditionally evil. There are owners who do not raise or train their pets. And the pit bull terrier only confirms these words. Owning a pit bull dog means taking on a huge responsibility both to the animal itself and to the people around you. And today we want to introduce you to this interesting breed.

Description and appearance

Translated, the name sounds like a fighting bull terrier, which reflects the character of the animals. Analyzing the history of the breed, it can be noted that the Pitbull was obtained as a result of crossing terriers, known for their lightning-fast reaction, and bulldogs, with tenacity and strength. These qualities made it possible to use Pit bull terriers for dog fighting.

When describing the appearance of these animals, marbled, solid, brindle color and a variety of shades are allowed: black, fawn, white, brown, red, brown.

Pit bull terriers have chocolate and gray coats. The exception is merle with different saturations of the same tone on any part of the body.

The Pit Bull Terrier looks like a strong and muscular animal. There are several types of pit bulls:

  • terriers;
  • bulldog type;
  • mixed.

Since the English bulldog has become the source breed for the production of many types of individuals, when comparing one can find many common features in animals - activity, devotion, intelligence, but there are also differences.

The main difference between a pit bull and a bull terrier is that according to the standard, the latter type cannot be red-nosed. The iris should have a dark brown tone, but individuals with yellow eyes are allowed.

It should be noted that the French bulldog and the British bull terrier, who have common ancestors, are also very similar in character and appearance, but the first type is calmer and more homely.

In 1990, a dwarf pit bull terrier was bred, no less energetic than its ancestors - the Patterdale Terrier and the American Pit Bull. This miniature species is more suitable for home keeping. But you need to keep in mind that the mini breed also requires serious training to get a friendly and obedient pet.

American Pit Bull Terrier color and coat type

Pit bull terriers can have almost any color except marbled. In addition, it should be noted that cynological organizations do not allow the possibility of blue coat color. Very often there are brown representatives of the breed, which are very popular among breeders. Shades may be slightly darker or lighter. In addition, very often the belly of the individual is painted white. The coat is close-lying, smooth and short. May shine in the sun. Dogs are subject to moderate shedding.


The Fédération Cynologique Internationale has not officially recognized the breed. The American Pit Bull Terrier Standard is proposed by the UKC organization:

HeightThe height of the body slightly exceeds the length of the body
Pit bull weightFor males, this figure varies from 20 to 27 kg. The female weighs on average 14-22 kg
HeadRectangular with a wide skull between the ears, convex cheeks, square muzzle, powerful jaws with a scissor bite
FrameSolid with a deep chest, broad strong back, muscular neck, slightly arched loin and slightly retracted belly
EyesAlmond-shaped with a low rise. Any color of the iris is allowed, excluding blue shades of different saturation. Pit bulls over 2 years of age with blue eyes are considered not to fit the breed standard.
EarsHighly placed. Sometimes they are docked
NoseThe lobe comes in different colors. An important characteristic is wide open nostrils.
LimbsMuscular, very strong with flexible compact pasterns, powerful thighs
TailShort, rising to the croup while running
WoolHarsh, short, tightly lying on the skin, shiny. There is no undercoat. It's not on the stomach

Where did the pit bull come from?

Although the breed is called American, the dogs originally inhabited England, Holland, Spain, and Ireland. After some time, American breeders became interested in the pit bull; they artificially improved this breed for their own purposes.

Scientists believed that the dog lacked aggression, resulting in a species with a wide chest, small pointed ears and an attacking stance.

The breed was created for dog fighting, after which pit bulls were perfect as guard dogs for herds of cows and sheep, and they also perfectly guarded private homes.

People watched how fearlessly and mercilessly the pit bull tore apart the body of other weaker dogs, and now such a breed in people's minds looks terrifying, many people are afraid of them, afraid. After some time, a ban was issued on dog fighting with this breed.

The dogs that took part in the battles were exterminated, as they posed a serious danger to others. There have been accidents where pit bulls have killed people and even small children.

Residents of America did not allow the breed to spread; they took to the streets of cities with protests and rallies. After some time, breeders began to re-breed the breed; the new species had to be, first of all, friendly to humans.

Not all countries accepted these dogs; there they even became prohibited for breeding and existence.


Modern American Pit Bull Terriers are not bred to become bloodthirsty killers. The main task is the possibility of using these strong mobile pets as a human assistant and comrade-in-arms.

These are excellent hunting dogs. The pit bull terrier's fearlessness does not allow him to retreat even at the sight of a large animal. Thanks to its strong, compact body with short, pressed hair, the pit bull easily makes its way through thickets. The animal swims well, bringing back shot game.

American Pit Bull Terriers are vigilant, reliable guards and bodyguards. Animals often serve in the police, and in the United States this is the most common breed in law enforcement. The fast-moving pet easily overtakes the fleeing criminal. Thanks to its keen sense of smell, the pit bull terrier quickly picks up the scent, the animal helps to search for narcotic, explosive and other prohibited substances.

What should a pitbull owner be like?

Who is he, the ideal owner, next to whom the dog, neighbors and himself will be safe? Firstly, the owner must have an idea about this fighting breed. And we are talking not only about the correct training system. The dog breeder is recommended to study the psychological background of the pet, find out at what age the four-legged dog overcomes puberty and other nuances. It is at the moment of the release of a large amount of hormones that changes occur in the pit bull’s body, accompanied by causeless outbursts of aggression.

Secondly, and most importantly, the owner of the four-legged animal must be a strong, powerful person. Only in this case will the animal recognize authority and obey. And this is the key to success.

Pit bull terrier character

Even a well-trained pit bull terrier remains a passionate, strong-willed pet.

These fighting guards easily adapt to the apartment, provided that the animals are provided with daily active walks with elements of sports exercises. Pit bull terriers have a hard time withstanding prolonged loneliness. Pets should not be left with small children without adult supervision.

Analyzing the description and character of a pit bull, one can also note the animal’s leadership qualities, high intelligence, independence, and patience of the pet. This is a devoted friend, protector and companion with a stable nervous system.

It is necessary to take into account the pronounced fighting spirit and pugnacity genetically inherent in the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. Such qualities of a pit bull require constant monitoring by the owner during walks until the pet unquestioningly obeys commands and passes by oncoming animals without trying to rush at them.

Video "American Pitbull"

In this video you will hear a description of the American Pitbull dog breed.

Related article: Is there an Albanian pit bull with a rare merle color?

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Taking into account the peculiarities of the behavior and character of the American Pit Bull Terrier, classes with the pet are carried out regularly from an early age of the animal, taking into account the following rules:

  • when communicating with a pit bull terrier, you need to be assertive and confident so that the animal perceives the owner as the leader of the pack;
  • You cannot show your pet your own fear;
  • physical punishment of a pit bull, which can generate anger and aggression in the animal, is excluded;
  • commands to the pit bull terrier should be given in a calm, confident tone, without breaking into a scream;
  • in the process of raising a pet, each correctly executed command should be rewarded with a treat or affection;
  • if the pit bull terrier makes a mistake, it is necessary to immediately correct the pet’s actions so as not to reinforce the wrong skills in the animal;
  • prohibit the animal from jumping on the table or bed at home.

What is the bite force of a pit bull, how to unclench the jaws of a pit bull?

What is the bite force of a pit bull, how to unclench the jaws of a pit bull?

The pit bull has the strongest jaws. The bite force of this dog is up to 126 kg/

  • It is believed that it is almost impossible to unclench a pit bull's jaws when it is in a fight. This statement does not exist because this dog is bloodthirsty and cannot let go of the enemy, it has such a peculiarity in the way its jaw works.
  • There are many cases when, in a fight between a pit bull and dogs of other breeds, the pit clings so tightly to the enemy that neither the owner’s blows, nor the gas from a spray can, nor the electric shock can help separate the animals.
  • It seems that nothing will help in such a fight and the enemy is doomed.

But experienced dog handlers have one way that helps unclench a pit bull’s jaws:

  • Place the collar on the dog so that it is not on the neck, but slightly higher towards the head, almost near the ears.
  • Begin to lightly choke your pet . Although this sounds scary, you will not cause any harm to the dog.
  • Tighten the leash until the dog unclenches his jaw . However, keep your wits about you and don't pull too hard as you might choke your dog.

Thanks to this technique, the pet will unclench its jaws and let go of the victim. Watch the video for more details:

Care and maintenance

The active and strong-willed pit bull terrier is a rather unpretentious pet.

To keep your pet in good shape, you need to follow standard procedures. The main condition is their regularity.

  1. It is important to take care of your pet's ears to keep them healthy and undamaged. Once a week, the pit bull's ears are cleaned of dirt using cotton swabs and disks soaked in warm boiled water.
  2. The pit bull terrier's claws are trimmed every month using special devices, for example, a nail clipper - a guillotine.
  3. Bathe your pet once every six months. Of course, you need to wash the animal if the pit bull gets very dirty while walking through a muddy area after rain.
  4. The pet's smooth, short fur does not need to be combed. During the pit bull terrier's molting period, loose hairs are removed daily by stroking the animal's skin using a mitten with soft rubber teeth.
  5. One of the important components of keeping and caring for pit bulls is walking. These animals are taken out at least twice a day. Be sure to include games with the pet, running, and various exercises.
  6. In order to provide the pit bull with its own safe space in an apartment, a secluded corner is allocated where a compact cage is installed for the animal to sleep and rest.
  7. The pit bull terrier's eyes need to be washed with chamomile infusion if dust or dirt gets into them during a walk. For severe lesions, contact a veterinarian.
  8. The animal's teeth are brushed with a special paste and a soft brush twice a week.
  9. To prevent the pet from getting lost, a tag indicating information about the owner is attached to the pit bull terrier's collar. Some turn to specialists to implant a microchip in an animal.

Dog breed Pitbull Mastiff - a cross between a pitbull and a mastiff

Yes, dogs that are called that way are mestizos, hybrid animals. A detailed description of this mix is ​​not often found on Russian-language sites, but in the English-speaking space there is a lot of material about such pets.

There are several common names for these hybrids:

  • pit mastiff;
  • American suit bull;
  • bullmastiff pitbull mix;
  • American bandoggy.

These could all be different dogs, because there are a lot of options for crossing similar breeds. The American Pit Bull Terrier can be bred with the Neapolitan Mastiff, with the Bullmastiff, with the Mastiff.

What does a hybrid look like?

Due to the fact that breeders have many options for crossing and obtaining mixed breeds, it is impossible to describe in one word what Pitbull Mastiff dogs look like. The appearance of the hybrid in each specific cross will depend on what its parents looked like.

One thing is for sure - this is a fairly large, muscular animal with a stocky build. Mixed breed males can reach 63-74.5 cm in height and weigh from 45 to 63 kg. The females of this cross-breed are somewhat smaller, but also impressive in size. Given the active nature of the breed, you should not get such dogs if you do not have enough space.

The coat color of mixed breeds can also vary greatly. The color of a mix puppy is influenced by the coat color of its parents. Most likely color options:

  • black pitbull mastiff;
  • white;
  • red (usually red pit bull terrier puppies);
  • brown;
  • brindle.

In addition to these pure colors, combination color options are possible - a mixture of the above colors. Some individuals have a characteristic “black mask”.

The structure of the wool of hybrids is thin and short with a low or moderate level of shedding. It is not difficult to care for such fur; it is enough to comb your pets every week with a brush or a massage mitten.

Description of the temperament of the pit bull mastiff breed

The pit bull and mastiff mix differs from its formidable ancestors in its affectionate temperament, affection for humans, loyalty and obedience. At the same time, dogs still have guardian instincts in their blood - with proper training, pitas can take on the role of guardians of household property.

Dogs are wary of strangers, so that your guests do not suffer from unmotivated aggression - carry out early socialization of pets. Accustom them from puppyhood to your friends and loved ones. Take your pet outside the house, do not keep them on a chain.

Mixed breeds may not be very friendly to other pets, especially dogs. To teach your dog to react calmly to other pets, gradually and systematically teach it. Take them to puppy pads, to a park where dog walkers walk. The more different animals the puppy meets, the better for its socialization.

From their ancestors, the dogs inherited intelligence, good learning ability and enormous strength. Therefore, these dogs are not suitable for novice dog owners. The owner of the pit must be a confident leader, whose leadership qualities the dogs will not doubt. When training a mestizo, you need to be persistent and demand unquestioning execution of commands.

Frivolity in relation to these animals is unacceptable! Losing control of dogs is potentially dangerous. The owner must guarantee the safety of his family and others, and stop attempts to show unmotivated aggression in the bud. In the hands of an experienced and competent owner, dogs become wonderful companions.

Do not leave Pit alone for a long time - the Pitbull Mastiff needs company and communication with his family. Alone, the dog gets bored and suffers - this pushes him into destructive behavior. Give your pet enough time, play with it, communicate - the animal needs this.

People often ask whether families with children can have this type of dog. The answer to this question will be yes. However, it should be borne in mind that it is better to adopt such dogs for those families in which the children have already grown up. Dogs do not intentionally offend small children, but given their power and large size, they may accidentally drop them in play.

Daily physical activity, long walks and exercise are essential for the physical and mental health of dogs. Ideally, to keep them you need a spacious fenced yard where the pet can frolic to its heart's content. If this is not possible, dogs need to be walked several times a day. The duration of each walk should be at least 1 hour.


After purchasing a pit bull, it is important to immediately familiarize yourself with the feeding habits of your pet. If the breeder has already accustomed the animal to industrial ready-made food varieties, then there is no need to switch the pit bull terrier to natural food. Also, a mixed diet is not recommended for your pet.

Pitbull puppies are fed on average five times a day, maintaining a certain time. Use the same dishes for the pit bull terrier, which are washed thoroughly. Constantly pour fresh water into a separate container for the animal.

When giving preference to a natural diet, you need to take into account that it should be as balanced as possible. The main share comes from raw lean meat - veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Includes sea fish and offal. They should not be boiled, just pour boiling water over them and cool. Cut into pieces convenient for chewing.

Every day the American pet is given fresh chopped fruits and vegetables, lactic acid products, herbs, and boiled eggs twice a week. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the animal portions. A vitamin complex is given to a pit bull terrier after consultation with a veterinarian.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is dangerous to practice active games and training with your pet on a full stomach, so as not to provoke intestinal volvulus in the pit bull terrier. Therefore, an adult animal is given food after a walk - in the morning and in the evening.

Serving sizes for a pit bull terrier are selected by observing the pet’s appetite. If the pit bull quickly and greedily ate everything in two or three minutes and licks the plate, then you need to increase the volume. In a situation where a significant portion of the food remains and the pet is in excellent shape, the amount of food for the animal should be reduced.

It is prohibited to include baked goods and sausages in the pit bull’s menu. Sweets, smoked meats, fatty and spicy dishes, river fish, meat of wild birds and animals are excluded for animals. Does not include mushrooms, legumes, potatoes, semolina, rolled oats, bones.

Debunking myths

It is generally accepted that the aggressive nature of a killer dog is inherent in these dogs’ genes and was passed on to them from their fighting ancestors.

But no scientific evidence has been found for this.

According to statistics, people are bitten much more often by small dogs, such as dachshunds and chihuahuas.

Despite this, the breed has a bad reputation.

The media have repeatedly reported news of attacks by dogs with a fighting disposition, including the pit bull terrier.

Typically, such stories serve more to attract viewers' attention to the source media rather than reflect the real traits of the breed.

But even if we consider rare cases of bites, the possibility of attacks on people could be caused by a lack of training, unsuitable socio-economic living conditions of the pit bull, or castration.

In such cases, the Pit Bull Terrier can be dangerous, especially for families with children.

If we consider a healthy, well-mannered dog, with the right living conditions, nutrition and training, and a balanced character, pit bull terriers are not more dangerous than cats.

Most owners will confirm that with proper training and socialization, this is an affectionate and playful dog, devoted and faithful to its owners, and loyal to children.

There is a myth that the aggressive killer nature that this breed exhibits towards other dogs can also apply to humans.

There is also a refutation: the breed has been trained for decades to fight with dogs, not with people, so it is not dangerous for humans.

Pit bull terriers are distinguished by their fighting spirit, strength, high fighting technique and physical endurance.

These courageous and courageous qualities are developed in battle with a worthy canine opponent, and not from attacks on people and small animals.

The fighting skills of such dogs are more about the dog's athletic training than bloodthirsty and aggressive traits.

Also, there is a belief that pit bull terriers have a death grip and the greatest bite force compared to other dogs.

After research, scientists have proven that the jaws of these dogs are no more clenched than those of other representatives of the species. And the bite force of dogs is not even in first place among their four-legged counterparts.

Despite the positive characteristics that have been voiced by the owners of the breed in recent years, a person who decides to get a pit bull terrier must understand all the responsibility for the pet and those around him.

Before purchasing a pit bull, you need to think carefully about whether you have the opportunity and strength to give him the necessary education, socialize him and adapt him to the world around him. In addition, this breed requires daily exercise and training.

Training and danger level

In order for your pit bull terrier to quickly socialize and acquire competent skills and habits, it is recommended to contact a specialist. This is important, since the pet must learn the basics of obedience, for which a general course of animal training is offered.

The next stage is training the pet in commands from the field of protective guard service, for which the pit bull has the necessary abilities: intelligence, discipline, excellent hearing and scent, hunting inclinations.

As a result, the pit bull terrier will be able to restrain aggression, which significantly reduces the level of danger inherent in this breed. It is mandatory to train your pit bull to immediately carry out all commands. This will allow the owner to keep the pet under control in any environment.

One of the rules of training a pit bull terrier, which should be followed strictly and at home in communication, is the prevention of bites. A small pit bull puppy often confuses his hands with toys, eager to try his teeth on them. Experts recommend immediately stopping such attempts by switching the pet’s attention.

Instilling communication skills in a pit bull while the pet is still small reduces the degree of possible manifestations of anger towards people or other animals. They do this gradually, encouraging friendly expressions and taking the pit bull terrier puppy aside when negative moments arise. As the pet grows older, it becomes less dangerous, since the animal acquires the necessary skills to visit public places.


It happens that you are walking through the park one summer day, and a pit bull runs towards you. And the expression on his face is as if there is an unkind meeting between two acquaintances. What to do? There are several methods of self-defense in the event of an attack by a fighting dog. Let's go over everything.

Traumatic pistol.

Of course, not everyone, or rather, few people carry it with them. However, this is an effective way to stay alive when fighting with a pet. The main thing is to get there.

Gas canister.

This self-defense element is found more often in women's handbags. It is desirable that it be peppery. Here, as in the first option, the main thing is to get where you need to. The pit bull dog is smart, if you miss, it will understand what they wanted to do to it.


Rarely occurs. And this option is not suitable for everyone. In a state of shock, a person’s capabilities are limitless, but it is unlikely that a girl or an unathletic young man will be able to kill an animal the size of a wild boar.

The disadvantage of all these self-defense means is that they need to be taken out of your pocket or bag and put on combat readiness. It’s good if a person has at least 30 seconds for this, and he doesn’t get confused.

Let's assume you don't have any of the above with you. What should I do?

Running dog - an opportunity to look around

. If there is a room nearby with a door, some kind of hill or tree that you can quickly climb, you need to act. Pete hardly walked alone. Most likely, the owner is looking for the dog. Because if he doesn’t do this, the police will be looking for him very soon.

To summarize, a tree, a building, a pillar. You need to find shelter within walking distance. And scream so that the dog's owner can hear.

If there is no time to look around, the dog is going to attack

. In this case, you need to lend a hand. And then act according to the circumstances. A fist in the mouth can work as a choke. It is important to push your hand deeper into the throat.

When the dog has already attacked, everything is effective. You need to hit him on the nose, tear out his eye sockets, kick him, scream loudly. Hand-to-hand combat can help.

Pete walking alone through the streets is a “fantastic” situation. Just save this information in your head and send it to the “Well, you never know” folder.

Health and disease treatment

The strong and cheerful pit bull terrier is characterized by strong health. But you need to know that this breed has a predisposition to certain diseases:

  1. Allergic reaction to certain types of food, including professional food. Having discovered signs of individual intolerance to a particular product in an animal, it is excluded from the pet’s diet.
  2. Thyroid dysfunction leading to the accumulation of fatty deposits. The consequence is the development of cardiovascular and liver pathologies in the pet. Treatment for the animal is prescribed by a veterinarian.
  3. Pelvic dysplasia, caused by heredity, unbalanced nutrition, excessive stress. The pit bull experiences pain that limits movement. If eliminating the provoking factors does not bring relief, the pet requires surgery.
  4. Aortic stenosis, the main symptom of which is shortness of breath in the animal, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. According to indications, surgical intervention is usually prescribed.

To prevent enteritis, distemper, rabies, leptospirosis, and hepatitis, pit bulls are vaccinated in accordance with the schedule approved by the veterinary clinic.

Pit bull terrier dog: reviews from owners

Pit bull terrier dog: reviews from owners

If you are just planning to get a pit bull terrier, then you probably doubt whether to take a pit bull terrier or still give preference to a dog of another breed. Reviews from the owners will help you decide whether you can have a pit bull terrier dog at home or not:

Peter, 31 years old

As an experienced pit bull breeder, I can say for sure that it is better for beginners not to adopt a dog of this breed. She needs special training, this is the only way the pet will grow up friendly and obedient.

Irina, 35 years old

We have had a pit bull for 3 years now. But we gave him to an experienced dog handler for training. He showed us how to treat such a dog. He explained that you shouldn’t hit her or even scream, the dog could become aggressive. We have two children who adore Rimbaud (that’s our pete’s name). He is also friendly to them.

Svetlana, 30 years old

I've always dreamed of having a pit bull. This breed attracts with its strength and beauty of exterior characteristics. When I contacted the breeder for a puppy, I was told that it would be better for a novice breeder to take a female dog. She will be kinder and less aggressive. But it will be necessary to deal with mating and offspring, since a female dog that is not taken to mating and does not produce offspring can become aggressive. Naturally, I follow all the breeder’s recommendations; there have already been two litters of puppies. I can’t imagine what I would do without my Bella, a beautiful and kind pit bull. And I also make a profit from selling puppies.


Subject to timely detection of the disease, vaccination, and compliance with the rules of care, American pit bull terriers remain active until old age. Keeping animals in favorable home conditions has a positive effect on the health of pets.

The average lifespan of an American pit bull ranges from 13 to 15 years. If previously animals were injured or died in bloody battles, in modern conditions such an outcome is excluded. Most often, pit bulls live in apartments or houses and receive good nutrition, so the age of pets can exceed the average by two to three years.

The first days of a puppy at its permanent place of residence

First, the baby must get comfortable in the house in which he will live. He will definitely have a desire to explore everything around him, and he needs to be allowed to do this. After such a walk around the territory, you can gradually begin to teach the puppy and show him attention and care on your part:

  • The owner and all family members must constantly show affection to the pet, stroking its head, back and tummy.
  • Gradually teach the rules of behavior in the house, do not allow him to go to those places that are forbidden for him to visit.
  • Teach your dog where his toilet is.
  • Begin to teach the very first necessary commands: “sit” and “place.”
  • After 10 weeks, the puppy can be introduced to other animals. It is better to conduct such lessons in a small area near the house or within the walls of your own home.
  • At every opportunity, take the dog outside, where he will gradually become familiar with cars, other houses and parks. The more experience she gains from a young age, the easier it will be for you to deal with her in the future.

How to choose a puppy

The desire to bring an American Pit Bull Terrier into your home must be conscious. Abroad, preference is given to already trained animals, purchasing pets at 6 months and older.

However, it is necessary to realize that such puppies have already mastered certain behavioral skills and it will be almost impossible to change the animals to different conditions.

It is recommended to pay attention to newborn pit bulls, who are already ready to master the necessary commands at 2 months. The breeder must provide all information about the animals. Before choosing a puppy, the pit bull is examined. Good health in a pet is indicated by activity, shiny coat, mobility, and absence of flaws in posture.

Stages of development by month

As already mentioned, a newborn pit bull cannot see or hear, but it does have a developed sense of smell. During the first month of life, around the 10th to 14th day, the puppy's eyes and ears open.

By the end of the fourth week, most babies are ready to try solid foods and can actively play with each other.

Important! The normal weight for pit bulls at this age is considered to be 2.5–4 kilograms, and the average body length can be 20–25 centimeters.

2 months is the age at which socialization begins, when puppies are weaned from their mother. During this period, they already have a stronger physique, weigh from 6 to 9 kilograms, and their body length reaches 30 centimeters. By the end of the second month, the babies can already find owners.

3 months is the period when a purebred pit bull begins to acquire the standard appearance of the breed. The puppy's teeth change, the musculoskeletal system strengthens, and weight increases. At three months, a pit bull can weigh up to 14 kilograms and have a body length of 30–36 centimeters.

At 4 months, the puppy recognizes and recognizes its new owner, and the mental component of the dog’s personality begins to form.

At the age of 5 months, the replacement of baby teeth with molars will be completed.

The pit bull is actively developing during this period; the puppy’s weight can reach 24 kilograms and its body length is 45 centimeters.

6 months - the puppy enters adolescence and begins to understand what kind of hierarchy is established in the house. It must be shown that the dog does not play a dominant role in the family and must obey the owner. The puppy's character will emerge and he will begin to be stubborn, so it is important to quickly “put him in his place.” At this age, a young pit bull weighs up to 28 kilograms and has a body up to 48 centimeters long.

At 7 months, an ill-mannered puppy tries even more persistently to take the highest place in the home hierarchy; during this same period, puberty occurs - girls begin to go into heat, male pit bulls can show aggression or begin to “sit” on pieces of furniture, toys, legs and hands of the owners.

At 8 months, the dog will develop and strengthen those character traits that it will retain throughout its life. At this age, the puppy already looks like an adult pit bull; it can weigh up to 35 kilograms with a body length of 48–50 centimeters.

The final period of a puppy’s maturation is the 9th–12th months. The American Pit Bull Terrier is already acquiring a characteristic exterior, has a formed body and established character traits. If the owner was unable to teach the growing pit bull manners by this age, then in the future the dog will be less amenable to training, and an inexperienced owner may not be able to cope without the help of specialists.

This is interesting! By the age of one year, the pit bull stops body growth and weight gain, but it is believed that the exterior is fully formed only by two or three years.

Pit bull terrier cost

When contacting a nursery to purchase American Pit Bull Terrier puppies, you need to clearly understand the consequences after purchasing the animal. This is important because the price of this popular breed varies depending on various criteria.

  1. If you need to raise a friend who can become a participant in various sports competitions, then choose pit bulls of the “pet” class. This includes individuals with minor external defects - malocclusion, blue eyes, non-standard color. The average cost of such pit bull terriers in Russia in rubles is approximately 10 thousand.
  2. Breed-class pit bull puppies have stellar parents. Pets are purchased for the purpose of further breeding and for the active participation of pit bull terriers in competitions. Such a pet can cost from 20 thousand rubles. and more.
  3. Show-class pit bulls with a long pedigree are considered the most expensive. Pets are raised for competitive activities, since such animals are capable of winning prestigious high awards. If you manage to find such a pit bull terrier puppy, you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles for the pet.


In the old days, in Great Britain, poor people were forbidden to have large hunting dogs, since big game was hunted exclusively by representatives of blue blood.

Less wealthy people could keep small terriers for hunting, and bulldogs to protect property.

The smallest puppies were selected for further rearing.

Thus, the first bull terriers arose, which uniquely recreated the character, fearlessness, strength and endurance of bulldogs and the activity with the agility of terriers.

The prefix “pit” (translated from English as a pit for dog fighting) in the name of the breed meant that the dog was used in fighting.

In the middle of the 19th century, dog fighting began to be banned in Europe, but in America, on the contrary, the popularity of such entertainment grew. At that moment, the breed mentioned above did not even have its own single name.

Its official development began to occur only in the 20th century.

The word “American” in the name of pit bulls appeared thanks to breeders from the USA who were directly involved in the formation of the breed.

Nowadays this breed is quite popular, but not in all countries. Some European states prohibit the import and breeding of these pets due to their bad reputation.

As already mentioned, pit bull terriers were used in fighting, first legal, and eventually illegal.

Animals were bred with the goal of creating a “killer dog”; the more victories an animal has in battles, the more powerful its bite force and the more menacing it is, the more weight it represents.

Thus, the animals developed a bloody reputation. There are many cases that refute the aggressive and bloodthirsty nature of pit bulls.

Pit bull terriers are famous for their strong bite, incredible strength, high tolerance, speed, balance, and at the same time - affectionate nature, intelligence and sociability.

In addition to their purpose for combat, these dogs were used for hunting, for protection and to help shepherds. A purebred, healthy pet can handle any job.

The dog is highly trainable and is capable of achieving good results in many areas thanks to its boundless focus on winning, developed thinking, strong character and dedication for the owner.

A pit bull can achieve heights in any of the areas chosen by the owner: hunting, guarding, companion pet, sport, fighting, exhibition or family pet.

Considering the highly active and energetic nature of the pet, you need to exercise it a lot and correctly, give it daily exercise, more than some other breeds, then the dog will be in shape and balanced.

Factors influencing growth

The harmonious development of pit bulls depends on a group of factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • conditions of keeping the mother dog;
  • food, living conditions for puppies;
  • absence of congenital pathologies, diseases, infections, helminthic infestations.

One of the most important factors is the dog’s nutrition. The simplest option is feed, premium canned food with a high content of natural ingredients. The most economical and varied is natural food. Meat should predominate in the natural diet of a pit bull up to 6 months of age. The menu itself is varied:

  • Beef, veal, lamb, offal.
  • Low-fat yogurt without additives, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge.
  • Cabbage, carrots, zucchini, beets.

It is important to follow the feeding schedule:

  • Up to 2 months – 6 times a day.
  • Up to 3 – 5 times.
  • Up to 4 – 4 times.
  • Up to 8 – 3 times.
  • From 9 - 2 times.

Pit bull owners should be aware that this is a group of breeds prone to allergies. Therefore, new items on the menu are introduced with caution, after consulting with a veterinarian.

Description of the breed

Currently, all dog breeds are divided into two types: bulldog and terrier type. The first of them embodies all the strength and grace. The body of such dogs is covered with much more developed prominent muscles and extremely strong bones. Such pit bulls are very hardy and strong; they can easily take you sledding in snowy weather. They grow up to 50 cm at the withers, and weigh about 20 - 30 kg.

The body is rectangular and moderately elongated. The back is flat and straight, neither the front nor the back of the dog protrudes upward. The neck is medium long, thick and muscular.

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It has a perfectly defined scruff. The loin is shortened, but wide and powerful. The chest is deep and voluminous, reaching the level of the elbows of the front legs. The ribs are flexible and rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The belly is slightly tucked in and connects to the chest in a gracefully curved line.

The head is very large and heavy, literally screaming about the physical power of this dog. If you look from above, it becomes clear that it has the shape of a blunt wedge. The skull is flat on top but rounded on the sides. The space under the eyes is filled perfectly, the occipital protuberance is also clearly pronounced. The skin is generally thick and elastic, the cheekbones and cheeks are perfectly emphasized.

If the watchdog grins, large folds of skin appear on the forehead and cheeks. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly visible; the muzzle itself is slightly smaller in size than the skull. It ends in a blunt nose, painted black and with open nostrils.

The eyes are small, round or almond-shaped. They are located quite low and far from each other. Any color is allowed, except blue, which is considered defective.

The forelimbs are vertical and muscular. The shoulder blades are long and capacious, approximately the same size as the shoulders and connect to them at an angle of ninety degrees. The elbows are arched back, the pasterns are short but massive, easily boasting very mobile joints. The paws are round and gathered into a ball, the toes are tucked. The hind limbs are slender and parallel, with a very wide set. The thighs are large and perfectly formed, the hocks boast excellent angulation.

The tail grows so that it merges with the topline, becoming its natural extension. It is not cut off and in a calm state it falls along the legs, and in moments of excitement it rises up, but not higher than the back.

The coat is shorter than average, thick and hard. There is no undercoat, so the dog hardly sheds. For this reason, it is perfect for allergy sufferers who do not tolerate dog hair well. The coat color can be almost any color; there are no strict restrictions.

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