Grooming a Spitz at home: grooming features

Spitz is a breed that requires special coat care. Its length and structure, as well as the thickness of the undercoat, can create problems for the owner. In some cases, owners may resort to cutting their pet's hair to create a neat and original look.

There are different options that are suitable for representatives of the breed, some of them can be done independently, others require contacting a grooming specialist.

Why does a Spitz need a haircut?

In the first months of a puppy’s life, the owner doesn’t have to think about going to the groomer or mastering hairdressing skills. The coat of small Spitz dogs is fluff. A dog develops full hair at the age of 1 year. This is the guard hair, the undercoat.

The Pomeranian has a fluffy collar and shorts on its hind legs.

A dog's fur coat can turn into solid icicles if it is not combed or cut. These procedures are necessary for Spitz dogs. Without hairstyle correction, the dog will look unkempt.

Neglecting hygiene measures will contribute to the development of various types of dermatitis, since the Spitz’s skin will be deprived of proper ventilation. It is also possible that if the animal is not properly cared for, fleas may appear.

This is interesting: Proper care and washing of the Pomeranian Spitz

Preparation for the procedure

The pet should not be afraid of such a procedure, because he will have to undergo it several times throughout his life. Therefore, the very first trip to the grooming salon should end with the dog’s most positive emotions. After a haircut, the Pomeranian should remain calm and cheerful. This largely depends on the preliminary preparation of the animal by the owner:

  • The first thing you need to do is to accustom your pet to bathing;
  • The second condition: the dog must react positively to the master himself and his office. For this purpose, it is better to visit the groomer in advance (perhaps even a couple of times). It’s good if the animal receives a small treat from the owner in the salon - this will build trust in the new environment and avoid internal tension;
  • The third point of preparation is getting used to the noise of the hair dryer and tools, which should not cause any negative emotions or anxiety in the dog.

Be sure to give the dog a bath and comb its fur on the day of the procedure or the day before - after bathing, the hair is cut much easier.

Photo of a shorn spitz

Types of haircuts for Spitz

There are more than 10 options for Spitz haircuts. The owners choose them based on their needs. For one, it is important to present the animal at an exhibition, which requires a classic hairstyle. Others tend to experiment with haircuts, so they create different looks for their pet.


With this haircut, the Spitz will not look pretentious. The hairstyle focuses attention on the dog’s advantages and veils its shortcomings.

The silhouette, in the classic form of grooming, is given a clear outline. The collar takes on a spherical shape.

Using regular and thinning scissors, the hair around the ears is trimmed, exposing the ear canal. The Spitz's paws are made round in shape, following the contour of the claws. Remove regrown hairs between the pads. Correct the area under the tail. The hairstyle is equally suitable for boys and girls.


An option akin to the classics. The haircut is preferred by dog ​​owners who are trying to preserve the visual uniqueness of the breed and simplify subsequent care for their pet.

Modern implies a deeper edging of the silhouette than in the classic version. The Spitz's coat takes on a plush appearance. The structure of the hairline is not affected.

Interesting article: Nutritional characteristics of German and Pomeranian Spitz


A dog cut this way resembles a teddy bear and looks cute. However, after a bold hairstyle, the original length of the hair may no longer be there. This is a feature of the pile of some individuals of the breed.

If the quality of the dog's coat is poor, the Boo style - like a teddy bear - may be the best option.

The trend setter for plush was a Pomeranian named Boo, who quickly gained popularity on the Internet. The haircut began to be copied in different countries of the world, due to which the number of bear-type dogs increased sharply.

Read also: All about the Pomeranian breed

a lion

The belly, back to the shoulder blades, hips are shaved like a machine. A brush is left at the end of the Spitz's tail. The shape of the collar is carefully aligned with the lion (acts as a mane). In this form, the dog resembles the king of beasts in miniature.

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The hairline is slightly shortened throughout the body to give the dog a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. First, wash your Pomeranian with dog shampoo and conditioner. After washing, wrap it in a towel and hold it for a while. Place the animal on a table or other flat surface and dry it with a hairdryer. Before doing this, spray the wool with any product after washing, you can use human hair spray. Dry your dog, then comb thoroughly with a fine-tooth comb from root to tip. Now the Spitz is ready for grooming.

For the procedure, you will need scissors with safe ends for the main cutting, thinning ones for thinning. Constantly comb your dog with a fine comb, cutting off only those hairs that stick out after combing. Using this principle, treat the dog’s entire body. Start with the head and furry collar

Carefully remove the hair around the ears; they should be small and round. Hair is removed with one movement of scissors

Trim the auricle only from the top, do not touch the sides.

Leave the signature frill on the collar. Next, process the body and the “pants” on the legs. The wool around the pads must be cut off; here it easily falls into tangles. The tail area can be cut in any direction, but it should not look shorn.

The breed standard suggests it has a fairly fluffy appearance. The correct length is when the tail lies on the back and touches the withers. Don't remove this edge anymore. Once you have combed and trimmed all the hairs, go over the entire body with thinning scissors to remove excess hair.

In the summer, you can cut your Spitz a little shorter, but don’t get too carried away. A dog cut to the undercoat or shorter will suffer heatstroke as thermoregulation is disrupted. Moreover, there is no need to shave your pet; the hair may not grow back at all.

Features of grooming

Spitz dogs have an unusual coat structure. In order not to spoil it, you must adhere to several rules:

  • Do not cut your dog's hair until 3 months of age. It is enough to comb it regularly;
  • For the first time, trim the hair only on the paws and frame the collar.

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In a year, the second period of hair change begins. This is a signal - the dog can be trimmed.

How to cut ears, butt and back

Learning how to trim your ears correctly is easy. The main thing here is not to injure your pet. When framing the hearing organ, you need to determine its edge and pinch it with your fingers. Protruding hairs are removed with an appropriate tool, making the four-legged friend look like a fox.

To tidy up the butt, you will need a helper to hold the dog's tail up. It is important to comb the fur around the butt along the hairline. Long hairs are cut off.

It is recommended to correct the Spitz's back using thinning scissors. It carefully removes unevenness and loose hair.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The coat of the Pomeranian, a German Spitz, grows quickly. To prevent the dog from becoming overgrown, grooming is organized for him at intervals of no more than 3 months.

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  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Kaluzhskaya Street
  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Dumsky Proezd Lane
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  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Glacier 2nd Street
  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Leskhoz street
  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Kombaynovskaya 2nd Street
  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Barnaul Lane
  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Skifskaya Street
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  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Magazine Street
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  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Kabardinskaya street
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  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Terminal Street
  • Grooming a German Spitz video tutorial Goncharova Street

Grooming your pet at home

The best option is a simple, fashionable hairstyle. It can be performed in any conditions.

Home haircut

To work you will need:

  • combs - frequent, rare teeth;
  • scissors – thinning, with rounded ends;
  • massage brush;
  • low table with a non-slip surface;
  • hair clipper.

This is interesting: Basic rules for training a Pomeranian at home

All accessories must be sharp, otherwise the scissors will chew the dog's hair.


Before your dog takes on a well-groomed appearance, you need to perform several steps.

Spitz transformation steps:

  • combing;
  • bathing;
  • blow drying;
  • repeated combing;
  • a haircut.

By following the step-by-step procedures and thoroughly approaching each stage, the result will differ little from the salon one.

Step-by-step diagram:

  1. Prepare a professional machine designed for animal hair, or regular and thinning scissors.
  2. Trim the hair around the base of the dog's tail.
  3. Remove excess from collar and ears.
  4. Remove the fur with your Spitz fingers.
  5. Correct the work by milling.

Making a beautiful haircut with your own hands is possible. The technique will improve over time.

After each stage, the wool must be combed out.

If you follow the step-by-step instructions, you will be able to quickly master the art of cutting hair.

Is this necessary?

Grooming is not necessary for this breed. This is of more interest to dog owners, since spitz dogs cut to look like a fox, bear cub or lion attract a lot of attention.

It is generally not recommended to cut short hair for animals, as this can cause serious problems. A haircut gives the dog a more neat appearance; if hair suddenly grows somewhere, it should be removed. Basically, they trim the ears, remove the hair on the paws and under the tail.

Many people groom their animals in the summer because they worry that they will suffer from the heat. But nature has already provided for everything and the thick undercoat does not bother the dog.

Your pet fights the heat by breathing; they cannot sweat, since they do not have sebaceous glands on their body. But a short haircut, even with a clipper, will definitely have negative consequences for the dog.

Haircut care

The dog’s appearance does not require any special care after a visit to the groomer or a home makeover. However, you need to know a few nuances.

  1. It is recommended to regularly comb the dog’s lush, classic hairstyle once every 3 days.
  2. In rainy weather, it is not recommended to walk your pet without overalls, as it is difficult to tidy up the fur, which is soaked in street dirt.

These problems are less common for short-haired Spitz dogs. But they have other difficulties. The dog has no sweat glands, modest hair, leaving it without protection for the summer and winter. During hot periods, the dog may overheat. Burns, dermatitis, and allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, it is a mistake to consider a pet’s short hairstyle to be the best summer option.

The golden mean is a coat length of 3.5 – 4 cm.


To accustom the animal to the procedure, you must first sit it on your lap and place a soft cloth under the puppy. The Spitz should feel comfortable.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is necessary to comb the dog against the grain. This will make the fur coat more voluminous.

Tangles in representatives of the breed rarely occur and only in the armpits, groin, and toes. First they are carefully plucked, then cut.

To avoid electrification of the hair, it is allowed to use antistatic agents. Sprays and conditioners moisturize the coat well.

the washing up

Bathing your pet more than once a month is harmful. An exception is allowed in the run-up to the exhibition. After a walk, just wipe your paws with a wet cloth.

It is allowed to use dog shampoo twice a year. After the water procedure, the wool is treated with a dry concentrated aerosol for animals.

Dry your pet's hair with a warm stream of air from a hair dryer.

Some useful tips

  1. If you are preparing your pet for an exhibition, it is better to contact a groomer - this is the name of an animal hairdresser.
  2. For haircuts at home, you need two types of scissors: thinning scissors for cutting hair that is too long and scissors with blunt ends, designed to remove excess hair on the ears, paws, and near the anus. This haircut should be done regularly, then the pet will always have a neat appearance.
  3. You will need two types of metal combs - with frequent and rare teeth, as well as a massage brush with long metal teeth.
  4. During the hot summer, some owners cut their pets' hair too short. One of the popular haircuts is considered to be the “puppy” version - the pet is cut evenly, with a fur length of one and a half to two centimeters. But professionals do not advise cutting your hair so short.
  5. It should be borne in mind that wool protects the dog not only from cold, but also from overheating. After a haircut, it takes a long time to grow back, and the dog’s color may change.
  6. Recently, the Boo haircut has been popular, after which the Spitz resembles a teddy bear, but for dogs it is not useful, but harmful. The guard hairs that hold the undercoat are trimmed. After growth, the fur will have tangles. A sharp shortening of the coat leads to a loss of thermal insulation, making the Spitz defenseless against cold, heat and moisture. Dirt sticks to the undercoat. It takes a long time to restore the fur, sometimes up to two years.

To summarize, I would like to say: you need to trim your Pomeranian Spitz, but do not overdo it. It is enough to remove all excess and unnecessary hair that interferes with the functioning of the dog and makes its silhouette unaesthetic.


This is a natural process that cannot be avoided. It is repeated at certain intervals throughout the dog’s life.

The first coat change in Spitz dogs occurs at 3-3.5 months. Molting occurs 2 times a year. First the core hair goes away, then the undercoat. At this time, your furry pet may lose half of its coat.

Cost in showrooms

Going to a groomer is an expensive pleasure, since professional care includes:

  • haircut;
  • bathing;
  • drying;
  • tidying up claws and ears.

The lush hair of a mini Spitz allows the owner to choose any look for his pet. For clarity, salons have catalogs with photos of four-legged models.


Dog sizeCost of service (RUB)
Dwarf3 200
Small3 500
Average3 800
Big4 100

You can save money. A haircut without other procedures will cost 2,000 rubles. In this case, before visiting a specialist, your four-legged pet will have to be washed, dried, and combed yourself.

Photo and video review

The attractiveness of representatives of the fox-type breed, their miniature size, and their beautiful fur surprises not only in real life. Spitz dogs look impressive in photos and videos.

Proper care of an animal will make it the pride of its owner. A dog’s healthy, shiny coat is not just beauty, but an indicator of the quality of health of your four-legged friend.

Which dog is suitable for "Little Fox"

The most important rule is to cut “fox-like” better than fox-type oranges. These minis make excellent fox cubs. Some breeders ask groomers to make a fox cub from a Bear Spitz, but usually the result is not very good. The dog becomes cuddly and bears little resemblance to a red fox.

Bear or fox

Grooming experts argue that the shape of the muzzle and the quality of the fur are different among the subspecies. In this form, it is quite easy to distinguish a dog from a fox.

At the same time, regardless of the result, you will pay a rather high price, but you will not achieve the desired result. A haircut can cost from 1.5 thousand rubles.

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