Description and photos of tricolor fluffy and smooth-haired cats of different breeds

Cats, unlike dogs, are not able to protect their owner; they will not guard the house or guard the territory. However, this does not stop people from showing boundless love for these furry four-legged pets. There are more than two hundred and fifty cat breeds in the world, which differ in coat length, color and temperament. And each breed finds its admirers. And no matter what abilities cats have, the first impression determines their appearance. We present breeds that have a cute appearance, thanks to which they are popular.

Maine Coon

The cats are huge in size and have an interesting coloration, which is why they are called raccoons. Fluffy giants reach seventeen kilograms in weight. They are excellent hunters. Their huge size does not prevent them from loving their owner limitlessly and being affectionate towards him. They are curious, love active games, and compete with other animals. They are jealous of the owner's extraneous hobbies. They want to be the center for him.


This breed appeared only in the 80s of the last century. The name of the most beautiful cat comes from two words of English origin: toy - toy, tiger - tiger. This is how we got a toy tiger with beautiful eyes and wonderful stripes located all over the body.

The Belgian cat was taken as the basis for developing this breed. The result was a designer breed with the appearance of a predator and a gentle character. There are about 40 nurseries in the world that specialize in breeding such beautiful toy tigers.

American Shorthair

Smart, unpretentious cats have long won the hearts of cat lovers. Their varied colors allow you to choose a pet that will appeal to all family members. They are friendly and do not show aggression towards children or strangers. An inquisitive mind combined with an attractive appearance made them desirable in every home.

#2 With a small tongue on a small paw

#3 I surrender to you!..

#4 The mime meter is off the charts

#5 He was about to attack

#6 Little evil cat


Sphynx kittens have an unusual appearance, but have a special charm. They are very pleasant to hold in your hands, because they are very delicate and soft to the touch. Little sphinxes will follow in the footsteps of their owners, trying to involve them in fun games. Animals do not like loneliness and greatly miss their family members. They love walks. But in winter, they need clothing that will protect them from hypothermia.

How to treat a cat to gain its trust

A good owner for a cat is not only a breadwinner and protector, it is its deity, who is always there and will never betray or abandon you in trouble. In order for a relationship with a cat, which has historically been a human companion, to develop, you just need to win its trust. First of all, you should not punish your pet. This causes fear and leads to aggression. Smart animals will understand comments made in a stern but calm tone. A good owner allows the cat everything and understands that with any non-standard behavior, it is necessary to look for the cause of the offense, and not punish the animal.

In a real human-cat pair, over time they become similar to each other both in appearance and in habits.

It is important to understand the cat's personality. These animals are all different, just like people. One is too touchy and jealous, the other is flexible and good-natured. Love helps you find a common language with any pet and earn its trust. The animal will begin to trust only when it understands that it will not be offended. Cats see right through a person, they are very smart and have developed intuition. You must always talk to them and treat them as equals. Although the cats themselves believe that they are the main ones in the house, and man, although a god, must be protected, loved and taken care of.


Abyssinian kittens are not known for their perseverance. They will be happy to explore every corner of their home. Little creatures become attached to all family members and quickly find a common language with other pets. Abyssinian kittens are extremely intelligent. They can be taught to fetch small objects, which will please the animals themselves and please the owners.

Russian blue

These representatives of the cat family have not only a pleasant appearance, but also high mental abilities.
They easily remember some commands and gestures of people and use it with pleasure. However, forced training will not give any results. Russian Blues follow those commands that are beneficial to them. You shouldn’t be upset about this - they always behave calmly and meekly. These cats love to hunt. They don't care who becomes their victim. They are endlessly devoted to all family members and get used to their place of residence. They are ready to console and purr “their” people, to their delight. Strangers are given a wide berth. We also recommend reading:

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The Snowshoe's character is a mixture of the temperament of the American Shorthair cat and the "talkativeness" of the Siamese. These are curious and active kittens. Their favorite habitat is the highest part in the apartment, from where they can satisfy their curiosity.

Owners of kittens note that these are such smart animals that they are able to open doors and even the refrigerator on their own. Just like a dog, kittens may bring toys back for you to throw at them again.

These are healthy kittens and only occasionally they may exhibit strabismus, which was passed on to them from their Siamese ancestor.

They do not require special care. It is enough to comb the fur and trim the claws in a timely manner.

Scottish Fold

The breed has become popular recently, but this has not stopped it from winning the hearts of millions of people. Plush fur, a cute small muzzle with hanging small ears give the animal a toy appearance. Children, when they see Scottish Folds, tend to cuddle and stroke them, which representatives of this breed do not really like. When two lop-eared individuals are crossed, non-viable offspring are born. For this reason, they wanted to abandon this breed. Later, a pattern was discovered according to which, in order to obtain healthy offspring, fold-eared cats must be crossed with straight-eared relatives. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their willfulness. They don't meow like other cats, but squeak quietly. From the first months of life, lop cats are able to stand on their hind legs and freeze.


This breed arose as a result of a random mutation, which breeders decided to fix. Contrary to expectations, the Canadian Sphynx has a lot of adherents around the world. This cute cat looks naive and cute, but has the intelligence of a dog.

For the bambino, the owner is a source of not only mental, but also physical warmth. Due to his lack of fur, he often gets cold, which forces him to sit on his hands for hours. Often at night the bambino sleeps, sitting comfortably on its owner and purring quietly in its sleep.

American Curl

As a result of natural mutations, this breed got unusually shaped ears that are turned outward. The name of the breed translates as “curl”. The length of the coat can be of different lengths and colors. They tend to take a leading position among other pets. In addition to their pleasant appearance, they are distinguished by a calm disposition and the ability to quickly adapt to any terrain or situation.

American Curls are focused on constant communication with people and do not tolerate loneliness well. They quickly forget grievances and are not jealous.

Options for cute cats with big eyes

Names for cats: Russian versions of beautiful nicknames

When you think of expressive cat eyes, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous cat from Shrek. But in life there are kittens whose eyes are no less attractive and charming. The cutest kittens with incredibly expressive eyes are representatives of the Coby breed. Their eyes are real bottomless lakes, large, blue and clear. You want to look at them without stopping. The famous cartoon cat immediately recedes into the background, his drawn look is instantly forgotten, one has only to look into those eyes.

Incredible eyes of a Coby kitten

There are other cats with an unusually piercing and mysterious look. These are animals with heterochromia - cats with eyes of different colors. Today this is not a sign of a specific breed, it is a mutation.

Most often, this feature is inherent in white Angora cats, “British” cats, Devon Rex cats, Maine Coons and “Scottish cats”. The more expressive the color, the higher the cat is valued.

For your information! Breeders are trying to develop a breed for which heterochromia will be a permanent feature, without causing any side effects. A photograph of a snow-white cat with large dark eyes has gained immense popularity on the Internet. This is truly an amazing contrast of color, and even such expressiveness of cat eyes.

Breeders are trying to breed a breed with different colored eyes, but so far everything is in vain


These cats were bred a long time ago, but despite this, they remain at the peak of popularity. The Persian breed requires the pet to have long white hair, beautiful eyes and a stubborn character. In any situation, Persians remain calm and equanimous. If they don’t like the situation, person or animal, they hurry to retire to a secluded place. Don't think that these cats can be offended. They are capable of not only standing up for themselves, but also taking revenge on the offender for a long time. Persians are attached to one family member, whom they consider their master - they idolize him.

Scottish fold

The Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold cat is a very smart, calm and balanced animal, does not require serious care, is affectionate and loving. Their calling card is their thick, plush fur and large eyes with an amber tint.


Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

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