Dogs that don't bark - photos and brief description of the breed

Before you teach your dog not to bark at home, you must understand that it is a way for him to communicate, to convey his emotions, just like a voice is for a person. If a dog lives in a family for quite a long time, the owner determines by the intensity and volume of barking what exactly his pet wants. Therefore, you should not set a goal to completely stop your dog from barking in the house; you need to ensure that this happens only in justified situations.

Why do dogs bark?

Dogs never bark without a reason; you can always find an explanation for this:

  • Fear. Have you noticed that dogs are wildly afraid of sharp and intense sounds: thunder, sirens, screams.
  • Boredom. If a dog sits at home alone all day, it begins to get bored just like a person. But if you have the opportunity to find entertainment for yourself, then the dog has little choice - chew your shoes or bark heartily.
  • Fun. In this case, barking for dogs is a sign of delight and satisfaction. Dogs always bark if their owners start playing with them.
  • Wariness. Extraneous, unfamiliar sounds cause the dog to feel insecure, to which he responds with a loud bark. For example, a dog will definitely respond to a doorbell or knock if the neighbors start repairs.
  • Signal or manipulation. Barking for dogs is a way to attract attention, for example, if the pet wants to eat, drink, or is simply bored and wants to play.
  • Anger. You can observe a similar feeling when 2 dogs meet. In such a situation, barking is a way for dogs to prove their dominance.

All of the above emotions can visit a dog more than once a day, and of course, being in the vicinity of such a loud pet can drive you crazy. This is why it is so important to explain to your dog at a young age when barking is appropriate and when it is better to remain silent.

The importance of training

It was not for nothing that we started the article with problems arising due to random barking.
Some owners unwittingly encourage such behavior patterns themselves, and then do not know how to get rid of them. According to experts, the role of training is quite large: in principle, any dog ​​can be trained to vocalize only on command. The general advice is: never encourage behavior patterns that you don't want. Dogs constantly look back at their owners, constantly checking their watches with them. Seeing that certain of their actions do not receive rewards, they abandon these actions. However, a dog is a dog. As many fellow authors argue, you shouldn’t stop a dog from being a dog. Once you notice that your pet’s vocal abilities have noticeably failed, there is no need to delay a visit to the veterinarian.

Original: Why Doesn't My Dog Bark? Source: Photo:

What you definitely can't do

Let's start from the opposite, and first of all consider the mistakes that inexperienced dog owners often make:

  • Mutual abuse. Yelling at a dog when it barks at home does not mean calming it down, but rather egging it on even more. Especially when it comes to aggressive breeds, in whose blood it is to prove that you are right. If you decide to get a dog, be patient and learn to remain calm.
  • Training from case to case. You can train your dog not to bark at home only through regular training. If you only occasionally make comments, your pet simply won’t take them seriously or won’t remember them at all.
  • Physical violence. Beating is unacceptable in principle. First of all, this is not humane. Secondly, in this way you will not arouse in the dog a desire to obey, but will only develop fear and hidden aggression.
  • Remarks without explanation. If your pet starts barking, find out why he is doing it in the first place. Maybe he wants to play, or maybe robbers are trying to break into the house. Reproaches can simply discourage any desire to protect you, and you don’t want the dog to turn into a decorative ornament.
  • Don't follow your pet's lead. Dogs have a huge number of qualities that humans have, including cunning. If the dog tries to manipulate you and bark to beg for a piece of meat from the plate, do not give in under any circumstances. In the future he will do this kind of manipulation all the time.

If you can’t walk your dog on time, delegate it to the professionals.
A dog walker is not the neighbor’s child. This is a specialist who knows the dog’s psychology and knows how to anticipate difficult situations.

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If you want to teach your pet to be quiet, first carefully study behavioral tactics and training methods.

Early weaning

It is recommended to wean puppies from their mother in the third month. If you take the animal away earlier, you will have to put up with the consequences. For example, mental disorders develop. Socialization difficulties also appear.

The first month of life, the bitch nurses the babies. The dog cleans and feeds the cubs. Next comes education. An adult teaches small dogs how to behave.

The time from the third to the seventh week is socialization. Small four-legged animals learn to make sounds, study themselves and habits. Early separation from the mother and family leads to mental disorders in the animal. The animal experiences fear and stress. Socialization will happen later.

Also, the initial vaccination is done after a month. A puppy adopted before a month may die. Without relatives and a mother dog, it is more difficult for the dog to understand the hierarchy. The dog will behave harmfully, and it will be difficult to raise. Such a dog is disobedient, its actions and actions are unpredictable.

Food additives

To calm hyperactive pets that even a brisk walk does not help, you can use food supplements based on herbs and melatonin with a calming effect. Supplements are made on the basis of chamomile, valerian and other herbs, with the addition of melatonin, which suppresses the function of the gonads of animals. You can use drugs only after consulting a veterinarian.


A small puppy needs experience. Not having an adult dog around to bark creates difficulties. A child's bark sounds like a squeal. The baby attracts attention by making whining sounds.

The dog squeals when he is sick. The babies are shown to veterinarians. The dog can get sick and die. The doctor will determine the source causing the suffering.

Sometimes the little ones squeal, imitating the behavior of dogs. This is how you get to know the world. It takes time to adapt. Perhaps the vocal cords have not had time to develop.

By making a sound, a four-legged animal shows its character. Thanks to barking and squealing, the dog attracts attention. Individuals who are three months old begin to bark fully. The early sounds made by the baby resemble an adult bark. They make squeals and yelps.

Don't provoke barking

If your dog is afraid of a loud bell, change it. If you don't like the sound of the washing machine, turn it on when you go for a walk. The main mistake is to believe that the dog must fully comply with your desires, while he also has his own preferences, fears and needs.

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Laryngeal paralysis

An interesting condition in which the windpipe fails to open normally with each breath and instead obstructs part of the animal's airway is called laryngeal paralysis. In principle, this condition occurs in dogs of any breed, but is most common in Labrador retrievers. The condition, we note, is quite dangerous. It affects not only the dog’s ability to bark – the dog often cannot eat, drink or swallow normally. This requires the intervention of a veterinary surgeon. If you notice that your dog, who barked without any problems yesterday, has stopped doing so today, immediately show him to a specialist.

What to do if your dog barks when left alone

A fairly common problem is when the owner goes to work, and the dog annoys the neighbors with loud and incessant barking. To solve this problem, special means have been invented:

  • Anti-lay collars with citronella or lavender. Operating principle: the dog begins to bark, and from special capsules built into the collar, aroma oil begins to evaporate, the smell of which is unpleasant for dogs.
  • Ultrasonic collars. When a dog barks, the collar makes an unpleasant sound that dogs are afraid of.
  • Stun collars. They are triggered when the movements of the dog's larynx become more frequent. They don't hit hard, but it's unpleasant.

You can use any of the listed remedies only after consulting a veterinarian.

"Non-barking" breeds

The world of dog breeds is rich and diverse. There are breeds that “can’t” bark in principle, they only make various (sometimes quite funny) sounds. Other “quiet” breeds are well aware of what barking is, but they voice extremely rarely and reluctantly. By the way, scientists are still at a loss as to why some breeds (for example, Basenji) never “learned” to bark. But we wouldn’t consider Basenjis to be completely quiet – their vocal arsenal is quite rich. They howl and whine and make other unusual sounds that we cannot even accurately characterize. It’s better, as they say, to listen once. We also recommend that you read our publications on here are links to the first and second articles on the topic.

Causes of voice loss

Since a dog's voice is primarily a function of its vocal apparatus, or larynx, any problem in this organ of the body can result in a loss of the ability to produce sound. Other problems arising from other organs that carry air through the voice box can also negatively affect sound production. Let's take a closer look at the possible reasons why your dog may be losing his voice.

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  1. Laryngitis . Brachycephalic dogs or breeds with short muzzles are very prone to laryngeal inflammation. While an upper respiratory tract infection may be the number one cause of laryngitis, it can also be caused by other factors, such as direct irritation of the lining of the voice box. This may be due to the presence of foreign objects, irritant gas, dust or even smoke. Allergies, kennel cough, and canine distemper can also cause inflammation of the larynx.
  2. Laryngeal paralysis is a condition most common in older large breed dogs and is characterized by wheezing and weakening of the cortex. The vocal cords may become swollen, paralyzed, and sticky, making breathing difficult. Sometimes surgery is required to solve the problem.
  3. Collapse of the larynx . A severe condition, laryngeal collapse is a life-threatening form of airway obstruction in which the cartilage of the larynx breaks down and blocks the dog's airway, and will of course cause the dog to lose his voice. Immediate medical attention is needed and surgical treatment, possibly including a tracheotomy, may be required.
  4. Excessive use of the vocal cords. There are dogs that bark all day and all night. Unfortunately, this also puts more strain on the vocal cords. We must always remember that the "voice" is due to the movement of air in and out through these vocal cords. Over time, the tissues of the vocal cords, as well as the various structures of the larynx, can weaken so that they no longer function as effectively as before. This may also cause the dog to change his bark or voice, but he won't necessarily lose his voice completely.
  5. Laryngeal injury or airway obstruction . Any trauma to a dog's neck, penetrating or non-penetrating, can cause swelling of the dog's larynx. Any swelling can interfere with the normal, efficient movement of air through the vocal cords, causing the dog to lose his voice. Using a choke collar can also damage your voice box. Any obstruction in the airway, such as from the bronchi and trachea, can also cause a dog to lose his voice. These can be tumors that grow in the trachea or the larynx itself. Your dog may also swallow an object large enough to get stuck in his throat. Even bits of dog treats stuck in the back of the throat can interfere with the movement of air through the vocal cords.
  6. Cough . While coughing does not directly cause your dog to lose his voice, prolonged coughing can make him hoarse, which can reduce his ability to bark. Cough is characterized by a prolonged, severe cough. The disorder usually resolves on its own, although antibiotics may relieve symptoms.

And among dogs there are silent ones

There are breeds of dogs that are not at all inclined to bark. For example, the African Basenji hunting dog. These dogs are generally unique - not only do they not bark, their paw shape is even different from other dogs - the pads of the two central toes of the Basenji are fused at the base, like those of jackals. In addition to this breed, English shepherds and greyhounds very rarely bark, and you won’t often hear sounds reminiscent of it from Shar-Peis. If you get a puppy of an unknown breed, check to see if he is one of these silent ones.

Silent breeds are not mute. They can express their emotions by growling, squealing, snorting and even howling.


The Scottish Sheepdog, or collie, gained popularity after the TV series Lassie. The voice of a beautiful collie can only be heard when it is necessary to tell the owner something important. A light, intelligent, graceful dog with long, silky hair and a fox-like muzzle.

The animal gets along well with children and is suitable for active families as a companion. Easy to train. Requires special coat care and high-quality food to avoid skin problems.

The height of males is 56-61 centimeters, females - 51-56 centimeters, weight - 19-34 kilograms. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Collies require active walks without a leash; the dog can easily cover three kilometers a day.

Russian greyhound

Graceful, beautiful, photogenic, quiet and generally well behaved dog. The Russian greyhound is inextricably linked with Russian history; it was admired by emperors, princes, the nobility and village landowners. She is a permanent participant in dog hunts, which were organized not only by the royal court, but also by the nobility of the provincial cities.

The animal is distinguished by amazing changes in behavior when changing activities. If in the field she is very active, gambling, even to the point of aggression at the sight of prey, then at home she is ready to lead a passive lifestyle, sitting comfortably at the feet of the owner. A distinctive feature of the greyhound is that it will not try to please its owner and prefers partnerships.

The height of males is 75-85 centimeters, females - 68-78 centimeters, weight - 27-55 kilograms. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Recommended for experienced pet owners who have the opportunity to actively walk their dogs.

What to do

If you've noticed that your dog has been going quiet lately, there's a good chance he may need veterinary attention. But before you take your dog to the vet, it's often wise to check for other symptoms.

You may look for signs of difficulty breathing or even a wheezing noise from his breathing. Snorts? Have you seen your dog having difficulty swallowing food? Have you noticed that your dog is constantly breaking out his nose or even his mouth? How about tucking your tail or wheezing? Have you checked your dog's throat for foreign objects? What about your dog's body temperature? Elevated temperature is almost always a good indicator of inflammation and resulting loss of voice.

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Your veterinarian can help you determine the exact cause of your dog's voice loss. He will run several diagnostic tests and order several laboratory tests. He will also conduct a thorough assessment of your dog's health and medical history, as well as a focused physical assessment of your dog's throat and related organ systems.

Depending on the exact cause of the problem, your veterinarian may recommend appropriate antibiotics if there is an infection. If not, then an anti-inflammatory medication can be prescribed to reduce the severity of the inflammation. If there is an obstruction, it may have to be removed by surgery or other means, depending on the size of the stuck object. If the problem is related to other health problems such as autoimmune disorders, hypothyroidism or even tumors, then these need to be addressed first as voice loss is only a consequence of any of these conditions.

A dog losing his voice may simply mean that the tissues in his voice box have reached their limit and need to rest first. However, it can also signal a much more serious health problem. Having your dog checked by a veterinarian will really help.

How dogs reproduce their “voice”

Although we are not sure whether it is appropriate to call the process of sound production in dogs phonation for the simple reason that it is closely related to the human ability to produce intelligible sounds, the processes involved are generally the same. It's important to study how dogs make sounds to understand how they can lose their "voice."

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At the back of the throat of dogs there is an area called the larynx. This is very similar to what humans have. The larynx is also aptly called the “voice box” due to its primary role in the production of voice or sounds. But the larynx is involved in more than just voice production. It also serves as a protective mechanism for the airway or trachea so that food does not pass through this tube and cause breathing problems.

The larynx is made up of vocal cords, cartilage, muscles, and other tissues. The vocal cords open, allowing air to enter the dog's windpipe and lungs. It also closes when the dog swallows food to prevent food from going into the trachea. The vocal cords are important for voice production. The vibrations they produce are necessary to create sound. Vibrations are created by the movement of air from the external environment through the mouth and pharynx or throat and from the lungs through the respiratory tract. The pressure of air passing through the voice box opens and closes the vocal cords, producing sound.

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