Why do dogs wallow in rotten meat, carrion and excrement?

Very often, novice dog breeders are perplexed by the fact that their dogs are lying around in rotten meat. When a dog appeared in our house, we also had to deal with a phenomenon that was strange for us at that time. Next I will tell you how it happened.

It so happened that my friends and I almost simultaneously acquired small tailed tomboys of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. Here they are. On the left is our Jack, smiling, and on the right, his childhood friend Veter is sniffing a flower.

One day, when our little critters were already about 6 months old, we were all walking together in the yard of the house. At some point, literally for a few seconds, the Wind disappeared from our field of vision.

The picture of his appearance was impressive: covered from head to toe in some kind of muck, a dead crow in his teeth, and an incredible trail of “perfume” from this entire artistic “composition.” And most importantly - a contented and cunning face with a smile to the very tips of Russell's ears.

We stood in shock for a couple of seconds. Then, of course, they tried to catch him in order to completely “throw him into the washing machine.” But this “arrogant red face” so deftly climbed under a car standing nearby and, in addition, as it seemed to him, to add to his fashionable “outfit”, began to eat this bird. We only managed to drive him out from under the car with a stick.

My Ju stood calmly and indifferently watched what was happening. And I thought: what a neat little Jackusik I have, a good and obedient boy. I didn’t become like a friend and didn’t bother with this rotten stuff.

But that was not the case. Literally the very next day my shilopop did almost the same thing, finding a huge pile of shit under a tree!

After this, I began to wonder why dogs roll around in rotten meat? What is the reason for this phenomenon and how to wean your pet from this habit. After all, very often dogs like to sleep in the same bed with their owner, and you must admit, it will not be at all pleasant if at the same time a nasty smell emanates from the pet. In addition, garbage and rotten meat contain a lot of bacteria.

Dogs roll around in smelly stuff to pretend to be someone else.

Another version of scientists is as follows. When canids roll around in the excrement of other predators (like bears or cougars), they pretend to be something more dangerous.

Max Allen, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin, studied gray foxes. And I discovered that these animals regularly visit areas marked by cougars to rub against the marks. Allen suggested that this helps foxes avoid encounters with coyotes. They say that the smell of a cougar gives the fox the opportunity to hide from a coyote, who would attack the fox, but does not dare to pursue the cougar.

But wolves are quite successful and large predators, so why should they use other people’s scents?

Several reasons why dogs roll in rotten meat

In our world, several species of individuals can exist simultaneously under the same conditions. People often observe animals, insects, birds and other living organisms. Often their behavior may seem quite strange and raise a number of questions. I wonder why dogs roll around in rotten meat? When do they do this? What can be associated with such an unusual reaction? It's worth looking into this in more detail.

Why do dogs love to wallow in rotten meat? This question was of interest to our ancestors. First of all, they associated this with pungent odors. As you know from the anatomy course, the sense of smell in animals is several times better developed than in any person. What seems disgusting to us, on the contrary, is very attractive to them. This is a kind of perfume that dogs enjoy. Thus, it is not difficult to guess why they do this. They experience great pleasure from such smells.

It is worth noting that they also have the opposite effect: from smells that a person feels pleasure from (perfume, air fresheners, deodorant and other strong aromas), the dog develops a feeling of disgust, and they immediately try to run away to another place. They may also begin to sneeze, wash their faces, and shake their heads.

Veterinarians managed to find out another reason why dogs roll around in rotten meat. In their opinion, they only do this during periods when they are in a state of deep stress. Thus, they try to “bury themselves” from various problems. For example, this happens during periods of illness, when the dog experiences separation from its owner or another individual. In addition, symptoms such as worse sleep, worse appetite, and decreased activity may occur.

What to do in such a situation? It is recommended to show extra attention to your pet! Try to pet him more, play and go for walks. Perhaps the animal has a favorite treat, for example, a crispy bone, why not please your beloved dog with such a gift?

Why do dogs wallow in rotten meat? As a rule, this behavior is characteristic only of dogs of the hunting breed. This is often due to the fact that they have nowhere to put their energy. What to do in such a situation? Of course, you need to take care of the dog: train him and play with him.

Why do dogs wallow in rotten meat? As mentioned earlier, this question has worried people since ancient times. Previously, zoologists associated this reaction with the instinct of self-preservation. Each dog is an absolutely individual creature, with its own habits, characteristics and body structure. They, just like humans, have their own smell, by which other individuals recognize them. An adult dog knows perfectly well that other dogs can “track” him. Accordingly, he will wallow in slop, dirt and puddles in order to lead the enemy astray and mask his smell. It is worth noting that this turns out quite successfully!

A dog can roll around not only in rotten meat, but also on the asphalt, in the sand and anywhere. This is due to the fact that she experiences severe itching. Thus, she tries to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Most often this happens during the molting period, when the old fur comes off and new hair comes out. You can associate this process with the detection of red spots or wounds. If the reason for such strange behavior of the animal is connected precisely with this, then you need to try to eliminate it by giving an antiseptic drug. When choosing medicine for your pet, you should pay attention to its age, breed and weight category. It is recommended to additionally use the services of a veterinarian.


All dogs can do this. But if they directly attack people or children, then this is already a problem. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Little age. Since childhood, puppies, while playing, bite each other and their toys. Since he considers the owner a member of his pack, he will grab you with his teeth. Stop it from the start and don't let him play with your hands or feet.
  2. Bad manners. The main reason for an animal’s aggression is that they did not educate and train it or made mistakes. Remember that he is not a toy and you are responsible for him.
  3. Natural predisposition. Some dog breeds are naturally aggressive. Therefore, they require careful training or even consultation with a dog handler. In addition to hunting and service breeds, puppies born in enclosures are predisposed to this.

Dogs don't just bite. This requires serious reasons. She reacts this way to how she is treated, so we need to take retraining very seriously. Gradually, you need to restore trust in a person. But a puppy and an adult dog must be trained in their own way.

If a puppy bites

It is easier to raise a puppy than a “seasoned” dog. As children, they are all active and have rapidly changing moods. The main thing is that this does not carry over into adulthood. Therefore, use these tips:

Distract yourself with a game. They are like children, so they need to have a lot of toys. If he tries to bite you, give him a ball. Over time, he will remember that you can only bite him and there will be no more problems. Punish. You cannot punish a puppy until 3 months old. And then don’t spank him with your hand, take a newspaper for this. Use the commands "ugh!" and “you can’t!” with a light punishment if your pet tries to bite you. Very soon he will remember and won’t do it again. Ignore

If your pet starts biting during play, immediately stop paying attention to him and go to another room. He must understand: after a bite, the game stops

Educate and train. The puppy must show its instincts, but not to the detriment of the owner. Teach him to always be calm, taking into account the breed of your pet. He must know his place. If you tried to “cheat”, send him there.

Reward your dog for obedience with some kind of treat. Immediately try to subjugate him. This will not harm your friendly relationship. Become an authority for him. And gradually the puppy will grow into an obedient dog.

If an adult dog bites

Many owners of four-legged pets simply forget about training. When a dog grows up, it turns out that it bites. And this can happen during a carefree game. Therefore, avoid repeating the situation that led to the conflict. Let him know that you are unpleasant and hurt. Dogs love their owners and their family members very much, so they will correct themselves very quickly.

Love and patience will help correct any “flaw” of your four-legged pet. Remember that it is better to tame and train a puppy than an adult dog. This is man's closest friend - understanding and loving us. As a last resort, do not be afraid to contact specialists - dog handlers and veterinarians.

The dog whines in the absence of its owners

There is nothing worse when a dog howls or whines under the doors, throws tantrums when he is left alone at home. The problem needs to be solved gradually.

To begin with, you can teach him to lock the dog in one of the rooms. Close the door and don't pay attention if he scratches the door or whines. After a while, open the door, scold your pet and give the forbidden command in a stern tone. You can lightly lift your pet by the scruff of the neck and slap him on the rump with a newspaper.

Once the dog calms down, praise him. Don't constantly run to your dog when he starts to tantrum and don't teach him to reward him with treats. The dog will quickly understand that whining is an effective means of attracting attention and getting treats. Repeat the exercise several times a day, increasing the time amplitude until you achieve results. If the dog starts whining as soon as you leave the house, come back and scold the dog. Give the command “Get in place!” and take him to the litter.

Do the same when leaving home. So that the dog doesn't get bored:

  • Leave a bone, toys, teeth sharpeners.
  • Before leaving, organize a long active walk and engage in training.
  • Feed before leaving. A tired and well-fed dog will sleep and rest when you leave home.
  • When leaving the dog alone, give the command “Place”. As soon as your pet goes to his bed, reward him.

Behavior of a dog owner during mating

Mating or mating is the process of mating dogs of different sexes with the aim of fertilizing the bitch and subsequently producing offspring.

The Russian Canine Federation recommends mating dogs once a year. As an exception, pregnancy is allowed 2 times a year, with an interval of 6 months and with the condition that the third mating is carried out no earlier than after 12 months.

If you read specialized literature, you can find out that the ideal time for mating is 11-15 days from the start of estrus. But there are some nuances here. The time of year, the size of the dogs, the ambient temperature - all this affects what day a bitch can be bred. For example, in winter, a dog may be ready to mate on the 9th day.

So, before bringing dogs together, you need to introduce them on neutral territory. Actually, the mating process itself should take place only in the territory of the dog. But before this event, the dog must be walked, not fed. It is advisable to give the “groom” and “bride” time to run around and play together. If the pets are of a small breed, then it is advisable to keep them in an apartment.

In order not to miss the 1st day of estrus, an attentive owner should wipe the genitals of his pet every day. In this case, he will know exactly what day to schedule a “date” and when to hook up with a potential “groom”.

In order for the young to be born healthy and strong, the whelping bitch is exempted from various types of competitions, normal guard duties and physical activity. The potential “mother” should be well-fed, peaceful, and content.

It is advisable for the pet owner to pay attention to how to behave when mating dogs. Under no circumstances should you try to separate them, even if an unplanned mating has begun. The fact is that this is physiologically impossible, and attempts to separate animals that are in a state of lock can result in injuries to their genitals

The fact is that this is physiologically impossible, and attempts to separate animals that are in a state of lock can result in injuries to their genitals.

There should be no unnecessary noise or other irritants in the place where dogs are planned to be crossed. Being in a state of readiness for mating, animals often begin to behave much more timidly and aggressively than usual. Dog owners should also remain as calm as possible so that the dogs do not become nervous and inadvertently harm each other. It is advisable to carry out mating in the male dog's territory.

Sometimes dogs are mated without gluing, as they say. But such mating is considered unsuccessful.

The successful mating time depends on the female's cycle. The most suitable period is considered to be after the third heat has begun. For example, if the first two heats lasted from 26 to 28 days, then days from 14 to 18 are optimal for mating for the third heat.

The first mating experience is very stressful for dogs.

It is important to understand that bonding can occur not only due to fertilization, but also due to the female’s fear. If she is afraid and is being held forcibly, then a canine knot will occur, but fertilization will not occur. Dogs will experience severe pain

This may cause fear before the next mating. Therefore, a correctly structured first mating process is very important.

Dogs will experience severe pain. This may cause fear before the next mating. Therefore, a correctly structured first mating process is very important.

If you do not have experience in breeding dogs, then you should seek the help of breeding instructors who will help you do everything correctly.

Rolling around in stinking muck is a way to convey information to relatives

This is another version. According to her, wolves, for example, roll around in odorous substances to tell their relatives where they have been. And Erich Klinghammer, the creator of the Wolf Park, suggests that wallowing in the muck is a message to other members of the pack: “there is so much delicious stuff out there!”

For example, scientists have observed how wolves, having discovered large prey, not only eat it, but also rub, roll around, etc. And, perhaps, they let their friends know that there is something to profit from where they came from.

Hyenas also swing in the carrion - after this, their relatives show them active signs of attention.

Ethiopian wolves also like to roll on the ground after a meal. However, they are not averse to using human excrement as “spirits”.

What other versions are there?

And this is not all hypotheses!

Veterinarian and animal behaviorist Stanley Koren believes that dogs try to stand out with such behavior. Like people wearing bright clothes.

Muriel Brasseur, a spokesman for the Center for the Study of Animal Behavior in Oxford, believes that wallowing in muck gives dogs a strong rush of dopamine, the “satisfaction hormone.” So not only are they echoes of survival behavior, but... just plain fun!

However, this does not make it any easier for dog owners. But, since we have fallen in love with dogs, we must continue to love them even when they are dirty. And smelly. Wash and love. Such is the fate of a dog owner.

Or maybe animals rub against someone else's scent to leave their own?

Max Allen's version is not shared by another scientist, the British Stephen Harris (University of Bristol). He is convinced that the animal’s goal is not to collect other people’s smells, but to spread its own. And an unfamiliar scent simply stimulates dogs to rub against the same places in order to leave their own marks there.

However, when dogs roll around in “smelly places,” they rarely limit themselves to leaving their scent. They fall out so much that your whole body smells! So this version also does not look completely convincing. In any case, it does not explain all cases.

If your dog has been lying around in carrion, what can you do to get rid of the smell?

Why does my dog's breath smell like rotten meat?

If the owner neglected to take care of his pet, then he needs to wash it as soon as possible. This is done not only to get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also to prevent infection with diseases. Upon arrival home, the dog should be completely washed using a special shampoo and dried with a towel. This measure should not be neglected, because sooner or later everything can affect the health of the animal.

Important! Some dogs smear themselves with their own feces, urine and rotten meat to ward off parasites such as ticks, spiders or fleas.

You need to bathe an animal immediately after wallowing in rot.

Opinion of zoopsychologists

Animal psychologists have recently expressed their opinions about this behavior in pets. They suggested that dogs use carrion and feces to emphasize their individual nature. In comparison with people, this is explained much better. Everyone has their favorite scents, but the scents pets prefer don't always match people's preferences. Just as owners use perfume to stand out, dogs smear themselves in rotten meat to have their own unique scent.

Even the smell of fresh fish can lure your pet

Thus, it was explained why the dog rolls around in excrement, cow dung, rotten and fresh fish and carrion. It is almost impossible to wean an animal from such habits, but you can limit its actions and monitor the dog.

Features of a dog's sense of smell

A dog, lying in dead meat, wants to confirm its individuality

A dog's sense of smell differs from the human sense of smell in the subtlety and peculiarity of the perception of odors. What causes a gag reflex in people is better than French perfume for pets. Trying to rid the dog of its natural scent, owners use pet cosmetics with what they consider to be a pleasant smell. True, dogs do not always perceive this with understanding and take measures to smell fragrant as they see fit.

Precautionary measures

Your dog's eyes are watering: why and what to do

To prevent wallowing in rotten meat, you should follow some rules:

  • The dog must always be on a short leash. She will not be able to go wherever she wants and do whatever she wants;
  • It is not advisable to walk near trash cans, landfills and other areas with a high content of rotten matter on the ground;
  • It is worth regularly treating your pet's fur for fleas and ticks.

For your information! If wild dogs are released into a reserve, they regularly begin to fall out in carrion and excrement. Strangely, workers do not identify this with a defensive reaction or the beginning of a hunt.

What does toy sharing mean?

This is another way dogs express their love. If your dog brings you a tattered toy, it may mean more than an invitation to play. Undoubtedly, your pet’s old, battered tennis ball is of no interest to you, much less valuable, but his willingness to share his most precious possessions with you is a sign of true and deep affection.

When your dog really loves you, he will often bring his favorite toy. This desire to share her things with a person whom she completely trusts is a clear example of a dog’s love.

How to get rid of a bad habit

The dog is drooling: why does excessive salivation appear?
It is impossible to completely get rid of this, since everything is inherent in the instincts of the animal. Previously, wolves, from which dogs originated, smeared themselves in rotten meat to increase the chances of attacking their prey. This was required for survival and adequate nutrition. All this has passed on to pets.

Despite this, you can prevent such cases by being attentive to your pet. Often the reasons lie in existing fleas or other parasites. Sometimes the dog is not bathed for a long time or it is done with low-quality products. In any case, you need:

  • change cosmetic care products;
  • check nutritional balance;
  • monitor the condition of the dog's coat.

Dogs are attracted to feces due to ancient instincts

Start with yourself

Pets perfectly “feel” their owners, their emotions and experiences. The natural purpose of a four-legged animal is to make its owner happy. You may not believe it, but the howl and barking of the ward is a tool for maintaining the owner’s comfort. You cannot stop a dog from howling in the absence of its owners; you yourself experience discomfort when leaving your home. Thus, you give your ward a reason to think that he must protect you from the outside world... he cannot do this and is “hysterical” from hopelessness and excitement. For example, if getting ready for work takes a long time or you check several times whether the iron is turned off. Signs that your pet is trying to keep you comfortable:

The dog tries to run out the front door in front of you.

The dog grabs your clothes or bag in an attempt to prevent you from leaving.

When you go out the door, listen - if you immediately start barking and howling, your pet is rushing around the apartment, trying to sniff the air in the gap between the door and the wall - he is clearly worried about you, and not for himself.

Why do dogs love the smell of excrement?

Another version suggests that the dog wants to convey information that something happened to him while he was on the street.

Animals roll around in excrement and rotten meat because:

  • They consider the stench a pleasant smell and get pleasure from it. To be convinced, just look at your little bob’s happy face when he “bathes” in a stinking pile;
  • trying to get rid of the floral-fruity aromas of pet shampoos. It is useless to explain to a dog that the smell of chamomile is better than feces;
  • express great excitement, for example, after going to the veterinary clinic. An experienced dog may become nervous on the way there, because he knows that injections and other troubles are unlikely to be avoided;
  • trying to relieve skin itching from changing coats during shedding.

The strange behavior of dogs is best explained by their instinct for camouflage. The wild ancestors of these animals did exactly this when they were going to hunt: they rolled around in fetid heaps, because the natural smell of a predator frightens the prey even at a distance, and the stench of dead meat does not cause concern.

How to eliminate bad odor from mouth

The dog’s mouth stinks, what needs to be done: the best option is a full diagnostic examination and therapy. Some owners of four-legged animals prefer to get rid of the stench using alternative medicine methods.

Changing teeth

Traditional methods for eliminating unpleasant odors

The smell of rot can be suppressed with the help of plants:

  • Chopped parsley leaves can be added to your pet's daily food or given as whole leaves of the plant. Many animals enjoy chewing grass, and its juices completely neutralize bad odors.
  • Parsley rinse - the leaves are added to boiling water, infused and filtered. After cooling, it is used for its intended purpose.

Important! Parsley is not harmful to health and is a safe medicinal plant.

At the veterinary clinic

In advanced cases, when the smell of rotten meat cannot be stopped on your own, a consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. The specialist will conduct a full examination and prescribe symptomatic therapy. Cleaning of molars, canines and incisors is carried out using ultrasound - it does not cause pain and can be performed under sedation or anesthesia.

Important! If there are any pathologies, your pet will be prescribed medications.

Is it possible to wean

The problem cannot be completely eliminated, but the pet’s behavior can be corrected.

  • When walking your hunting dog, avoid landfills and trash. Find yourself an open area, away from houses, otherwise the natural instinct of the hunter will win, and you will bring home a stinker. If this is not possible, walk your dog strictly on a leash.
  • If during a walk your dog regularly looks for mud, puddles, or simply rolls around in the grass and on the ground, change your animal care products. Choose an unscented shampoo so as not to irritate your pet's sense of smell.
  • If your dog begins to shed, comb the fur thoroughly so that the animal has no reason to take care of its own hygiene. Also regularly treat for parasites.
  • If wallowing in excrement is simply a bad habit, try to switch the animal to more useful activities. More physical activity, joint games, training - all this will help distract the dog from pointless running around and searching for dirt. In the same way, you can relieve your animal of stress.

Instinct or bad habit

Man tamed the dog almost 14 thousand years ago, and since then the four-legged companion has faithfully served his master. It seems that during this time the dog should have already lost the habit of ancient habits, but it is precisely the love for dirt that proves the opposite. The more smelly, the better for the dog: this is how his ancestors once masked their own smell when going hunting. Why do dogs roll around in rotten meat today, since they no longer need to get their food in wild forests? There are different assumptions:

  • Instinct. Still, this is the first and more plausible version. Watch your pet, he is probably looking for other people's feces and happily smears himself with them. Previously, when going out to hunt, the wolf would fall out in the excrement of its potential prey. The need for hunting, of course, has disappeared for the modern dog, but the love for pungent odors remains. The dog may not like perfume or the smell of spices, but the aroma of grass, rotten meat and the excrement of other animals are the most pleasant aromas for him. Experienced dog breeders will tell you that hunting breeds have a special love for dirt.
  • The desire to stand out. Oddly enough, fetid odors are more pleasant to the dog itself than the aromatic shampoos with which the owner washes his pet. Synthetic aromas can irritate the sense of smell, which is why the animal tries to get rid of them. A person buys perfume for himself, wanting to inhale a pleasant smell, and for the same reason a dog rolls around in rotten meat and excrement. If you watch your dog, you will probably see that it is not all dirt that attracts him, but certain stench. Another confirmation of the love for unpleasant odors is the instinct to mark territory with urine. Herbivores, by the way, even urinate on their food, and only then start eating.

  • Seasonal shedding. Rolling on the ground, the animal seems to comb itself out on its own, getting rid of the hair that falls out. At the same time, the dog looks for relatively clean places, not garbage dumps. In this case, it is most convenient to roll on grass or dirt so that the adhering dirt does not knock the wool into clumps.
  • Getter instinct. Zoologists have long been trying to establish the true cause of the strange behavior of dogs and conduct various experiments. American scientists have developed a theory that by wallowing in rotten meat and excrement, the animal is trying to tell loved ones about something important. Wolves are pack creatures. The task of each of them is to find prey and lead the others to it. An experiment was conducted: a wolf in a zoo was fed spicy food for a long time, and then released into an enclosure with other animals. Smelling a new smell, the rest of the flock began to follow the “fragrant” fellow on the heels, thinking that it would lead them to a place with food. If your pet regularly rolls around in carrion, think, maybe he calls you, as his closest ones, to a place where he can eat?
  • Stress. Mud baths help a person calm his nerves. Dogs are looking for a place where they can hide from an unpleasant situation. By camouflaging, the dog protects itself from the outside world.

Best answers

Lyubov Jung: This means that your dog has a highly developed hunting instinct. Going out for a walk, she will definitely find something to fall on (disguises herself before the “attack”), and then boldly goes for a walk (of course she was going to “hunt”)! You just walk back and forth, and the dog went about his business.

SLikKo: that's why she's a dog. and her life is a dog.

va: This is perfume for them!

Irishka Bunny: The fleas have eaten it and it’s toiling))))))))

Arhont: This is how dogs hide their own scent. It's like using eau de toilette or perfume for people!

ROKETS: this is like a hunter - it takes away its smell with other aromas like rotten fish or even worse, practically nothing can be done about it - just a leash

Oksana Nazarova: dogs perform such tricks to reduce their scent - an ancient instinct is triggered - so that the potential victim does not smell them

and one more thing... in an apartment where perfumes and all sorts of freshening deodorants are used liberally - dogs will try to find carrion and fall out much more often and more actively

ElvA: she doesn’t like her smell, so she removes it.

Valeria:):Hunter. This way it gets rid of its smell. If this happens, you should think about her upbringing, because hunting is the job of the leader.

Unknown Unknown: What breed? Can mask your smell

shefas torins: So that the owner doesn’t get bored)))

Valentina Best: Here are a few more versions of why dogs love to wallow in carrion and poop) ) choose which one you like best When we see that our pet dog is lying around in excrement or carrion, any owner can’t stand it. In fact, this behavior also has a lot to do with communication. Applying a scent to your body by rubbing (not necessarily carrion or excrement) is called the tergor reaction. It is known among many species of mammals, and not only among carnivores, but also among rodents, ungulates and others. The tergor response is inherited and not developed during the learning process. . What is the biological meaning of the tergor reaction? One of the functions is olfactory mimicry, that is, imitation of another object. For dogs, this function can be considered an atavism. Its wild ancestors could use the scent of other animals to sneak up on their prey unnoticed. Sometimes predators apply strongly attractive substances to themselves, for example musk (the secretion of the musk glands, produced in some species of rodents, carnivores, and ungulates, has a very attractive effect on many species of animals). Now they not only disguise themselves as other species, but also actively attract prey. The second function is food information for relatives. Applying the scent of carrion to oneself can help other individuals find their way to a food source. There are known cases when, after sniffing a dog that had returned from carrion, other dogs found food in its tracks. The third assumption is that the dog is not trying to absorb all the stench, but is trying to cover it with its own smell. Indeed, dogs sometimes roll on a new mattress, a new rug in front of the door - anything that they would like to mark with their scent. They often rub against people in order to leave a trace of their scent and mark the person as a member of the pack. It can also be assumed that animals get a special pleasure from the smell of a substance, then they begin to rub, trying to apply it to their body. This can be compared to the behavior of people who like to wear flashy, tasteless clothes. And finally, another function of the tergor reaction, from my point of view, is doubtful - antiparasitic. It turns out that by applying odorous substances (including sewage) to itself, a dog can get rid of fleas and other estoparasites.

Gennady Shelest: For camouflage purposes.

Sasha: these are necrophilic dogs

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