Bull Terrier dog (70 photos): character, why it is dangerous, how it treats children and pets

Miniature Bull Terrier puppies!

Litter starting with the letter "F" kennel "Iz Constellation Adomas" mini bull terriers! TWO GIRLS AND A MALE ARE AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATION!

Birthday 11/12/2021


07/21/2021 miniature bull terrier puppies were born, litter starting with the letter “T”!!!!


All puppies on the link: >>> VIEW

Dad: Ansgar Freya Walter for the Adomas Constellation!


Junior Champion of Russia Junior Champion of RKF

Mom: Lori'El from the Adomas Constellation!

LITTER "P" miniature bull terrier puppies!!!

All puppies are sold!

Pippi from the Constellation of Adomas (3.5 months)!

Birthday: 08/14/2019 minibuli puppies were born!

History of the Bull Terrier breed

The Bull Terrier breed was bred in the mid-19th century as a fighting breed. Bulldogs, terriers and Dalmatians also participated in the development of this breed. From terriers, bull terriers inherited mobility and speed of reaction; from Dalmatians, intelligence and the ability to withstand prolonged physical activity.

But the bull terrier inherited its main quality, stubbornness, from the English bulldog, and this will have to be taken into account in the first months of the puppy’s life, as soon as it comes to learning commands.

This dog was bred as a companion dog, as a rat hunter, as a fighting dog, but there is no malice towards humans in it.

  • Rumors about the evil of bull terriers began in the 90s, when in Russia this breed was made a symbol of prestige in the criminal world.
  • Illegal nurseries appeared and breeding rules were violated.
  • Professional breeders have spent the last 20 years trying to return the breed to its nobility.
  • The efforts were not in vain; today the bull terrier is a faithful friend and assistant to man.

How much does a bull terrier cost and its classification?

To determine the cost of dogs, a standard classification is used:

  1. Show class.
  2. Breeding class.
  3. Pet class.

The most expensive and outstanding animals fall into the first group. Puppies from such a litter are called purebred. They are promised an impeccable future as a champion and participation in international exhibitions. The cost of luxury bull terriers in Russia is about 60 thousand rubles and more .

The second class consists of puppies without a remarkable pedigree, but not at all deprived of health and promising data. They are also capable of participating in exhibitions in the future, winning titles and championship titles. Prices for such babies are set at 40-50 thousand rubles .

The last group of puppies is not distinguished by outstanding data and future championship. Budget pets costing from 20 to 40 thousand rubles are also unique. Such representatives of the breed are able to live a long and active life, no worse than elite dogs.

Often breeders sell dogs that are older than usual. Bull Terriers aged 4 to 6 months are more expensive than small puppies. Prices for grown specimens start from 40 thousand rubles . However, in this case, the issue of the price of each candidate is decided individually.

Training and physical characteristics of the breed

The stubborn little puppy does not understand the command the first time, he will understand the second, third, fifth. But, due to his stubbornness, he will remember her for a long time. Treats help to cope with stubbornness, and bull terriers have an excellent appetite.

A standard bull terrier, depending on its weight, can eat up to a kilogram of food per day; a miniature bull terrier eats a little less.

How a bull terrier eats food is not a sight for the faint of heart. From the photo of a bull terrier you can see how impressive their jaws are, but they are not a threat to humans.

There are dogs that serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and actually participate in combat missions to rescue people from the rubble. In such service, the bull terrier is helped by very strong muscles; its development is an obligatory element of the dog’s upbringing and an ordinary walk is not enough.

Car tires are often used in CrossFit as additional weights, but when you combine a tire with a leash, it becomes an ideal exercise machine for a bull terrier.

A bull terrier can carry a 15-kilogram tire for at least an hour. If you add a second one, the load will become heavier than the athlete himself, but the dog’s tenacity knows no bounds. Don’t think that the dog doesn’t like it, bull terriers are happy to pull sleds, or individual skiers as part of the skijoring championship.

Places for sale of bull terrier puppies

It is possible to buy a first-class baby from a qualified nursery.
Be sure to ask for all documents, a medical card, and study the puppy’s pedigree. When choosing a pet, carefully observe it: what is its activity and curiosity. The pet should have a good appetite and good weight. In addition, you can buy a friend through an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet, as well as at the poultry market. These options do not always guarantee that the animal is healthy, has a good pedigree, etc. It is worth remembering: a purebred bull terrier is quite difficult to find from a private person.

Character and interaction with children

Those who want to get themselves a bull terrier, but are afraid that he will destroy the whole apartment, should simply choose the calmest puppy; even among representatives of this breed there are phlegmatic and melancholic people.

  • Some dogs behave so calmly that they don’t even bark when someone comes to visit and greet strangers completely calmly.
  • The Bull Terrier sincerely loves people, but he also needs personal space, so even in the smallest apartment he should have his own refuge.
  • A cage may be suitable for these purposes, so that no one will disturb him, so that he can have privacy.

The pet's second favorite place is most often the sofa, where he happily spends time with his owners or children. Bull Terriers get along well with children, they even do homework together; the thirst for knowledge is in their genes.

In the 19th century, white bull terriers were the most popular breed among Oxford students and teachers. If they also cleaned up their fur, this breed would be ideal.

Breed standard

The Miniature Bull Terrier looks muscular and well-balanced, has a strong build and an intelligent look. The peculiarity is that the head is ovoid in shape, the muzzle is lowered down. The nose is black, the nostrils are open. Dry lips fit tightly to each other. The lower jaw is powerful, the teeth are strong and white, with a scissor bite.

The dog looks at the world with narrow, triangular, slightly slanted eyes of black or dark brown color. The look is piercing. Small thin ears are located close to each other and stand upright, the ends pointing upward.

The muscular arched neck flows into the body with pronounced curvature of the ribs. The back is strong and short, the lower back is muscular. Representatives of the breed have a short, low-slung tail that has a thick base. The dog has strictly parallel limbs that look muscular and strong. The paws are round, the toes are pressed together. Movements are free and easy.

The minibull's skin fits tightly to the body, the hair itself is short and straight, and feels hard and shiny to the touch. White color with skin pigmentation and spots on the head is acceptable. If a representative of the breed is colored, then a certain color should lead. Brindle colors are the most preferred, red, fawn and tri-color tones are considered acceptable.

The height of a miniature bull terrier is up to 35-36 cm, here we mean the height at the withers. Aggression and cowardly behavior, as well as physical abnormalities, are considered disqualifying vices.

How to care for your fur

The bull terrier's fur is short and very prickly and, when it gets on things, it often remains on them even after washing, because it gets right into the fabric like a needle.

However, they have little fur, so the problem can be easily solved by a vacuum cleaner or regular brushing once a week. It is also useful to brush your teeth with a special brush.


In general, Bull Terriers are dogs with good health, although they are not immune to allergies.

  • You need to pay attention to the bull terrier's paws, the area around the eyes, ears, area around the muzzle; if redness appears there, you need to contact a veterinary dermatologist.
  • Before buying a white bull terrier, you need to make sure that it is really white and not an albino dog, the health of the latter is much weaker, so it is best to take a pet from official breeders.

Where to buy puppies?

You can buy first-class puppies in specialized nurseries. Be sure to ensure that all documents, medical records, and the candidate’s pedigree are correct.

Remember that when choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its activity and curiosity. The pet must be well-fed, curious, and have a good appetite.

Private owners also offer dogs for sale. In this case, you need to be a little more distrustful and take time to think about and study the documents. It should be remembered that it is difficult to find a purebred bull terrier from private owners.

Pros and cons of the breed

Before purchasing, you should once again carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the breed.


  • Bull Terriers are excellent companions for an active lifestyle.
  • The breed has no aggression towards humans
  • Minimal maintenance required


  • Dogs are prone to dominance and require time-consuming and thorough training.
  • Susceptible to allergies
  • Having a dog of this breed is not a cheap pleasure; the price of a bull terrier, as a rule, is 75-80,000 rubles

If you have enough time for educational work, and joint training is just a joy, then this breed will be the right choice.

Character traits

Fighting dogs are an exclusive class of animals. They require a lot of attention and careful training. But bull terriers are not vicious, hateful dogs. On the contrary, behind powerful physical data there is a vulnerable soul hidden. The dogs have a restrained and balanced character. Pets become strongly attached to their owner and constantly strive to prove their love.

The appearance of dogs is original. Distinctive features:

  • Height is about 60 centimeters, weight reaches 30 kg.
  • Powerful, muscular body with flexible, athletic legs.
  • Smooth short coat that does not require special care.
  • Thin short ponytail.
  • The muzzle is slightly elongated, the eyes are smart and good-natured, the forehead smoothly moves to the nose, which creates the image of a “dog in a muzzle.”

Bull Terriers are sporting animals . They need daily exercise and walks. It is necessary to diligently educate and train the dog. Without the proper enthusiasm of the owner, the pet easily becomes lazy and develops bad habits. If you are thinking about buying a Bull Terrier, be prepared to walk outdoors more often, for example, start jogging. A pet will be the best company for you.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

This breed originated in England at the end of the 19th century, thanks to the English breeder Duke of Hamilton. He selected the smallest and hardiest bulldogs and crossed them with terriers. The result was strong, hardy dogs that felt virtually no pain and could fight to the last.

  • As a rule, such dogs won and they began to be exported to America. This is how their well-known and more popular brother, the Staffordshire Terrier, appeared.
  • These are plumper dogs, but should not be confused with English Staffordshire Bull Terriers, they are their ancestors.
  • These dogs were originally created for fighting, but now their purpose is completely different; they have been recognized as companion dogs for several hundred years.
  • This breed appeared in Russia relatively recently; the first kennel of these dogs appeared in 2009.
  • Since then, breeders have been trying their best to popularize this breed to the masses, because the dogs are actually very wonderful.

The standard for this breed has existed since 1935.

The emergence and development of the breed

The Bull Terrier breed takes its origin from England, where at the dawn of the 19th century the ancestors of modern examples of the breed - Old Bull and Terriers - were found. The ancestors of the latter are considered to be white terriers and old-type bulldogs. These dogs were once used for bullfights, which is where the name comes from: “bul” means “bull” in English. The dogs grabbed the bull by the nose, holding it for so long until the bull's strength was exhausted. For such bloody games, the dogs had to have strong jaws and developed muscles. Old Bull and Terriers were crossed with other breeds to improve the qualities needed for fighting.

In 1835, a law was passed in England, according to which the baiting of large animals by dogs was prohibited, which affected the development of the above breed. However, the latter did not disappear, and the dogs were attracted to other entertainment. It was rat baiting, and later dog fighting.

In those distant times, enthusiast James Hinks came up with the idea to improve the appearance of these representatives. The man decided that this breed could be perfect for a family, but some characteristics needed to be changed. And one of the directions was to change the hostile exterior to a friendly one.

Previously, dogs crossed with Dalmatians. Activities to create the breed were carried out later by the descendants of Hinks. The Old Bull Terrier is, among other things, the ancestor of the Pit Bull Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Stafford and other fighting breeds.

Character traits

They are smart, cheerful, strong, resilient, their positive qualities can be listed endlessly. These dogs are very human-oriented; literally their entire life depends on their owner.

They live in companies, but people are a priority for them. They are easy to train and suitable for sports - agility, Frisbee, weight-pulling.

They are not very tolerant of some of their brothers; if such a dog doesn’t like someone, he will no longer be convinced. But, despite all this, these dogs have a very positive attitude towards people and children and have excellent contact with them.

You can safely leave such a dog with the child and nothing will happen to him. Many people underestimate this dog because of its small size, but this is wrong; they successfully undergo protective guard training. But they cannot be kept outside, as they do not grow undercoat.


Before you buy a dog of this breed, you need to determine the purpose of the purchase. Prices for this breed are not low, which means that this investment can to some extent be considered an investment. The cheapest option is to buy a pet-class puppy. In this case, the owners will receive documents confirming their pedigree, as well as vaccination certificates.

But dogs of this class are not allowed to breed and participate in exhibitions. A puppy will cost even less if you buy it from someone else or on the market, but at best it will turn out to be a mixed breed, or even a completely mongrel dog, and a sickly one at that. If you plan to purchase in connection with further breeding, then there is no doubt: the money will pay off after three or four matings.

In this case, it is worth purchasing a breed-class dog. If the owners intend to take their pet to exhibitions and competitions, then we are talking about show class. In this case, the price of a miniature bull terrier can reach 120 thousand rubles and higher amounts.

In general, the breed is characterized as prone to genetic diseases, so the purchase must be approached with the utmost responsibility and caution, having first studied the parameters by which you can determine the healthiest representative.

Moreover, the trick is that at the time of sale the animal can be completely healthy, but in a couple of years it will die. But you can minimize the risk of buying an initially sick dog if you contact a miniature bull terrier nursery. These places offer the highest guarantees of purchasing a quality pet.

Another aspect is the nature of the animals. Minibulls are most suitable for calm people, experienced breeders with an active lifestyle. Beginners may find it difficult to deal with a dog that has cosmic stubbornness.

Proper care

Coat care is minimal, just bathing once every 1-2 months and brushing with a soft rubber brush is enough. They do not accumulate any tangles and do not shed.

In addition, these dogs really need both mental and physical exercise.

Possible diseases

The Minibull was genetically bred. This means that he is prone to hereditary diseases, which are sometimes difficult to detect at birth. They can manifest themselves during life and lead to a very sad outcome.

The weakest points of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed are the heart, ears and kidneys, and common ailments include aortic stenosis, tracheal hypoplasia, destruction of the kneecaps, as well as eye problems, such as lens dislocations.

Deafness is also considered a congenital defect, and it is more difficult to determine if only one ear is affected. The salvation can be the initial purchase of a dog with a good pedigree. Thanks to her, many diseases will be avoided.

Another vulnerable area is the skin, especially when it comes to white minibulls. These are various types of dermatoses and eczema. As a preventive measure, careful care of the epidermis using gentle products such as dry dog ​​shampoos is recommended. If your dog doesn't have enough zinc in his diet, it will lead to a weakened immune system, resulting in nervousness and discolored skin.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier price

When purchasing a dog of this breed, you need to know that they usually cost from 60,000 to 80,000 rubles. They are strong, cheerful, smart, they are easy to train, but if this is your first dog, then it is better to contact a dog handler to help with education, training and socialization.

After this, the dog will be the best companion in any of the owner’s endeavors. She will never leave you in difficult times and will always charge you with her cheerfulness and positivity.


Dogs of this breed are characterized by a tendency to gain excess body weight, in other words, obesity. The weight of a miniature bull terrier , if we are talking about an adult, should not exceed 15 kg.

Owners are under no circumstances recommended to feed their pet from their table. In addition, it is important to monitor portion dosages. It’s good if the dog receives factory products, and it should be of the premium or extra-premium category.

In this case, manufacturers have already calculated the balance, as well as the amount of microelements and vitamins, and prescribed the dosage of servings on the packaging, based on the size and age of the dog.

Miniature Bull Terrier Puppy

If the dog receives natural products, then the owners themselves must calculate the required number of grams, and also include vitamin supplements in the diet. Miniature Bull Terrier puppies eat up to 6 times a day; with age, the number of feedings per day decreases and by 9-10 months the dog can be switched to a two-time diet.

It is important to ensure that there is no food left in the bowl after eating. In any case, 20 minutes after feeding, the dishes must be removed. But drinking water should be constantly available at any time of the year and day.

In addition, for dogs that eat natural foods, it is important to exclude sweets, flour, salty and fried foods from their diet. The basis should be meat and offal, fermented milk and vegetables. Sometimes you can give porridge.

Rice and buckwheat cereals are suitable. They are optimal for almost any breed, including those prone to obesity and allergies. It is important that the food is not only high in calories, but also easy to digest.

Photo of Bull Terrier dog

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