Differences between the Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Pit Bull

These two breeds are very similar in appearance and specialization. This is not surprising, since both of them have common ancestors and once formed the same breed of fighting dogs, whose homeland is Great Britain. Dogs bred by crossing bulldogs and nimble terriers turned out to be strong and agile. With their help, they hunted large animals (deer, wild boars), and later enjoyed bloody fights between dogs. When cruel spectacles became prohibited in England, the tradition of dog fighting was supported in the New World, where they not only continued to improve the pit bull terrier, but also developed a new breed on its basis - the American Staffordshire Terrier. Pit bull terrier and Staffordshire terrier, what is their difference, let's look at it in more detail.

External differences

Many people, even experienced dog breeders, do not see the difference between these very different breeds. And if the pit bull and amstaff really have a lot in common, since they are of related origin, then the staff bull is very different from their background.

Differences between the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff):

  1. STBT is much smaller in mass and height compared to AST, and has a less stretched format.
  2. The Amstaff is slimmer and leaner than the Staffbull.
  3. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a wider chest, a more massive and shorter neck.
  4. The Staffie has a longer muzzle, while the Staffbull has a wider skull and cheekbones.

External differences
The main visual differences between the breeds are the body dimensions and head shape. The Amstaff looks more like a typical terrier, while the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is visually closer to bulldogs.

Visual difference between pit bull and amstaff:

  1. The Pit Bull Terrier has more slanted (almond-shaped) eyes, while the Amstaff has almost round eyes.
  2. Stafford has a lighter frame and is more compact in size.
  3. The pit bull has a wider skull, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is more pronounced, but the Amstaff has wider cheekbones.
  4. The AST breed standard specifies only a black nose, while in the APBT the pigmentation may overlap with the coat color.
  5. The Pit Bull Terrier has a wider and deeper chest, a strong and short neck compared to the Staff.
  6. The Stafford has a slightly shorter muzzle.

All comparisons are given for AST and APBT in the classical sense of the breed. The real picture may differ significantly, since pit bulls are not recognized by any authoritative canine organization, and no one is involved in compliance with standards and competent selection.


The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the friendliest dog of this three breeds, both to its relatives and to people. Although it has strong jaws, it is quite capable of repelling an offender. The subspecies has long been used exclusively as a companion and exhibition exhibitor; aggressive individuals are excluded from breeding. The Staff Bull is friendly and sociable, loves his family.

Friendly dog

Staff and pit bull, also long forgotten their fighting past, are today used as companions, in canine sports or in police service. Both breeds, with proper socialization and upbringing, are absolutely safe for society and are excellent to train. AST and APBT are very active, mobile and attached to humans. They have the tenacity typical of a terrier and can be used as rescue dogs, detection dogs or bodyguards.

For your information: In the USA, the American Staffordshire Terrier is ahead of Labradors in canistherapy, contrary to stereotypes about the killer dog. Although it is worth noting, the breed population in the States is mentally different from the European one.

What is the difference between a pit bull and a Staffordshire terrier is a difficult question, due to the striking similarity of the subspecies. But there is a difference - the pit bull is more impulsive, impatient, more aggressive, and if it fights, it will be to the death. Pete needs not a cruel, but a firm hand from his owner, even more firm and stubborn than a dog. Without proper training and early socialization, APBT can be truly dangerous.

People often ask questions

Can pit bulls get along with other dogs?

No matter how long you live with them or how well you socialize them, pit bulls cannot be trusted not to fight each other. … Many pit bulls get along well with other pets and can live happily with other dogs without incident.

Do Pit Bulls Kill Other Dogs?

Thanks to selective breeding for dog fighting, pit bulls are very aggressive towards dogs. This aggression is not limited to dogs; pit bulls often kill other companions and pets.

Why are pit bulls bad pets?

This is a dangerous breed, and simply blaming owners for malicious pit bull attacks does a disservice to public safety. Pit bulls are responsible for the majority of fatal dog attacks, accounting for 71 percent of deaths between 2011 and 2022, according to the victims' group.

Why are pit bulls so aggressive?

Or mostly because of your genetics. Pit bulls are bred to behave differently during fights,” the report said. “They may not give warning before they become aggressive and are less likely to back down in a confrontation with an enemy.

“These dogs were bred to be bait bulls and fight each other to the death.

Pit bulls are no more aggressive than any other breed of dog bred for fighting or guarding. In fact, Chihuahuas tend to be much more aggressive than pit dogs.

The problem with the Yamas is not a question of aggression, it is a question of ability. A pit bull has the ability to kill an adult; Chihuahuas don't. The Pitch Bull is the most powerful dog breed in the world, capable of causing serious injury and death to others.

Generations of dog fighting have proven that the pit bull is superior to all other dog breeds in the ability to defeat any other breed in dog fighting; which is a creepy and illegal sport, but it still proves what a pitbull can do and it is excellence in this field.

The big problem is not the pits themselves, but the irresponsible people who own them, who categorically deny the clear and undeniable facts about their pet and want to ignorantly and foolishly treat them as if they were love cardboard that would never hurt to fly.

These owners refuse to take responsibility for the breed of their dog and refuse to take appropriate and responsible steps to ensure that their dog never has the opportunity to harm others.

Living conditions, education and training

When it comes to living conditions and training, there is no difference between the Pit Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Terrier. Both breeds require high levels of socialization with people and animals to avoid mental problems or phobias.

Both species require disciplined training and long active walks. Cynological sports are recommended: canicross, frisbee dog, dogpulling. Excellent results can be achieved in waitpulling, springpole and even obedience.

Cute Staffbull

The Staff Bull, unlike the Pit Bull and Amstaff, is less stubborn, kind by nature, and needs gentle training. But by analogy with terriers, it requires a constant surge of physical energy and mental potential. Smart, tries to please the owner - easy to train.

None of the three breeds are suitable for living in an enclosure; short hair and a complete lack of undercoat will not be able to warm the dog in cold weather. All described species are very attached to their owners and require constant contact with humans. Due to the not very large size of the breed, keeping it in an apartment or house is acceptable, but subject to daily active walking.


Until the puppy is 12 weeks old, he receives food 5-6 times a day, at 4 months - 4 times, at six months - 3 times, per year - 2. The basis of the diet is protein, which is obtained from:

Recommended diet
Dairy productsOne percent kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese
MeatTurkey, chicken; beef, rabbit.
Sea fishIn the form of boiled fillet

Your pet should also consume:

  • Rice, buckwheat groats.
  • Boiled chicken yolk.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Seasonal vegetables, thermally processed.

You can give your dog premium and super-premium industrial food, but do not mix it with natural products.

Attitude towards children and other animals

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a very sociable breed. He gets along well with other animals, especially those he has known since childhood. He may be distrustful of strangers, but without aggression he is unsuitable for security work. Individuals actively participating in exhibitions are loyal to absolutely any stimuli.

The Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull can only be loyal to strangers if they have a high level of socialization. Open aggression is considered a vice, but protective instincts are at a good level, and therefore distrust of strangers is the norm. Pit bull terriers have a harder time socializing with other animals, but well-socialized, disciplined dogs can be very friendly.

Amstaffs and Staffbulls have a high pain threshold and a strong nervous system, unlike pit bulls, so they are safer for children. But you shouldn’t let your child get close to an unfamiliar dog without the owner’s permission. In addition, all three breeds have strong jaws that have a “death grip” and an ordinary game can end sadly. As a summary: very young children should not be left with such dogs.


So which breed should you choose?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of who is better, a staff dog or a pit bull. The breeds have minimal external differences and a similar character. When choosing a pet, focus on your goals:

  1. For breeding work and participation in exhibitions, purchase a Staffordshire Terrier.
  2. It is better suited if there are children or other animals in the house.
  3. The pit bull is adopted as a fearless defender of the home.

Male owners can be guided by their character. APTB is suitable for leaders by nature, those who like to overcome difficulties.

The price of the puppy can also play a role; pit bull terriers are cheaper. However, do not forget that in any case you will have to spend money on a professional dog handler.

Differences in walking and hygiene

There are no differences between the pit bull, staff bull and stafford regarding walking - all three breeds are very active and mobile. Without a splash of energy, they display destructive behavior at home: they chew things, bark for no reason, and jump on household members. Walks should include dynamic games and at least 2-3 hours a day.

Due to the similar type of constitution and coat, there are also no differences in hygienic care among breeds:

  • Comb 1-2 times a week with a furminator or a comb with natural bristles, every other day during seasonal shedding.
  • Wash 3 – 4 times a year – no more often.
  • Once a week, wipe your eyes with a swab dipped in a special lotion.
  • Clean the outer part of the ear with hygienic ear fluid 1 – 2 times a month.
  • Trim the nails as they grow using a nail trimming guillotine, carefully so as not to damage the inner living part of the nail.
  • Brush your teeth once every 2 weeks.

Teeth brushing should be done with a paste and brush designed for dogs.


At home, Staffords behave excellently. They love their owners and try to please them. They willingly play with children and frolic with various toys. They do not require special care. But it is not recommended to ignore this issue. You need to brush your dog daily. Bathing is necessary for exhibition and for a good shine of the coat. During this hygiene procedure, high-quality shampoo is used, sold in pet stores. And also, using a piece of suede, you need to constantly wipe your pet’s fur - this way you will achieve an impeccable appearance for your pet.

Remember to walk your dog at least twice a day. A kind and sensitive attitude will not keep you waiting. Your pet will only bring joy to you and your loved ones. Typically, dogs of this breed live from 9 to 15 years. Life expectancy depends on many factors. Including the presence of diseases inherent in American Starffordshire Terriers. For the most part, these are hardy and healthy dogs. Proper care, care and love will ensure longevity for your pet.

What is the difference between a Starfford and a Pitbull? With paws. For the former they are much higher. Quite strong. For Staffies, the height at the withers should be 46-48 cm, for a Pit Bull - 40-42 cm. There are actually many differences. Even the behavior of these dogs when walking is different. A pit bull can rush and bark at another dog, staffs are calmer and won’t bark again.

Tips for choosing

It is impossible to say for sure who is better - pit bull, staff bull or stafford. It all depends on the purpose for which the pet is purchased. Each breed is good in its own way, but for a specific purpose.


The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is suitable for:

  • exhibitions and breeding;
  • families with small children;
  • small-sized standard buildings;
  • beginners in dog breeding;
  • people with an active lifestyle.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is suitable for:

  • security or search service;
  • experienced dog breeders;
  • keeping in an apartment or house;
  • sports training;
  • active people with a strong character.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is suitable for:

  • exhibitions and breeding;
  • sports training;
  • police service or investigative work;
  • keeping in an apartment or house;
  • families with older children;
  • people with an active lifestyle.

Before deciding on a breed, you need to clearly know why the dog is being bought, based primarily on the purpose of the dog, and not on aesthetics. Considering the minimum breed characteristics, it is not difficult to decide - the STBT is absolutely not suitable for security work, and it is not advisable to take the APBT into a family with very young children.

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When getting a fighting dog, you need to understand the full degree of responsibility you are taking on. And it is imperative to raise such a pet from an early age.

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