“Buy me a dog!” 15 Best Dog Breeds for Kids

The choice of a dog is ambiguous and is based on several criteria: family activity, availability of free time for household members, age and temperament of children, living conditions. It is impossible to say with certainty which animals will make ideal pets. Each experienced dog breeder makes his own personal list of the best breeds, but a few dogs really have an impeccable reputation.

American Water Spaniel

Like all members of the group, this pet is cheerful and positive. It is distinguished by its preferences in hunting aquatic game. The dog is passionate, playful and active, although it changes its character at home in the family circle. Animals are not characterized by vanity; at home they are calm and balanced.

Spaniels are people-oriented. They always strive to please their owner, benefit him and receive well-deserved praise. They are not characterized by a tendency towards dominance, aggression or bitterness.

  • Dogs get along well with children of all ages and love to play. They are reserved towards strangers, but are able to protect property and family. Cohabitation with other animals rarely brings difficulties, although you should definitely not invite a Spaniel into a house where birds are bred.
  • The breed needs training . Training is easy and playful. Dogs quickly grasp the emotions and desires of their owner, are not stubborn, but require praise and affection. They need long, active walks.
  • These animals can be kept both indoors and outdoors. The pet will feel best in the courtyard of a private house. The breed is suitable for active families with a lot of free time; the dog does not like to be alone, it needs care and long walks. It is recommended to start for children over 5 years old.

Pros and cons of buying a four-legged pet

The decision to adopt a dog is a responsible and serious step. It radically changes the way of life and habits of the family. To prevent this from becoming “the biggest disappointment in life,” you should familiarize yourself in advance with the pros and cons of buying a four-legged pet.

The main positive changes will occur from the first days of the dog’s appearance:

  • Increased physical activity. In the age of computers, school overloads and a saturated market for home delivery services, this is especially valuable. Walking in the fresh air twice a day, for 30-60 minutes , will undoubtedly bring tangible benefits to the physical development of the child.
  • Emotional support. Dogs are grateful listeners. They do not argue, do not shout, or provoke conflicts. The child will always be able to share his problems and talk about his achievements. Their “muteness” is a great advantage over their peers, especially during puberty, when teenagers tend to give each other harsh assessments. Of course, this does not mean that the pet will take responsibility for the mental state of the children. Taking care of their health lies entirely with the parents. But the dog will be a great help and will be able to emotionally “unload” the child.
  • Formation of a sense of responsibility and self-organization. The need to care for a living creature and adherence to a precise routine for caring for an animal will contribute to the development of such positive qualities as self-confidence, reliability and commitment. Adults who had a dog as a child usually have a calm and balanced character and easily overcome life's difficulties.

Negative aspects concern mainly adults and boil down to the following:

  1. It is impossible at first to entrust the child with full care of the pet, especially if we are talking about a puppy; parents are obliged to teach children the rules of behavior with a dog, tell them about its walking, feeding and rest regime and control these processes;
  2. The need to make plans for weekends and vacation trips taking into account the new family member, as well as take into account time restrictions associated with walking;
  3. Additional financial costs for food, vaccinations and toys for the dog.


Recently, the breed has gained popularity among urban residents. Dogs are small, cute and funny, look good in photographs and win the love of Internet users. These pets are suitable for apartment living; they do not require careful care and do not require much physical activity.

Beagles are sociable and friendly to everyone around them. They do not consider strangers dangerous and get along with other pets. The family has ideal pet dogs with a perky disposition. They love to be the center of attention and have fun all day long.

They have friendly feelings towards children. Perfect for active older children aged 3 years and older. For babies, dogs will become too noisy and active. Pets need to be in constant motion, because the breed was bred for hunting.

  • Animals do not shine with mental abilities. They are poorly trained and do not like training, although they are capable of completing agility courses. Most often, behavior is regulated by hunting instincts and the dog’s mood.
  • These animals are suitable for large, friendly, noisy families who love fun and laughter. Beagles need constant attention, so if members of the household are always working or busy, the dog will simply become bored and lose interest in life.
  • Caring for them is simple; the wool does not require special hygiene procedures. Walks are needed twice a day, not particularly long (40-60 minutes). During walks, animals prefer to communicate with dogs, dig in the ground, and play active games. Pets are great for keeping indoors and quickly get used to the city.

Dogs and children

Be careful when choosing a dog breed for children if you seriously decide to have a pet in the family. Some breeds may not be interested in children, while others may even be aggressive. Some animals, by their nature, are initially very child-oriented and will be good nannies even for babies. For an introverted child, a dog can become a close friend, and for an extrovert, a companion in all games and pranks. When interacting with dogs, children develop responsibility, punctuality and empathy. Before getting a dog, have a preparatory conversation with your child.

What to talk about with your child:

  1. Explain to your child that having a dog is a responsibility for the next 10-15 years. Watch films about dog loyalty together. The child must understand that a pet is not a toy and cannot be put away under the closet if it suddenly gets boring.
  2. Get tested for allergies. With temporary contact with a dog, the allergy may not appear.
  3. Take your child for a walk in bad weather. Tell him that walks with the dog should not be skipped even in rain or frost.
  4. Adopt a dog from friends or volunteers. Show that a dog is not only games, but also everyday work, sometimes not very pleasant. Let the child participate in cleaning up the dog's dirty diapers, washing and feeding the dog.
  5. Ask the breeder about the possibility of returning the dog. Think about what you will do if you don’t get along with your dog at all.


There are several breeds related to Bulldogs: English, French and American. They differ in their breeding site, size and appearance. English and French bulldogs are small, cute and docile. American - long-legged, designed to guard and protect property, are considered more aggressive.

Therefore, the best option for a family animal would be short Bulldogs. They are distinguished by their pretty appearance, folds on the muzzle and smooth short hair.

Despite their fighting past, their character has changed under the influence of breeding work. Now the pets are playful, affectionate, and calm. Often dogs are phlegmatic and lazy, without any hint of aggressiveness.

  • Pets quickly become attached to their owners and serve faithfully until the end of their days. They can protect the house and family members, but they will not attack; rather, they will warn by barking and scare with their menacing appearance. They love children, take part in games, and endure any physical activity. They get along easily with other pets and treat them with indifference.
  • You can keep a Bulldog in an apartment, in a house, or on the street. He does not need long walks and hard training. Their short coat does not require special care. This dog will be an excellent option for calm families with children of any age.


We talked about nanny dogs and dogs that can provide excellent company for a child. And what breeds are capable of truly loving your baby? There are many of them. For convenience, we divide them into three groups:


  1. The leader, of course, is the St. Bernard. He is calm, reliable, and has a credible past as a rescue dog. This animal will sincerely love your baby and will become not only a nanny, but also a friend.
  2. Newfoundland. A good-natured dog with amazing intuition. The Newfie is perhaps the only breed that will calmly allow itself to be ridden and that sincerely loves children's games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer or Giant Schnauzer . This is a friendly and loyal dog that needs attention. She will love whoever gives it to her - including the child.
  4. Cane Corso . Don't let its appearance scare you: this dog's devotion to children is legendary. Dog handlers call this breed a nanny-governess: they are even ready to give their life for the baby.
  5. Boxer. Yes, he will have an excellent relationship with the child: he has an increased love for children.

Cane Corso

Giant Schnauzer


Which representatives of medium-sized breeds love small children:

  1. Shar Pei. A sedate and at the same time funny dog ​​can become an excellent protector. They can be fierce, protecting the child like a lion.
  2. Samoyed dog. She is very beautiful and loves to play with children, but will require a lot of care.
  3. The Border Collie is a fast herding dog, extremely intelligent and affectionate. She will “shepherd” the baby – and will do it with love.
  4. English Bulldog - yes, it is considered a medium-sized dog. It is better to give it to an older child: for all its affection for children, this is a rather stubborn breed. In addition, these medium-sized animals are very suitable for an apartment!
  5. Cocker Spaniel. A dog will get along well with a hyperactive child: they will become inseparable!

Border Collie


Little ones

Important: a child should not have such a dog, he may inadvertently crush it.

The advantage of small dogs is that they are suitable for any apartment, and often these little tails are very fond of children.

  1. Yorkie is a beautiful, flexible and hypoallergenic baby.
  2. The Papillon is a charming dog with huge ears and long hair.
  3. The Spitz is very attentive to its owner, and the child will adore it.
  4. Miniature Pinscher . He is smart, can attack someone who, in his opinion, poses a danger to the baby - and usually turns out to be right.
  5. Coton de Tulear is an obedient and devoted little one. Gets along easily with other animals.

Coton de Tulear


Basset Hound

The saddest dog in the world may become one of the best family pets . Bassets are distinguished by their calmness, balance and phlegmatism. But they are classified as hounds, therefore, following their hunting instincts, the dogs become overly curious and active. Although, with age, pets still prefer to lie down next to their owner rather than take a walk in the yard.

These pets cause virtually no problems. They are non-conflict, react calmly to cats and small animals, and are often lazy to play pranks. However, Bassets are quite stubborn and difficult to train. It takes a lot of effort to raise a dog. Even toilet training will take a long time.

  • Dogs are loving, affectionate and gentle. They capture a person’s mood and always support the owner. They love children and tolerate any mischief. Suitable for both babies and teenagers, as they will be happy to play outside.
  • Despite the fact that they require careful care, it does not take much time. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition and activity. One way or another, the owner should not be absent from work all the time, because the Basset needs constant attention. These animals are suitable for calm families who are willing to spend time and money on a dog.

What are the benefits of a dog for a child?

Psychologists say that if your daughter or son comes up with the idea of ​​getting a dog, this indicates that subconsciously he or she is ready for responsibility . But before buying, it’s better to take them on an excursion to those who have a pet, so that they can see what troubles await them.

Four-legged animals help a person fight insecurities and complexes, and improve the baby’s health. He will also become more responsible, more open in the company of his peers, and get accustomed to the regime.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Fluffy cute dogs that are often found in the leading roles of TV series or films. Dogs have truly achieved the status of the ideal family pet. They are smart, kind, affectionate, calm, a little lazy and cute.

The breed was bred in Switzerland as an assistant to shepherds. They guarded and herded livestock. Several centuries later, pets are still in service, although more often they lie on the sofa in the circle of a loving family.

Due to their genetic bias towards humans, Zennen are not aggressive. They even treat strangers politely, although they defend their territory with loud barks.

  • They live friendly with children and pets. They protect them from danger, protect them and care for them like a herd. The distinctive habit of dogs is to herd those around them into a group, to monitor the integrity of the team, especially during walks. They actively participate in games, although they will not go jogging or racing a bicycle.
  • Long hair requires special care, at least regular combing. Walks may not be active. Sennenhunds can get along in an apartment, although it is better to keep them in a large house with a yard. They are suitable for a measured life in calm, friendly families; owners need to constantly give love to the dogs, otherwise the dogs will become sad.

Reviews from dog owners

Ivan R. We were looking for a dog for the family, but the main thing was that the dog made friends with his son. When the puppy was born, my son was 10 years old. We turned to the club's dog handlers for advice. There they asked about their son's hobbies. He is an active guy: bicycle, skis, sled. The choice fell on Labrador. A wonderful breed. We all wanted a big dog, but were afraid of aggression. We are very glad that we bought Labrika. They are always together. They play, walk, sleep.

Olga V. Once upon a time, a bull terrier lived in our family. I really wanted such a dog again, but we have two daughters - it was scary. We decided to adopt a mini bull terrier. Of course, such a serious dog needs to be purchased through a breed club, where they will tell you about the puppy’s parents and their psychotype. For us there is no better dog than our Essie. She is careful, kind and very smart. The girls don’t go out with her yet, but we’ll start after she turns 12. Now only under our supervision.

Irina Z. We have a royal poodle in our family. My daughter started raving about the breed after we took her to the circus. On the street everyone pays attention to our beauty. Very smart. Together with her father, my daughter taught our poodle tricks, even tomorrow she will perform in the circus.

Oleg R. We have three children, all under 10 years old. They wanted a dog, but one that didn’t take up a lot of space and didn’t require walking for a long time. It’s difficult in an apartment with a big dog. We bought a Boston Terrier. It's good that the dog is patient. Sometimes I just take him away from the children's gang. I'm afraid I just won't be able to withstand such an onslaught and will start defending myself. Although he hasn’t even roared yet. I'm waiting for the children to grow up and stop squeezing the dog like a toy. It is, of course, better to get dogs when the children are older.

Marianna R. We live in a house next to a forest. We have a St. Bernard and a husky who were adopted from a shelter. They have such different temperaments that we walk together or together. Otherwise, the husky rushes forward, and the St. Bernard walks sedately behind. And so, everyone has their own person. And our children were divided according to their temperaments. The daughter (13 years old) runs in front of the husky, and the son (16 years old) walks with the giant. Everyone is happy. I would like to say that the dog should be selected according to the child’s temperament. Otherwise, they simply will not find common ground.

Border Collie

This breed is considered the smartest in the world, which makes it ideal for training, training work, participation in exhibitions, programs, and sports competitions. On the other hand, Collies are often cunning, manipulative, and like to regulate the lives of their household members and “guide” them.

The dogs are herding dogs and still remain working dogs. They got excellent physical abilities: speed, agility, endurance. Their owners must be prepared for constant activity. Pets vitally need physical and mental exercise.

Border collies are not aggressive and cannot serve as guards because they are not suspicious of strangers. They love pets and children and are always around. Experts advise bringing such an animal into families with older children (6-7 years old). Although if you need a good nanny, these dogs will do an excellent job. They will take you out of the burning house, pull you out of the pool, and take away the knife.

They have the most tender feelings for their owners. Dogs are loyal until their last breath, although they often run away out of curiosity. On walks they stay close to their family, but get along well with other pets and strangers.

  • Collie training is a pleasure. Pets quickly understand and remember commands, carry them out without stubbornness or evasiveness. Scientists have proven that their intelligence level is approximately equal to that of a three-year-old child.
  • It is impossible to say with certainty that the breed is suitable for everyone . She needs serious physical activity and constant training. The ideal pet will be for young active families without children or with older children. However, you need to be prepared for constant harassment and surveillance.
  • Dogs must be kept outside the city, in a private house with a large surrounding area . In urban conditions, the animal will feel uncomfortable, although it can get used to it with proper early socialization.

Medium dogs for apartments

A large group of breeds, which includes dogs weighing from 12.5 to 25 kg, height from 40 to 60 cm at the withers. They are universal - suitable for apartments, houses, and do not require expensive maintenance and care.

Australian Shepherd

A recognizable feature of this breed is its medium-length marbled coat. Aussies are highly trainable and highly intelligent. They get along well with children and other animals and are not prone to aggression. Suitable for keeping in an apartment, but need some exercise. Disadvantages - possible manifestation of a dominant character, difficult care of the coat. Cost from 30,000 ₽.

American Cocker Spaniel

An active and energetic dog, suitable for living in an apartment. The Cocker Spaniel has a soft, silky coat that requires grooming. They quickly learn new skills and need constant intellectual stimulation. They are sensitive to the mood of the owner and cannot stand loneliness. Price from 25,000 ₽.

English bulldog

A powerful and stocky dog ​​with exceptional laziness. They do not like walks and can be stubborn when going outside. The aviary is not suitable for a lazy English bulldog; it is recommended to keep it only in a city apartment. Disadvantages: many chronic diseases, tendency to obesity. You can buy a puppy for 40,000 ₽.


Unique characteristics of the Smooth-Coated Basenji include an inability to bark, a curled tail, and a wrinkled forehead, especially when excited. This is a social animal that needs to communicate with humans. They have exceptional intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions, but do not tolerate cold or walks in winter. Show class puppies from 30,000 ₽.

Bassend hound

Despite being a hound, the Bassend Hound has a stocky build and short legs. The dog combines intelligence and stubbornness, which requires a special approach to education. Due to their love for comfort, they are suitable for a city apartment. Disadvantages - long life span, large amount of saliva and susceptibility to disease. Prices from 35,000 ₽.

Border Collie

Considered the smartest breed in the world, it is often used in official work. They learn quickly and are suitable even for novice owners. Living in an apartment requires a large amount of physical activity. Border collies are unpretentious and rarely suffer from diseases. The price varies depending on the class - 20,000-70,000 ₽.

Bull Terrier

When choosing this breed, you should evaluate your training skills. The Bull Terrier combines a good disposition and a fighting instinct. Externally, dogs are easily identified by their snow-white short hair and a muzzle that resembles a rat. Despite their reputation, they get along well with children and do not tolerate loneliness well. The average price is 40,000 ₽.

Irish Terrier

The fastest terrier in its group. Has a balanced physique, hypoallergenic copper-colored coat. Dogs are versatile, bred for hunting, sport and as companions. Requires a huge amount of physical activity and regular trimming. The Irish Terrier adapts to any apartment, but does not get along well with other animals. You can buy from 15,000 ₽.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

This is a cunning and independent animal bred for hunting. Inexpensive huskies have a lot of energy and require physical activity. They become forever attached to their owner, but trust must be earned. Disadvantages: love of barking, excessive self-sufficiency. You can buy a puppy for 10,000 rubles.

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The breed is easily identified by its short legs and protruding ears. Despite their peculiar exterior, they love to run and enjoy walks. This is a versatile breed, ideal for keeping in an apartment. Corgis are divided into Cardigan and Pembroke and differ in appearance. Price from 50,000 ₽.

Miniature Schnauzer

The middle breed of the group, the distinctive features of which are square body proportions, long eyebrows and a beard, formed from coarse wool. They have a tendency to dominate, which is important to stop when they are still puppies. Dogs require regular exercise and the ability to hunt. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

American pit bull

The dog combines activity and phenomenal endurance; they almost never get tired. Pit bulls require early socialization and constant attention from the owner, but can be aggressive towards other animals. When kept in an apartment, you should immediately wean your pet from chewing objects. Puppies can be purchased from 15,000 ₽.


One of the smartest and most obedient dogs with an extraordinary mind. They can be used for any purpose, but in urban environments, poodles need long walks. They are not aggressive and become companions and nannies. Wool in the form of many springs requires careful care. Prices from 30,000 ₽.

Russian hunting spaniel

Despite their pronounced hunting skills, spaniels easily adapt to life in the city and apartment. They are distinguished by their flexible character and devotion. Disadvantages: uncontrollable appetite, need for exercise. Cost from 10,000 ₽.


The dog combines beautiful appearance, intelligence and agreeableness. They become real family members and get along with other pets. The breed was not affected by selection, so they remained in good health. Samoyeds do not tolerate loneliness and rude treatment. You can buy from 25,000 ₽.

Shiba Inu

This is a charming animal with a typical Asian exterior and plush fur. They have high intelligence and fearlessness; they recognize only one person as their master. Puppies need early socialization, otherwise there will be problems with education. Shiba Inus do not get along well with children and avoid physical contact. The cost is 35,000 ₽.

Siberian Husky

This ancient breed is easily recognized by its unusual mask-like muzzle color. Dogs need a lot of exercise, otherwise they begin to show destructive activity. Suitable for living in an apartment, but begin to wither without walks. Wool does not cause allergies. Price from 20,000 ₽.

Staffordshire Terrier

Dogs do not have developed instincts for hunting and protection, but physical activity is required. Males can express aggression towards other animals; an obedience course is required from childhood. When properly raised, they express boundless devotion and love to all family members. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

Chow chow

They are easily recognized by their luxurious mane at the withers, blue tongue and frowning gaze. The breed is not recommended for beginners, as the dogs can be stubborn and aggressive. Despite their large size, Chow Chows easily get along even in a cramped apartment. A puppy can be purchased from 30,000 ₽.

Shar Pei

An Asian dog breed known for its folded skin. Their short coat is a strong allergen and requires regular washing and drying. Shar Peis do not like long walks and get along well in an urban environment. They are not recommended for first-time owners; early socialization is required to help avoid aggression. The average life expectancy is only 8-10 years. Price from 30,000 ₽.

Bichon Frize

Cute fluffy clouds with long curly hair. These lapdogs have an interesting original appearance and miniature size, which makes them show decorative pets. They love to be the center of attention and happily participate in exhibitions.

The breed is absolutely non-aggressive. It was bred to catch rats and mice, so it does not get along well with rodents. Although Bichons usually do not react to cats. The dogs are active and make good companions for jogging, traveling, and long hikes. They love to play outdoors and require frequent walks.

They do not try to dominate in the family; they love all members of the household equally. They get along well with children, do not snap or get angry. They have a positive attitude towards strangers, although they may bark due to a protective instinct.

  • Thanks to their sharp mind and good abilities, Bichons are well trained, easily follow all commands, and learn tricks. You can often find dogs in circus arenas or among street performers. The dogs have bright facial expressions and even know how to smile.
  • Such pets are only suitable for home keeping and require careful care and attention. They need a loving family who can give them enough attention. Future owners need to be prepared for the playfulness and hyperactivity of lapdogs. Pets are not suitable for busy and working people who are not prepared for frequent hygiene procedures and high material costs.

Golden retweeter

A traditional English dog breed, widespread throughout the world, famous for its boundless friendliness, huge heart, capable of loving everyone it meets. Retrievers are absolutely non-aggressive, all conflicts are resolved only peacefully, they are kind and affectionate towards familiar and unfamiliar people, brothers and other animals. They get along easily with both cats and rodents.

The dog has the most tender feelings for children. They have a soft mouth, so even when playing, the pet will not harm the child. They like to play, run and protect babies.

The breed is used as psychologists and assistants in many rehabilitation centers and medical institutions. Retrievers are kept to make visitors and patients feel calmer. In addition, dogs become good guides for blind people and disabled people.

  • Pets love attention, love to fool around, play, and will not refuse hugs and caresses. They are infinitely devoted to their family, but will be happy to anyone who crosses the threshold of the house.
  • It's not difficult to keep them . Pets get along both in apartment and outdoor conditions. Dogs have a self-cleaning coat and do not require special care. But they need physical and mental exercise, training and constant communication with family and other people. We can say that this breed is suitable for any family.


Hypoallergenic dogs include breeds without undercoat and hairless . You can see from the photos that they are quite cute.

American hairless terrier

For children over 10 years old, if they are ready to actively spend time with their pet for 2-3 hours a day. They are easy to train, very active and playful .

American Water Spaniel

For active family members over 10 years old. Needs long walks and constant human contact. Does not tolerate loneliness well . Absolutely non-aggressive, rarely barks.


Smart, active, interested in interacting with people. He remembers commands easily and loves training. We are tolerant of babies and teenagers, and are best able to establish contact with a child over 8 years old.


Easy to train, cheerful animals. They enjoy interacting with all close people. They love to play with them and take care of them. Suitable for families with babies .


Peace-loving, needs a confident and calm owner .
If you want him to listen to your child, it is better to get a pet when your son or daughter is over 15 years old. The Komondor needs daily active games and physical activity. Each dog has an individual character, so puppies from the same litter do not always have all the main character traits of the breed. Among English bulldogs there are also restless dogs who are ready to play for hours, and some Siberian huskies still show protective qualities. Training, good attitude, and caring for a four-legged pet can give a person a well-mannered friend.

Irish Setter

A hunting dog, well built, harmonious, intelligent and reserved. He looks good, moves gracefully, and is ideal for exhibitions. Dogs are still considered good hunters, so for people who prefer this hobby, the Setter is simply irreplaceable.

In addition, the pet is good-natured and flexible. He loves children and other animals. Ready to play and run around the clock, often becomes the “tail” of the owner, supporting all his activities.

The Irish dote on everyone in their household, but they also treat strangers well. There is not a single hint of aggression. Although, while protecting his property, the dog will bark loudly.

  • The dog does not need frequent hygiene procedures, haircuts and trimming. They are not considered particularly painful, so there is no need to bother. A common problem is lack of activity. Hunting breeds need to burn off their energy, and they can only do this on walks. Long walks are the main rule of keeping Setters.
  • They can get along in an apartment, but cramped conditions will cause depression. Pets will feel best in a spacious country house with a large yard. They are suitable for active families, with children of any age and idle adults.

Nannies or security guards

Dogs that get along with children should definitely include four-legged nannies and guards. The former are distinguished by their extraordinary overprotection and tolerance, and the latter by their impressive strength, which allows them to protect the owner from any intruders.

Saint Bernard

Balanced and very good-natured, Saint Bernards are not without playfulness. They love to play pranks with babies and take on the role of nanny with great enthusiasm. Their only drawback is intense salivation.

Siberian Husky

Love for babies is in the husky's blood, so you can even trust him with a baby without fear. Despite his friendliness and excellent learning abilities, he is distinguished by his stubbornness and desire for leadership. Because of this, his training should only be done by an adult.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

Collies are peaceful, patient, smart and courageous. Thanks to these features, they are often used as nannies, but they are not suitable as a bodyguard due to their innate lack of aggression towards humans.

Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog)

Bobtails are famous for their playful nature. They love to play pranks with the kids, but they also take the role of nanny very seriously. Because of this, during a walk, a strong impression is created that it is the dog who is walking the baby, and not vice versa.

English Mastiff

Despite its formidable appearance and good guard qualities, the mastiff is an example of calm and steadfastness. Due to its phlegmatic nature and large dimensions, it is not suitable for overly active children and infants. It is better to take such a dog for teenagers or for homebodies in elementary school.

German Shepherd

The most popular service dog is often purchased for the family. It's all about her devotion and complaisance. The shepherd dog unquestioningly recognizes the authority of the owner and can even be trained under the guidance of children.


The Rottweiler is similar to the German Shepherd in many ways. He is also one of the TOP 10 smartest four-legged animals, is endlessly devoted to his owner and is famous for his protective qualities. The only thing that distinguishes them is a greater distrust of strangers. Rottweilers are very patient with the kids in their family, but they see everyone else as a potential threat. For this reason, these animals need very competent upbringing.


Another example of an ideal and obedient protector is the Doberman. With timely socialization, he becomes a full-fledged family pet, and not at all a “fiend of hell.” Thanks to its independence, the dog is perfectly oriented in the situation and, without additional commands, distinguishes between the time for pranks with the children and their protection.

Moscow watchdog

The Moscow Watchdog is the result of mating a St. Bernard and a Caucasian Shepherd, so its character combines a favorable attitude towards children and a developed protective instinct. Due to its large size, it is better to keep such a pet in a private home.

German dog

Great Danes are ideal protectors and bodyguards. Due to their phlegmatic nature, they can even live in an apartment, but only if there is sufficient space. The only disadvantage of these noble four-legged animals is their poor health and short life expectancy.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Because of their past, Staffords often receive accusations of wanton aggression. In fact, the opinion about the viciousness of this breed is wrong. Modern Staffords are the kindest, human-oriented creatures. Unlike the Rottweiler, they are with great pleasure ready to provide their belly to any baby they meet.


Fearless Alabai were bred for protection, so distrust of strangers is in their blood. Despite this, they do not see any danger in the kids at all. Alabai are always welcoming to them.

East European Shepherd

The East European Shepherd is the closest relative of the German Shepherd. It is endowed with a similar character, but more modest dimensions. It is also worth noting less temper, which is very important when dealing with little pranksters.

Irish Wolfhound

The cruelty of Irish wolfhounds only manifests itself during the hunt. Among the family, these four-legged animals are completely harmless. They are indulgent towards their little owners and, up to 2 years old, support any of their fun with puppyish enthusiasm.


This should include the Giant Schnauzer and its closest relative, the Black Russian Terrier. The first representative is as restless as children, so first of all he makes friends with his little owners. The Black Russian Terrier is calmer, but this does not prevent him from taking an active part in children's games and even some pranks.


Playful and energetic boxers do not choose their favorites and become attached to all family members without exception. Thanks to their good security qualities, they can be entrusted not only with the role of a friend, but also with a bodyguard.

Jack Russell Terrier

The most popular terrier for children is the Jack Russell. This is a typical “energizer”, ready to play with its owners for days on end. It is important to understand that the terrier did not tolerate it. You can't treat him like a teddy bear. Otherwise, you may get a “bite” response.

Cocker Spaniel

An active dog, ideal for families with older, restless children. Cocker spaniels are light and fast and can follow their little owners everywhere. Pets love active walks, forays out of town, hunting, and traveling.

These animals are kind and flexible. They are non-aggressive towards strangers and other pets, and get along with cats. Although rodents are not favored, just like poultry, they are mistaken for prey.

A pet is not suitable for everyone:

  • Firstly, long wavy hair needs to be looked after, combed, cut;
  • Animals are prone to many diseases;
  • They need frequent walks and constant care.

Spaniels can live in any conditions. They usually prefer apartment living.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the smallest of the spaniels and just physically needs attention, companionship and play. This gorgeous breed is known for its cheerful disposition and eagerness to please.

They can be equally happy lying on the sofa and racing with their child down the street. They are especially happy with those children who love to pet them.

But they are also smart, and what parents will especially like is that they are easy to train. They shed and need care, but no extra effort is needed for this.

Labrador Retriever

Labradors are very similar to Golden Retrievers. They are just as active, positive and friendly, suitable for any family: with small children, teenagers or just active young couples. Animals love the whole world and enjoy every new day.

They are no less popular than their Golden counterparts; they differ, to a greater extent, only in the length of their coat and color. Although the hunting instinct in representatives of this breed is less pronounced. They get along great with children, look after them, and protect them. The owners are loved and appreciated.

Active walking and play are vital for Labradors. Many people bring dogs into apartments, but they can breathe more freely in private houses with courtyards.

TOP 10 large dog breeds for children


The Labrador Retriever is rightfully considered the best companion dog for families with children! Labradors love children, adults, other pets... in general, Labradors love everyone, especially those who give food! These dogs are well suited for active people who spend a lot of time outdoors, as Labradors love to swim and play in the snow. If you are not a homebody, then the Labrador will be an excellent companion for the whole family.

Read the full description of the Labrador breed

Golden retriever

Golden Retrievers are considered one of the friendliest dog breeds. The breed was bred to hunt waterfowl, so Goldens love to swim, frolic in the fresh air and spend a lot of time in active games with children. In addition, representatives of the breed are, of course, fabulously beautiful! An excellent option for an active family with a child.

Read the full description of the Golden Retriever breed

Bernese Mountain Dog

Representatives of this breed, as well as Newfoundlands and St. Bernards, may seem too large for a child, however, Berns are excellent family dogs! They are gentle, affectionate and friendly, patient and simply adore children. These are very smart and easy to train dogs, they practically do not bark and are completely non-aggressive towards people and other animals.

All in all, the Bernese Mountain Dog is an ideal family dog, as long as you have room for such a giant.

Read the full description of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed


These huge cuties are considered excellent nannies for small children. The dog will be very careful and attentive with children, and will never offend or show aggression. However, remember that the Newfoundland is unlikely to be suitable for a small apartment. The best option for such a dog would be a private house with a plot and a pond nearby.

Read the full description of the Newfoundland breed

Saint Bernard

A Saint Bernard is a big dog, but no, it’s a very big dog! As a rule, St. Bernards are very calm and get along well with children, but you should remember that the St. Bernard needs to be trained from early childhood, only then will this cutie become your ideal pet; if you don’t, this sweet giant will simply destroy your house!

However, this applies to a dog of any breed, it’s just that small dogs cause less damage;). If you raise a St. Bernard well, he will become a wonderful friend to your children!

Read the full description of the Saint Bernard breed


Anyone who has seen the film about the legendary collie named Lassie considers representatives of this breed to be amazing pets. These dogs are very smart and loyal to children, even when they are too annoying. Despite their slightly “glamorous” appearance, collies are working dogs, so with proper training they will become not only a friend, but also an excellent protector for your child.

Read the full description of the Collie breed

German Shepherd

People often perceive German Shepherds solely as service and guard dogs. They really have amazing qualities for service, but Germans are also great for families with children. These are super-smart dogs, very patient and loyal to any child, wonderful companions and play partners. And of course, the Germans are excellent protectors for the whole family.

Read the full description of the German Shepherd breed

Irish Setter

The beautiful and graceful Irish Setter is a hunting dog with a stunningly kind disposition. You should not get an Irishman if you are a couch potato by nature, because this guy needs long walks with the opportunity to lose his colossal energy. But for an active family, a pet can become an excellent training companion.

Read the full description of the Irish Setter breed


The Airedale Terrier's cheerful disposition and high level of activity make it a good family dog. Representatives of this breed are very smart, quite capable of undergoing training and becoming real protectors for the whole family. Representatives of the breed get along well with other animals, but it should be remembered that Airedales need to be properly trained and socialized from early childhood.

Considering the size and restlessness of the dog, as well as the independent terrier disposition, we would not recommend this breed for families with small children, but for a schoolchild the Erdel will easily become a beloved and faithful friend!

Read the full description of the Airedale Terrier breed

German boxer

Boxers look quite tough at first glance, but this impression is deceiving! These are very gentle dogs that adore children so much that they often begin to treat them as their own! These dogs need a lot of physical activity and training from early childhood. If you give this to your pet, he will grow up to be a great friend and protector for your children.

Read the full description of the German Boxer breed

When choosing a dog for a child, regardless of the breed, you should remember that a dog is, first of all, an animal that has innate instincts. A dog cannot be a toy or temporary entertainment for a child. Regardless of which breed you choose, we recommend that you first read our article - A Dog for a Child. What to do if children ask for a dog.


Even children know this breed. Bug-eyed wieners with short legs, a flat muzzle and an upturned nose. The appearance of dogs is truly unique. Pugs are cute and funny, they can cheer you up and support you in difficult times.

The animals are non-aggressive, calm, patient. They cannot be called active even in puppyhood; by old age, dogs completely stop running and prefer to snore on the owner’s bed.

Perfect for small children. Pets will tolerate all hugs and other displays of affection.

  • Pugs are passive towards strangers, as they are towards other animals. They are real phlegmatic people, happy only with the attention of the owner. Mental abilities allow you to train, but laziness and low activity slow down the training process. Dogs need to be motivated with treats and encouragement.
  • Dogs are kept indoors only . They are suitable for inactive people and children, because long walks, especially jogging, are contraindicated for Pugs. However, pets need constant attention and careful care.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a sweet, funny, goofy and good-natured dog. His ancestors were fierce fighters and rat-catchers, but he is strikingly different from them.

Extremely intelligent, energetic, but at the same time small and squat, the Boston Terrier also has a goofy character. It’s even better with children, you can have fun and play.


These are strong and resilient dogs, bred in Arctic conditions to help people. They are also called Divers. The dogs are friendly, non-aggressive, although they inspire fear with their size. In fact, Newfoundlands are fluffy, kind bears who need to sleep, eat and play with their owner.

They adore children, become one of the best nannies, play carefully, and are able to protect and protect from any threat: pull them out of the water, scare away an ill-wisher. Although Newfies are indifferent to strangers and other pets, and the dogs’ temperament is rather phlegmatic.

There are several mandatory points in keeping such pets:

  • Lots of space; dogs are absolutely not suitable for an apartment;
  • Availability of free time (grooming takes a lot of energy);
  • A sufficient amount of material resources, because dogs eat a lot and require veterinary care.

Newfoundlands are suitable for any family living in a private large house . They will be happy to play with children and give love to their owner. In return they will only require love, care and attention. Pets can be sensitive, so they do not tolerate quarrels and swearing.

How to choose a dog for a child

Most dogs have a kind and loving disposition, but not all tolerate play and affection. It is not enough to choose a dog breed that loves children; you need to take other factors into account.

  • Character: the main qualities required are friendliness and patience. Aggression must be excluded.
  • Size: Both miniature and giant dogs are not suitable for children. Little ones have a fragile constitution, and a child can accidentally injure them. Giants themselves can cause pain with an unexpected movement.
  • Gender: Girls are considered to have a more affectionate and gentle nature, but their mood depends on the period of estrus. Gender is not the most important thing when choosing, what is more important is proper upbringing.
  • Having an allergy: a reaction is not a stopping factor for getting a pet. Among the dog breeds that love children are hypoallergenic ones. They emit fewer allergens and are safe to be around.


Circus performers and acrobats often appear in circus programs, television programs, and street performances. This is because the breed is distinguished by excellent mental abilities and quick learning. They are flexible, happy to serve people, and enjoy attention. It should be noted that Poodles look decent.

These dogs are often recommended for older people. Pets become real plush toys - gentle and affectionate. They do not need frequent or long walks, but their curly coat requires significant care.

The variability of the breed can be considered a separate advantage. A person can choose the appropriate size, color and type of coat.

  • Dogs get along well with children, but their fragile nervous system often malfunctions. Poodles are not recommended for families with children who do not know how to handle pets, run around a lot and make noise.
  • They are usually kept in an apartment. Complex wool constantly gets dirty and tangled. Dogs are suitable for calm people with plenty of free time and with older, responsible, quiet children.


For several years in a row, the breed did not lose first place in the top most popular. Dachshunds are indeed very common in Russia and other countries. They won love with their original appearance, small size and perky disposition.

The standard distinguishes 3 height variations and 3 coat lengths. The owner can decide for himself which type is suitable for him. First of all, the choice depends on temporary supplies and the future conditions of keeping the pet.

  • Dachshunds are proud and balanced dogs. They have self-esteem, which is what attracts people. They do not need special conditions, special nutrition or severe physical activity. But, like any hunting dog, they require frequent walks.
  • They treat children well and are happy to play with them and spend their free time. They get along with animals provided they grow up together. Strangers are tolerated, but this depends on upbringing. The breed is suitable for families with an active lifestyle who want to have an original, self-sufficient and funny friend.

It is impossible to say with certainty which breed is suitable for one or another family. There are no identical dogs, just as there are no similar people. When choosing a dog as a pet, you need to rely not only on personal wishes, but also on the advice of dog breeders and dog handlers.

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Suitable age for a child to purchase a dog

Experts say that when choosing a dog breed for a child, you don’t have to be tied to the age of the youngest one. Some parents specifically purchase a four-legged dog shortly before giving birth, so that new family members get used to each other from early childhood.

Sometimes they deliberately postpone buying a puppy until their son or daughter turns 8-10 years old. At this age, they can independently or with minimal assistance take care of the animal: walk it, comb it, bathe it, train it. Dog experts also believe that when your child turns 5 years old, you can already buy a four-legged friend. And it will help the smallest person to become independent and responsible.

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