Prazicide-suspension plus for dogs, 10 ml, description

Prazicide is a combined veterinary drug with therapeutic and prophylactic antihelminthic effects. It is suitable for cats and dogs of different breeds. The product is effective against the most common types of helminths at different stages of development. Often, pets become infected with several types of parasites at once. For mixed helminthiases, owners also use Prazicide.

Parasite protection is an essential part of proper pet care. The main danger of the disease is that a person can become infected with helminthiasis. The veterinary drug Prazicide treats helminthic infestations in cats and dogs and is used for prevention. The suspension is convenient to use for both adult animals and puppies and kittens. For different weights, a certain concentration of active elements and the volume of the bottles are provided.

Indications for use

Prazicide is effective against gastrointestinal parasites in cats and dogs from birth to adulthood. The product is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The drug expels adult parasitic individuals from the digestive system. The medicine is also effective against larvae. Prazicide is used to protect animals from worms when kept together.

Prazicide suspension is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes against nematodes, cystoses and cystic nematodes.

Yuri Lizvinsky Veterinarian, head of the training department of Apicenna LLC

Prazicide suspension is used for the following diseases:

  • Nematodosis. A disease caused by parasitic roundworms. Among the most famous representatives of the class are roundworms, trichinella, toxocara, hookworms, and whipworms.
  • Trematodosis. Damage to animals by trematodes, worms from the class of flukes. Most often they affect the liver, kidneys, and intestines.
  • Cystosis. Infection of domestic animals with parasitic tapeworms. These are echinococci, tapeworms, tenioses, alveococci.
  • Nematoso-cystosis. Helminthic infestations in cats and dogs of mixed type. They are found in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects and restrictions

In terms of the degree of action on the body, the Prazicide suspension is low-toxic , therefore it is well tolerated by pets, does not have a sensitizing effect, and does not affect the fetus and embryo.
However, it is better not to give it in the first half of pregnancy. The drug is also contraindicated in females in the first three weeks after birth, cats with allergic reactions, weakened and exhausted animals. When using Prazicide suspension strictly according to the instructions, complications and side effects in animals most often do not occur. In some cases, you may experience:

  1. Brief drooling.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Loose stools.

All these reactions of the body to the action of the medication go away on their own after a short period of time and do not require treatment.

It is not recommended to give Prazicide suspension to cats along with cholinesterase inhibitors and drugs that contain piperazine.

Release form and appearance of the drug

The veterinary drug Prazicide is available in the form of tablets and suspension. The advantage of a liquid consistency is the accuracy of calculating the dose of medication and ease of use. The kit includes a long syringe with a scale printed on it and instructions for use. Stickers for a veterinary passport make it easier for the owner to control the timing of deworming.

Suspension dosages:

  • Prazicide Suspension Plus 5, 6 and 7 ml. Suitable for toy dogs, kittens and adult cats.
  • Prazicide Suspension Plus 9, 10 and 15 ml. Suitable for medium and large breed puppies and adult dogs.

Externally, the drug is an opaque yellowish liquid. Over time, separation of the suspension is observed, which is considered normal and is eliminated by shaking the bottle before feeding the animal. The medicine is packaged in bottles with a volume of 5 to 15 ml, depending on the purpose of the drug.

What is Prazicide suspension used for?

Helminths are dangerous tapeworms and roundworms that parasitize the gastrointestinal tract of almost all mammals and fish . You can become infected with them through direct consumption of unprocessed meat, from sick animals and people. A pet can pick up worms from its mother or when playing with other pets.

To carry out the deworming procedure in veterinary medicine, various drugs are used in the form of capsules, tablets, solutions and suspensions. The medicine Prazicide from the company Api-San (manufacturer - Russia, Moscow) is available in the form of a yellow suspension and is intended for dogs of different ages and sizes .

It is used for the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestations. You can detect helminths in your pet by the following obvious symptoms:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Itching in the anal area (the pet itches on the floor and carpets);
  • Bloated belly;
  • The presence of white worms or larvae in the feces.

The drug is especially convenient for owners of small dogs and puppies.

The advantages of the drug include:

  1. Soft action;
  2. Wide spectrum of action;
  3. Sweet taste and pleasant smell;
  4. Simple dosage.
  5. The average price of a medicine is 95-150 rubles (per bottle), depending on the type and dosage.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The medicine is available in the form of a yellow suspension with a sweet taste. It is packaged in bottles of 5-15 ml, the box includes instructions and a dispenser syringe. There are three forms of the medicine: 20, 40 and 60 . Depending on the type, the drug contains different doses of active ingredients. Prazicide with the prefix “plus” is characterized by the addition of febantel.

  • Prazicide 20 – praziquantel 5 mg and pyrantel 15 mg;
  • Prazicide 40 – praziquantel 10 mg and pyrantel 30 mg;
  • Prazicide 60 – praziquantel 15 mg and pyrantel 45 mg.

*The value is indicated for each milliliter of suspension.

In addition to the main substances, the composition includes glycerin, sweeteners, water and flavoring.

The composition of the drug guarantees the removal of adult and immature nematodes and cestodes. Active enzymes act on the nervous system of the parasite, they destroy the membrane walls of the worm and affect metabolic processes.

Effect of the drug

It is recommended to use prazicide during feeding, because the components of the medicine are better absorbed with food . The drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and begins to act within 1-3 hours. The duration of absorption depends on the size of the pet, its age, and metabolic rate. A comprehensive, rapid effect on the parasite is achieved thanks to the variety of enzymes included in the composition.

Praziquantel begins to act first, it is quickly absorbed and helps to destroy the integrity of the membrane membrane of helminths. Because of this, the exchange of nerve impulses inside the worm is disrupted, the parasite is paralyzed, as a result of which it dies. Praziquantel has the greatest effect on cestodes.

Pyrantel remains in the gastrointestinal tract longer, thereby increasing the duration of its effect. It disrupts the transmission of impulses in nematodes and promotes the excretion of parasite products along with feces.

Another component is febantel . It blocks the supply of glucose, which causes the worms to die from exhaustion. All components are excreted from the dog’s body within 24 hours along with urine.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for infections of various types: cestodes, nematodes, mixed invasions - taeniasis, toxocariasis, toxoscariasis, uncinariasis, dipylidiasis, hookworm and other diseases. Prazicide is also used as a prophylactic agent and before vaccinations. Its action is aimed at destroying not only adults, but also larvae.

The drug is suitable for treating both puppies and adult animals. Three forms have been developed (prazicide 20, 40, 60), which are intended for small and large pets . Often, the type of suspension is preferred by owners of small ornamental breeds. It is these medications that are simply calculated in dose.

Despite the safety of the composition and its gentle action, you should consult a specialist before use. There are contraindications for use.

Medicinal properties

Prazicide consists of three main active components.

  • Praziquantel. Causes a spasm in the muscles of the worms, which leads to their paralysis and death. Destroys worm eggs, oocysts, larvae.
  • Febantel. It disrupts the structure of vital organs of parasites, which is why their body can no longer function normally. After some time, the parasitic worm dies.
  • Pyrantel pamoate. Any parasites release toxins that accumulate and poison a living organism. The substance pyrantel eliminates the symptoms and consequences of animal intoxication.

The components of the drug destroy the parasites themselves, their larvae, and remove waste products of helminths from the body. The maximum concentration of the drug in the animal's blood is reached an hour after its ingestion. The medicine is excreted without residue through the animal’s urinary system.

special instructions

In case of an overdose of the drug, the animal may experience a depressed state, refusal to feed, excessive salivation, and gastrointestinal upset. In these cases, enterosorbents and symptomatic therapy are used.

Disturbances in the deworming regimen should be avoided as this may result in decreased effectiveness. If the next dose is missed, the drug must be administered as soon as possible in the same dose, then the interval between administrations of the drug does not change.

How to use the medicine

Treatment and prevention using Prazicide is carried out in a course. Before each use, the medicinal liquid must be shaken, as sediment may form at the bottom of the bottle. The product has a pleasant smell and sweetish taste. For dosing, a syringe is included with the medicine.

  • For dogs

For medium and large dogs, Prazicide Plus suspension 9, 10 and 15 ml is used. The calculation of the drug is based on the dosage, 1 ml of suspension is equal to 3 kg of animal weight. For the prevention and treatment of mild forms of helminthic infestation, the drug is taken once. In the severe stage, the drug is given to the pet for 3 days in a row. It is most convenient to use a syringe dispenser.

The medicine is given in the morning by pouring the drug into the animal’s mouth at the root of the tongue. It is allowed to mix the medicine with a small amount of food. For prevention, the dog is given a suspension twice a year – in spring and autumn, when the animal’s immunity is weakened, which means the risk of infection with worms increases significantly.

  • For cats

Deworming of adult cats is carried out using the veterinary drug Prazicide suspension 7 ml. The liquid is mixed with the food in the first half of the day or poured into the open mouth. In severe forms, helminthic diseases are treated for 3 days in a row, giving Prazicide according to the same regimen. In mild form, a single application will be sufficient.

The dose of Prazicide suspension Plus is in the ratio of 1 ml per 1 kg of pet’s weight. This remedy does not require preliminary preparation of the animal, any dietary restrictions, or the use of laxative medications or vitamins. For preventive purposes, the suspension is prescribed once a year. Repeated treatment is carried out on the special recommendation of a veterinarian.

  • For kittens

The first deworming of kittens is carried out at the age of 3 weeks before the main vaccination. If necessary, if worms come out, the anthelmintic procedure is repeated after a week. When keeping kittens in groups, the suspension is used twice with a two-week break. Liquid Prazicide Plus 5 ml is given to the kitten in the mouth undiluted in the morning at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight or mixed with food.

  • For puppies

Puppies of dwarf breeds are dewormed using Prazicide Plus suspension 6 ml. To calculate the dose, use the formula 1 ml = 1 kg of pet’s body weight. The medicine is mixed into the food or injected from a syringe into the mouth. For prevention, an antihelminthic agent is given once a quarter, as well as according to the vaccination calendar before each vaccination. In case of mass housing of puppies, anthelmintic measures are carried out twice with an interval of 2 weeks.

For deworming puppies of medium and large breeds, Prazicide Plus suspension 9 ml is recommended. The volume of one dose is calculated by weight. For 2 kg of puppy weight, take 1 ml of the drug. It is poured in concentrated form into the mouth and mixed with food during morning feeding.



“I have a Dogo Argentino kennel, large litters and several times a year. It is very convenient to use this drug. I especially like that it is made in the form of a suspension. It can be easily divided into portions specific to each puppy’s weight.”

“I picked up a puppy on the street. Naturally, he ate anything and it was probably his first deworming in his life. I first saw long and thin worms after going to the toilet. This means the drug really works.”

“When it came time to worm our dachshund before vaccination, I chose the drug Prazicide suspension. Before this I used tablets exclusively. The suspension itself is yellowish in color and not particularly pleasant to the taste. At least the dog was categorically against swallowing it.

As a result, it turned out to be poured not on the root of the tongue, but on the very tip. After some time, a lot of drool appeared, which is not typical for the breed. It may work for others, but we will look for pills.”


“I have been using this drug for a long time, and as a rule, animals tolerate it well. It is extremely rare in practice that I have encountered an allergic reaction to components.”

“In any case, it is necessary to monitor the activity and general condition after taking the medicine during the first day and, if anything happens, immediately contact a specialist.”


Contraindications to taking the veterinary drug Prazicide relate to individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is not recommended to give medicine to weakened animals that have suffered serious illnesses, injuries, or surgeries. Deworming is carried out a month before or after childbirth.

The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • cubs up to 3 weeks;
  • the last stages of pregnancy in females;
  • feeding period;
  • infections and viruses;
  • allergic reaction.

Recommendations for the method of feeding with suspension

  • Deworming is carried out on healthy, not pregnant or lactating animals.
  • 2-3 days before deworming, it is recommended to treat the animal against ectoparasites.
  • Before use, the suspension must be shaken until smooth.
  • It is advisable to give the drug in the morning with the first feeding.
  • The drug can be mixed with food provided that the animal eats the prescribed amount of suspension.
  • The suspension can be injected dropwise onto the root of the tongue using a measuring syringe.
  • There is no need to follow a diet or rinse the intestines before taking it.

The suspension can be given using a syringe without a needle

Average price for prazicide for cats and kittens

Let's take a look at the price range for prazicide in different pharmacological forms in different regions of the country.

Region Suspension Drops Pills
Primorsky Krai 134 rubles 189 rubles 127 rubles
Moscow region 120 rubles 195 rubles 118 rubles
Krasnodar region 155 rubles 189 rubles 116 rubles
Siberian Federal District 134 rubles 206 rubles 126 rubles
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