Choosing a dog to keep in an apartment - TOP 30 best breeds

Not only owners of large country houses, but also residents of city apartments can get a dog. It is worth stopping at those breeds that are adapted to living in a small area.

Otherwise, everyone will suffer: the dog will feel uncomfortable, whine, spoil things, and the owners will get problems and headaches instead of a faithful friend. Moreover, a puppy that is not adapted to an apartment can become seriously ill.

In order not to run into trouble, we have compiled for you the TOP of the best dogs for living in an apartment, based on the recommendations of dog handlers and the advice of owners.

  1. Top 12 small dog breeds for apartments
  2. Top 15 medium dog breeds for apartments
  3. Top 13 large dog breeds for apartments

Top 12 small dog breeds for apartments

Small dog breeds for apartments up to 30 centimeters in size are considered small. They are compact and do not require much space in the apartment. Such dogs are most often distinguished by their friendly character and easy disposition. Moreover, they are easily accustomed to a tray or diaper and do not require daily walking.

Yorkshire Terrier

Terriers are cheerful and easy-to-keep dogs. Their weight does not exceed 3 kilograms, height – 15-20 centimeters. Dogs are distinguished by long, soft hair, but they hardly shed.

Yorkies are easy to train and can get used to any living conditions. Suitable for frequent travelers - thanks to their compactness and adaptability, they will become good travel companions.

These dogs do not need to be walked every day - they are trained to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter tray. Yorkshire Terriers require constant attention and careful monitoring of their health.

Pomeranian Spitz

These small dogs look like fluffballs. They make you fall in love with their unusual appearance and easy-going character.

Spitz dogs can be trained, learn basic commands, and get used to the way of life of their owners. They are loyal, hardy, and adapt to any climate. Dogs get along easily with other pets and people.

The long fluffy coat of Spitz dogs requires careful care and regular brushing, especially during periods of heavy shedding. In addition, they often bark loudly, and if the apartment is not soundproofed, this can lead to complaints from neighbors.


Pugs are charismatic and cheerful decorative dogs for apartments. They easily learn commands and are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence.

Pugs can become good friends - they subtly sense the emotions of their owner and show compassion. They are well suited to living in confined spaces because they do not like activity, rarely run and tend to have a quiet lifestyle. Because of this, you need to carefully monitor their diet to prevent obesity.

Pugs also need to be examined regularly by a veterinarian - they are not in very good health.

Bichon Frize

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their unusual appearance - they have thick white hair, especially pronounced on the head and tail. Because of this, their muzzle looks voluminous.

They adapt well to life in a confined space, but prefer an active lifestyle and run a lot. They don't remember commands well, but they get used to the rhythm of life and listen to their owners. They love children and tolerate travel well.

The Bichon's coat requires careful grooming, cutting, combing, and bathing. You need to regularly examine your ears and eyes, trim your nails, and brush your teeth with special sticks.

French Bulldog

French bulldogs are compact dogs with a height of 25-30 centimeters. They have a flattened nose and cute folds around the eyes and nose. A strong physique and proportional voice provide the bulldog with an attractive appearance.

These dogs are very smart and loyal, quickly become attached to their owner, and accompany him on trips and travels. They do not require daily walking and are litter trained, but need walks every 2-3 days.

Bulldogs need to be regularly bathed, brushed and the condition of their nails, eyes and ears monitored. They should not be allowed to run around too much - due to the structure of their nose they have breathing problems.


The Pekingese is a dog with a cheerful, balanced character and funny appearance. They have long thick hair and a small funny face. They get along well in an apartment and are easily accustomed to a tray and a diaper.

Often you should only walk with them in spring and autumn at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, otherwise they may overheat or catch a cold. Their long hair needs to be carefully combed and trimmed. Claws and hairs between the toes also require trimming.

Pekingese do not get along with other pets and children; they often bark loudly and make a mess in the apartment.


Chihuahuas are dogs with a funny and balanced character. Their size does not exceed 25 centimeters, their body is proportional, and their hair is short.

They play with children with pleasure, become attached to their owners and do not require constant attention. Sneezers do not need a lot of space, but they must have their own territory - a small mattress or bed in a quiet corner.

They are not prone to excessive activity and can stay at home for several days, but once every 3-4 days they must go outside. During walks, you need to carefully watch the dog - carry it in your hands through puddles, stairs, and high curbs.

Boston Terrier

Bostonians are cute, smart dogs bred specifically for city life. They get along in a confined space, are not afraid of street noise, and rarely run away during walks.

They have short hair and a strong, proportional build, making the dogs look respectable. This breed has a cheerful and cheerful character, so Boston Terriers love activity. If you don't walk them twice a day, they can wreak havoc in your apartment.

But if the dogs have enough walks, then at home they behave quite calmly. Terriers are not aggressive and react calmly to other dogs and children.


Dachshund is one of the most popular decorative breeds. She earned this title thanks to her cheerful character, funny appearance and developed intelligence.

The long dog easily learns basic commands and intuitively understands what the owner wants. Dachshunds are active and love to walk and play a lot. It is imperative to provide them with toys while they are alone at home, otherwise damage to things cannot be avoided.

Dachshunds are easy to care for, but require increased attention to nutrition. These dogs love sweets and are prone to obesity. Dachshunds need to be clothed on winter walks because their low chest position can cause them to become cold and develop pneumonia.

Toy Terrier

Toy terriers, or Russian terriers, are graceful miniature dogs suitable for keeping in city apartments. Their height does not exceed 22-25 centimeters, and their attractive appearance is ensured by long hair on the ears and a neat muzzle with expressive large eyes.

Toy terriers prefer to have fun at home rather than outside, so they need a warm sleeping place and plenty of toys. You can go for a walk once every 3-4 days, but in winter, time outside should be reduced to a minimum to avoid hypothermia.

Dogs easily establish contact with other pets and children. But they should not be kept with aggressive cats - they can damage delicate eyes.

Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound is one of the oldest decorative dog breeds. They are distinguished by a sophisticated, graceful body with short hair and an elongated, neat muzzle. Its height does not exceed 30 centimeters, its maximum weight reaches 4 kg.

Italian Greyhounds have an affectionate and flexible character. They easily adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners: with active ones they will be cheerful and active, with homebodies they will be quiet and calm. Italian Greyhounds can be trained, learn commands, and remember how to behave.

These graceful dogs should not be left alone for a long time and deprived of attention. Their health is good, but special attention needs to be paid to their eyes and ears.

Miniature Poodle

A miniature poodle is a dog that looks like a cute plush toy. It is distinguished by its dwarf size – up to 30 centimeters in height. The breed standard includes a large number of colors. The coat is long, curly, and shorter on the face and ears.

The character is kind, gentle, calm, which makes keeping them in an apartment problem-free. The dog can be trained to use a litter tray and take him for walks every 2-3 days.

He doesn't like company and is unlikely to make friends with other pets. Poodles require careful health monitoring, as well as regular haircuts and brushing.


There are known cases of using a dog as a house guard. But many dog ​​lovers live in a metropolis and want to know which breed will be the best guard? After all, if with a private house it is clear that it is better to use a large dog for protection, then what kind of animal is better to place in an apartment?

It must meet the following specifications.

    He should not be too active or large. Otherwise, he will be too cramped and, therefore, uncomfortable in the apartment.

A great option is a boxer . He treats children well.

Have sensitive hearing.

Lhasa Apsos are renowned for their extremely sensitive hearing, making them excellent house guards. Apso are vigilant and distrustful of strangers. True, these animals do not favor children either and, on occasion, can bite in response to a prank.

If you definitely need a smaller pet, then a Boston Terrier .

This is a very intelligent and firm animal that will never let a burglar through and will not allow any strangers to rob the apartment.

Another option is the Jagdterrier . With proper training, this four-legged friend can cope not only with a robber, but even with a wild animal.

Top 15 medium dog breeds for apartments

Medium-sized dogs reach a height of 30-50 centimeters, are distinguished by higher intelligence compared to decorative breeds, and can perform a guard function. Medium-sized dog breeds for apartments have a calm disposition and are easy to train, so they get along well in the city.

Border Collie

The Border Collie, originally a herding breed, is now considered one of the smartest and funniest. Their height reaches 50 centimeters, and they do not take up much space in the apartment.

These are excellent companion dogs: they are easy to train, support the owner's lifestyle, get along with children and recognize other pets. These are very social dogs - they cannot stand prolonged loneliness and require attention.

Collies are ready to wait for their owner from work, knowing that at the end of the day there will be a game and a treat. Caring for them is simple: just bathe them 2-3 times a year, monitor the condition of their coat and have an annual examination by a veterinarian.

Miniature Bull Terrier

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a guard dog.

Strong, muscular dogs with a characteristically elongated muzzle have protective instincts and very quickly become attached to their owners. Because of this, difficulties may arise during a walk: bull terriers may rush to protect their owners, even if there is no real threat. This behavior can be partially corrected by early training, which is best left to specialists.

Unpretentious apartment dogs do not require special care: it is enough to brush your pet weekly and clean its ears regularly. To maintain the health of your bull terrier, it is better to take him to the veterinarian 1-2 times a year.


Basenjis are ideal medium-sized dogs for apartments. They have a calm character, rarely bark, and do not make a mess.

Their appearance is pleasant: proportional body structure, elongated muzzle and erect ears. A smart, meaningful look gives additional charm. If you take your Basenji for walks regularly and give him the opportunity to play, he will behave calmly at home.

When showing joy or excitement, he does not bark, but makes sounds similar to a cat's purr. This dog loves children and demands attention. The Basenji is difficult to train: only dog ​​handlers can handle it.


The Beagle is a cheerful, small-sized hunting dog. Its height does not exceed 40 centimeters, weight – 6-7 kilograms.

Beagles get along well in an apartment, but they definitely require daily walks lasting 1-2 hours. Trained dogs may be let off leash. If you deprive them of the opportunity to frolic, puppies will make a mess in the house, and adult dogs will begin to get better and may get sick. For the same reason, you need to carefully monitor their diet.

Beagles are in good health, but regular checkups with a veterinarian will not hurt them.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Spaniel is a sweet, smart dog originally from England that is considered an excellent companion. Small dogs for apartments grow up to 40 centimeters and do not require much space.

They definitely need to provide a secluded corner that they will consider theirs and feel safe. They do not require long walks - it is enough to spend 20-30 minutes outside in the morning and evening.

Spaniels are in fairly good health and are not picky about food. They can also be taken with you on trips and trips.

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested is a cheerful dog with an unusual appearance. Their long hair grows only on their head, paws and tail, the rest of the body is covered with short fluff. Because of this, they can only live in an apartment - they can freeze and get sick outside.

This is one of the few medium-sized dogs that are litter trained and do not require daily walking. They have a friendly character and get along easily with children.

Cresteds require careful care - in the summer, their skin needs to be smeared with sunscreen, their eyes and ears examined, vaccinations and vitamins given.

Shar Pei

Shar Pei is a clumsy-looking, but very active and agile dog. Its strong body and muzzle are covered with folds that almost cover its small eyes.

Shar Peis adapt well to apartment life and are trainable, but they only listen to one owner. He must become a leader and leader for the dog so that he knows his place. You shouldn’t bring a Shar Pei into a family with small children, but he will get along great with teenagers.

During walks, he can be aggressive towards other dogs, so you should keep him on a leash. The Shar Pei will become a loyal friend to those who know the rules of handling dogs and are ready to give him love.


Corgis are miniature shepherd dogs that do not grow above 30-35 centimeters. This dog with short legs and a cheerful expression on its face is the life of the party and a family favorite.

They love to frolic outdoors in any weather, but can also live in an apartment. Herding dogs for the home get along well with children of any age and feel like nannies.

They cannot do without physical activity and must walk at least 1.5 hours a day. In rainy weather, after this they definitely need to wash their paws and belly. The disadvantages of this breed include barking, a tendency to disease and obesity.


The Sheltie is a long-haired shepherd dog that is now bred as companion dogs for city apartments. She gets along well in families with a large number of people; they love both children and the elderly.

Sheltie always tries to be the center of attention, involve her owners in her games and never be left alone. Therefore, a dog of this breed is not suitable for those who are always busy. On walks, she behaves like a protector, does not like to let passers-by and other animals get close to her owners, but does not show open aggression.

The Sheltie requires careful grooming and regular vet checks, barks frequently, and loves to chase cars and people.


The Poodle is a traditional hunting dog with an affectionate and loyal character. They are very fluffy dogs with curly hair, which gives them an attractive appearance.

Poodles are smart, and they definitely need to be trained and accustomed to commands. First of all, they need to be accustomed to their place and daily routine. If dogs are left alone in the apartment, they must be provided with toys. You need to walk at least 1.5 hours a day.

Caring for them requires a lot of effort and time: poodles need to be combed, cut, taken to the veterinarian, vaccinated regularly and their diet monitored.

Basset Hound

The Basset is a noble dog that, despite its sad appearance, has a cheerful character. Dogs with a long, strong body and short legs have an intelligent and meaningful look, which is why they quickly become family favorites.

Their character is calm, they subtly sense the mood of the owner and try to adapt to him. Despite their phlegmatic nature, they love to play and cannot stand loneliness. Because of this, basset dogs are an ideal option for older people.

Bassets are susceptible to bone diseases and obesity, so you need to carefully monitor their diet and follow your veterinarian's recommendations for physical activity.

Chow chow

Chow chows are fluffy dogs that look like clumsy bear cubs. They can become not only friends and companions, but also guards.

Guard instincts appear every time the owner or home, in the opinion of the Chow Chow, is in danger. But trained dogs restrain these impulses and do not show aggression. They are wary of new faces in the family. Chows behave calmly in an apartment; 1-1.5 hours of walks a day are enough for them.

For dogs to feel good and look beautiful, they need to be bathed at least once a week and brushed daily. Chow chows are suitable for those who are ready to care for them and pay enough attention.


Dalmatians are intelligent, energetic dogs with a distinctive spotted coat. They are restless and require attention.

They feel good in a city apartment if the owners provide them with long walks - an hour in the morning and in the evening. Without daily activity, Dalmatians become sad and begin to spoil things in the apartment. Puppies need to be trained from childhood, otherwise their behavior will be controlled by their innate stubborn nature.

Dalmatians get along well with children and are not aggressive towards strangers. Only those who are willing to devote time to walks, training, and grooming should get a Dalmatian.

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu are Japanese hunting dogs with a strong and willful character. They can live in apartments due to their small size and ability to learn quickly.

Their way of life depends on the owner’s attitude towards them in childhood - if he pays enough attention to upbringing and shows respect, then the puppy will grow up docile and smart. But Shibas will still remain independent and stubborn in some things, and you have to come to terms with this. They get along better with children over 7-8 years old who have already learned how to handle animals.

Requires daily walks of 30-40 minutes. A Shiba needs to be bathed once a week, combed daily, and taken to the veterinarian once every six months.

Irish Terrier

The Irish Terrier is an ancient breed that has always been a companion and friend for humans. This is a dog with a friendly, easy-going character.

He is active and cheerful, and with proper upbringing in an apartment he will behave quite calmly. On walks, he often shows himself as a protector - when he senses danger, he notifies about it with a loud bark. The terrier is not very trainable - you need to not only learn commands, but also explain what the owner wants from him. Therefore, this dog is ideal for patient and active people.

The terrier does not require special care - its coarse coat needs to be combed regularly, bathed 1-2 times a year, and vaccinated on time.

The healthiest

According to breeders, dogs can only become healthy with a very caring and sincerely loving owner. But there are some breeds that have very good health.

Australian Cattle Dog

They live a very long time. Of course, for dogs and in the hands of a caring owner. Approximately 12-13 years or even more. If the size of the apartment allows, she will become an excellent friend for a very long time.

Bichon Frize

This breed is valued by dog ​​breeders for its attractive appearance and friendly character. But these dogs require thorough care. Their average life expectancy is 12-16 years. But when pets live up to 18 years, this does not surprise anyone.

Top 13 large dog breeds for apartments

Large dogs are reliable guards and protectors with high intelligence. They are easy to train, which is why many breeds are well adapted to life in city apartments.


Labrador is a smart and kind companion dog. He is distinguished by his loyalty to his owners and friendliness to others.

The breed is trainable and learns quickly, so a person without canine training can train it to live in an apartment. All you need to learn is a little patience and love. He gets along well with children of all ages and is not aggressive towards other pets.

To avoid health problems and obesity, you need to provide your Labrador with exercise and let him play in the fresh air. Otherwise, he does not require careful care, but it is worth regularly checking the condition of his joints and bones with a veterinarian.


The Newfoundland is a large, kind and calm dog that is ideal for large families with children. She cannot stand boredom and loneliness, so she will happily play with anyone who shows love and pays attention.

Despite its large size, the Newfoundland easily gets along in an apartment due to its docile nature and behaves calmly on walks. He will behave calmly even with small pets. This dog loves water very much, so in the warm season it is better to give him the opportunity to swim in a pond.

The health of the Newfoundland requires careful attention: it needs to be taken to the veterinarian often, vaccinated, and fed with vitamins.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most loyal dogs that can become a true friend for the owner.

Thanks to their attachment to the owner and ease of training, they actively help people in the service and during special operations. Because of this, they easily adapt to life in an apartment: the owner’s attention is much more important to them than free space. Walking with them is not difficult - trained dogs do not try to run away, do not tug on the leash and do not bark.

Shepherd dogs are in fairly good health and do not require special care. To improve your pet's quality of life, it is enough to conduct regular veterinary examinations.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is a huge, kind-hearted dog who quickly becomes a family favorite thanks to his easy-going character and loyal disposition. Their height can reach 90 centimeters, weight – 70 kilograms.

Long-haired dogs cannot stand loneliness and need frequent attention. They get along well with small children and protect them at home and on walks. Saint Bernards are very calm, so their large size does not prevent them from getting along well in an apartment. But it is imperative to educate them from an early age, otherwise the dog will develop a bad character.

The diet of St. Bernards must be balanced - they are susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases. Also, special attention should be paid to the health of the eyes and joints.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a smart, calm and balanced dog. A pronounced beard, mustache and eyebrows combined with a meaningful look make their appearance unusual and striking.

A distinctive feature of their character is devotion. The dog is attached to his home, so he easily gets used to the apartment. He loves, respects and listens to the members of the family in which he lives, regardless of their gender and age. But he is wary or even aggressive towards strangers and strangers. Because of this, Giant Schnauzers need careful training from an early age.

You need to walk with them for a long time - at least 2 hours a day. They require careful grooming, regular medical examinations and treatment of emerging diseases.


The Rottweiler is a true protector and guard of its owners. He is loyal and calm, but does not tolerate aggression.

He subtly senses the mood of strangers and notices any danger. If you don't train your dog from an early age, he will become dangerous to others. Families with preschoolers should not have them. The Rottweiler needs a strong person who will show him who is boss. In this case, he will be restrained and balanced.

To make the dog comfortable in the apartment, you need to take him for walks often and give him enough physical activity. To prevent your Rottweiler from getting sick, it needs to be regularly vaccinated and fed with vitamins. Otherwise, it does not require special care.


The Collie, or Scottish Sheepdog, is a loyal, affectionate and sensitive herding dog that will become a companion and family friend. Its long coat and thin, elongated nose make its appearance attractive and unique.

She quickly becomes attached to her owners, so living next to them in an apartment does not cause her any inconvenience. Collie adores children and loves to take care of them. In case of danger, she can bark and try to scare away the enemy; she shows aggression only as a last resort.

You need to walk with your pet for at least an hour every day, and once or twice a week you should arrange especially long walks with games. Grooming a collie's long hair takes a lot of time - it takes 20-30 minutes every day.

German dog

The Great Dane is a noble and balanced breed that is suitable both as a protector and as a companion. He combines a frightening and phlegmatic appearance, but by nature this dog is affectionate and kind.

The Great Dane loves its owners and is easy to train. In this case, he clearly distinguishes between real and imaginary threats and does not show aggression unless there is a reason for it. He needs responsible and serious people who know the basics of handling dogs.

He can live in an apartment, but cramped housing will not suit him. For a normal existence, a Great Dane needs 2-3 rooms and long daily walks. It costs less to be outside with your dog in wet weather. Great Danes have good health, and vaccination and preventive examinations will help maintain it.


Dobermans are graceful and noble protective dogs. They are distinguished by their developed intelligence, devotion, and expressive character.

These dogs get along well in an apartment and feel fine in a confined space if they feel attention to themselves. For a normal life, daily quiet walks are enough for them. They love children and cannot stand scandals - this makes them show aggression.

Training will help you raise a Doberman with a balanced character - a guard and a devoted friend. These pets are unpretentious in their maintenance: they need to be brushed weekly, their long ears cleaned, and their teeth brushed.

Golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is a cheerful, cheerful and active dog that will become a reliable friend for the whole family. This is a hunting dog that is adapted for living in a city apartment with loved ones.

Retrievers are non-conflicting, get along well with people of all ages, and do not show aggression towards strangers. They can protect their owners by barking loudly. Dogs need constant entertainment - toys at home, active games outside. The main problems with care are frequent shedding and the need for daily brushing.

They are in good health, but require regular vaccinations.

Irish Setter

The Irish Red Setter is a hunting breed with an unusual red color with a reddish tint. These are very smart dogs that are easy to train.

They get along calmly in an apartment if you teach them to do so from childhood. But you need to be prepared for long walks, which the setter cannot do without. At home, the Irish can play pranks and create chaos - this is part of their character. You also need to be prepared for the fact that they need a large amount of food.

Setters are kind and get along with children, but they should not be introduced to smaller pets. Caring for them involves regular brushing and frequent formation of memorized commands.

Samoyed husky

The Samoyed is a good-natured dog with fluffy fur and a friendly smile on its face. It is suitable for active people and families with children: it will participate in games, hikes, and sports training.

If a husky spends 1-2 hours a day outside, then it will not be difficult for her to live in a city apartment. But even there she needs attention from her owners: she needs to talk to her, pet her, and support her in games.

They are easy to train and there are no difficulties in caring for them. Weekly brushing and bathing once a season is enough to care for long hair. Health can be maintained with vitamin supplements and regular visits to the doctor.


The shorthaired pointer is a professional hunter, ready to become an easygoing pet for those who surround him with love and attention. They look beautiful and graceful, rarely show aggression, and love children.

But dogs of this breed cannot live without physical activity and regular exercise. Quiet homebodies are better off not opting for the Shorthaired Pointer. But for those who are ready to spend 2-3 hours a day walking and raising a dog, he will become his best friend.

Caring for them is not difficult: you need to regularly trim the dog's claws, check the ears and eyes, brush the teeth and comb out the hair weekly.

Many dogs of different sizes are adapted to living in limited space, and when choosing a pet for an apartment, it is worth considering them.
Thus, the life together of the pet and its owner will be pleasant and productive for both of them. What size dog would you get?

Care and maintenance

Dog breeds with a calm character need careful attention. In order for your dog to remain friendly, you must follow the following basic principles of keeping it:

  • regular hair and nail care;
  • proper nutrition;
  • live communication with the dog, encouraging correct behavior and success;
  • regular walks;
  • preventive examination by a veterinarian;
  • learning new skills, training.

Pets fill our lives with new bright colors and give true devotion and love. By becoming a full-fledged member of the family, they teach people to behave like human beings. With proper care, attitude and respect for your pet, you will receive a lot of positive emotions and optimism.

Additionally, check out the video about the calmest and most apartment-friendly dog ​​breeds:

Russian toy terrier

Toy terriers, along with Chihuahuas, are the smallest dog breeds in the world. Toys look like mini Dobermans, just as slender, graceful and very noble. Do you want a pocket dog with a loyal character, cheerful and kind? Choose a toy terrier. Communication with this miracle will brighten up the days of lonely people and families with children.

Find out how much a puppy costs

Pomeranian (German) Spitz

Another breed of dog designed to be kept in an apartment. The Spitz will be a favorite of all members of your family, friends, acquaintances and just passers-by. He is so charming and friendly that it is impossible not to fall in love with him. He will happily play various games with children, lie on the sofa with his owner, or take part in preparing dinner. This fluffy dog ​​needs to constantly be aware of what is happening around him and, if possible, take an active part in all matters.

Find out how much a puppy costs



Do you spend a lot of time outside the home, most often at work? The Pug is a great breed for these types of people. But they are very happy to show attention to them, and will respond to the owner with very strong love. They are not discouraged in the absence of the owner, and sincerely rejoice at his return.

These dogs also love to be trained. These dogs are ideal for living with older people .

Plus, they look like plush toys come to life! But in fact, they are wonderful, affectionate friends who, moreover, are friends without any self-interest.

But do not forget that dogs of these breeds have problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems, they do not tolerate heat well, and prefer peace and long sleep to active rest and long walks. They also actively snore and suffer from flatulence.


Welsh Corgi

This is a wonderful, compact dog even for a one-room apartment. Corgis get along well with children and other animals and are suitable for inexperienced owners : they quickly remember commands and do not fight.

They do not require any special care: they need to be combed a couple of times a week, bathed once a month.


Basset Hound

He is very smart and curious, flexible, sociable and loyal. Most often he gets along well with other pets. He can cheerfully climb into the car, play with everyone at a picnic, and then lazily sit with his family in front of the TV.

Which one is better to get?

So before you decide what kind of dog to get in a small apartment, think about whether there will be enough space and space for activity.

In order not to cause disruption of reflexes and social behavior, one person should train, give commands, scold and praise. If there are many owners, it is quite possible that the dog will not recognize any of them.

It is also worth remembering that a dog also has character and a sense of pride, it will treat you the way you treat it , so don’t be surprised if even friendly breeds respond to your rude word or gesture with aggression.

Jack Russell Terrier

An excellent choice for active people. The hyperactive Jack Russell requires daily physical activity, otherwise his irrepressible energy will result in the creation of chaos and chaos in the apartment. Joint jogging and outdoor games are something that will bring pleasure to the dog and the owner. A tired but happy dog ​​after a walk will behave at home like a small, affectionate kitten, calm and unobtrusive.

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Maltese (Maltese dog)

The favorite of the French nobility from the moment it appeared in Europe, there was no denying anything. The softest pillows, expensive jewelry, gourmet food - the owners pampered the lap dogs in every possible way. The Maltese never had the need to get food for itself, and this shaped its character. Calm, graceful, with gorgeous snow-white fur, it’s impossible not to fall in love with such a beauty. For anxious people, Maltese will be an excellent antidepressant.

Find out how much a puppy costs

Yorkshire Terrier, Biewer, Colored Yorkies

Let's start with, perhaps, one of the most common miniature dogs - the Yorkshire terrier. The first Yorkies were brought to our country from nurseries in Europe. Cynologists from the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Hungary were actively involved in the development of this breed, and today the entire population of Yorkshire terriers in Russia has European roots. So why has the Yorkshire Terrier been a consistent favorite among small breeds over the last 20 years?

First of all, I think no one will argue with this, Yorkies are very beautiful. Girls love to braid their silky fur and decorate it with bows. And chic hairstyles, together with a charming face with big eyes and long eyelashes, make the little Yorkie look like a toy. Another undoubted advantage is their lack of undercoat, and therefore shedding. If one of your family members is allergic to dog hair, then he will not react to Yorkies. They also have an absolutely wonderful character. In Yorkies, two opposing qualities coexist peacefully - on the one hand, activity and fearlessness, characteristic of all terriers, and on the other hand, the softness and docileness of a decorative dog. It is impossible not to mention the Yorkies' closest relatives, the Biewers. They are distinguished by their black, white and gold color, and, according to breeders, by a more balanced temperament.

And about colored Yorkies, which include all Yorkshire terriers with a color different from the standard one - steel and tan. Gold, marble, black, chocolate and other colors are no longer considered rare.

Find out how much a puppy costs

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