What breed of dog to choose to guard a private home

The first idea of ​​a dog that should guard the house is that it is an angry, large animal. In fact, there are a lot of criteria for choosing a dog for a private home. In many ways, it is necessary to take into account wealth, the environment of the dog’s place of residence, the age characteristics of family members, the activity of life position and personal preferences.

When choosing a dog, you need to take into account that many breeds are completely unsuitable for protection, only because they do not have a guard instinct. Guard breed dogs are endowed with a common set of certain qualities: a balanced nervous system, independence in decision-making, vigilance towards strangers, prudence, speed in learning, an indifferent attitude towards dogs and other types of animals, a tolerant attitude towards the owner’s loved ones, the presence of a dense coat for protection from cold and heat.

Dog for guarding a private home

Proper training of a guard dog

You need to start raising a dog at a very early age. First of all, you need to pay attention to the toilet, where the puppy is and team training. Creating a daily routine will be a logical step, so the dog will know what time there will be a walk, games, training and feeding. It is imperative to show the puppy that the owner is the leader in the house, and not she:

  • The owners enter the house first, and then only the pet;
  • the owner makes the first meal and only then does the dog feed;
  • if there are children, attention is also paid first to them, and only then to the dog;
  • all game processes are started and completed only by the owner;
  • you cannot give in and allow yourself to be defeated;
  • the puppy must learn where his place is, and this command must be carried out unquestioningly;
  • if a puppy is bred to guard a private home, then excessive affection must be avoided so as not to develop the dog into a sweet, trusting creature. Guard dogs must be treated strictly and at the same time given moderate amounts of love so as not to become spoiled.

The dog must feel the leader in the owner

If you purchased an adult dog, then it will take longer to adapt. First you need to analyze the character of the animal. If before acquisition the animal was intimidated (the dog is pressed to the floor from every sudden movement and raised tone), then training will be difficult and long. An aggressively intimidated animal also crouches to the floor, and then tries to carry out an attack - such a dog is uncontrollable in a state of panic. A dominant-aggressive dog, which without any chance can attack the owner, as well as other people while walking, can only be retrained by a canine service specialist. A dog without a psychologically disturbed upbringing will be able to re-educate if it allows itself to be stroked and sniffed by its future owner during the first interaction. If a dog does not show interest in a person, then this is a sign of self-confidence and such a dog can be accepted into the family.

Causes of dog aggression towards its owner

If a dog shows aggression towards its owner, this can happen for a number of reasons:

  • trying to become a leader;
  • feels afraid;
  • warns the person.

Is your dog showing aggression towards you? Perhaps she is afraid of you

With warning aggression, the pet does not cause pain, grabs clothes, tries to pull and barks loudly. The manifestation of leadership and fear must be corrected. Aggression is formed due to incorrect upbringing. It is necessary to suppress all attempts at aggression, especially during the period of eating (if the owner is nearby), as well as when the dog takes a position above the person, while the owner indicates the place. Growling while fixing the collar and unfulfilled commands are also suppressed and corrected. When retraining a dog, you should not scream; only a raised tone would be appropriate, hitting the animal and depriving it of water or food. Locking someone up and leaving them alone is not an example of good parenting. If a dog’s behavior is not corrected at all, then it must be sent to a specialist for training, otherwise it may be a danger to others.

If, on the contrary, you need to achieve aggressive behavior in an animal, then you should contact a special trainer. You should not set a dog on yourself or your loved ones - this is not the right decision. Here you need to clearly be able to loudly stop aggressive behavior. Before training aggression, you need to completely achieve clear obedience from the dog. Sometimes the dog itself takes the initiative and goes to protect its owner and family members, this is the correct development of the relationship between pet and owner, and this is how it should be.

To correct behavior, contact a trainer

To properly raise a guard dog, you first need to choose the appropriate breed with the desired qualities. The animal must be mentally stable and undergo special training with a specialist. It must be taken into account that not all guard breeds can live on the street. If the dog does not have the necessary dense coat that will protect it from cold or heat, then it is worth placing it in a heated room, but it will not lose its skills. If the breed allows you to stay in a kennel outside, then you need to provide maximum visibility to the pet to protect the territory.

Training with an experienced canine service specialist will bring many benefits and will train your pet to be a worthy guardian, and most importantly, the training will be correct and will not harm the dog’s psychological health.

Education is long and hard work, depending on the desires and goals of the dog owner. That is why the phrase “a dog is similar to its owner” is a determinant and even a guide in education. Look at your dog's behavior and you will see a part of yourself in it, as the animal imitates the leader of the pack.

Raising a dog is long and hard work.

What you need to know! It must be remembered that a guard dog in a private house must move freely around the yard. If you decide to put it on a chain, then it would be wise to install an alarm in the house, since the animal will not be able to help in protecting the house, but will only degrade. The chain has a temporary restraining effect.

Friend to family

Among the many different breeds of dogs, there are some that get along well with the family. When you have a child, it is very important to understand what issues may arise if you purchase a dog. Of course, these are additional costs for food, the need to allocate time for such necessary walks, training and raising the dog. In addition, it is worth considering that a child may have an allergic reaction to wool. But, compared to the troubles considered, the joy and positive emotions of children will be the best reward. Don't be afraid to give a gift to your son or daughter when getting a dog. In addition, there are breeds whose fur does not cause an allergic reaction.

For a dog to become a friend for a child, talk to him about how to communicate with an animal, what each family member will now have to do. Distribute responsibilities and get ready to meet a new friend, not just a pet.

Tips for choosing a dog to guard a private home

When choosing a pet, it is worth considering the criteria of external data:

  1. Wool cover. To live outside, the dog must have warm fur to protect it from frost, wind, heat and rain. But even with a good coat, the dog must be provided with a kennel for shelter from bad weather.
  2. Size parameter. To protect a private home, it is worth purchasing breeds - giants and large breeds of dogs, so that even with its impressive size, an ill-wisher will think about entering the protected area.
  3. Excellent health and ease of maintenance.

What qualities should a guard dog have?

What character traits should a guard dog have:

  1. Equilibrium.
  2. Quickly assess the situation and make an independent decision.
  3. Wariness towards strangers.
  4. Tolerance to domestic animals and birds.
  5. Ability to learn.
  6. Friendly communication with children and other family members.

All of the above qualities make the dog an ideal guard. When purchasing a puppy, it is worth asking the breeder in detail what percentage of success his pets have. There are situations when the puppy’s parents have absolutely no experience in guarding activities, but only attend exhibitions, then all the qualities inherent in guard breeds will be lower in the puppy.

Overview of all guard breeds

Dogs suitable for protection are distinguished by one breed trait - distrust of strangers. Otherwise, the pets are all completely different, with different work techniques, principles of protection and appearance.

It is a common belief that large animals do not belong in an apartment. But you need to take into account the size of the home. For example, it is better for the owner of 80 square meters of typical building to have a calm and melancholy mastiff than an energetic German shepherd. While the owner is at work, the mastiff will sleep peacefully if its boundaries are not violated. Unlike a shepherd dog, which will bark at the slightest noise, causing a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors. Residents of one-room apartments, of course, need to pay attention to smaller security guards.

You should not lose sight of your pet's coat. Only dogs with thick hair and abundant undercoat are allowed to be kept outside during the cold season.

Very big dogs

Giant dogs are suitable for keeping in the local area of ​​the private sector, in large houses or apartments. As a rule, large, heavy animals have a very calm character. They do not need active physical activity and are content with long walks at a calm pace.

Central asian shepherd dog

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) is one of the best territorial guard dogs. He is distinguished by a stable psyche, endurance, ability to assess the situation and make independent decisions.

Not afraid of frost, can live outside all year round. It is difficult to train, but this does not affect its security qualities. Not recommended for people who are insecure or inexperienced in communicating with dogs. The price for a puppy varies from 15,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the number of titles of the parents.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is an excellent guard for the territory; it does not require special training; protecting the entrusted borders is in its blood.

Not recommended for people with an unbalanced psyche or weak character. Suitable for keeping in the local area all year round. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that some individuals of this breed are too aggressive.

You can buy a Caucasian Shepherd for 20,000 – 50,000 rubles.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most gigantic and ferocious dogs. They have a very pronounced distrust of others, bordering on outright bitterness.

Suitable only for the private sector, and only for experienced dog breeders. They are difficult to train, stubborn, willful, but will never let a stranger into their territory.

One of the most expensive breeds, the price of a puppy reaches up to 80,000 - 100,000 rubles.

German dog

Great Danes are large, balanced dogs. They are not aggressive, but they bravely guard their owner’s territory with appropriate training.

Need long, leisurely walks. They cannot live outside all year round; in winter they must be kept in a warm room. Prices for puppies from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux is distinguished by its large dimensions and large mass, like all mastiffs. Independent, stubborn dogs are not for beginners in dog breeding.

They do not tolerate harsh treatment of themselves; distrust of others can border on bitterness. From early childhood they need socialization and training. You can buy a Dogue de Bordeaux for 30,000 – 50,000 rubles.

Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is a balanced, large, strong breed. It is distinguished by excellent health and unpretentious maintenance, and tolerates any weather conditions well. It is easy to train and exhibits excellent guarding qualities. Needs physical activity and daily contact with the owner.

The price for a puppy varies between 35,000 – 55,000 rubles.


The Leonberger is a very large dog with thick hair and is not afraid of frost . A brave, reserved, obedient breed. The Leonberger is well trained, and when trained as a guard dog, it will be a reliable guard. Loyal and tolerant of children, safe for others - not excessively aggressive. The price for a representative of the breed reaches 80,000 rubles.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is the lightest among the giants, the average weight of the Giant Schnauzer is only 40 kg (versus 60 - 90 kg of mastiffs and aboriginal wolfhounds), while its height is not much inferior to the others - up to 70 cm at the withers.

Distrustful of others, without unnecessary aggression, active, manageable. The Giant Schnauzer is highly trainable and is attached to children with whom it constantly lives. Not suitable for keeping in an enclosure - it freezes in winter, needs daily physical activity and constant contact with the owner. You can buy a Giant Schnauzer for 35,000 – 45,000 rubles.

Pyrenean mountain dog

Once the main task of the Pyrenees was to protect the herd from predators, these large dogs were valued for their loyalty and devotion to their master. Later, dogs migrated to royal courts and began to guard palaces. For a thousand years, the breed has not lost its protective qualities.

This is a reliable and safe friend for children and pets, but at the same time a dangerous adversary for uninvited guests. Pyrenees have a keen sense of ownership.

They are excellent defenders of their family and territory. It is important to note that the dog is not aggressive; attacks occur in extreme cases. Usually, pets scare strangers with their loud barking and frightening appearance. The breed is not suitable for keeping in an apartment, but a spacious private yard with an enclosure will be the best home for a pet.

The height of the dog is up to 80 cm at the withers. It has thick soft white fur. The average cost of the breed is 35-80 thousand rubles.

Large breeds

Large breeds of dogs suitable for protection are usually very active and require training and systematic physical activity. Large individuals can be kept in an enclosure on a personal plot, provided they have plenty of fur and daily walking. It is recommended to keep smooth-haired individuals in a warm room - an apartment or house.

True Shepherds

True shepherd dogs are a number of breeds whose direct purpose historically was herding cattle (also among shepherd dogs there are gurtogons and wolfhounds).

Almost all herding dogs have a tendency to protect the territory, although they do not have bitterness in character. Security qualities are manifested in the process of education; representatives of true shepherd dogs perfectly understand what is required of them, and are happy to work as guards if circumstances require it.

True shepherd dogs suitable for protection include:

  • Belgian (Malinois, Laekenois, Tervuren, Groenendael) - price 25 - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Eastern European - price 15 - 35 thousand rubles.
  • German – price 10 – 30 thousand rubles.
  • White Swiss – price 30 – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Kelpie (Australian Shepherd) - price 25 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Herder (Dutch Shepherd) - price about 50 thousand rubles.
  • Beauceron - price 20 - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Estrela mountain dog - price 30 - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Czech shepherd dog - price 40 - 60 thousand rubles.

This is not the entire list of shepherd dogs capable of guarding a person, a house, or a property. Absolutely all shepherds are distinguished by strength, courage, endurance and excellent ability to learn various skills. This is why they are so widespread in different parts of the world, working in various types of services.


Commonly known as the “butcher’s dog.” Powerful, strong, courageous, respect-inspiring breed. Suitable for working as a bodyguard - there is a pronounced distrust of others combined with attachment to the owner.

Territorial protection can be trained, but this is not in genetics, although it is difficult to imagine a person who would dare to violate the boundaries entrusted to a Rottweiler. Not suitable for year-round keeping on the street; it requires timely training and physical activity. Price 15,000 – 30,000 rubles.


The Doberman, like the Rottweiler, is more of a bodyguard than a territorial guard. The Dobermann has tremendous training abilities, due to which it is used in various areas of service, including the protection of private property.

Not suitable for outdoor conditions due to the lack of undercoat. Needs active training and training. A Doberman puppy can be bought for 15,000 – 35,000 rubles.


The Boxer is a wonderful guard for active people, affectionate and kind with all family members, turning into a fierce defender in case of danger. Not suitable for an aviary, prefers soft bedding at the owner's feet.

Requires discipline and education from childhood, as well as long, active walking throughout life. Prices for Boxer puppies range from 25,000 – 45,000 rubles.

Guard dogs of medium and small sizes

Sometimes the smallest dogs truly have the hearts of lions; a small companion can become a faithful protector of the family and property. Due to their size and attachment to their owners, medium and small breeds of dogs are rarely kept in local areas; more often they can be found in city apartments.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Amstaff, as it is commonly called for short, is one of the best compact security guards. Their dimensions allow them to be kept even in one-room apartments (the weight of an Amstaff rarely exceeds 30 kg).

A fairly compact city dog, it lends itself well to training, although sometimes there are quite stubborn individuals. Suitable for families with children, provided that the dog comes after the child. The instinct to protect the owner is stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. Prices for puppies from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Norwegian Buhund

Or the Norwegian Shepherd belongs to the class of true shepherds, it also guards boldly, but it grows in a more compact size. The coat allows the Norwegian Shepherd to be kept in an enclosure all year round, but the pet is more comfortable next to its beloved owner. A very rare breed in Russia, prices for puppies reach 75,000 rubles.

There are, of course, very small, brave guards, but even the most aggressive Yorkshire terrier is unlikely to be able to seriously resist a robber. Dwarf breeds serve rather as a “bell” about the approach of strangers.

The variety of breeds provides a wide choice of protection for every taste. But first of all, you need to remember that a dog’s character depends on its upbringing. A good owner has a good dog.

3 / 5 ( 3 voices)

Dog breeds that will never become home guards

In the modern world there is a wide variety of breeds that can never be guards, even if they are huge.

  1. Sled dog breeds. Huskies and Malamutes are very beautiful dogs, but they cannot guard the house. The thirst for adventure and travel flows in their blood, so these dogs will not be able to sit on a leash. They need to move a lot. These dog breeds are also very friendly and affectionate. Therefore, you should not put a sled dog on a chain in the yard, as you will only disturb your pet’s psyche.

    Huskies and Malamutes are not designed to protect the home

  2. Hunting breeds also cannot be guard dogs, because they are very mobile and cannot be kept on a leash for long periods of time. Medium and small breeds of dogs (beagles, dachshunds, spitz, corgis) are also not suitable for protection.
  3. Fighting breeds. Bull terriers, Staffordshire terriers, and pit bull terriers are also not suitable as guards for a private home because of their good-natured nature. True, if you educate them correctly, you can achieve good results.

    The Bull Terrier is not suitable for guarding a private home due to its good-natured nature.

  4. Some types of guard dogs. For example, the Neapolitan mastiff is very jealous and shows it with aggression, and therefore not only the immediate environment, but also the neighbors can suffer.
  5. Dogs are rescuers and guide dogs. Good-natured Labradors, St. Bernards, retrievers, and Newfoundlands cannot be guards, since they do not have aggressiveness in their blood, so they can only gallantly bark at an intruder.

Video - How to choose a dog for a private home

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