Yorkie haircut - which one to choose for boys and girls

For many years now, Yorkshire terriers have been considered one of the most popular indoor and decorative breeds. The price of a Yorkshire terrier depends on the pedigree and whether the puppy has the necessary documents.

Note that for a descendant of parents with championship titles they can ask for a thousand US dollars.

Cut it yourself or leave it to a professional

Here it is worth starting with the fact that every owner has his own personal opinion about his pet, and everyone knows what is best for their beloved dog, but there are some things that professionals in this field should do. In this way, you can ensure the comfort and safety of the animal, and save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

First of all, the Yorkie must be taught the necessary hygiene procedures from puppyhood, these include:

  • bathing;
  • combing;
  • cleaning eyes and ears;
  • a haircut.

If this is not done, then some new event, especially in inept hands, will seem like bullying or a sophisticated punishment to the dog.

Animals that have no idea about hygiene procedures can perceive the most ordinary haircut as aggression on the part of a person, after which he will begin to defend himself, which is quite natural. As a result, the Yorkie gets stress that he will remember for the rest of his days.

Finding a professional groomer today is not a global problem; you can go to a special salon or call a specialist to your home. As for the cost, any owner will find a suitable option without much difficulty. So what is better than a professional haircut:

  • Grooming an animal yourself is somewhat detrimental to the hierarchical environment in the house. The fact is that the dog perceives its owner as a friend, and not a “tormentor”;
  • Home grooming has its drawback in that this is where the Yorkie's own territory is located, in which the sandy feels safe. Trying to resist hostile, from the pet’s point of view, actions, the four-legged dog may begin to defend itself, and this will lead to great difficulties;
  • Regular grooming in the salon leads to the fact that the terrier gets used to the prevailing environment there, begins to recognize his master, and trust is gradually born. As a result, hygiene procedures begin to be perceived by the dog as something familiar, and cease to be an unpleasant surprise;
  • Thanks to the professional equipment located in the salon, the entire haircut takes a minimum of time.

Description of the breed

Today, Yorkies are one of the most popular dog breeds. They attract with their noble appearance and playful character . Although few owners of dogs of this breed know that they were originally used to work in mines and factories. It was only in the mid-19th century that they became popular as a pet.

Yorkies come in one color: adult dogs are always dark steel , but puppies are born completely black.

How long do Yorkies live?

Yorkshire Terriers are considered long-lived (12 – 15 years) with relatively few serious health problems. Some Yorkies are prone to fractures, bronchitis, eye infections, tooth decay, poor digestion, and do not tolerate anesthesia well. Exotic treats should be avoided.

A small dog with a noble appearance and playful character


Some personality traits are very common among Yorkshire Terriers, but each dog is unique. Knowing your dog's personality traits can help you use them to your advantage to help you train him more effectively.

In general, the Yorkshire Terrier is very energetic and loves to keep itself busy . But among this breed there are also homebodies. For such a small dog breed, Yorkies, like Chihuahuas, have quite big personalities.

Yorkies have many character traits:

  • Intelligence. The Yorkshire Terrier is smart, but only in those things that are important to dogs. They are attentive and curious, and can quickly get what they want. Their natural intelligence and loyalty to their owners make them easy to train (as long as they are willing to learn what you want to teach them).
  • Independence. Like most terriers, Yorkies have an independent streak. If during training you do not establish contact and establish your own rules, then your dog will establish them himself.
  • Fervor. Yorkies are energetic little dogs that will need to chase any small animal they come across (this breed was originally bred to chase and kill vermin) and be sure to catch it.
  • Masculinity . Because of their territorial instincts, Yorkies never hesitate to challenge dogs or other animals that invade their space. However, despite all their bravery, Yorkies are very cautious around strange people, unusual sights and sounds.
  • Tenderness. The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most loving breeds and thrives on interaction and affection from its owners.
  • Stubbornness. Remember, Yorkies are terriers, and this breed is very stubborn and persistent.
  • Common sense. Dogs of this breed may look like they are from the upper class, but in fact they come from the working class, their actions are always simple and understandable. The pampering present in them completely overshadows their independence, and their lively character makes them incredibly attractive.
  • Cheerfulness. If handled harshly, Yorkies can bite, but in general, dogs of this breed are very good-natured and joyful.

Miniature Yorkie - brave and stubborn

Children and other pets

Due to their small size, Yorkies are not suitable for families with small children . Most dog owners will not sell puppies to people whose children are under 5 or 6 years old. Toddlers may throw them, step on them, or squeeze them too hard.

Yorkies get along well with other pets, including cats, as long as they are raised together. And they absolutely cannot tolerate rodents .

If you have small children, it is better to choose a slightly larger . We recommend reading the description of the Jack Russell Terrier. The kids will go crazy about it!

And if you want an ideal companion and a dog with a charming appearance, maybe the Beagle dog breed is right for you.

First haircut, how to prepare

As mentioned above, accustoming a dog to hygiene procedures should begin from the first months of a Yorkie’s life. Initially, start combing the puppy, trimming its fur and trimming its claws. To try out a model haircut, it is recommended to wait until your pet is 4 months old.

Not all owners plan to cut their dogs' hair so that they look fashionable, but the coat of terriers requires regular haircuts. Do not forget that the hairs on the limbs must be trimmed, the “skirt” trimmed, and hairs plucked from the ears.

Terriers are clipped once every 60 days, but this period is very approximate, it all depends on the rate of hair growth. After the haircut is done, it is enough to regularly maintain the shape of the coat with corrective measures. This is quite convenient, because... You won’t have to visit the salon as often as you think.

Worth knowing! The dog should be trained with hygienic haircuts, which do not require washing the dog, and this procedure will only take a quarter of an hour. After some time, a visit to the salon includes bathing and, again, a very simple haircut. In time you will have to spend about 45 minutes.

The above recommendation will allow you to accustom your Yorkie to visiting the salon without unnecessary stress.

How to cut a Yorkie, what haircut to choose

There are a huge number of options for how to trim a terrier, the most common are the following:

  1. Hygienic.
  2. Classic (standard).
  3. Model.

It is up to the owner to decide exactly how to trim the pet, but one should not forget about the dog’s needs. Exhibition animals must look presentable, and therefore it is not possible to get away with a hygienic option. If the terrier is simply a pet, then it is enough to regularly update the above option, and not resort to long and exhausting procedures.

Yorkie puppy grooming

If we talk about the full care procedures that a terrier puppy should undergo, they are as follows:

  • from the age of five days they begin to cut their claws;
  • at thirty days, ear care is added to the first procedure;
  • at 1.5 months they begin to trim the fur in the groin area;
  • at 4 months the Yorkie is given a hygienic haircut;
  • From 6 – 7 months of age you can begin to model wool processing.

Some dog lovers claim that grooming puppies before one year of age spoils the animal's coat, however, this information is not true. Timely hygiene procedures are necessary and necessary. Thanks to such actions, the wool will not fall into tangles, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

If the owner takes his pet to the salon, the person is advised to follow the following rules:

  • While the haircut is in progress, the owner needs to go to another room so that the puppy is not distracted by the owner. At this age, Yorkies are very curious, and therefore it will take some time to get used to a new person, but the presence of the owner next to the dog will only be a hindrance;
  • an untimely conversation with a dog can result in the animal suddenly reacting to a familiar voice with an unexpected movement, resulting in a high probability of the terrier getting injured from sharp instruments. Even the most professional groomer may be unprepared for the sudden movement of his four-legged client.

How to choose a Yorkie puppy: recommendations

It is best to buy puppies from a breeder. Dogs are divided into classes according to established standards for color and size.

The following categories are distinguished:

  • Show-class. These are usually puppies from champion parents. Such dogs are bred to participate in exhibitions and their cost is quite high.
  • Breed-class. Puppies of this group do not have disqualifying signs, but their parameters are not as pronounced, although they correspond to the standard as those of the representatives of the previous class.
  • Pet class. Usually these are puppies without documents. Such dogs are not allowed to participate in exhibitions, although they are ideal as a pet. Moreover, the cost of such puppies is quite reasonable.

Hygienic and standard haircut

The first option refers to the most common procedures that allow you to bring your pet’s coat into proper shape in a very short time. Be sure to trim the hair on the limbs and pads of the fingers, on the ears, in the groin area and under the tail.

Yorkshire Terriers are groomed year-round at intervals of once a month. Dogs are distinguished by the fact that they have an amazing rate of hair growth. Excessively long hair will cause inconvenience not only to the owner, but also to the four-legged animal itself.

Thanks to a hygienic haircut, existing tangles are removed, and the procedure helps to reduce the amount of matting of the hair.

This haircut can be done either in a salon or at home; it does not require any supernatural knowledge from the dog owner. If the owner decides to take up the scissors himself, then it is worth remembering to be careful and careful, because it is so easy to injure the terrier with sharp instruments. Initially, the fur is combed out, all the tangles are untangled, and only then you can start cutting.

If you choose the second option, and specifically the classic one, then you should contact a professional, because The basic aspects of this haircut must be observed in order for the pet to look the most presentable at exhibition events.

A classic haircut begins with a hygienic one, so the animal is bathed, dried and its fur is carefully combed. Then the edging is created, the hairs on the muzzle and body are trimmed, and a “skirt” is formed. This option allows you to achieve the most natural appearance of a Yorkie, and at the same time the pet looks well-groomed, fully consistent with the show version of the hairstyle.

Breed standard

The Yorkshire Terrier should be between 15 and 18 cm at the withers and weigh no more than 3.5 kg. Although Yorkie size inconsistency is not at all uncommon. Some representatives of this breed can weigh 2 kg.

Beware of dog breeders who offer very small Yorkshire Terriers. Dogs that are less than standard are prone to genetic disorders and may have greater health problems.

The coat of Yorkshire Terriers is quite long, silky and completely straight , without any hint of waves. In some dogs of this breed, the pile reaches the floor, and it is not very thick.

From the back of the head to the tip of the tail, the pile is dark steel in color, and in the sun it has a bluish tint. The muzzle is completely bright golden in color and if you look closely, you can see that the hairs at the roots are redder than at the ends. Long bangs with the same golden hue as the muzzle. Long golden bangs, and dark hair around the ears and nose.


Yorkie puppies are born black, and their brown and bluish colors gradually develop. During the summer, their fur often turns grey.

An interesting fact is that Yorkies become lighter with age . Their hormonal changes affect color.


There is no real distribution of Yorkshire Terriers by variety; they can be divided based on their weight and size:

  • Ordinary, standard Yorkshire terriers weigh from 3 to 3.5 kg.
  • Mini Yorkies reach 2 kg in weight.
  • The smallest ones, also called “cup-shaped” ones, weigh from 850 grams to 1.3 kg.

Model haircuts

Such options are relevant for owners of animals who do not participate in exhibition events. The most difficult choice for the owner is to decide on a specific model because there are a huge number of them.

For boys

Here they prefer to adhere to a strict style expressed in straight lines; the hair on the muzzle and frontal part is cut quite short. It is very rare to see bows, hairpins or other accessories on male dogs, and therefore a very short hairstyle is more suitable for terrier boys. Some owners leave fashionable mohawks on their dogs' heads.

Option "Chinese Crested"

It is practically a new option; the fur on the paws is cut so that it appears flared, the muzzle is designed in the “poodle” style, i.e. The mustache is completely cut off. Maintaining such a haircut is quite simple, however, the owner will have to carefully monitor the appearance of the pet during walks in damp and dirty weather.

Option “for schnauzer”

Refers to popular and simple haircuts. The bangs and beard are decorated in a special way, but the back of the head is cut very short, the head is cut in such a way as to make a rectangle. Short hair remains on the body, and therefore this haircut is best used in the summer. A long beard will be the most difficult to care for, especially after your pet has eaten.

Option "Korean"

A Korean haircut makes a male terrier look as much like a plush toy dog ​​as possible. The body is cut as short as possible, the full length of fur is left on the legs, only the split ends are removed. Yorkies are often cut this way in the east; in European territories this option is less common.

For girls

The main thing here is to make the dog elegant, sophisticated and show all its charm. Owners often decorate their pets using bows, rubber bands, and original hairpins. Such accessories will look in place if the fur of the four-legged beauty is quite long.

Skirt option

Long hair is left on the lower part of the body, but the back is cut quite short. The haircut is original, modern and ideal for a female terrier.

Owners often opt for model and creative options that imitate the fur of wild animals or other dog breeds; the “puppy” haircut is very popular.

Just like for males, a Korean model or bell-bottom pants will suit a girl. Some owners weave multi-colored ribbons into long wool, give terriers braids, and even dye their pets’ hair.

Types of Yorkshire Terrier haircuts at home: video

Temperament of Yorkies

I would like to note that Yorkshire terriers, despite their small size, are quite brave dogs. They, without hesitation for a second, rush at animals that have invaded their space, even if they are many times larger in size.

Yorkies are also very energetic and friendly. They follow their owner's commands without hesitation, but sometimes they can be very stubborn.

Dogs have a huge “passion” for fishing. Note that the Yorkshire Terrier dog breed was originally bred to catch rodents. They are good at hunting rats, mice and birds.

Long active walks are highly recommended for animals. Otherwise, unspent energy will be reflected in shoes and furniture in the house.

Useful tips

As for haircuts at home, the owner should remember some aspects:

  • It is recommended to restrain the dog so that it does not accidentally get hurt during haircuts. For the first time (if you can’t do it alone), you should ask someone to help. The animal must be washed before and after grooming. Using a machine on dirty wool leads to damage to the instrument;
  • When using a hair dryer, you should turn it on at the lowest power and do not bring it close to your Yorkie, so as not to burn your pet;
  • the first time, when cutting your hair yourself, it is not always possible to do everything evenly and perfectly, and if the face turns out to be very short, then it is not recommended to cut everything to zero. The terrier's coat grows quickly, and very soon the necessary adjustments can be made;
  • when training a dog for hygiene procedures, the owner is advised to talk kindly to the pet, encourage calm behavior with treats, so that the dog remembers that the person will not do anything terrible;
  • Before cutting, your Yorkie should be placed on a special bedding that will prevent the paws from slipping on the smooth surface on which the procedure is being carried out. You can purchase such a useful item in a specialized store or use an existing rubber bathroom mat;
  • It is best to organize a haircut in cotton clothes to prevent electronization of the coat.
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