Top 20 best guard dogs for protecting a private home

For owners of country houses and garden plots, the question is very relevant: which dog to choose as a reliable guard for their home and its inhabitants. The ideal watchman should have a large or medium athletic build, a pronounced territorial instinct, a tough character, developed intelligence, independence, fearlessness, endurance, be well trained, distrustful of strangers, unpretentious in maintenance and resistant to weather changes.

A good watchdog must first of all warn its owners about the threat, and only then boldly attack the ill-wisher. At the same time, even having a set of necessary qualities, any breed of guard dog needs comprehensive education, professional training and physical activity. As a result of our analysis of sites and forums dedicated to dog breeding, we have compiled the TOP 20 best dogs for guarding a private home.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

According to many experts, this is one of the bright favorites among guard breeds. The animal is distinguished by its formidable appearance, incredible strength, independent character and qualities such as fearlessness, courage, determination and perseverance.

The Caucasian Shepherd is loyal to its owners, incredibly smart, easy to train, unpretentious in maintenance and ideal for protecting the local area. In critical situations, she does not show concern, makes independent decisions and attacks uninvited guests without warning. For comfortable keeping, this dog must be provided with a covered outdoor enclosure and space to run.

Differences between guard and guard breeds

A guard breed primarily warns its owner about danger, while a guard breed is trained for lightning-fast protection from the enemy. It is very important that the guard dog undergoes a training course, where it will stop barking for no reason at any rustle, learn guard duty and cold-blooded thinking.

As for size, guard breeds can be small in size, since their task is not to attack humans. However, a formidable appearance will definitely be a plus in cases where you need to scare off an offender.

Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

A very powerful defender and reliable guard of any objects with pronounced territorial behavior. Representatives of this ancient breed are not distinguished by a strong emotional attachment to humans, are unpretentious and are accustomed to survive in harsh conditions.

Alabais are devoted to their owners, balanced, independent, always strive to control the environment, are aggressive towards other people's dogs and in difficult situations warn about themselves with a loud growl. Being first-class guards, they are willful and disobedient “students”, so work on their education should begin from puppyhood.

Expert advice

When choosing puppies of guard and security breeds, do not forget where and in what climate you intend to keep the dog. If in your area the temperature drops below -20, stop at the Alabai, German, Caucasian or East European Shepherd, Russian Black Terrier. If the climate is mild, mastiffs, rottweilers, boerboels, and bullmastiffs are suitable.

It is not good if the puppy grew up in a closed space - a house, a pen, and could not receive information about the environment and develop normally.

Large breed puppies will require special attention and care. Physical activity, frequent communication, early socialization, properly balanced nutrition, and training are important for them.

It is very important to immediately demonstrate to the new resident who is boss. A simple trick: if your dog is “presumptuous”, lift it by the mane (while it weighs little :) or press it, sitting on top, to the floor

In dog language, this means one thing - “I’m in charge here, obey!” The first time a dog appears in your home, let it know that you, your property and your kids are inviolable. But there is no need to scold your dog if it starts chewing things in the house. It’s your fault: you didn’t take into account that the puppy was teething, you didn’t find activities for him, and you didn’t give him the proper physical activity.

When buying a dog, take your time! Study the advantages and disadvantages of different breeds, weigh what conditions for living and development you can provide for your pet. And, if you are planning to acquire a reliable security guard, be sure to buy a puppy from well-known nurseries, and from working parents. This will give you confidence that you will get a healthy dog ​​with good heredity that will cope with its responsibilities perfectly.

Moscow watchdog

This young domestic breed is a worthy option for guarding a country house. It is characterized by innate guard qualities, a terrifying appearance, huge size, strong structure, good trainability and controllability.

The Moscow Watchdog is a devoted, sociable, balanced and independent dog with fearlessness, perseverance, and the desire to protect household members and the entrusted object. The favorite military tactic of the “Muscovite”: let everyone in, don’t let anyone out. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, long hair and thick undercoat, this formidable guard can effectively guard a large territory and patrol the perimeter in harsh climatic conditions.

Distinctive features

The Moscow Watchdog is a large dog with a rough, massive, elongated format. It has a typical mastiff appearance: folds around the neck, thick elastic skin, impressive size.

Dogs have no restrictions on their height; the only limit is not lower than 66 cm. The weight of dogs ranges from 45 to 80 kg. The standard was published again many times, each change did not particularly please breed lovers and enthusiasts. The last changes were made in 2003. All puppies with obvious shortcomings or inconsistencies with the characteristics are discarded:

  • The head is wide, massive, deep. The occipital protuberance, frontal bones, feet and brow ridges are visible The frontal sulcus is clearly visible. Rounded cheekbones .
  • The muzzle is shorter than the skull, wide and blunt. Full set of teeth (42) and scissor bite Lips fit tightly. They have black pigmented outlines.
  • The nose is large, with developed nostrils, and always black.
  • The eyes are set wide, deep and straight. The color of the iris is dark.
  • The ears are set high (above the eye line), hanging down to the level of the cheekbones. Triangular shape. Quite large and fleshy. The cartilage is wide.
  • The body is voluminous, stretched, strong, well built with pronounced withers. The chest is wide and deep (half the height), with rounded ribs. The neck is short, strong, oval in cross-section, with dewlap.
  • The limbs are straight and parallel, set wide apart (the hind limbs are slightly wider). The paws are oval with tightly knit, hard toes. The pads are hard, the claws are of any color. Movement : trot or gallop.
  • The coat is straight, hard, thick and long. The undercoat is soft and moisture resistant.
  • Colors: red or spotted (white with red, black or sable spots). The presence of red color, white spots on the chest and paws is mandatory.

German Shepherd

A versatile, easy to train breed with a balanced psyche, excellent reactions, the ability to protect and work in a team. Energetic, quick-witted, hardy, courageous and unpretentious, German Shepherds are widely used in service, search and security activities.

They are loyal friends, love contact with family members, are loyal to other animals, are very active, emotional, and require attention and regular exercise. They treat strangers with suspicion and prefer to keep them under close surveillance. Thanks to their well-developed coat, “Germans” can be kept in an outdoor enclosure and used to protect the local area.

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Tibetan mastiff

An ancient breed, specially bred for protection in the harsh climatic conditions of the Himalayan mountains. The Tibetan Mastiff is quite balanced, not prone to excessive aggressiveness, but is extremely distrustful of strangers and is capable of frightening just by its appearance.

He is tall, athletic, with a large head, powerful paws, long hair and a thick mane, which makes him look like a lion. The breed is distinguished by intelligence, stubbornness, independence, cleanliness, unpretentiousness in maintenance and loyalty to animals.

The mastiff tends to constantly monitor the entrusted territory, loudly warns approaching strangers about itself and immediately attacks if the protected perimeter is violated.

How to choose a puppy

A Moscow Watchdog puppy can be purchased in the post-Soviet space.

  • It is highly not recommended to buy such a serious dog from private individuals. You may end up with an unhealthy, aggressive pet.
  • A good breeder will present all the necessary documents, talk about the breed line, show the parents, and give advice on keeping and caring for the pet. It is necessary to ask about all diseases of the breed line, to clarify the presence of problems in the puppies.
  • Little guard dogs are furballs, fluffy and playful. They will be active and restless, and should not have deviations from the standard or obvious pathologies. You need to decide on the gender of your future friend, because males are larger, stronger and more stubborn than females, but their protective qualities are better.

The cost of a puppy depends on its class. A pet without a pedigree can be purchased for 6,000-10,000 rubles, but a show class suitable for exhibitions will cost 50,000-60,000 rubles .


A universal breed of service dog bred in Germany, characterized by endurance, energy, hard work, aggressiveness and excellent guard qualities.

Rottweilers are recognized by their spectacular appearance, heroic strength, innate nobility, balanced character and incredible affection for the owner. They make attentive bodyguards and vigilant watchmen. In unusual situations, they prefer to wait a little before making a decision. They enter the fight with a swift throw, powerfully attack, knock them down and grab them with their entire mouth.

These dogs are stubborn and tend to claim leadership, so special attention should be paid to their early education. A well-developed undercoat allows them to be used to protect personal territory.

Black Russian Terrier

These large service and guard dogs are distinguished by excellent physical characteristics, endurance, stable psyche, devotion to the owner, unpretentiousness and strong immunity.

Black terriers love to communicate with household members, are well controlled and easy to train. Security qualities are inherent in them at the genetic level: they have observation, courage, excellent reaction, excellent speed, distrust of strangers, territorial instinct, and are able to serve in unfavorable natural and climatic conditions.

Cane Corso

One of the rare, very expensive and oldest breeds of the Molosser group, bred in Italy. These are muscular, intelligent, hardy and unpretentious guards who intuitively determine the degree of danger of a given situation. Cane Corsos are characterized by good manners, patience, and love for children and animals. They do not have a tendency to causeless aggression, but when a threat to the safety of the owner or a protected object arises, they make independent decisions and react in a timely manner.

The owner must have leadership qualities, as these dogs are characterized by stubbornness, reactivity and extreme mobility. Suitable outdoor conditions: a spacious indoor enclosure with a warm booth and long walks in the yard.


African breed of working dogs with excellent watchdog qualities. They belong to an ancient family of mastiff-like animals and are distinguished by their impressive size, muscular build, endurance, good speed, agility, instant reaction and the ability to quickly assess the situation.

Boerboels are not prone to excessive malice and unmotivated aggression, they treat children well and are loyal to other animals. At the same time, these dogs are independent, stubborn, strive for dominance and are extremely active, so they need a leader owner, quality training and space for physical activity.

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Which medium-sized guard dogs would be best for protecting a private home:


A German fighting breed, which is distinguished by its charismatic appearance, athletic and muscular physique, and kind character. Easily fits into families or work teams, intuitively senses people with bad intentions. He loves children, but it takes a little effort to get him into the game.

Chases wild cats and doesn't particularly like domestic cats. At the slightest threat to the owner or his family, he rushes to defense, but does not attack as a last resort, as if biding his time . As practice shows, when you see such a dog, thoughts of attack immediately disappear. Despite its impressive muscle mass, the dog can develop high speed. At the same time, the dog is very funny and goofy with his loved ones.

Australian Shepherd

Something between a hyena and a husky. A very unusual breed, with protruding ears. The color is most often light, but there are also white or black and white options. Very friendly and calm towards other dogs and children. Doesn't like cats, but will make friends with a house cat. He is reluctant to learn commands and often reduces the learning process to a regular game.

He loves to go for walks, sometimes he breaks into the street himself. Does not require special nutrition, except that it loves fish and seafood. A good choice for those who lead an active lifestyle and walk a lot. This breed will be an excellent hunting or fishing companion, and will also serve as a nanny for your children.

Giant Schnauzer

The energy from this breed is in full swing every minute. If you are an active person, then this is a faithful and kind guard who loves children. He subtly senses the owner’s mood and does not insist on a walk if he sees that he is not in the mood.

An interesting fact is that only representatives of this breed have unique facial expressions that are very similar to human emotions. Even after a small offense, the dog feels guilty and tries to make amends for it. Does not attack domestic animals, but does not tolerate stray cats.


A breed from China that combines the features of a French bulldog and a pit bull. The dog is smooth-haired, the color is brown, red, brown. The character is wayward, but compromising, it can make concessions so as not to spoil relations with the owners and their environment.

Does not require a special diet or too frequent physical activity. Minimum: walks three times a week. He is not interested in street cats, but he can have a great quarrel with domestic cats. He perceives children as friends or brothers and does not attack unless provoked. He loves training and willingly learns new commands. Doesn't make noise at night and maintains discipline.

Shar Pei

Another visitor from China, with characteristic features - small, deep-set eyes and wrinkled, folded skin. The structure of the body is very powerful; considerable muscle mass is hidden under the folds. The character is calm, but to some extent arrogant.

The dog does not recognize everyone, you need to earn its respect so that it opens up and trusts you. Any food is suitable, because this breed is omnivorous. The only rule is less sweets. As for training, he shows miracles of logic, memory and learning speed. He loves cats and children, but in a conflict situation he shows his character.

Shar Pei, despite many disputes, is an excellent guard; if you are in danger, then Shar Pei will fight until his last breath!

Samoyed Laika (Samoyed)

A small fluffy animal that can protect your sleep and peace of mind. Very active and fast, he spent most of his history hunting. Can tolerate any climatic conditions. He eats only meat and does not like sweets.

He has a very positive attitude towards children and loves to play. Learns commands quickly and unquestioningly. Doesn't chase cats and is very friendly with other dogs. Nevertheless, he distinguishes well between “friends” and “strangers”, barks only when there is a real threat . Doesn't attack without a command unless you touch him first. Loves walks and active games in the fresh air.


A popular German breed of service dogs, quite suitable for guarding private property. Dobermans are characterized by an elegant appearance, devotion to their owner, they have good physical characteristics, a balanced character, intelligence, a stable psyche, fearlessness, are easily trained and moderately aggressive.

When a threat arises to family members or a protected object, they instantly rush at the intruders and fight to the end, not sparing their lives. These dogs require a steady hand, training and exercise to build their stamina. Short hair and a slight layer of fat do not allow Dobermans to be kept outside when cold weather sets in.

South Russian Shepherd

An ancient herding breed with a spectacular appearance, remarkable guard skills and boundless loyalty. These dogs are lighter than their Caucasian and Central Asian relatives, but are not inferior to them in height, endurance, independence, innate fearlessness and ferocity.

Thanks to their unpretentiousness, extreme suspicion of strangers and thick fur, South Russian Shepherd Dogs can be effectively used in the security service even in the harsh natural conditions of the northern regions. However, this breed is not very popular among owners of suburban real estate due to its long white coat, which requires careful care.

Giant Schnauzer

A large, multi-purpose breed from the Schnauzer group, bred in Germany. By nature, these dogs are distinguished by balance, self-confidence, courage, activity and loyalty. They are hardy, unpretentious, easy to train, have excellent immunity and unusually developed sensory organs.

Giant Schnauzers are suspicious of strangers and have excellent search, detection and guarding skills. They can be stubborn and require attention, regular exercise and walks. Well suited for guarding country property with accommodation in a spacious enclosure.

Care and maintenance

From the very beginning, the breed was planned as unpretentious in maintenance. And so it happened. The Moscow Watchdog can get along in any conditions and does not require special care. The only problem is the size of the dog. Because of this, medicines and food become especially expensive. In addition, the pet is not well suited for apartment life; such a dog will feel best in a country house with a large territory. The watchdog can live outside in a booth or enclosure.

Before buying a puppy of this breed, you need to think carefully about the place for the pet. There must be a lot of it. In addition, you need to purchase a comfortable large lounger or mattress, bowls for water and food on stands, hygiene products, brushes, and toys.

  • Ears and mucous membranes are examined regularly. But they need to be cleaned and washed as they become dirty.
  • It is important to maintain oral hygiene ; chewing ropes for large breeds are a good help. If purulent discharge from the eyes and ears occurs, you should contact a veterinary clinic.


Moscow watchdogs are not picky: they will eat everything their owner gives them. These dogs, despite their large size, do not eat much due to their slow digestion. However, for a dog to fully develop properly, it needs a diet of three components:

  1. Cereals (cereals, several types of cereals);
  2. Vegetables and fruits (fresh and boiled in porridges);
  3. Meat (several types, preferably lean, boiled or raw; approximately 50% of the daily diet).

You should not feed your dog sweets and baked goods; Giving small bones, fatty and spicy foods is prohibited.

Watchdogs can also be fed dry foods. If the owner has chosen this path, then he should buy premium and super-premium food. This is much simpler, but the choice of products must be made more carefully; good food is really expensive. Low quality food is not suitable for this breed and can be detrimental to your pet's health. It is necessary to mix a vitamin complex and supply your pet with calcium for proper bone growth.

When purchasing a puppy from a breeder, you need to find out what the dog ate. A sudden change in food can lead to bloating and stomach upset. You cannot mix natural food and dry food; you should stick to one type of food.

Muscovites have a tendency to gain weight quickly. Therefore, you cannot overfeed them.

  • Puppies are typically fed 3-4 times a day.
  • Adults – 2 times (in the morning and evening after walks).
  • The serving size depends on the activity of the pet.
  • If the dog lives on the street, there should be more food, especially in winter.


These dogs are distinguished by good health and good immunity. They easily tolerate the cold, and during the hot season they try to hide in the shade. Problems can only arise if the care and maintenance are improper. Moscow watchdogs have practically no genetic diseases.

One way or another, puppies still need timely vaccination. It is also necessary to periodically examine your pet at a veterinary clinic to monitor its condition. Healthy Moscow watchdogs are active and cheerful.

If you observe negative symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, yellow whites of the eyes, lack of energy, loss of interest in food, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic and undergo a course of treatment.


Puppies of all breeds must be vaccinated after maternal immunity wears off.

  • This happens at 1.5-2 months , then you need to get the first vaccination against enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, mumps, salmonella, hepatitis.
  • Vaccination is repeated after 2-3 weeks , then at 6 and 12 months .
  • It is important to update your vaccination every year.
  • As a rule, the first two procedures are carried out in a kennel, where the dog’s veterinary passport is obtained.
  • The second necessary vaccination is against rabies. It is done when the puppy reaches six months of age. It also needs to be updated every year. This vaccination is required to take your pet abroad.

There are several rules for grafting:

  1. The dog must be absolutely healthy and disinfected from worms (two weeks before); pregnant and lactating bitches are not allowed to undergo vaccination;
  2. The puppy cannot be walked before the second vaccination;
  3. After each procedure, it is important to maintain quarantine (14 days);
  4. All drug labels are pasted into the animal’s passport;
  5. Vaccinations are done by specialists in veterinary clinics;
  6. In case of prolonged side effects (malaise, fever, vomiting), you should consult a doctor.

Vaccinations cannot be neglected; unvaccinated animals (especially puppies) are susceptible to diseases that most often lead to death. The cost of the vaccine ranges from 400 to 1000 rubles.


Moscow watchdogs are not genetically predisposed to diseases.

  • The most common problems are with the musculoskeletal system, namely dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints. It leads to deformation of the limbs, lameness and acute pain. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable, but it is possible to relieve your pet’s suffering with medication or surgery. To avoid problems, you need to monitor your dog’s weight and exercise.
  • The second most common disease is obesity. It occurs due to the pet’s low activity and immobility. The diet must be adjusted and balanced, taking into account all physical activity.
  • In addition, Moscow watchdogs are prone to allergic reactions to food and hygiene products. Therefore, they need to be selected carefully.


The Moscow Watchdog is a large dog that is prone to laziness and obesity. Walking them takes at least 2.5 hours a day. When living in an apartment, walks should be twice a day (morning and evening for 1-1.5 hours). The dog should be given active exercises such as running and swimming (in summer). Puppies are walked more often ( 3-4 times a day) for 30-40 minutes.

The hind limbs cannot be loaded . Active jumping will not contribute to strengthening, but will develop dysplasia. Such large dogs should always be kept on a leash to avoid aggressive outbursts towards strangers. Socialization should begin as early as possible so that the puppy gets used to people.


These dogs do not need constant haircuts or trimming.

  • Hair care comes down to regular brushing with a slicker brush and a furminator.
  • As a rule, 3-4 times a week is enough.
  • Guards are bathed rarely, a couple of times a year. Street dogs are not washed at all: they are wiped with a hard cloth, snow, or sprayed with a hose.

Belgian Shepherd

A herding breed that has four subspecies: Groenendael, Malinois, Tervuren, Laekenois. These dogs are distinguished by natural intelligence, quick wit, excellent memory, courage, good receptivity to training and devotion to the owner.

Belgian Shepherds are medium-sized, proportionally built, hardy, energetic, unpretentious, adapted for outdoor living, resistant to seasonal changes and have excellent watchdog qualities. Suitable for maintenance and security service in small suburban areas.

Hungarian Shepherd (Komondor)

One of the largest dogs in the world, whose calling is to be a watchman and a faithful guard. The Komondor has an unusual appearance, impressive dimensions, and good watchdog and security abilities.

This dog is very smart and cunning, characterized by thoroughness, trainability and obedience. Even when this is not required of her, the Hungarian Shepherd carefully guards her own territory, is wary and angry towards strangers, and at a critical moment is able to make her own decision.

Photo and video review

You need to carefully choose a four-legged defender so that you don’t regret your choice later. You need to carefully study the characteristics of the breed, pay attention to the dog’s appearance and finally make your choice.

There are 400 varieties of dogs known to the world, and each individual group has character traits and is intended for a specific type of activity. For example, a lap dog will never be able to become a full-fledged defender of the home; it simply does not have the qualities necessary for this.

Therefore, it is recommended to approach the choice of a watchdog carefully, so as not to demand the impossible from him later and not to regret the decision.


Another large Hungarian guard dog breed with a shorter, thicker white coat. The ancient Magyars used these ferocious dogs to protect houses from predatory animals and robbers. Kuvasz radiate nobility and strength, are proportionally built, have developed muscles, tirelessness, are undemanding in terms of living conditions and can easily withstand bad weather.

They have a tough, self-possessed character, courage and fearlessness, and are ready to selflessly defend their owner and the entrusted territory at the cost of their own lives. Due to their innate pride, Kuvasz dogs are difficult to train, so serious attention should be paid to their early education.

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Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:USSR (Russia)
Conditions of detention:House with a large garden
Purpose:Security guard dog
Color:Red, white with brown spots, fawn with black mask
Wool length:Average length
Adult dog size:Height of females from 66 cm, males from 68 cm, weight of males from 55 kg, females from 45 kg
Average life expectancy:10-12 years
Walk:Need active walking twice a day
Physical activity needs:High physical activity needs (regular or daily exercise for more than 3 hours per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 2: Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Swiss Cattle Dogs; Section 2: Molossians
Puppy price:From 6,000 to 60,000 rubles. Without pedigree - 6000-10000 rubles, pet class - 15000-30000 rubles, breed class - 40000-46000 rubles, show class - 50000 rubles and above

Anatolian Shepherd (Karabash, Kangal)

One of the oldest breeds of wolfhound dogs that ever existed in Asia Minor. These dogs are still used to protect pastures from predators and guard large objects.

They prefer to control the protected territory from a hill and, in the absence of the owner, will not allow even a familiar person into it. The breed is characterized by slender proportions, a muscular build, speed, agility and a strong jaw system.

Anatolian Shepherds are endowed with a subtle mind, a stable psyche, and are distinguished by a possessive attitude towards the owner’s property, friendliness with children and devotion to the family. They need a leader owner and training from an early age. Free-range territory enclosed by a high fence will reveal the best qualities of these formidable guards.

Similar dogs

The Moscow Watchdog is the result of experimental crossing of the following dog breeds:

  • Saint Bernard;
  • Russian pinto hound;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Caucasian Shepherd;
  • Newfoundland and Caucasian Shepherd mix.

The main ones on this list were the Caucasian Shepherd and St. Bernard. The best qualities were taken from the breeds, from the shepherd - service skills, and from the St. Bernard - the size and appearance incomparable to any other breed.

REFERENCE. This dog got its loud bark and quick reaction from a hound, and from a Newfoundland it got its love of water and bathing.

Differences between the Moscow Watchdog and the St. Bernard

There are often cases when “Muscovites” are confused with St. Bernards. This is not surprising, because to the untrained eye there are practically no external differences between these two breeds. In fact, a number of signs will help distinguish them.

  • Exterior. The Moscow Watchdog is endowed with more developed muscles, has a leaner physique, and is taller than its ancestor.
  • Movements. There is more energy in the movements of the Moscow watchdog, and at the same time it looks lighter. The reaction speed of the “Muscovite” is superior to that of the St. Bernard.
  • Character. The Saint Bernard has practically no guard instincts; he is friendly to everyone. Muscovites combine two opposites.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The blood of the Caucasian Shepherd also flows in the veins of the Moscow watchdog. But there are no obvious external signs of relationship between these two breeds. The character is also different. The Moscow Watchdog has inherited the unpretentiousness and positive qualities of a guard from the Shepherd Dog, but, thanks to competent selection, it does not have the difficulties inherent in the Caucasian Shepherd Dog . Unlike its progenitor, the Moscow watchdog:

  • companionable dog;
  • has a balanced psyche;
  • more obedient and less independent;
  • can live in an apartment.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Stocky Staffords do an excellent job as vigilant watchdogs because they do not like and are not sensitive to strangers. The breed is characterized by such qualities as excellent health, strong psyche, courage, determination, fearlessness, perseverance, devotion and receptivity to training.

Amstaffs require serious training, regular exercise and walks. They can be aggressive towards other dogs. Short hair and the absence of a fat layer exclude the possibility of keeping Amstaffs in open-air cages during the cold season.


A popular German breed of large, stocky, smooth-haired dogs that often serve as bodyguards and house guards. The classic boxer is a strong, hardy dog ​​that quickly remembers commands, is distinguished by an easy-going character, perfect obedience and boundless loyalty.

The dog gets along well with households and pets, is very active, loves exercise and long walks. He is extremely distrustful and wary of strangers. At the same time, the boxer does not tolerate inclement weather and freezing temperatures, so he cannot stay outside for a long time when cold weather sets in.

Akita Inu

An original Japanese large breed from the Spitz group, bred in mountainous areas to perform security functions and hunt large game. These hereditary guards have impressive size, power, endurance, hard work and strong immunity.

They are unpretentious, obedient and loyal to their owner, aggressive and suspicious of strangers, capable of adequately assessing threats and making independent decisions. Akita is suitable for keeping in a high-quality enclosure with a warm kennel and the possibility of entering the home.

Chow chow

A guard breed bred in Ancient China. The Chow Chow is distinguished by its developed intelligence, courage, excellent reaction, learning ability, loyalty to its family and a close relationship with its owner. The ability to stand up for themselves and a strong sense of ownership, combined with a distrustful approach to strangers, make these dogs wonderful guards of the house and garden.

They always warn of an approaching person and, if that person shows aggression, they are capable of instantly turning from a slow bumpkin into a lightning-fast warrior. For this breed, free space is of great importance; they will happily guard a large territory.

We hope this rating will help you decide and choose the best breed of dog to guard your private home! If you have questions and other candidates for our TOP, write in the comments!

TOP 62 best guard dog breeds

Australian Kelpie

A breed from the group of herding shepherd guard dogs of medium height. A distinctive feature is its vision features with a wide viewing angle. This allows you to control the territory and concentrate attention on objects for a long time. They are considered an ideal dog for working in pastures, suitable as a guard dog for the home.


The breed is named after the valley of the same name in the southern Sahara. Refers to greyhounds. Performs the functions of hunters, guards and companions. They belong to the “one-owner dog” category. It is difficult to get along with other pets and behave unfriendly towards strangers.


Turkish dogs of the Shepherd subsection are specially designed to play a guard role. The name translates as “white head,” which makes it invisible among a flock of sheep. Despite its large size, it has a cheerful, obedient character. Tolerates any weather conditions well.

Akita Inu

A breed from Japan that has a strong and stubborn disposition. Excellent guard qualities have been specially cultivated over the centuries. The largest of the Spitz-shaped animals. The character is complex. Natural stubbornness and hunter genes make her an active dog that is difficult to socialize.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

Powerful guard dog. Will not allow strangers to enter the territory. Reliably protects, has fearlessness and courage. The thick coat allows them to withstand any weather conditions, including extreme heat.

Ready to fight immediately, whenever possible. Previously used in dog fights, it is now prohibited. Puppies seem sweet and kind, but as they grow older they show strong qualities. Need early socialization.

English Mastiff

An ancient mastiff dog with an impressive body size. On the muzzle there is a black mask with skin folds. Corpulence is emphasized by prominent muscles. A calm, measured breed for a leisurely life. A good companion, a reliable watchdog for the family and home.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

Medium sized Swiss Cattle Dog. Initially used as a shepherd, then as a watchman. Today he is a companion who enjoys being with his owner.

Dogo Argentino

Well-developed muscles and lean exterior turn the Argentine into a beautiful dog. Due to the combination of the best selection qualities, it has a high level of hunter intuition, a reliable watchman and a faithful pet.

African Boerboel

One of the few dogs that is not recognized by the FCI. Externally similar to the English mastiff. The guard instinct is well developed when they are entrusted with the protection of premises, small children, and private territories. In case of danger, it raises a sonorous bark with a bass voice. Capable of attacking and causing injury.


Another name is Mongolian Shepherd. A breed with a phlegmatic, very calm character, but with a share of love of freedom. When parenting, you need to be patient. The exterior is distinguished by a fluffy coat of black, red or white color with a rich undercoat.

White Swiss Shepherd – BShO

A typical representative of the shepherd class with snow-white hair and 2 types of hair: short and long. An attentive watchman for the family, vigilant, neat and with a malleable character, high intelligence.

Belgian Shepherd

There are 4 varieties, differing in coat length. Compact, with a high head set, organic, with strong paws. Unlike other shepherd dogs, the character is cowardly or too aggressive, and always performs guard functions.

Belgian Malinois

One of the varieties of shepherd dogs with a typical color: a black mask on the face, red or fawn coat color. Stately figure with a toned stomach. He is intelligent and inquisitive. The owner will have to face stubbornness. With the right approach to education, it serves as a guard dog.

Bergamasco or Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

Originally from Italy. Refers to the most ancient representatives of shepherd dogs, which were not affected by selection work. Due to the specific structure of the hairline, they appear massive. The fur curls into dreadlocks, which protects against bites from other animals. The character is flexible and calm.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Swiss mountain dog with a typical color combination of black, white and red coat with rich undercoat and long center hairs. The character is light, pliable, cheerful. Loves family, children. Fearlessly defends his household and territory.


It is distinguished by a short tail, fluffy curly hair, and large size. When in danger, the guard bobtail barks loudly with typical intonation. It gets along easily in small spaces, tries to be a helper for people, and appreciates the love of its owner.


Powerful, muscular dog. Height is slightly above average. Externally lean, with a typical slightly flattened muzzle. Can be aggressive and attack first. Intelligence is highly developed, obedience is excellent, provided the owner is attentive to behavior.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

A tall, stately dog, distinguished from the Bernese Mountain Dog by its shorter hair. She is taller, more agile, more muscular. The largest among Swiss cattle dogs, mountain dogs. The character is balanced and calm.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Large dog weighing up to 90 kg. Outwardly he looks like a formidable watchdog, although he is a good-natured person who cannot imagine his life without a family. Numerous folds of skin make it look like a huge Shar Pei. He is sensitive to danger, but will not be the first to enter into battle. Will warn with a dull bark or growl.


Descendant of the turf dog. They differ from similar breeds (Doberman, Rottweiler) in the length of their coat, stubborn, wayward character. They need constant activity, long sessions. He grows up very late and behaves like a teenager for a long time. Distrustful of others.

Bosnian Tornjak

The name comes from the word "corral". The breed is native to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where it is used as a herder for livestock. The height of the male dog is above average, the weight is about 60 kg. The self-confident Bosnian is difficult to train, but performs well as a watchdog.


An ancient herding breed from France from the Shepherd group. Characterized by a typical coat structure with long hanging hair. Height is high. Working guard representative of the Wolfs. Intelligence allows you to quickly remember commands and be loyal to the owner.


Compact, large dog up to 71 cm tall. Initially used as a cow beater. Shows no physical activity indoors. On walks he likes to run and play. Suitable as a watchdog, protecting a family, home, or territory. It is difficult to socialize, has arrogance and independence, but quickly learns obedience.


A powerful dog weighing up to 50 kg, height up to 68.5 cm. The coat fits tightly. Its impressive size and menacing appearance commands respect. The character is obedient and amenable to simple training. In case of danger, it warns with a menacing growl. An excellent watchdog for children.


Originally from South Africa, not recognized internationally. A powerful dog with developed muscles, strong limbs, and a toned body. There is a black mask on the muzzle. Previously, they were used as watchmen to protect children and peasants' houses. Today as a companion for a person.

Hungarian Puli dog

A medium-sized dog with a typical coat that curls into long dreadlocks. Unpretentious in food, obedient in behavior. Suitable as a watch companion, shepherd. Easily remembers commands.

Volpino Italiano

From the group of European Spitz dogs with small size and bright white coat. Despite its small stature, this is a brave dog. When in danger, it emits a loud, ringing bark. Capable of protecting the owner, always nearby.

East European Shepherd

A service breed intended for security purposes, bred in the USSR. Balanced, confident dog. Developed intelligence allows you to understand commands and words. The size is large, the coat is lighter than that of German shepherds, the back is without slopes. Protects and is sensitive to noise.


A stately, large representative (height at the withers up to 72 cm). An active dog that requires constant physical activity. The color is black or brown with typical tan markings on the lower jaw, chest, belly, and paws. He can jump high and run very fast. Attached to the family, peaceful with animals.


Spitz-shaped companion dog with guard qualities. Characterized by obedience and attentive attitude. Loves to play, run, follow commands. Quickly learns commands and tricks.

Spanish Mastiff

A huge dog, up to 77 cm tall by standards. Acts as a security guard, watchman. Quickly adapts to different conditions. Understands the needs of the owner, loves children of any age.


The Major Mastiff is medium sized with typical behavior. An expressed favorable attitude towards family and children inspires trust. Understands commands and copes with training easily. Convenient to keep in an apartment.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A large dog with a difficult character, weighing up to 110 kg. It is distinguished by massiveness and thick wool. Nature is endowed with an absence of fear and an increased level of anger. Copes with security tasks with an “excellent” rating.

Dogo Canario

A guard herding breed originally from Spain. Belongs to mastiffs with a height of 60 cm. A family breed for protecting children, home and territory. Easy to educate, loves to be around, needs care and attention.

Cane Corso

Italian Mastiff with a natural purpose of protecting people. Devoted to the family in which he is raised. Due to the pronounced muscles, he looks beautiful and stately. Always there, loves attention.


A Hungarian Shepherd whose appearance resembles a floor brush made from a large number of braids. It quickly masters basic commands and acts as a guard and defender. The character is flexible.

Korean Jindo

Hunting dog from South Korea. Freedom-loving, disobedient disposition. Loves the owner if he understands the dog's needs. Medium size, up to 55 cm. Very brave aggressive watchdog.


Large breed from the Mountain Dogs subsection. Can be used as a companion, protector. The coat allows you to withstand different weather conditions. Treats others without aggression, is loyal to children and acquaintances.

Maremma Abruzzese Sheepdog

A shepherd dog with a bear-like muzzle. Height is high (70 cm). Long limbs, strong muscles for the maremma - help in overcoming distances. He learns quickly and understands his owner's words.

Miniature Schnauzer

A medium-sized dog from the Schnauzer group, distinguished by its special silver color. Very active, cheerful. Gets along well with other animals and is not aggressive.

Moscow guard dog

A huge breed for guard purposes. Brought out in the middle of the twentieth century. in USSR. Can perform tasks in different conditions. Unpretentious, obedient, suitable for those who know how to handle large dogs.

Mudi - Hungarian Cattle Dog

Medium-sized breed. Guards, protects, loves household members. It is distinguished by a loud bark, which it emits when danger is close. Energetic and courageous, she knows how to stand up for herself and her owner.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Impressive size at the withers up to 70 cm and weighing from 50 kg, typical folds on the body helped to win fights. Today it is a dog with highly developed guard characteristics, adoring children and family. The character is calm.

German Shepherd

One of the most obedient breeds among service and watchdogs. Understands words and commands and learns quickly. Acts as a reliable security guard. A real human assistant.

German dog

A stately, large-sized dog with a large head and a muscular, lean body. The calm, independent breed was originally intended as a guard dog.

Pyrenean mountain dog

The French large breed of white color is a rarity for Russia. Protects herds from attacks by wild animals, loves to engage with the owner, but has the ability to make decisions independently.


A medium-sized Hungarian dog bred to guard pastures. He quickly masters commands and loves canine competitions. They are shepherd dogs and prefer to be close to the owner.

Giant Schnauzer

It is called the "Giant Schnauzer" due to its height. Characterized by courage, hyperactivity, love of freedom. Very attached to family. Barks when there is danger, attacks, defends.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Outwardly, they look like a lean, muscular dog, capable of covering long distances and running quickly due to their high limbs. A characteristic feature is the ridge on the back. Loves activity and running. Barks loudly when in danger. Ready to be the first to attack.


Large with a powerful torso and head, strong limbs. The character is complex, inexplicable aggression is possible. Needs early socialization. Any manifestations of negative behavior must be stopped immediately.

Black Russian Terrier

The breed was bred in the USSR and belongs to the service breed. It is distinguished by intelligence, obedience, and a small amount of aggression. Serves as a security guard and assistant. Special training is required.

Saint Bernard

A large dog with thick hair. Performs tasks of searching and protecting objects. For the home, this is a favorite who loves family and children. Does not enter into conflicts unnecessarily.

Thai Ridgeback

A native dog from Thailand with red colors. Has increased activity. An obedient, good-natured dog, when in danger, turns into a reliable watchdog.

Tibetan Mastiff

Mountain dog with thick hair. Suitable for keeping outdoors due to the specific structure of the hair. Ideal as a guard, it can attack, bark loudly, and warn of danger.

Tiger dog Kai

Rare breed of medium size. Hunting instincts are better expressed. Distinguished by agility, dexterity, courage. Can't stand loneliness or boredom.


Mountain guard breed. Temperament is calm and measured. Good-natured towards family and other animals. The original purpose of guarding the courtyard has been preserved to this day.

Miniature Schnauzer

Small sized service dog. He has a funny appearance, but behind it lies a complex character. He is active, shows independence and determination, and barks loudly when in danger.

Chow chow

A breed from the Spitz family. The size is average, but the courage is more than enough for several large dogs. He is jealous of his owner, loves and respects his household.

Shar Pei

A noble protector, distinguished by polygamy of skin folds. The character is complex, characterized by determination and independence. Not afraid of larger representatives, often conflicts.


Light, almost weightless, small dogs are intended not only for protecting livestock and pastures. They are excellent family companions. They enjoy walking and participating in competitions.


A working breed from the terrier group. An adult dog drives away opponents with a sonorous bass voice; its protective qualities are perfectly expressed in its desire to be close to its owner. By nature they are endowed with obedience and calmness.

South Russian Shepherd

An almost extinct service guard breed due to numerous wars in the 20th century. Tends to make independent decisions. He is not afraid to be the first to defend himself. The dog's appearance is similar to the Commander.

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