Prague rat: description of the breed and nuances of keeping it in an apartment

The first thing people will notice when looking at a Toy Terrier is its size.

This is a miniature pet whose energy is enough to envy.

The toy is an example of a decorative group of dogs.

He has not only an interesting body composition, but also a funny character.

Krysarik is a smart, curious and courageous dog.

Which pet deserves more attention?

History of the breed

The Prague Rat breed originated in the Czech Republic. This species was bred in the 8th-9th centuries. The name is translated from Czech as “little Pied Piper of Prague.” During the reign of King Charles, 4 these dogs were used to exterminate rats. Hence the name. Active rat catchers began to be presented as gifts to royal nobles. European classical literature is full of numerous references to this breed.

It is known that because of the privileges of these dogs, they were allowed to eat from the festive table and sleep in the royal box.

Later, rats gained popularity throughout Europe. This breed of dog was owned by both representatives of noble families and ordinary peasants.


Ratliks are small in stature and have a thin build. The dog's character is characterized by fearlessness and courage. At home she becomes sweet and loving. Weight – 2500 g, height – 25 cm at the withers.

Detailed description of a mature healthy individual:

  1. The head is small pear-shaped. The forehead is clearly convex. The top looks like a square. There is one dividing furrow. The back of the head is rounded.
  2. The muzzle area is smooth, without folds. The nose is smooth and straight.
  3. The lips are dense and narrow. The top one is located further than the bottom one. Scissor bite. The jaws are well developed.
  4. The nose is small, black in color. The lobe is mobile and sensitive.
  5. The eyes are slightly bulging. Directly located. Widely spaced. The color depends on the color of the animal: from light brown to black. The eyelids are dry and tight fitting.
  6. The auricles are made of rough cartilaginous tissue. Smooth, proportional, widely spaced. Sometimes their tips are lowered forward.
  7. The body has a square shape. The neck is oblong. Females look more elongated due to reproductive function.
  8. The withers are located at the level of the lower back. The back is distinctly straight with excellently developed muscles. The chest is strongly lowered, down to the middle of the body. There is a pronounced bend from the body to the groin area.
  9. Stand slightly wider than the torso size. Well-developed muscles are located on the shoulder blades.
  10. The limbs are located parallel to each other. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs and less developed. Black claws are present.
  11. The tail is naturally of medium length. In a calm state it is directed downwards, in an active state it is directed upwards or bent in an arc above the body.

These standards are considered approximate.

The following colors of rats are distinguished:

  • black, red, chocolate with brown markings;
  • gray-blue.

In addition to color, dogs can be short-haired or long-haired.

Other criteria

Let's highlight the differences in general appearance:

IndicatorsToy TerrierPrague rat
HeadSmall, moderately wide at the cheekbonesPear shape
EarsOval shapeTriangular shape
Muzzle shapeShort and pointedExtended
TailAt the level of the back and belowAbove the back level

The average height of a toy terrier is 18-25 cm, while that of a rat is 20-23 cm.

The weight of the first varies from 2-3 kg, the second - no higher than 2.6 kg.

In terms of life expectancy, the Prague rat wins - 12-14 years, compared to 11 years of the Toy . However, this does not prevent him from living until he is 15 years old. As an exception, of course.

Differences from the Russian Toy Terrier

The difference between these two dwarf dogs is so slight that they are often confused. In order to make the right choice, it is worth noting the main differences:

  1. Temperament. Toy Terriers were bred for aesthetic purposes. They are calm, sedentary, passive. Ratliks are “exterminators” of rodents. By nature they are nimble, brave, fast and hyperactive.
  2. External differences. Toy terriers weigh less due to their skeletal structure. Ratliks have massive muscles, their torso looks curvaceous.
  3. Shape of the muzzle. Rat dogs have a much more elongated nose than Terriers.
  4. Limbs. Ratliks have curved hind legs, while toy terriers have straight, often longer legs.
  5. "Cohabitation" with other pets. Ratliks are genetically programmed to hunt for small rodents. They will not be able to live together with mice, guinea pigs and rats. Toy terriers, on the contrary, are happy to have such neighbors.

What is the difference between these breeds?

As a rule, rat dogs are more active than toy terriers and willingly go into conflict.

Hunting instincts and, almost certainly, fighting qualities come into play . In ancient times, this breed was in demand and played the role of a hunter of small animals, which had a habit of settling in the house and spoiling the entire surroundings.

Sometimes Czechs are asked - why oblige a dog to catch small pests if this is a cat’s prerogative? However, in those days cats were equated with evil spirits, but someone had to save the house?

Toys also have hunting habits, with the help of which the animal can catch a mouse or even a bird, but this is more of a pleasant bonus than a vocation.

The Russian Toy was originally bred as a decorative pet.

Education and training

It is recommended to start training Czech rat rats at 3 months. They cannot be punished. Too sudden movements can harm a miniature dog. However, you won’t have to use physical force on them; dogs are docile, obedient, patient animals.

Ratliks are easy to train. They remember all commands the first time. Even a small child can train this breed. Moreover, Prague rat catchers get along well with younger family members.

The animal feels great outdoors. Always happy to play actively. In addition, it is easy to teach a ratlik to relieve himself outside the home. If it is necessary to completely eliminate the “indoor toilet”, then it is advisable to always praise the baby for peeing on the street. Thus, the puppy will very quickly understand what they want from him. But you should start doing this in warm weather, so he will have positive emotions from being outside.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If you don’t have time to walk your dog regularly, you can train it to use a litter tray or a disposable diaper.

Whom to choose?

This question is quite complicated. Today, rats and toys belong to decorative breeds and differ only in small external characteristics, as well as in disposition. In any case, ratliks and toys should be owned by people with an active lifestyle. They will require long walks and active play outside.

Choosing a dog is purely a personal preference. The external qualities of both breeds are very similar; they are active and friendly towards family members, where they also live with other animals. But it is not recommended to take ratliks into a house where there are domestic rats, mice, hamsters or guinea pigs. The hunting instinct may kick in.

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Care and maintenance

Any small breed dog is recommended to be given special attention. Ratman is no exception.

The eyes must be wiped with a weak tea solution in order to avoid the appearance of pus and plaque. The procedure should be carried out using a cotton pad or sterile gauze.

Teeth should be brushed with a brush and toothpaste. It is not recommended to purchase special preparations for the oral cavity of dogs. The means that the person uses are suitable.

Ears should be examined daily. If plaque appears in the visible area of ​​the shells, it is removed using an ear stick.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Washing rat rats is allowed, but extremely rarely. If there is such a need, then baby shampoo is used for the bath procedure. The water should be warm. The wool must be combed with a special brush and then wiped with suede. This will become an analogue of a massage for the dog’s skin.

Long claws need to be trimmed weekly with special scissors. The dog should have them short and strong. The sooner you start accustoming her to cutting her hair, the sooner this procedure will cease to be uncomfortable.

Small dogs are susceptible to freezing, which means they can suffer from colds. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to buy several overalls made of waterproof fabrics or fleece for your pet. Shoes are also a necessary accessory for a little outdoor rat's wardrobe during the cold season.


Rats eat in small portions. They are supposed to be fed a maximum of 3 times a day. These dogs have an accelerated metabolism, so a special balanced dry food is best. It already contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements that dogs need for health and energy. Premium food is ideal.

Rats can also eat food from the “common table”. But it is not recommended to abuse this. An uncontrolled flow of food will cause weight gain. The dog can be fed lean chicken or fish. They will also not refuse a portion of vegetables or pasta.

Several times a year it is necessary to introduce a vitamin complex into food. Especially if the dog does not eat special dry food.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is difficult for rats to control the amount of food they eat. They often overeat. To avoid this, it is recommended to carefully study portion sizes and diet.

Which breed is best suited for living in an apartment?

Rat dogs, as well as toy terriers, are created for living in an apartment. Due to their small size, pets do not need regular strength exercises in the yard; moreover, they can easily cope without long walks (they wear a diaper).

In terms of temperament, rat rats are calmer and more restrained, which in the case of small breeds goes along with the exception.

But not in relation to small animals (hamsters, rats), do not forget that this breed is a hunter, so do not be surprised if the dog sees them as prey.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Due to the similar configuration of the breeds, there are no special differences in care. Dogs are equally susceptible to cold weather and prone to obesity. The breeds have a short coat, which also does not require special attention, but this does not prevent the owners from acquiring a comb and a massage glove. The situation is similar in terms of teeth, ears and claws (dogs do not know how to grind them down).

Health and illness

A dog with healthy genetics and proper care can live 14 years. In order for rats to be active and feel good throughout their existence, they need to be regularly shown to a veterinarian. It is recommended to do this at least several times a year. You should also examine your dog at home. The weak point of this breed is its teeth.

During the cold season, all dwarf breeds often suffer from colds. In order for the dog not to get sick, he needs to be dressed comfortably. And also give him mineral vitamin complexes every six months. They will help strengthen your immune system.

Rats should be protected from injury and fractures. Most often these dogs injure their paws. Typical ailments for them are luxation of the kneecap, Perthes disease, hypoglycemia.

When monitoring your dog’s health at home, you need to remember the most common ailments:

  • overweight;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • colds;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity.

At the first symptoms or suspicions, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian. Only he will make the correct diagnosis and also prescribe treatment. Timely provision of qualified assistance can significantly alleviate the disease and speed up recovery.


On average, the Czech rat lives for 12 years. Longevity depends on heredity, genetics and care of the animal. If the breed was bred correctly, it will not have any health problems.

Some irresponsible dog breeders mix two similar breeds, passing off the offspring as Prague rat rats. Then unpredictable problems may arise.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Before buying a puppy, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the kennel and its owner.

Prices for these breeds

The Prague rat is an expensive breed.

Not so much because of the origin, but because of the number of dogs.

The breeding of the breeds is closely monitored by the Czech Breed Club and, according to sources, there are currently about 2,500 individuals in the world.

The cost of a puppy on average reaches 1000 EUR.

The price of a toy terrier ranges from 175 to 615 EUR.

However, in addition to the pedigree and reputation of the kennel or seller, other factors also influence the cost of a toy terrier.:

  • size (the smaller the puppy, the higher the price tag)
  • coat color (red – cheaper);
  • coat length (smooth-haired are inferior to long-haired);
  • title of parents (offspring of champions are more expensive).

Popular nicknames

Choosing a name for your beloved pet is a very important matter. It must be approached responsibly. After all, a dog should become a member of the family, the best friend for children.

The puppy needs to be given a name as soon as possible. His upbringing and training will depend on this. He will be able to immediately realize which nickname he should respond to.

There are huge directories with popular dog names. There is not a single article on the Internet devoted to this. Often the owner knows in advance what he will name the pet. But some find it difficult to decide.

Suitable nicknames are those that consist of two syllables. This will help the puppy quickly get used to it. It is not recommended to give names of family members or other pets. The dog will begin to get confused and pointedly refuse the chosen nickname.

Popular nicknames for boy puppies:

  • Tyson, Dick, Lord, Baron, Rich, Casper;
  • Ice, Buddy, Zeus, Oscar, Cupid, Scooby Doo, Baby, Simon.

Names for girls:

  • Bonya, Alma, Eva, Monica, Zhuzha, Lucky, Bagheera;
  • Chelsea, Umka, Nyusha, Sonya, Linda, Daisy.

Whatever the name of the pet, the main thing is that he feels care and attention. Then the dog will give its owners warmth and affection.

Rules for choosing puppies

They approach the purchase of an animal with care and responsibility. It's impossible to tell from the photo. In order not to be deceived, you need to be guided by the following principles:

  1. Find out everything about the nursery where you plan to purchase a puppy. The dog breeder provides information about each individual, its pedigree, possible rewards, as well as vaccinations and examinations. If the seller has problems with the documents, then it is advisable to find another place to buy.
  2. The animal is chosen live. It is advisable to observe him and note how the puppy behaves in the pack. From an early age, character and habits are examined. The dog's body should be without obvious defects and the color should be even. It also makes sense to pay attention to the conditions of detention, cleanliness, and safety.
  3. If a breeder does not want to show other pets, then he is a reseller. It is better to refuse such a choice.
  4. It is better to examine the mother and father of the puppies. It is important to know that they are not close relatives. Otherwise, there is a possibility of encountering mental disorders.
  5. The puppy is allowed to be separated from its mother after 45 days of birth. If this is done earlier, the dog may have health problems.
  6. If among your friends there are dog handlers or someone who knows about dogs, it is better to take him with you. Then there will definitely be no mistakes.

A sign of a reliable, serious breeder is an interest in the future life conditions of his puppies. If during the conversation there is a conversation about food, place of keeping and the presence of other pets, then you can safely trust such a seller.

How to tell the difference?

The Ratman is often confused with other representatives of decorative breeds, for example, with the Russian Toy Terrier. However, there are differences.


The body structure of the rat is more folded, harmonious and toned, and the physique is muscular, which cannot be said about the toy terrier.

The Toy has unique, exotic body shapes, which is why the breed is not a rare guest at dog shows.

Outwardly, the rat and the toy are really similar, but the first is given away by his temperament - this is a cat with the character of a service dog.

Restrained, confident and much calmer than the Russian one, who is characterized by choleric behavior.

Puppy cost

Before buying an animal, it is important to decide why you should get one. The cost will depend on this.

If you are buying a dog for your home, it is better to consider advertisements on the Internet or bird markets. In such places, the price for a puppy varies from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. But the seller may refuse to provide information about the dog, parents, and conditions of stay.

In reputable nurseries, no problems will arise, but the price will increase significantly. The cost is also affected by the title of the parents. Such dogs will cost several thousand dollars. And this is an ideal option for those who get a ratlik for exhibitions and competitions. The presence of awards in parents is the key to the success of their offspring.

Only the breeder's deception can seriously hurt your pocket. A Russian Toy Terrier is often passed off as a Prague Rat Dog. In infancy, these puppies are practically indistinguishable. And the difference in cost is significant.

The price summary looks like this:

MoscowNurseryFrom 40,000 rubles
Notice boards/market5 000-20 000
Saint PetersburgNursery30 000
Notice boards/market5 000-10 000

Prague rats are the smallest breed in Europe. Even miniature Chihuahuas have surpassed them in size. The size of these nimble dogs continues to attract pet lovers to this day.

The speed and agility of the rats is amazing. They can easily rid a large area of ​​rodents. This was used in the Middle Ages. Catching rats became the main function of these dogs in royal parishes. The solution to this problem was so necessary that the little rat catchers were allowed to run around the royal table and grab any treats they liked during the feast.

Despite their charming appearance and good-natured nature, the number of dogs bred is small. In their historical homeland, the Czech Republic, no more than 4 thousand individuals are registered. What makes this breed rare?


The Prague Ratlik is a sweet, peaceful and affectionate dog. The modern rat catcher, unlike its medieval ancestors, does not perform the tasks of a rat catcher; obeying basic instincts, it loves to hunt while walking on the street. Rat dogs are smart and mischievous dogs, they love comfortable conditions and easily take root in an apartment.

Prague Raters, also known as Czech Serochki or Ratliks, are the smallest breed in Europe and are also considered a national treasure of the Czech Republic. In addition, the rat is one of the smallest and rarest dogs not only in Russia, but also in the world.

This was the dog that could replace my Dobermans, because you can say about the rat dog that she is a big dog in a small body. If you need your pet to be with you, she will be with you exactly as long as you need. The animal gets along very well with children.

How are they similar?

The breeds are equally self-confident, but in relation to large representatives this is more of a minus than a plus. Small dogs have a hard time understanding their size.

If this one or the rat decides to challenge the same Doberman, the outcome will be obvious.

Also, dogs are suitable for keeping in an apartment, do not require special care and quickly find a common language with the family. And natural intelligence allows you to deftly master the training course.

Photo and video

Prague Rat Dogs are charming, kind, smart and brave dogs. When planning to have a pet of miniature size, it is recommended to take a closer look at this breed.

Character of the breed

Very smart and quick-witted, dexterous and fast, Ratman lives up to his title of an excellent rat catcher. In everyday life, he is unobtrusive and unpretentious, rather silent, but still prefers to constantly be close to his owner , just like the Yorkshire Terrier . Very hardy, loves walks and will happily play in the meadow or kick a ball at home. Gets along well with other animals and children.

If you have small animals such as a chinchilla, hamster or rat, the ratlik's hunting instinct awakens, be careful.

Yes, of course, the Prague rat has a calm and self-possessed character. However, he literally transforms when he sees a target worthy of attention, and then your other pet will be in trouble. He is capable of strangling the same hamster in seconds and it is impossible to scold him for this. Instinct is instinct and nothing can be done about it.

The Prague Rater is not a pampered breed. He is quite hardy and resilient. However, to prevent him from contracting a serious infectious disease, be sure to follow the vaccination schedule according to age.

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