What to do if your dog is lost: useful tips where and how to look

Many owners panic if their dog is lost, but this method (at a minimum) will not give any results. Until your pet returns home, your task is to gather strength and do everything to help him. A lot of dangers await a dog on the street, and the more effectively you search for it, the greater the chance that it will return alive and unharmed. Quite often, four-legged animals find their way home on their own, but this can only be counted on if the pet is lost in an area that is well known to it.

Use a scented item

This is the best tip for finding lost dogs that hunters have used for centuries to find their own lost dogs. Combine this tip with the rest of the tips listed below.

Dogs have an excellent sense of smell: not only can they smell a scent from afar, but their brains are designed in such a way that smell provides the dog with various information. Not only that, but research has shown that dogs have a favorite scent—their owner—which means they will prioritize your scent over everything else.

To use this to your advantage, choose a scent that may be part of your (dog owner's) clothing that you've been wearing for a while - the longer the better. Take this scent to the area where the dog was last seen or where you think it ran away from. You can also bring your dog's crate, toys, blanket, etc.

Leave the scent in this area and come back later that day or the next day. Return to this place every 6-12 hours. Ideally, your dog will end up waiting for you in this area, at some point leaning on your clothes. This is how many owners have found missing dogs.

Note : You can also leave a bowl of water along with a scented item, but do not leave any food so as not to attract other animals. Alternatively, you can select multiple locations and do the same in multiple locations and then keep checking them. Finally, consider leaving a note (especially if you leave a dog crate there) for anyone who encounters these things.

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Hope percentage

Having an address card or tag will help the pet return home.
Photo from the site classpic.ru “Search success is guaranteed in 80% of cases, even with not very active searches,” says Anastasia Shukaeva. “If the dog has a tag, then everything is much simpler and faster. And, by the way, a passport with a chip can then help prove that this is your animal,” the expert notes.

“I myself found all my lost ones, and with the help of personal searches. She went and called. For example, there was a case when an adopted dog that lived in our shelter ran away from its new owners. I arrived, and she responded to my voice, we found her in five minutes,” Anastasia cites her experience as an example. “But what helped me most was the online newsletter: a lot of people immediately called, reported the whereabouts of the dog, or sometimes held it until we arrived.”

A certain percentage of losses remain with the new owners. “Among my friends there are also those who kept the animal they found,” says Anastasia. – Most often this happens due to the fact that it was not possible to find the owners. But in the end, they themselves fell in love with the dog and realized that it was fate. These are, of course, happy stories. It’s much sadder when a lost dog disappears on the street and becomes homeless.”

Whistling and shouting

While some escaped dogs may be roaming around the area, take into account the fact that your puppy could be trapped somewhere. Maybe the dog's collar got caught on something, or the dog accidentally got stuck behind a fence. Your dog may be somewhere nearby, but just can't get home.

Whistling and shouting the dog's name while walking around the neighborhood seems obvious, but for some reason many owners forget to try it. So give it a chance and see if your dog answers your call with his bark. After playing a little Marco Polo, you might just find a missing dog waiting for you to rescue.

Dog owner identification

Over many decades, a multi-stage system for checking owners has been developed.

After claiming your pet, you should request the following information:

  1. Photo. Real owners should have a large number of photographs of the dog. Only high-quality, non-blurry photographs depicting the pet at different ages are taken into account.
  2. Nickname. Each dog responds only to its own name.
  3. Distinctive features. A detailed description of the pet's appearance will help in identifying the owner.
  4. Inspection of the apartment. If an animal lived in the room, traces of its presence will be visible everywhere.

When meeting with owners, you need to observe the dog's reaction. If she willingly makes contact, you can be sure that the search for the owners will be successful.

A dog should be shown to prospective owners only after a thorough telephone interview

Check your GPS navigator.

The obvious action to take when searching for a missing dog—if you've taken the precaution of equipping your pet with a GPS dog collar or simple GPS tag locator—is to check and locate your dog. Even some simple fitness/activity trackers may have a GPS locator that you didn't know about, so check to see if you had that option.

These nifty safety accessories often cost a monthly subscription on top of the initial price of the device, but can tell you exactly where your dog has run off to, but also track their activity by monitoring their heart rate. However, not every pet owner has these useful products, in which case additional measures must be taken.

Prompt search is the key to saving lives

Finding lost dogs is, one might say, a science; you need to take into account the maximum number of factors and all the characteristics of your ward. Service dog breeds have a certain independence and their chances of returning home in their own tracks are much higher. Decorative quadrupeds are not so courageous and collected, they can panic, run without looking back, in addition, they do not have such a keen sense of smell and territorial memory.

Important! The best prevention for pet loss is a collar with an address tag or GPS device.

In the city, not far from home, almost all pets will move in the direction of the house, but the following may get in the way of the four-legged animal:

  • Cars - quite often frightened animals run under the wheels, suffer serious injuries or die.
  • Doghunters are bipedal creatures who enjoy the suffering and death of animals.
  • Trapping - almost all cities have public services that trap and kill animals. Some cities have municipal shelters and quarantine sites where the lifespan of animals is limited to 10–14 days.
  • Cruel teenagers - sadly, thousands of animals die in agony every year just because children are interested in trying their hand at the weak.

Quite often, dogs do not return home because they die from poisoning. You need to understand that after 3-8 hours the pet will begin to suffer from thirst and hunger, instinct will force the dog to look for sources of food, and this can lead to:

  • Poisoned Baits – Utility companies often distribute poisoned baits (although illegal in most countries) to reduce the number of stray dogs and cats. From hunger, a dog may begin to hunt rodents. An inexperienced hunter will only be able to catch an already poisoned rodent.
  • Food poisoning – again, hunger can provoke a dog to eat missing food, for example, near garbage cans.

During the prosperity of cynology in the USSR, every dog ​​owner taught his dog to fight, or rather, to defend himself. This approach was considered absolutely normal, since fights among four-legged animals could happen even in walking areas. Today it is believed that teaching a dog to “bite” is bad because its skills can affect people. However, what will such a “toothless” pet do when it encounters a larger stray dog ​​or pack of dogs? No, this is not a call to action, it is a reason to think. Any dog ​​must be able to protect itself, and if its character is too constrained, the danger of its being on the streets is extreme .

but also cats are dangerous . It is important to wean your pet from chasing purrs while still a puppy. Of course, many cats will be afraid of the dog and will run away, but among the street tabbies there are also fighters. Cats that know how to fight do not run from a dog, they attack, and brutally and desperately. If you've ever seen a cat in anger, it's easy to guess that the purr will not hesitate to rush at the dog's face, damaging its eyes or causing other serious injuries.

Unfortunately, danger factors include not only animals, but also people. Intentional cruelty is a mental disorder, but even among healthy people there are greedy, envious individuals. If your pet is an expensive or popular breed, it may be picked up and deliberately not returned. This can be called theft, but no... you yourself lost the dog, and whether to return it or not is a matter of decency.

Advice: if you know that your dog has been picked up and is not going to be returned, try to get in touch with the “captors” and offer a very substantial reward or a gift in the form of a puppy of the same breed, most often it works.

Keep your phone handy

Regardless of the circumstances, the first thing many people will do when they find a lost dog is check that pet's collar for tags and check the tags to see how to contact the owner. Many dog ​​ID tags allow owners to provide more than one phone number, which can increase your chances of contacting the good citizen who found your pet.

When you put an ID tag on your dog, you can also include your cell phone, landline, or your number and that of a family member. When your dog is missing, make sure your phone is always ringing so you will receive a phone call as soon as there are any new developments.

Statistics and predictions for success

When purebred pets go missing, the chances of finding them are always higher. They are easier to distinguish from strays than ordinary mongrels. Special groups dedicated to helping specific breeds also contribute.

Another advantage of purebred origin is the presence of a mark. It is very easy to find the breeder, so it is better to notify this person in advance about the disappearance of your pet.

Owners of four-legged friends from the shelter should not despair either. At first, they are monitored by a curator, so you can always turn to him for help and support.

The chances of success increase if you have a brand, a chip and a token with the owner’s phone number. Eight out of ten missing people can be returned home.

Do some research

Revisit the area where your dog escaped and ran away, and search nearby. A little detective work of your own can go a long way in finding your missing dog. Ask your neighbors if they heard or saw anything. Nearby loud construction or fireworks can cause a frightened animal to leave the area and hide in a quieter place.

Did your dog accidentally leave something behind? Any information you discover will determine the next steps you need to take. For example, perhaps when your puppy burrowed and squeezed under the fence in the backyard, his collar broke. In this case, you will at least know that no one will be able to contact you.

You can also conclude that anyone who happens to see your dog without a collar will think it is a stray and may call animal control, which will lead you to the next step you should take: calling local shelters.

Four-legged traveler

Microchipping a dog in a veterinary clinic.
Photo from vetlab.ru If you are traveling with a dog, you need to use special equipment. “Like I do. I use a collar plus a harness. In this case, I take or two short leashes - one is fastened to the collar, the other to the harness, or re-clasp, this is when one end of the leash clings to the collar, the other end to the harness,” advises Oksana Dubinina. This will help in a situation where an animal, frightened, breaks out and can run away in an unfamiliar place, on a highway, at a train station; gets lost in the crowd. In any case, a harness is more reliable than a collar; a dog can wriggle out of a collar. If the dog is still lost in a place unfamiliar to it, the ideal option is to stay and wait for it. “There is a high probability that the dog will return to the place where it last saw its owner,” explains Oksana Dubinina. At the same time, you need to methodically examine the entire area around and loudly call the dog by name. The animal could be hiding in fear, so you need to look through all the nooks and crannies. “No one knows your dog better than you; try to model its possible behavior based on its character and habits,” our expert recommends. Police, security, salespeople, janitors, loaders - everyone who comes across your path should know your phone number (ideally write 50 copies of “business cards”, this can be done as quickly as possible, but it is better to take such notes with contacts with you). Open a photo of a dog on your phone and show it to everyone.

Don’t be afraid to seem “hysterical”; people will understand that the loss of a dog is a grief for you, and they will be more likely to take your requests seriously and join the search. Remember that with each passing hour the likelihood of finding your dog will decrease!” – advises Oksana Dubinina.

Be sure to put a tag on your dog with a phone number (address book). On one side write the dog's name in large letters and on the other your phone number. It is better if it is a separate cord rather than a collar. Collars get lost and can be easily removed if the dog is trusting and approaches people on its own. If the collar is lost, a cord with an address tag remains.

Our experts recommend microchipping your dog. Nowadays there are many knowledgeable people who, having discovered a lost dog (especially a purebred one), immediately take it to the veterinary clinic to scan the chip. “It will help you quickly find your contacts, even with a general skepticism towards information bases in our country,” notes Oksana Dubinina.

Sterilization and castration of an animal also largely eliminates escapes motivated by the “call of nature.” “According to statistics, castrated dogs live on average several years longer than non-castrated ones, are less likely to get lost, and are less likely to die under wheels. A sterile dog (even a fashionable breed) is not a desirable object for theft,” explains Oksana Dubinina.

Even if we admit that there are shady nurseries and unscrupulous breeders who can “order” or accept a stolen purebred dog, then in any case, by sterilizing your dog, you obviously make it “not interesting” for this kind of business. And yes – always keep your dog on a leash in unfamiliar places, even if you are proud of its obedience and are sure that “my dog ​​will definitely not run away.”

Ask and notify local shelters

A crucial step in finding a missing dog is to contact organizations that do this every day. Most people who see a dog running away will call animal control, and unless the dog has some form of identification (microchip or tags), they will likely be sent to the local animal shelter.

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Call all animal shelters closest to where your dog is lost and explain the situation. They will probably ask if the dog has ID; otherwise, they will ask for multiple descriptions of your animal.

Email the shelter a photo of the dog and some helpful characteristics, such as your dog's age, overall size and weight, coat color and length, and any unique traits such as odd fur markings or scars.

Thoroughbred and mongrel - who has better chances?

A dog wearing a properly fitted harness.
Photo from the site myzooroom.ru Anastasia Shukaeva says that there are no exact statistics indicating which dog is faster. “But thoroughbreds are found, I think, more often. They are more noticeable and, I repeat, there are help teams for breeds, and people are increasingly turning to them immediately (both those who have found them and those who have lost them).

It’s easier to explain that a pug is lost than to say that a spotted mongrel with one erect ear and the other recumbent has disappeared.”

If your lost dog is purebred, you must inform the breeder . Because there is a possibility that your dog ended up with knowledgeable people, and they, having selected a purebred animal, will first check the brand, run it through the database, and call the breeder with a message about the find, explains Oksana Dubinina. “And if the dog is from a shelter or “curated,” be sure to inform the dog’s curator,” Oksana recommends. – People involved in adopting animals have a lot of resources to notify the whole world about the loss of a dog. This means there are great prospects for finding it.”

A dog is called “curated”. which was taken home from the shelter, and for which at first the activists of the shelter and its owners look after it. Recently, among animal lovers it is considered the correct and approved action not to buy a puppy from a breeder, but to save a dog from a shelter, so a “curated” dog is not an isolated phenomenon, but part of a new everyday life.

Oksana Dubinina cites as an example one of the many cases of her own experience of searching for a dog. “This happened to my handler dog. In the morning call: “Hello! Have you ever lost your shepherd?” I looked at my mongrels and said: “No, my houses.” “And she has your phone number written on her collar.” - “Please describe the dog and tell me where you found it?” - “Moskvoretskaya embankment...well, so thin, about 15 kilograms, red-haired with a dark muzzle.” - “Does he respond to Amalia?” – “Amalia, Amalia….Ohhh! yes, it responds!” And then I shout: “Oh! Girls, please hold it! We’ll pick it up now!” - “Yes, yes, she will be here, in our law office!” Meanwhile, I already had a message on my phone and unanswered calls from the owner Amalia. It turned out that the dog had wriggled out of the collar on which hung a tag with the owner’s phone number, but there was still a cord with my phone number. Half an hour later Amalia was home! The main thing is to approach your friendship with animals responsibly. The dog will not tell you his address and phone number, but you yourself can always prevent the loss or bring the dog back to you closer.”

Tell others

No matter where you live, neighbors are a powerful resource that can potentially help you find your lost companion and even give you more helpful tips and information on how to find your missing dog.

In rural areas where your neighbors are not easily accessible in the neighborhood, post a missing dog flyer at high traffic businesses such as a popular local diner, post office or grocery store. Many of these commercial buildings have a public board that you can use for free, but if not, you can politely ask the staff if you can use their window space.

Where to go

Having figured out where to look for the missing dog, all that remains is to find out the institutions and places that are ready to assist in the search. In such a situation, it would be foolish to refuse support, so try to use all possible options.


Due to constant overcrowding, the likelihood of ending up in the shelter is high only during trapping periods. They occur in autumn and spring. Contact all known institutions to confirm the nearest capture date. If it coincides with the day of disappearance, check more detailed details to identify your pet.

Veterinary clinics

If a dog is missing, the finder can try to find its owner using a brand or chip. The easiest way to obtain this information is from your veterinarian. Also, the need for treatment due to an injury or fear of leaving the “foundling” next to your pets may bring you to the veterinary clinic.


If you are sure of theft, file a police report. This rarely produces results, but at least gets the attention of employees.

Additionally, request CCTV footage to check patrolled areas at different times. They can be found on webcam sites in your city. In addition to the location, you will need to indicate the date and time period. The necessary records will be ready in a couple of hours, but they can only be picked up at the police station after filing a missing persons report.

Media of any level and format

If you are sure that the reason for the disappearance is kidnapping, then be sure to contact the media. An article in the local newspaper or a short segment on television will help spread the word and reinforce the value of the police report. In this case, law enforcement officers will look for the dog with greater enthusiasm.

Internet resources

In addition to your own announcements on social networks and forums, do not forget to monitor announcements about found animals. A person may want to return the dog, but miss the information about his loss. In this case, he himself will create an ad in the group about the “lost ones.”

Also don't forget to check the free message boards. Criminals may try to sell your pet for more than the reward. In such a situation, you will have to enlist the help of the police.

Count your dog's favorite places

There are many reasons why our faithful dogs may run away, but sometimes it doesn't require much guesswork. Dogs have favorite places. Maybe it's a dog park you frequent together on the weekends, or maybe it's a house a few blocks away that has a doggie buddy they're dying to visit.

Either way, one of your pet's favorite places may be where he has escaped to. If you have no other ways to find your missing dog, the first thing you can do is find it, starting with its favorite places and doing more Sherlock Holmes-like detective work.

What to do if you find someone's dog

Finding yourself on the other side is no less exciting. First of all, people are afraid of the possibility of infecting their own pets, so only a few are involved in foster care. Despite this, there are many more ways to help a “lost” person.


If the animal is in no hurry to approach you, be careful. The stress experienced can turn into aggression. If you have seen a flyer about the loss or recently spoke with the injured owner, contact him by phone without letting the dog out of your sight.

Calm animals can be taken to a veterinary clinic or to volunteers. If there is a stamp or chip, they will be quickly returned to their owners.

If all possible identifiers (including the address number) are missing, you will have to follow the same algorithm as the owner. Online and offline advertisements can help here.

How to prevent your dog from going missing

  1. Microchipping . Consider using a GPS tracker and always have your dog microchipped and use ID tags.
  2. Provide security . If your dog frequently leaves the house or yard, revisit the area where he escapes from. Regular maintenance, such as replacing rotting wood, can better keep your dog safe. If your dog is good at jumping fences, there are things you can do to prevent it.
  3. Invest in toys . If your dog is often lost, he may be very bored and lonely while you're away. It may seem simple, but purchasing some time-consuming chew toys, especially interactive dog toys or other mechanics designed specifically for dogs, can reduce their urge to escape.
  4. Make your dog famous . If you live in a small town with a friendly neighborhood where others also have dogs, you can all work the same way Neighborhood Watch works. Create a dog business card with a photo of your beloved pet and your cell or work phone number. Share this with your neighbors (and encourage them to share theirs with you).

Why can a dog run away?

Dog handlers believe that the main reasons for a pet's escape are fear and curiosity.
In addition, boredom and the desire to “get to know” a relative of the opposite sex at a certain period can serve as motivation. Dogs most often run away and get lost in the warm season, when their owners take them to the dacha or go with them into nature. In these conditions, dogs are given greater freedom than in the city. Unfortunately, sometimes animals use it to the detriment of themselves and their owners.

Loud noises can cause fear in dogs and cause them to run away to hide. For example, car horns, thunderclaps, pyrotechnic explosions. For dogs that ran away, frightened by fireworks, experts even introduced an original definition - “May dogs.” A pet may also experience fear and confusion if it finds itself in a crowd of people, at a crowded train station or on a busy highway.

Some dogs are overly curious. They may be interested in a passerby with a package from which tempting smells emanate, a cat or dog running past, and even more so, a company of relatives. In fact, a naturally curious dog, not limited in movement by a collar and leash, is able to tag along with any moving object.

Dogs, bored in the courtyards of country houses, especially when we are talking about energetic animals, sometimes turn out to be very inventive in finding ways to escape from their native walls. In addition, they can run away regularly. Depending on the size and characteristics of the breed, dogs jump over the fence or climb over it, first climbing onto low nearby objects. Animals often open the door on their own or squeeze through the gap if the doors are not tightly closed. Hunting dogs, distinguished by their love of digging, can very quickly dig a tunnel under a fence. Representatives of this group of breeds, by the way, often get lost while hunting if they are still inexperienced or insufficiently trained.

How to avoid falling for a scammer?

When the owner is found, do not give him the dog right away. Many scammers and resellers respond to such advertisements. They take purebred pets and then sell them. Also, mentally ill people come under the guise of owners who want a dog or sincerely believe that this is their dog. In both cases, by giving the animal to such people, you are putting it in danger and depriving it of the chance to reunite with its “real” owners.

Before giving away a found dog, make sure the person is honest by:

  • Ask to see photographs of his pet (they must be of good quality, the dog in them must be an adult).
  • Name its distinctive features (scars, birthmarks, marks).
  • Look at the dog's reaction, it should be happy to meet you; if the dog is afraid, this is a sure sign of deception.
  • Pedigree, branded animals always have documents; you can ask the owner to present them.

When you are a pet owner, also remain cautious. Do not transfer the reward before meeting your pet; make sure that your animal is given to you. The dog may be exhausted or injured, but he should recognize you. Check for special marks and signs.

If your dog is lost, don't despair. History knows amazing cases when animals returned home after walking tens of kilometers and were reunited with their owners years later. If your pet is at home, pay attention to advertisements around you, to lonely dogs running past, someone is looking for them.

Can an animal return home on its own?

Animals should not be underestimated - the dog can return to its owners on its own. Even if the pet has gone quite far, thanks to its excellent sense of smell, it can find its way. If for any reason the dog gets off the leash and does not respond to the call, it is also capable of returning. But in the latter case, the presence of an emotional connection with the owner plays a significant role - wild animals tend to disappear forever.

On a note! If the animal does not respond well to commands and tends to run away, it is worth purchasing a special GPS collar. Through communication with the satellite, it will signal the pet’s location and speed up the search process.

There are special devices for constant monitoring of your pet.

What to do if your pet is found

First of all, you need to carefully examine him for fractures, wounds and parasites. You can take him to the vet right away. Then the dog needs to be washed, treated, fed and given the opportunity to sleep well. You also need to take the time to delete posts and express gratitude to all the helpers. If desired, pay a reward to the most active participants in the search.

Any owner of a four-legged pet should know what to do if the dog runs away and be prepared in advance for unforeseen circumstances. The initial task is to throw all your physical strength into the search, putting aside all other matters.

What are the statistics

How to find a cat if it has run away or is lost on the street

According to research, owners have the best chance of finding a dog in the first day of its escape. The longer an animal goes missing away from home, the less likely it is to be found. That is why you should go in search of your pet as soon as it runs away, otherwise with each subsequent hour it will become more and more difficult to find it.

Note! Most of the dogs left on the street, if they do not get hit by cars, are simply unable to find adequate food for themselves.

As for the survival rate of pets, the statistics are sad. The very first week of adventures away from their owners and homes ends for more than 80% of dogs with either death or finding a new family. In winter, the chances of surviving outside the home are significantly reduced due to the cold weather. In the summer, when the weather is warmer and there are more opportunities for food, dogs are able to survive for a long time.

In winter, it is important to be even more active, since domestic dogs can freeze

Some of the pets that services perceive as strays are taken to shelters. If you do not return for them within 10 days, the animal will be sterilized. Therefore, if you do not find your pet on the city streets, it is also important to study local shelters.

How to recognize old owners

Before giving your dog to other people, it is important to make sure that they really are its owners. This may be especially necessary if the specific owner of a purebred pet has not been identified, so the search for him took place through advertisements.

First of all, it is worth asking the person to send several photographs of the dog, in which the features of its appearance and signs are clearly visible. If the pictures are blurry and the animal itself is visible somewhere in the distance, most likely they are scammers.

Also, the owners will know exactly the name of their pet, and he should respond to it. It is advisable to visit these people at home and see if they have a bed, toys, bowls and other things that confirm that they really think about how to find a dog. Owners of a purebred dog can also show documents for it. If a dog was found with an NFC tag, the owner must know the animal's number.

Search in hot pursuit

The first step is to check if the dog has returned home by calling family members at home. Some escaped pets return home along a familiar route near their home.

If the pet is not at home yet, then you should look for it in the surrounding area, moving in the direction where the pet ran away, calling it to you. But the dog may not respond if it is scared, does not yet respond well to the name, or has not been trained in the “come to me” command. It is imperative to interview passers-by, giving them a description of the dog, or even better, showing a photograph, because not every passerby will be able to imagine the appearance of the animal by the name of the breed. It may be possible to find out the direction of the animal. Moreover, it is important to inspect secluded places where the animal could hide. The longer the dog is alone on the street, the larger the search perimeter should be. Alert

If after a couple of hours you cannot find your pet, then you should move on to the next stage - notification. You need to report the loss of your pet to organizations involved in catching stray animals (if there are any in a particular locality), animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and leave them your contact information. You need to call animal shelters several times a day, because shelter employees work in shifts and not everyone may be aware of the loss of a particular dog.

In the event of a loss of a purebred dog, it is advisable to call the breeder or the club where the animal is registered, report the loss of the pet and give the number of the brand and microchip. This information will allow you to identify the animal if they try to sell it or use it for breeding.

How long does it take to find a dog?

You cannot stop searching, even if it takes several weeks or months.
Every day you need to walk around the nearest areas, look for your pet, interviewing passers-by, especially animal owners who are more willing to respond to help, and re-post advertisements. If you notice your dog on the street, you don’t need to chase it; the animal may get scared by sudden movements and run away again. Therefore, you should approach slowly, repeating the pet’s name, talking affectionately, you can throw dry food pellets to attract the animal.

Similar articles:

  • How to prepare a dog for a show
  • Puppy quality classes
  • How dogs find their way home
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  • The smallest dog breeds
  • Why does a dog need a tail?

The fourth stage is social networks.

Initially, we create an ad template and photographs,

which you post on pages and groups of social networks - this significantly reduces the time for posting.

We are looking for groups such as “overheard in (your city)

"and the like.

Usually information can be posted on them without moderation, but even where it is available, it often works very quickly.

After this, we begin searching for groups and pages specializing in lost or found animals in your city.

Usually it is enough to enter “found, lost dog/cat” into the social network search and the search will return pages.

We need the first 10 groups.

We log in to them and place an ad from the template.

Next, in the same way, enter “animal shelter” into the search, select a dozen in your city and place advertisements.

In the future, we look for groups in the search - “animal protection”, then we place an ad using the algorithm already described above.


do not waste time discussing in the comments if there is no specific information that someone has seen your pet.

You leave your phone and if there is something important, they will call you and there is no need to sit and engage in idle communication.

The main social networks where you need to place ads are VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook.

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