Tervuren - a detailed description of the dog breed. Photos, videos, reviews, price of puppies, character, care, health

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:Private or apartment building
Purpose:Companion, watchman, shepherd, servant
Color:Fawn or gray with black pattern
Wool length:Up to 10 cm
Adult dog size:Height up to 58-66 cm, weight up to 32 kg
Average life expectancy:13 – 16 years old
Walk:Daily, at least 2 per day
Physical activity needs:Very high, daily lessons from 3 hours
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 1: Herding and Cattle Dogs, Section 1: Shepherd Dogs (with working tests)
Puppy price:From 100 to 1000 $

Owner reviews

Loyal, energetic, brave, cheerful - these are the reviews of owners about dogs of this breed. In addition, the owners are sure: this is a dog for the soul, for those people who value smart, loyal animals and are ready to respond to them with attention, care and love. An undoubted advantage is the external characteristics of these dogs - they are graceful and elegant, have beautiful coat of a pleasant color (see photo).

After reading the reviews of the owners, you can also understand that the Tervuren dog breed has some disadvantages. But there are very few of them. Firstly, many people do not like the difficulty of keeping a dog during shedding. And secondly, there is a certain jealousy inherent in the breed as a whole.

Most importantly, with proper upbringing, this breed becomes an excellent companion, a devoted friend, an attentive watchman and security guard.

History of the origin of the species

The breed's birthday can be considered September 29, 1891; it was on this day that the Belgian Shepherd Club was founded. The species formation took place from 1891 to 1897, although similar four-legged shepherds appeared in Belgium several centuries before the official birth of the breed.

The first breed standard was approved on April 3, 1892 (the last one was on March 13, 2001) . The first entries in stud books appeared only in 1901. And the Tervuren was finally formed only in 1910.

During the Second World War, the number of Tervurens decreased several times, in fact, like most servicemen. Enthusiast breeders had to restore the breed, resorting to inbreeding. Breeders managed to avoid the extinction of the species, but the Tervuren has still not gained the popularity it deserves.

In our country and throughout the world, another type of “Belgian” is most famous - the Malinois.

The best nicknames for a Tervuren

Try to ensure that the name you give your little Tervuren reflects the sunny charm of this breed. It is also very desirable that the nickname be short and sonorous - the dog should hear its name, even if it runs a considerable distance.

The nickname for a female should be beautiful and feminine, and for a male it should personify the strength, power and courage of the dog

For boys

Successful nicknames for Tervuren boys:

  • Bruno;
  • Helios;
  • Mars;
  • Onyx;
  • Osborne;
  • Raynor;
  • Silver;
  • Stalker;
  • Timon;
  • Forest;
  • Chance.

For girls

Successful nicknames for Tervuren girls:

  • Athena;
  • Bereginya;
  • Daisy;
  • Ishtar;
  • Xena;
  • Lada;
  • Selena;
  • Glad;
  • Cherry;
  • Juno;
  • Jasper.

Video: everything about the Belgian Shepherd Tervuren

Distinctive features

  • General form. A strong, square dog. Lean build, medium size.
  • Head. The head is wedge-shaped, dry, raised high above the body. The cranial part is equal to the length of the muzzle, the lines of the skull and muzzle are parallel. The ears are medium in size, set high, triangular. The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted, dark brown.
  • Muzzle. It tapers towards the nose, the lips are dry and fit tightly to the jaw. Cheekbones are flat. Full row of teeth, scissor bite. The nose is only black.
  • Neck. Lean, but muscular, set high, long, with a slightly curved nape.
  • Frame. Strong, dry, body length approximately equal to height at withers. The back and lower back are straight, the chest is not wide but deep, the stomach is moderately tucked.
  • Tail. Desirable length – longer than the metatarsus, sickle-shaped, set low, in an excited state rises slightly above the line of the back, but does not turn into a ring.
  • Limbs. The shoulders, like the shoulder blades, are quite long and inclined (angle 110 - 115 degrees). The paws are even, parallel, the toes are firmly gathered into a ball. The hips are wide and muscular. The knees are almost vertical. The hock joints are strong, wide and durable. Dewclaws are not desirable.
  • Coat and color. The guard hair is very thick and long, with a dense undercoat. The collar on the neck is even longer and thicker, outwardly reminiscent of a lion's mane, and the tail is profusely pubescent. There are clearly visible feathers on the paws. All shades of red guard hair are acceptable, but the tip must be black to darken the overall color. A black mask is required.

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies

Features of character and behavior

Tervurens are special, superior in service qualities to almost all other breeds . They can be guards, shepherds, guides, and companions. They easily cope with the search for drugs or missing people. Experienced dog handlers say that the Tervuren carries out commands faster than the handler pronounces them.

Belgian Shepherds are very active, and are eternal puppies until their very old age. Ready to work and please their leader without rest or lunch break. The unrealized energy of a Tervuren can be destructive to a home. Definitely not suitable for overly busy or inactive people.

More than any other breed, they are attached to their owner and family. Separation or change of “pack” is extremely painful. They love children very much, take them under their care with pleasure and jealously protect them. They are patient with other animals in the family, even if they are cats, if they grow up together. But strange cats may be chased while walking, not out of malice, but rather out of boredom.

They are easy to train, learn very quickly and remember commands for a long time. Excellent for canine sports - agility, Schutzhund, obedience or even canicross.


The main advantages of the Belgian Shepherd:

  • versatility;
  • fast learner;
  • high level of concentration at work;
  • good health;
  • endurance and strength;
  • unpretentiousness to maintenance and weather conditions;
  • unwavering loyalty;
  • courage and determination;
  • ability to navigate situations and make decisions.

And one cannot fail to note the aesthetic beauty and grace of these fiery dragons.


The Tervuren has only two disadvantages:

  1. He is too active, an exclusively working dog is not suitable for everyone. The breed requires a lot of attention and time for training.
  2. The beautiful lush mane of the “Belgian” needs careful care.

For a person who has enough time to care for a dog, these shortcomings will become a source of pride.


When deciding to purchase a Belgian Shepherd, you must take into account that this is a working breed. This means that standard walking is not enough for its development. Just like a regular workout. A trained Tervuren successfully competes in dog competitions, in almost all sports, especially in agility.

Throughout the existence of the breed, the dogs were first used as shepherds, then the qualities of an excellent guard were revealed. And later they even began to use it as a guide dog.

Given their good-natured nature and ability to quickly acquire skills with adequate training, Tervuren training goes well.

Care and maintenance

The Tervuren is an unpretentious dog; apart from its fur, it does not require special care:

  • Ears are cleaned 1 to 4 times a month, depending on living conditions.
  • The claws wear down on their own under the weight of the dog if it spends a lot of time walking on hard surfaces (asphalt). If not, then they need to be trimmed about once a month.
  • You cannot bathe a Belgian Shepherd more than once a month, with the exception of washing the paws and belly for apartment pets. A dog living in an enclosure is bathed even less often - 1 - 2 times in every season, except winter.

To keep your Groenendael in excellent aesthetic condition, you can use the services of a professional groomer, and forever forget about tangles and excess hair in the house. You need to visit the grooming salon monthly.

But the coat requires more careful care - at least 2 times a week you need to thoroughly comb the dog with a wide-toothed comb (and during the molting season at least 2 times a day) to avoid the formation of tangles. After the comb, a slicker or professional grooming tool is used.


Professional breeders recommend feeding the Belgian Shepherd with ready-made industrial super-premium food or holistic food. The food is selected based on the dog’s taste preferences, but must be suitable for active breeds. A veterinarian or breeder can provide assistance in choosing a diet.

Since this breed is exclusively a working breed, the food can be used as a motivating reward for training. That is, the daily norm of ready-made croquettes should not be fed from a bowl according to a schedule, but given throughout the day for correctly executed commands.

When feeding prepared foods, you must ensure that your dog always has access to clean drinking water.

We recommend that you read the article on the topic: “Porridge for dogs: recipes, do’s and don’ts, review of the composition and value of cereals.”


The Tervuren is not a commercial breed, it has never been “in fashion”; only professional breeders are involved in breeding. This undoubtedly affects not only the price of the dog, but also its health. Red dragons are one of the healthiest breeds.


Immunizations are carried out for dogs without symptoms of any diseases, 2 weeks after helminth prevention.

1.5 – 2 monthsInfectious diseasesFirst vaccination
2.5 – 3 monthsInfectious diseases (quarantine must be observed for another 10 - 14 days)Revaccination to strengthen the immune system
2.5 – 3 monthsRabies (quarantine must be observed for another 10 - 14 days)Depending on the conditions in which the puppy is kept, the veterinarian may delay vaccination until the teeth have completely changed.
10 – 12 monthsInfectious diseasesThe last “children’s” vaccination, the next one in a year
10 – 12 monthsRabiesLast “children’s” immunization, next in a year

There are practically no allergic manifestations to modern vaccines, but some weakness or lethargy may appear after a visit to the veterinarian. In case of serious illness, you should urgently seek help from a veterinary clinic.


Despite the fact that the Tervuren is considered a healthy breed, a tendency towards some diseases is still observed:

  1. Cataract or retinal atrophy (age-related).
  2. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (due to improper feeding).
  3. Hip dysplasia (genetic).

Other diseases are more likely to be the exception rather than the rule.


Due to the irrepressible energy of the Tervuren, walking should be daily, regardless of the conditions in which the dog is kept. Even if the dog is walking in a private yard, it must be taken outside for socialization.

Just walks are not enough for the red dragon; he needs active games, swimming, ball runs and obedience training. You cannot allocate less than 2 hours a day for walking and exercise. Otherwise, activity will be directed in the wrong direction, and this can be destructive for the apartment or site.


Nutrition should be balanced. It is recommended to feed your dog dry food. It contains the right amount of useful microelements. Buy products only from trusted manufacturers to avoid stomach problems.

You can also feed your pet natural food. Observe the following rules:

  • give different foods - meat, cereals, fish, dairy products and fish are required;
  • include a vitamin complex in consultation with your veterinarian;
  • follow a certain regime and control the portion size;
  • do not give smoked products, river fish, sweets.

There should always be drinking water near the feeder. The animal consumes a lot of water, so change the contents of the container promptly.


Another distinctive feature of the Tervuren is that they are officially allowed to be bred until the age of 14 , while other breeds must be out of breeding by the age of 9 Mating of representatives of different species of this breed is prohibited.

According to the regulations on breeding, all producers are allowed to breed no earlier than 18 months ; for females, this is usually 3 heats . Potential parents must be completely healthy and vaccinated; a week before mating, it is recommended to carry out helminth prevention.

Mating is prescribed in the male dog’s territory, on the 10th–14th day of estrus, when the discharge from the loop becomes pale. In order not to miss the right day, you can take a test for readiness for mating at a veterinary clinic. After 12–24, a control crossing is carried out.

We recommend that you read the article: “Everything you need to know about mating dogs: the appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Key points in training

Tervurens learn with pleasure, but only on the condition that all classes are carried out in a playful way, through positive reinforcement. Strong and courageous red dragons have a very fine mental organization; if you show aggression towards them on the training ground, the dog will become tense and will not be able to show its full working potential. Belgians need a strong but gentle hand.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”


The Tervuren is not a sickly dog, and not at all weak. However, her health requires some attention from the owner.


Tervurens have the most commonly diagnosed diseases:

  • obesity;
  • oncology;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • ophthalmological diseases (retinal atrophy, often of a progressive type);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • joint dysplasia.


Vaccinations are given to Belgian Shepherds according to a calendar common to all. It is not recommended to vaccinate puppies before they reach two months of age. For weak individuals from the litter, vaccinations are given one to two weeks later than for other puppies.

The very first vaccination (8 weeks) – parvovirus enteritis, distemper, hepatitis. The second vaccination, at 11-13 weeks of age, is a booster vaccination and the first rabies vaccination.


In large breeds, the favorable period for reproduction is the age of two years. The owner must closely monitor the health of the female and organize mating only of a healthy animal. From the first heat, it is necessary to keep a calendar, noting the start and end times of the process. These are actions to prepare for future mating.

Activities before the start of the planned mating:

  1. A month and a half before estrus - conduct a bacterial analysis to detect the presence of infections. The male dog goes through the same procedure.
  2. A month before the start of estrus, treat the bitch for parasites (fleas, ticks, etc.).
  3. A few days after treatment for parasites - a course of deworming.

This preparation is necessary for the health of the animal. It should not be overfed, but also not exhausted, full of strength. Good health of the mother will have a positive effect on the quality of the litter and the condition of the bitch after giving birth.

Where can you buy and how to choose a Tervuren puppy

You need to buy a puppy only from official kennels registered with kennel clubs. By purchasing a dog from a professional, the risks of buying an unhealthy or out-of-breed pet are minimized.

Since the breed is not commercial, there are few Tervurens in the country, you need to be prepared for an interview.

The breeder will ask the potential buyer in detail about the purpose of the purchase and living conditions, and will select the required puppy himself. A healthy kitten will be active and friendly, with a good appetite. He should be curious about new people and toys. You should not buy a frightened, fearful puppy. If possible, “get to know” his parents to also evaluate their behavior.


You can buy a good Tervuren here:

  • Dog kennel “Aven Ezer”. Contact information Russia, Tyumen;
  • Kennel of dogs "RED PARTNER". Contact information Russia, Moscow;
  • Dog kennel "Grace Line". Detailed information on the website: liofgr.ucoz.ru

Those who have at least once had the good fortune to meet amazing red dragons will never be able to stop loving this breed. Tervurens are truly special, it is simply impossible not to love them.

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