The smallest decorative dog from the toy group is the Russian Toy Terrier.

Russian Toy Terriers are miniature, slender dogs with large eyes, long legs and thin bones. Thanks to their energetic temperament and playful, curious disposition, they inevitably find themselves at the epicenter of everyone's attention, and their tiny size makes them suitable for apartment living. Let's find out what a Russian Toy Terrier dog is and what features are hidden behind their fragile appearance.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:House, apartment
Purpose:Decorative dog, companion dog
Color:Rich red, black, black and tan, brown and tan, fawn, lilac
Wool length:Smooth-haired cats have short, close-fitting hair; for long-haired dogs - medium (3-5 cm) with feathering on the ears
Adult dog size:Height 20-28 cm, weight – up to 3 kg
Average life expectancy:12-15 years
Walk:Walking twice a day is recommended
Physical activity needs:Low physical activity needs (40-60 minutes of walking per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 9: Toy dogs and companions, Section 9: Continental Toy Spaniel and Russian Toy Terrier
Puppy price:From 20,000 to 60,000 rubles. Without pedigree - up to 20,000 rubles, pet class - 20,000-25,000 rubles, breed class - 30,000-40,000 rubles, show class - 60,000 rubles

What does a toy terrier need?

We have described the main features that distinguish the smooth-haired toy terrier. Care and maintenance of such a dog require certain conditions.

So, your pet will need:

  1. Dog playpen. Thanks to him, the animal gets accustomed to cleanliness. In addition, you can leave your dog in it to avoid injury if you leave.
  2. A bowl.
  3. Bed or dog house.
  4. Nail trimming scissors.
  5. Dog toys.
  6. Special bones for cleaning teeth are required.
  7. Dog shampoo.
  8. Tray.
  9. Carrying bag.
  10. Clothes for toy terrier. It is simply necessary for the cool season.

History of the origin of the species

The breed originated from English toy terriers, who already in the 17th and 18th centuries were engaged in important work - clearing city streets of rats. Later, the dogs migrated to the boudoirs of noble ladies and, in fact, remain there to this day.

Animals came to Russia long before the revolution. Peter 1 especially loved them. The dogs of that time were larger, more massive, and could hunt small animals and even foxes. But after the change of power, dogs were not only considered undesirable, but also destroyed as a symbol of bourgeois life. Thus, in the 20-50s of the 20th century, decorative dogs were practically not bred in Russia, and imports from abroad were not widespread.

Cynologists and amateurs restored and “glued together” the English Toy Terrier from those individuals that were in the USSR. The animals acquired a new appearance and were no longer at all similar to their ancestors. In 1958, the first long-haired Toy appeared, but it was immediately discarded.

The puppy fell into the hands of breeder E.F. Zharova, and she is considered the “mother” of the breed. In the Moscow nursery, new Toy Terriers were bred - Russian Longhaired. Shorthairs were also not ignored. They also acquired their own individual appearance. The first exhibition was held in 1996. Dogs are recognized in Russia. The breed received international recognition only in 2022.

Manufacturing instructions

Essentially, without much expense, we will make a house of a quality that is not sold in stores.

You can adjust your budget by the cost of the material. The process takes no more than one day.

For the bottom we will use part of a cardboard box from a washing machine, cut out a rectangle 50 by 60 cm. We will make the same rectangle from an old jacket with padding polyester.

On the reverse side, draw and cut out two rectangles. One measuring 53 by 63 cm for the outside, the second 52 by 62 cm for the inside.

Let's cut the oilcloth measuring 50 by 60 cm. We will place it immediately under the top layer.

We fold the parts like a sandwich: outer fabric - oilcloth - padding polyester - cardboard rectangle - inner fabric. Sew it together. If desired, insert a zipper.

You can sew either by hand with regular ties or on a sewing machine.

Making the back wall . We cut out a 50 by 50 cm square from a cardboard box. Draw the top of the square in the form of an arc or semicircle. We make the same padding polyester from an old jacket. We do the same with the fabric as described above.

We fold and sew the parts: outer fabric - padding polyester - cardboard figure - inner fabric. There is no need for a zipper for the back.

We sew a bottom width of 50 cm with a back wall width of 50 cm.

Making a visor . On the reverse side we draw two rectangles. One is 33 cm wide, 103 cm long for the outside, the second is 31 cm by 101 cm for the inside.

We make padding polyester filling 30 by 100 cm. We cut everything out, fold and sew the parts: outer fabric - padding polyester - inner fabric. If desired, we also make a zipper here.

We make a bridge into the finished sheathed rectangle and sew the 30 cm edges to the previously prepared bottom and back wall structure.

You can decorate the house with ribbons or ruffles, and use a cut and trimmed piece of terry towel as a bedding.

Attach a decorative bone to the top of the house to match the bedding or embroider the dog's name. The DIY house for that terrier is ready!

Distinctive features

A graceful, square-shaped dog with long limbs, a thin skeleton and medium-developed muscles. The animals' height is 20-28 cm, and their weight is up to 3 kg.

Two varieties: smooth-haired and long-haired toy are equally valued and included in one standard. Longhairs are characterized by symmetrical feathering on the ears and limbs, as well as a collar on the neck. In all other respects the dogs are identical.

  • The head is small, round, shallow, square in shape.
  • The muzzle is shorter than the skull, pointed, with flat cheekbones . The jaw is small, with a scissor bite. Lips are thin.
  • The nose is small, the color depends on the coat;
  • The eyes are set wide, large, protruding, shiny. The iris is dark.
  • The ears are set high, stand on cartilage, are large in size, but thin.
  • The body is fragile and elegant. The back is inclined towards the tail, the withers are pronounced, the loin is convex, the croup is sloping. The stomach is tucked.
  • The tail is sickle-shaped, held towards the top; usually stopped by 2/3.
  • The limbs are dry, thin, long (about 65% of height), straight and parallel. Paws are oval. The movements are fast.
  • The coat is either short and close-lying, or medium (5-6 cm), straight or wavy, forming long feathering on the ears, tail, limbs, and neck.
  • Colors: red, black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, lilac.

Breed division by weight and size: mini, supermini, dwarfs

The weight of an adult toy terrier usually does not exceed three kilograms, and its height is twenty-eight centimeters. But such dogs are considered large for the breed. Miniatures are divided into three groups:

  1. Mini.
  2. Supermini.
  3. Dwarf.

These varieties are not independent breeds, so the groups are arbitrary. It is impossible to say for sure which of them the puppy will belong to when he grows up. But you can estimate: if the dogs in the family are miniature, then the probability of getting the same puppy is greater.

Important : bitches weighing less than 1.8 kg are not allowed to breed. There is a high probability of death of the mother dog and puppies during childbirth.

Description of the mini variety, its characteristics and standards

Adult dogs weigh up to 1.8 kg and reach up to 23 cm at the withers. Month-old puppies weigh about 350 g.

If a dog has no disqualifying defects, then it is classified as a breeding class .

Description of the supermini variety, its characteristics and standards

Adult dogs weigh up to 1.5 kg and are about 20 cm tall. Month-old puppies weigh about 300 g.

Such dogs are obtained by crossing a mini-male and a standard female.

Description of the variety of dwarf toy terriers, its characteristics and standards

Adult dogs are less than 1.2 kg and 20 cm. Puppies one month old are less than 230 g.

Due to their too small size, such dogs belong only to the pet class .

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies


The advantages of the breed include:

  1. Kindness, lack of aggression, cuteness;
  2. Good mental abilities and learning ability;
  3. They behave wonderfully when traveling and can easily tolerate changes in environment;
  4. Devotion to the family, boundless love for the owner, affection;
  5. Good security qualities, despite its size;
  6. Compact, convenient, undemanding in content.


There are no bad dogs, only ill-mannered ones. The character of a pet depends on several factors: heredity, manners instilled by the owner, psychological trauma. The chance of getting a healthy, balanced pet is much higher if the purchase is made at a nursery.

Most individuals have the following disadvantages:

  • Mental instability, attacks of aggression and anger;
  • Dislike for children, strangers, animals;
  • Selfishness, jealous attitude towards personal objects and owners;
  • Destructiveness (gnaw, scratch, drag everything they see)
  • Fragility, pain, difficult childbirth.

What is good about a toy terrier?

We will continue the description of the breed, listing its advantages:

  1. Toys are very undemanding dogs.
  2. They take up minimal space in the apartment.
  3. Fortunately, they are in fairly good health.
  4. Their coat does not require special care. There is no need to frequently cut or comb.
  5. They get used to the cat litter box well.
  6. Toy Terrier fur does not cause allergic reactions in either adults or children.
  7. Toy doesn't eat much.

By the way, despite all of the above, this dog is an excellent watchdog, which is also easy to take with you on vacation.

Care and maintenance

These dogs are absolutely not allowed to live on the street. Not only because of its size, but also because of its instability to sudden weather changes. Apartment housing is suitable for them, even without walking (with a home toilet).

There are no special rules for the care and maintenance of these dogs. Like all decorative breeds, they do not require large amounts of feed. They don’t even always need a lounger, because they usually sleep next to their owner.

Before buying a dog, you will still have to purchase some items for daily use: bowls on stands, a leash and collar (or harness), litter tray, toys, hygiene products.


The good thing about keeping a small dog is that it doesn't require a lot of food. An adult Toy will need up to 300 grams of food diluted with water or broth per day. Therefore, many dog ​​breeders choose dry foods. They are easy to use and do not require refrigeration, cooking or wasting extra time. These dogs will benefit from holistic (grain-free) super-premium food for small breeds.

You need to carefully choose the product to eliminate possible digestive problems. Low-quality food contains elements that can harm your pet. Therefore, it is important to read the composition, find out the opinions of breeders and dog breeders on forums.

Adult pets are fed twice a day: morning and evening. A puppy needs 4-5 meals a day until 3 months, 3 meals a day until 6-7 months, then you can switch to adult feeding.

Large pieces for chewing can be given from 3-4 months. In summer, the serving size is reduced, and in winter it is increased.

Natural food is familiar to dogs; it is considered correct and healthy, although it does not contain all the necessary microelements, like dry food. Therefore, animals are additionally fed with vitamins.

The diet should consist of 50% proteins:

  • Lean meat;
  • Eggs;
  • Boiled sea fish without bones;
  • Kefir;
  • Cottage cheese.

Another 30-40% is given to cereals: cereals boiled in broth or water. The rest of the space is occupied by vegetables and fruits.

The following products are strictly not permitted:

  1. Bones;
  2. Pork;
  3. Butter;
  4. Legumes and potatoes;
  5. Citrus;
  6. Floury and sweet;
  7. Fried, smoked and fatty.

It is also prohibited to feed the dog from the table, and all attempts at begging are suppressed . You can pick up treats at a pet store or use low-fat varieties of cheese. It is not recommended to mix dry and natural food.

You must follow a drinking regime. The bowl of water should always be full, especially in the summer when food portions are reduced. If the puppy does not drink, he should be given water from a syringe or pipette, gradually teaching him to drink on his own.

We recommend that you read a detailed article on the topic: “How and what to feed a dog: types and characteristics of nutrition.”


These dogs are quite sickly, but live a long life of 15-20 years with proper care. Problems occur due to poor heredity and illiterate care.

In addition, they are fragile and can be injured from a minor bruise or falling from a low sofa.

It is important to vaccinate the animal on time, take it to a veterinary clinic for examination, and monitor its condition, color of discharge, and appetite.


Even small indoor pets that do not walk outside and do not have contact with other animals need vaccination. A person carries a huge amount of bacteria and viruses on himself, his clothes and household items, so a dog can become infected without even leaving the house.

Vaccination does not provide 100% protection against infection, but it prevents dangerous diseases and helps to cure them faster. Unvaccinated animals are not able to overcome the virus and, most often, die in the early stages.

The vaccination calendar is especially busy in the first year of a puppy’s life. Because during this period the animal is especially vulnerable without the mother’s immunity. Primary vaccination is usually carried out in the nursery.

But the owner must be informed about the timing of further procedures:

  • Complex vaccination is carried out at 2, 2.5, 6, 12 months and requires annual renewal;
  • Rabies vaccination is carried out at 7 months and also requires annual renewal.

In addition to the protective function of vaccination, they also have a registration function. All procedures are recorded in the dog’s veterinary passport. Without basic vaccinations, an animal cannot be transported across the border. A prerequisite is that vaccination must be done in the last 12 months, but no later than 20 days before transportation. Also, the pet must be taken to the veterinarian in advance for examination.

Important article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about dog vaccinations.”


Toy terriers are small and fragile, and they often have health problems. Diseases can be transmitted from parents, or can develop due to improper care or stress. Problems specific to the breed:

  1. Dislocations, fractures, sprains, concussions, necrosis of the femoral head;
  2. Allergies, digestive problems, bloating, pancreatitis;
  3. Cataracts, retinal atrophy, conjunctivitis;
  4. Decreased blood sugar, epilepsy, seizures.


Walking is not mandatory for these pets. They don't have to burn off energy during hard workouts, and they can go to the toilet in their indoor litter box. But, as with all dogs, interaction with the environment is the best way to spend time. Toys can be walked 2 times a day for 30-40 minutes.

Puppies begin to be walked at 3 months, after the second vaccination. First, they are carried out in their arms, after 3-4 days they are lowered to the ground and accustomed to a leash. For the first two weeks, it is better to choose quiet places for a walk; as you socialize, you can experiment with noisy highways and avenues.

Toy terriers are not friendly. They do not particularly like other animals, strangers, or children. But with proper upbringing, these dogs have normal contact with others.

These dogs do not have an undercoat, so they freeze in cold weather and overheat in warm weather. In frosty, dirty or cool weather, animals wear insulated protective overalls. In summer you need to avoid sun rays.


These dogs practically do not shed. Short-haired cats do not require regular brushing at all, although dead hairs need to be removed periodically. Long-haired pets are brushed 3-5 times a week with a long-toothed brush. They are bathed every 2-3 weeks, and their smooth-haired counterparts once a month.

It is important to monitor the condition of your teeth. Due to their picky eating habits, Toys do not brush their teeth with large pieces or hard foods, and they also do not like special chewy treats.

Therefore, brushing your teeth is an important monthly procedure that prevents the appearance of tartar and other problems with the oral cavity.

The eyes and ears are examined regularly to check for inflammation. Claws are trimmed with special pliers once a month. After walks, be sure to wash your paws under warm water. If the pads become rough or crack, they are lubricated with baby cream.

In the summer, be sure to treat your pet for fleas and ticks. This can be done using special solutions, powders or shampoos; collars are also sold. We must not forget about deworming - cleansing of worms. It is carried out once every 2 months.


Toys are easier to breed than large dogs. They don’t need a long introduction, a long walk, or a lot of free space. But to untie the dogs, it is still recommended to invite a trained person who will tell you how to properly help the animals.

Puberty comes to these dogs early: at 8-10 months, the bitch begins her first heat, and males mount soft toys or furniture. This habit needs to be weaned off gently, but you should not scold your pet so as not to disturb its psyche. Otherwise, adult Toy simply will not want to mount a girl.

Toy terriers can be untied at 20-25 months, when their bodies are able to conceive and bear offspring. At this time, the girl should go into her third heat. The most favorable time is 13-15 days from the beginning, when light discharge appears, the loop loosens, and the bitch’s behavior changes to playful.

If the dogs are breeding dogs and have status, then they need to be bred through a kennel. Owners must fill out certain forms and obtain a certificate. The male is selected in advance, the owners set a date and determine the price. It is usually equal to one puppy or a percentage of its value, depending on the number of heads in the litter. If the bitch is empty, mating is not paid.

The girl is brought into the territory of the male dog, where he will feel relaxed. When the boy makes the cage, the animals need to be helped: hold them so that they do not lose their balance, guide the male into the loop. Sexual intercourse lasts 10-15 minutes . Even in the absence of a castle, the female can be plump. Mating is repeated after 2 days .

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Soft booth for toy

If you decide to make a soft booth for your little pet, then you need to cut out an oval from foam rubber, the size of which should be slightly larger than the size of the dog in a lying position. Then the walls, 25-30 centimeters high, and the ceiling are cut out of the same material. In one of the wall fragments of foam rubber, make a square hole with sides about 15 centimeters long. The ceiling can have any shape and with a creative approach you can make it removable by sewing on Velcro. A removable ceiling will give the dog additional space and more fresh, cool air during the hot season. Next, all the foam parts of the future booth need to be sheathed with dense, beautiful material, which will need about 2 meters.

Key points in training

Since this breed is decorative, their representatives are usually not trained. They have enough knowledge of basic commands, but the skill of executing them must be honed to perfection. Russian Toys are rarely obedient and flexible, but with proper upbringing they can be taught basic techniques:

  • "Sit";
  • "Voice";
  • "Near";
  • "Place".

Raising puppies begins from the first months of life. To prevent the dog from becoming the head of the family, you must not allow him to manipulate people.

You cannot feed from the master's table, teach him to sleep and jump on the master's furniture, or enter the house before other family members.

The owner needs to be persistent, strict, but not rude. They are vindictive and fragile; a slight blow can disrupt their nervous system.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Differences from the standard

The main difference is the size. Do not forget that a mini toy is just a smaller copy of a standard dog of the same breed.

They also differ in character. Regular Toys are friendlier than Mini Toys.

Their care also differs, but this is mainly due to their small size and fragile physique.

How to choose a puppy

Russian Terrier puppies should be long-legged, square in size, with large eyes, clean fur without white spots. You can pick up a puppy from its mother at 2-3 months; usually, dog breeders prefer this age. But small dogs are much more demanding in care; they need to be given more attention: fed more often, walked more often. At 5-6 months, dogs are more independent and have a mature appearance, by which class can be determined. Such pets will be more expensive, they are more difficult to train, but do not require excessive care.

Before purchasing, you need to decide on the gender and desired class of your future pet. Bitches, as a rule, are softer, more affectionate, and males are more temperamental . The class of an animal determines its value and future career. There are three classes: pet, breed and show.

  • The first is considered the cheapest; puppies may have minor defects that will not prevent them from being pets.
  • Dogs of the second class have ideal external characteristics, which allows them to become breeding dogs (suitable for breeding).
  • Show class defines a pet as a show one, with good pedigree and data.

Toy terriers are distributed all over the world, so purchasing a puppy will not be a problem. The purchase can be made at an official nursery or from a private person. A good breeder will definitely provide a package of necessary documents, tell you about the breed line and the conditions for keeping the puppies.

Healthy dogs are active and inquisitive, without obvious shortcomings or deviations from the standard. The cost of such a puppy varies from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. It depends on the class of the animal and the status of the nursery.


By nature, these dogs are kind, affectionate, cheerful, energetic and, as their owners note, self-confident. A toy can easily attack a much larger dog if it needs to protect its owner. Toy Terriers do not notice that they are miniature and always show courage. The cowardly nature of representatives of this breed is considered a deviation from the norm.

These babies are distinguished by intelligence, intelligence and, if necessary, cunning. Toy can notify about the appearance of strangers in the apartment by loud barking. He loves to play with his own people and remembers commands easily. If you raise it from an early age, the pet will not cause any problems to its owner. Training brings good results, but you should not yell at a toy during training.

It is not recommended to own a toy terrier for people who have small children in their family. These dogs have thin bones and are easily injured during active play. Children aged 6-7 years and older understand responsibility for a dog and can calmly care for a small pet.

The peculiarity of the character of these dogs is that they cannot stand loneliness. When left without its owner for a long time, the puppy may even cry. Therefore, people who are absent from work should not get toy terriers.

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