Scotch Terrier (Scottish Terrier) - description of the breed

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What types of terriers are there (all dog breeds)

Among the main characteristics, the following facts deserve special attention.


What is terrier in French? As stated above, this is a dog that catches burrowing animals. Terriers have quick reactions, rapid movements, and natural flexibility, allowing them to easily overcome narrow spaces. For these qualities, dogs are still used for hunting purposes.

However, as new species were selected, the main purpose of dogs also changed. Modern types of terriers are often classified as decorative breeds. The dogs are distinguished by their miniature size, pleasant appearance, and friendly attitude towards people. They cope well with the role of domestic companions, although natural hunting skills are also not alien to them.

The largest terriers are also used for service. Such individuals protect, work as bloodhounds and search engines, and help in rehabilitation. Thanks to their innate characteristics, terriers have well-developed senses of smell, hearing, focusing and object tracking. Therefore, work activities are not difficult for them.


Due to the large number of types of the breed, answering the question of what a terrier dog looks like is not so simple. Nevertheless, several generalized appearance features can be identified:

  • Body type. Lean, with developed muscles and powerful limbs. Physical qualities allow terriers to cover long distances and tirelessly perform long-term work.
  • Wool. It can be short, long, curly and stiff. Sometimes there is no cover: the individual has only a small fluff on the head and paws. The coat of terriers is not prone to heavy shedding, has hypoallergenic and water-repellent properties (the undercoat does not get wet, and dirt does not stick to the coat).
  • Color. All possible breeds of terriers have collected a whole range of colors. The coat of dogs can have dark, reddish, grayish or dazzling white tones.
  • Muzzle. Most individuals have a square-shaped muzzle with a small beard. The eyebrows are thick, often the eyes are completely closed - this is protection from the ingress of earth while digging holes.

Most members of the genus are distinguished by excellent health and on average live up to 12-15 years.


Natural hunting abilities influence the terrier's character. These dogs are smart, fearless, and prone to making independent decisions. The most typical signs in terriers include:

  • Energetic disposition, increased activity;
  • Excitement, playfulness, tendency to hooligan antics (in the absence of discipline);
  • Impulsive behavior;
  • Tendency to dominate;
  • Friendly attitude towards people, moderate aggression towards small animals.

Curbing natural instincts is not so easy, so only experienced and responsible owners can properly maintain hunting dogs. Puppies need early socialization, professional training, and active walking. It is necessary to constantly monitor the behavior of the terrier so that he does not go into “hunter mode” and start chasing cats, small dogs or rodents.

Large and medium terrier dogs

Let's start with the most numerous subgroup and find out which terriers are the largest.


Divorced in Britain. From the English airedale terrier (air – river name, dale – valley) the name was Russified into Airedale Terrier. At the same time, a pronounced rd sounds, but some say er - tel - terrier.

With a height at the withers of 56-61 cm and a weight of 18-29 kg, we can say that this is the largest terrier. The dog's coat is hard, curly, with a black-red-brown color. The physique is muscular, the limbs are elongated, the skull is elongated. By nature, Erdel is smart, but emotional and cocky, which is eradicated by timely socialization and training. Airedale Terriers are often used for guard or search duties. The average price of a puppy is 25-40 thousand rubles.

Bedlington Terrier

Elegant and curly as a lamb, the dog is named after the British city of the same name. Thanks to its distinctive appearance, the breed is a regular at exhibitions and competitions.

The Bedlington is a fairly large terrier dog, reaching a height at the withers of 41 cm and a weight of 10.5 kg. The coat is soft, wavy, and blue, grey, liver or sand in color. There are small tassels on the ears. The head is wedge-shaped and has a tuft of twisted hair. By nature, the dogs are energetic, courageous, obedient, run a lot, and hunt rodents. Puppies are born with a dark coat color and are valued at 20-60 thousand rubles.

Irish Terrier

Another big terrier with a height of 41-46 cm and a weight of 11.5 kg. The coat is hard and wiry, the undercoat is soft and dense. The color is red or wheaten, the ears are a tone darker than the guard hair. The muzzle is decorated with a beard and funny brushed eyebrows.

By nature, the Irish Terrier is obstinate, so consistent and persistent training is required. The character is energetic, inquisitive, greedy for hunting and active games. The price of a puppy is 20-30 thousand rubles.

German Jagdterrier

Tireless hunting dog: a type of terrier with a height of up to 40 cm and a weight of 10 kg. It is distinguished by its black color and increased aggressiveness - both qualities the breeders intentionally instilled in the species. The result was the most zealous hunter with the strongest grip among all terriers.

The dogs' coat is hard, smooth, their build is powerful, their muzzle has a poorly defined stop. The breed is distinguished by its self-willed disposition, which requires timely education and proper training. Working qualities are extremely high: endurance, stable psyche, desire to destroy all game - this is what avid hunting enthusiasts value in Jagdterriers. The cost of a puppy is in the range of 10,000-30,000 rubles.

Kerry Blue Terrier

These dogs are not as big as the largest terrier, but are slightly inferior to it. The height of adult individuals at the withers reaches 50 cm, weight – 18 kg or more.

The breed was bred from herding dogs, so its character is peaceful, disciplined, moderately playful and mischievous. Such a dog interacts willingly with people, happily follows commands, and becomes incredibly devoted to its owners.

Appearance is notable for its square-shaped head and “blue” color, the shades of which vary from dark steel to light silver. This is the most famous gray terrier, although the puppies are born blue-black. Price: 20-40 thousand rubles.

Border Terrier

Reaches a height of 28 cm and a weight of 8 kg. It is distinguished by a funny muzzle (the terrier's mouth is decorated with mustaches and a beard), as well as an easy-going character. Dogs are sociable with their owners, love to follow commands and play. They are hardy when hunting, extremely attentive and completely devoted to work. You can buy a puppy for 15,000-40,000 rubles.

Manchester Terrier

Medium decorative terrier, the sweetest companion for families with small children.

The height of the individual at the withers is 40 cm, weight reaches 10-11 kg. The dog is smooth-haired, black and tan, with a narrow muzzle and V-shaped ears.

The breed was bred to hunt rats, but later became decorative. The individual’s craving for outdoor games, energetic pastime, and curiosity has been preserved. As a pet, over the years of selection, it has acquired a good-natured disposition, as well as a high tendency to train and obedience. The average price of puppies is 25,000 rubles.

Welsh Terrier

Quite a large terrier with a height at the withers of 39 cm and a weight of about 10 kg. Its black and red color and appearance are similar to the Airedale. Welsh is an excellent companion, moderately adventurous and active. The intelligence of individuals is high, but they are almost not attracted to service or hunting. The cost of a puppy is 20-35 thousand rubles.

Brazilian Terrier

Terrier dogs are also popular in Brazil. Here they bred their own special species - Fox-paw-listinya. Dogs grow up to 40 cm and gain about 10 kg of weight. They are distinguished by their unique color: white guard hair with red, brown or blue spots. There is a dark mask on the head from ears to nose. The dog's character is affectionate, friendly, and loyal. Price tag - from 35 to 45 thousand rubles.

Wheaten Terrier

A soft-haired, curly Irishman with a height of 48 cm and a weight of 16 kg. The physique is powerful and fit. Her appearance is attractive: long curls curl and cover the entire body in soft waves. The color is golden wheaten, with slight darkening in the nose area and on the ears. The dog is strong as a hunter, but domesticated and peaceful. Quite a rare breed of terrier dog; puppies are valued at 20-40 thousand rubles.

Lakeland Terrier

Fearless, hardy and quick-witted dogs come from the mountainous Lake District (England).

Average dimensions: 37 cm height at the withers, 7-8 kg weight. The coat is hard, and the hair on the face and limbs is elongated. The color is predominantly red and black, but blue, liver or gray scoops are allowed, as well as a completely wheaten coat color. The nature of the pets is friendly, although the hunting instincts and strong grip remain with them. You can buy a Lakeland for 30,000-40,000 rubles.

Wire Fox Terrier

Not the largest, but large terriers with a height of 39 cm and a weight of 8.5 kg. The dogs' body is shortened, square-shaped, not massive. The head is elongated, the muzzle is narrowed. The coat is coarse and hard, the undercoat is dense. The color is predominantly white, with black and red opals.

The character of fox terriers is hot-tempered, prone to the manifestation of natural hunting instincts. Therefore, pets require serious education and high physical activity. Dogs readily make contact with people and become loyal friends to their owners. The price of a puppy ranges from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

Smooth Fox Terrier

Similar to the previous species, only the hair is short and not prone to curling. Smooth-haired terriers are less playful than their wire-haired relatives, but are also quite energetic. They are distinguished by fearlessness, sometimes even aggressiveness towards other animals. Dogs are smart, but due to their stubbornness they can negate their owner’s efforts to train them.

Parson Russell Terrier

Very dexterous and assertive individuals. They grow up to 36 cm, gaining weight of about 6-8 kg. Previously they belonged to the Jack Russell breed, but due to their enlarged dimensions they were transferred to a separate species. The limbs of Parsons are elongated, the body is muscular, square-shaped. The coat color is white, with medium-sized red-brown or dark spots. You can buy a puppy for 25,000-35,000 rubles.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

A rare species native to Ireland. A powerful hunter with a strong, squat body and a large head. Height – 36 cm, weight – 16 kg. The guard hair is short, wheaten, blue or brindle in color.

The temperament is balanced, the qualities that predominate are courage, vigilance, fearlessness, and curiosity. Small animals can be perceived by these dogs as game that needs to be chased down and destroyed. The price for an individual of the Glen of Imaal breed starts from 45 thousand rubles.

Maintenance and care

You will have to tinker with this terrier. He is a lover of long walks, an adherent of daily rituals and a clear schedule. He needs to trim his nails regularly, because he can’t sharpen them on his own – he doesn’t run fast. Fortunately, he is not picky when it comes to food, but he is quite conservative. He will also need overalls for slushy weather.

And everything would be fine, but wool and breed hairstyle take up quite a lot of time and money.

Grooming a Scottish Terrier is one of the most difficult if you do everything according to the rules. If you do it “as you have to”, Scotty will look like an old broom. If you do nothing with the fur for a long time, skin problems will appear.

Permanent trimming is the only possible way to have an attractive, healthy and clean dog. Procedures begin in puppyhood. Despite the fact that the first year of a puppy’s life is the most troublesome and costly time, you must resist the temptation to shave your little Scottie with a clipper.

Grooming is a quick and sure way to ruin a terrier's coat. It is not always possible to correct the situation. At the same time, plucking allows you to significantly bring the structure of the guard hair closer to the desired one and the breed, and at the same time the color is enhanced.

Owners can learn hygienic trimming only by seeking the service of an experienced hairdresser. It will take at least two sessions to master the initial technique.

A good breed groomer works with his fingers and a trimming knife, only trims the area around the anus with scissors, and uses a clipper to treat the ears and throat. Furminator is considered not quite suitable for adhesive tape.

Trimming the tape completely, naked, leaving only the “skirt” is irrational and unsightly. It is best to roll the hair: dogs are partially plucked once every 2-3 weeks or even more often.

Preparation for an exhibition can only be done by a professional. However, the tape will look good in the ring, provided that the visit to the hairdresser was not the only one in six months, and the wool was dealt with constantly.

What should a Scottish Terrier owner do regularly:

  • Bathe your dog once every month or two. You will need special cosmetics (shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner).
  • Comb. Full combing can only be done on clean coat.
  • Lubricate the long coat with nourishing oils.
  • Comb out (do not cut!) tangles.
  • Pluck out overripe hairs.

All measures are aimed at maintaining the thickness of the coat, elasticity and shine, and preventing drying of the hair and skin.

Character of the Scotch Terrier

The character of the Scottish Terrier is something special. Of course, appearance contributed a lot to the popularity of the breed. But there is a suspicion that the Scottish Terrier would not have remained among the public’s favorites for long if not for his pronounced personality.

Not having such a rapid reaction as most English terriers, the Scotch takes advantage of observation and a thorough analysis of the situation. He notices everything and takes part in all the affairs of the family where he lives. While walking, he plays the role of commandant of the area of ​​territory entrusted to him - a systematic walk around, recording all objects, checking the contingent. This doesn’t stop him from playing ball, but everything has its time.

Scotch lives “by principles”, and a good owner is the one who will not try to convince him. There will always be common ground. Does it really matter whether you go for a walk on the sidewalk to the right or to the left today? But it seems unacceptable to the “Scot” to change the route, so let him be happy about this little thing.

On basic issues, the owner and the terrier always have a consensus. Despite the legendary stubbornness of the Scotch people, there are no serious conflicts. And stubbornness itself, upon closer examination, turns out to be the dog’s way of saying: I am an independent person, let’s respect my opinion.

There is no doubt that Scotty has an opinion on any issue. He is by no means phlegmatic, he is keenly interested in the situation, it’s just that his anatomical features do not give him the motor tools for self-expression. If necessary, he simply stops or barks.

The inability to move quickly developed in Scotch a subtle sense of humor, original facial expressions and expressive turns of the head. However, there are dogs with amazing drive, fans of agility and those who like to chase their friends.

There are also more serious specimens, but aggressiveness among modern “Scots” is a rarity and a vice. Seeing a dog fight, Scotch will watch with interest, but he himself does not participate in such matters.

Scotch tapes keep their distance from strangers and never initiate contact. They are reserved around their family, they don’t push around with kisses and don’t bother you. They express emotions very measuredly and nobly. Some owners seriously believe that the Scottie is a bit of a cat.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Scottish Terrier in its current form can only live in the city, otherwise it will say goodbye to its luxurious “skirt” and even its beard/eyebrows. Despite the specifics of the coat, Scotch has a considerable “support group”, and there are those who want to have 2-3 dogs. Therefore, the breed has advantages:

  • Scotch is an interesting person.
  • He has “cozy” home habits.
  • With him there is always a reason for gentle positivity and a smile.
  • Elderly and inactive people can walk with a terrier.
  • Show-level Scotch tapes look spectacular in the ring and often win “bests”.

Finally, many (especially female dog breeders) are not afraid of grooming procedures; on the contrary, they love to work with wool and demonstrate the results at exhibitions.

Not worth it if the following aspects do not suit you:

  • A dog requires a special psychological approach.
  • The tape will not automatically carry out any commands from the owner.
  • You can't go hiking with this terrier.
  • The Scottish Terrier does not like baby talk and familiarity.

Scotch tape is not suitable for the role of a decorative dog. We must not forget that this is a terrier with a hunting background, the owner of strong jaws and a strong character. This is a smart and slightly unusual companion, an interested environmental researcher with his own “civic position”.

History of the breed

Terriers of Scotland have been known since approximately the 16th century. - small dogs with strong teeth, desperately brave enough to fight alone with burrowing animals underground and skillfully deal with rats. Those that later formed into several similar breeds: Skye Terrier, Dandy Didmont Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Scotch Terrier and the Yorkie that joined them.

These stocky daredevils, hunters of fox, badger, otter, differed from English terriers in their low legs and elongated format. This configuration - a large head, a tightly built body, a thick tail and widely spaced short limbs - was optimal for the rocky terrain of Scotland.

Dogs with special coarse, dark-colored hair and a “square” head were distinguished by experts, but until the middle of the 19th century, a clear division into breeds could not be achieved. The first Scottish Terrier ring took place at an exhibition in 1860, but another 20 years of heated debate and discussion between fans of different terriers passed before the time came for a full-fledged standard of Scottish Terriers.

A description of the breed was published in 1880, and soon the Scotch Terrier Club began its work. It is not surprising that after a few years there were two clubs: in Scotland and England. Almost at the same time, the first representatives of Scotch Terriers found themselves in America.

The ancestors of the breed were very different from the modern Scottie: taller, with an elongated body and a completely different, saber-shaped tail. Not black, but “brindle” (dark brindle) was the main color of the first Scotch dogs, the third option - wheat - has been fixed since 1905. Nevertheless, lovers of the breed sought, in parallel with the improvement of the general appearance of the dogs, to consolidate the black color as more stylish. This was achieved by the 1930s. XX century

By this time, the Scots had lost their hunting utilitarianism, but they retained their original character and intelligence. Dogs with an original appearance and not requiring active walking have become fashionable among city dwellers, especially in bohemian and aristocratic circles in the UK and the USA.

Only a few specimens appeared in Russia; several adhesive tapes were purposefully brought to the USSR after the Second World War. Through the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery they spread to Moscow and Leningrad, forming a base stock of two types.

The heyday of the breed began at the end of the 1990s. after enriching the breeding stock with imported producers. Nowadays in the Russian Federation there is an exceptionally high level of “Scots”; dogs of Russian breeding win serious international exhibitions, even in the homeland of the breed – Kraft.

Health and Diseases of Scottish Terriers

In general, dogs have good immunity and normal genetics. “Wheaten dogs” stand a little apart, whose light color is associated with a risk of deafness.

Scotch tapes have a tendency to form various tumors, not necessarily malignant.

Another specificity is convulsions, which can appear quite unexpectedly at the moment of excitement and activity. The cause of the phenomenon, called “Scottie Cramp,” is unclear. This is a hereditary disease, but it does not threaten the lives of dogs, moreover, it is not associated with pain. However, animals with such pathology are excluded from breeding.

There are also hereditary diseases:

  • endocrine system (hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome),
  • skin (eczema),
  • vision (cataracts, progressive tissue atrophy),
  • blood (von Willebrand disease, leukemia, hemophilia),
  • skeletal system (craniomandibular osteopathy).

In some lines of Scotch Terriers, difficult childbirth is observed in bitches. The process ends successfully, but requires veterinary assistance.

If the coat is not properly cared for, Scotch dogs suffer from dermatitis. If you do not trim their nails, there may be problems with the toes and paw pads, disturbances in gait and pastern position.

Scotty is not considered an obvious long-liver, but good maintenance allows him to spend 10 years actively and another 3-4 years as an honorary veteran.

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