English Setter - description, characteristics of the breed

The English Setter is a friendly and cheerful companion. This graceful, long-haired dog with an attractive appearance was bred for hunting. But the breed is also popular among ordinary dog ​​breeders. Despite the developed hunting instincts, the setter can be kept in a city apartment. This is a smart, affectionate and sociable pet. But before getting an English Setter, you need to study the description of the breed, the pros and cons, and reviews from the owners.
  • History of the origin of the English Setter breed
  • Appearance Features
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Coat and color
  • Varieties
  • Disqualifying faults
  • Character of English Setters
      Features of education and training
  • Hunting with English Setters
  • Dog care
  • Health
  • How to buy an English Setter puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    English Setter
    Activityin the house2.1
    on the street4.4
    Dominationin family1.4
    over dogs2
    Defending your territoryfrom people1.9
    from dogs2.2
    Sociabilityin family4.8
    with strangers3.9
    with dogs3.6
    Concentrationin family1.2
    in front of strangers2.2
    with dogs2.4
    Aggressivenessin family1
    to strangers1.4
    to the dogs1.7
    to cats2.1
    Family behaviorcalmness3.8
    demand for affection4.5
    excessive barking2.5
    behavioral breakdowns1.5
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.6
    over 4 years old4.2
    Institutional usewatchman3.4

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: American Cocker Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, German Wirehaired Pointer, Irish Red Setter.

    The photo shows what an English Setter looks like:


    The average lifespan of an English Setter is 12 years.

    In order for your pet to get sick less often, it is important to vaccinate on time and give anti-worm medications. It is also advisable to visit the veterinary clinic with your dog annually for tests, x-ray examinations and preventive examinations.

    The owner of an English Setter should know that representatives of this breed are predisposed to the following diseases:

    • Bloating - a balanced diet and a diet tailored to all the specific characteristics of the English Setter will help avoid this problem.
    • Blindness is congenital, hereditary.
    • Joint dysplasia is a hereditary disease that can be caused by puppies and young animals running up stairs or jumping high. The disease is treated both surgically and with medication.
    • Growth disturbance - occurs due to improper nutrition.
    • Allergic reactions are often food related.

    Characteristics of the English Setter breed

    English Setters are elegant, beautiful dogs that are popular among dog breeders. They are medium in size, have a recognizable appearance with beautiful fur of an unusual speckled color. Another name for English setters is Laverack, named after the breeder who has been breeding them for about 50 years.

    These are playful, loyal and affectionate pets. They can become a faithful companion who is ready to follow the owner everywhere. The devotion of setters is known from the book “White Bim Black Ear,” which tells about one of the varieties of the breed. These dogs remain faithful to their owner until the end of their lives. Another feature of the breed is artistry. They act in films and commercials.

    English Setters are classified as pointing hunting dogs. The breed was bred for bird hunting. It has endurance, high speed, a sensitive sense of smell, and an obedient, balanced character. This is a working breed, dogs need physical activity. They easily learn various tricks, can participate in sports competitions, and show good results in agility, Frisbee, and freestyle.

    For their sensitive sense of smell, representatives of the breed are valued by the police and are used in rescue work. They will not be able to become a watchman or a security guard, since they are not at all aggressive and friendly towards all people, but are the best companions.

    breed nameenglish setter
    country of originGreat Britain
    group of breeds according to the ICF classificationcops
    applicationhunting dog, companion
    life expectancy10-12 years
    heightmales 65-68 cm, females 61-65 cm
    weightmales 25-36 kg, females 20-32 kg
    character traitsfriendliness, optimism, sociability, devotion
    complexity of contentDifficult coat care, heavy shedding


    English Setters are one of the popular dog breeds. Suitable for inexperienced dog owners and families with children. These pets have many advantages:

    • do not show aggression towards humans at all;
    • love children, treat them with care, are able to become a nanny;
    • get along with any pets except birds, are not prone to dominance, competition or jealousy;
    • never come into conflict with other dogs;
    • smart, quick-witted, easy to train;
    • very sociable, ready to support any activity of the owner;
    • understand a person’s mood and will never impose themselves;
    • adult pets behave calmly with sufficient physical activity at home;
    • unpretentious, easily get along in any conditions;
    • clean, no smell from the wool;
    • rarely bark;
    • hardy, fast, retaining developed hunting qualities.


    But this breed was bred for hunting and for many years was used only for this purpose. When kept as a companion, these dogs may have some disadvantages:

    • need a lot of physical activity;
    • This is a long-haired dog that sheds heavily;
    • can be stubborn, which makes training difficult;
    • cannot stand loneliness and can become depressed from a long separation from their owner;
    • can hunt birds while walking;
    • if kept on the property, they can jump over the fence and dig under the ground;
    • mature late, playful puppy behavior appears before 2 years of age.

    Relationships with animals and children

    The breed was bred to prevent aggression and dominance. Therefore, dogs do not have conflicts. There are no clashes even between male dogs.

    Setters love to play with other dogs. They are not averse to frolicking with cats: these pets get along well with each other.

    But communication with domestic rodents and birds is difficult. The English cops consider them prey. They will not kill the animals, but will follow throughout the house and make stands.

    True, English setters get used to “their” rabbits and parrots after a while and stop chasing “game” from corner to corner. But street and foreign rodents and birds are considered legal prey.

    There is no better friend for children than an English setter. Two irrepressible robbers become an excellent tandem for mischief and pranks. The dog will never bite or even bare its teeth at the baby. But a baby under 6–9 years old should not be left alone with a pet: the first one can injure the dog, and the second one can accidentally push the child.

    History of the origin of the English Setter breed

    English Setters are one of the oldest hunting breeds. Developed in England over 400 years ago. Now the breed is the most popular variety of long-haired pointers. The ancestors of the representatives of the breed were spaniels. This breed was popular in the Middle Ages in Europe. Spaniels were most often used for bird hunting. They would sneak up on their prey and take a stance.

    This method of hunting determined the name of the English setters. It is associated with the combination to set, which means “to make a stand.” Sometimes the word setters is translated as “crouching.” This is also due to the behavior of dogs when hunting - they sneak up on prey, crouching to the ground.

    In addition to spaniels, greyhounds, retrievers, hounds, and poodles were used in breed selection. The main attention was paid to the working qualities of the dogs. Only in the 19th century did breeders pay attention to their appearance. Edward Laverack began breeding the breed. He managed to create graceful, elegant dogs with a balanced character and excellent hunting qualities. That's why the breed was called the Laverack Setter.

    In the 70s of the 19th century, the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club. At this time, the first standard appeared and exhibitions began to be held. The dogs came to America, where they also became popular. The breed was often used by Russian hunters. Setters were the favorite dogs of Nicholas II; many famous writers kept representatives of the breed.

    Since the beginning of the 20th century, the English Setter has become less popular. Interest in the breed increased only towards the end of the century. Modern setters are bred mainly as companions, although they have retained their working qualities.


    Feeding the English Setter usually does not cause much trouble for the owners, since these dogs are famous for their excellent appetite and are very unpretentious in food. However, the setter’s diet must be monitored very carefully, because the dog’s diet must include the optimal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements to maintain health and immunity.

    The main source of protein for such dogs should be:

    • Fresh lean beef;
    • Chicken;
    • Turkey;
    • You can include a small amount of lean fish in your diet;
    • Eggs can also be given to the setter, but be sure to boil them first.

    Your dog's diet should include healthy carbohydrates and fiber. These can be all kinds of cereals and vegetables. It is possible that your dog will like oatmeal or buckwheat porridge cooked in meat broth with the addition of a small amount of high-quality vegetable oil. Vegetables in the diet can include: any types of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers. Some setters love to eat raw pumpkin. Vegetables can be offered to your dog either raw or stewed.

    High-quality vegetable oils or fish oil can be a source of healthy fats in your dog’s diet. To maintain good digestion, you can give a variety of fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

    Many setters love cheese – it can be a great training aid to reward your dog.

    If you do not have enough free time to prepare food for your setter, feeding ready-made canned food and dry food is quite acceptable. Only in this case, carefully study the composition of the food and choose the best option for your dog. Give preference to higher quality food, even if it is significantly more expensive, since the health and well-being of your pet depends on the choice of food.

    Whatever diet you choose for your dog, you should always remember to take additional vitamins during periods of stress, pregnancy, feeding, and after illness. To prescribe the correct vitamin and mineral complex, you should contact your veterinarian. Taking properly selected vitamins and minerals will help strengthen your dog’s immunity and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

    Appearance Features

    English Setters are medium in size. This is a strong, resilient dog with strong bones and pronounced muscles. The appearance is attractive, the physique is graceful and harmonious. Features: speckled color, rounded skull, silky coat. Males are heavier and larger. The average height of an English Setter at the withers is 61-61 cm, males weigh from 25 to 36 kg, females weigh less.


    The head is light, harmonious, proportional to the body. Rounded between the ears, filled in under the eyes. The occipital protuberance is pronounced, the stop is clear, the brow ridges protrude slightly. The muzzle is moderately narrow and elongated. The length is the same from the back of the head to the stop. The bridge of the nose is straight, the cheeks are flat.

    The lips fit tightly to the jaw, the upper one hangs down slightly. The edging of the lips in red or white individuals is brownish, in dark ones it is black. There are small folds at the corners of the mouth. The nostrils are wide, mobile, very sensitive. The English Setter's nose is black or brown. The jaws are powerful and have a scissor bite. The teeth are strong, the fangs are large.

    The ears are set at eye level and covered with long hair. They are soft, thin, triangular in shape. The ears droop, the tips touching the cheeks. The eyes are oval, set deep and wide. They are brown in color; in white individuals they may be lighter. The look is smart, attentive, a little sad.


    According to the breed standard, the body format of the English Setter is stretched. The length is slightly longer than the height at the withers. The neck is long, oval, muscular, without dewlap. It gradually widens towards the withers. The scruff is convex, the withers are pronounced. The back is short and straight, the loin is wide. The chest is convex, the stomach is tucked.

    The tail continues the line of the back, it is of medium length, tapering to the tip. It has a saber shape. In a calm state, it is lowered down; when excited, it rises, but does not twist or roll over its back. The tail is covered with long silky hair.


    The forelimbs are straight, long, and set parallel. The shoulder blades are directed back, the elbows are pressed to the chest. The hind legs are muscular and point backward when standing. The hips are wide and long, the joints are clearly defined. The paws are oval, the toes are gathered into a ball. The pads of the fingers are convex, rough, the claws are strong. The space between the toes is filled with fur.

    English Setters move easily and gracefully. They run quickly, with a strong push of their hind legs. When moving, the dog maintains correct posture and carries its head high.

    Coat and color

    English Setters have a silky, shiny coat. The length varies in different parts of the body. On the head and the front surface of the limbs it is short, on most of the body it is of medium length. On the ears and chest it is longer and thicker. Panties form on the legs, and long feathers on the lower part of the tail.

    The colors of the English Setter can be different, usually two-tone. The most common are white with black, yellow with brown, white with red, always with specks. This color is called “Belton” after the name of the village where this breed was bred in the 19th century. The color can be lemon, brown, red, bluish-white.

    Single-color colors are possible. But even white English setters have markings on their limbs. May be silver-gray or tri-color with brown or red tan. According to the standard, the spots should be evenly distributed; the smaller they are, the better.

    The photo shows the appearance features of setters:


    In the 19th century, there were three types of setters based on color:

    • Irish or red setter;
    • Scottish or Gordon Setter – black and red tan;
    • The English branch of the breed is white dogs with red, brown or black markings.

    The English branch of setters also has varieties. They are associated with disagreements among breeders. Laverack bred a hunting type of dog. They are characterized by a strong build and resemble spaniels in appearance. Breeder Llewellyn crossed the dogs with other breeds. This variety is larger and the dogs have a more attractive appearance. They participated in exhibitions more often, so they almost lost their working qualities.

    Disqualifying faults

    The standards clearly define the characteristics of the breed. With such deficiencies, the dog may be disqualified:

    • wavy coat;
    • high-set ears;
    • very short tail;
    • wide-set eyes;
    • very sharp or short muzzle;
    • pronounced jowls;
    • light eyes;
    • solid color without specks;
    • thick short neck;
    • the tail is wrapped in a hook;
    • clubfoot.

    Photos complement the description of English setters:


    Every year more and more breeders of this beautiful breed appear in Russia, and accordingly, the number of families ready to shelter an Irish Setter is also increasing. This is a popular dog in our area. People love him not only for his bright appearance, but also for his good-natured disposition.

    Irish Setter puppies are also sold in kennels. These institutions will provide you with information about each dog that is available for sale. You can also learn there about the history of the breed and the rules for caring for it.

    The average price of an Irish setter in Russia is 15-20 thousand rubles. Show class dogs are sold from 40 thousand rubles. If pedigree is not important to you, then we do not recommend overpaying for a dog. There are a lot of advertisements on the Internet for the sale of beautiful four-legged hounds at prices below 10 thousand rubles.

    Character of English Setters

    The English Setter is people-oriented. This is a friendly, affectionate and sociable dog. He is ready to accompany his owner everywhere and participate in all his affairs. The dog will keep you company during walks, sports, games, or just sit next to you while watching TV. Setters love communication, happily accept even strangers, and are very affectionate.

    These dogs love children and treat them with care and affection. They support all games and tolerate pranks. The English Setter is considered the best nanny. This good-natured, non-conflict and calm dog is ideal for families with children. Gets along well with other pets.

    Despite its developed hunting qualities, it does not perceive even rodents or poultry as prey. After all, its purpose is to indicate the location of prey, and not to catch it.

    Reviews from owners and breeders note that English Setters:

    • cheerful;
    • playful;
    • good-natured;
    • energetic;
    • sociable;
    • affectionate;
    • devotees;
    • flexible;
    • patient;
    • sensitive;
    • balanced.

    This nature makes representatives of the breed unsuitable for protection. The setter does not seek to defend the territory, is completely devoid of aggression, and sees a friend in every person. But he becomes strongly attached to his owner and remains faithful to him until the end of his life. He gets very bored when apart and can become depressed. You should not leave your pet alone for a long time.

    The English Setter is very active, energetic, and hardy. He needs walks 2 times a day for an hour. It is important to let your dog run; it needs exercise. This especially applies to the working variety of the breed. If there is a lack of activity, the dog will try to throw out the accumulated energy at home and may spoil things.

    Features of education and training

    The English Setter is a smart, obedient dog. He easily learns commands. But due to the tireless energetic temperament and natural stubbornness, difficulties in training may arise. It should also be taken into account that representatives of the breed mature late. They are carried away by the game and do not pay attention to the words of the owner.

    You need to raise a setter puppy from the first days of his arrival in the house. He must understand that the owner is in charge. You need to be consistent, patient and persistent. You shouldn’t shout or hit your pet, but you shouldn’t let your puppy do a lot either. In a playful way with affection and treats, it is quite easy to teach the setter the following commands:

    • place;
    • to me;
    • near;
    • stand;
    • sit;
    • lie;
    • it is forbidden;
    • voice;
    • bring it.

    These dogs also easily learn tricks and can participate in agility, frisbee, and freestyle. But due to stubbornness, the pet may not want to carry out the command, although most setters are afraid of upsetting the owner. In case of disobedience or incorrect behavior, it is enough to strictly scold the pet. To achieve success, classes must be structured in the form of a game, they must be varied.

    Hunting with English Setters

    The English Setter is a passionate hunter. In searching for game, he has no equal. He loves to run through fields and stalk prey. This is a versatile gun dog with a keen sense of smell, hardy and tireless. Easily finds birds in thickets. And thanks to its characteristic color, the dog is noticeable from afar.

    Although the English Setter has natural hunting skills, it requires special training. They start it at 4 months, teaching the puppy to look for and bring hidden objects. From 8-9 months you need to take the dog out into the field and train it to hunt birds.

    The photographs show how they hunt with English setters:


    English setters are dogs of one owner. From the first day the puppy is in the house, one person should take care and feed it.

    Setters almost never do any harm. Chewed furniture, torn curtains and uprooted flowers - this is not about them. But they need clear rules - if dogs are not allowed to do something, then forever - and vice versa.

    Pets are obedient and easy to train. But they are often distracted by sounds and smells. Some animals are stubborn and may not follow commands.

    Training is presented in the form of a game or imitation of hunting. No rudeness, monotonous repetition of commands or strict demands. Only affection and encouragement. And for punishment, a strict tone is enough.

    The description of the breed says that English pointers consider themselves friends of man, and behave on an equal footing with their owner. They are more likely to respond to the phrase “Come here” than to the command “Come to me.”

    Dog care

    The English Setter is well suited for keeping in a house or apartment. If there is a fenced area near the house, it is recommended to give your pet free access there so that he can run around. But English setters cannot tolerate drafts and cold. It is necessary to equip a place for the dog in a secluded corner of the house, put a soft mattress there.

    The pride of the breed is its long, silky coat. This makes caring for a pet difficult, especially for new dog owners. Heavy shedding can cause problems, requiring frequent house cleaning and may cause an allergic reaction in some people.

    It is recommended to brush the coat daily. You will need a rubber glove and a soft and hard brush. And once a week, thorough combing is required. To do this, it is better to use combs with long, sparse and frequent teeth, and a brush with natural bristles.

    Particular attention should be paid to the paws, belly and tail, where tangles often form. The slicker should be used carefully, moistening the wool with conditioner. It is recommended to cut the hairs between the fingers. Show dogs also require trimming. The hair on the head and ears is trimmed.

    It is not recommended to bathe a setter often; once every 1-2 months is sufficient. Use only mild dog shampoos and warm water. The dog's skin and hairs are covered with a layer of fat. The wool does not get dirty much and has no smell. In addition, representatives of this breed are very clean. They love water and enjoy swimming in ponds and snow.

    If it is dirty outside, it is recommended to wear waterproof overalls on your pet. Every time after a walk you need to wash your paws. The body can be wiped with a damp towel, this will help keep the coat clean.

    The setter's long ears require careful care. If dirt is not removed regularly, it can cause inflammation. It is recommended to wipe the ears with a special lotion or boric acid solution. You also need to regularly wash your pet’s eyes, preferably with tea or chamomile decoction.

    The English Setter does not like to walk on asphalt. That's why his claws don't wear well. As they grow, they cause discomfort to the dog. Therefore, at least once a month it is necessary to shorten them with a nail clipper.


    English Setters are not prone to gaining weight as they are very active. They eat to satisfy hunger and are unpretentious. This dog needs to be fed twice a day. You can give natural food or dry food.

    These dogs need a lot of protein. Therefore, meat should be the basis of the diet. It is useful to give your pet sea fish, offal, and fermented milk products. They are mixed with cereals, fresh and stewed vegetables. You can pamper your pet with fruits, cheese, and boiled egg yolk. It is recommended to add herbs, vegetable oil, and vitamin supplements to food.

    The following foods are prohibited for dogs:

    • milk;
    • fat meat;
    • River fish;
    • legumes;
    • smoked meats, sausages;
    • chocolate and other sweets;
    • confectionery fresh bread;
    • spicy, fried, salty dishes

    You can feed your pet premium or super-premium dry food. It should not contain vegetable proteins, preservatives or dyes. You need to choose options designed for active large breed dogs.


    Despite the fact that English Setters are in good health, their life expectancy is short. Most dogs live 10-12 years. But with proper care, the age of representatives of the breed can reach 14 years.

    When breeding these working dogs, breeders selected the strongest and healthiest individuals. If you get all your vaccinations on time and regularly treat them against parasites, setters rarely get sick. But sometimes they are prone to the following diseases:

    • hip dysplasia;
    • congenital deafness;
    • food allergies;
    • paralysis of limbs;
    • retinal atrophy;
    • volvulus;
    • epilepsy;
    • hypothyroidism

    Photos complement the description of the breed representatives:


    An English Setter can be kept in an apartment, but a private home is best suited for keeping such a dog. It should be borne in mind that this is a very active and mobile dog and to maintain good health, active walks of at least one hour a day are recommended.

    Since these dogs cannot be called homebodies, the best option for keeping them would be a country house with a fenced area, where the setter can run freely without a leash. These dogs need physical activity like air. This could be all kinds of games in nature, jogging behind a bicycle or just jogging.

    Despite all their activity, such dogs are not at all suitable for guarding a home, since they will greet not only your guests, but also strangers equally friendly.

    How to buy an English Setter puppy

    A purebred puppy can only be purchased from an experienced breeder or nursery. You can buy a dog with deviations from the standard or with hereditary diseases from your hands or at the poultry market. When buying a puppy, you need to get to know the parents and study the living conditions of the animals.

    Ask the breeder for a certificate of the dogs’ health and pedigree. An English setter costs an average of 25-30 thousand rubles. For an elite puppy, a descendant of exhibition winners, you will have to pay 70-80 thousand rubles.

    When choosing a puppy, you first need to decide on the gender and color of the dog. They sell babies at 3-4 months. A healthy puppy should be active, playful, and not cowardly. The eyes are clear, clean, the coat is smooth, the paws are straight and strong, the belly is not bloated.

    It should be taken into account that English Setter puppies are born without markings. A beautiful coat with a characteristic color appears in representatives of the breed only after a year.

    Photos of English Setter puppies:

    An interesting video complements the characteristics of English setters:

    Video: English Setter - Interesting facts about the English Setter breed

    Video: English Setter. Breed characteristics, care

    Video: English Setter

    English setters are popular dogs not only among hunters. This is an intelligent, affectionate and obedient companion, a wonderful pet for families with children. An excellent choice for an active owner who needs a cheerful, loyal friend. And in return, the dog only needs the attention of the owner, proper care and affection.

    Why are they chosen?

    If we talk about the correct selection of food for a setter, then first of all it should be balanced. But at the same time, you need to remember that this animal is susceptible to various diseases of the digestive tract. This could be a gastric volvulus or other problems. The dog may also develop hepatitis or spasm of the pharyngeal muscles. Dysplasia or inflammation may also develop in the joints.

    And, of course, one cannot miss another important feature of the setter: intellectual ability. They are quite smart, and the dog treats its owner with exceptional respect. Therefore, you need to try to answer them in the same way. You need to talk to him, you can communicate on different topics. And literally after a short period of time it becomes clear that this animal is the most devoted friend in a person’s life and completely understands him in everything.

    Many pet lovers, having decided to purchase this particular breed, wonder which type to choose. Of course, it all depends on a person’s individual preferences and preferences. But if you need an excellent friend and pet, then it is better to choose a dog of imported blood. She is more intellectually developed and adapted to life next to a person. Well, if you need an animal for hunting, then you can take a domestic brood dog.

    It must be remembered that the latest specimens are very much focused on hunting. Therefore, you should remember this. For example, if you plan to live in the city, you need to understand that the dog will constantly look for the subject of hunting - squirrels, birds, rats, etc. Also, we must not forget about periods of estrus. At this time, you must not let the animal off the leash. They have a very developed sense of smell and, once you let a setter off the leash during estrus, you may never find him again.

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