English Bulldog - history, description and characteristics of the breed

England has become the birthplace of many famous dog breeds that have gained popularity among dog breeders around the world. Another representative of Foggy Albion, the English bulldog, was no exception. This is a true gentleman among dogs, distinguished by restraint and equanimity. Thanks to its amazing appearance, loyalty to its owners and ease of care, the breed is loved by many breeders outside its homeland.


Bulldog smiles
English bulldogs, along with Dalmatians and retrievers, are considered one of the most easily recognizable breeds. A distinct characteristic of this breed is its short legs and large muzzle.

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English bulldogs have a distinctive look. Their heads are large and round, and their muzzles are flat. Individuals have a third eyelid. Dogs have large, wide-set jaws, which makes their bite force significant. Dogs have an overbite, causing their lower teeth to stick out above their upper teeth. The animals have a short and thick body, with broad shoulders and stocky legs. The pets' tail sticks up.

They come in a variety of colors, although the most common are white and brown. Characteristics of the English Bulldog species are presented below.

  • Blue or blue English bulldog. This is a variation of the traditional dog, which differs in the color of its coat. Blue English Bulldogs have a mixture of gray and white coloring.
  • British Bulldog. These are the standard English Bulldogs that you see most of the time on the street and in pictures. They are brown and white in color, with dark brown eyes.
  • Mini bulldog, or "dwarf". This is a variety of the breed that is much smaller in size and has less wrinkled cheeks and a plump build.

Interesting facts about the breed

People who are not familiar with the British consider them aggressive, clumsy and cruel. However, in reality this is not the case. Some interesting facts will help you better understand the breed:

  • due to the peculiar structure of their muzzle, bulldogs snore;
  • folds on the body are not a fun feature, but a necessity. If a dog was grabbed by the skin in battle, it still retained maneuverability and fought back the enemy;
  • small bulldogs fought much better than large mastiffs. The latter were often lifted up by the bulls on their horns, while the compact Englishmen deftly grabbed their opponents by the most vulnerable spot - the nose;
  • Although dogs are not great athletes, many sports teams in England use their image as a mascot. Dogs represent strength and tenacity;
  • Winston Churchill never owned a bulldog, but he is compared to the breed because of his tenacity, grit and courage;
  • The British are frequent heroes of books, comics, films, and cartoons.

The English Bulldog is a devoted companion, having lost the excessive aggressiveness of its ancestors. However, its fighting qualities can save the owner’s life in a dangerous situation. The main thing is to raise the puppy correctly, devote time to it and surround it with care.


The photo shows an adult English bulldog.
These are medium-sized dogs, but in general, their parameters are far from small. The weight of dogs depends on their age.

AgeWeight standards, kg
1 month2,3
3-5 months6,8-13,6
Grown up boy23,6-24,9
Grown up girl21,8-22,7

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You will have to feed puppies more often than adults. They need good nutrition due to their growth and the need to develop bone mass. Bulldogs are considered adults when they reach 18 months.

The animals are not tall, compared to other dogs. Girls and boys grow up to 31–40 centimeters in height. That's why they look short and bulky.

The dog can be of different colors and color combinations, the most common shades are:

  • White
  • Ginger
  • Pale yellow
  • brindle
  • Red
  • Yellow.

A dog can be “smoot” in color when its body is monochromatic and its muzzle is black. The body may contain combinations of two or three of the above colors, as well as many spots.

Description of the breed

Despite its good-natured appearance and apparent clumsiness, the dog has a powerful jaw and sharp teeth. The pet's skin folds are a relic of the times when the bulldog had to fight in the ring. They helped protect against flowing blood and gave the animal maneuverability. The size of the animal reaches 40 cm, and the weight of an adult dog is about 25 kg.

There is also a mini English bulldog, which was born at the beginning of the 21st century thanks to the efforts of breeders from the USA. The dwarf pet weighs no more than 15 kg, but is not inferior in character to its direct relative.

The generally accepted characteristics of the breed are as follows:

  1. The head is set high and has a square shape. The muzzle is flattened, the cheeks are round.
  2. The eyes are small, the color of the iris is dark brown. The nose is large, pigmented black. The lips are thick and wide.
  3. The neck is strong and thick. The chest is round and wide. The back is short, the shoulders are widely spaced.
  4. The paws are muscular and very strong. The tail is set low, has a rounded shape, and is thinner at the end than at the base. Does not rise higher than the back.
  5. The coat is short and thick, soft to the touch.

The actual color must be uniform, although a combination of colors is allowed. The most common shades:

  • white;
  • ginger;
  • brindle;
  • pale yellow;
  • confusion (white color and the presence of a black mask on the face).

Black and black and tan colors are considered unacceptable according to the breed standard. Therefore, dogs whose tricolor is given out by unscrupulous breeders as an expensive exclusive, in fact have a serious disqualifying defect.

Any colors not specified in the standards are not officially recognized by the International Canine Federation. This applies to blue, brown, etc. bulldogs.

Pros and cons of a dog

Bulldog looking at the camera


English Bulldogs are lovely pets for a relaxed family looking for another member. Apart from health concerns, they do not require much care or exercise.

Cute bulldog puppy

The animals are very loyal, making them worthy guard dogs for your home. Dogs love to socialize and relax with their owners and their children. Also, the dog does not bark or yap, so it will not interfere with rest or sleep.


However, the breed is not for everyone. One reason: lifelong health problems. You must be prepared for this, and also be always on the alert and visit your local veterinarian on time.

A sleeping bulldog constantly snores loudly and makes noises. This may cause discomfort. Some individuals drool heavily.

Dogs are one of the most popular breeds in the world, which makes them expensive pets. You must be willing and able to invest in them throughout their lives as they get sick often. Therefore, consider your financial capabilities before choosing such a pet.

How to choose a puppy

Before purchasing, you need to understand for what purposes the owner needs an English bulldog. Puppies being prepared for a potential show career must be of good pedigree and fully meet breed standards. If you want to have an animal just as a pet, you need to first of all pay attention to its character and temperament.

It is necessary to observe the animals for some time before purchasing. Healthy puppies have a good appetite, their coat is shiny, their ears and eyes are clean, and their nails do not break or peel. You should ask the breeder for the pet's passport, which will list all the vaccinations, and also ask whether the animal has been treated for fleas and worms. Girls have a more flexible character, they are less aggressive and amenable to training better. Boys are more reckless, assertive and stubborn.

Pros and cons of the breed

Has good guard qualitiesThere is a seasonal shedding
Great with childrenNo security qualities
Gets along well with other animalsNot very willing to train
Does not require intense physical activityHas a wayward character
Easy to care forPoor health
Possibility of living in an apartmentNot willing to do agility

Where to buy and price

Due to the great popularity of the English Bulldog breed, it can be purchased both in Russia and abroad. List of domestic nurseries:

  • Star Hilltop (Kazan);
  • Slavic Star (Moscow);
  • MURMAN GOLD (Murmansk);
  • Don County (Voronezh).

You can buy a puppy without documents for only 3,000-5,000 rubles, but in this case the purity of the breed is not respected. Such an animal either has disqualifying defects or is a crossbreed. The price of a bulldog that meets the standards and has all the necessary documents is approximately 23,000-35,000 rubles. A show-class pet will cost 40,000-70,000.

The English Bulldog, despite its stubborn nature, can become a real family favorite. These dogs are very kind and sympathetic, they feel and understand people well, thanks to which they become indispensable companions for their owners.

History of the breed

Various English Bulldogs
The first mention of the breed appears in reports that date back to the times of the ancient Romans (31 BC to 476 BC). These works mention powerful, wide-mouthed dogs who fought alongside soldiers (Romans, Greeks and English) with great courage and valor.

The earliest written use of the name "bulldog" actually dates back to 1631 and is based on correspondence about the shipment of dogs from Spain to London.

As the name suggests, the English Bulldog breed was originally bred in England for the sport known as bullbaiting. In this medieval sport, dogs attacked and teased tethered bulls. However, bullbaiting was outlawed in 1865. It would seem that this should have been the end for the animals, but smart breeders turned the “war machine” into a friendly pet. Today, the bulldog is considered a breed that is not prone to aggression.

Origin story

Today, English bulldogs are used to being seen as pretty decorative dogs, but the history of the breed did not immediately lead to this. Initially, the animals were intended for baiting and took part in various battles. At the beginning of the 18th century, bulldogs were used as hunting dogs, especially good at driving wild boars. There was a period when animals took part in dog fighting, but they were quickly written off due to the lack of the characteristics required for battle - speed and agility. Then dog breeders decided to cross the bulldog with other breeds.

Due to the large number of new varieties, it became necessary to create a unified description of the breed. The first bulldog club was organized in 1864. Its participants came up with the motto “Death Grip,” emphasizing the menacing nature of the dogs.

Maintenance and care

Two English bulldogs together in the garden

  • You need to wipe the wrinkles on your pet's face every day. Use baby wipes or mild soap and a washcloth. Why does this need to be done so often? With poor care, bacteria and sweat accumulate inside the folds, causing irritation. If your pet's wrinkled skin becomes irritated, gently rub a small amount of Vaseline around the wrinkles.
  • Even though it is a short-haired breed and does not shed, you will need to brush your dog several times a week. Use a soft brush or rubber comb to remove dead hair. In spring and autumn, the bulldog sheds old hairs a little more, so you will have to groom him daily or every other day. While cleaning, inspect your dog's skin for rashes, flaking, and excessive dandruff. The sooner you detect similar problems, the easier and faster it will be to cure them.
  • Well-groomed animals do not need frequent bathing unless they get into something dirty. Frequent bathing can cause dry and itchy skin as it removes natural oils from the body. However, if your bulldog develops skin conditions, you will need to bathe him with special medications prescribed by your veterinarian.
  • The ideal environment for a dog is a home with plenty of space. They should stay indoors most of the time and only go outside for exercise and play. Dogs do not feel well at both very high and low temperatures. The normal body temperature of a dog is 38.6℃. A higher temperature may indicate the pet is overheating.
  • To walk dogs, owners purchase a harness, not a leash.


English bulldogs are adapted for living in apartments and private homes. They require daily but not very long walks, socialization and information loads. These dogs are contraindicated for long-term active physical exercise, as well as exposure to the sun and stuffy rooms.

In cool weather, English Bulldogs are advised to wear overalls.

Grooming is not difficult. Washing when dirty, wiping the coat with wet wipes and combing out with a brush. It is necessary to keep your eyes and ears clean. Regularly wipe the skin folds on the head.


English Bulldog eats
The breed has no special dietary requirements. The only recommendation is to give your dogs high quality food. When it comes to diet, keep in mind that animals tend to be overweight. This is because they do not exercise as much as other dogs. Never overfeed your pet.

Once your pet reaches 14 to 18 months of age, you can transition him to adult food. Feed your dog twice a day. A super active dog will need about 1500 calories per day, a less active dog will need 1300 calories per day

Older bulldogs (from about 6 years of age) become less active, so it is important to feed them food that contains fewer calories. 1000 calories per day is the average for your pet. Don't forget to give them extra vitamins and minerals.

English Bulldog Health and Diseases

The English Bulldog breed is characterized by diseases such as cherry eye, keratoconjunctivitis, interdigital dermatitis, skin fold dermatitis, entropion, acne, congenital dislocation of the elbow, demodicosis, heat stroke, hypothyroidism, distichiasis, tracheal hypoplasia, cryptorchidism, aortic stenosis, brachycephalic syndrome, vaginal hyperplasia, tetralogy of Fallot, deafness, difficult childbirth, lymphosarcoma, ventricular septal defect.

Before choosing an English Bulldog, a potential owner should take into account that representatives of this breed are prone to digestive problems. They are also prone to flatulence, may snore and drool profusely.


Bulldogs on a
bench Females are in heat, as a rule, twice a year. At this time, the dogs should be brought together and mated. On average, during pregnancy, a female bears 4 puppies, and birth occurs by caesarean section. After birth, the babies are picked up and fed by their owners. This is because the parent needs some time to recover from the surgery. Postpartum visits to the veterinarian are mandatory to ensure the health of mother and puppies.

Description of the dog

The dog from England is the smallest variety of bulldog. The French bulldog is slightly larger than her, and the American bulldog is the largest and most powerful.

Many people associate the Bulldog with a big and angry dog, but this is not the case with the British Bulldog

Despite its aggressive past, the modern bulldog dog is very friendly. This is a faithful companion and a true friend who cannot stand loneliness and is in dire need of communication.

On a note! Few people know that bulldogs are very lazy, they do not tolerate prolonged physical activity, and do not particularly like walking outside, being true domestic dogs. These are true homebodies, for whom the most favorite pastime is lying on the couch all day.


Two English Bulldog puppies at home

  • You should feed your baby three times a day on a schedule for the first four months. After 6 months you can start cutting back to 2 times a day.
  • Regular food from the store is quite suitable for your pet. Which one is better to choose? Study the first five ingredients on the label: meats should come first, then vegetables, then grains.
  • Do not feed animals human products that are toxic and harmful to their bodies. For example, chocolate, raisins, avocado, green onions, garlic and so on.
  • Monitor your newborn's weight. Individuals easily gain kilograms. If your puppy is gaining weight rapidly, consult your veterinarian.
  • Provide 24/7 access to clean, fresh water. This is especially important in hot or humid weather.
  • Give your puppy preventative treatment for local diseases.
  • Take your pet for regular veterinary checkups.
  • Check your pet's ears once a week. The inside of the ear is usually white or dark in color, matching the color of the dog's coat.
  • Clean and inspect your baby's feet and toes regularly to prevent interdigital furunculosis or ingrown toenails.
  • Socialization is very important to ensure your puppy gets along with other dogs, animals and people. Individuals aged 14 to 16 weeks are most susceptible to socialization.
  • These puppies are temperature sensitive. They often suffer from heatstroke, but also do not like the cold.


When choosing a natural diet, focus on easily digestible foods - cereals, vegetables, dairy products. Meat and offal make up up to 40% of the diet. Add additional vitamin supplements.

Use premium dry food from a special line. Make sure clean water is always available and change daily.

The number of feedings depends on age:

Age (months)Number of feedings
Up to 26

What can you feed

  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Lean meat: beef, turkey, chicken.
  • By-products: heart, liver, lungs, stomachs.
  • Fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.
  • Boiled and raw vegetables.
  • Fruits: apples, plums, pears.
  • Chicken and quail eggs.
  • Seafood.

What not to feed

  • Smoked products: sausages, cheeses.
  • Lamb, pork.
  • River fish.
  • Bakery products.
  • Milk.
  • Potato.
  • Legumes.
  • Sweet, salty, peppery and spicy.


English Bulldog on a leash
A study conducted by the British Kennel Club and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association found that the average lifespan of the species was 8 years. At the same time, about 9% of animals died from “old age.”

Another 2010 study puts the average life expectancy at 6 years. English Bulldogs were once considered healthy dogs with an average lifespan of 10 years. But today these numbers have decreased and amount to 6-8 years.

The most common causes of death are heart disease (11.8%), cancer (10.9%) and brain disorders (9.1%), and cutaneous folding dermatitis (7.8%).


Bulldog breed standard:

  1. The height of both sexes ranges from 31 to 40 cm.
  2. The weight of an adult dog is 22-26 kg. Boys average 25 kg, girls 23 kg.

Due to their square body shape and short stature, bulldogs are treated as pets, which does not always end well.

Dwarf version - mini French bulldog weighs 15 kg and is 35 cm tall.

Table by month of weight of a boy puppy:

Age (in months)Weight (in kg.)

Dog character

English bulldog puppies play on the grass.
The bulldog's temperament is calm, brave and friendly. These are confident dogs that are loyal, affectionate, and sometimes funny. Although they were bred as fighting dogs in the past, modern specimens are generally not aggressive towards people. They are friendly and loving in nature. A domestic Bulldog will be a playful, active puppy in the home. The animal sleeps next to its owner, which makes it an excellent companion.

Character and habits

The English Bulldog is a homebody with a calm temperament and balanced character. Dogs of this breed are smart, easy to train, active, but at the same time they are often lazy and love to sleep. English Bulldogs are fearless and unwavering, difficult to frighten, and have a sense of self-respect and typical English reserve. They are distinguished by tenacity, sometimes bordering on stubbornness. Bulldogs are favorites of the whole family, including children. They are incredibly loyal to their owner and are very sad when separated from him. Dogs of this breed require reasonable training and a supply of chew toys; they love to chew on various objects.


English bulldog with a ball
Many owners are interested in how to properly train bulldogs and when to start training. Puppies will follow the leader of the pack, and you must be that leader. As a leader, you must raise your child, teach him how to behave and fit into a new environment. Train your puppy to follow your commands. It is important to start parenting at an early age. Training will be most successful when you praise and reward your baby. Instead of punishing your puppy when he doesn't do the right thing, you should reward him when he does the right thing.

If you are unable to train your pet yourself, contact your local dog behaviorist.


A well-socialized and well-trained English Bulldog is an ideal companion for all family members. Such a dog is wholeheartedly attached to both adults and children. If a pet of this breed is removed from the family, it will suffer greatly and be difficult to bear the separation. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave English bulldogs for a long time or to give adult dogs to another family forever.

Bulldogs get along well with children, play with them with pleasure and tolerate their pranks. This kind fat man would never hurt a child. The only negative regarding the relationship between children and English bulldogs is that such a dog does not want to run, jump and participate in active games for a long time. They have a limited supply of energy and while the kids want to have fun, the dog wants to go to his bed and take a nap.

The Bulldog is a wonderful companion not only for people, but also for pets. The dog finds a common language with both cats and dogs, establishing good neighborly relations with them. Bulldogs do not have causeless aggression; only uncastrated males can show an evil disposition, and then only in rare cases.


Bulldog sad

  • Dry eyes. Individuals often experience lacrimation. This can cause a "blue haze" to appear on the eyes, which damages vision and causes pain. To combat this problem, contact your veterinarian, who will prescribe the necessary medication.
  • Sneezing. Sneezing, in most cases, is normal in both dogs and humans. Reverse sneezing, also known as an inverted sneeze, occurs when nasal fluids drip into your pet's soft palate. At this point, pets may cough and choke. This is usually not serious, so the best way for your dog to escape from you is to comfort the animal during an attack.
  • Brachycephalic syndrome. With the syndrome, your pet's airways are closed. This may be due to problems in the nose or roof of the mouth. The dog is breathing with difficulty, coughing and sniffing a lot. Contact a specialist immediately.
  • Shakes his head. Your animal will begin to shake its head up and down or from side to side for no apparent reason, and a slight tremors will appear. This is caused by stress as well as low blood sugar. Give your pet a spoonful of honey. If this doesn't help, contact your veterinarian.
  • Hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is an inherited disease. In this problem, the femur does not fit tightly into the hip joint, causing it to move abnormally. Most English Bulldogs have hip dysplasia based on their natural build. Therefore, consult a specialist for a diagnosis.
  • Allergy. Animals may be allergic to certain foods, chemicals and other irritants. The dog develops rashes and hair falls out. Contact a specialist who can help identify the cause.

Training and education

English bulldogs are not guard dogs, they are decorative dogs and they do not need special training courses. But no dog can do without education and training lessons. The dog must be trained to the following commands:

  • No dog can do without a collar and leash. From the first months of life, the puppy is accustomed to both a collar and a leash. It should be borne in mind that a short leash is unacceptable. The dog will struggle and get nervous with such a restriction of freedom.
  • The "Nearby" command is also needed. In any situation, the pet must respond to this command and return to the owner at the first call.
  • “Sit”, “lie down”, “no” - the simplest commands required for every dog.

During training lessons, try to accustom your bulldog to various exercises that require mobility from the animal. This will definitely benefit him.

Interesting Facts

Bulldog tore a tennis ball

  • Many US presidents have owned pets during their time in the White House, but only one of them had an English bulldog. This was the 29th President of America, Warren Harding.
  • More than 80 percent of bulldogs are born by cesarean section. This is due to the size of the head, which prevents the natural birth of babies.
  • Many celebrities have this look, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Reese Witherspoon, David Beckham, Ashley Olsen, Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron and Martha Stewart.
  • Animals suffer greatly during flights due to problems with breathing and heat regulation. Because of this, many airlines prohibit flying with these dogs.
  • A special feature of the breed is that old English bulldogs can jump up to 200 centimeters in the air.
  • The species is one of the most common school mascots in America. Nearly 40 universities across the country name their sports teams after the Bulldogs.
  • In England, animals are considered a national breed. World War II propaganda portrayed the country as a tough-looking bulldog. Germany was then represented by the dachshund, and the United States was represented by the American pit bull. Winston Churchill was called the “British Bulldog” due to his behavior, and perhaps his appearance.
  • Otto the Skateboarding Dog broke the Guinness World Record in 2015 for the Longest Tunnel Compassed by a Dog on a Skateboard. Photos of the dog are presented below.
  • One owner from Cleveland, Ohio, USA, reported that his dog Oliver had a lifespan of 20 years.
  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a cross between an English Bulldog and a Terrier.

History and origin of the breed

English bulldogs were originally bred for cruel gambling: dog fighting and baiting of wild animals. But the main goal was bullfighting - bull & baiting. The breed was revered for its tendency to grab a bull by the nose, pinning it to the ground in a chokehold.

In 1835, the House of Commons of the United Kingdom passed a law prohibiting cruelty to animals. Bull-baiting came under its influence, after which they found no other use for bulldogs and stopped breeding. Over the years, breeders began reviving the species. Calm, non-aggressive individuals were selected for selection.

The breed was presented at an exhibition in 1860 in Birmingham. The first standard was adopted in 1875. A specialized club (The Bulldog Club) was opened 3 years later.

Until the end of the 20th century, they were bred only in England. Export outside the country was prohibited. Later, a French subspecies was developed. Both breeds came to Russia before the revolution, but were not popular until the 80s due to their “bourgeois” appearance.

Typical diseases of this breed

Bulldogs suffer from heart disease - mitral valve disease is common, manifested by shortness of breath, coughing and rapid fatigue of the dog.

The second known problem is obesity due to the dog’s low mobility and passion for tasty food. Poor quality food can cause urolithiasis.

Hereditary diseases typical of bulldogs:

  • third eyelid adenoma;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dermatitis and irritation;
  • acne;
  • brachycephalic syndrome;
  • joint dysplasia.

In addition to those indicated, cancer and allergic reactions are quite common.

English Bulldog (breed history, photo, character, choice of puppy

Cost and where to buy

Today, the cost of a French bulldog puppy ranges from 10,000 to 80,000 rubles. You can buy it both in nurseries and from owners. The price is formed based on the following factors:

  • breed class;
  • the number of puppies in the litter (the more there are, the cheaper they are, and vice versa);
  • costs of maintaining puppies and their mother, including food, veterinarian services, documentation;
  • reputation of the nursery and breeder;
  • nursery advertising cost.


French bulldog kennels in Moscow:

  1. French bulldog kennel
  2. Fleur De AELITA
  3. Dofbali
  4. Nals Vista Wizard
  5. From Edison's house
  6. From a cheerful family
  7. Bushehr Plus
  8. Ignavi
  9. Elizabeth's Diamond

French bulldog kennels in St. Petersburg:

  1. Amber light
  2. Ellegy of Buddha
  3. Iz Piter Grada

French bulldog kennels in Novosibirsk:

  1. From Max's House

Kennels of French bulldogs in Rostov:

  1. Luisadore
  2. Carrera Burgos


To keep your dog well-groomed and healthy, you need to maintain its cleanliness and hygiene:

  • Once every 2 weeks you need to remove sebaceous accumulations on the skin or accumulated hairs. This is done with a brush.
  • Bathing - no more than once every 2-3 months.
  • The skin and fur between the toes require regular cleaning, otherwise irritation will appear there. The same applies to the area near the tail.
  • After eating, the folds on the face must be thoroughly wiped so that food particles do not accumulate in them and rot later.
  • Nails are trimmed as they grow, approximately every 1.5–2 weeks.
  • Teeth are brushed once a month.

Once a week, the ears are wiped of dust with wet wipes.
Important! Particular attention should be paid to folds in hot weather. Due to overheating, secretions begin to accumulate between them, which must be removed with cotton pads.

Origin of dogs

The history of the breed is interesting. The name originated in the 13th century in England from the English “bull”, which is translated as “bull”. It is due to the fact that bulldogs were pitted against bulls. Representatives of the breed are strong, ready to sweep anyone out of their way. In 1835, such events were banned, which led to their almost complete disappearance. But the lovers of these dogs saved them. The breeding of dogs suitable as companions began.

The aristocrats of England loved to watch bulldogs drive large bulls. Before the advent of this breed, smaller dogs ran into the arena in a pack. Often this ended in death for them. As a result, wealthy owners lost both money and pets.

Now bulldogs are very calm, kind and confident animals. They are the unofficial symbol of the American Marine Corps. Although previously, because of their cruelty, they were not allowed to be on the streets of Rome.

After the ban on bull baiting, aggressive dogs ended up on plantations in the New World. They tried to re-educate the dogs that remained with the aristocrats - they did not need embittered animals.

A respectable gentleman had to have a dog with the appropriate character. Therefore, they chose balanced and reliable animals. As a result, traits such as tenacity and fearlessness disappeared. Now the dog will also act as a protector for its owner, but it does not have its former belligerence. But the bulldog became a loyal and reasonable friend.


The first heat begins in female bulldogs at the age of 7–10 months. Before mating, it is recommended that the bitch undergo a genetic analysis, which will show her predisposition to hereditary diseases that can be passed on to offspring. Males must be tested for brucellosis.

Important! Until the dog goes through her second heat, it is not recommended to have one. The reproductive system of bulldogs is very weak, and pregnancy creates a very large load on the dog’s body, and sometimes this is dangerous for its health.

Mating bulldogs is a very difficult and troublesome task. Due to their stocky build and short legs, dogs may have trouble conceiving successfully naturally. Then the artificial insemination method is used - introducing sperm into the bitch’s vagina through a syringe.

Pregnancy lasts from 65 to 67 days, during which the dog needs to be provided with complete rest and proper care. In most cases, bulldogs are delivered via cesarean section.

The number of pups in the litter is from 3 to 8

Characteristics, description, character

Folds on the cheeks, a powerful square jaw with a protruding lower part, a large head and a small pelvis, low-set eyes, as if drowned in skin and folds, widely spaced ears - “roses”, short crooked legs - this is an English bulldog, the description of the dog is recognizable even among people who have never seen her in person. The breed is characterized by a brachycephalic skull, that is, so short that in some representatives the muzzle almost does not protrude from the skull. Menace and comedy - these are the two extremes that come to mind when you look at these dogs.

Bulldogs have an average height, reaching 30-40 cm at the withers. Normal weight for the breed is 15-25 kg for females and 16-27 for males. Most often, English bulldogs weigh more and are more susceptible to obesity than any other breed. Bulldogs live from 8 to 12 years.

Interesting! English bulldogs are called the tanks of the dog world because of their stockiness and bulkiness.

The wide powerful chest and widely spaced short front legs further emphasize the stockiness of the dog. In the gap under the chest and the surface on which the dog is standing, you can conditionally place a square figure.

The appearance of English bulldogs is also characterized by:

  • color: ideally red brindle, but motley, plain or mute (white color with a black mask) can be found;
  • smooth short coat;
  • the birth of puppies by caesarean section, the small pelvis of the bitch and the large head of the fetus make it impossible to give birth naturally.

The English Bulldog, whose character fully matches his appearance, is calm, calm and friendly. But representatives of the breed were not always like this; they went through a journey of 150 years, which radically changed their character. From dangerous dogs ready to kill a bull, from an aggressive baiting animal, they have transformed into a pet, affectionate, lazy, good-natured, family-friendly.

Bulldogs are not hostile towards strangers, but some degree of food aggression may be exhibited. Dogs treat children very well and tolerate their pranks. They are not playful, they like to lie on the couch doing nothing, and they are also reluctant to go for walks.

Security qualities manifest themselves in dogs in different ways: some bulldogs may not react at all to the appearance of a stranger, while others may notify about this by barking, but not biting.

For an English Bulldog, manifestations of attention and love from the owner are extremely important. Otherwise, the dog will become sad and may get sick; if the owner spends little time with it, this may negatively affect the bulldog’s intelligence.

Diet features

A proper diet is the basis for maintaining good health for your pet. You can feed your dog both natural products and dry industrial food. If the owner chooses natural food for the bulldog, the diet should contain the following products:

  • Lean, lean meat - chicken and turkey, beef. Meat should be in the diet every day.
  • Low-fat sea fish - hake, flounder or cod. Give it no more than once a week.
  • Vegetables: carrots and tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers and pumpkin. Served raw, boiled or baked. Vegetables are recommended for consumption every day.
  • Cereals – rice, buckwheat. Occasionally you can give semolina and oatmeal. A dog can eat porridge mixed with meat every day.
  • Eggs – only boiled yolk. It can be given up to 3 times a week.

You should not overfeed your bulldog, this will lead to obesity. It
is recommended to add vegetable oil to dishes in small quantities.

Important! You should not give your animal food from the human table or fried foods. Also, no salt or other spices are added to the food. Sweets, sauces, and flour products are prohibited.

Advantages of a dog

Since the French bulldog is more of a decorative animal, it can easily live in a small apartment. It is compact in size and easily fits on the owner’s lap. Loves to play with children. Easily adapt to any conditions. It can be used instead of a burglar alarm, as it notifies all suspicious noises with its barking. The intelligence of the breed allows you to train a dog at any age, even as an adult.

His fighting background, developed muscles and menacing appearance make him an excellent defender. With the help of training, you can control your pet's aggression, allowing you to use it if necessary.

It is very easy to maintain dog hygiene. The coat of French bulldogs is short and thick, it is easy to comb, it has no smell, and does not get dirty . Intelligence, curiosity, ingenuity, and a wonderful sense of humor are some of the advantages of this breed.


According to the standard, the English Bulldog is a companion and bodyguard dog. Belongs to the group of Molossers, Pinschers and Schnauzers, the section of Molossoid dogs. Performance tests are not carried out.

FCI breed standard No. 149

The English Bulldog's build is dense and compact. This is a powerful, short dog with a large head and a wide, blunt muzzle, slightly upturned. In the lateral projection, the head is not too short, covered with skin forming small folds on the forehead and muzzle.

The distance from the inner corners of the eye to the nose should be greater than the distance from the edge of the lower lip to the nose.

The skull is large, wide, square in shape. The stop is clearly expressed; the frontal groove extends from it to the top of the skull. The muzzle is short and deep, well balanced relative to the midline. The nose is wide, the nostrils are well opened.

The jaws are strong, covered with thick wings on the sides. The lower jaw protrudes slightly forward. The canines are large and strong, the front teeth are even and small - not visible when the mouth is closed.

The eyes are set low, but not deep, and set wide apart from the center line of the muzzle. The shape of the eyes is round, the color is dark, almost black. The ears are set wide apart, at the maximum distance from the eyes, directed back.

The line of the back after the withers forms a slight deflection and rises up to the lower back and croup. The bulldog's croup is significantly higher than the withers, sharply rounded. The chest is wide, rounded at the sides, and dropped deeply. The belly is tucked in. The tail is set low and thickened at the base. The tail should come out straight and fall down in a smooth arc.

The bulldog's front paws are shorter than the hind paws and are slightly turned outward, which does not interfere with the dog's movement. The shoulders are broad and very powerful, the elbows are low. The hind limbs are large and compact.

The gait is confident and strong, the paws shuffle when walking and do not rise high. Any deviations from the standard, as well as cowardice or aggression of the dog, lead to disqualification.

Dimensions, weight and height of the breed

The height of the English bulldog at the withers is not defined by the standard, but according to breeders it is 35-40 cm. At the same time, the weight for males is up to 25 kg (maximum 30 kg), for females - up to 23 kg.

Body weight is achieved due to an incredibly dense physique.

English Bulldog: description and character of the breed

Possible colors

The coat lies tightly to the skin, it is short, but not harsh, pleasant to the touch. The color can be solid, brindle or spotted.

The following solid colors are acceptable:

  • white;
  • pale yellow;
  • deer

The following colors are acceptable, but not desirable: black, brown, black and tan.

Puppy weight by month

The weight of a bulldog puppy should be measured regularly to monitor its development and adjust its diet.

Optimal proportions:

  • 1 month – 3.2 kg;
  • 2 months – 5.5 kg;
  • 3 months – 10 kg;
  • 4 months – 15 kg;
  • 5 months – 21 kg;
  • 6 months – 24 kg;
  • 7 months – 27 kg
  • 8 months – 30 kg
  • 9 months – 32 kg
  • 11 months – 32 kg.

English bulldogs are prone to obesity, so you need to carefully monitor their diet, especially during the growth period. Having seen that the puppy is “overdoing” with food, it is necessary to reduce the dose of food.


The bulldog does not live long - only 10-12 years. The breed is considered the most susceptible to hereditary and acquired diseases, so it is necessary to monitor the pet’s health: examine it with a veterinarian once every six months, follow a walking and feeding regime.


Bulldogs can cause allergies, just like other breeds. During molting, its fur sheds small “needles” that remain in carpets and furniture. Allergy sufferers are advised to get tested before purchasing a dog and, in case of a negative reaction, to refrain from purchasing.

English Bulldog - photo of the dog, description of character, history of the breed

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