English cocker spaniel dog. Description, features, care, maintenance and price of the breed

The English Cocker Spaniel is a small hunting dog. She used to help hunters. Now it is a popular pet, good-natured, intelligent and loyal. Unlike many other hunting dogs, Cocker Spaniels live well in a city apartment and do not require high physical activity. Many dog ​​experts consider them the best family dogs. They are neat, peaceful, cheerful. But before getting an English Cocker Spaniel, it is recommended to study the description of the breed, the pros and cons, and reviews from the owners.

  • Origin story
  • English Cocker Spaniel Standard
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Coat and color
  • Character of the English Cocker Spaniel
      Features of training
  • Caring for an English Cocker Spaniel
      English Cocker Spaniel Grooming
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • How to buy an English Cocker Spaniel puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    English cocker spaniel
    Activityin the house3.1
    on the street4.1
    Dominationin family1.6
    over dogs2.1
    Defending your territoryfrom people1.1
    from dogs2.3
    Sociabilityin family5
    with strangers4.3
    with dogs3.9
    Concentrationin family1
    in front of strangers1.7
    with dogs2.1
    Aggressivenessin family1.1
    to strangers1.3
    to the dogs1.9
    to cats1.9
    Family behaviorcalmness4.7
    demand for affection4.6
    excessive barking2
    behavioral breakdowns2.3
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.6
    over 4 years old4.7
    Institutional usewatchman3.3

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Beagle, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Jack Russell Terrier, Dachshund.

    Photos show what English Cocker Spaniels look like:

    Possible diseases

    The English Cocker is not a sickly breed. They are hardy, strong, and live long. Life expectancy is on average 15 years.

    The Cocker Spaniel needs to be brushed regularly.

    However, like any animal, it still has a tendency to certain diseases. These include: vestibular diseases, infectious, immunological disorders, skin diseases and cancer.

    Characteristics of the English Cocker Spaniel breed

    Cocker spaniels look attractive. Even a person not involved in dog breeding can easily distinguish them from other dogs. When describing the appearance of representatives of the breed, one can note a square muzzle, long fluffy ears and a muscular build.

    Cockers were bred for hunting, this is reflected in the name of the breed, which translates as “woodcock”. Thanks to their attractive appearance, intelligence and good nature, these dogs are popular all over the world. They do not have watchdog or security qualities; they are friendly to all people. When properly raised, they make ideal companions.

    Thanks to their keen sense of smell and endurance, representatives of the breed can work as rescuers and bloodhounds. And the ability to empathize, intelligence and cheerfulness make the dog a good nurse. Cocker spaniels are often used in canistherapy. This active dog is also suitable for agility and other sports.

    NameEnglish cocker spaniel
    country of originGreat Britain
    applicationcompanion dog, hunting dog, rescue dog
    life expectancy13-16 years old
    heightmales 39-41 cm, females 38-40 cm
    weightmales 13-15 kg, females 12-14 kg
    character traitscheerfulness, friendliness, sociability, curiosity, sociability
    activityvery active, hardy
    intelligenceintelligent, quick-witted, capable of independent decision-making
    content featurescomplex grooming


    This is a medium-sized dog, ideal for a city apartment. She does not require long walking or heavy exercise. And thanks to her high intelligence and friendliness towards people, she can be owned by inexperienced owners. Representatives of this breed have many advantages:

    • attractive appearance;
    • are easy to train, obedient and controllable, able to understand not only voice commands, but also gestures;
    • In terms of intelligence, they are among the three smartest dogs;
    • smart, inquisitive, love to learn and learn new things;
    • neat, don’t spoil things at home;
    • playful, cheerful;
    • hardy, have a good sense of smell;
    • treat children kindly;
    • very friendly to all people, never show aggression;
    • get along well with any pets.


    But representatives of this breed also have negative qualities. These dogs are very energetic and inquisitive. They are constantly on the move and cannot sit idle. Therefore, they are not suitable for a lazy person, a homebody or an old man. You can also note the following disadvantages of cockers:

    • do not tolerate loneliness well;
    • may be jealous of the owner of other pets and even family members;
    • stubborn;
    • often bark loudly;
    • artistic, able to pretend and be cunning;
    • do not have watchdog and security qualities;
    • shed heavily;
    • immoderate in food.

    How is it different from American Cocker Spaniels?

    There are several dozen varieties of spaniels in the world. In appearance and character, differences from each other are clearly visible. The closest to the English are the American ones, which are derived from them. The breeds are very similar, the difference is visible only to those who are familiar with them.

    American cats, unlike their ancestors, are slightly smaller in height and weight, and they do not have such a massive muzzle. They are also distinguished by their long, silky hair. This is more of a decorative dog. Another difference between them is that the British better preserved their working qualities and hunting instincts.

    The video complements the characteristics of these dogs:

    Video: English Cocker Spaniel. Pros and cons of the breed

    Video: English Cocker Spaniel - All about the dog breed

    Video: English Cocker Spaniel - Interesting facts about the breed

    Features of a dog's character

    The American Cocker Spaniel is characterized by mood swings. At one moment he can be playful and cheerful, at another he will be very serious. The Englishman is characterized by a more stable mood - the cocker always shows affection and tenderness. Experienced breeders assure that it is better to choose an American Cocker Spaniel for participation in exhibitions, while an English one is better suited for people with a calm disposition.

    The English are wonderful pets. They are recommended for both single people and large families. Although with a high degree of confidence it must be said that in the family the dog will choose one person whom he will serve faithfully. Relationships with children are usually good. But in the role of a protector, the dog may not live up to expectations: it is often friendly to strangers.

    Of course, among cocker spaniels there are timid tailed ones. There is an interesting trend: females often have a more stubborn character and tend to dominate compared to males.

    Cocker spaniels have no problem living side by side with other animals in the house. You need to prepare for the fact that your dog will develop possessive feelings when it comes to toys.

    Origin story

    The English Cocker Spaniel breed was artificially bred in the 19th century. Breeders tried to create the ideal hunting dog. Local spaniels were used for breeding. According to one version, this name comes from a word that translates as “Spanish dog.” Although English breeders believe that this breed has long lived in the British Isles. And they translate the word “spaniel” as “one who jumps high.”

    At the beginning of the 19th century, interest in hunting dogs increased. Breeders began to improve the breed to make it more suitable for gun bird hunting. Local dogs began to be crossed with Japanese spaniels to reduce their size.

    The breed was recognized in 1902, and registered in the FCI in the middle of the 20th century. Strict standards were established; not all individuals were allowed to breed. But the dogs quickly became popular in other countries. In America, standards were not so strictly observed, so the dogs bred there differed from their ancestors. And in the 30s of the 20th century, the breeds were divided. English cocker spaniels became popular among Russian dog breeders in the 70s and 80s.


    The Russian Spaniel requires a high-calorie diet rich in minerals and vitamins. An active dog must replenish its energy reserves and be in good physical shape. Taking into account the pet’s tendency to overeat, portions should be limited, not pampered, and fed twice a day. Keep drinking water available at all times.

    The basis of the diet is meat food. It is important to feed working dogs minced meat, offal, and boiled meat waste. Otherwise, when hunting, spaniels will tear their prey. It is recommended to add boneless sea fish, cereals, vegetables in the form of porridges, dairy products, and rye bread to the menu.

    Sweets, sausages, smoked products, and baked goods are prohibited. Legumes cause increased gas formation. Feeding with dry food is allowed if it is of high quality and balanced in composition. Dog breeders recommend giving your dog a fasting day once a week, reducing the amount of food by a quarter.

    English Cocker Spaniel Standard

    English Cocker Spaniels are medium-sized dogs. They have a strong physique and developed muscles. Males are about 40 cm tall and weigh up to 14 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller and have a graceful build. Their height at the withers is 38 cm and they weigh 11-12 kg.


    The head is proportional to the body. The muzzle is almost square, the stop is prominent, but not sharp. The jaws are massive and have a scissor bite. The cheeks are fleshy, close-fitting, and do not droop. The nose is large. The lips, eye rims and earlobes of an English Cocker Spaniel should be black.

    The eyes are large, dark - chocolate or brown. Chocolate colored dogs can be light brown. The look is smart, friendly, a little sad. The ears are long and oval shaped. Set low, hanging down to the chest.


    The physique is harmonious, the body is rectangular in format. The neck is strong, of medium length, smoothly blending into the withers. The chest is deep, but not prominent. The back is straight, the croup is short. The tail is long, continues the line of the back, the tip is curved. In its homeland it is customary to dock it.


    The limbs are straight and parallel. The joints are well defined, the thighs are muscular. The paws are rounded, the toes are gathered into a ball. The dog moves easily and freely, even gracefully. It can develop great speed and pushes off strongly with its hind legs.

    Coat and color

    The fur is soft and adheres to the body. It is of medium length and does not curl. More length on the paws, belly, ears.

    The English Cocker Spaniel has different colors. At the beginning of the 20th century, the standard provided only red and black colors. Nowadays, different solid, spotted, and speckled colors are allowed. The most common are:

    • golden;
    • red, red and white;
    • black;
    • gray with white;
    • chocolate;
    • liver with tan marks or white spots;
    • pale yellow.

    Among the multi-colored colors, black and white or with tan, liver and white or with tan, and speckled are common. The roan color looks beautiful in red, blue or liver colors. This means that hairs of different colors are evenly distributed throughout the body, and they also alternate with white ones. With two or three colors, the spots should be evenly distributed, usually the head, ears and paws are darker, sometimes there is a mask on the face. Single-colored individuals are not allowed to have white spots on the chest.

    Photos complement the description of the appearance:

    Description and features

    The work of domestic dog breeders on the hunting breed was successfully completed in the mid-20th century. A gambling dog, obedient to his owner, with excellent skills and flair, he inherited tenacity and unpretentiousness from spaniels of various breeds - English Cocker, Welsh Springer, Sussex and others.

    The Russian hunting cocker spaniel, unlike its relatives, has become long-legged and hardy, which has expanded the ability to move across domestic spaces at good speed. A breed standard has been developed twice, most recently in 1966. Connoisseurs highly appreciate the result of the breeding work, although the breed remains unrecognized at the international level.

    According to the standard, real Russian spaniels are small in size - height 32-45 cm, weight 15-20 kg. Males are slightly larger, females, respectively, smaller. The build is strong, with well-developed muscles. The body is flexible, slightly elongated, with springy ribs. The stomach is tucked. The tail is straight and must be docked halfway according to the standard.

    The limbs are long, making up half the dog's height. The hind legs are set wider than the front legs. Fingers tightly gathered. The size of the head is proportional to the body. The transition to the muzzle is clearly pronounced. Large ears hang below the muzzle and fit neatly to the head. Expressive eyes are brown, with different shades depending on the color.

    Spaniels have long, often wavy hair. Straight-haired dogs have no advantage when evaluating the breed. Short hair on the head and paws, long hair covering the back, sides, and belly. The dense undercoat warms and protects from rapid wetting. The wool is very soft to the touch.

    The color comes in different combinations:

    • single color – black, golden, dark brown;
    • two-color - white with black specks, red-black, brown-pockmarked;
    • tricolor - black-brown with specks, white with dark spots of different shades in the color of the main markings.

    The Russian Cocker Spaniel, black or red, has a particularly shiny coat in the sun. Deviations from the standard are considered to be malocclusion, short tail, and non-compliance with the signs of sexual dimorphism. In communication, the dog is distinguished by its good disposition and endless affection for its owner.

    A lively mind, a high level of trainability, and a lenient attitude towards other domestic animals make spaniels true friends. Even a beginner can handle training a pet. Due to their small size, dogs can be kept in an apartment without any problems. Natural activity requires intense communication, daily walks, and active entertainment.

    The vices of individuals include aggressive behavior and manifestations of cowardice. The true Russian Cocker Spaniel breed is distinguished by its ability to concentrate on a goal. A characteristic feature of a hunting dog is the absence of a stance. Unlike other breeds, the dog does not freeze while waiting for a command, but quickly rushes into the thickets to drive out the game.

    Character of the English Cocker Spaniel

    These dogs are energetic and cheerful. They love to run, look for hidden objects, fetch a stick or a ball. They become very attached to the owner; if they recognize his authority, they will obey unquestioningly. They are friendly and affectionate with other family members, but may ignore their commands. Cockers love children, spend time with pleasure, and participate in all games. But rudeness is not tolerated, so it is better not to leave the dog alone with children.

    These pets cannot stand loneliness. They need the attention of their owner, they are ready to follow him everywhere and participate in all matters. From boredom, a dog can become depressed or become aggressive, chew things, bark a lot and loudly.

    Cocker Spaniels live quietly around other pets. They even get along with cats and rodents, but they can only start hunting birds. They love to play outside with other dogs and never get into conflicts. This peaceful dog treats all animals well.

    Features of training

    Cocker spaniels are very intelligent, and if trained correctly, problems rarely arise with them. But from an early age, the puppy must be taught the rules of behavior in the house and on the street. Already at 3-4 months, a cocker can respond to a nickname and know its place. Then you need to accustom the dog to walks on a leash, to strangers, street noise, and cars.

    Training an English Cocker Spaniel is not difficult. But it is better to conduct classes in a playful way. They should not be long or monotonous, as the pet will quickly get bored. Basic rules of training: firmness, consistency, perseverance. You should not go to extremes; both excessive severity and gentleness are not suitable for these dogs.

    Cockers are stubborn, it is impossible to force them to do something, but they can easily be captivated by the game. They have a good memory; with the right approach, they will quickly remember all the owner’s requirements and learn different skills. Even an inexperienced dog breeder can teach a pet the following commands:

    • near;
    • sit;
    • lie;
    • to me;
    • it is forbidden;
    • ugh;
    • voice;
    • stand;
    • give me your paw;
    • bring it.

    If the dog will help in the hunt, it is better to train it under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. It is recommended to start this type of training at 3-4 months. Accustom the puppy to loud sounds and the smell of gunpowder. He must be able to find and bring the hidden object to the owner. Typically, Cocker Spaniels are trained to hunt wading birds or great snipes.

    Education and training

    These wonderful dogs take a long time to grow up, maintaining their puppy character for up to 1 or even 1.5 years. It is worth noting that Cocker Spaniel females are more difficult to train than males. They periodically have the desire to demonstrate their dominance to the owner. It is important to learn how to stop this impulse of your pet.

    Cocker Spaniels get along well with other pets and dogs.

    So, if he shows signs of aggression or refuses to obey, he should be carefully turned onto his back and held in this position for some time. The simplest technology for stopping the dominance of a domestic dog. A representative of the breed should be socialized together with other pets (if any) so that they do not have conflicts in the future.

    It is also advisable to control their interaction. Never pet a dog that is growling at another pet because you are telling it, “You are doing the right thing, keep being angry, he deserves it.” If your dog shows domestic or food aggression, scold him.

    Do not forget that spaniels are very noisy animals that bark often. You shouldn't let them do this. If your pet is making unnecessary noise, interrupt him with a scream, thus demonstrating your disapproval. Thanks to this, he will quickly get rid of the habit of barking for any reason and without it.

    Well, the last point - do not allow your four-legged friend to win at all costs. In any game, he must lose so that faith in the authority of the owner does not shake in his mind.

    Caring for an English Cocker Spaniel

    These dogs are unpretentious and live quietly in a small apartment. But they feel better in a country house, where they can frolic on the site. Just remember that cockers love to dig. With any method of keeping, the pet requires walks 2 times a day.

    These dogs are easy to care for. Basic hygiene procedures are the same as for representatives of other breeds. It is necessary to inspect and clean the ears several times a week, as cockers are prone to ear infections. It is recommended to pluck out hairs from the inside, which attract dirt and limit air flow. To clean, use veterinary lotion. To reduce the possibility of contamination, it is better to lift the ears up and secure them with an elastic band during feeding.

    Every day you need to examine and wipe your eyes from discharge. If the claws do not grind down during a walk, they are trimmed with a nail clipper. Dogs are given chewing bones to clean their teeth.

    Cocker spaniels shed heavily; if kept in an apartment, shedding can become permanent. Therefore, they need to be combed daily. Use a long-toothed comb and a stiff brush to do this. You will also need a tangle cutter and a slicker.

    You need to bathe your pet when it gets dirty or once every 1-2 months. It is recommended to use a special shampoo for long-haired dogs. After bathing, it is advisable to dry your pet with a hairdryer, as wet fur quickly becomes tangled.

    English Cocker Spaniel Grooming

    An adult Cocker Spaniel requires regular grooming. Grooming for this dog is carried out 3-4 times a year. The rest of the time you need to trim the hair on the paws, head, and under the tail. If the dog does not show, you can cut it yourself. In the summer, many owners cut their pets short; this makes it easier to wash, comb, and protect them from parasites.

    Show dogs require professional grooming - when they are cut according to certain rules. The hair on the head becomes shorter. The length remains on the bottom of the ears, back. On the belly and paws, the fur is just being trimmed, leaving a skirt and feathers.

    If grooming is done at home yourself, you need to purchase the necessary tools. It is recommended to accustom your pet to a haircut from puppyhood.

    This video will help you understand how to care for the coat of an English Cocker Spaniel:

    Video: Correct breed haircut for the English Cocker Spaniel

    Video: Grooming an English Cocker Spaniel, haircut, dog trimming, dog grooming

    Video: English Cocker Spaniel ears. A haircut.


    Your pet's diet must be monitored carefully. Cockers are prone to weight gain, so they should not be overfed. You can feed your pet dry food or natural food. In the first case, it is easier to dose the portion. An adult dog requires 200-250 g of food per day. You just need to choose premium or super-premium food that contains all the nutrients your dog needs.

    If you feed your pet natural products, the basis of the diet should be lean meat. The amount depends on how much the dog weighs. It is recommended to give 50 g per kg of body weight per day. The meat is supplemented with cereals, vegetables, and herbs. It is useful to give fermented milk products, eggs, sea fish, fruits.

    Sweets are prohibited, especially chocolate, pastries, sausages, fatty, spicy foods. You cannot feed your dog from your table; cocker spaniels love to beg for food and look with pleading eyes. But you need to feed your pet strictly according to the schedule. The number of meals depends on age: a puppy is fed 3-6 times a day, an adult dog - twice. Clean water should be freely available at all times.


    Cocker spaniels have strong immunity. With proper care, your pet can live 13-16 years. But you need to take into account that these dogs may have the following diseases:

    • allergic reactions;
    • otitis;
    • joint dysplasia;
    • eye diseases;
    • entropion of the eyelid;
    • deafness;
    • epilepsy;

    Care and maintenance

    The Russian Spaniel does not require any special conditions. He needs a place to sleep in the apartment, and an insulated hut outside. Tolerates temperature fluctuations well. The main concern is the periodic brushing of the spaniel's long hair and examination of the spaniel's eyes and ears to prevent illness. After walks, the pet should be examined to avoid the appearance of parasites and ticks.

    During shedding, daily grooming is important. To facilitate the procedure, the dog is lightly sprayed with a solution of citric acid. Spaniels that do not participate in exhibitions are not cut. Participants are prepared in a special way so that no signs of haircuts are noticeable. Trimming is done in certain areas where the fur takes on an unnatural shade.

    Dogs at 8-9 months with rejection of puppy fluff are only combed. After cutting, the coat will not grow smooth - the appearance will be forever spoiled. It is enough to bathe a spaniel once every 3 months.

    The correct maintenance of a Russian Cocker Spaniel is to provide physical activity for the pet. The dog needs to run and jump so that muscle activity does not decrease. Joint travel, walks, and games will keep both pet and owner in good shape.

    How to buy an English Cocker Spaniel puppy

    Buying a puppy of this breed is easy, it is quite popular. But it is better to contact a nursery. In Moscow, such a dog costs from 12 to 30 thousand rubles. You can buy a puppy cheaper, but there is no guarantee that you will get a purebred cocker.

    When visiting a breeder, it is important to study the living conditions of the animals, documents of the parents, and certificates from the veterinarian. When choosing the gender of a puppy, you need to take into account that females are calmer, more obedient, and smarter. Dog handlers recommend choosing them for hunting. Males can be stubborn and obstinate.

    It is recommended to choose an active, healthy puppy. He has clear eyes, clean ears, smooth shiny fur. The baby is not cowardly or aggressive, he easily makes contact. Puppies for sale at 1.5-2 months. At this age, deviations from breed standards are already noticeable.

    The photo shows what the puppies look like:

    To understand whether it is worth getting an English Cocker Spaniel dog, watch the video:

    Video: English Cocker Spaniel. Character, content, education

    Video: English Cocker Spaniel. Pros and cons, price, how to choose, facts, care, history

    Video: Keeping an English Cocker Spaniel

    The English Cocker Spaniel is a beautiful small dog. It is suitable for single active people or large families with children. Gets along well in a city apartment. This cheerful, loyal and friendly dog ​​can become your best friend and faithful companion.

    Possible diseases and methods of treating them

    All spaniels are cheerful and positive. If they are sick, they lose their appetite, become sad and seek the company of the owner or household members. Some of them are prone to hip dysplasia. These dogs often suffer limb injuries while hunting.

    In this case, they need to provide medical assistance. Hospitalize the supposedly sick dog, then a doctor will take care of it. If a limb is fractured/dislocated, you will have to take care of it at home.

    Representatives of the breed in question have an excellent appetite, so they often beg their owners for feeding. They often succumb to manipulation and agree to feed their charming dogs. This cannot be done, because regular overeating by dogs is fraught with the appearance of digestive problems.

    Reproduction and lifespan

    Russian Cocker Spaniel puppies for breeding at 9 months, but dog breeders recommend not to rush until the pets are 2 years old. Early matings lead to difficult births and weak offspring. The optimal age of spaniels for breeding is limited to 10 years. The greatest fertility is observed in the period of 4-7 years.

    Dog owners need to control the frequency of mating so that females give birth no more than once a year. Otherwise, the body is depleted and the puppies are born weak. The lifespan of dogs is 13-15 years, which depends entirely on the quality of care, nutrition, and maintenance of the pets. The longest-living record holders were 19-20 years old.


    Even an inexperienced dog breeder can train a spaniel. The pet quickly learns basic commands. The skill of restraint and calling, so that natural excitement does not interfere with obedience, requires special attention.

    It is advisable to carry out development of working qualities in field conditions. A keen sense of smell, endurance, and determination are inherent in Russian spaniels by heredity; the owner should correct their behavior in given conditions. The task of a hunting dog is to search for prey, pick it up, and deliver it to the owner.

    The spaniel will work hard even in difficult situations, sometimes risking his own life. The search for a shot duck can take a long time and lead to hypothermia in the dog in the pond. A spaniel is hired as an assistant to hunt a hare. The dog will not be able to catch it, but it successfully copes with the task of finding and raising it for the hunter.

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