Characteristics of dogs of the Russian Spaniel breed and reviews of owners about it

The well-known cocker spaniel is considered one of the most popular breeds in our country. These animals gained their popularity back in the 19th century. Dogs were used to hunt waterfowl and wading birds. It should be noted that this type of hunting is very developed in Russia, and this breed of dog is ideal for performing such tasks.

If we talk about the hunting capabilities of the breed as a whole, it should be noted that not in all countries hunters fell in love with representatives of spaniels. For example, they are not adapted to winter hunting. Their short legs get stuck in snowdrifts, and this makes it difficult for them to move.

All these facts served as the starting point for the study of the Russian Hunting Spaniel breed. In order to improve the working functions of the breed, breeders imported long-legged dogs from different countries and crossed them with their dogs. Everything led to the appearance of individuals that were very similar to the modern Russian Spaniel dog. This animal has become more versatile and has adapted well to the local climate. If we talk about the standards of the Russian dog, they did not fit the generally accepted characteristics of the English breed. Therefore, the breeders did not stop at the achieved result, and already closer to the 30s of the 20th century, many subspecies of the breed existed in our country. But be that as it may, they still did not satisfy all the needs of the hunter. And it was necessary to work further on breeding a high-quality hunting dog.

Really full-fledged work on breeding a good breed began after the end of the Second World War somewhere in 1951. It was in this year that the first breed standard was introduced. But still the research process continued. And already in 1966, the breeders received a dog that met their needs.

Characteristics of the Russian Spaniel breed

If we talk about the parameters of the animal, then it should be noted that it has small legs. And her physique itself is a little dry. If we talk about the length of their legs relative to their height, then they are clearly short. For example, the height of the animal is from 38 to 44 cm in males, and 2-3 cm lower in females. The length of the front paw is half the specified size.

As for the dog’s weight, on average it ranges from 12 to 16 kg. It should also be noted that the Russian Cocker Spaniel has a long, beautiful coat that is very thick and soft to the touch, even slightly curly. Its color can be completely different, namely:

  • monochrome;
  • two colors;
  • tricolor.

If we talk about the color itself, it can also vary. Starting from standard shades of white and black, ending with various combinations of red, gray and black and white.

During the hunt, this dog runs at a gallop. But if the space is crossed, then galloping turns into a trot.

Based on this, we can conclude that the general characteristics of the Russian Spaniel breed are similar to the description of the English breed, but have their own differences; this is also indicated by reviews of animal owners.

Breeders say that the dog’s character differs in many ways from the character of individuals who have exclusively English roots.


One type of breed has been standardized, but in Russia there are crossbreeds. A purebred Russian spaniel can be:

  • Plain. Acceptable colors: black, brown, red.
  • Two-color: black and white, red-brown, white and red, brown and piebald.
  • Tricolor: black, red and white.
  • Tan.

Other color options for such a dog are unacceptable according to the standard. The rarest color is pure brown. These dogs are valued much higher and are sold quite expensively. Breeders find clients for such individuals in almost a matter of days.

Character of dogs of the Russian Spaniel breed

As for the character of the animal, it is quite balanced. The dog is very friendly towards people. Most of the time these dogs are in a very good and cheerful mood. They are active, love to run and walk. It should also be noted that they do not require much attention. If you go for a walk with such a dog, he can keep himself busy.

Of course, if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to take the spaniel to special areas for walking animals. There he will be able to jump over barriers, jump up stairs and do his favorite thing - bird hunting. By the way, if we talk about hunting, then it should be understood that this breed of dog cannot live without this type of activity. Therefore, if you want to buy a pet spaniel, you need to understand whether the future owner will be able to provide the dog with the right living conditions. This dog will be ideal for those who love hunting and go there often. In other situations, you need to take the animal out into nature, to a pond, so that it can do what it loves.

It is worth noting that it is very easy to control the dog. She considers her master to be the most important and listens to him well. Spaniels have a well-developed sense of smell, so they can immediately distinguish by smell whether it is their own person or a stranger.

Among other things, the animal has good endurance and perseverance. Which also has a beneficial effect on the process of training a pet.


There are 3 types of breed depending on color:

  1. Spotted - on a light gray, white background, large or small marks are visible throughout the body. The more precise name of the color is determined by their shade. This type can be found in two versions:
  • speckled (small frequent marks);
  • contrasting (clearly defined spots).

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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As dogs of the second color develop with age, they develop small markings and become difficult to distinguish from mottled dogs.

  1. Plain - sometimes with white markings on the limbs, throat, belly and on the forehead, chest, muzzle and tip of the tail (for example, black and white - light on a dark background).

  1. Tan marks are red markings on certain parts of the dog’s body: paws, ears, under the tail, above the eyes, cheeks and chest. The most popular option is black and red tan.

Color varieties:

  1. brown - it is very rare to find such a dog.

It has several shades:

  • coffee;
  • hepatic;
  • chocolate.

  1. black is a fairly popular color among the breed;

  1. red – peculiar, currently uncommon.

How to choose the right puppy?

Another important point to remember concerns the correct choice of animal. The Russian Spaniel is often purchased for families with children. On the Internet you can find many photos of dogs with children. The animals are playful and very cheerful, so they immediately find a common language with the younger members of the family. In addition, if you train your pet correctly, it will become a good watchdog.

If we talk about the rules for choosing a puppy, then you should take into account the purpose of the purchase. For example, if we are talking about purchasing a family that lives within the city, then there are no special requirements. The main thing is that the animal is vaccinated and has no diseases. But if the purpose of the purchase is to acquire a dog specifically for hunting, then you need to take into account some rules. This:

  1. Parent performance characteristics.
  2. The dog's parents must have all the necessary documents confirming the origin of the breed. Also, it is important to note that in the pedigree in the “exterior” column there should be an “excellent” rating.
  3. It's good when parents have field diplomas.
  4. The puppy should be the most vocal among all the presented individuals, as well as the largest and most active.

Of course, the real standard of the Russian Spaniel breed is presented by professional breeders. Therefore, it is best to purchase a Russian Spaniel puppy from a real operating kennel. Then there is a high probability that the animal will meet all established standards.


The average life expectancy of a Russian Spaniel with proper care is 12-14 years.

The health of the pet and how many years it will live largely depends on the efforts of the owner. The dog needs to be taken to the veterinary clinic a couple of times a year for preventive examinations and tests. This will help to detect this or that health problem in time.

It is also important to know what diseases the Russian Spaniel is predisposed to:

  • Obesity - occurs from an incorrectly composed diet, lack of exercise and violation of the regime.
  • Allergies are most often food allergies. It is necessary to very carefully introduce new foods into the diet; if you notice an adverse reaction, they are immediately excluded.
  • Otitis is an inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear.
  • Blockage of the anal glands - in the chronic form, they resort to surgery and remove the anal glands. In other cases it is treated with medication.
  • Mycosis is a disease caused by parasitic fungi that affect the skin and internal organs.
  • Piroplasmosis is a febrile blood-parasitic disease.
  • Pyometra is an inflammation of the uterus in which purulent discharge accumulates in its cavity.
  • Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that affects the kidneys.

Routine vaccination will help you avoid many diseases. The owner of the dog must treat it with medications against external and internal parasites.

Rules for the care and maintenance of Russian Spaniel dogs

If we talk about the rules for the care and maintenance of a pet, they are not very strict. Let's say that the main task of every owner of a dog of the Russian Hunting Spaniel breed is walking, you can find out about this if you read the forum of professional breeders and simply lovers of this breed.

Intense and frequent walks can replace many other procedures that other dogs need to maintain good health. It is enough for these dogs to run well, and their health will be normal. Of course, we should not forget the need to regularly examine the animal’s ears. They can very often become inflamed. You should also brush the coat once a week to prevent it from becoming clumps or sticking together.

As for swimming, there are no special rules. The spanel should not be washed frequently; this can only be done after the animal has been somewhere in the forest or in a swamp.

In terms of content, they are also not picky. Of course, you can’t put them on a chain. But at the same time, they are not afraid of frost, so they can freely spend the night outside. Animals will feel good even living in a small apartment. As mentioned above, the main thing for them is physical activity. And where to sleep is not so important to them.

If you look at the reviews of those who are already the proud owner of a dog of the Russian Spaniel breed, it becomes clear that dogs make good guards. Only for this the animal needs to be trained correctly.

Features of hunting

Representatives of the breed are purposeful and obedient, able to follow the commands of any person with a weapon who happens to be nearby during the hunt.

The tasks of an assistance dog are:

  • smell prey;
  • scare;
  • upon command, bring wounded or killed game to the owner.

While searching, the spaniel moves quickly and easily. A well-trained dog independently determines the method (top or trail) of how to quickly find the victim, depending on the direction of the wind and the surrounding area.

The main feature of the spaniel is its ability to be in continuous contact with its owner and periodically pay attention to him. And in areas with predominant high vegetation, the dog jumps out to smell the owner in the upper air currents and determine his location.

She tells the owner where the prey is when she manages to smell it. At the very moment of the shot, the four-legged assistant stands motionless, and then looks for the shot game and brings it to the owner with a light grip.

How and what to feed your dog?

As mentioned above, the animal is a born hunter; it spends a lot of energy every day, so it requires proper nutrition. It is better not to give dry food. As a last resort, you can give some dry food when there is no time to prepare fresh food. Otherwise, he can eat the same foods that other dog breeds eat.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to enrich the diet with proteins. The animal moves a lot and spends a lot of energy, therefore, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of protein in the body with special products. It's also important not to overdo it. If we talk about foods that are best included in your pet’s diet, these should be:

  • fish (sea fish is best);
  • meat (not very fatty);
  • fruits and vegetables (they love them very much);
  • offal.

We must not forget about fasting days. They should be held at least once every two weeks. It should be noted that the dog should not be obese, although it is unlikely that they will develop it due to their constant activity. If you look at photos of the animal, of which there are quite a few on the Internet, it becomes clear that the Russian hunting spaniel is a very slender and fit dog.

Once every two weeks, it is advisable to give the animal a fasting day.

If we talk about puppies, you should remember that after being taken from the breeder to a new family, the baby experiences stress. Therefore, you should not rush and immediately change his usual daily routine and diet. He must adapt a little to new conditions.


Grooming is a must, as long hair can be not only a decoration, but also a source of additional problems. Haircuts should be done regularly to prevent the formation of tangles. The owner himself decides how to trim the pet; attention is paid to the places with the longest hair - ears, pants, etc. Also, caring for the dog’s coat includes regular brushing of the dog, combing out tangles that have managed to form. During molting, it should be daily. It is necessary to bathe your spaniel when it gets dirty; sometimes it is better to wash the ears separately. Be sure to use a special shampoo.

How to train a pet?

Animal training should begin from an early age. Even as a puppy, he must understand who his owner is and what rules are established for him. But the owner will have to be patient: these kids are very playful and do not always immediately understand that behavioral boundaries have already been established for them.

Let’s say it will take several months to train an animal to go to the toilet in the right place. While the puppy is still very small, you don’t need to take him outside right away, just install a litter tray. Then, when the dog gets a little older, you can take it out as soon as it becomes noticeable that he is looking for a place where he can go to the toilet. Another point in this process is that the animal should not walk on stairs, otherwise it can easily damage the paw joints. Therefore, the emphasis is placed on the fact that it needs to be carried out by hand.

You should also remember that this animal is very cunning. When he sees that the owners are sitting down at the table, his appearance changes from cheerful and cheerful to dull and sad. With his mournful look, he begs for a piece of food for himself, and many owners begin to feed the dog with handouts from the table. This is the first mistake. The puppy must understand that he cannot beg.

Today there are many groups for animals of this breed. Almost all specialized publications contain photographs showing how a Russian Cocker Spaniel undergoes basic training courses. These are very good and useful lessons for them.


Larisa: “Positive, kind, balanced dog. Calm and gentle, I don’t have to worry if my daughters play with her alone. Thanks to the Russian spaniel, we began to go out for walks together more often, and take family trips outside the city into nature. What pleases me most is that, in principle, he is short-haired, and there are no clumps of fur scattered around the house. We don’t use Jack as a hunter, but his qualities are already noticeable, at home his prey is balls and toys.”

Natalya: “My son bought himself a puppy of this breed, not taking into account the fact that he is very active. Unfortunately, due to work, my son cannot walk the dog, as a result of which the little one has already scratched the wallpaper, chewed the furniture, and ruined the flooring in the hallway. My advice is that before buying a dog of this breed, you should think about whether you will be able to devote as much time to it as you need.”

Sergey: “I took this particular breed specifically. I sometimes hunt, mainly partridges and pheasants, so I chose the Russian spaniel as one of my gun dogs. I have never had such a great helper, I regret that I didn’t get a dog earlier. It didn’t take long to teach the necessary commands; while hunting he acts clearly, competently, and calmly. Quickly and effortlessly finds a shot pheasant in the bush. Once we were hunting a bird with Chara, she dived so quickly and caught a wounded duck from a pond that I stood rooted to the spot and couldn’t stop admiring my girl.”

What should you always remember?

In order to better understand what kind of breed this is and what requirements exist for its proper education, you can contact Mooir Russian Spaniel . This society will be happy to tell you about the basic rules of training and caring for an animal.

In general, it should be noted that these are very friendly and affectionate animals. They adore their owner and are very suitable for both families with children and single pet lovers. True, such an animal is not suitable for people who do not like activity. After all, you need to constantly walk with him, and these walks should be long and active.

In all other cases, this is an excellent option for a faithful and affectionate friend.

I would also like to note that they do not require too much attention in terms of care. It is enough to regularly comb their fur and monitor the health of their ears, then these dogs will live long and happily.

In terms of living conditions, they are also not picky. They are not afraid of rain or frost. Of course, like any living creature, it will be much easier for them in comfort and warmth.

If you follow all these rules, then cocker spaniels will delight you with incredible devotion and affection. They are absolutely not aggressive and are very kind to their owners. Stories and entire books have been written about their loyalty, so when purchasing such a dog, you can be sure that the dog will never betray.


The Russian spaniel chooses one person as its owner and obeys only him in everything. These dogs are compact in size, affectionate and gentle towards the owner and his family. And in their work they are brave and risky, fearlessly going into the thicket for prey.

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