The baby bites: master class on how to stop a puppy from biting

Hello. A week ago, my husband and I bought a Pomeranian Spitz, a 2.3-year-old female. The dog immediately found a common language with my husband, did not leave a single step, and was affectionate. Vivid aggression towards me. Unable to pet him, he starts growling. If I’m home alone, the dog sits in its place (under the table) and doesn’t come out. He doesn’t go outside with me, he even bites me. I give treats - he takes it warily and runs away. Please advise what to do in the described situation? I want understanding and affection from the dog. She didn’t scream, didn’t scold, didn’t hit. What to do?


So, let's look at why the puppy constantly bites and growls, for example, even when you pet him - what are the reasons for this?

Little puppies love to bite:

  1. They learn and explore the world , just as little children put everything in their mouths, and puppies bite everything. Exploratory bites are made with the incisors (the side of the mouth), and they are weak, more like clenching. This worries the owners because... they believe that dogs show their aggressiveness.
  2. Pets can also show their positive emotions and attitude towards people . The owner needs to learn to correctly recognize all the signals and desires of the puppy. In this case, all troubles will be prevented.
  3. express their dissatisfaction and go into conflict.
  4. learn to realize their strength.
  5. perhaps (especially if the breed is a hunting breed) the puppy hunts.

For a person, a dog bite is an understandable reaction. The pet is ready to attack or defend. In these two cases, people understand that they need to stay as far away from the dog as possible. Puppies convey through their bites their own positive emotions, which they experience around their owners.

  1. The most common cause of dog bites is a defensive reaction . If a puppy doesn’t like something or is not sure of a person’s intentions, it is capable of biting. Also, a pet can bite a person if it is in poor health or mood.
  2. Absolutely any dog ​​bites, because it is inherent in nature . There are several reasons why puppies attack and bite their owners.

Up to 2 months

From childhood, puppies play with other dogs or pets, they bite each other and grab small objects. As soon as the puppy gets into a house where there are no other animals, he begins to play with his owner in the same way. There is nothing surprising in the fact that he tries to bite a person.

For puppies at the age of 2 months, it is quite possible to rage and growl at the owner, thus showing interest while communicating. But you still need to start raising your pet as soon as possible. You should not allow your dog to bite your legs or arms. By being strict, you can get rid of many problems.

3-4 months

What to do if the puppy is aggressive even at 3 and 4 months? The reason that the dog bites is the lack of proper education . You need to do this especially diligently as soon as the puppy turns 3 months old. If the owner makes mistakes in upbringing, then in the future the pet will show aggression.

Often no one takes care of the pet, believing that it will become more affectionate on its own. It must be remembered that as soon as a puppy enters the house, people become responsible for its behavior and character. A puppy is not a toy, so if you don’t work with it, it will grow up to be quite aggressive.

If your puppy bites in all seriousness: i.e. with his mouth full, pulling, shaking his head, demonstratively intimidating you, then this is called conflict aggression. It occurs when you force your puppy to do something he doesn't want or not do something he wants. In this case, do not delay or spare money, go to a dog handler - it is very difficult to resolve such issues on your own.

This type of bite is solved by eliminating the conflict itself (for example, training to unpleasant procedures) and building a good “dog-owner” relationship.

Breed predisposition

It is worth noting that there are some breeds that are more aggressive than others. Puppies of fighting breeds require more training and education. The help of experienced dog handlers is needed to help the owners. It will be more difficult to wean a puppy from biting at 4 months, because by this time he already has a fully formed character.

A dog will never bite a person without a reason. It simply reacts to certain stimuli that it does not like. In this way, the pet expresses its own emotions, but if the care is not correct, the dog will not trust the owner. It is also worth noting that your puppy may bite because he is teething.


Beginning owners also face the question of whether the puppy is hunting for legs or arms. The fact is that it is in his nature to track down prey. He simply may not calculate the force of his bite and thus cause harm. It is necessary to clearly explain to the pet that this cannot be done.

The puppy will stop biting once all its teeth have erupted. If he constantly chews something, then this process will turn out to be much faster. By the age of 8 months, the puppy will have all of its teeth replaced, and it will definitely stop biting. It is necessary to provide your pet with a sufficient number of toys so that he has something to do. If this is not done, the pet will ruin clothes, shoes or furniture.

When will it stop?

If you don't raise a dog child, he will never stop biting, gnawing everything around and even growling at you! On the contrary, it will do this constantly, thereby educating and training you.

Does a Pomeranian bark a lot and often?

Dogs barking is their way of communicating with humans and other animals on a verbal level. Behind the familiar sound is information that pets try to convey to humans. It is for this reason that domestic animals bark much more often than wild animals.

Dogs make sounds of different ranges and timbres. A roar, a squeal, a howl escapes from the mouth. Any intonation is accompanied by movement of the ears and tail. By carefully observing your pets, it is easy to guess what they want.

The Pomeranian's bark can be rough, shrill and vary in timbre. After listening, the owner understands what happened to him:

  1. Frightened - the tail is tucked, and the barking turns into a random squeal.
  2. The dog is cold or bored - a quiet howl.
  3. Aggression - barks rudely and abruptly.
  4. Danger - short loud sounds, gradually turning into a growl.
  5. The desire to play is joyful barking, squealing and yapping, similar to that of a puppy.

The Pomeranian Spitz is very active and vocal, reacts to any sound, even from the next apartment. He sleeps lightly, the baby jumps up and barks at any rustle.

How to educate correctly?

What should you do if your puppy constantly bites very hard? Raise him, of course!

Most often, the owners' arms and legs suffer from bites. A number of corrective behaviors need to be implemented, including having toys or being ignored. You can use furniture sprays to repel your dog, but it won't work on everyone.

It is much easier to train a puppy than an adult dog. The fact is that excitability and activity are typical for a small pet, but the owner should monitor its behavior.

During play or when stroking hands

Puppies are a lot like small children, so they should have toys. It is necessary to clearly explain to your pet that biting is not good. If he has already started biting his arm or leg, then you need to immediately put a ball in his mouth.

A pet must understand that a person only strokes with his hand, showing attention. A small puppy should play exclusively with his toys, understanding this and avoiding mistakes in the future.

How to teach, and most importantly, train a puppy not to bite:

  1. It is important to discourage biting and provide rewards for careful play. It's easy to do : play with your puppy only when he behaves well and stop immediately when he starts to turn into a nipper and grab your arms or legs. Play is a natural reward for a puppy.
  2. It is important to increase the requirements for the puppy gradually, otherwise he will become confused and will not understand your intentions. And mistakes and misunderstandings have a bad effect on your child’s love of learning and seriously undermine your authority.
  3. At the beginning, stop playing only for very strong bites . When there are no such bites - for strong bites. Then for the average ones. And so on until all the puppy’s bites become a force that is comfortable for you (puppies always bite, you won’t completely wean them off this).
  4. When the puppy bites you, say “ouch” as if you were injected and freeze for 10 seconds until the baby gets it. Just don’t awaken the actor in you and scream theatrically: this will frighten the impressionable, and, for example, bring a husky into genuine delight (“a toy with sound!”).
  5. Additionally, you need to fold your arms over your chest and turn your head to the side and up (in dog language this means “I don’t want to communicate with you”). If the puppy calms down, you can continue playing, but if not, you need to take more serious measures.

  6. Head should be up

  7. If the puppy still does not calm down, get up and leave , interrupting the game completely. If at the same time the dog becomes even more angry (thinking that you are playing catch up with him), then it is better to put the fidget himself in the playpen, lock him in another room (no longer than 1 minute) or tie him up. Wait until the puppy calms down, before releasing it.

You should not punish your pet before the age of 3 months. If there is a need to spank the puppy a little, it is better to do it not with your hand, but with a newspaper. By teaching your pet special commands, you can prevent possible punishment. After some time, the puppy will be able to understand why the owner is dissatisfied.

The pet understands that a mistake has been made and this cannot be done in the future. The puppy will begin to appreciate the owner and treat him with the utmost care.

If you don't listen

What to do if the puppy does not obey your commands? The baby must have the opportunity to express his character in a form that is acceptable to the owner. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed in order to know how to properly train your pet.

He must have his own rug, house or bed. If the puppy bites, then you need to send him to his place. Training can be very effective, the main thing is not to forget to give treats.

You need to try to become an authority for the animal. A puppy who continues to bite should be picked up by the mane and pressed to the floor. The fact is that in this way the leaders demonstrate strength and character. If you train constantly, the puppy will grow up obedient and friendly.

Types of aggression and possible causes

Selection has minimized the manifestation of predatory instincts. Clear training and impeccable pedigree are the key to a dog’s predictability. In most cases, a missed moment of upbringing results in aggression, which is difficult to eradicate after one and a half years. This trait takes root, so as not to aggravate it, it is important to thoroughly understand the reasons.

Aggression is classified according to its source of origin, and a number of main types are distinguished:

  1. Hierarchical. Based on the distribution of roles in the “pack”, family. If the dog is not put in its place at a young age, as it matures, the animal will become confident in its own role as a leader, setting the tone of behavior. Characterized by insubordination and insolence. Often a dog determines its only owner, which does not mean that aggression towards family members is acceptable. A similar situation arises if the dog changed his family and, having recognized the “leader”, simply did not have time to get used to the rest of the household. Hierarchical aggression towards everyone except the owner becomes a consequence of the owner’s disdainful attitude towards training. For example, you should not allow a dog to become a higher rank than a child. Nurturing this trait is the task of the “leader.”
  2. Defensive aggression. Occurs in stressful or dangerous situations. Cowardly-aggressive behavior is often observed when the dog is scared but ready to attack. Stray dogs and animals that have been abused are often susceptible to this type. Owners of dogs adopted from shelters face similar aggression. Poor treatment does not always mean cruelty; difficulties can arise from ignoring the puppy and lack of attention. Defensive aggression develops against a background of mistrust. At the first sign of unwanted behavior, it is important to prove to the dog your own goodwill. If the habits are alarming, it is better to seek the qualified help of a dog handler.
  3. Sexual aggression. Vividly expressed during puberty. In males it manifests itself in relation to males during “courtship” of a female. Females tend to show sexual aggression during estrus, during the period of feeding their offspring.
  4. Acquired. Aggression is not always cultivated purposefully. The trait towards irritating factors that the owner did not consider as a reason for aggression is strengthened. Example: the puppy’s play is inflamed, the baby growls and fights, defending the toy. For the puppy, what is happening is serious, but the owner stops playing (tired, tired, has something to do) and lets go of the toy. In the situation described, the puppy believes that he has won, forcing the owner to retreat with his own roar.

Methods of influence

Not all dog owners can raise a growing pet correctly. As soon as a pet starts biting during play, it is already an obstacle. Certain recommendations must be followed:

  1. It is necessary to avoid those games in which the puppy may accidentally bite the owner.
  2. If the dog bites the owner during play activity, then the jaw must be opened very carefully. You cannot punish your pet physically.
  3. The pet is good-natured towards all residents of the house. If it turns out that the puppy bit the owner, then you can pretend that it is incredibly painful. It is even recommended to pretend that the person is crying, after which he quietly leaves the puppy. He will understand that he has caused pain to the owner and this should not be done.
  4. The pet does not immediately perceive the person as a leader, and therefore does not obey him. This often happens due to improper upbringing. Training the puppy will help establish the dominant role of the owner. The pet will not bite during play and without reason.

Many argue that a barking puppy cannot bite a person, but in reality it all depends on age, gender and breed. If your pet begins to bare its teeth and bark loudly, then you need to look menacingly into its eyes, showing your importance.

Take your position as leader of the pack

If you want to teach your Pomeranian puppy not to bite, you have to be the alpha. In a pack, dogs will think twice before biting their leader because they know they will be punished. This way, your Pomeranian will be less likely to view you as a suitable bite target if you are an alpha.

One of the easiest ways to secure your position as pack leader is to forcefully use the "Sit" command whenever you feed your Pomeranian puppy. This shows your puppy that you are in control and he must obey you if he wants to eat.

Moreover, when you leave the house, you should be the first one to leave and the first one to enter. Your Pomeranian should follow you, not the other way around.

In addition to these methods, you can establish yourself in your role while remaining taller than your Pomeranian. What I mean is that you shouldn't sit on the floor with your Pomeranian puppy, and you shouldn't let him sit next to you on the couch.

How can you not wean it?

It is a known fact that the mother of the puppies nibbles them a little and shakes them. In this case, they calm down and behave extremely carefully. Many dog ​​owners believe that this method is effective, so if the puppy bites, then it needs to be beaten.

This should not be done, because the puppy may perceive such blows as a challenge, continuing to show aggression. A person may not calculate the force of the blow and harm the pet. It is better to simply devote more time and attention to your pet.

Do not Cry

Appropriate punishment for a biting Pomeranian is to ignore him or put him in a playpen.

You should not shout or yell at your dog. The only thing you will achieve is to make your Pomeranian puppy afraid of you. And when dogs are scared, they are more likely to bite.

Some owners use a spray bottle to train their Pomeranian puppy not to bite. You should only try it if you are unable to use other methods or if your puppy is being too aggressive.

Features of breeds

Before getting a puppy, you should familiarize yourself with some features of the breeds. The fact is that you can stop pets from biting on your own, without the help of dog handlers. Each breed has its own characteristics.


If a person decides to get a dog, choosing the Husky breed , you should know several aspects of education. The character of these puppies is quite kind and flexible. When choosing between a girl and a boy, you should choose the cable one, because they are calmer.

From childhood, babies of this breed are active and playful. They love to spend time with their owners, but there are times when accidental bites occur. You need to figure out why huskies bite:

  • hunter instinct;
  • teeth are being cut;
  • desire to play.

Many people think that only small dogs bite more often, but this is far from true. Owners need to know what to do in order to stop their puppy from biting. The main thing to understand is that you cannot teach your pet to bite, even in a playful manner.

You need to show the puppy that the person is the master of the house. All games must be started by the owner so that the dog does not manipulate the situation. A person should always leave the house first. This is how the pet will understand that it is not the leader.

Pets need to be weaned from an early age. If your pet starts biting your arms, hands or legs, you need to scream loudly and go to another room. You need to do this until the puppy stops biting altogether.


It would seem such a kind breed, but also capable of biting: why and what to do if a Labrador puppy turns into a biter? In fact, a puppy bite can not only be an indicator of aggressiveness. Not all people pay attention to what their pet is doing, so they miss the opportunity to raise it properly.

Devoted friends Golden Retriever and Labrador: 5 differences
A dog can choose a position in which ignoring it by the owner will not be effective. In this case, the Labrador will simply come up and lightly bite the owner on the arm or leg.

It is necessary to show your pet that attention and care will be given to him only after the bites stop . If the puppy bites the owner during play, then you need to stop it and yell at the pet a little. After some time, the pet is much less likely to show aggression.

In the case when a puppy at the age of 5 months bites its owner, it is necessary to take care of the issue of dominance. If this problem is not solved in childhood, then more serious troubles will appear in the future. Aggression will begin to manifest itself towards all family members.

German Shepherd

Why did a German or any other shepherd puppy start biting and what should I do?

To stop your German Shepherd puppy from biting, you need to do a few simple exercises. The owner should grab the pet by the muzzle and hold it for a while. The pet will start to get nervous and snap, but if you do this often, the dog will get used to it. Then you need to repeat holding the muzzle at moments when the dog bites.


Puppies of this breed are incredibly obedient, so they are least likely to bite the hands and feet of their owners. These pets are pliable, making them easier to train. Why then does the alabai bite and what can be done about it?

If the animal begins to bite, then you need to buy him a soft or rubber toy . In this case, the puppy will sharpen its teeth by switching to its objects. Furniture, shoes and clothes will not be touched, because the dog can be trained quickly.


During games, you need to pay attention to whether the dog bites. As soon as the first signs of aggression appear, you need to switch the puppy’s attention to toys.

It is worth noting that pets love to grab their owner’s clothes, so you need to wean him off this habit as soon as possible using the technique described above.

One rule is very important for small dogs: do not forgive them for their beautiful eyes, shaky tail and small size! Some, due to the connivance of their owners, grow up to be real robbers! Meanwhile, bites from small dogs are very painful and unpleasant.


What to do with a biting Spitz? If the puppy gets too excited and starts biting its owner, then you need to switch its attention to toys. It is strictly forbidden to hit the animal, scream loudly, push it away or scare it. The dog may withdraw into itself and become less active.


In order for a puppy of this breed to stop biting, it is necessary to spend a lot of time raising and training him. If everything is done correctly, then over time the pet will become affectionate and sweet. A lot of toys and balls will help get rid of a number of problems that lead to bites. The main thing is to be firm and strictly follow our instructions - Chihuahuas are quite stubborn, so stock up on sedatives!

Learn to bite correctly

In fact, from birth a dog does not know how to bite correctly, and only with the help of the skillful actions of a specialist can the animal’s instincts be corrected. If necessary, it is necessary to stimulate the actions of “biting” as early as possible.

However, you should not train your dog to grab the owner’s clothes or special suit. It is also forbidden to look your pet in the eyes, which will involuntarily allow him to retreat. By averting your eyes, you provoke aggression in the animal, like prey trying to escape.

A huge role in building relationships with a puppy is given to the emotional reactions of the owner.

Attention! As soon as the dog grabs the rag (roller, cuff), you need to tease the pet for a few seconds, and then release the bait and reward the pet with delicious food.

Over time, increase the size of the roller, holding it both vertically and horizontally, honing the actions of the animal. It is important to practice grip stability, and threats should be sharp and loud, without force on the pet.

When raising a pet, the owner must show confidence, which will soon be transferred to the puppy.

Correct actions by the trainer will give the dog confidence and make its behavior controlled. Such a dog will not show unbridled aggression towards others, unlike a cowardly animal.

How to train a puppy correctly?

Guard and hunting dog breeds require special training. They go through a course where they are shown and taught how to bite. A correct attack on an attacker or prey is the key to an excellent result. Puppies are trained to distinguish enemies from peaceful people. They can easily determine whether a stranger poses any danger to the owner.

  1. During the training process, you do not need to cause aggression and anger in your pet. He should be active, but not particularly embittered. The fact is that guard qualities manifest themselves in the course of work. The owner shows his pet what is important to him, so it is worth taking care of the property.
  2. Regarding hunting breeds, it is worth noting that such behavior is in their blood. With special training, loyal behavior can be achieved. In order for the bite to be correct, you need to wear special equipment and provoke the dog. She will accept this as a danger and will be able to discover her character.
  3. As soon as the dog becomes aggressive and moves towards a potential enemy, he should run away. This way the puppy will become confident in himself and his own abilities. At the moment when the pet grabs the protected hand, you need to resist a little, but then relax. In order for the dog to open its mouth, you need to put your hand in there. You shouldn’t worry about this, because the pet will not be able to harm the owner.

Switching attention

Puppies quickly switch from one object or action to another. This can be used to stop your dog from biting you. The optimal solution is to use a toy. If your pet begins to show his teeth, take the toy in your hand and then throw it to the side. Various whistles or moving objects can be used. When performing the desired action, be sure to reward the animal with a treat.

Hand Punishment

This method is considered the most natural for dogs, but it is important to correctly calculate the force - excessive impact can cause negative emotions in the pet, aggression towards you, and even health problems. You can't hit a dog, but you can use your hands in the following ways:

  • lightly flick the nose or ears;
  • pinch the side or croup area, simulating a bite;
  • pull the skin on the withers to the side.

Such manipulations cannot be enhanced by emotions - they must be performed only technically, without shouting or raising the voice. It is important that the dog understands why he received the punishment - the impact should be immediately after he begins to bite you.

Let me calm down

If your dog has already mastered simple restraint commands - “stand”, “lie down” and “sit”, they should be used to correct behavior. When the puppy got carried away during the game and began to rage, bite you, say the desired command. Be sure to achieve compliance and then give a treat. In the future, such behavior can be stopped by sending it to a place if the apartment has a sun lounger and the pet knows the “place” command.

Cool photos

If a person cannot teach a puppy to bite on their own, then it is imperative to seek help from a dog handler. You should not refuse to train your dog if it is a smaller breed. Experts recommend observing the behavior of puppies and their mother. They claim that she herself can correct the behavior of children by teaching them to behave well.

Whenever you get another bite from a domestic woolly crocodile, breathe deeply and remind yourself: this period will end one day

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