Beef lung for dogs: how much to cook and how to cook

Beef lung is a frequently used by-product in dog nutrition. Due to the fact that this part of the animal’s carcass is edible and is considered a budget product, many owners include it in their pet’s diet.

In terms of nutritional value, lung belongs to category II, since it has minimal nutritional value - about 92 kcal. Meat contains no carbohydrates and fats, but a lot of protein - about 70%. Will this characteristic be enough to keep the dog well-fed and healthy?

Can dogs have beef lung?

First of all, you should remember that only beef by-products can be present in a dog’s diet. Some sources claim that you can give your pet pork innards, but this is not true. Eating pork can lead to parasites and infectious diseases. The best choices regarding meat are beef and turkey.

A balanced diet is the key to your pet’s health

Attention! Dogs should only be given beef lung. Organs of other animals cannot be included in the pet's menu.

Can it be given raw?

There are mixed opinions as to whether beef lung can be given to dogs at all. Some breeders actively include it in the diet, while others believe that it is a useless and even harmful product. If the owner decides to add this offal to the pet’s menu, the measure must be strictly observed. Do not give it in its pure form, but mix it with vegetables, cereals or meat. You can feed your dog lungs no more than 2 times a week and in small quantities.

Regarding the question of whether it is possible to give raw lung to a dog, the answer is no. This is absolutely impossible to do. Even if the product is purchased from a trusted seller, it should be boiled or dried in the oven. The threat is posed not only by parasites, but also by the very consistency of the offal. It consists of connective tissue, which in its raw form is not suitable for consumption by dogs - it is difficult to chew and digest.

You should not give fresh offal to your pet.

Dried from the store

For those owners who are especially concerned about the health of their pet, as well as for dogs with weak stomachs, it is better to use dried lung as a treat. Purchasing it in a store will guarantee that the product is environmentally friendly and safe.

Before purchasing a treat, you should take a closer look at the manufacturers who make it. It is better to choose proven and well-proven products in the pet products market. Dog breeder forums, where the topic of dog nutrition is often discussed, can help you with your choice. In addition, such Internet sites are often visited by specialists – dog handlers and veterinarians.

Dried lung is an excellent treat for dogs.

Can I give it raw?

Some breeders, even knowing how to dry lungs for dogs in the oven, wonder: is it possible to give it raw? The answer here is quite clear - no. There are several reasons for this.

First of all, elasticity. No matter how much a dog chews a lung, it still won’t be able to gnaw through it like meat or liver. You'll have to swallow. As a result, a dog, especially a small one, may well choke. Even if the owner is nearby, it is not a fact that he will be able to help. And a dog mad with fear may well commit rash actions.

It would seem that the lung can be cut into small pieces that do not even need to be chewed much. Not a bad move, but when using this product, dogs often experience diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, it has to be rejected too.

An additional disadvantage is the possibility of infection by parasites. While liver and meat undergo strict controls before sale, this does not apply to lungs. So, giving it to your pet without proper heat treatment, you risk infecting it with worms, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

Composition and benefits of beef lung

This by-product cannot be called necessary as part of a dog’s menu. Its main value lies in its high protein content - 15 grams per 100 grams of product.

By-products for dogs: how long to cook beef udder

The product contains a number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, namely:

  • vitamin C;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • B vitamins.

It is worth noting that the content of these substances is quite low, but the offal can be considered as an additional source. It can be considered a complement to meat and vegetables, as well as a product that adds variety to the diet.

Attention! It is worth considering the large amount of protein in beef lung. Therefore, this product is not suitable for obese dogs or older pets.


Fried light is the second extreme after the raw version. In principle, dogs should not be given foods with such heat treatment . And beef by-products have an interesting effect: the longer you fry, the more it cooks.

In addition, without adding oil, such meat will stick to the surface of the pan and spoil its structure. If the ingredient is fried just a little, it will be tender, but before that it is necessary to boil the workpiece at least a little so that both stages of cooking eliminate any bacteria.

If you fry the lung heavily and for a long time, it will become very crispy - you will get almost a copy of the preparation that can be obtained using the oven.

The difference is that drying in a closed space better processes the meat, while the process of cooking in a frying pan is intended only to speed up the procedure. But we repeat, this delicacy is contraindicated for pets .

Nutritional value

Beef lung can be called a dietary product. Its calorie content is only 103 kcal per 100 g. For dogs that lead an active lifestyle, run a lot or play sports, this offal is unlikely to be useful. Although it can be a good additional source of protein, but only in combination with meat.

Porridge for dogs: how to make soup at home

It is also not worth recommending the offal as a dietary supplement for older dogs and puppies. Its structure poses a threat to the digestive tract. You can only give lung to healthy pets. It is best to consult with a veterinarian who examines your dog annually.

Attention ! It is recommended to introduce lung into the puppy’s diet only from 6 months of age. The remaining offal can be given to 3-4 month old puppies.

Puppies are given by-products from 4 months

Possible harm

However, in order for the food to bring only benefits, it is very important to know how to cook light beef for a dog. We'll talk about this a little later, but first, let's talk about the possible harm.

To begin with, the lungs, being waste, usually do not undergo serious testing - parasite eggs may remain in them. Therefore, it must be cooked especially carefully, leaving no chance for the worms.

It is worth remembering that the offal contains a large amount of connective tissue. If you feed a raw product, it may well provoke diarrhea or vomiting in the animal. Raw lung is also elastic - a dog can easily choke when eating.

High-quality cooking can completely solve this problem.

Dog breeds that should not be given lung

Fish oil for dogs: how and how much to give

Not all dogs can be given such an offal as lung. The stomach of representatives of some breeds is not adapted to process and assimilate this product. The list includes:

  • Dalmatians;
  • French bulldogs;
  • Labradors;
  • East European Shepherds;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • Staffordshire Terriers.

Small breed dogs, especially Yorkshire Terriers, are not included in this list. But it is worth considering that such pets are more susceptible to allergic reactions and among them there are more often individuals with gastrointestinal problems. For this reason, it is necessary to introduce lung into the diet of such dogs with extreme caution.

To give or not

Some dog breeders, especially if they feed their pet dry food, are afraid to let him chew bones. This is not entirely true.

It is recommended that a dog, even the smallest breed, be given a certain load to its jaws.

Of course, you shouldn’t give a tiny toy a huge beef moth, but it’s good to pamper your dog with soft ribs of lamb or kid.

Large and young dogs with strong teeth are given large bones, making sure there are no sharp chips.

Basically, a dog chews a bone for pleasure and entertainment, gnawing off veins and cartilage from it. Only a hungry dog ​​shows interest in a “bare” bone.

Possible negative consequences

Exceeding the norm of beef lung in your pet's diet or trying to replace meat with this product can lead to various health problems. Most often this is:

  • constipation;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence.

It is not recommended to give this by-product to dogs that suffer from diseases such as ulcers, gastritis and intestinal obstruction. The diet of these pets should be compiled with the participation of a veterinarian who observes the dog.

If it gets bad

Sometimes a pet may become ill after eating beef lung. Most likely reasons:

  • The dog has gastrointestinal problems. Due to its porous structure, the treat is more difficult to digest than other foods.
  • An error was made during preparation. Before feeding your pet, you need to boil the offal well and then chop it. Whole connective tissue fibers can make your dog feel sick.
  • The product was stale.

The main symptoms of a pet feeling unwell after eating lung are vomiting and diarrhea. In case of poisoning, lethargy may occur.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, provide your dog with free access to water, and, if possible, do not give heavy food that is poorly absorbed by the body. If symptoms of lethargy appear, your pet should be taken to a doctor immediately. The veterinarian will provide qualified assistance and prescribe treatment.

Selecting a quality product

Much depends on how fresh and high-quality the product was purchased. A damaged or infected lung can cause irreparable harm to your pet.

The appearance of the product indicates its freshness

It is important to know how to choose an offal when purchasing. The assessment is carried out based on several factors:

  1. Consistency. The lung should be elastic and no dents should form on its surface when pressed.
  2. Color. A fresh piece has a light pink color without dark spots or any kind of plaque.
  3. Smell. Unlike many offal products, fresh lung has a pleasant smell when raw.

You should only purchase fresh product, not frozen. It is advisable to find a good butcher shop nearby that has a positive reputation and the necessary documents. You can also go to a farmers market, but in this case there are less guarantees of quality.

Attention! To choose quality products, it is advisable to communicate with dog owners in your city in person or on the forum. Often this is how you can find a seller with a quality product and negotiate with him about the purchase of offal.

How to make treats safe

Regardless of the degree of confidence in quality, you need to know how and how much to cook beef lung for dogs. It is also acceptable to dry it in the oven. The boiled product is included in the diet, and the dried product is used as a delicacy.

Before cooking the offal, it is cut into medium-sized strips. Large arteries and other seals are cut out. Immerse the product in boiling water and boil. The lung should be cooked for at least 20 minutes, and preferably 30. Only after such treatment can it be given to the dog.

Beef lung must be boiled

Cooking in the oven

So, let’s finally figure out how to dry a lung in the oven for a dog.

The baking sheet is covered with parchment, on which pieces of lung are laid out. It is important that they do not touch each other - otherwise you will have to break them off when the treat dries.

It is advisable to preheat the oven to 100 degrees. After this, the baking sheet is placed there and left for half an hour. After this time, the oven must be opened slightly to release the steam. Reduce the temperature to 70 degrees and leave (with the door ajar) for 2-4 hours. The finished lung feels like foam.

Cooking methods

There are many recipes invented by dog ​​owners. Some involve different heat treatment options, and there are recipes for cooking light with vegetables. A few simple recipes will definitely come in handy to pamper your beloved pet.

Porridge with light meat and vegetables

This tasty and nutritious dish will appeal to many dogs. It is better to cook it in small quantities, since boiled lung is not recommended to be stored for more than 3 days.


  • 300 gr. beef trimmings;
  • 200 gr. beef lung;
  • ½ cup buckwheat or rice;
  • 1 small bell pepper;
  • ½ zucchini or zucchini;
  • greens (dill, parsley).

Sea kale is very useful for dogs

Preparation step by step:

  1. Cut the trimmings into cubes and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Lightly cut into strips and remove arteries.
  3. Peel, wash and cut the vegetables into small cubes.
  4. Place meat, lungs, cereals and vegetables into boiling water.
  5. Cook the porridge for 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  6. Add greens, stir and remove from heat.

This recipe involves using more than just the vegetables listed. You can prepare it using those that your pet likes best. If your dog doesn't eat greens, sea kale can be an alternative. It is available for sale at any pet store.

Dried lung treat

It takes a little effort but a lot of time to prepare a tasty treat that is convenient to use during training. The drying process takes about 4-5 hours.

Important! The lung should first be frozen a little to make it easier to cut.

Cut the offal into small strips. Next, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Baking is carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees. The oven door is kept open for the first 2 hours, and open for the next 2-3 hours. You can dry the offal in the microwave if you have the appropriate mode.

Assorted boiled offal

This dish can be given to your dog separately or mixed with porridge immediately before meals.


  • 300 gr. beef liver;
  • 200 gr. beef lung;
  • 300 gr. beef trim or tenderloin.

The range of by-products can be varied

Preparation step by step:

  1. Rinse all ingredients under running water and cut into cubes.
  2. Boil water and add chopped meat and offal.
  3. Boil for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Drain the water.

This meat mixture will be an excellent addition to your diet. To make it more healthy, you can add vegetables that your pet prefers. The set of offal can be supplemented with trachea or scar.

Attention! Under no circumstances should kidneys be included in such an assortment.


Pate is a delicious minced meat dish that is used to prepare snacks. It can be prepared from a variety of ingredients, including meat, mushrooms and even vegetables.

It is generally accepted that the pate first saw the light of day in 1771 in France. The goose liver dish prepared by French chefs was initially available only to the king and his entourage. Over time, the recipe for making pate spread to other countries, after which ordinary people got the opportunity to taste it.

To transport the product over long distances, cooks baked pies filled with pate. This helped keep the dish fairly fresh. Most people liked the idea, and therefore a large number of recipes for making pies and other pastries with pate filling appeared. From those times to this day, the so-called “Strasbourg pie” has been very popular, references to which can be found in Russian literature.

How often and in what quantity should you give your dog lung?

Considering the low nutritional value and the peculiar consistency of the lung, it is recommended to include it in the dog’s diet no more than 1-2 times a week. Beef lung for dogs may only make up 10-15% of the total meat products.

Dried treats should also not be used too often. The acceptable norm is 2-3 pieces no more than 2 times a week. The rest of the time, it is better to use other dried treats during training.

Beef lung in a dog's diet causes a lot of controversy and controversy. This product can be given to your pet, but you should take into account its breed, lifestyle characteristics and health indicators. For some dog breeds, as well as those with allergies, beef lung is a prohibited product. It may well be an addition to the main diet, but you should observe moderation and not give it more than 2 times a week.


“My dogs love this snack. The vet recommended it to me because the dogs had gained a lot of weight and we were worried about developing obesity. Now I regularly give them boiled lung, and they eat it with pleasure. They also always have lean beef in their diet. The only drawback of the lung, from my point of view, is the fuss in the kitchen. But when I see my happy, well-fed and contented dogs, it gives me strength.”

“I tried giving it light, and my dog ​​liked it. But unfortunately, I don’t always have the opportunity to cook it. This is a very labor-intensive task. But since it is so healthy, and my favorite liked it, I used a trick. I bought a dried product, completely ready for use, even everything was already cut into small pieces, just to fit our teeth. It doesn't smell that great, but my picky girl is absolutely delighted with it. I see that she likes it even more than what I cook. This is now our favorite award. It’s also very convenient to take with you on the street.”

“I am terribly afraid of parasites, and besides, the very sight of raw lungs disgusts me. I can't help it. That's why I give my pet dried food made from lungs. It's simple, hygienic and inexpensive. He really likes it. These brown pieces are like candy to him.”

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