Clothing for a Spitz - is it necessary, for a boy and a girl?

It has become fashionable among dog lovers to dress up their pet even for a walk. Some owners compete in the complexity of designing dog outfits. However, there are those who believe that this can harm the dog because they have their own natural coat, such as the Bear Spitz. But if you approach this issue from a practical perspective, the dog owner will make the walk even more comfortable.

Clothes for Pomeranian Spitz

Does a Spitz need clothes?

Whether pets need clothing is a question that has caused serious debate between pet owners and veterinarians. Those who are against it argue that this way the dog overheats. Spitz dogs have intense heat exchange by nature. And overheating can harm their health.

But at the same time, clothing is a practical solution. After all, their fur gets dirty quickly, but you shouldn’t bathe dogs often - this can lead to dermatitis. That's why their owners dress them up in walking overalls.

Most dog lovers and veterinarians believe that this issue should be approached from a practical perspective.
Attention! In some situations, clothing is necessary. The main thing is not to overdo it with insulating your Spitz.

Types of clothing

Clothes for Pomeranians can be divided into two large groups:

  • practical;
  • decorative

The first group includes things for walking - overalls, raincoats, hats. Their presence is dictated by practicality. This allows you to protect your Spitz from bad weather and dirt.

The second type is all kinds of suits, dresses, T-shirts. They are often placed on pets during shows to make them look like a toy. These wardrobe items are not practical. Veterinarians are against such things because they can make the dog uncomfortable.

Important! If you want to dress your Pomeranian in a beautiful jumpsuit or dress, you should remember that you cannot wear them every day.

Outerwear for walking

List of essentials

Keeping a decorative dog is not the easiest task. Accessories needed to keep your Pomeranian comfortable include:

  1. Several ceramic or iron bowls. Remember about stability to prevent sudden capsizing.
  2. Sleeping area. Buy several beds so that the animal is comfortable in any corner of the new home.
  3. A set of toys made of soft rubber or silicone.
  4. Tray and set of disposable diapers. Diapers will help avoid troubles during toilet training.
  5. Dog hair dryer. Spitz dogs should not be left wet, but the flow of hot air is harmful to their coat. Find a special device that allows you to regulate the temperature.
  6. Toothbrushes and paste for oral hygiene. Teeth are the main problem of Pomeranians, so careful dental care is given first place.
  7. 2-3 high-quality overalls, making it possible to replace them if they are heavily soiled.
  8. Nylon or leather collar with leash or tape measure.
  9. A carrier that provides comfortable movement for a small Spitz. It is easy to transport your pet to an appointment at a veterinary clinic or to an exhibition event.
  10. A set of dog shampoos, sprays and conditioners to make brushing easier.

Having the necessary accessories for keeping a Spitz will allow the new family member to get used to it faster and protect him from a number of problems. When purchasing a Spitz from a breeder, do not forget about the main purpose of the clothing and do not put your desires first. However, designer pants, smart trousers and elegant shoes will win the favor of the judges, who evaluate the contestants not only on mental characteristics, but also on the skillful combination of boots and outerwear.

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Mandatory things

There are clothes for a Spitz that he needs:

  • raincoat or overalls made of raincoat fabric;
  • blanket;
  • panties;
  • boots.

A raincoat and overalls will protect your pet from bad weather and his fur from dirt. These wardrobe items should be made of waterproof fabric. Then the owner will not have to worry about the safety of the Spitz’s beautiful coat.

A blanket is necessary for a female Spitz. Made from warm fabric, it will protect the mammary glands from the cold and the nipples from dirt. And this will protect the puppies from infection. Panties are also a must-have item in a Spitz girl's wardrobe. They are not for walking: they are worn on the dog during heat so that she does not dirty the house.

Small boots will protect your pet's paws from the reagents that are sprinkled on roads in winter. During walks, dogs may develop cracks or scratches. If the reagent gets into them, it can cause an allergy.

Attention! A Spitz can lick its paws without waiting for its owner to wash it. Therefore, boots are a must-buy.

Aviaries and houses for Spitz

When choosing a place in an apartment or house where you want to place a puppy, you need to follow the rules: there should be no drafts, it should not be too noisy or walky, dark or cluttered.

During the day, your puppy often needs privacy to sleep, so the best option would be a house made of fabric.

Such houses are stuffed with padding polyester, and the parts are connected to each other with adhesive tape for clothing. The makeshift kennel should have enough space so that the puppy does not fall out of it. In addition to the doghouse, you can buy a bed for your Spitz, which will stand, for example, in the kitchen, because the dog will certainly want to be present at family dinners.

Advice! There should always be bedding in the house and lounger, which is washed periodically.

Decorative elements

Decorative clothing for Spitz dogs is optional. It is needed for the pet’s “social” appearances. These are exhibitions, professional photo shoots and other entertainment events where the dog should look cute.

In addition, owners can purchase accessories for the Spitz: bows, beautiful collars, leashes and others.

The most popular things are:

  • dress;
  • costume;
  • bandana;
  • skirt;
  • vest;
  • glasses;
  • handkerchief.

Important! Decorative elements are not mandatory for a Pomeranian. They do not protect the pet and even hinder movement.

Therefore, it is better to buy several raincoats than many skirts. The main thing is the health of the pet, because a Spitz is beautiful even without decorative clothes and accessories.

Clothes for a photo shoot

Table of height and weight of Pomeranian puppies by month

Weight of puppies at birth (in grams)

MonthA week70 – 8090 – 100110 – 120125 – 140145 – 170
12145 – 160180 – 200210 – 250280 – 350370 – 410
4200 – 230250 – 310330 – 370450 – 550560 – 650
26250 – 320330 – 420430 – 470550 – 670670 – 850
8310 – 370430 – 550550 – 600650 – 820860 – 1050
310370 – 450540 – 630650 – 700790 – 9601050 – 1200
13460 – 580670 – 800800 – 9001000 – 13001400 – 1550
415550 – 650750 – 900900 – 10501100 – 14501450 – 1700
17600 – 750850 – 10001000 – 11701300 – 16001700 – 1900
519650 – 820960 – 11001100 – 13001400 – 17501900 – 2100
21700 – 8001000 – 12501250 – 14001500 – 18502000 – 2200
623750 – 9501000 – 13001300 – 15001600 – 20002200 – 2400
26750 – 9801100 – 13001300 – 16001700 – 21002200 – 2500
1.5 years1000 – 13001400 — 17001700 — 20002100 — 25002700 – 3000

The data given in the table is approximate, so you should focus on the puppy’s appetite and general well-being.

From all of the above, it follows that the Pomeranian Spitz, although it requires constant care, is no more than other small breeds. The main thing is to feed your dog foods that are healthy for development and growth, follow the correct feeding regimen, walk a lot and devote as much time as possible to your furry pet.

How to choose the right clothes for your pet

Things should fit the dog in size - then he will feel comfortable. Clothing should not hinder movement. If the suit or overalls are too tight, the Pomeranian runs the risk of freezing. Ensembles that are too spacious can cause heat stroke.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the material. You should not buy things made of synthetic fabric. They are inexpensive, but can cause dermatitis. Preference should be given to natural fabrics.

The raincoat should be made of waterproof fabric, but without insulation. Otherwise, the Spitz will overheat. The only acceptable lining is silk. This will also protect the Pomeranian from tangles.

You should also include shoes in your must-have shopping list. Rubber boots are for rainy weather, boots are for winter.

Important! To buy clothes that fit your Spitz, it is better to take it with you to the store.

General recommendations

How to name a Spitz boy or girl: nicknames for dogs

There are many models of wardrobe items for dogs on the modern market. Clothing for a boy's and a girl's Spitz differs in design options, decorations and overall style.

  • For women, you can choose a collar with rhinestones or a cute jumpsuit with flowers or bows.
  • For boys, designers make separate models in solid colors or with the addition of “masculine” elements.

Attention! It is recommended to purchase special panties for girls during the period of heat.

Jackets, coats and overalls made from waterproof materials will be an excellent addition in cold and wet weather.

Clothing will save the wool from the formation of tangles and hypothermia

Don't save money and buy low-quality clothes. Natural fabric is not cheap, but it lasts a long time and provides complete comfort. For example, silk lining has a good effect on the coat, maintains elasticity and shine, and also protects against the formation of tangles. Raincoat fabric is suitable as an external covering.

Also, you should not take accessories for growth. Such a wardrobe element will cause discomfort and contribute to overheating, which in the future can lead to dermatitis.

How to determine the size of a dog

To make your pet comfortable, things must be the right size. To do this, you need to make several measurements:

  • Back length. To do this, the Spitz needs to be placed on a flat surface. Measurements are taken from the withers to the beginning of the tail.
  • Next you need to measure the widest part of your neck.
  • Then you should stretch the tape under the front paws along the protruding parts.
  • The waist is the narrowest part of a dog's body. You need to add 4-10 cm to the figure. The longer the wool, the more cm you need to add to the original value.
  • You also need to measure the length of the paws.

It is better to buy clothes after trying them on. Then the owner will be able to clearly see how the dog feels in the chosen items.

Criterias of choice

When buying things for your pet, you need to consider certain criteria:

  • Fabric quality. There should be no “creases” or traces of paint left on it. Shedding items can stain your dog's fur. The top layer should be made of waterproof fabric. If this is a winter overall, then the insulation can be down or padding polyester.
  • Seams - there should be few of them, especially on raincoats. Internal seams should not cause discomfort. You also need to pay attention to the quality of the stitching so that the item retains its beautiful appearance.
  • Mandatory items should not be heavily decorated with sequins and rhinestones. It will be uncomfortable for the animal to move around in such clothes.

Clothes for Pomeranians should have snaps or buttons. Fur can get caught in the zippers, which will cause discomfort to the animal.

Clothes must be made of quality material

Collar or harness: which is better?

Among Pomeranian Spitz owners there are both supporters of these dogs wearing harnesses and ardent opponents.
But for very fluffy breeds, a harness is not the best option for walking equipment , since constant wear causes the fur to rub in places where it comes into contact with the belt, and shreds can tear out, leaving bald patches. But if the walks are not so long, and the dog is very playful, then a harness can be used.

When talking about collars for small pets, the quality of the material from which it is made is always noted. The best option for a collar is a leather one. It can be narrow and soft, or twisted into a rope, but also made of high-quality leather.

The optimal diameter of the harness is, depending on the weight of the dog, from 3 to 8 mm. The owner's finger should be placed between the dog's neck and the collar so that the collar does not compress the airway.

An alternative to a leather accessory is a nylon collar. It should be thin, soft, but durable.

Training a dog to wear clothes

Patience will be required from the owner, because the Pomeranian may not appreciate the idea of ​​dressing him up in a cute costume. He can even resort to cunning and move as if things are too small for him, although the size is chosen correctly.

You need to get used to wearing clothes gradually, the appropriate age is 2 months. The following tips will help make this process easier:

  • T-shirts and a vest are the most suitable clothes for a Pomeranian boy, and a skirt and sleeveless dress are for a girl;
  • there is no need to put on your dog outerwear for a walk if the pet is not used to it;
  • you need to stop trying to ruin things;
  • you need to try to turn the dressing process into an interesting game;
  • in the beginning, you can use a treat as a reward for good behavior during fitting;
  • Under no circumstances should you shout at the dog;
  • If your Spitz growls during the fitting process, you don’t need to stop.

The same step-by-step algorithm should be used for trying on shoes. You need to start with socks, and then move on to boots.

Things must be practical

Mating process

The mating process for Spitz dogs is of two types - free or manual.

Free mating is possible provided that the male already has experience and the female is favorable towards him. If physical features do not create problems, then the process can begin and go away on its own. However, quite often the help of the owners is required.

Basically, Spitz breeding is done manually, with the owner controlling the entire process from start to finish. Pairing proceeds as follows:

  • For the process, a smaller male is selected than a female, so it is recommended to place a pillow or some object under his paws.
  • Before mounting, the bitch's vagina is lubricated with Vaseline for better penetration. The dog should be held by the collar so that it does not move and does not try to bite the partner.
  • Inexperienced males often mount in the wrong place, so the owner should help him and carefully guide him. In this case, under no circumstances should you touch the genitals, otherwise the male will refuse mating and may resist this process for a long time.
  • The bitch needs to be supported under the belly, bringing the loop to the male's genitals.
  • If the process is carried out correctly, the partner clasps the dog’s hind legs, and the bitch’s squeal will indicate the penetration of the penis. The boy's movements become fast and jerky, his hind legs straighten, and sperm is released.
  • After this, you need to hold your partner very tightly, not allow her to move or spin. When inside, the male's sexual organ increases in size, and the vagina, on the contrary, becomes narrow and encloses it. As a result, gluing or “locking” occurs. The animals remain in this state for 20 minutes.

Mating at home takes place with the help of the owners

  • Gradually, the partner lowers his front paws and tries to turn around; if necessary, he needs help. As a result, the dogs remain standing with their backs to each other until the genitals are separated. Dogs should not be forcibly separated to avoid injury and damage to the pets.
  • After the sexual intercourse is over, the animals are separated in different directions and left to rest. The owner of the partner should check that the penis has returned to its previous size and returned to the pouch; it is recommended to rinse it a little with warm water.

Attention! Half an hour after mating, it is recommended to feed the dogs and go for a walk. You can knit again after 2 days to be absolutely sure that you will get the desired result.

Veterinarians' opinions

All experts believe that dogs should not wear clothes all the time. There are breeds that tolerate cold well without additional insulation. But older dogs need special care. Spitz belong to the variety that feels great without an additional “fur coat”.

This breed is popular. Compared to other small dogs, they are low maintenance. However, a quality overall or raincoat will make your Pomeranian's walks more enjoyable and will protect his coat while maintaining its beautiful appearance.

Is a muzzle necessary?

Pets' small faces are not meant to be muzzled. In addition, Spitz dogs are often peaceful and rarely attack passers-by people or dogs.

If the dog behaves towards others with anger or picks up everything from the ground, then you can use muzzles made of leather or nylon.

Usually, items for small breeds are rarely found in stores, so the accessory is made to order. You should first take measurements of the animal's head and muzzle so that the muzzle fits exactly.

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