Choose the best name: nicknames for Labrador boy and girl

Choosing a name for a pet is always a difficult and long process; you definitely want it to reflect the character of the dog, its advantages, and be original, but convenient for use by the owner and perception by the animal itself. This is especially true for such a beautiful, friendly and courageous creature as the Labrador.

Funny nicknames

When choosing nicknames for your favorite pets, it is worth remembering that they should be sonorous, easy to remember and pronounce. For a dog as large as a Labrador, funny nicknames like Lucky, Butch, Kai, Bucks, Luke or Bingo are great.

The nicknames that owners come up with, taking into account the taste preferences of their pet or their own, sound very unusual and even funny. For example, you can call it Cupcake, Toffee, Marshmallow, Bounty, Cheburek, Truffle, Donut or Twix. In addition, funny nicknames such as Pepper, Raisin, Lime, Fire, Honey, Fox or Golden are suitable for a puppy of this breed. You can also name your puppy after your favorite drink. For example, Whiskey, Latte, Fresh, Tarragon or Smoothie.

Such an original nickname as Gulliver is quite suitable for a Labrador boy. Or you can name it after some natural stone or mineral

It is important to take into account its color. For example, for black dogs, options such as Agate, Opal, Onyx or Sapphire are suitable

A light-colored puppy can be named Diamond or Opal.

If your pet is the real king of your home and shows leadership qualities, then he can be called Favorite, Captain or even Tsar. For a cheerful and playful baby, options such as Horn or Klaxon are suitable. For a gluttonous baby, you can choose the name Loaf, Pie or Termite. For the thoughtful intellectual, options such as Einstein, Spinoza, Freud or Jobs are perfect.

In the age of modern technology, you can name a puppy with such an unusual name as iPhone, Flash, Scan, Electron or Android. Major is an excellent option for a dog of a breed such as Labrador.

Features of choice

With the arrival of a little puppy, the house becomes brighter, it brings a lot of joy and happiness. Looking at this cute creature, there is a desire to call it a beautiful and cute name. But it is important to take into account that the Labrador is a large breed, and in the end the dog will be large. Therefore, it is better to immediately abandon cute children's nicknames and names. Of course, you can name your dog Baby and this name is perfect for a puppy. But when the dog grows up, the nickname will not correspond to his external characteristics and character.

When choosing a nickname for your little pet, be sure to take into account the characteristics and subtleties of the dog’s character. Representatives of this breed are friendly, good-natured and devoted dogs.

Dogs of this breed never show aggression towards their owners, children and strangers. They love to play, feel attention and care from people. Due to their kind and playful nature, Labradors are considered the best family dogs.

Considering the temperament and characteristics of this breed, you should not call the dog an aggressive nickname . Nicknames such as Demon or Quasimodo are completely unsuitable for a male Labrador. Cute, kind, beautiful and unusual nicknames are suitable for dogs of this breed.

In addition, when choosing a nickname, you need to take into account the color of your favorite pet. For example, if it is a light-colored dog, then the nickname Brownie or Chernysh will not suit it. These options are suitable for black or brown pets.

Many happy dog ​​owners are of the opinion that you need to choose a nickname for your pet, taking into account its date of birth.

Some even look into special horoscopes for pets to learn more about their pet's character. Breeders and professional dog trainers agree that a correctly chosen nickname greatly simplifies and facilitates the training process.

What to name a male Labrador

A nickname for a male Labrador should be associated with physical endurance, willpower, masculinity and, at the same time, grace.

An original foreign name would suit such a dog; he could become the namesake of a mythical hero, a “film” secret agent or a crime fighter. Often representatives of the breed receive original nicknames that have special meaning. We are talking about the names of legendary and fairy-tale heroes.

Nicknames for Labrador boys, borrowed from the heroes of John Tolkien’s works, are somewhat popular:

  • Ainur is a powerful ethereal being capable of incarnating in the physical world at any moment;
  • Dorlas is a brave and courageous warrior;
  • Daeron is a powerful elf, keeper of knowledge;
  • Frodo is a small, brave hero. The name is suitable for a small but brave dog from a large litter.
  • The name Anar endows the bearer with leadership qualities, confidence and determination.

Additional Information. The name "Anar" has different meanings among different nationalities. For example, the translation from Arabic sounds like “Ray”. The owner of golden or fawn fur can be called the same name. Names for brown, fawn and black Labradors

Nicknames that match coat color

Male Labradors of black color are often called Blacks, Caspers, Sheikhs, Noirs and Merlins.

A “chocolate” pet can be called Baron, Bond, Brown or Brownie, Iris, Bruno, Cowboy. Such nicknames are also suitable for a dog with brown fur.

The fawn color, according to dog breeders, goes with the names Fred, Chester, Hugo, Sever, Mark, Kai.

Names borrowed from mythology

Modern dog breeders like to name their pets after mythical heroes revered by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Today, dogs are often called Cupids, Aris, Brutes, Caesars and even Zeus. Less common are nicknames such as Apollo, Hephaestus and Perseus.

Foreign name for a male Labrador

A puppy, regardless of color, can receive one of the names often found in foreign literature or used by screenwriters: Alan, Archie, Bobby, Dandy, Jackson, Dick, Dean, Jean, Eaton, Chris, Mason, Steve.

Dogs are often given nicknames such as Buggy, Balor, Boss, Locky, Lord, Mars, Martin, Rick, Toby, Thomas, Fred, Harley, Charlie, Edwin.

Dedicated to your favorite heroes and characters

Many dog ​​breeders give their four-legged pets the names of movie, book novel, detective or fantasy characters. Also used are the names of famous bloggers and actors, and the names of fashion houses.

Handsome Labradors are called Aldars, Aragorns, Aramis, Butlers, Bilbos, Bonds, Valinors, Homers, Goofies, Guccis, Darwins, Diors, Caspers, Marleys, Nikes, Ragnors, Rocky, Rambo, Scrooge, Snoopy, Spielbergs, Tysons, Eljays, Cheaters and so on.

There are often cases when a Labrador retriever walking with its owner in a public place responds to the nickname Pluto (that’s the name of Mickey Mouse’s dog), Albus (the name of the director of the magic school where Harry Potter studied), Marley (the dog from the movie “Marley and Me”) "), Hachiko (the four-legged hero of the film of the same name), Pongo (the dog from the cartoon "101 Dalmatians"), Olaf (the name of the "cartoon" snowman), Batman (the hero of comics, films and cartoons).

The dog's name should not offend anyone's feelings

Vintage Russians

Large breed dogs from Russia and the CIS countries began to be given the names of Russian heroes and heroes of folk tales.

By calling his dog Dobrynya, Eremey, Prince, Lyubomir, Ostap, Peresvet, Plato or Jaromir, a Russian dog breeder may inadvertently offend the patriotic feelings of his compatriots.

Light and short

Dog experts recommend calling dogs intended to protect the home and household members with the shortest nicknames that can be easily and quickly pronounced.

For example, the owner only needs to make one sound (or a couple of sounds) to call for help from Bucks, Bingo, Jack, Kai, Cody, Lucky, Lars, Leo, Luke, Max, Charlie, Sean.

Important! The disadvantage of short nicknames is that they occur too often - as a result, there may be 3 Jacks and 4 Maxes on one walking area.

The nature

After observing the puppy, the owners give it a nickname that reflects the pet’s character. As a result, the dog is called Screwtape, Viking, Terrible, Kindly, Zorro, Lord, Sailor, Pythagoras, Strongman, Smile, Socrates or Typhoon.

Light and short

A dog's name can be simple and easy to use. If the owner chooses this method, then the following options exist:

  • Bucks;
  • Bingo;
  • Max;
  • Leo;
  • Lars;
  • Charlie;
  • Sean;
  • Vesta;
  • Zoe;
  • Zita;
  • Nika;
  • Tessa;
  • Eve;
  • Bath;
  • Archie;
  • Buddy;
  • Butch;
  • Jack;
  • Kai;
  • Cody;
  • Lucky;
  • Luke.

Favorite heroes

Often the choice of a pet name is associated with favorite movie characters, literary works, or even real idols. In this case, the nickname for a Labrador boy is chosen without reference to his character. For example, Bart, Boomer, Werther, Homer, Mozart, Odysseus, Orion, Simbo, Sponge, Snoopy, Romeo, Frodo, Churchill, etc.

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The original nickname for a black Labrador dog (boy) should correspond to its strict and elegant appearance. Therefore, the following options are appropriate here: Byron, Bond, Batman, Hamlet, Zorro, Neo, Rocky, Santiago (or simply Thiago), Faust. From Russian versions, these may be the names of heroes of Soviet cinema: Gosha (“Moscow does not believe in tears”), Fox (“The meeting place cannot be changed”), Shurik (“Prisoner of the Caucasus”), John Silver (“Treasure Island”), Bender ( “12 chairs”) or Uef (“Kin-dza-dza”).

Mythological sources can also be included in this selection criterion. Among the original nicknames for Labradors can be: Zeus, Hercules, Hermes, Ajax, Paris. To avoid mistakes, you can look through the dictionary and get acquainted with the character of the hero.

The most beautiful and stately names

For unusually beautiful, promising Labradors who are preparing to grow up to be stars of the show rings or queens of the court, luxurious and stately names are suitable.

You should choose from the following nicknames: Cleopatra, Caesar, Dobrynya, Peresvet, Lyubomir, Adonis, Lancelot, Napoleon, Margaret, Lady Di, Sergio, Osiris, Goliath, Aurora, Madeleine, Athena, Jazz, Blues, Salvador, Santiago, Byron, Paris , Scheherazade, William, Caliph, Baron, Felix, Andromeda, Titan, Kant, Armani, Benedict.

Best nicknames

The first selection contains the best nicknames for golden retrievers according to the website Name options for boys:

  • Buddy is a friend, a best friend.
  • A leaf is a leaf, part of a plant.
  • Charlie is a free spirit.
  • Barley is barley, a golden-colored grain.
  • Scout - scout.
  • Blake is a light, pale color.
  • Enzo - Enzo, lord, master of the house.
  • Sashi - Moonbeam.
  • Max - Maximum, big, huge, greatest.
  • Duke - Duke, leader.
  • Whiskey - whiskey, alcoholic drink, “water of life.”
  • Copper is copper, a red-brown metal.
  • Leo is a Leo and has a brave heart.
  • Cooper is a cooper and barrel maker.
  • Harley - wood colors.

Boy Duke:

Now - names for girls:

  • Goldie - golden, golden.
  • Bella is beautiful and pretty.
  • Donna is a lady, my beloved.
  • Molly is a rebellious spirit.
  • Stella is a star.
  • Pearl is a pearl.
  • Amaris is the child of the Moon.
  • Lucy - born from a ray of light.
  • Sadie is a princess.
  • Selena - Moon.
  • Penny is a bronze coin.
  • Sophie is wise and smart.
  • Nala - beloved, sweet.
  • Ginger is a yellow-reddish ginger.
  • Cookie - cookie, biscuit.

Girl Selena:

Stylish nicknames of English origin

Duncan is an aristocrat by birth.
English nicknames are usually formed from names, euphonious names of objects, or define character traits:

  • Augustine is a great and powerful patron.
  • Adam is a man created by God.
  • Adrian – born on the shores of the South Sea.
  • Alan – handsome, sweet, good-natured.
  • Alber - noble, bright.
  • Arnie (diminutive of Arnold) – powerful and strong, soaring in the clouds.
  • Arthur – bear.
  • Archie (diminutive of Archibald) is stubborn and brave.
  • Balto (diminutive of Balthasar) is a name for a well-born person, indicating noble origin.
  • Benny (from Benedict) – blessed with good deeds and deeds.
  • Bernie (from Bernard) is a strong and courageous defender.
  • Bertrand – radiating light and kindness.
  • Brian is respected and worthy.
  • Brand (from Brendon) – tall and slender.
  • Duncan – powerful and brave.
  • Derick (from Derek, Derick) is a rich man who knows how to make a profit from everything.
  • Dylan – possessing great power and power.
  • Dominic – dedicated to God.
  • Donald – bringing peace to the blessed land.
  • David – loving and beloved.
  • Dani (Denis) is a gift from God.
  • Christian – Christian.
  • Christophe (from Christopher) is peace-loving and good-natured, living according to God's commandments.
  • Charlie (from Charles) – courageous and brave.
  • Edward is the keeper of the happy moments in life.
  • Edgar – lucky and happy, bringing good luck.
  • Edmund – protecting the family.
  • Angel – angel.
  • Andrew is courageous and handsome.
  • Anthony (Anthony) – protecting and preserving.
  • Eric (Erick) is the ruler of minds and hearts.
  • Ernest is a diligent performer of household duties.

Pensive Edmund

How to choose the right nickname and what the pet looks like in the photo

Choosing a nickname for your four-legged family member is a responsible and important task. There is no need to rush in this matter, because a nickname for a dog, just like a name for a person, is given for life and largely determines its character and destiny

There is no need to rush in this matter, because a nickname for a dog, just like a name for a person, is given for life and largely determines the character and fate.

More than once in the process of raising and training you will have to repeat the dog’s name; it should suit it and be easily accepted by all family members.

The main thing when choosing a nickname is that it brings only positive emotions to both the owners and the pet.

Labradors are one of the intelligent breeds of dogs; they are devoid of aggression, treat all family members with devotion and respect, and adore children.

This breed is often used as a rescuer, guide and protector. Their graceful athletic physique and expressive gaze evoke a lot of admiration.

Of course, it is necessary to choose an appropriate name for the Labrador, one that fully reveals the greatness and beauty of the breed.

When thinking about a name for your pet, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • read the description of the breed, its main characteristics and habits;
  • give the dog a name only after getting to know it, observe its behavior in your home for several days;
  • take into account the opinions of all family members, even children;
  • in pursuit of originality, do not choose unpronounceable and bizarre fictitious names;
  • monitor your pet’s reaction when pronouncing variant nicknames;
  • Consider the color of the Labrador: fawn, black, chocolate or golden;
  • choose names of two, maximum three syllables that are harmoniously perceived by ear;
  • choose a nickname that matches the character and habits of your pet;
  • When giving a nickname to a puppy that resembles a soft toy, remember that he will soon grow into a large dog, do not give too “childish” names.

Perhaps some special or unusual event during the meeting or the first days of life at home with your pet will help in choosing a name, be attentive to the details.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“When choosing a nickname for your Labrador puppy, first of all, be guided by your feelings, the character and habits of the dog, as well as the external characteristics of the pet. The name of a Labrador dog should be sonorous, and it is preferable if the name consists of two syllables, since dogs remember exactly the first two syllables of their nickname.”

What should you not call your dog?

Of course, choosing a dog's name is the complete privilege of the owner. It depends on the personal preferences of the owner, attitude towards the pet and many other factors.

However, there are recommendations from experts on what you shouldn’t call your pet, let’s list them:

  • You should not call a Labrador puppy by the names of its parents:
  • do not choose nicknames that have bad associations, for example: Thief, Tornado, Hurricane, etc.;
  • do not name the puppy after a previously deceased pet;
  • do not give your Labrador puppy nicknames typical of mongrels: Zhuchka, Tuchka, Sharik, Tuzik, etc.;
  • do not call your pet words that are difficult to pronounce;
  • do not choose a nickname with a lot of growling sounds that provoke aggression and anger in animals;
  • do not use the names of people from the country where you live;
  • do not give a name whose meaning you do not know.

Nicknames by color

Labradors are the owners of beautiful pure colors. Why wouldn’t it be superfluous to have a selection of names based on the colors of the puppies:

  • Red, red color: Ginger, Sunset, Amber, Flame, Rusty, Cherry, Peach, Tigger, Rufus, Ginger, Ruby, Merlot, Peach, Foxy, Phoenix, Rojo.
  • Sand, fawn, golden color: Blonde, Gold, Maisie, Hanei, Aslan, Sunny, Nachos, Casper, Barley, Nougat, Buttercup, Saffron.
  • Black color: Pepper, Pepsi, Knight, Eclipse, Dusty, Ebonite, Oliver, Indigo, Magik, Jett, Omen, Zorro, Noir, Onyx, Phantom, Pepper, Nightshade, Vader, Licorice, Obsidan, Storm, Ninja, Raven.
  • Chocolate, brown color: Kandy, Cadberry, Cookie, Cocoa, Nestle, Caramel, Beer, Choco, Bounty, Aero, Mars, Coffee, Yorkie, Whiskey, Ocher, Guinness, Coconut, Mocha.

Indigo is a great name for black puppies:

Aslan inspects his possessions:

"Natural" names

A Labrador can also be named after a natural phenomenon.

Morok is resting

  • Sunset
  • hail
  • Snow
  • Fog
  • Snowball
  • Hassle
  • Smog
  • Vortex
  • Squall
  • Rush
  • Typhoon
  • Breeze
  • Monsoon
  • Sukhovey
  • West
  • Blik
  • Shine
  • Halo
  • Overflow
  • Intensity
  • Silence
  • Space
  • edge
  • Firmament
  • Skol

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Options for nicknames for a female Labrador

If your dog is a girl, more gentle names will suit her: a white Labrador can be called Rose, Snezhana, Blanca, and a black Labrador can be called Bagheera or Blackie.

However, you shouldn’t get hung up on coat color. You can come up with your own version or call the baby a name from the list:

Daisy; Debra; Siya; Jelly; Sarah; Conti; Carrie; Adele; Eve; Anna; Arya; Fox; Weasel; Lei; Tina; Tanuki; Tiara; Lacy; Luke; Jackdaw; Hecate; Hera; Katie; Kira; Polly; Bark; Mia; Mara.

Of course, this is also not an exhaustive list. You can come up with or choose any nickname, regardless of whether your Labrador is a boy or a girl, black, chocolate, fawn or even white.

Geographic nicknames

Nicknames in honor of Canadian cities and other geographical locations suit Labradors well.

Markham enjoys the sun

  • Toronto
  • Quebec
  • Montreal
  • Edmonton
  • Vancouver
  • Hamilton
  • Brampton
  • Surrey
  • Halifax
  • Laval
  • Markham
  • Richmond

The owner of the blog shows a busy life with a Labrador named Joy:

View this post on Instagram

Posted by Labrador Joy (@_labrador_joy_)

  • Burlington
  • Barry
  • Levi
  • Cambridge
  • Kingston
  • Saanich
  • Whitby
  • Terbon
  • Norfolk
  • Caledon
  • Milton

Where to look for nickname ideas

We are looking for an idea for a nickname.

  • You can remember your favorite books and films, and look for variations in them, among the names of the characters.
  • You can take a geographic atlas and look for beautiful place names there.
  • A source of ideas can be a star atlas, with its long list of names of celestial bodies.
  • A treasure trove of interesting names can be found in the myths of the peoples of the world.
  • A nickname can be a word from professional slang.
  • Quite often, dog names are found among people's names. These are usually foreign or obsolete names, but not necessarily so. True, for some reason it is believed that calling a dog by a human name is bad manners. You can call a cow Masha, a cat Vaska or a pig Borka, but for some reason it is indecent to call a dog Anton. But there are no strict rules, so the decision on what to name the dog, a Labrador boy, is left to your discretion.
  • The most inexhaustible source of nicknames is foreign languages ​​and an online translator. It is enough to make a list of words that may be related to your dog, describe its character, appearance, color, and then look for the translation of these words into the languages ​​of the world.

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To give the first impetus to your imagination, we offer a small list of nicknames that may suit your puppy.

For a black Labrador, you can offer nicknames that are semantically related to black or dark color, darkness of night, blackness of coal or other minerals:

Name for a black puppy.

  • “Black” in different languages ​​sounds like Schwartz, Karay/Kara, Feket, Ater, Musti, Noir, Svart, Shakhor, Nero, Shem, Niro, Irenga.
  • Dunkel, Duane, Darky, Kurai, Giza, Skummi, Erret, Dork - if you translate these words into Russian, it will be the adjective “dark”.
  • Translations of the words “darkness” and “night” will give the following nicknames: Noxie, Find, Nictus, Lyle, Alat, Abal, Lanvit, Shenni, Venga.
  • “Coal” in different languages ​​of the world sounds like this: Pakhman, Varo, Anglis, Kul,

Let us also remember the names of different peoples, one way or another associated with the color black: Bran, Vran - raven, Muris - Moor.

For a fawn Labrador, nicknames that are reminiscent of light, sun, gold, amber, flame, yellow and red are suitable. You can take as a nickname the names of the sun gods from the mythology of different nations. This will give us the following nicknames:

  • Amber (Amber) - amber, Citrine - a shining yellow gem, Topaz, so similar to the color of our pet’s eyes;
  • Light, Flame, Fire, Fi, Aili - fire, light, flame;
  • Tan, Ina, Spark, Dif, Nar, Spark, Neysti - sparks, flames;
  • everything associated with the color red, orange, yellow or ginger in names and words of other languages: Ginger, Reddy, Rufus, Ramat, Rudy, Rodrik, Ruta, Lali, Gorri, Koch, Rossi, Ulan, Ash, Kira, Sari, Kollan, Rumen, Lero, Gel, Vanga, Sionna, Amarel, Xant, Altyn, Oira, Rena, Tilki, Shual, Zoltan, Jakkal, Goldie, Auris, Uri, Aran, Okros, Jinto, Ora, Dora, Kiprus, Bakri, Copper, Rez, Vaski, Brass, Dongo, Hulk, Tam, Tamri, Varisa, Florida, Bakara, Brand.

What will you call us?

Pantheon of mythological gods and heroes

In the geographical atlas there are hundreds of potential nicknames. For example: Rhine, Berlin, Baikal, Volga, Delhi, Dakar, Biscay, Elbe, Arno, Lyon, Le Havre, Marseille, Bonn, Amur, Yenisei, Garonne, Versailles, Reims, Rome, Milan, Malta, Jamaica and others.

You can also try making an anagram using the letters in your family members' names or your last name. Ivanov - Vivona, Lena + Igor + Pasha + Sveta = Lips or Plis.

Another way is to name your puppy a name that is reminiscent of the month or time of year when he arrived at your home. Martha, May, Spring, Summer, Winter, June, Jenuer.

"Villain" name

If the Labrador is not given exercise, the pet will begin to entertain itself. A nickname in honor of famous movie villains would be suitable for such an entertainer.

Kratos runs towards adventure

  • Sawyer
  • Rorschach
  • Plissken
  • Riddick
  • Nukem
  • Dredd
  • Lobo
  • Deadpool
  • Kratos
  • Vader
  • Magneto
  • Derek
  • Wisler
  • Diego
  • Ralph
  • Gru
  • Snape
  • Schindler
  • Joker
  • Corleone

Nicknames for Labrador girls

It is just as difficult to come up with a name for a black, fawn or chocolate Labrador as a nickname for a boy Labrador. But there is no need to despair. Firstly, breeders note that it is easier to change the show name for girls. Secondly, a similar summary table with names divided into ten different categories will come to the aid of the doubting owner.

By coat colorPale yellowAltyn, Albina, Arabella, Barbie, Goar, Goldie, Dolores, Zara, Marshmallow, Lively, Odilia, Sunny, Sunshine, Sandy, Tanga, Whiteley, Whitney, Charity, Sheila, Amber.
BlackAgatha, Adalina, Aida, Bagheera, Bastinda, Belladonna, Blake, Whoopi, Hecate, Desdemona, Jenny, Cruella, Lilith, Melania, Midnight, Knightley, Naomi, Narcissa, Smokey, Ursula, Cercea, Evanora, Justina.
ChocolateBeyonce, Becky, Brownie, Brunhilde, Dakota, JonBenet, Zoe, Kylie, Kendall, Queenie, Latte, Moana, Mocha, Naomi, Nikki, Oprah, Rihanna, Ciara, Tyra, Tiramisu, Toffee, Harlow, Shakira, Sherry.
Names from mythologyAstraea, Athena, Venus, Hebe, Hera, Hestia, Daphne, Demeter, Diana, Xena, Kera, Clio, Leda, Minerva, Muse, Nymphadora, Penelope, Retra, Rhea, Selene, Semiramis, Siren, Fortuna, Eurydice.
Foreign nicknamesAnabel, Assol, Barbara, Betsy, Verona, Wendy, Destiny, Jennifer, Georgia, Dorothy, Genevieve, Ingrid, Clara, Linda, Madeleine, Monroe, Montana, Poppy, Rebecca, Rachel, Roxy, Stephanie, Florence, Chloe.
Heroes and charactersAurora, Arwen, Ariel, Arya, Belle, Bloom, Hermione, Jasmine, Khaleesi, Juliet, Layla, Margaery, Marley, Merida, Mulan, Mabel, Rapunzel, Smurfy, Stella, Tiana, Fiona, Flora, Harley, Chanel.
Ancient namesAglaya, Agafya, Akulina, Bazhena, Vesta, Virineya, Vlasta, Glafira, Domna, Dorotea, Zabava, Zlatoyara, Lada, Lukerya, Mavra, Miromila, Mirya, Praskovya, Pulcheria, Serafima, Ulita, Fedosya, Yarolika, Yasna.
Simple nicknamesBailey, Gigi, Eva, Zita, Ida, Kaya, Lady, Lily, Miley, Nika, Nora, Tessa, Winter, Annie.
The natureBestia, Grumpy, Mischievous, Badass, Spark, Lucky, Smiley, Chubby, Umka, Uslada, Fyokla, Fury, Happy, Charmy.
Nicknames with meaningAurelia (golden), Amina (reliable), Vanessa (swift), Varda (star maiden), Gerda (protection), Jude (generosity), Zara (princess), Ida (zealous), Isolde (cold gold), Iris (rainbow) ), Karpil (star), Kim (golden), Clara (clear), Liana (gentle), Mackenzie (daughter of a smart leader), Matilda (powerful), Mirabella (wonderful), Mia (increasing beauty), Moriona (sea), Nia (determined), Trista (brave), Felicita (happiness), Francesca (free), Frida (faithful).

Fertilizing in spring

The purpose of spring feeding of raspberries is to provide nutrition to the soil for the growth of the green mass of the bush, as well as for the formation of flower buds.

If fresh manure, a source of nitrogen, has not been spread over the raspberries in late autumn, then in early spring, as soon as the snow has melted, the soil needs to be fertilized. The soil under the bushes is sprinkled with ammonium nitrate or urea at the rate of 10-12 g. per 1 m2

Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the growth of shoots, twigs, leaves - this is very important in the spring, which means the bush will quickly rise, grow greenery, and replacement shoots will also immediately begin to grow

It is important to remember that nitrogen fertilizing increases the acidity of the soil, so wood ash is added along with it, which will also serve as an excellent mineral fertilizer. In the spring there is a shortage of ash, because mass burning of dry residues from the garden and various wood waste occurs mostly in the fall

If there is no ash, then it is better to use potassium nitrate instead of ammonium nitrate.

After the first spring watering, the soil is loosened and then mulched with humus, peat or compost. Mulch will preserve the soil from moisture evaporation for a long time, and will also become a source of organic nitrogen fertilizers and microelements, which will rot by autumn.

To set flower buds, mineral supplements are added to the soil. This can be wood or straw ash, which is rich in potassium; it is added at the rate of 150 grams. per 1 m2 of land, or any complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizer - 2-3 tbsp. spoons per 10 l. water. One bush will need 1-1.5 liters. solution.

At the beginning of the growing season, nitrogen and minerals can be added by irrigating the bush. When foliar feeding raspberries, use the drug Fitofert Energy NPK 20-20-20 balance. Spring foliar feeding is carried out simultaneously with pollination of bushes from pests.

Choosing the right nickname for a Labrador boy and girl

Since the dog has been tamed by man for a long time, during this time a certain number of rules have been formed on how to name a Labrador and choose a name for the puppy, but compliance with them is, of course, optional.

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Rather, it will save the owner himself from unnecessary questions from others.

So, what should you consider when giving your retriever a nickname:

  • The ideal nickname is sonorous and short (1-2 syllables).
  • The letters “r” and “l” are well understood by all breeds.
  • Choose a name that evokes pleasant memories, as the pet will pick up the tone. The warmer and more gentle he is, the better his relationship with the animal will be.
  • You should not call your dog names of people, especially those that are common in the area. You can call your Labrador "John" if you don't live in the USA or England.
  • The names of natural elements suit big dogs.
  • Do not call your Labrador by the too simple name that is given to mongrels.
  • The nickname should not contain syllables from the main commands, such as “Fu”, “Sit”, “Place”, “Come to me”, etc.
  • The presence of hissing sounds is not the best option for use in a name.

Important! You cannot name a puppy after its parents. The main guidelines when choosing a nickname should be brevity, sonority and uniqueness

What to name a Labrador - a show dog

A retriever that has a pedigree receives its name from the kennel in which it was born. It is often not suitable for constantly addressing the baby, so the owner has the right to accustom the dog to a different nickname.

At exhibitions, the retriever will be registered under the name from the passport indicating the nickname that he is called at home

But having a pedigree is very important for such a dog, so you should be proud of it, no matter what its name. If you become the owner of the nursery, then the first letters of the puppies’ names are the litter number

The first litter will have names starting with the letter "A".

What are the nicknames for a Labrador boy?

With the arrival of a puppy in the house, the question arises, what to name a boy’s Labrador? Male retrievers can have the following nicknames: Arnie, Barney, Bart, Bobby, Brooklyn, Quick, Gold, Jay, Jack, Dick, Eaton, Lucky, Lestor, Mike, Neville, Ron, Brave, Spike, Fred, Hunter, Hugo.

Natural phenomena: Wind, Thunder, Storm, Buran.

Name the Labrador by inflecting the names of the months (Phoebus, Mara, April, Send, Dec), or you can use the names of celebrities. The most important thing is to know when to stop so that you don’t have to shout “Patricia-Paris” across the entire park.

Names for Labrador girls

Female retrievers are very calm and peace-loving dogs, so naming a Labrador for a girl is not difficult. Names that are pronounced drawlingly and softly suit them.

Use nicknames: Iris, Alaya, Bertha, Gerda, Greta, Lassie, Laura, Luna, Palma, Chelsea, Shiny, Charlene.

Labradors are named by their coat color: Blackie, Goldie, Whitey.

Is it possible to change a Labrador's name?

When it comes to recording a purebred animal in a passport, there is no need to change it, nor do you need to use it in everyday life. The names given are completely unpronounceable, but they are important for participation in exhibitions.

If you receive an adult dog that has been abandoned by its owners, and you want to change its name, then the issue can be resolved, it just takes time. You can change your nickname at any age. Try to choose a nickname that is as consonant as possible with the previous one, but different from it. And say it often - when you feed your Labrador, give him a treat, or ask him to go for a walk. After some time the animal will get used to it.

Important! Dogs sense intonation, so it is important to put all your tender feelings for your pet into pronunciation.

How does a nickname affect a dog's character?

Many owners tend to argue whether the nickname affects the character of the animal. Skeptical specialists and veterinarians believe that it has no effect, but some breeders are of the opposite opinion.

Although the dog can be influenced to a greater extent by how the owners treat it, how they address it.

When choosing a nickname, it is important to adhere to the absence of hissing and dull sounds in the name, and the similarity of the nickname to basic commands is not allowed - dogs love ringing nicknames. Speaking about Labrador puppies, it is worth considering the size of the dog when choosing a pet name

Speaking of Labrador puppies, it is worth considering the size of the dog when choosing a pet name.

Bottom line

In order to choose a nickname for a Labrador dog, if it does not have documents and a name, you need to take into account many factors: behavior, character and habits; or color, height, weight, gender of the pet.

If your eye falls on a certain nickname, check it on the dog. If she or he begins to respond to her, it means the right choice was made. Good luck in choosing a name and may Google and Yandex be with you.

In the end, we ask you to share your personal experience in choosing a name for a Labrador puppy. You can send photos or videos of your pets. Share opinions and knowledge on this issue. Amateurs and professional dog breeders - go to battle! Let's have an interesting discussion on the topic of Labradors. Maybe this will help someone choose a nickname for their pet.

Names for Labradors with meaning

Behind many dog ​​names there is some meaning, an essence. Therefore, before choosing a particular name, you should make sure that it does not carry any negative connotation:

  • Barkhan has a complex character, not recognizing anyone other than his owner.
  • Amigo is a dog who will never give in to his owner under any circumstances.
  • Morgan loves everyone around him, a very bright and obedient dog.
  • Archie – you can’t deny his energy.
  • Icarus is an excellent watchdog.
  • Harold – has a complex character, has a stubborn and capricious character.

The breed was bred in Newfoundland, Canada - in this country not only English, but also French is popular. Therefore, puppies are often given names with a meaning in this euphonious dialect:

  • Ami - beloved;
  • Alen – handsome;
  • Basil - of royal origin;
  • Bonifas is a wonderful fate;
  • Vivien – energetic, lively;
  • Gautier – head, leader;
  • Didier - long-awaited;
  • Jean – good-natured;
  • Kamil – guard, keeper;
  • Lucien – “easy-going”;
  • Matis - “gift from heaven”;
  • Narsis – vision, dream, dream;
  • Noel – appeared, born on Christmas;
  • Auguste - respected, venerable;
  • Pascal - born on Easter;
  • Raul - smart, sophisticated;
  • Raphael - “life for the glory of God”;
  • Renard – smart and strong;
  • Roland – “the one who will become famous”;
  • Solomon - who came in peace;
  • Theo is a gift from God;
  • Stefan - noble, crowned;
  • Timothy - reverent;
  • Thibault – brave, amazingly brave;
  • Fernand – ready for adventure;
  • Emil is a strong competitor;
  • Etienne – crown, imperial wreath;
  • Yudo is a small child;
  • Hubert lives in the city.

Popular Canadian names

Since Labradors were first bred in Canada, a traditional Canadian name would be appropriate.

Henry resting on the fresh grass

  • Lucas
  • Jackson
  • Liam
  • Oliver
  • Benjamin
  • William
  • Logan
  • Henry
  • Mateo
  • Mason
  • Luke
  • Miles
  • Leo
  • Elliot
  • Owen
  • Nathan
  • Theodore
  • James
  • Charlie
  • Fest
  • Mark
  • Benton
  • Michelle
  • Haman
  • Peter
  • Stanley
  • Ralph
  • Joe
  • Chris
  • Tony
  • Abel
  • Joey
  • Roche
  • Lewis
  • Logan
  • Orion
  • Charles
  • Sawyer
  • Harper
  • Falvius
  • Nazar
  • Eric
  • Adalbert
  • Robert
  • Alfred

How to tie up remontant raspberries

To prevent diseases when caring for remontant raspberries in the spring, ventilation in the raspberry garden is very important. To avoid frequent planting, you need to cut out young shoots, leaving 10 strong plants per 1 m².

The branches will not bend or break due to the weight of the berries, provided they are tied up in a timely manner. Different planting methods require different methods for gartering raspberries.

If the bushes are planted individually, they are usually tied to stakes. When using the trench planting method, trellises are used.

Remontant varieties, due to repeated ripening of the berries, are tied up as follows: annual plants are attached on one side, and plants that have reached two years old are attached on the other. This gives the plants the necessary level of light and allows the gardener to harvest quickly and easily.

Male Golden Retriever Name List

Lubomira lionLumiere

The Golden Retriever deserves a unique name. We hope this list of names takes you one step closer to finding the perfect name for your dog.

How to name a Golden Retriever: a list of nicknames for boys and girls

Hunting and service nicknames

The positive qualities of golden retrievers have made their “versatile” use possible. These dogs serve at customs, they are taken hunting, hiking, and they are also successful as guide dogs. It would be nice to emphasize such “diversity” with the help of an appropriate nickname. This may be the name of a mythical creature or a definition indicating the activity, speed of reaction, courage, bravery and devotion of the four-legged animal.

Ideas for boys:

  • Artemis;
  • Excitement;
  • Apollo;
  • Ares;
  • Bolide;
  • Bunshot;
  • Gallant;
  • Brave;
  • Vortex;
  • Wind;
  • Viking;
  • Grozny;
  • Racer;
  • Joker;
  • Pulse;
  • Dagger;
  • Condor;
  • Marathon;
  • Meteor;
  • Orion;
  • Perun;
  • Rider;
  • Ranger;
  • Sprinter;
  • Scout;
  • Daredevil;
  • Wilder;
  • Flyer;
  • Hunter;
  • Sheriff;
  • Expert;
  • Jaguar.

Lover of hunting and outdoor activities Orion
Ideas for girls:

  • Amazon;
  • Artemis;
  • Atlanta;
  • Athena;
  • Fast;
  • Wind;
  • Windows;
  • Hecate;
  • Race;
  • Storm;
  • Diana;
  • Comet;
  • Lightning;
  • Courage;
  • Puma;
  • Pallas;
  • Prairie;
  • Sopka;
  • Arrow;
  • Taiga;
  • Arrow.

Prairie full of excitement

Finding Cool Hobby Dog Names

What are your favorite things?
These can be really cool dog names that are unique to you! Do you love video games, fitness, cooking, music, sports, hunting, or does something stand out? Try to find short words that can work as a title. Here are some examples: shutterstock

Dog names from music

Who are your favorite singers, bands, rappers or musicians? If they have a short, unique name, it may be perfect for your pup! Here are some examples:


Games and technical dog names

Do you play video games, work in tech, or just love tech in general? Perhaps there is a wonderful, very cool nickname hidden there!

PixelDream InterpretationKong

Sports and hunting nicknames

Do you like to play or watch sports? In your unique sport, there are probably a ton of different athletes who could create cool names for your dog.


Friends, and finally, a huge list of cool nicknames for your dog. Only this time we have made groups by dog ​​gender, now you can choose the coolest nickname for girls and boys dogs. To help you out, I've compiled a list of 500 cool dog names. From classic and old-fashioned dog names like Lady to mythology-inspired names like Apollo, this list offers a wide variety of choices. If you're looking for a cool name for your new dog, here are the 500 coolest dog names to get you started.

Cool nicknames for girlsCool nicknames for boys
Let's goAmos
Let's goCJ
a pennyRomeo
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