622 popular nicknames for gray cat boys and girls

When a kitten with a brindle color appears in the house, the owners think about what name to give it. Some focus on the appearance of a furry couch potato and try to come up with a “striped nickname” for him. Others look closely at the character and habits of the kitten in order to give a nickname that will characterize them.

In fact, there are a lot of options for beautiful and funny nicknames that may in no way be related to either the external characteristics of the fluffy ball or the characteristics of its character. You can choose absolutely any name - completely spontaneously or after thinking carefully. And our article will give hints in which direction you can think when choosing a nickname for a new pet.

Baby waiting for a name.

Names for boy kittens

No matter how strange it may sound, a pet's name can tell a lot about its owner. A kitten's name can show how you look at it, as well as your relationship with it. For these reasons, it is important to take a balanced approach to choosing a nickname so that it describes the animal as a whole, its character and behavior. However, interesting names often come to mind, and sometimes all you need is a little imagination. Below you will find more than 400 of the most popular names for boy kittens. We hope that with their help you will find the answer to the question “what to name a boy’s kitten.”

Aaron, Amadeus, Abus, Athos, Archie, Alex, Avalon, Ares, Apollo, Aragorn, Agassi, Alonso, Alfren, Al Scarlet, Adamant, Adler, Albatross, Altai, Ali G, As, Archie, Albert, Al Capone, Albus .

Bagor, Baron, Bali, Bond, Bambucha, Blizzard, Borman, Button, Baroyan, Bars, Bubster, Basiliano, Bams, Bruce, Basket, Babay, Barca, Basmach, Byron, Bucks, Bastion, Bentley, Benjamin, Balkhash, Baskerville, Bernard, Bogach, Bosphorus Biscuit, Bombay, Bertie, Benefit, Berserg, Bradley.

Babylon, Volt, Varyag, Vasily, Vasco, Valerian, White, Winston, Viking, Vegas, Jack, Wasabi, Vaigar, Giant, Valentine, Vampire, Vanish, Van Gogh, Winchester, Virus, Virfold, Vladmir, Whiskers, Vincent, Vasco , Watson, Venets, Wilfred, Wolf, Ghoul, Valli, Vulcan.

Le Havre, Hamilton, Gabriel, Hyde, Gangster, Galileo, Gaisan, Ganzhubas, Grem, Gavroche, Garfield, Helios, Hermes, Terrible, Gray, Vulture, Thunder, Goodwin, Hero, Hegemon, Herman, Grail, Count, Gur, Gandolf, Gucci, Goofy.

David, Jack, Dexter, Darius, Danatello, Davis, Darth Vader, Dandy, Dallas, Davlat, Dell, Debian, Darling, Devil, Joker, Dema, Dessert, Jaeger, Denver, Deffer, Diplomat, Disney, Dorotheus, Dorian, Donahue , Dombey, Daniel, Savage, Joshua, Jumbo, Douglas.

Erik, Eremey, Ephrat, Ephraim, Yesenin, Ezhek, Egor, Estudei, Epiphanius, Emelyan, Emelya, Yeralash, Ermak, European.

Zhorik, Pearl, Gendarme, Joseph, Zhekson, Georges, Zhdan, Zhurzhik, Zhuk, Joshua, Gerro, Jean, Zhigan.

Zeus, Zephyr, Zigmund, Ziggy, Zero, Zack, Zorro, Zaya, Star, Zohan, Zakhar, Zotik, Zakhar, Zidane, Beast, Zippo.

Iris, Emerald, Joseph, Indigo, Immanuel, Raisin, Irbis, Ivanko, Indiko, Inc., Hippolyte, Eastwood, Ignat, X, Iskander, Indy, Emperor, Easy.

Yorick, York, Yoshkin Cat, Yoda, Yoko, Yarik, Yog.

Kote, Kuzya, Coke, Kai, Cloud, Kefir, Cupcake, Kai, Coconut, Kevin, Kenny, Cas, Prince, Colt, Karat, Killer, Kinder, Kesha, Jamb, Koksik, Klim, Conan, Kite, Kaiser, Christmas, Cosmo, Kaiser, Cash.

Lex, Lucky, Loki, Leopold, Lion, Leva, Lexus, Lord, Lex, Ray, Lelik, Pet, Leopard, Ledger, Lime, Light, Laric, Lucius, Buttercup, Lucas, Luke, Lars, Luciano, Leopold, Little Fox, Fierce, Lancelot, Lector, Lotus, Lionel, Larson.

Murzik, Maximus, Mitchell Mars, Max, Masik, Maxik, Magnus, Misha, Baby, Marty, Mandarin, Mitka, Maneson, Marik, Michael, Marcus, Martin, Merlin, Marik, Marcel, Mason, Main, Motka, Michael, Marco , Metis, Musick, Myth, Miguel, Marcy, Matvey, Murenok, Mix, Morgan.

Popular English

Today, the English language is considered very popular all over the world, even many words in the Russian language are actually borrowed. So why not name your pet a name that is relatively familiar, but not too offensive? For a beautiful striped boy the following are suitable:

  • A – Adam, Ivy, Ice, Ike, Alan, Alfred, Arm;
  • B – Bud, Bucks, Buddy, Buck, Bart, Barney, Billy, Bruno, Brian, Ben, Benedict, Bernard, Brad, Bruce, Bobi;
  • B – Willie, Vin, Vincent, Woody, Vance;
  • G – Guy, Harry, Garrett, Howard, Greg, Gordon;
  • D – Dax, Dalton, Dale, Den, Denis, Denis, Derek, John, Joni, Jake, Jed, Jeri, Jim, Jay, Jackson, Dylan, Douglas, Duke;
  • F - Jean, Jacques, Georges, Jules;
  • Z – Zach, Zackery, Zander;
  • K - Kyle, Cain, Kevin, Kenneth, Kent, Ken, Keaton, Clyde, Corey, Kurt, Kurtis, Carey;
  • L - Lucky, Larry, Leroy, Ludo, Lewis, Luke, Luther;
  • M - Mike, Miles, Marty, Meni, Monroe, Mat;
  • N – Nathan, Neo, Nick, Nikki, Nolan, Norman, Noah;
  • O – Ozzy, Aldan, Oscar, Austin, Owen;
  • P –Parker, Patrick, Percy, Paulie, Preston, Peter, Porter;
  • R - Wright, Ralph, Rusty, Regan, Ricky, Robbie, Rocky, Randal;
  • C – Simon, Cedric, Sid, Silver, Scott, Stan, Steve, Sam, Sandy;
  • T – Tucker, Ted, Theodore, Tim, Toby, Thomas, Tony, Trev, Terry;
  • U - Wally, Walt, Walter, Warren, Wesley;
  • F – Felix, Fenton, Ferdie, Phil, Ford, Forest, Fred, Freddie, Frodo;
  • X – Hunk, Hunter, Harvey, Hardy, Heck, Henry, Hugo, Happy, Hugh;
  • Ch - Chuck, Chucky, Charlie, Chase, Chester, Chip;
  • Sh - Shad, Shan, Shannon, Sheldon, Sean, Shane;
  • E - Evan, Ed, Edgar, Eddie, Elliot, Elias, Emmett, Erwin, Erol, Ashley;
  • Yu - Eugene, Julius, Eustace;
  • I am Jakub, Yannis, Jan.

Nicknames for cats (500+ names)

Names for cats are the same as for a person: it influences fate, reflects only his inherent traits, and makes him special. Below you will find about 500 options for naming a boy kitten .


Of course, when a kitten hangs on the curtains, sharpens its claws on a leather cloak, or steals a delicious “Doctor’s” from a gaping owner, then certain names beg to come to mind, the most affectionate and simple of which is: “Oh, you... prankster!”

By the way, Prankster is a sonorous and simple nickname, the catch is that “whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float.”

Choosing a name for the cat alphabetically

Starting with the letter A

Iceberg, Askold, Asterix, Ajax, Arthur, Asclepius, Ares, Athos, Aramis, Augustus, Albus, Diamond. [AdSense-A]

Starting with the letter B

Baksik, Baxter, Bruce, Basalt, Basilio, Basil, Bosco, Boston, Baton, Biscuit, Beads, Bosun.

Starting with the letter B

Wasabi, Vincent, Valdis, Virus, Watson, Bismuth, Vermouth, Vitas, Knight, Vlas, Cornflower, Voltaire.

Starting with the letter G

Gustav, Helios, Hephaestus, Hussar, Gizmo, Guslyar, Horace, Hans, Gryza, Guinness, Goofy, Goliath.

Starting with the letter D

Jax, Dexter, Dixon, Deimos, Dallas, Descartes, Jerry, Jackson, Jedi, Deniska, Joystick, Dorotheus.

Starting with the letter E, Yo

Esaul, Yesenin, Evsey, Yenisei, Elisey, Erofey, Hedgehog, Eustachius, Elizar, Euphrates, Euclid, Enoch.

Starting with the letter Z

Joseph, Zhustienne, Flagellum, Zhivchik, Zhulik, Zhusik, Zhorik, Zhuzhik, Jaco, Zhofrey, Georges, Zhicard.

Starting with the letter Z

Zeus, Zodiac, Astrologer, Sigmund, Bully, Ruffnut, Zabulon, Zenith, Zephyr, Zorro, Zidane, Zakhar.

Starting with the letter I, Y

Raisin, Irtysh, Eastwood, Emerald, Joseph, Iskander, Ippolit, Icarus, Ivasik, Ivashka, Yogurt, Yosik.

The rarest names for cats

But you have a unique kitten, right?

He is the only one in the whole wide world who knows how to wake up at 5 am and run around the bed like a mad bison. He alone has a unique voice of 7 octaves, which makes you and your neighbors incredibly happy. He finished the leather chair in two weeks and this is a claim to victory! Of course, such an exceptional talent needs an extremely original name.

If the kitten is a boy, then pay attention to the following nicknames:

Beautiful names for boys cats

  • Avalon
  • Basic
  • Worcester
  • Garfi
  • Joker
  • Zhorik
  • Julien
  • Zeus
  • Irsene
  • Yoshi
  • Kaiser
  • Lamur
  • Locky
  • Mityai
  • Nafanya
  • Pierre
  • Richie
  • Silver
  • Uncas
  • Fiji

Fun and playful

In a house where people with a healthy sense of humor live, a pet with a very funny name may appear. The nickname and its owner will evoke exclusively positive emotions:

  • Anchovy;
  • Adonka;
  • Afonka;
  • Aspirin;
  • Bubble gum;
  • Big Mac;
  • Bentley;
  • Bon Bon;
  • Tailless;
  • Wasabi;
  • Grumpy;
  • Winky;
  • Glitch;
  • Dwarf;
  • Grizzly;
  • Decl;
  • Doodle;
  • Dobby;
  • Don Baton;
  • Brownie;
  • Brownie;
  • Homer;
  • Hare;
  • Nerd;
  • Zyama;
  • Kiwi;
  • Sidekick;
  • Korzhik;
  • Yeti;
  • Carlusha;
  • Koschey;
  • Kulichik;
  • bobtail;
  • Kuska;
  • Leys;
  • Goblin;
  • Luntik;
  • Lapsus;
  • Lapis;
  • Lemon;
  • Mityai;
  • Murmured;
  • Nafanya;
  • Ninja;
  • Paprikash;
  • Pate;
  • Dodger;
  • Bobblehead;
  • Pipito;
  • Little lynx;
  • Santa;
  • Scooby Doo;
  • Skunk;
  • Synoptic;
  • Meerkat;
  • Gopher;
  • Tungus;
  • Ushastik;
  • Phantom;
  • Fantômas;
  • Date fruit;
  • Chizhik;
  • Chips;
  • Chubchik;
  • Schnapps;
  • Shunya;
  • Nice;
  • Screw;
  • Iago.

How to teach a kitten to respond to its name

To quickly teach a kitten to respond to its name, re-read the works of physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the same one who formulated the principles of unconditioned and acquired reflexes. Because you will benefit from both principles.

Or you can not read these Talmuds, but remember your school biology lessons and try to independently develop a conditioned reflex in a kitten based on the innate one.

Calm down, you can do it!

A conditioned reflex (an expected reaction to the sound of a kitten's name) is developed on the basis of an unconditioned reflex (joy about a food reward).

The sound of the name - the smell of food - the sound of the name - feeding - praise.

That is, the baby is called by name before he enters the kitchen, but only when the food is already in the bowl!


On this page of the site you can find names (nicknames) for your cats, cats and kittens, boys and girls, for all letters of the alphabet from “A” to “Z”.

The names for the kittens are presented in Russian, but they can easily be translated into English.


So, what can you name a kitten ?

The best names for kittens are those that you like, those around you, and, of course, your kitten. Kittens' nicknames should be consonant, not too long, so that it is convenient to call your pet. Here you can select names for male kittens (they are on the left and sorted in alphabetical order); names for girls kittens are on the right. Unusual, original, funny, popular, interesting, funny and beautiful names/nicknames for kittens for boys and girls are presented below.

Click on the desired letter in Russian/English and select a name for the kitten!

We will be happy to help you choose a name for the kitten!

Famous tabby cats

Many mustachioed stripes played roles in films and also became cartoon characters. And their names can be taken as a basis when choosing a nickname for your tailed friend.

  • Jonesy from the movie Alien. The red tabby cat in the film was a passenger on a spaceship. Interestingly, this role was played by as many as four cats.
  • Cat from the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's". This cat without a name was played by a red-tailed cat, whose real name is Ryzhik.
  • Brad Pitt from the film “I Want Like Bridget.” The main character named this red striped handsome man in honor of her favorite actor.
  • Bob from the movie "A Street Cat Named Bob." This red-haired furry played himself in the biographical film and helped the main character improve his difficult life.
  • Ulysses from Inside Llewyn Davis. And again, another redhead who became the main character of the film and brought a special charm to it.
  • Lucky from the series "Alf". A furry alien repeatedly tried to eat this poor fellow, but the baby, fortunately, remained unharmed.
  • Cat from the film "The Godfather". This is a simple tabby cat with no name, which actually ended up in the frame completely by accident, because she was just running around the set.
  • Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. The fluffy, smiling handsome man became one of the main characters of the film fairy tale and was very much loved by the audience.
  • "Tonto" from the movie "Harry and Tonto". An orange tabby cat travels with its owner, a pensioner evicted from his own home.
  • Garfield from the film of the same name. The cartoonish fat ginger loves to eat, but sometimes gets distracted from what he loves to do to help his careless owner.
  • Pepper from the film "Gentlemen's Games". Perchik lived quietly with his mistress, but after an adventurer appeared in the house, he joined a gang of criminals.
  • Matroskin from a series of cartoons about the village of Prostokvashino. Perhaps the most beloved cat from the old Soviet past.

We recommend watching: 355+ beautiful names for lions, tigers and leopards

Frightened Jonesy.

The Chinese cat Ah Fei, whose name translates as “fat”, “sweet”, “glutton”, could also become a screen star. This chubby little guy, who lives with his owner Tan Chang, has amazing facial expressions with which he could star in dramatic films or even thrillers.

Tan Chang regularly posts funny photos of her pet on Instagram. Each photo gets at least a thousand likes, and more than forty thousand Ai Fei admirers have already subscribed to the page itself.

View this post on Instagram

Posted by Tang Chang (@tang9599)


If the kitten is purebred, then, as a rule, the nursery or breeder names the litters in order by a specific letter of the alphabet. More often, the first litters are named by the name of the nursery itself (by all letters of the name in turn) or simply starting with the letter “A” and onwards.

How can you name a kitten so that the name is beautiful and easy?

Names for cats in the pedigree and pet names of cats may differ. You can choose a long royal name and write it down in documents, and at home come up with a short nickname that is consonant with this name.

You can take into account the breed of cats and choose nicknames for the British cat (British), for Sphynxes, Scottish folds, Persians and other cat breeds. Noble names suit such high-breed animals; they are often called knights or heroes from books and fairy tales.


Names for boys cats , of course, most often reflect masculinity and strength; more and more people began to prefer rare and beautiful names. You can choose a sonorous and loud name to emphasize his masculine character. The name for a boy kitten should be chosen based on the breed, character of the animal, as well as color.

No. 1 In the whirlwind of fashion

Today, the fashion world is filled with all sorts of interesting names that may well be suitable as a name for a purr.

Names of brands, design houses and everything related to the world of fashion - why not? Bright, easy to remember, they are distinguished by their euphony and originality.

May be suitable for cats:

  • Armani
  • Paco
  • Valentino
  • Versace
  • Sketchers
  • Hugo
  • Dior
  • Gucci
  • Ricci
  • Dolce

Photo source:

For cats:

  • Prada
  • Chanel
  • Zara
  • Gabbana
  • Chanel
  • Fendi
  • Zegna
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