The smallest dog breeds. Top 27 (with photos)

Miniature Pinscher

Average height and weight:

32 cm / 5 kg.

Although the breed was bred for a different purpose, in appearance it is almost no different from the Doberman, just in miniature. Despite its modest size, the dog is strong, resilient, with a toned, muscular body.


Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

Small dog breeds weighing up to 10 kg

This TOP 10 includes several more dwarfs and representatives of small breeds. Their weight parameters are more impressive than the previous group, but still fit into 10 kg.

Schipperke (3-9 kg)

The smallest representative of shepherd dogs with a fluffy collar on his neck is an excellent watchman. He is suspicious of strangers and always notifies his owners of their appearance.

The Schipperke's thick coat repels dirt and water. It should only be washed when necessary. There are no problems with shedding either. Despite the abundant hair loss during this period, its duration is extremely short.

Papillon (3.2-4.5 kg)

The Papillon's ears resemble the wings of a butterfly. These dogs are very active, get along well with cats and are ranked 8th among the smartest dogs.

Papillon coats should only be brushed after being thoroughly moisturized. Otherwise, it becomes brittle and falls out.

Pekingese (3.2-6.4 kg)

The extraordinary appearance and peaceful nature of the Pekingese explain the large number of their fans. But for small children it is better to choose someone more affectionate, since these animals do not tolerate too close contact.

Frequently washing Pekingese dogs aggravates their shedding and damages the hair structure. To maintain a spectacular coat, animals are washed no more than once a year or before an exhibition.

Italian Greyhound (3.5-4.5 kg)

The playful Italian greyhound loves tactile communication. She shows her love with hugs, kisses and gentle licking.

It is recommended to direct the energy of a small greyhound into sports: agility or coursing. Otherwise, the Italian greyhound spends it right at home, destroying everything within its line of sight.

Belgian Griffon (3.5-6 kg)

The main advantage of griffons is their human orientation. They adapt to any owners and subtly sense their mood.

Belgian Griffons do not require frequent walking, and trimming is sufficient to care for their coat. Not only elderly owners, but also people with disabilities can cope with this.

Shih Tzu (4-7.2 kg)

Shih Tzus love to snuggle on their owners' laps and are very trusting of strangers. They see a friend in every person, so you should not rely on the guard qualities of these four-legged animals.

The beautiful fur of the Shih Tzu quickly falls off. Daily combing helps to avoid the formation of tangles.

Pug (6-8 kg)

Friendly and loving, Pugs are extremely affectionate with people. Loneliness makes them depressed. It’s better to take them with you during your vacation or leave them in the care of friends.

The folds on the skin of pugs require special care. They need to be regularly cleaned of dirt and dust to avoid the development of infections and inflammations.

Jack Russell Terrier (6.4-8.2 kg)

Cheerful and friendly terriers do not get along well with other animals due to their developed hunting instinct. They often engage in skirmishes with representatives of their own species, not paying attention to the size of the enemy.

Despite their miniature size, terriers need active physical activity. With insufficient training, all the energy of these “energizers” is directed to pranks.

Beagle (9-10 kg)

With their hyperactivity, beagles are reminiscent of Jack Russell terriers. They also need frequent walks and active games to prevent the apocalypse inside the apartment.

Beagles tend to be overweight. Regular physical activity and adherence to daily calorie intake help to avoid obesity.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke (10-13 kg)

Corgis are characterized by high intelligence and amazing endurance. They love children, are not prone to dominance and are sensitive to the mood of their owners.

The Corgi's spine is very vulnerable. These animals are prohibited from jumping from great heights and intense loads that affect the spinal discs.


Average height and weight:

30 cm / 4 kg.

This funny Italian lap dog resembles a plush toy both in appearance and in its affectionate character. Sometimes there are smaller individuals - about 2.5 kg.


Top 20 largest dogs in the world

The smallest dog breeds in the world

The lower limit of the weight of these dogs is no more than 3 kg. They easily fit into a handbag, so they are very convenient to take with you on the road.

Chihuahua (450 g-3.5 kg)

The record holder for weight was the Chihuahua Millie, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records. As an adult, she weighed only 450 g, and her height at the withers was 9.65 cm.

All Chihuahuas adore their owners and are constantly jealous of them. Despite their modest dimensions, these kids are real badasses. They are not at all afraid of the physical and numerical superiority of the enemy, therefore, in order to avoid injuries during walks, it is better to keep the Chihuahua on a leash.

Yorkshire Terrier (1.35-3.2 kg)

Charming Yorkies are gentle creatures with the characteristic energy and endurance of a terrier. They are easy to train and get along very easily in the same home with other animals.

Particular attention will have to be paid to the silky fur of the Yorkie. Depending on the length, it needs to be washed every week or once every 2-3 weeks.

Prague rat (1.5-3.5 kg)

Despite the lack of international recognition, rat dogs are very popular among dog breeders. These intelligent and slightly prim animals love sports, so it is recommended to channel their energy into agility.

Ratfish are practically devoid of undercoat. Because of this, they catch cold easily at temperatures below 0°C. Warm clothing helps prevent hypothermia.

Japanese Chin (1.8-3.5 kg)

Graceful and graceful Japanese Chins are the calmest and most balanced representatives of mini-breeds. They get along well with children, but cannot stand familiarity. Too rude behavior on the part of a child can lead to retaliatory aggression.

Japanese Chins are very clean and do not need fashionable haircuts. The only caveat is intolerance to hot weather. In summer, it is better to take such pets outside in the early morning or late evening.

Chinese Crested (2.3-5.4 kg)

Chinese Cresteds are sensitive to human emotions. They always notice the mood swings of their owners and seem to predict their desires.

This funny hairless dog practically does not shed and does not have the characteristic dog smell. Their delicate skin is very vulnerable to cold and sun rays, so they should be taken for walks in clothes.

Lancashire Heeler (2.5-5.5 kg)

Heelers are a young breed, registered in 2016. When breeding them, Welsh corgis and terriers were used. From their closest relatives, these dogs have inherited good working qualities, diligence and restlessness.

Healers quickly remember new commands, but lack long endurance. Treats help keep their attention.

Affenpinscher (2.9-6 kg)

Bearded Affenpinschers with a monkey face do not tolerate other four-legged animals, but they also do not tolerate loneliness. These pets are literally fixated on their owners and do their best to prevent the appearance of third parties.

The shaggy appearance of Affenpinschers is maintained with periodic trimming and trimming. Particular attention is paid to shortening the beard, which very often gets dirty while eating.

Maltese (3-4 kg)

Snow-white Maltese dogs have a doll-like appearance and a perky character. They love to frolic and play pranks with other four-legged animals, but they will never share the attention of their owner with them.

After washing, the Maltese coat is wound into curling irons to protect the hairs from tangling. A silk jumpsuit also saves you from tangles.

Bolognese (3-4 kg)

Bolognese, or Italian lap dogs, are very playful and dependent on human attention. Prolonged loneliness harms their psyche. If you often disappear at work, then be sure to get another four-legged bolognese for company.

Italian lapdogs need to be brushed daily, as their curly coat quickly collects dirt. To maintain its ideal shape, the fur coat will have to be trimmed once a month.

Bichon Frize (3-5 kg)

Curly-haired Energizers are very sociable and friendly. Due to these qualities, they are often attracted to pet therapy in nursing homes.

The lush coat of the Bichon Frize practically does not shed, but after each walk, dirt and debris remain in it. Because of this, dogs have to be brushed every day.

English toy terrier

Average height and weight:

30 cm / 3.6 kg.

Graceful Toys are the undisputed leaders of this top, because they were originally bred as a small copy of large breeds. But this baby’s character is surprisingly combative, so he requires serious training.


Top 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world

Chinese Crested

A companion dog whose origin story is not fully understood. An elegant dog with a graceful head, can be presented in two versions:

  • Downy (completely covered with long, light hair);
  • Hairless (almost no cover, with the exception of the tail, tips of the paws, muzzle).

Dogs reach 23-33 cm at the withers, weight is not regulated by rules, usually 2-6 kg . Animals are gentle, vulnerable, moderately active, they are obedient, loyal, and do not trust strangers.

Caring for naked representatives creates certain difficulties.


It is a companion dog, descended from wild dogs and domesticated by the Toltecs. The name is given by the name of the Mexican state, this country is the birthplace of the breed. Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs, widespread in the world, have a compact, slightly elongated body, height is not taken into account when assessing, weight should be 1.5-3 kg (acceptable from 0.5 to 1.5 kg ).

Dogs have an apple-shaped head, large, open ears, round eyes, and hair that can be short and soft or long and wavy. These are lively, fast, brave dogs that require gentle handling; they often bark, and if not trained, they can bite.

York Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier is a common miniature breed; you can easily buy a puppy at a cost of 10 thousand rubles. The height reaches 20 cm, the hair is long and needs care - this is another dog that gets all kinds of hairstyles. This is an intelligent and active animal that needs to be played and walked with in order not to get bored.

Brief history of origin

Chinese Cresteds are ancient dogs with many blank spots in their history. The first mentions of similar dogs date back to the 9th-12th centuries. Drawings and figurines of hairless dogs from archaeological excavations date back to the same period.

They are believed to be descended from the Mexican Xolo hairless dog. Indirect confirmation of this version is that hairless puppies still appear in Chinese Crested litters to this day.

Records from the 15th century have survived to this day, indicating that a European navigator brought hairless dogs from a trip to Mexico. The unusual animals were of great interest to the missionary priests, and they took several hairless puppies to modern China.

Over the next centuries, breeders worked to develop a unique breed. To achieve their goals, they added the blood of Abyssinian sand dogs, Basenjis, Pharaoh dogs, Maltese and Tibetan terriers to the hairless dogs.

The modern stage of development of the Chinese Crested breed began in the second half of the 19th century. The impetus for him was the fact that the American journalist Ida Garrett brought several hairless dogs to the United States and devoted the rest of her life to breeding them. In the first half of the 20th century, professional breeders became interested in unique dogs, including the American Deborah Woods.

In the 1930s, she started the first Chinese Crested studbook. And in 1959, a club of breed lovers was organized in the USA. In 1965, people learned about hairless dogs in Great Britain, and within 10 years, many KHS kennels opened throughout the country.

Despite its growing popularity, international organizations have been slow to recognize the breed. The English Kennel Club was the first to register Chinese crested dogs. 6 years later, in 1987, FCI did this. The last to give in was the American Kennel Club; Chinese Cresteds were only recognized there in 1991.

Spaniel King Charles

An elegant dog with dimensions up to 25 cm can please you with its two-tone color, soft fluffy coat, which does not require special care. This is an affectionate animal that loves its owner and family and gives everyone its good nature. He studies quite well and rarely shows self-will. The cost of a puppy can be about 20-30 thousand rubles, for this money you will get an unpretentious and kind companion.

How to choose a pet

The breed has long ceased to be rare, so finding a dog should not be a problem. It is better to buy a Chinese Crested puppy from a trusted breeder or a specialized nursery. This is the only way to guarantee that the dog is purebred and that its parents do not have genetic diseases.

When choosing a puppy you need to ask:

  • availability of documents;
  • health status;
  • behavioral characteristics;
  • living conditions of mother and offspring.

Chinese Crested puppies change a lot as they grow, so when choosing a pet, exterior does not play a major role. Black and chocolate babies subsequently become lighter.

With age, many puppies have a longer muzzle and a distinct “forelock” appears.

On a note. When choosing a bald crested dog, it is recommended to give preference to puppies with dense hair on the head and a fluffy tuft at the tip of the tail. If the plume and forelock are sparse, they will not become thicker with age.

Japanese Chin

These majestic dogs were still at the court of the Japanese emperors, and currently act as companions. Chins are graceful dogs with a wide, rounded muzzle, snub nose, large eyes and long hanging ears. Height at the withers is approximately 25 cm , females are slightly smaller, body weight is not specified in the requirements, on average it is 2-4 kg .

The dogs' fur is long, abundantly covering the body, the color is white with red or black markings. The character is friendly, obedient, usually attached to one owner, but gets along with the whole family.

Miniature dogs, now acting as family pets, come from different countries, many of them originally had a different purpose. A common feature is small stature, but the length, structure, hair color, body shape, and paw height can vary significantly. The character of each breed also has its own characteristics. Among such a variety of small animals, anyone can find a suitable pet.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )


They are descendants of the oldest European breed - the turf dog. Pomeranians were bred as an ornamental breed, beloved by kings and their retinues. Spitz are a dog with a square body, pointed ears, small eyes and a “fox” face.

Height at the withers is 18-22 cm , weight is not regulated, usually up to 3 kg . The orange coat is double, straight, “stuffed” and forms “pants” and a “mane”. The dog is very active, loud, playful and restless.


The Pekingese is one of the oldest decorative dogs, which was bred in Ancient China about 2000 years ago. Only emperors could keep Pekingese; the dog was considered sacred and therefore was inaccessible to ordinary residents. According to Chinese legend, the Pekingese is the heir to the lion king and the monkey.

The first Pekingese brought to Europe were war trophies captured in the imperial palace by the British. Modern Pekingese are different from their ancestors. The standard size of a Pekingese is 15–25 cm, weight - no more than 5.4 kg. Although some individuals reach 10 kg.

The character of the Pekingese shows his royal origin. He demands a lot of attention and considers himself the main one in the family.

Shih Tzu

These small dogs are native to Tibet. At first, miniature Shih Tzus lived exclusively in imperial families. The crumbs arrived in Europe only in the 20th century.

Long-haired beauties quickly gained popularity and regularly make it to the top of the smallest breeds. They have a predominantly combined coat color.

A small Shih Tzu grows up to 20–28 cm and weighs about 4–7 kg. The tiny dog ​​was loved not only for his beautiful appearance, but also for his intelligent, friendly, affectionate character.

Shih Tzus are very people-oriented and easy to train.

You can buy a small puppy of this breed for 20,000–50,000 rubles.


An ancient Mediterranean decorative breed, reaches 20-25 cm at the withers, weight ranges from 3-4 kg . It has a slightly elongated body, a pronounced frontal part, and very long, silky, straight snow-white hair without undercoat.

Hair care requires a lot of effort, especially if the animal has a show career. This is a brave, intelligent, calm and affectionate pet, trainable and devoted to its owner.

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