Shiba Inu: description of the breed, character and care (60 photos)

  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Weight: males 9-14 kg, females 8-13 kg
  • Height (height at withers): males 40 cm, females 37 cm
  • Puppy price: 20-100 thousand rubles (~350-1200 dollars)

The Shiba Inu is the most popular Japanese dog breed. They love her for her fox face with expressive eyes and charismatic smile, easy care, cleanliness, excellent health and small size, allowing you to have a pet in an apartment. But this is not a dog for everyone. There are many nuances in care and education.

In the article I will tell you everything about the Shiba Inu breed . You will learn about the origin of dogs, standard requirements, possible colors, maintenance and health features. You will also find information about choosing a Shiba Inu puppy and training it.

Basic moments

  • The Shiba Inu is the smallest among the native Japanese dog breeds (see small dog breeds)
  • Declared a national monument of the Land of the Rising Sun in 1936
  • The only Japanese breed whose name does not come from the region of breeding: its translation is interpreted as “small”, “tuft of grass” or “dog from a forest full of bushes”
  • Other official names of the breed are Shiba-ken, Japanese dwarf, small Japanese dog
  • 3 films are dedicated to the Shiba Inu: “The Story of Marie and the Three Puppies”, “The Old Bear Hunter” and “Shiba Park”
  • Shiba Inu is often confused with Akita Inu: the breeds are indeed related, but belong to different species
  • According to the rules, the name of the breed is written with an “s”, since there is no “sh” sound in the Japanese language. But both options have taken root in the Russian-speaking segment
  • Shiba Inus are smart, but stubborn and willful: because of this, inexperienced owners seem unteachable or stupid
  • Creepy owners: jealously guard their home, beds, bowls and toys
  • Dislikes touching and hugging
  • Cleanliness, grace and independence are reminiscent of cats
  • All my life I love only one person
  • Urgently needs early socialization
  • They are friendly with children, but conflicts are possible with children under 10 years old, as they do not yet know how to handle dogs
  • Due to high activity and curiosity, they often play pranks, and punishment is avoided or ignored
  • Does not get along well or at all with other pets

The uniqueness of a pet from Japan

Shiba Inu is a native Japanese dog breed that has been known for 2.5 thousand years. It is a hunting dog, and its name means “bush dog.” Today, representatives of the breed are popular due to their attractive decorative external qualities. The Shiba Inu dog is distinguished by its ability to smile, which makes it look cheerful. Pets can be kept not only in an apartment, but also outside, provided they have a warm kennel. Since 1936, this breed has been a national treasure of Japan.

Reviews about the breed from the owners

Anatoly. The Shiba Inu is a very smart dog, but training it will require a lot of patience. Our attempts for 5 months were zero, so we had to turn to a professional dog handler. Now the dog is one year old, and she is moderately obedient.

Svetlana. In my house there lives a samurai fox with slanted eyes. The Shiba Inu is a very clean dog, it does its business only where it is supposed to, and constantly licks its fur. Active, energetic, loves walks. Gets along well with two cats. A little cowardly, during walks, when she sees another dog nearby, she huddles at my feet.

Origin story

The breed is recognized as the oldest. It was not specially bred, but was formed on the basis of wild dogs that were domesticated. They lived on the islands and became the progenitors of the breed, which is why it is distinguished by its endurance, good health and pronounced hunting instinct.

Shiba Inus were originally used as rat catchers to protect homes and grain stores from rodents. Gradually, the dog began to help in hunting, thanks to its ability to easily drive game, even large ones, out of forest thickets and reeds. Large dogs were not suitable for this purpose, as it was difficult for them to get through the bushes.

Until the 19th century, the dog was not crossed with other varieties. It was only in the 19th century that European hunting dogs were added to it to improve quality. In the mid-20th century in the post-war years, due to difficult living conditions, the breed practically disappeared, and only thanks to amateurs the history of the Shiba Inu breed continued - it was preserved and restored.

Important! Due to its natural character, the dog is difficult to maintain and is unsuitable for a beginner.

Owner reviews


Before Toya we got a Shiba Inu! Boy! Lovely! The dog was bought at 3 months from the AstraVegas kennel. Everyone also advised us to take a girl, since females are affectionate and more flexible. But when we saw this red torpedo rushing across the lawn, loudly bursting into playful barking... we melted! What about children? He accepted them as his own and began to play. Just an oil painting of “happy childhood.” Patient? Oh yeah! The children washed their floors, wrapped them in a blanket, dressed them in caps!.. Never said a rude word to them in response.

I QUOTE A PREVIOUS REVIEW: “He treats all people well, without aggression. He lets strangers pet him without pleasure. Yes, yes, many people, especially children, want to pet him, such a cutie. Sometimes they ask to take a photo with him.”

Yes, I’ll add on my own behalf that ours is an excellent hunter (he once caught a duck in the park), an excellent guard! They took a training and obedience course. I have never run away before or since, but we are led on a leash, since in our city it is forbidden to have no leash. Ours loves to ride bikes and cars. Loves to travel and train!

Sibas live a long time, on average 20-25 years, ours is already 7. The toy is still the same. Children use it as an antidepressant. He himself conducts peso-cat therapy to all family members!

He is very clean, when we walk on the street he will go around every puddle, only sometimes he camouflages himself in horse manure... At home he constantly licks himself like a cat. The fur does not smell like other dogs. Sheds little.

A kind, smart dog and an eternal puppy with a cute face, “SMILE DOG”!



She will teach you to love


Seasonal molt

I bought this dog 3 years ago, every day I love my girl Yokki more and more) This is a very mobile and active dog, she is always in the field of attention, not a single event in the house happens without her, she is everywhere. She has inexhaustible energy and if you do not have the opportunity to walk with her a lot, then do not torture the animal. This breed is very smart, willful, active, cunning and jealous. Can't stand it if you love someone more than her. She has a wonderful appearance - the strong constitution of a full-fledged dog with her very small size, only 8 kilograms, with good good health. Slanted eyes and a sharp nose - the appearance of a fox. A gentle and beautiful creation.


If you are planning to buy a Shiba Inu dog, be prepared for constant questions from passers-by about what breed it is)

A beautiful, playful, very sweet and affectionate dog. He likes to misbehave, but this goes away with age. She remains alone at home calmly, it is enough to lay out a sufficient number of toys and remove everything that can be chewed) She waits for us lying on her bed, sometimes without even touching the toys (she is very bored, but does not bark or howl, which is a very big plus).

He understands well what is possible and what is not. The most important thing is not to allow him to chew furniture and things from puppyhood, then there will be no problems in the future (in half a year we only had one pair of shoes damaged, she chewed them on May 9, when we were away from home for a long time).

The dog loves to lie down and run wild) Be prepared for the fact that this breed needs a lot of attention and games, otherwise you cannot avoid making crazy circles throughout the apartment.

Gets along well with other dogs, with children and in general with all passers-by).

I advise you to feed only super premium food - Monge food is best suited for this breed - the composition has an ideal amount of protein (up to 30%, this breed does not digest protein well) and in general Italian quality will help maintain the dog’s health.

Miniature sizes allow you to have a dog in small apartments. Ideal for those who don't like tiny dog ​​breeds, but whose apartment size doesn't allow for a large breed.

I am very glad that I bought this particular breed, it is truly a wonderful creature)

Ksuha boss


For me in everything



Hello to all lovers of shaggy friends!!! We purchased this miracle two years ago, we thought for a very long time about the breed, the size, well, about everything. We arrived at the nursery, spent a long time choosing, and found this beauty. He was sitting so small, alone in a cage. As they explained to us, it was a culling (one tooth was missing), that is, it is not suitable for exhibitions and other things. Well, we just needed a dog, and with such kind eyes, this little face!!! In general, we couldn’t resist and bought it. The price was cheaper than the others, due to the fact that the rejection cost us 50,000 thousand rubles. Well, in general, this beauty has been living with us for a long time, we don’t regret one bit that we chose it! Smart, affectionate, funny. Have you ever heard about a smiling dog, this is about him, a smile from ear to ear. He also loves to talk and makes such interesting sounds. The only problem we have is food! Allergic to everything! Whatever he doesn’t eat, he immediately itches, so he eats only dry food. In general, if you decide to buy yourself such a friend, I recommend it, you won’t regret it! Good luck to you, love animals, and they will repay you in kind.


Interesting facts about Shiba Inu

It is worth learning interesting facts about representatives of the breed, as this interesting information may be useful.

  1. Strong hunting instinct. Even now, when the breed is more often bred as a decorative breed, it has not lost its hunting qualities. Because of this, when keeping it, it is taken into account that it perceives small animals as prey and can attack and even crush. If she grows up with another pet, even a smaller one, the risk of such behavior is much lower, but still not completely excluded.
  2. The breed is distinguished by its pronounced independence, and it regularly needs the opportunity to take a break from any company, including its owner. To do this, she needs to arrange a bed in a secluded place.
  3. Curious Shiba Inus can study an object that interests them, even if it is at a considerable height, since they can easily climb a ladder or a tree.
  4. Showing aggression towards other dogs. This behavior is not characteristic of all representatives of the breed, but quite a few. Because of this, during a walk, in order to avoid unpleasant incidents, you should not let your pet off the leash, and also walk it without a muzzle. When there are several dogs in the house, they should be fed in different places.
  5. Marked stubbornness in character. Representatives of the breed are quite intelligent, but at the same time stubborn animals. Training such a pet turns out to be extremely difficult, and an inexperienced owner is unlikely to be able to cope with it. Therefore, when getting such a dog, you should be absolutely sure that raising it will be feasible, and if difficulties arise, you can immediately contact an experienced dog handler.
  6. Ability to scream. The Japanese Shiba Inu dog, unlike representatives of other breeds, will not bark and whine if it does not like a particular situation. In this case, she emits a very specific, deafening scream that is unique to her, which can be very frightening. It doesn't mean the dog is in pain. This is how she simply expresses her protest.
  7. Very high running speed. The agile hunting breed develops particularly high speed when running. This is inconvenient when living in an apartment, since the pet regularly runs around the house, destroying everything in its path. Also, if the dog is not socialized and does not know the “come to me” command, if the pet falls off the leash, it will be almost impossible to catch up and return it.
  8. Particularly heavy shedding. Shiba Inu not only shed intensively 2 times a year, but also constantly, which is why they need to be combed daily, otherwise there will be a lot of hair in the house from such a pet.
  9. The life expectancy of a pet depends on its ability to spend long periods of time in the fresh air. The more walks, the stronger the pet will be.

When getting a Shiba Inu pet, you should consult the nursery where you buy the puppy about the characteristics of a particular line. If the pet's parents are aggressive, then the likelihood that he will also show negativity towards others is high.

Distinctive features

Shibs are small dogs, reaching 36-39 cm at the withers. There are the smallest representatives, whose height is no more than 30 cm. They are not included in the standard, but are considered pretty pets.

One way or another, all dogs must meet certain proportions. Their format is almost square, the body length to height ratio is 110 to 100. The dogs have a fit, well-built body, which allows them to develop high speed and hunt large animals.

The standard was last revised in 1995. There are 2 variations - FCI (worldwide) and Nippo (Japanese). In general, they are not very different, but the first one is more detailed and pays attention to all the details.

  • The head is wide, wedge-shaped, with clearly defined stops and cheekbones (cute cheeks are formed).
  • The muzzle is not wide, pointed (foxy). The bridge of the nose is straight. The jaw is strong with a full set of teeth and a scissor bite (the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth). The lips are thin, well pigmented black.
  • The nose is large and black.
  • The eyes are small, slanted, set at stop level. The color of the iris is dark brown.
  • The ears are set high, stand firm, slightly tilted forward. Triangular in shape.
  • The body is slightly stretched, well built, strong and flexible. The back is long, the loin is wide, the croup is straight. The chest is well let down (50% of height), deep with rounded ribs. The neck is short, wide and muscular.
  • The tail is long, thick, strong, curled into a ring.
  • Limbs straight and parallel, proportional to the body. The paws are round with pointed toes. The movements are light and energetic.
  • The coat is medium length, fluffy, hard, straight. The undercoat is thick and soft. The hair on the tail and body is longer than on the limbs and muzzle.
  • Colors: red, black, sesame (a mixture of red and black-brown). There should be “urajiro” - lightened hair on the chest, cheeks, muzzle, under the tail, on the limbs.

Breed standards

The Shiba Inu is a medium-sized dog with a proportional build and well-developed muscles and skeletal system. Its constitution is strong. The movements of a thoroughbred individual should be fast, beautiful and free. The head is quite wide in the forehead, with a pronounced transition to the nose, well-developed cheekbones. The muzzle itself is pointed, resembling a fox. The dog's teeth should be smooth, white, strong, with a correct bite. The set is complete. The peculiar, slightly slanted shape of the eyes and their deep set make the Shiba Inu look cunning. The dog's paws are straight and strong. The tail, like that of the Spitz, is set high, curled into a ring and lies on the back. The coat is thick and dense. The undercoat is abundant. The axial coat is hard.

The reasons for culling a dog are drooping ears, with the exception of puppies whose ears stand up only at 2-3 months, as well as a short or docked tail. The defects of the breed that significantly reduce the animal's grades include insufficient growth in males or excessive growth in females, as well as cowardice, the absence of a certain number of teeth and malocclusion.

Important! Underdevelopment of the testes in a male dog is a particularly serious defect leading to culling.

Coat and color

The adult Shiba Inu has a double coat and a dense, felt-like undercoat. The guard shaft of the hair is hard and elastic. The length of the fur is the same throughout the entire body. Only on the muzzle and paws is it shorter by about 5 centimeters.

The tail is more densely covered due to the raised position of the hair. The coat color can be different: black or red with red or silver tan. With zonal coloring, the ends of the hair are black.

Zonal colors can be:

  • black sesame (black predominates over white);
  • red sesame (a mixture of black and red flowers);
  • sesame (white with black).

Almost white or light sand colors are considered rare and undesirable, according to experts. Such dogs are not allowed to show. The most preferred color is bright red coat. In addition, at exhibitions, preference is given to animals that have white or cream-colored markings (urajiro) on the lower part of the neck, chest, inside the ears, on the cheeks, tail, on the inside of the paws, and on the stomach.

Features of character and intelligence

The Shiba Inu has characteristics close to freedom-loving hunting dogs. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their independence, stubbornness, high playfulness, they have retained a strong hunting instinct and at the same time are devoted to their owner.

The breed is freedom-loving, which makes it difficult to teach it to walk on a leash and with a collar. The natural cleanliness of the breed allows them to quickly adapt to the walking regime. Even when the dog is kept in an enclosure, it strives to maintain as much cleanliness as possible and will tolerate it until it is taken out for a walk.

Dogs don't tend to bark for no reason. They speak up when there is a reason for it. If the dog is not happy, he screams. The dog’s pronounced stubbornness along with a fairly high intelligence becomes the reason that it quite often begins to manipulate its owner and does only what it wants, and only if it is encouraged for it. Like all other breeds, the Shiba Inu has a description that combines very attractive qualities and those that limit the possibility of keeping such a pet by an inexperienced owner.

Security guard potential

It is not recommended to have this dog as a guard dog. She will give a voice when a stranger approaches, but will not be able to protect the owner or his property if necessary.

Attitude towards people

Dogs are loyal to their owners, but without excessive display of emotions. Shiba Inus are wary of strangers, will not come close and will try to constantly monitor their location with their eyes. The dog's toy appearance does not at all correspond to its behavior. She will not be a companion who is always ready to communicate and constantly waits for the owner to pay attention to him. If a stranger tries to touch the dog, it will most likely show aggression.

Physical data

These dogs are medium in size. The weight of a male is from 10 to 13 kilograms, and that of a female is from 7 to 9 kg. The height of the animal also varies depending on the gender. The height at the withers for males is from 39 to 41 cm. The height of the female is from 35 to 37 cm at the withers. If an animal exceeds the height and weight standards established by the standard, it is considered a defect, which entails culling.


Externally, the animal looks very attractive and resembles a husky and, to some extent, a smooth Spitz. The Shiba Inu comes in a variety of colors: red, wolf, white and black and tan. Having a strong physique, the animal looks fit and graceful. The special expression of the muzzle makes the dog look like a toy.

How to measure correctly?

Most breeders and veterinarians measure a dog's height at the withers. The withers are a part of the body that begins immediately after the neck - it is located between the shoulder blades.

Knowing where the withers are is not just necessary for measuring height, you will need this skill to:

  1. Treatments with drops against parasites;
  2. Injections;
  3. Growth control;
  4. To select ammunition and accessories for your pet;
  5. Selecting special clothing for the dog.

Finding the withers of an animal is very easy; you don’t need special knowledge or skills . To do this, move your hands from the animal’s shoulders upward until a fold is formed and your hands rest on the shoulder blades.

The skin that forms on top is your pet’s scruff, or withers.

Once you have found the withers of the animal, you can take measurements.:

  1. A rigid measuring tape is most suitable, because other attributes (ruler, measuring tape, etc.) can give distorted results, and it turns out that your dog’s height will be inaccurate, but with errors of several centimeters;
  2. It will be best if you take several measurements every few minutes. After you measure the height 2-3 times, calculate the average size of the pet - it should be final and truthful;
  3. The dog must be able to take a stance. Without this condition, it will not be possible to make correct measurements. If you have a dog that is not show class, then you should watch him. Close to the stance will be the state of the dog's body when it is interested in something and is carefully observing some object. You can artificially create such a situation, but in this case, measuring growth will require several people - one distracts, and the other measures;
  4. The attributes with which you will measure must be applied tightly to the dog's fur, but so that they do not squeeze the skin.


Measurements are taken precisely from the withers, because if you do this from the head or nose, then inaccuracies will also arise.

Even representatives of the same breed may have different head postures.

Height at the withers is the distance from the nape to the fulcrum. The surface on which the dog stands must be level.

When the dog takes a stance, or you were able to interest him in something, then you can take a measurement . The main thing is that the dog is calm and not fidgeting.

If your pet constantly tries to run away, then in this case, it is better to bring him to the door frame or wall and take a measurement on them.

It is better to carry out this procedure before feeding, then the dog will be more interested in the treat, with the help of which you will force the pet to take the correct stance.

Keeping and caring for the Shiba Inu

You can keep a Shiba Inu in an apartment or on a personal plot in an enclosure with a warm booth. Due to the rather complex process of raising the breed, it is highly not recommended for a beginner to choose it, especially when settling in an apartment. Caring for such a pet is quite labor-intensive, which also makes keeping it not the easiest.

Place of detention

An enclosure is optimal for the animal. In its conditions, the pet will not experience discomfort due to the home heat and will be able to sufficiently satisfy its physical activity in a fenced area without causing damage to the owner’s property. If you keep a Shiba Inu in the house, you should immediately give her her place, protecting from her those rooms where you don’t want to have dog hair, and where there are fragile objects that the dog can break. The Shiba Inu is absolutely not suitable for a small apartment.

Contents in the apartment

The dog easily becomes a destroyer, which can cause serious damage in the apartment if it does not have sufficient exercise during walks. It is desirable that they are not just active, but exhausting, when the pet, upon returning home, will only want to rest. A dog's endless energy can become an extremely unpleasant problem for an inexperienced owner.

If the dog is not physically tired enough to want to rest, he begins to organize games in the apartment that lead to destruction. An inquisitive pet strives to explore and taste everything around. These dogs are able to climb onto bookshelves and cabinets, damaging their contents and scratching furniture with their claws. The same effect will be observed if the owner, after a sufficient morning walk for the dog, is absent for a long time during the day. The pet left alone, having rested, will begin to have fun on its own.

Yard and aviary maintenance

When keeping a yard, it is necessary to take into account that dogs cannot tolerate being tied and are also prone to escape. Therefore, the enclosure should be securely fenced and additionally reinforced with a strip of concrete, which will prevent digging. When preparing the enclosure, it is necessary to take into account that the dog is quite strong, and a strong mesh will be required, the same as for large dogs. The pet needs an insulated kennel with a mattress inside, but without heating. An aviary dog, like one living in a house, will also need a lot of physical activity during walks, which should be daily. She also needs regular and long-term communication with her owner.

Weight by month

The FCI standard does not have exact weight standards for Shiba Inu. Nippo's description states that adult males should weigh 10-13 kg, females - 7-9 kg.

Therefore, there are no specific weight indicators for the development of a puppy by month. They focus on the overall harmony of the addition and adhere to the following approximate standards:

At birth300–400 g
1 month0.7–1.0 kg
2 months2–3 kg
3 months3.5–4 kg
4 months4.5–5 kg
5 months5–6 kg
6 months5.5–8 kg
7 months6–9 kg
8 months6.5–9.5 kg
9 months7–10 kg

Features of dog care

Caring for your dog requires proper care in compliance with certain rules.

Bathing and brushing

Grooming hair is quite labor-intensive. It is necessary to comb your dog daily, and during the shedding period several times a day. The pet does not need frequent washing; it is enough to bathe it with a special shampoo for dogs once every 6 months. With more frequent bathing, the coat loses its quality, becomes weak and does not protect the dog from cold and dampness. At the same time, if the pet gets dirty, it must be cleaned, since Shiba Inu are very worried about the presence of dirt and dust on their body and this can cause them a nervous breakdown.


The feeding diet should provide the pet with all the necessary substances. The dog should be fed only balanced food, which should always be fresh. High-quality water in the drinking bowl is constantly needed. Until the age of eight months, the puppy should be fed three times a day. Afterwards the pet can be switched to 2 meals a day. For dogs living on the street, 3 meals a day should also be introduced in winter. You should not give your dog food from your table, as well as sweet, smoked, flour and fatty foods.

Important! Poultry meat quite often causes violent allergic reactions in Shiba Inu, which is why it should be given with extreme caution.

Key points in training

Sibs are freedom-loving and willful. Coping with them is not easy; education and training will require a lot of effort and time, despite the fact that the dogs are very smart and quickly remember commands. First of all, the puppy needs to be taught that in the family the main owner and household members are the main one, to show the pet that everyone needs to obey equally. This can be achieved if you share all the responsibilities for caring for your pet: create a schedule for walking, feeding, and hygiene procedures.

You cannot use brute force or humiliate your pet. Sibs are vindictive and touchy. To punish a dog, a remark, a stern look, or deprivation of a treat is enough.

In order for the owner to show and consolidate his leadership, several rules must be followed: feed the dog after the family has eaten; to let you into the house when everyone has already entered; do not allow sleeping or jumping on human furniture .

If education begins from the first minute the puppy is born, then training is usually done from 3-4 months, when the dog has already learned its name and daily routine.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

If the owner is not confident in his abilities, then you can contact a training school or experienced dog handlers. It is important to take the “Dog in the City” course, which will help your pet adapt to city life.

In addition, the dog needs socialization: getting to know animals, people, getting used to the noise of cars and loud sounds. If the puppy is not properly socialized, he may become aggressive, timid or fearful. The Shiba Inu has strong instincts, but in order to teach the pet how to properly handle game and respond to all the owner’s commands, the animal is given to other people who specialize in hunting dogs.

Health and illness

Representatives of the breed are quite strong and usually do not suffer from diseases with timely and correct vaccination. At the same time, elite individuals, in which the main emphasis during breeding is on the exterior rather than on working qualities, may experience problems with the kneecaps and eye pathologies. To prevent such unpleasant phenomena, when choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the health of its parents.

What to do if your weight is below normal?

If you notice that the puppies, or any of the litter, are smaller than they should be for a certain age, then the first thing you need to do is reconsider their diet.

To do this, you should contact your veterinarian. He will help identify weaknesses in the menu, suggest alternatives or replace any products.

When puppies are breastfed, it is the nursing bitch who needs to reconsider the feeding plan..

If the puppy eats properly, but still does not gain weight, then you need to add vitamins to his diet. They must also be prescribed by a veterinarian. Basically, dogs suffer from a lack of vitamin A and D during the growing period.

When you notice that your dog is losing weight, you need to immediately contact special clinics - this is one of the most important conditions.

Timely identification of the reasons for the shortage can prevent serious consequences, because this may cause your pet to develop any other health problems.

After finding out the reasons for the delay, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment for you . This could be taking a vitamin, but also a course of deworming if it turns out that the dog has parasites.

During examination and testing, abnormalities at the genetic level and hormonal levels can be detected.


If you contact the clinic in a timely manner, such developmental pathologies can be overcome with special medications and a course of treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

Remember that the health of your pet is in your hands, and you bear full responsibility for it.

Education and training

Dog training should begin from an early age, then serious problems with socialization will not arise in the future. When training a pet, it requires treating it with respect, but with rigor. Physical punishment and moral pressure on the dog are not required, they will only lead to nervous disorders. General techniques for training, socializing and raising a dog are no different from those used for most hunting breeds. If the dog begins to show excessive aggression that does not correspond to the situation, such attempts must be stopped immediately.

What influences development?

There are many factors that can affect your puppy's height and weight in one way or another.

They all need to be taken into account as risk factors for a slowdown in these indicators:

  1. Feeding and caring for the bitch during her pregnancy and lactation . The better the conditions for keeping the female and her nutrition, the less danger that the puppies will be born prematurely or with an initial lack of weight. Also no less important is the period of feeding the offspring with mother's milk. A nursing dog should receive all the necessary elements and vitamins in order to pass them on to its children;
  2. First feeding . It should not be too early, but not too late either. Complementary food should contain everything necessary to replace the puppies' lack of mother's milk;
  3. Feeding the dog . When the dog comes into your home, you will now be fully responsible for the maintenance and nutrition of the pet. It must be correct and balanced;
  4. Presence of parasites . This factor affects the lack of weight and the poor development of the dog’s height and muscles. It is important to get special vaccinations;
  5. Injuries and illnesses that the animal could have suffered as a puppy . Such indicators affect the maturation characteristics of the Shiba Inu. Serious injuries, such as fractures, or pathologies slow down the dog's normal growth and weight development;
  6. Vitamin deficiency . Do not forget to feed your pet with special supplements, especially if he is on natural feeding.

How to choose and buy a Shiba Inu puppy

You should only purchase a puppy from a reliable nursery, where you can see its parents, as well as their documents. The future pet must be active, close in size to its brothers and sisters, and not have signs of disease or parasites. If the puppy is more than 2 months old, it must have a veterinary passport, which contains all the vaccinations given. Buying a puppy that looks weak, lethargic or not very healthy is highly discouraged.

The Shiba Inu is a breed that will make a good companion if it is provided with the right living conditions in which it can not only satisfy its physical needs for movement, but also its hunting instincts. The attractive appearance of the animal can make it desirable for a beginner, which is highly discouraged due to the complexity of the character and behavior of this dog breed.

Summary of the breed's pros and cons

Cute appearanceWillfulness, requiring lengthy training
Small sizeThe need for constant physical exercise and thematic walks
Balanced characterDominant behavior that creates barriers to living together with other animals
DevotionComplex training system
Quick witsDeveloped hunting instinct, due to which the pet can ignore the owner’s commands
Cleanliness and absence of a specific odor
Self-sufficiency (the pet does not need constant human presence)

Shiba is not suitable for busy and inactive people, as well as owners who have little experience with dogs. The loyalty of the four-legged “samurai” must be earned. Raising him will take a lot of time and effort, but all the efforts invested will definitely pay off.

Cute appearance

The external description of a Shiba Inu is an important part in determining the purity of the breed. According to established standards, dogs can have three coat colors: red, black and tan and sesame.

The color should also contain light areas on certain parts of the body.

The height of the dog at the withers is usually between 37 cm (for females) and 40 cm (for males).

The dogs have an expressive muzzle: clear cheekbones, round brown eyes with raised corners, erect triangular ears.


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Girls weigh 7-10 kilograms, they grow to 35-39 centimeters.

In appearance, females are slightly smaller than males.

The girl is more aloof, especially with strangers. This trait is due to the fact that the female is more cautious.

Neutering also affects her behavior. Spayed females show aggression less intensely.

However, the female Shiba Inu is quite intelligent. Therefore, it is easy to train.

Dog character

By nature, the Shiba Inu is loyal and devoted. But they do have some natural traits and instincts that you need to be aware of.

  • The dog's character is that he is independent and very pure. Before buying a new pet, many people are concerned about the question: does it smell like a dog? This breed grooms its fur like a cat. Therefore, there is no smell coming from it at all.
  • The pet loves when its owners are nearby. However, they are often aloof, like cats. Animals don't need or want human attention most of the time.
  • This is not a noisy dog. However, when strange people or sounds appear around the house, the animal will bark to alert its owners.
  • The pet does not bark very loudly, but it has a wide range of “vocal styles”. Your dog will quickly learn to use his screaming against you if you let him.
  • The breed is graceful and agile. She can jump over high fences and run away from home. You must wean your pet from this from childhood.
  • The Shiba Inu can quickly learn a set of commands. But the animal thinks that it is much smarter than you. Therefore, the pet obeys only when he wants it.
  • The dog may have a small body, but inside he has a big personality. If the species were human, it would probably be completely selfish.
  • The dog is very smart. Most often, he uses his mental powers to “pressure you” and get what he wants.
  • Beware of your pet's gaze. This is one of his most powerful weapons. The individual will use it with great success if he senses any weakness in you.
  • Animals are extremely touchy. If they are in this state, they may snap or bite anyone who approaches them.
  • The dog doesn't like to be touched. Nail trimming, bathing, or veterinary examinations are never fun for this pet.

To start or not

The character of these animals remains the same as in ancient times. Similar to cats in their independence and willfulness, without training they can become uncontrollable and cause many problems. Representatives of this breed are active, courageous, intelligent and will do only what they consider necessary.

They love to be in the company of family, but do not tolerate close physical contact. No matter how much they love all family members, they will show real affection only to one person - their owner, while the rest will be kept a little at a distance.

These animals need a brave owner with an iron character who will keep them in line, show them who is boss, and defeat their stubbornness. On the street, you should not neglect wearing a leash - the hunter's instincts can wake up at the most inopportune moment.

They are extremely reserved when communicating with strangers, but they have a positive attitude towards children and love to communicate and play with them. However, the relationship between them is very complex.

If you are active, have strong nerves and, first of all, you dream of a friend, and not an obedient subordinate, then the Shiba Inu is definitely for you.

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