How long do dogs live at home: table by breed

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How long dogs live is a very serious topic for any dog ​​breeder. We are making a friend who will be with us through the years. But how many years will it be? What determines the final life expectancy of our beloved pets? Let's talk about all the indicators that affect the length of a dog's stay in our world.

A dog's year in seven human years

One year of a dog's life is equivalent to 7 years of a human life. This formula is conditional.

For your information! A seven-year-old child is not yet a completely independent person. He is still attached to his parents. As for dogs, a one-year-old dog, on the contrary, is an animal that has long been separated from its mother. This suggests the conclusion that every month a dog lives is equal to 1.5 human years.

On average, dogs live 10-13 years

Thus, the life of a dog is:

Dog (years)Person (years)

Different breeds of dogs age differently, so the numbers above are approximate.
Large animals, for example, live longer than small ones. The difference can be at least 7-8 years. Therefore, comparing a large breed pet with a decorative puppy is fundamentally wrong. Note! It is almost impossible to calculate the life of a street dog. Cold, hunger, weather conditions and cars end the lives of mongrels very early.

How long do mongrel dogs live at home and on the street?

How long do toy terriers live at home?

Mongrels live a short life compared to pets. They don't even live to be 10 years old.

Yard dogs live 5-7 years less than domestic dogs

The longevity of mongrel yard dogs is influenced by the following factors:

  • living conditions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • regular fights with other street animals;
  • malnutrition;
  • active vehicle traffic.

For your information! Life span is also influenced by psychological background. Stress, lack of love from humans - all this significantly shortens the mongrel’s life.

What affects a dog's longevity?

Thus, longevity is influenced by at least seven factors, each of which is combined with others. These are the ones you should focus on - and also the average life expectancy of a particular breed . This figure is already more trustworthy, although, of course, it is also not a panacea or the ultimate truth.

Contents and diet

Proper nutrition is the key to health, not only in people, but also in animals. Feed is given:

  • With the right composition. For puppies there is one, for adults there is another, for old people there is a third. Pregnant females require more vitamins and calcium, castrated males require less specific nutrients. Kidney failure, liver failure, diabetes, activity level—everything is taken into account.
  • In the right proportion. If you give too little, the animal will be exhausted, its immunity will drop, and the will to live will disappear. If you give too much, the animal will become fat and lazy, stop playing and running, and its immunity will also decline. Feed is calculated by weight, taking into account the percentage of body fat.
  • Adequate quality. Lost food, which is usually fed to animals in villages, is just as harmful to them as it is to people. Cheap food damages the liver; cheap natural food does not take into account the needs of the body. The food is provided fresh, always with meat - or premium quality, if we are talking about food. Do not mix natural products and feed.

Diet is half the battle, only one side of the coin. Its second side is activity. The dog is provided with adequate exercise, this has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, nervous system, mental state and muscle frame. They walk him according to the requirements of the breed (at least two hours a day), play, run, and provide socialization.

Additionally, the suitability of the environment for the animal is taken into account. In the hot summer, the long hair is cut off. In cold winters, short wool is covered with warm overalls. The house is maintained at a comfortable temperature.

A dog that eats properly, moves every day, does not freeze and does not suffer from the heat, will most likely live longer than those who eat incorrectly, exercise little and are negatively affected by the climate.

Read more: How long should you walk your dog?

Ecological situation

Smog-polluted air is bad for people's health—and for dogs' health, too. The owner is not able to do anything with him, but he is able to give the dog clean water, do not go with him to places where there is a lot of garbage and waste, do not allow him to pick up garbage and walk through puddles of gasoline. And also, from time to time, get out into the countryside at least for a walk, relax and breathe some truly fresh air.

Animals that live in environmentally unstable areas die earlier than those that live in clean areas.


Stress is one of the factors that causes a decline in immunity and, following it, many diseases. People often say: “All diseases are caused by nerves” and to some extent this is true. The more nervous a person or animal is, the weaker his health.

And there are a lot of reasons for stress in a dog’s life. And it’s the owner’s job to help deal with it.

Stress most often occurs as a reaction to:

  • Lack of human attention. Of course, it is impossible to sit with your pet for 24 hours, but you need to provide attention. To do this, during a walk, the owner does not just walk next to him, holding the leash, but interacts: teaches commands, throws a ball, praises him for his calm behavior. At home, he allows you to sit next to him, expresses approval of small everyday successes, and sometimes gets distracted from his work and strokes. Then even a dog that is left alone for most of the day will feel needed.
  • Punishments. You cannot hit the animal, you cannot scream, you cannot aggressively reprimand it. Punishment is needed to convey a message, and not to frighten or suppress. It must be proportionate to the offense, age and temperament of the dog, otherwise it will cause stress.
  • Fears. Fear attacks often occur with small dogs: they are afraid of other animals, a roaring washing machine, or a loud TV. However, even large dogs are sometimes timid in front of things common to humans. The owner must support the pet, show that there is nothing wrong, and reward him for his courage. Or help avoid the source of fear if you can’t train it.

Stress is caused by frequent moves, change of owner, quarrels between owners, the appearance of a child, puppy or kitten, and travel. Nervous dogs suffer even from loud noises.

Of course, human beings cannot prevent all this, but we can help the dog cope with stress and not let everything take its course.

A dog whose owner supports him in difficult life moments will most likely live longer than the one who copes with everything on his own.

Genetic and acquired diseases

Disease is the main reason why dogs die in general. Not everyone lives to reach a peaceful old age and die in their sleep from cardiac arrest. Most end their days early for one of the popular reasons:

  • Oncology. Many dogs are susceptible to cancerous tumors, but humanity has not yet learned how to treat cancer. There are breeds that are more predisposed to it, and others that are less susceptible, but many die from it.
  • Heart attack. A heart attack affects not only obese individuals, but also those with a weak cardiovascular system. Good prevention of heart attack is walking in the fresh air and an ECG every year.
  • Stroke. A cerebral hemorrhage produces the same result: death.

There are many diseases that animals suffer from. Some of them are hereditary - which is why it is important to choose a puppy from good breeders who monitor predisposition to diseases and do not cross sick parents. Part acquired due to poor nutrition, stress, lack of activity.

A healthy lifestyle is a good way to reduce the likelihood of illness, even infectious disease.

A dog who has been sick a lot in his life is likely to die earlier than one who has no predisposition to diseases.

Frequent childbirth

If we are talking about a bitch, her death will be hastened by frequent childbirth.

Despite the fact that a bitch is capable of giving birth several times a year, pregnancy is a difficult test for her body, which affects the bones, gastrointestinal tract, immunity and general endurance.

A bitch who has never given birth or only given birth a couple of times in her life will most likely live longer than a bitch of the same breed who has given birth to several litters of puppies.


This may seem strange, but how long a dog lives at home is also affected by how well it is raised. There is logic in this: an ill-mannered dog is more likely to break off its leash when it sees a cat, run away and get lost. More likely to fight with another animal and get injured. It will bite a person and be put to sleep. He will run out onto a busy highway without listening to his owner’s commands. It will eat the bait of dog hunters without reacting to the command “fu!”

The commands "fu!" and “come to me!” The most spoiled, smallest dog, who has never heard of any other commands, must obey unquestioningly. Because her life depends on these two.

Life expectancy with illnesses

Heart disease is the most common pathology in domestic dogs. Heart failure is second on the list of diseases that kill pets. Cancer comes first.

The following breeds have a high predisposition to acquiring these diseases:

  • Saint Bernards;
  • Newfoundlands;
  • Great Danes;
  • orange spitz.

Note! The listed breeds live less than 10 years. The first symptoms of the disease appear at the age of 2-3 years.

What determines a pet's lifespan?

The life expectancy of a dog is influenced by many factors, which are conventionally divided into congenital and acquired.

Frequent childbirth

From a physiological point of view, pregnancy does not cause any particular harm to the health of the dog. However, childbirth is fraught with stress for the animal, the possibility of a cesarean section, and bleeding. In addition, frequent childbirth wears out the body. Recovery takes about 6 months.

Proper treatment and prevention

If the owner regularly takes the pet to the veterinarian, then the likelihood of the dog developing a chronic disease will be reduced to zero. And annual vaccination will protect the body from infectious diseases.

Stressful conditions

Dogs become very attached to their owners. If a person does not pay attention to the pet, stops walking and playing with it, then the dog may fall into a depressed state. This will lead to heart diseases and disorders.

Genetic predisposition

There are a huge number of diseases to which one or another breed is susceptible. For example, the Chinese Crested often suffers from keratoconjunctivitis, enteritis, and sunburn.

For your information! Huskies often genetically inherit juvenile cataracts. The disease manifests itself in puppyhood.

Veterinary assistance

Timely castration or sterilization can protect your pet from serious diseases, including cancer. In addition, the animal should be regularly vaccinated and treated against parasites.

Anatomical features

Dog health problems are also associated with the anatomical features of a particular breed. For example, bulldogs and Pekingese often suffer from bronchial asthma, because their nasal passages are slightly curved.

Pet food

Your pet's diet should be balanced. It is forbidden to feed the animal food from the table. The dog's body will not properly digest the food that people eat. If you regularly feed your dog the wrong food, this will lead to problems with the liver or gastrointestinal tract.

Small dogs live longer than big ones

Dog size

The size of a dog greatly affects its lifespan. Animals of large breeds live 10-12 years. But how long do small dogs live? Maltese, Spitz and Chihuahuas live up to 17-18 years.

Parade of Centenarians

We offer you a brief overview of those breeds whose representatives live the longest.


These are funny and charming pets. Despite problems with the spine, they live 13-14 years. They become truly attached to their owner. Don't forget that these friends love hunting.

Yorkshire Terrier

Now they are at the peak of popularity. These babies can live up to 15-16 years. Interestingly, their ancestors were used to hunt rats.


If you want to get a resilient, cheerful friend, buy a beagle. They live 13-14 years. The main thing is not to overfeed.

Boston Terrier

This cute creature with big eyes lives on average about 14 years. It has a cheerful, playful character. The weak point is the eyes. Debris and solid particles often get into them. They can be damaged by blinding sun or gusty winds.


These cute babies with huge eyes have become very popular. The lifespan of pugs is 14-15 years. The disadvantage of the breed is poor heat tolerance and a tendency to become overweight.


This is the tiniest breed. It is very ancient. Such babies delighted the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans with their cheerful disposition. Amazingly, they can live up to 18 years.


Very popular dogs. They are quite large. Can live up to 12 years. The weak point is the hip joints. With age, their work is disrupted.


This dog was originally used by farmers to look after their sheep. The Sheltie is small, hardy, and eats little. She can live about 13-14 years. The weak point is kidney failure, which develops due to bad teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure proper dental care. It is enough to regularly give your dog something hard to chew on.

Miniature Schnauzer

Schnauzers are distinguished by their endurance and stamina. They live 12-14 years. It is a wonderful companion and lover of children. This breed has a weak point - a tendency to pancreatitis.

Shih Tzu

These babies live 12-14 years. Their homeland is Ancient China. These pets even lived with representatives of the ruling dynasty. But in the West they became known only in the 20th century. To prevent skin diseases from developing, you need to carefully care for their coat.

How to extend the life of your four-legged friend

It is foolish to think that a dog that has been chained all its life will live a long life. Dogs of any breed should experience regular physical activity. In addition, pets must be protected from health problems. To do this, it is necessary to provide the animal with decent medical care. The most important thing a person should have is love for his family friend. The presence of all these factors will help the dog live a long life with its owner.

The owner's love helps the animal feel needed

Important! The average age of a dog dying of old age is over 10 years. This means that with proper care the pet will spend most of its life with its owner.

Many dog ​​breeders wonder how many lives do dogs have? All animals have one life, and its quality largely depends on humans. Before you get a pet, you should understand the full extent of responsibility for it and make sure that it lives a happy life.

Who lives longer: mongrels or purebred dogs

Many people believe that mongrels live much longer than purebred, pampered domestic dogs.

Yes, there is a certain logic in this. Dogs living on the street undergo the most severe natural selection. Only those with good health and strong immunity survive. However, external environmental conditions, lack of medical care, poor nutrition, hypothermia and chronic stress greatly shorten the life of homeless four-legged animals.

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