Medium dog breeds, their characteristics, types, names and photos

American Cocker Spaniel

Adult dog weight: from 7 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 34 to 39 cm. The friendly energy of this breed overflows. American cockers get along well with other animals and even play with kittens with pleasure.

The owner is perceived as God, they are ready to run after him to the very ends of the world. But cockers are not at all sensitive to birds, so if you already have a parrot, siskin or canary living at home, think carefully about whether you can provide the bird with the proper level of safety.

Among all types of medium-sized dog breeds, American Cockers stand out for their ears. You just want to pet them and pat them. The ears are thin, but covered with thick and long hair. These remarkable ears are especially loved by children, to whom cockers are quite friendly.

But you should not leave the baby alone with the dog: if carried away by the game, the cocker can grab it with its teeth, which is noticeable for the child. Even as they grow up, cockers continue to behave like not very smart puppies: they are hyperactive and so attached to their owner that the cocker’s company sometimes becomes too intrusive.


Adult dog weight: from 14 to 27 kg. The height at the withers is from 43 to 53 cm. Completely opposite character traits coexist in this breed: poise is adjacent to amazing fighting qualities, wisdom is combined with childish spontaneity.

A pit bull always remains faithful to its owner and will never show its leadership qualities around him. Pit bulls prefer not to show aggression, but it can manifest itself if the dog is left to its own devices for a long time.

This breed has a bad reputation as killer dogs. And, although animals are not to blame for the criminal acts of their owners, before you plan to travel with a pit bull, make sure that the breed is not banned in the country you are going to. For example, in the UK, pit bulls are strictly prohibited; the breed cannot not only be bred, but also kept at home.

German pinscher

  • Height: from 43 to 51 cm
  • Weight: from 11 to 20 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years

The muscular and powerful German Pinscher is an excellent family watchdog. These confident, athletic and intelligent dogs were first bred as rat-catching dogs. They have a strong hunting instinct and love to chase anything that moves. The ancestor of all Pinscher breeds, German Pinschers enjoy activities such as scent searching and agility.

Interesting fact: the German Pinscher almost went extinct after both world wars. Werner Jung is credited with reviving the breed in 1958 in West Germany. Despite its name, the German Pinscher is more closely related to the Schnauzer than to the Doberman Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher.

Although German Pinschers are low maintenance, they may not be the best choice for a first-time owner . They are very energetic and can use their brilliant minds to get into mischief, so make sure they get enough physical and mental exercise.

Based on materials from:

Basset Hound

Adult dog weight: from 18 to 28 kg. Height at the withers is from 33 to 38 cm. His eyes have long been the object of offensive ridicule. You've probably heard the expression "looks like a basset hound." What does it mean? Probably an offended and sullen look. But basset hounds can hardly be called offended - it’s just the structure of their muzzle. No, Bassets are never melancholic.

This is the case when the soul of a frisky hunter hides in a small body. His energy is more than enough for long walks and sports exercises, and even short legs are not a hindrance to this.

The dog is very friendly, but also stubborn, so educational moments should never be neglected. Bassets take criticism extremely sensitively, and sometimes they even take a little revenge.

The breed accepts other dogs well, but cats a little less well. They get along well with all animals in the apartment, provided that they do not encroach on their comfort and do not take up their favorite place on the owner’s sofa. Why, we still haven’t told you how much basset hounds love comfort?! So, for them, lying on the master’s bed is a reflexive thing that is almost impossible to correct.


  • Height: from 33 to 41 cm
  • Weight: from 9 to 11 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

Once used by English gentlemen as a hunting companion, the Beagle is now a friendly and fun-loving family companion that also fits well into the lifestyle of single people. Beagles love children, are easy to train , shed moderately, and are generally healthy.

Fun fact: Beagles may be one of the oldest dog breeds, but their origins remain a mystery, as does their name. Some experts suggest that "beagle" comes from the Gaelic word "big", which means "small". Others suggest that the breed was named after the sound they make when hunting.

Shiba Inu

Adult dog weight: from 8 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 37 to 40 cm. Among the medium breeds of dogs for apartments, representatives of the Shiba Inu breed occupy a special place. The breed is known to us from the film “Hachiko”, where the most faithful dog was played by a Shiba Inu.

Shiba Inu is one of the most “ancient” breeds, bred about 2 and a half thousand years ago. Shiba Inus were originally a hunting breed, but in the modern world they are more like companion dogs, sweet and friendly.

Training a Shiba Inu is not easy, but your efforts will not be in vain: you will get the most loyal, loving, inquisitive and intelligent friend. The breed is suitable for experienced dog breeders; a beginner is unlikely to cope with it due to its strong and very wayward character.

Shiba Inus have a craving for dominance, so they constantly strive to assert themselves and take the place of leader of the pack. Young children are especially vulnerable in the eyes of the Shiba Inu, so it is recommended to start the breed in a family with children who have already reached adolescence.

List of medium breeds

Medium breeds include more than 200 types of dogs. Among them, the most popular are huskies, shepherd dogs, terriers, spaniels, chow chows, and Siberian huskies. Below are some medium-sized dog breeds with names, a brief description of their appearance and behavioral characteristics.

Australian Shepherd

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The American Aussie breed belongs to the group of herding dogs. Valued for hard work, endurance, unpretentiousness. This is an affectionate and devoted friend, easy to learn and train. Loves and takes care of children.

The Aussie has a medium bone structure, muscular build, weight 18-29 kg. Movements are light and graceful. The body is slightly larger than the height at the withers (in males it is 51-58 cm, in females it is 46-53 cm). The coat is medium length, straight or wavy. On the head, ears, and partly on the limbs, the hair is short and smooth. Traditional colors: black, red solid and marbled, blue marbled.

Keeping an Aussie in an apartment is not advisable - she needs space and constant exercise, movement, long runs. Grooming takes a lot of time.

American Bully

This breed is a demonstration of physical strength and power. Heavy bones, muscular body, square head, wide powerful chest, heavy jaws, wary and intent gaze of small eyes - such an appearance does not even fit with the shyness, friendliness and tenderness that the dog shows in communicating with people and other animals.

American Bullies live 9-12 years. The weight of males can reach 60 kg. In America, the breed is divided according to height into 4 varieties:

  • pocket (up to 43 cm);
  • standard (43-51 cm);
  • classic (43-51 cm, but lighter than standard);
  • large, XL (51 cm-57 cm).

Unofficially, another variety is distinguished - micro (33-35.5 cm). The short and glossy coat color comes in a variety of colors and color combinations.

Puppy training should be done from an early age, preferably with the participation of an experienced dog handler. The disadvantages of pets include the need for constant communication with the owner and the desire to usurp power.

American Cocker Spaniel

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The height of these dogs is no more than 38 cm, their weight does not exceed 14 kg, and they live up to 14 years. The physique is strong. The muzzle is short, the stop is deep, the ears are drooping and shaped like the blade of an oar.

The coat is long, soft, straight or wavy, satiny to the touch, completely covering the entire body except the head. The color can be monochromatic (black, brown, light cream, dark red) or multi-colored.

Cocker spaniels have a cheerful and friendly disposition. They love active games, but when they get excited, they can attack and bite lightly. They cannot stand loneliness and need constant attention. The best habitat is in a house (apartment). It is very important to monitor their diet - dogs are insatiable and gain weight quickly.

English bulldog

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The breed belongs to the group of Molossians, which are distinguished by strong bones, developed muscles, powerful jaws, a massive head and incredible courage. These are large and strong dogs. Outwardly calm and even phlegmatic, they are ready to rush into battle at any moment.

In the past it was a baiting dog, and now it is a decorative companion dog. The height of bulldogs is 50-55 cm, weight 23-25 ​​kg. This is a stately animal, confidently standing on widely spaced legs, with a short square muzzle, deep folds on the head and neck. The coat is short and smooth, with straight hair. The color is uniform, in a variety of bright colors, except black.

To cope with such a dog, it needs to be trained, and only a strong-willed and patient person can do this. Care and maintenance are not difficult. More attention should be paid to fold hygiene. Pets live 7-10 years.

English cocker spaniel

This breed was bred to hunt birds. The height of males is 39-41 cm, females - 38-39 cm, weight 13-15 kg. Life expectancy is 12 years.

The ears are long, oval, hanging, covered with soft hair. Nose with a fleshy lobe and wide nostrils. The eyes are brown, slightly bulging. The tail is docked, but not short. The coat is soft, but not as long as that of its American relatives. The hair is straight, on the stomach and legs with a slight wave. The color is varied: solid (black, red, chocolate), spotted (fawn, red, black, brown with white), tricolor, speckled.

In everyday life, pets are neat and clean, the only concern they cause is loud barking for no reason. They don’t like strangers, they will bark at them, but nothing more, so they are not suitable for the role of a security guard.


This dog has other names: Zande, Congo Terrier, Bongo Terrier, forest dog from the Congo. She is one of a kind. Her uniqueness lies in the fact that she never barks. Only occasionally, depending on the situation, does it make sounds reminiscent of snorting, laughing, groaning, muttering, or howling.

These are smooth-haired hunting dogs with a lifespan of 12-16 years. Their dimensions are 40-43 cm, weight 9-11 kg. The coat is soft, silky and shiny. Standard colors are brindle, black, red and brown. The neck, chest, belly, lower legs and paws are white. On a long strong neck rests a beautiful, graceful head, with transverse folds on the forehead. The decoration is the ears: high, straight, triangular, with sharp ends, slightly tilted forward. The body is compact and elegant.

Pets are energetic, savvy, and able to adapt to any conditions. They are friendly and are not the first to show aggression, but they are wary of strangers. They get along with other dogs, but not with small pets.

Basenjis are not stupid, but they are difficult to train: they have trouble concentrating and are lazy to follow commands.

Basset Hound

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The dog amazingly combines stockiness (height 33-38 cm), short limbs, external clumsiness with ease of movement and tirelessness in the pursuit of prey. The long, lobe-shaped ears, the elongated body, the loose skin falling in folds on the paws and chest are striking and delightful.

Bassets have a low voice, a strong bass, audible over long distances, but their temperament is soft, as is the look of their large, sad, expressive eyes. The character is gentle and balanced. In communication he shows sincere friendliness and does not tolerate loneliness well. The pet will be a good friend for 10-13 years, showing devotion and affection, but it will not make a guard.

Training is required because Bassets are capricious, zealously protect their interests and do not like to change habits. The pet must live in the house. He needs careful care so that the folds of the skin do not become greasy and emit a dog smell.

Border Collie

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The breed was bred in Britain to herd sheep. Its working qualities have been fully preserved: the border collie takes care of and herds all living things that are nearby, including people. They often serve as guides.

There are 2 types of breed: short-haired and long-haired. The latter have a lush “collar” covering their necks and fluffy “pants” on their legs. Their height is 47-53 cm, weight 15-20 kg. They live 12-14 years.

The pets are obedient, not at all aggressive, not noisy, and are in good health. The difficulty in keeping them is that they especially require active games and jogging. They should not be in an enclosure or on a chain. Idleness and being “locked up” lead to mental disorders. They don’t like loneliness, but they tolerate it without excessive nervousness.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

It is a good hunter of birds, small animals and wild boars. The height of males does not exceed 50 cm, females no higher than 45 cm. Weight is 12-15 kg, they live 12-14 years. The appearance of the husky, as for a dog, is non-standard - it looks more like a fox, but its speed is clearly that of a wolf.

The breed is characterized by increased excitability, agility, energy, cheerfulness, and trustfulness of people. Savvy, well trained. A well-developed sense of territory, hearing, observation, and endurance, so it copes well with the duties of a watchman and does not lose vigilance even when frolicking.

It is more comfortable for Laika to live in a house with a large yard, but she cannot be chained. She is not fussy about amenities, but it would be desirable to have a soft lounger. He eats any food suitable for purebred dogs and loves to eat with his family.

Advice! During a meal, the husky's neck should not tilt more than 10 cm, so you should not place a bowl of food on the ground (floor), but only on a special holder.

Miniature Schnauzer

The advantages of this breed include: high intelligence, friendliness, good health, easy training, low aggressiveness, high protective qualities. That's what they call them - bearded guards.

The dogs have a stocky and compact build, with a square format. The skull is large, elongated, the muzzle is in the shape of a blunt wedge. The ears are triangular and drooping. To give a standing position, they are docked. The tail is of medium length, crescent shaped. According to modern standards, individuals with a cropped tail are disqualified from competition.

The coat is of medium length, short on the head and ears, but there are eyebrows, mustaches and a beard. 2 colors: black and pepper (combination of gray and silver hairs).

Pets captivate with their balance, ability to recognize guests and strangers, love for children, and devotion to their owners. The disadvantages include a dislike of loneliness.


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The American Pit Bull Terrier is a cross between a bulldog and a terrier. There are 3 types of breed: terriers, bulldogs and mixed. The height of females is 43-51 cm, males - 46-53 cm, weight - 14-28 kg.

The head is large, rectangular. The muzzle is deep, wide and short, like a bulldog or a terrier. The ears are half drooping and the tip is slightly rounded. They are sometimes docked, giving the shape of a triangle. The coat is short, solid or brindle in color.

Despite its power and frightening appearance, the character of the pit bull is peaceful and balanced. The pet shows aggression only towards animals. But in extraordinary cases he can be dangerous and capable of showing unprecedented cruelty.

A pit bull can live in an apartment or an enclosure, but it cannot be put on a chain - this makes it aggressive.


The breed is famous for its curly hair, cheerful disposition and intelligence. Her homeland is France. Depending on growth, there are 4 types:

  • toy (toy) – less than 28 cm;
  • dwarf – 28-35 cm;
  • average – 35-45 cm:
  • standard (large, royal) – 45-60 cm.

Thick, lush hair is the pride of the poodle and its calling card. There are two types: curly and corded. The color is uniform, in various shades. Caring for owners of such fur cannot be easy. It needs to be combed daily, the pet needs to be bathed frequently, and regular haircuts are performed (there are more than 20 types).

In good conditions, with proper maintenance, a poodle can live 15 years, delighting household members with its optimism. He accompanies his owner everywhere and willingly carries out his commands. Pets understand many words, recognizing them by lip movements.

Russian hunting spaniel

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This is a gun hunting dog. The breed is recognized in Russia, but is not included in the international classification. According to the generally accepted standard, her height is 36-44 cm, weight 15-20 kg. They live 12-14 years.

The spaniel's format is rectangular, the muzzle is elongated, not pointed. The coat is long, slightly wavy, shorter on the head and front of the legs. The ears are drooping and lobe-shaped, like those of all spaniels. The tail can be docked halfway. The color can be solid, two- or three-color.

By nature, they are active, energetic animals and excellent hunters. They love company, games and food - they can be easily lured by showing them food. They have an easy-going nature, learn and train without problems.

Samoyed husky

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The Samoyed (Sami) dog, or Arctic Spitz, belongs to the section of northern sled dogs. These animals are indispensable in the northern and polar latitudes, but are also in demand in civilized conditions.

Because of the peculiar shape of its lips, the Samoyed Laika is called the “smiling dog.” The second distinguishing feature is the coat, which requires careful care. It is dazzling white (a cream shade is allowed), thick, fluffy - purely fur. There is a fluffy “collar” around the shoulders and neck. Height ranges from 50-60 cm, weight – 17-30 kg, dog age – 12-15 years.

Samoyeds are friendly, with a complete lack of aggression, know how to get along with others, love children, have an easy-going character and cannot stand loneliness. They cannot be kept locked up or chained; they are in constant motion. You can teach your pet simple commands yourself; more complex training should be carried out by an instructor.

The dog is not picky about food. The biggest delicacy for her is fish.

Shiba Inu

Other names for the native Japanese breed are Shiba-ken or Japanese dwarf. In her homeland she has been declared a national treasure. Her parameters are 37-41 cm, 10-13 kg (males), 35-38 cm, 7-9 kg (females). Life expectancy is 12-15 years. A characteristic feature is a thick, plush fur with a soft undercoat and a fox-like muzzle.

It’s nice to have such a companion: clean, intelligent, inquisitive and loyal, but the breed has a number of disadvantages. The disadvantages include the desire to dominate the owner. You need to start accustoming your puppy to the rules of life as early as possible, otherwise subsequent training will not be successful. Dogs are also difficult to train.

The Japanese dwarf is not picky about food and living conditions. The animal sheds a lot, so during the molting period the fur has to be combed twice a day.

The Shiba is a rare medium-sized dog that does not get along well with small children, perhaps because they constantly violate its personal space.

Siberian Husky

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The breed was bred by the Chukchi for sled riding. This is a large dog (50-60 cm, 15.5-28 kg), with a strong constitution, emphasizing great strength. She has everything in moderation: a medium-length neck and distance between the ears, a head that is not coarse, but not refined, and moderately wide-set almond-shaped eyes. The legs are moderately spaced, the coat is quite thick, of medium length, the well-furred tail is curved into a sickle. Any color: from black to white.

The husky's character is friendly and calm. Apart from being a family friend, it can only be used for sled riding and participating in exhibitions. The lack of aggression and sense of its own territory make it a poor watchman and guard.

Pets are smart, easy to train, adapt to any place where they are kept, and find loneliness difficult. The training process is possible only in the form of a game.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Representatives of the English shorthair breed are smart, agile, strong and fearless dogs. Having a fighting origin, they are not at all aggressive, can get along with all pets and domestic animals, and love children. They are often used as companions due to their intelligence, obedience, devotion and stable psyche.

The height of staff bulls does not exceed 41 cm. The weight of males is 13-17 kg, females - 11-15 kg. The physique is strong and muscular. The neck is powerful, the bridge of the nose is wide, and the jaws are strong. The ears are semi-erect, the eyes are dark and round. Paws set wide apart, chest deep, tail of medium length.

The colors are white, plain or with black spots, black, brindle, blue, red. Black and tan and brown colors are undesirable.

Thai Ridgeback

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The breed is one of the rare ones and is a national treasure of Thailand. From time immemorial they were used for hunting birds and animals, and accompanied carts.

Ridgeback is a real handsome man. Height of males is 61-66 cm, females – 56-51 cm, weight – 23-32 kg. The shape of the head is wolf-type, the muzzle is wedge-shaped and short. There are vertical and horizontal folds and wrinkles on the forehead. The ears are triangular and erect. The tail is long, sickle-shaped.

The wool resembles velor. Hair length from 0.1 cm to standard 1.25 cm. The color is solid, without white or other spots (except for the chest). An important distinctive feature is the ridge of hairs on the back, of various configurations.

Like all primitive breeds, Ridgebacks are difficult to train, not because of a lack of intelligence, but because of their independent, stubborn nature and willful behavior.


This English breed belongs to the group of short-haired greyhounds. Her specialization is hare catching and greyhound racing. No dog can outrun a whippet, which runs at a speed of almost 70 km/h.

It is a lean, muscular and graceful animal, with strong legs. It has a characteristic difference in the structure of the body - a deep chest combined with a pronounced arch in the lumbar region. The height of males does not exceed 51 cm, females are 4 cm lower. They live 12-14 years.

Keeping a pet is simple: he is clean, obedient, not picky about food, feels great in an apartment, is in good health, and has short, smooth hair that does not require careful grooming. But it does not tolerate cold well due to the lack of a fat layer.

Whippets are very popular all over the world and always win prizes at prestigious dog shows.

Fox terrier

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The breed was developed in England. There are 2 varieties - smooth-haired, more often used for fox hunting, and wire-haired, more common, often used as a companion. Height at withers 35-40 cm, weight 7-8 kg. Average life expectancy is 16-18 years.

The body is compact and muscular. The head is flat, the stop is smoothed. The ears are small, triangular, with drooping tips. The eyes are small, round, not protruding. The tail is docked at 1/3 (the procedure is prohibited in some European countries). Coat length is 2-4 cm. The classic color is white, with markings throughout the body of red, brown or black.

Despite their small size, the dogs are physically strong, resilient and fearless. They have such highly developed hunting instincts that when they see someone else's cat or dog, they begin to chase, so the dog should be on a leash when walking.

Maintenance and care are not difficult. They are difficult to train.

Chow chow

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The shaggy lion dog, the bear dog, is a Chinese guard dog, one of the most ancient breeds. There are legends that chow chows descended from bears, which they resemble in appearance, posture and gait. But the fact that dogs could have evolved from the wolf is confirmed by scientific research. This is also indicated by the blue color of the tongue, which, together with the unique stilted gait, is the “calling card” of the animal.

The height of males is 48-56 cm, females - 46-51 cm, weight 26-32 kg and 20-26 kg, respectively. Pets live 11-13 years. They belong to the Spitz group, but unlike them they have a massive neck and head with a flat forehead, a flattened muzzle with a sad expression. The skeleton is powerful, the body is muscular. The tail rests on the back.

The entire body is covered with long, non-adhering soft hair of a single color: black, blue, red, red, white and cinnamon. There are 2 varieties: short-haired and long-haired. Chow-chows are proud, independent, loyal only to their owners and do not make contact with strangers. They are not very active and easily tolerate loneliness, so they are suitable for busy people.

Shar Pei

Char pei is an ancient and rare breed from China. Its distinctive features are thick folds of skin and a blue-black tongue.

For hundreds of years, the Shar Pei was a guard and herding dog, and took part in dog fights. He gained popularity as a companion due to his tenderness, reliability, quiet and calm character. And also - a unique, exotic species, about which the French said: “If you come to visit with a Shar Pei, then they won’t even pay attention to you personally.”

Shar Peis live 9-13 years, growing at the withers to 40-50 cm, reaching a weight of 18-25 kg. They have a powerful neck of medium length, the muzzle resembles the face of an old man, covered with wrinkles. The legs are straight and thick, the front legs are widely spaced, emphasizing the width of the chest. The tail is thin and hard, curled upward.

It is best to keep your pet in an apartment, not on the street. Hours of street walks are enough for him. Long runs are contraindicated. The disadvantage of Shar Peis is that they have average learning abilities.

Thai Ridgeback

Adult dog weight: from 23 to 32 kg. The height at the withers is from 56 to 66 cm. This breed is definitely not suitable for novice dog breeders. The independent and stubborn nature of the Thai makes the training process difficult, so beginners will not be able to cope.

Dogs have high intelligence, but achieving unconditional obedience from them can be quite problematic. But if you are ready to show patience, love and affection, the Thai will become a loyal friend, a good guard and a true family member.

Purebred Thai Ridgebacks are quite rare. The breed, although ancient, is not widespread outside its historical homeland. Strong, fearless Ridgebacks are highly valued by breeders, so you will have to pay a pretty penny for a puppy.

When getting a Thai Ridgeback, be prepared for many hours of walks in parks and constant contact with your pet. Thais cannot stand loneliness and boredom. Accept your pet for who he is - you still can’t change his innate character. If you insist, you risk getting a dog with serious mental problems.

For the same reason, you cannot shout at Thais - their subtle mental organization does not allow manifestations of rudeness; a Ridgeback can be very offended by such freedom towards itself. Only affection, love and patience can raise a Ridgeback puppy into an obedient dog with a balanced character.

General tips and tricks

When choosing a suitable four-legged dog, dog breeders recommend paying attention to the following nuances:

  • body weight and volume - you cannot bring a large animal into a one-room apartment and create a comfortable environment for it;
  • characteristic features - the presence of activity or phlegmatism, a friendly attitude towards others or innate aggressiveness, a tendency to dominate, protection of personal space, increased demands for attention from the owners;
  • lifestyle - each individual has its own frequency and duration of walks, level of physical activity, sleep and rest patterns, pickiness in nutrition, attitude towards other pets and children;
  • physiological features - predisposition to diseases, household injuries, frequency of procedures for caring for the coat, ears, teeth and eyes.

A big role is given to living conditions and the internal atmosphere. The animal needs to create the ideal option according to its needs. Otherwise, it will become aggressive, become depressed or get sick.

Before purchasing a puppy, the owner must become familiar with the peculiarities of its maintenance. You cannot rely on your own intuition and boundless love for dogs - if the rules of cultivation are violated, instead of a healthy and cheerful individual, he will have to coexist with a constantly ill, evil and vengeful creature.

Fox terrier

Weight of an adult dog: from 6 to 8 kg. The height at the withers is from 35 to 40 cm. The breed is suitable for extroverts, lovers of cheerful communication and active games in the fresh air. The Fox has strong leadership qualities, so as the puppy grows up it will try to dominate its family members. It depends only on the owner whether he succeeds or not.

Foxes are born hunters, their hunting instinct literally knows no bounds. If you get a fox terrier for other purposes, then you need to take care in advance about where it will release its accumulated energy. Walks in the park are suitable, but you need to monitor your pet very carefully - foxes often run away, following their hunting instinct.

If your home is not soundproofed, then think 100 times before getting a Fox Terrier. These dogs have a ringing voice, which they gladly put into action whenever there is even the slightest reason. It is unlikely that the neighbors will like this kind of music.

The Fox Terrier is difficult to train; its hunting instincts always take precedence over good upbringing. Foxes' favorite pastime is digging holes, so you should think about the safety of your summer cottage before purchasing a puppy. If you deprive your dog of this pleasure, she will quickly dig up your laminate, carpet or linoleum.

English bull terrier

Adult dog weight: from 23 to 32 kg. Height at the withers is from 53 to 56 cm. Another breed with a terrifying appearance and friendly disposition. In general, this is a fairly typical occurrence among medium-sized, smooth-haired dog breeds , so never judge by appearance.

Bull Terriers almost never show aggression; they wave their tails and smile even at strangers. Bull Terriers are also excellent nannies, but due to their large, muscular build, they are not recommended to be left alone with a child. If you have no experience in dog breeding before, get a simpler breed than a bull terrier.

It is difficult for a beginner to take the place of leader and retain it, and there is no other way with a bull terrier, otherwise, instead of a smiling, handsome and loyal friend, you risk getting an uncontrollable, embittered dog that does not recognize the authority of the owner and growls at every family member. Even if you have not encountered this breed before, you can easily recognize it by its egg-shaped skull. Some people like it, some don’t, but it definitely attracts attention.

With an easy-going character

Unperturbed individuals are represented by:

  • Pug - he is happy to return, but does not suffer from depression when left alone. Easy to train, used for living together with the elderly. Selfless individuals are characterized by an affectionate disposition. Animals may experience pathologies of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, they react poorly to heat, snore and suffer from flatulence.
  • Welsh Corgi - calmly takes root in a one-room apartment. Animals quickly remember a basic set of commands and do not show stubbornness. They do not strive for leadership and love kids. The regimen consists of monthly bathing and brushing several times a week.

Important! Do not forget that aggressive behavior and physical punishment can drive out the most calm animal.

Welsh Corgi


Adult dog weight: from 10 to 12 kg. The height at the withers is from 44 to 51 cm. The second name of this breed is the Small English Greyhound. Their distinctive feature is high intelligence and the ability to sense the mood of the owner.

A dog can be a quiet smart guy or a smart electric broom - it all depends on your emotions. But if they give you a break, don’t dream that it will last long. An emotional whippet will soon begin to express his love and affection to you.

Most whippets are affectionate, sensitive and extremely attentive pets. Their love of love sometimes just goes off scale. They will follow their owner with their tail, look faithfully into the eyes and wait for a response.

But such love does not extend to children: as soon as the baby becomes overly annoying and, in the opinion of the whippet, goes too far, the dog leaves with dignity. He doesn’t growl, doesn’t snap, but just walks away - this is also a definite plus.

Nova Scotia Retriever

  • Height: from 42 to 54 cm
  • Weight: from 17 to 23 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 14 years

These medium-sized dogs have red fur and are very similar to Golden Retrievers, but they are slightly smaller and less popular. Nova Scotia Retrievers are energetic, highly intelligent, and very vocal. They are also famous for their unique high-pitched bark , similar to a scream, which they emit to express excitement and impatience.

Did you know that the Nova Scotia Retriever is the smallest breed of retriever. Developed in the 19th century to attract, hunt and retrieve waterfowl, this energetic breed is an ideal companion for active families.

The Nova Scotia Retriever is agile, quick and determined and will enjoy participating in canine sports such as scent retrieval, agility and swimming. An affectionate and loving companion, the Nova Scotia Retriever is also patient with children.

Chow chow

Adult dog weight: from 20 to 32 kg. The height at the withers is from 46 to 56 cm. The external characteristics of the Chow Chow make this breed very special: unusually fluffy, with a lilac tongue, these miracle dogs instantly become the center of attention of both children and adults. But behind such a sweet appearance hides a proud beast with high self-esteem and a huge reserve of stubbornness. Proper training can change the situation for the better.

It is better if the puppy is brought to the new home as a baby. Chow-chows choose their own owner from among all family members, but they accept the rest calmly, without excessive familiarity. The Chow Chow gives love to only one owner; it receives love from others.

Chow-chows are very silent; they will never bark without a very good reason. Everyone who knows the breed better assures that the Chow Chow is a very loyal, kind, but at the same time independent friend. Chow chows remember insults for a long time: a child who pulled a puppy by the tail is unlikely to be able to win his trust even at a more mature age.


Absence of shedding noted:

  • The Chinese Crested is a decorative dog with a hairless body and fluff on its legs, tail and head. Representatives have developed friendliness, dexterity and dexterity.
  • The Labradoodle is a unique, intelligent animal, with characteristics of Poodles and Labradors (mixed breed). A calm and devoted dog does not lose hair, is easy to train, and does not smell of anything.

Important! These four-legged animals can be chosen by people with a keen sense of smell and allergies.

Australian Labradoodle

Mexican hairless dog

Adult dog weight: from 4 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 25 to 60 cm. Currently, three varieties of the breed are known: mini, standard and medium sizes. Hence such a large spread in parameters. These unusual dogs, completely or partially hairless, are the epitome of pets with a huge sense of self-esteem.

They hardly bark and are attentive to the emotions of their person. It is very easy to make friends with a Mexican Hairless Dog puppy, but only one can become its best friend. Adults are wary of strangers. They delicately bark and circle around their owner’s feet, warning him of the approach of a suspicious person.

The love of outdoor games and active sports is in the Mexicans' blood. You need to walk with them for at least an hour a day, and just sitting on a bench and observing is unlikely to work - dogs actively involve their owners in their games, bringing them toys, as if inviting them to share active leisure time.

When deciding to buy a Mexican Hairless dog, do not forget about the right choice of food for medium breed dogs . This breed is very prone to allergic reactions and vitamin deficiency, which is why a balanced diet is so important for it. Only ready-made premium food or a natural diet, which a veterinarian will help you create, is suitable for pets.

Japanese Spitz

Adult dog weight: from 5 to 8 kg. Height at the withers is from 28 to 36 cm. A snow-white fluffy dog ​​can become the most faithful friend and companion. Representatives of the breed are very clean; they try not to get dirty while walking. Their thick coat is able to repel dust and moisture, so it is easy to maintain a neat appearance for your Spitz.

We train the Japanese Spitz well, but this should be done by the person whom the dog recognizes as the owner. Dogs are very wary of strangers, although they try to hide it behind a “trademark” smile on their pretty face.

The future owner of a Japanese Spitz needs to be prepared that from time to time this handsome guy will try on the crown and demonstrate to the world that “the spool is too small for the roads.” Many owners mistakenly assume that such funny situations should be encouraged rather than suppressed. Do you want the white prince to sit on your neck? Do the same.

Siberian Husky

Adult dog weight: from 16 to 28 kg. The height at the withers is from 51 to 60 cm. All types of medium-sized dog breeds are divided into long-haired and smooth-haired. One of the cutest representatives of long-haired dogs is the northern sled dog, the Siberian Husky. This breed embodies remarkable intelligence, love for people, selfless devotion and high intelligence.

When considering all the pros and cons of keeping a Siberian Husky at home, remember that the dog is very active. She needs regular exercise, otherwise the apartment will be completely destroyed in your absence.

Huskies are constantly looking for somewhere to release their accumulated energy and do not always let it go in a peaceful direction. Huskies choose one person as their owner, but they reverently love all family members. The breed's protective qualities are completely undeveloped.


Representatives shed less and do not require special care procedures.

Basenjis cannot bark; the emotional reaction is manifested by a specific sound, reminiscent of a howl. Friendliness is combined with caution; absolute trust extends only to the owners. It is easy to care for smooth-haired dogs - just wipe the coat with a damp cloth.

The second representative is the Basset Hound. The dog does not have a repulsive odor and is subject to seasonal shedding. During this period, it is brushed with a brush with natural bristles daily.

Important! Unpleasant odors from Basset Hounds appear as diseases develop.

Silent Basenji

Samoyed husky

Weight of an adult dog: from 15 to 30 kg. The height at the withers is from 50 to 55 cm. Representatives of the breed are famous for their excellent health, because there has been almost no artificial human intervention in the breed. A snow-white fluffy coat, a touching face and an easy-going character have made Samoyeds one of the most sought-after breeds in the world.

And not only in the north, where dogs do an excellent job of protecting reindeer herds and racing sled dogs, but also in a developed civilized society. The Samoyed dog is ready to show love for everyone, if not every minute, then certainly every hour. Samoyeds are called “dogs with ideal character.”

Playful, loving enthusiasts are extremely friendly towards everyone, even strangers. It is important for them to be in the center of attention all the time, but at the same time Samoyeds are completely non-confrontational - the genetic habit of living and serving side by side with other dogs in the pack has left its mark on the character of the Samoyed.

Another distinctive feature of the breed is boundless courage. When you get a purebred Samoyed, you can be sure that you will never see the slightest sign of fear from him, at most - wariness.

In winter, Samoyeds are harnessed to sleighs, which children and adults enjoy riding. And it is not known who is more delighted by this fun: a dog or a person? Samoyeds perceive such walks as a reward.

American Bully

Adult dog weight: from 30 to 58 kg. Height at the withers is from 40 to 56 cm. Looking at this strong guy with small eyes, it’s hard to believe that he can be someone’s best friend. Nevertheless, it is true. Anyone who has decided to get an American Bully puppy recognizes this breed as simply adorable.

First of all, the frightening appearance combined with a peaceful character captivates. Secondly, the bully’s relationship with family members: the dog of old people and women, ready to take care of children. Bully can become an excellent security guard and your personal bodyguard at the same time.

Studying the average dog breeds in the photo , few people will believe in the good nature of the bully. But the menacing appearance does not affect the character in any way. In reality, bullies are completely adequate, balanced, affectionate dogs who love to cuddle with their owners. The main thing in the educational process is to make it clear to the bull that the owner will always dominate. It is better if a competent dog handler does this.

English bulldog

Weight of an adult dog: from 22 to 25 kg. Height at the withers is from 38 to 41 cm. A faithful friend and a brave bodyguard - this is how the owners characterize English bulldogs. At first glance, bulldogs are clumsy and slow, but this impression is deceptive.

If the animal itself or its owner is in danger, the bulldog will orient itself with lightning speed and will defend to the last. Brave and stubborn, the bulldog knows no feelings of fear or uncertainty.

Among his family, the English Bulldog is a loyal, lazy and very balanced pet. This is one of the few breeds that voluntarily refuse to walk and prefer to spend time at home, under a blanket, at the feet of their beloved owner.

But you cannot indulge hypertrophied laziness: bulldogs are prone to obesity, the first reason for which is the lack of physical activity. The breed is ideal for families with children. The English Bulldog will allow them to do whatever they want with him, will never show aggression and will be a model of humility.

But English bulldogs also have a lot of shortcomings. This includes a strong specific smell, increased salivation, and a love of trying the owner’s things “to the teeth.” And, of course, a huge number of not the most pleasant sounds: slurping, snoring, grunting, squelching...

All this cacophony will accompany you around the clock. English bulldogs also suffer from increased gas production, which can also cause great discomfort to household members. It's up to you to decide if you can live with these shortcomings. If yes, then you will get a true friend. If not, look at dogs of other breeds.

Which don't bark

Indoor dogs that do not fill their homes with piercing barks are represented by:

  • Basenji - with a funny howl or purr. The sound can be no less intrusive than a standard bark. Representatives are kept in fairly spacious premises - small-sized options are contraindicated.
  • Bichon Frize - they only give voice when there is a real danger to the owner or during particularly fun games. The rest of the time they remain silent.
  • English bulldog - intimidates others with an unusual expression on its face, although in reality they are very cute animals. Owners do not complain about annoying barking - aristocrats prefer to remain silent.

The list of non-barking animals also includes the Irish Setter, Cane Corso, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Chinese Crested.

Important! Bullmastiff, St. Bernard, Afghan Hound, Akita Inu are also not fans of cheap shows, but are not suitable for small spaces. They require a private house or large-sized dwelling.

Australian Shepherd

Adult dog weight: from 18 to 30 kg. Height at the withers is from 46 to 58 cm. The breed is one of the easiest to train, so Australian Shepherds are often used as guide dogs for visually impaired people or as service dogs. The second name of the breed is Aussie.

The good nature of Aussies is legendary. They get along in the same territory with children, other dogs, cats, fish and hamsters. At the same time, even the tiniest “neighbors” may not be afraid of sudden attacks of aggression - Aussies are absolutely unfamiliar with such feelings. Representatives of the breed cope well with the role of tailed nannies.

Aussies are herding dogs, but they have taken root quite well in modern houses and apartments. Notice how during a walk your pet constantly makes sure that no one accidentally gets lost, gathers everyone in a group, and urges those who are lagging behind with his nose. It is the hunting genes in the dog that say this.

Shar Pei

Adult dog weight: from 18 to 35 kg. Height at the withers is from 40 to 51 cm. While studying the names of medium-sized dog breeds , you probably dwelled in more detail on the Shar Pei. The appearance is very interesting! Smooth-haired dogs are covered with many folds, and their tongue is dark blue.

If you dream of an active, playful pet, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​owning a Shar Pei. Typical representatives of this breed have a reserved character, an independent and willful disposition. The Shar Pei will happily dominate his "pack" if allowed to do so. You can't trust a dog with small children - it won't babysit them at all and can show frightening aggression.

If you have a good dog handler in mind, or you yourself are 100% confident in your abilities, then take a Shar Pei and start training literally from the first minute he appears at home. If you can socialize and train him, you will get a companion dog with a calm character.

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