Hairless cats - Canadian and Don Sphynx: description of the breed, differences, colors, care. What to feed hairless Sphynx cats, how to keep them: recommendations

Sphynx cats are unusual, graceful, intelligent animals. The article will tell you about the peculiarities of keeping Canadian and Don sphinxes, their character and behavior.

Having once met the Sphynx, many cat lovers decide to have a small representative of this hairless breed in their home. These cats are capable of charming with just one glance, and with their grace and alien appearance they can forever make a person fall in love with them.

Sphinxes are graceful, flexible animals

In order to avoid making a mistake when choosing a pet, it is necessary to take into account the differences in Sphynx breeds, as well as take into account the peculiarities of the maintenance and behavior of these cats.

Canadian and Don Sphynx: description of cat breeds, colors, photos

Sphynx cats have a flexible, muscular, round body and long, elastic legs. The tail of sphinxes is usually straight, but sometimes it is pressed tightly to the side in the form of a ring.

The Sphynx's tail can be pressed to its side

The head is rounded, slightly oblong, with prominent cheekbones, a straight nose and wide, large ears, rounded at the ends. The entire body of the sphinx is covered with thick, suede-like skin that forms folds.

IMPORTANT: The “folding” of sphinxes is an indicator of age. There are a lot of folds on the body of kittens, while the “oldies” have folds only in the area of ​​the neck and abdomen.

Folds on the body of a “rubber” Sphynx kitten
A distinctive feature of Sphynxes is their dense, rounded belly, when you look at it you might think that the animal has recently eaten heavily.

Canadian and Don Sphynxes have many similarities, the most important of which is the almost complete absence of hair on the skin. Despite this, cats and Sphynx cats can come in a wide variety of colors. This is acceptable and must be noted in the animal’s pedigree.

Sphynxes can have different colors

Each color, shade, color of the skin of sphinxes corresponds to a specific letter of the Latin alphabet.

There are 7 solid colors:

  • black ( n )
  • blue( s )
  • chocolate ( b )
  • lilac ( s )
  • red ( d )
  • cream ( e )
  • white ( w )

In addition to plain ones, sphinxes can have bi-color and intermediate colors. Sphynxes of bath, color-point, and Harlequin colors look unusual.

Red Sphynx kitten

IMPORTANT: Tortoiseshell coloring is the norm only for Sphynx cats. Sphynx cats of tortoiseshell color are a kind of natural error. The gene mutation that leads to the appearance of tortoiseshell seals deprives them of the ability to reproduce. Otherwise, these animals are no different from their own kind.

Don Sphynxes can be:

  • naked - completely bald, there are a large number of folds on the body
  • flock - the body is covered with barely visible hair, feels like a peach peel
  • velor – hair on the body is noticeable, reaches 3 mm
  • brush - a body under coarse fur, these sphinxes cannot take part in exhibitions

The Sphynx's skin may be covered with thick fur.


The Don Sphynx is a relatively young Russian breed of hairless cats. Animals have an unusual appearance. Their muscular body is covered with soft silky skin, and large almond-shaped eyes stand out on their expressively defined muzzle. The miniature head is complemented by large protruding ears. The uniqueness of the breed lies in the fact that not all of its representatives are completely hairless. Kittens of some species have pronounced hair, which they often lose with age. The first bald baby, acting as the founder of the breed, was born in Rostov-on-Don in 1990. The breeder's long-term breeding work has borne fruit. In 1996, the breed was officially registered, which over time gained fame throughout the world.

Don Sphynx

Velor Don Sphynx

The difference between the Canadian Sphynx and the Don Sphynx

A non-professional is unlikely to immediately find the differences between the Don and Canadian Sphynx. And these differences are not so important for those who simply have a hairless cat as a pet. However, if it is planned to produce offspring from a kitten in the future, the breeder needs to know how the Sphynx breeds differ.

IMPORTANT: The main difference between Sphynxes is the hairlessness genes. All Canadians are carriers of the recessive gene, and the Don Sphynxes are carriers of the dominant gene. This means that there is always some hair on the body of the Canadian Sphynx, and the Don Sphynxes are often completely hairless.

Upon closer examination, you can notice other differences between the Don and Canadian Sphynx, which include:

  • Head shape . Don Sphynxes have clearly defined cheekbones, a wedge-shaped skull, sloping in the forehead area. Canadians have a narrower skull
  • Don Sphynxes have mustaches
  • look , his eyes are always wide open. Don Sphynxes have more slanted eyes
  • tail , with a tassel at the tip, while Don Sphynxes have a straight tail.
  • The body of a representative of the Don breed is more muscular and strong than that of the Canadian Sphynx

Canadian Sphynxes are distinguished by their “open” gaze

IMPORTANT: In addition to external differences, the Don Sphynx differs from the Canadian Sphynx in its friendliness, sociability and more balanced behavior.

The history of the origin of “bald” breeds

The official history of the Sphynx is very short, but hairless cats, as a result of a genetic mutation, have appeared next to humans since ancient times. Attitudes towards this miracle of nature could be very different: in ancient times they were attributed healing and almost magical qualities, in the Middle Ages they were burned for.

Hairless cat - a genetic error or a miracle of nature?

There is information about an ancient breed of hairless Mexican cats, which, unfortunately, completely disappeared at the beginning of the last century. But these legendary hairless cats and modern hairless cats have a common origin, based on a spontaneous genetic mutation, fixed and passed on to offspring.

This is what hairless Mexican cats looked like

There are several known hairless cat breeds, both generally recognized and experimental. Some of them were obtained by fixing a spontaneous mutation, and the rest were the result of interbreeding.

Photo gallery: modern hairless cats

The Canadian Sphynx as a breed has a history of half a century ago.

The Don Sphynx is a young, but very popular and promising breed of hairless cats.

Petersburg Sphynx, or Peterbald - to create the breed, the blood of oriental cats was infused into the Don Sphynxes. Ukrainian Levkoy - a derivative of the Don Chak and Scottish Fold

Elf is a product of crossing Canadian Sphynxes with American Curls

Bambino is a miniature cat obtained from the union of Canadians and munchkins.

Dwelf is the fruit of a triple selection of Curls, Munchkins and Canadians

The Cohona, or Hawaiian Hairless, is the result of a mutation, a breed so rare that its very existence is in question.

Don Sphynx

The Don Sphynx is a young breed of Russian selection. It is generally accepted that all Don Chaks descend from the cat Varvara, a blue-cream “tortoise” who was found by a kind woman in Rostov-on-Don in February 1986 as a very small kitten. Having picked up the unfortunate baby just on the street, Elena Kovaleva fed her and treated her, but the cat’s fur did not grow back. The cat's body was velor, and its tail, paws and frill remained fluffy.

Moreover, when the matured Varvara became a mother, a hairless kitten was found in the litter, also a girl, named Chita. It is from this moment—since 1990—that the official history of the Don Sphinxes begins. Elena’s friend, Irina Nemykina, although she was not a felinologist at that time, was the first to recognize the signs of sphinxes in the amazing cats. Having received baby Chita as a gift, she actively began self-education and selection of a new breed.

Irina Nemykina and her cat Chita “invented” a new breed of Sphynx

The first breeding nursery of the Don Sphynx was called “Myth”; the famous cat Hannibal, who is in the pedigree of every Donchak, was obtained here. Close crossing of Hannibal with his mother Chita made it possible to obtain completely hairless kittens and fix the genotype of the new breed. Strange cats - Sphynx cats of Russian breeding - were shown at exhibitions of aboriginal breeds, and they very quickly gained popularity.

In 1992, the number and quality of the livestock made it possible to create the first, experimental standard of the domestic breed, and in 1998, the Don Sphynxes finally received international recognition at the conference of the World Cat Federation (WCF), and at the same time the final name of their breed, which until then was called differently:

  • Don balder;
  • Russian hairless;
  • Russian naked.

Irina Nemykina with her modern pet

However, the name does not change the essence of the fact that the young breed of Sphynx of Russian selection quickly became famous, popular and in demand throughout the world. Today there are four breed standards:

  • ICEF;
  • WFF;
  • WCF.

An adult Donchak looks unusual and solid

Such well-known felinological organizations as FIFE and TICA are also considering the issue of recognizing the Don sphinxes.

Video: all about the Don sphinxes

Canadian Sphynx

The first attempt to create a breed of Canadian Sphynx was, alas, unsuccessful. It dates back to 1966, when a hairless kitten, Prune, appeared in a litter of ordinary domestic cats from the province of Ontario, which immediately attracted the interest of local felinologists. Despite their efforts, it was not possible to create a new breed based on this random mutation.

“Lysik” Prun was actively mated with his mother, sisters, daughters and just cats of different breeds, but the hairless offspring that resulted were small in number, weak, and unstable in phenotype. In addition, the breeders did not have a common strategy and a unified vision for the new breed, which, by the way, immediately received the name “Canadian Sphynx” and experimental status from the CFA. This felinological organization was forced in 1971 to revoke the status it had issued.

Sphynx cats are sometimes called "moon cats"

A second chance appeared only nine years later, with the birth of a naked baby to another parent couple. A kitten named Epidermis eventually became the ancestor of the Canadian Sphynx. Around the same time, three more “balds” were found just on the streets, two of whom took a direct part in the formation of the breed.

At the first stages of selection, Devon Rex blood was actively infused into the small Canadians to expand their gene pool and create the desired type, features of which to this day are sometimes visible in purebred Canadian Sphynxes. Experienced American and European felinologists carried out breeding work in the breed. All authoritative felinological organizations in the world today have already recognized the Canadian sphinxes.

Video: everything about the Canadian sphinxes

Hairless Sphynx cat: character

The unique character of the Sphynx, as well as their appearance, is the result of careful selection. These animals are not prone to displaying aggression or discontent. Kind, soft, sensitive, gentle, devoted Sphynxes are ideal pets.

They get along well with both older people and families with small children. A balanced character combined with a playful disposition helps these animals share the interests of each family member.

Sphynx cats get along well in families with small children.

IMPORTANT: Sphinxes are not vindictive, they quickly forget random insults, but they have a hard time experiencing loneliness.

Sphynxes love to interact with people and pets. They are not afraid of large dogs and lack the hunter's instinct, so a hairless cat's best friend can be a huge bulldog, a hamster or a parrot.

Sphynxes are playful and curious animals

Differences in Personality

When choosing a cat, you should first of all pay attention to its character and compatibility with family members. Fortunately, both Sphynx breeds are friendly and easy-going animals, but there are a few differences:

  1. Don Sphynxes are very kind and quickly find a common language with all family members. Kittens are constantly hovering underfoot, checking what the inhabitants of the house are doing, and are always ready to join in the game. Donchak people are not afraid of guests and welcome noisy companies.
  2. Canadians are more reserved and a little moody. From among the inhabitants of the house, they choose one whom they consider the owner and prefer to spend time only with him. They treat other animals calmly, but try to keep their distance. Some Canadians are characterized by aggressiveness when strangers try to establish close contact.

The character of animals is influenced by the atmosphere in which they live.

Nicknames suitable for Sphynx cats

Even the Sphynx kittens look majestic and proud, their entire appearance reminiscent of Egyptian figurines. Calling the Sphynx a simple cat name, such as Timka or Fluff, doesn’t even occur to us.

In order not to invent anything new, you can simply look at the list of names of Egyptian gods. A name suitable for the little miracle will be found there quickly.

For example, a Sphynx cat can be named after one of the goddesses: Amaunet, Anuket, Isis, Seshat, Sioux . Suitable names for a sphinx boy are: Aker, Amat, Amset, Anhur, Geb, Mafdet, Onuris, Osiris, Hapi, Hesat, Khnum, Shai, Yah.

The names of ancient Egyptian gods suit the majestic sphinxes

Hairless cat - Canadian Sphynx: care

The main feature of keeping sphinxes is the need for regular bathing . Bath procedures are carried out at least twice a month.

Adult cats are bathed in a bathtub, kittens - in a basin or sink. Soapy bathing water should not be cool - sphinxes need warmth.

Adult Sphynx cats are bathed in a bathtub

Using a soft washcloth, carefully remove dirt from the body, face, tail and paws, paying special attention to the folds, then rinse the animal in clean water.

IMPORTANT: Due to the fact that hairless cats constantly sweat, they themselves and the objects they touch with their sweaty bodies acquire a brownish tint after drying.

If the sphinx is not against bath procedures and enjoys playing in the water, you can offer him children's rubber toys. If the animal is frightened and is trying with all its might to avoid the upcoming procedure, you should talk to it in a gentle, calm voice.

Sphynx cats love to play while bathing.

At the same time, you should not make sudden movements or raise your tone. After bathing, the cat is “blotted” with a dry, warm cotton towel. In addition to bathing, hairless cats need to be dried daily with soft wipes.

Sphynx cats need regular manicures , as brown sweat mixed with dirt quickly covers the top and gets stuck inside the overgrown claws.

TIP: Hold your cat firmly and apply gentle pressure to the pad of the paw to expose the overgrown claws. Using gentle movements, cut off the overgrown part. To avoid cutting off excess, you should not cut close to the base.

The ears of sphinxes, as well as their claws, suffer from a large accumulation of fat and dirt in them. You can clean your cat's ears using cotton swabs or turundas moistened with warm water. Contaminants are removed only from visible parts of the ear, avoiding contact with the ear canal.

Sphynx ears need to be cleaned regularly

Reviews about breeds

It is easier to name the breeds with which Canadians were NOT MATTED, than those with which they were MATTED. No wonder they are one of the most colorful breeds. Why does mating with a Donchak cause so many emotions? It would be strange if no one tried. The gene responsible for baldness in Don Sphynx cats should be considered conditionally dominant with the participation of modifier genes responsible for the presence of curly hair in Don Chaks. That is, kittens that are not dominant in the hairless gene can have different degrees of hairiness.


Some lovers bought a very good cat from me about 5 years ago. 2 years later, a letter comes from them with complaints about why their cat gives birth to ordinary kittens. I’m surprised, I find out the situation (I think maybe they got brats there). It turns out that they bred a cat with a Canadian (some smart guy advised them...the cats are both naked) and the result is ordinary domus.


I saw a photo of a kitten, which was called “wool”. The announcement said that everyone was born naked and only one was “with fur.” Outwardly, he looked like a heavily brushed Donchak. The kittens were sold as Canadians. Mom is Canadian, dad is Canadian and also the champion of Kyiv in 2010. The previous litter also contained nakeds and woollies. With difficulty, the author of the topic asked for a photo of a “purebred” Canadian. There was a phenotypically Don Sphynx.


Canadians are more demanding, they have a guttural voice and your neighbors will be shocked too. The Donetsk players are more practical; they can play with themselves.


About the Don Sphinx

These cats, due to the fact that they do not have fur, are cold and need to move, lose energy and are therefore constantly hungry. No matter how much you give to ours, it won’t be enough.


I thought it would be less of a hassle with velor than with elastic. Less, but still enough worries. You still need to bathe, because he sweats, licks himself, and it smells strongly...


Sphynxes are terribly mischievous, they do not like to be petted, but they love a light pat on the skin. Like other cats, they love to catch flies and other flying creatures. But they have one peculiarity - before starting to hunt a fly, the sphinx “hypnotizes” it with certain sounds similar to “ME-A-A” (and not ME-A-A) (not ME-A-A, but by the letters!!!), and only then the real hunt begins!


What to feed a Sphynx cat?

Sphinxes are real gluttons. They love to eat and gobble up even the simplest food with appetite, be it porridge or soup. However, it is too early to rejoice. Due to its accelerated metabolism and sensitive digestive system, the Sphynx requires a varied, balanced diet.

Sphynx cats are happy to try new dishes

Twice a week you should offer your animal canned meat. The Sphinx's menu must include raw fish, meat, boiled liver, dairy products and dry food. Fresh drinking water should always be freely available.

IMPORTANT: Overheated or supercooled food is unacceptable. Sphynxes are allowed to be fed food at room temperature.


Males of these breeds reach sexual maturity by the age of one year; in females, the first estrus usually occurs at the age of 6-8 months. There is no need to breed sphinxes during this period. It is recommended to carry out the first mating at the age of 1.5-2 years; by this age they can already produce full-fledged offspring.

Traditionally, the female is brought to visit the groom, whose owner prepares all the conditions for the “wedding.” The most favorable moment for this is 3-5 days of estrus. Cats should be comfortable and not be distracted by anything. For the bride, you need to prepare a place where she can hide if suddenly she actively does not like the proposed groom.

Before mating, both animals must be examined by a veterinarian and their claws trimmed. A course of anthelmintic drugs must be administered within 2-3 weeks. It is strictly not recommended to bathe a cat before mating. The cat must feel the specific smell emitted by the animal during the period when the hormonal background is most consistent with procreation.

Diseases of Sphynx cats

The most vulnerable place of every hairless cat is its skin. Due to excessive secretion of sebum and untimely removal of it, acne .

To get rid of purulent lesions on the skin of an animal, you need to contact a veterinarian, who, after assessing the situation, will prescribe treatment.

Sphynx acne

IMPORTANT: A Sphynx will have healthy skin if its owners pay enough attention to the pet’s hygiene. By bathing your animal 1 – 2 times a week, you can prevent the appearance of acne and pustules.

In addition to skin rashes, Sphynx cats often suffer from a number of other congenital and acquired diseases, including:

  • Microphthalmos is a reduction in the eyes of a kitten that occurs as a result of infections suffered by the pregnant mother. The progression of the disease often ends with a tumor. Surgery will help correct the situation
  • Curvature of the spine - the disease develops in the caudal part of the spine and is accompanied by dwarfism and pathologies of the bone and digestive systems. Occurs as a result of inbreeding or is inherited
  • A shortened jaw is a congenital defect. It may be mild and not affect the general condition of the animal in any way, however, such sphinxes must be sterilized, since they cannot take part in breeding
  • Vasculitis is inflammation of blood vessels, which appears on the skin as red and blue dots and spots of different sizes. The disease can either disappear on its own without a trace or be complicated by inflammation. The causes of vasculitis are: internal diseases, stress, reaction to drug treatment
  • Entropion is a congenital pathology in which the edges of the eyelids are unnaturally turned inward. The situation is fraught with the development of chronic conjunctivitis in the sphinx. The problem can be solved through surgery
  • “Falling asleep” kittens is the appearance of non-viable offspring as a result of crossing two “rubber” sphinxes. Kittens are born very weak, their skin has a bluish tint, and vital organs may be missing or not functioning. There is nothing we can do to help these animals.

Sphinx's eyelids turn upside down


The Donchak is not a picky animal and can even be said to be independent. But just like all cats, it requires attention, affection and care.

Skin care and bathing

Although cats are hairless, it is important to monitor the condition of their skin. It is precisely because of the lack of hair that Don Sphynx cats sweat and secrete a fatty substance that protects the skin.

Over time, if the cat is not bathed, the layer becomes noticeable and causes discomfort to both the cat and the owners. Therefore, bathe your cat, but not more than 1-2 times a week. Otherwise, the cat's skin will dry out. To avoid causing pain to the animal, wash the cat with a soft washcloth or soft sponge.

To bathe, fill the bathtub with water; you need to fill it so that the water level is no higher than the cat’s chest, otherwise water gets into the nose. Make the water not cold, but not hot either. Apply shampoo to your body and gently rub over your skin. Afterwards, rinse the shampoo with water and wrap your pet in a towel and let it dry.

Useful video on how to properly wash your Sphynx:

To prevent acne from developing on your pet's tail, you need to wipe it regularly. If this is not done, the sebaceous glands will clog the pores. For wiping, use a special lotion or degreasers that do not contain alcohol. After the procedure, rinse off the remaining substance with warm water and wipe with a towel. If acne appears frequently and in large quantities, take your cat to the veterinarian.

Monitor your cat's time in the sun. Due to the lack of fur, the Don Sphynx gets sunburned if it stays in the sun for a long time. Therefore, do not leave your cat unattended. If your cat is sunburned, do not apply sunscreen lotions or creams on it. Over time, the tan will subside, the skin will peel off and return to its normal appearance.

Eyes and ears

Due to the lack of eyelashes on the Don Sphynx, the risk of eye contamination increases. It is acceptable if the discharge from the eyes is transparent. But if the color is yellow, brown, green or white, this means the presence of infection in the body. In this case, contact your veterinarian.

Wipe your cat's eyes with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of chamomile or tea leaves. Do not use a towel or paper napkins as there is a high chance that lint or paper particles will get into your eyes.

It is recommended to clean the ears of the Don Sphynx once every 1-2 weeks, at least. Due to the large ears of the Don Sphynx, wax often accumulates in the ears, which should be removed. To do this, use a cotton swab. Do not clean too deeply, but at the same time remove the discharge completely.

The pharmacy also sells a special liquid for cleaning ears. Place liquid in the cat's ear, leave it for a while, and then wipe it dry so that the cat doesn't accidentally put it in his mouth.


When trimming nails, it is important not to touch the cat's nerve endings. They are located 2-3 millimeters from the beginning of the claw

For trimming, use a special nail clipper, sold in special stores. Secure the cat motionless and carefully trim each claw. Perform this procedure regularly as new claws grow.


Due to high energy metabolism and increased body temperature, metabolism increases

Therefore, pay special attention to feeding your pet. Unlike cats with fur, which are fed 2-3 times a day, the Don Sphynx is fed 3-4 times

It is recommended to create a schedule and give food on a schedule.

The cat's diet should include vital substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It is recommended to give the Don Sphynx both natural food: meat, fish, milk, vegetables, and dry food. The diet and portion sizes are tailored for each pet individually.

Walking your pet

Walking the Don Sphynx is not so easy due to the lack of fur. During the cold season, it is better to keep your pet at home, as it can easily get sick. If it is not completely cold outside, then you need to walk your pet in special clothes. On hot days, do not walk for too long; although sunlight has a positive effect on the body, the cat may well get sunburned.

Clothing for Sphynx cats

Gentle, trembling sphinxes with their entire appearance make it clear that they love warmth very much. If a hairless cat lives in a warm apartment and does not walk outside, he will not need special clothing.

It is enough to simply arrange a bed for the animal near the battery so that it can spend time with maximum comfort.

IMPORTANT: If the bald Sphynx is taken for a walk outside or on the balcony, you should take care to protect the pet’s delicate body from the winter cold and scorching summer heat.

A winter costume for a sphinx must be windproof and must cover the chest, back and stomach. Having exposed her delicate bald body in the cold, the sphinx can become hypothermic and get sick.

In summer, the Sphynx will need airy, lightweight clothing that will protect the animal from sunburn and heatstroke. You can make clothes for the sphinx yourself or buy them in a specialized store.

Clothes for the sphinx

History of origin

Russia is considered the birthplace of the Don type. This is a relatively young breed that is on its way to development. She has a dominant gene for hairlessness; there is a greater chance that when crossed, kittens will be born without hair. The first bald baby was born in the Rostov region in 1990. This was the result of many years of work on breeding. After 6 years, they made official registration, defining generally accepted standards.

Canadians spotted in North America for the first time. Their history is half a century old. Their genotype is recessive. The origin is explained by a single case of mutation during the birth of offspring from a smooth-haired cat. This was in 1966. One of the babies turned out to be completely hairless. The reason was never fully identified.

Where is the best place to buy a Sphynx kitten?

Those who decide to get a Sphynx should definitely contact professional breeders. By purchasing a kitten at a club or at an exhibition, you can avoid problems with the health of the animal and receive guaranteed lifelong information support and support from experts in the breed.

Club Sphynx

If you still doubt whether you should have a Sphynx at home, answer yourself one question: “Do you want to get a reliable, faithful friend who does not remember insults, will be devoted to you, and will never turn away?” If the answer is yes, feel free to cast aside all doubts and take a step towards a small bald miracle.

Cost of kittens

For those who have decided to get a Sphynx kitten, we will give some recommendations. If a person wants to get a truly purebred animal, then one should not buy it secondhand or in unverified places. The popularity of the breed is great, and in Russia there are quite a few nurseries with a good reputation. There are also venerable breeders.

Before purchasing, you need to carefully research the market, consult with the owners of similar pets, and compare prices.

Don Sphynx

In addition, you should decide for what purpose the kitten is being purchased. Its cost will greatly depend on this. On average, the price fluctuates around 10,000-15,000 rubles. But there are also more expensive kittens, the cost of which can reach up to 50,000. The most expensive kittens are the offspring of recognized champions, ideally corresponding to the breed standard and having an excellent pedigree.

As a rule, such pets are purchased in order to participate in exhibitions and breed the breed. Cheaper kittens are not always suitable for breeding, and are unlikely to be accepted for exhibitions due to minor inconsistencies in appearance. Therefore, for those who just want to buy a pet and are not going to exhibit it or take it to competitions, a cat will cost relatively little.

Canadian Sphynx

Sphinxes are very cute creatures, although not everyone likes their uniqueness. Owners of cats of this breed believe that they are kind and devoted friends, excellent companions, affectionate and gentle pets.

Photo gallery of sphinxes (Don, Canadian, Peterbald):


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