How to teach a Pomeranian to go to the toilet in a diaper

Preparing the site

Small dogs often begin toilet training at home. For this purpose, the owners will equip a special area. It should be comfortable for your four-legged friend.


  1. Carpets need to be removed. Having marked them, the pet will return there again to repeat the feat.
  2. It helps to achieve the desired effect by treating the room with antigasin. The aroma of the spray is almost invisible to humans, but unpleasant to dogs. It should be taken into account that animals try not to go to the toilet where irritating factors are present.
  3. Special designs are installed for boys' Spitz dogs. For example, dogs associate poles with tree trunks. If the individual is an adult, place a cloth soaked in its urine in the place intended for the toilet.
  4. You can equip an aviary. A sleeping place, toys, a diaper - must be in the pen. In a small space, the Pomeranian will learn to go to the toilet faster.
  5. At first, animals may relieve themselves in different rooms. In the dog's favorite places, it is necessary to lay out absorbent wipes, securing them with tape. Otherwise, the pet will start using the hygiene item as a toy.

Thanks to these tips, you can train a Spitz puppy to wear a diaper in 1 month.

Tray or diaper?

Using a tray is more convenient and economical for the owner. A plastic tray is required if an adult dog is expected to relieve itself at home. It is not difficult to accustom a Spitz to the litter box if the puppy has been trained to pee in the diaper.

It is recommended to purchase a special tray from a pet store as a permanent toilet. It should be comfortable with low sides so that the dog can easily climb into it. A cat litter box is not suitable for this purpose.

It is recommended to lay a diaper on the mesh of the pallet: this way the dog will get used to it faster. Gradually, the area of ​​the absorbent material is shortened. Over time, the need to use it disappears, and the pet begins to walk on the net.

Step by step training steps

You need to train your dog consistently. Give information gradually, without overloading the dog.

Important StepsExplanation
You need to equip places for the toilet as soon as the puppy appears in the apartmentThe designated areas will interest the baby
After a week, you need to slightly reduce the number of napkins laid outThis begins the process of reducing the area where the pet is allowed to relieve itself.
By the beginning of the second month there should be only 1 diaper left. After a while, the place for the toilet is located where the owner considers it necessary If the owner of the Spitz did everything correctly, then the dog should ignore everything except the napkin when it wants to go to the toilet
The floors in the apartment, even if they seem clean, need to be washed with water and ammonia.Helps eliminate urine odor. The animal will lose interest in places where it regularly left puddles in defiance of its owners.

It is important to act step by step, be patient, then your pet will learn to behave civilly and will not create problems.

Keep it clean

While training a dog, it may shit on carpets and sofas. The smell from the surfaces will attract the dog and he will periodically defecate there. To prevent this from happening, you need to eliminate odorous marks.

You should promptly clean up after other pets. Spitz, like other dog breeds, have a highly developed sense of territoriality. They may defecate to mark their habitat.

Cleaning up after the dog

Diapers need to be changed more often so that the dog does not look for another, cleaner place for the toilet.

Boys often mark the corners of the apartment, and treat dirty surfaces with disinfectants and repellent sprays.

What should you not do?

Toilet training a dog is a delicate psychological moment. By making mistakes, you may not achieve the desired result.


  1. Move the dog litter box to different places. This will confuse the Pomeranian.
  2. Let him play with diapers. Otherwise, he will perceive the toilet as a place for entertainment.
  3. Ignore successes. Praise is an essential element of the educational process.
  4. Screaming at an animal that has shit in the wrong place. Only a strict tone is allowed.
  5. Whipping him with a leash, hitting him. This will break the pet's psyche.

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Cruelty towards animals, contrary to the opinions of ordinary people, not only does not speed up the training process, but slows it down, while simultaneously breaking their psyche.

This is interesting: How to stop a dog from shitting at home

How to bathe and wash your Spitz

The Spitz is a shaggy ball, incredibly touching, but this shaggyness has one drawback - you need to wash the dog often , otherwise the remains of urine and excrement will remain on the fur.

Many owners do something drastic and cut the hair around the butt and on the belly of the puppy, and then of the adult dog. This helps partially, but after loose stools, or in bitches during heat, even such measures do not help.

There are several rules on how to properly bathe a Spitz after using the toilet:

  • Wash with warm water; cold water can cause cystitis in dogs, especially in males.
  • Wash in the direction from front to back, so as not to carry the remains of excrement into the urethra.
  • Buy shampoos adapted to the breed that take into account the specifics of the coat and will help in the fight against unpleasant odors.
  • Dry the dog thoroughly with a soft towel, or dry it with a hairdryer on cool air setting. Hot air will ruin the wool.

Diaper training

There are different options for how to toilet train a dog. Some people are lucky - they get a pet raised by a breeder. Then the Spitz quickly gets used to its new home and empties where it should. After the first successful trip to the toilet on a napkin, you need to praise the baby and treat him with a treat. This way he will understand that he was not mistaken and will strive to repeat his success.

Most dog owners have a more difficult time teaching their pet all the skills themselves. It’s easier to do this by fencing off one of the corners in the apartment. Diapers should occupy the entire area allocated to the dog. Every 2 hours it is recommended to let the baby out of the pen to frolic.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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As soon as the dog begins to return to the enclosure to relieve itself, it is allowed to remove the fence. Next, gradually move the napkin 15-20 cm, bringing it closer to the place where the permanent toilet is installed.

The placement of the diapers depends on the puppy's skill level. If the breeder taught him the basic rules, then when the new owner brings the animal home, it is enough to put several absorbent napkins in each room.

If the dog is not trained to go to the toilet correctly, the floors are completely covered with special fabrics. The diapers are fastened together, leaving the baby no choice. He will only defecate on them.

Where to put the tray?

The tray should not be placed in a “passage” place or in the hallway. Since the puppy will be distracted every time and will not be able to concentrate on the important process. Well, in the kitchen, too, you shouldn’t designate a place for the toilet. Ideally, place the container in the owner's toilet, providing free access for the pet.

The owner himself must determine the future location of the toilet for the pet , so after about a week, you need to begin to gradually reduce the number of trays, and slowly move the remaining ones to the correct place. When changing a soiled diaper, blot the new one a little so that the smell remains.

For some time, you will have to remove carpets and rugs from the floors, since for the puppy they can turn into one big diaper if he manages to mark them at least once. You will have to endure this inconvenience, because it will not last forever.

When the place is chosen, you can proceed to training.

Newspaper instead of a diaper

A dog can be trained not only to use a tray and a diaper. There are more economical options. For example, a newspaper. It does not absorb urine odor like absorbent wipes, but for many dogs this is the preferred option. It is especially suitable for puppies. Babies under 3 months of age go to the toilet frequently and do so sparingly.

You need to put printed spreads in 5-10 layers. One is not enough. He will get wet quickly.

Editions with glossy pages are not suitable. Liquid is not absorbed by such paper.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The simpler the newspaper copy, the better. Such bedding needs to be changed much more often than special diapers. Otherwise, for example, in a small apartment the smell of urine will begin to be felt.

What diapers to use

For toileting, pet owners use special diapers sold in pet stores. However, such hygiene items are no different from those sold in a regular pharmacy. The latter are much cheaper, but cope with their main task no worse.

You can also use absorbent hygiene mats to care for your Pomeranian. They absorb moisture and odor well and can be washed. However, for some reasons, many owners still prefer disposable diapers.

Get used to walking outside

Dogs instinctively tend to go to the toilet away from the place where they are fed. The street is the most comfortable option. Everything is natural for animals there, without conventions or rules. Pets begin to get used to walking at 2 months of age.

It is advisable to take your pet out into the fresh air strictly on time. The daily routine must be thought out in such a way that going outside is done every 30 minutes. after the puppy eats or sleeps. To avoid puddles on the floor during the night, your dog should not drink a lot of water before bed.

If the pet couldn’t wait to go for a walk, he went to the toilet, where he had to - you can’t scold him. You just need to be more attentive to the animal’s behavior and take it outside in a timely manner.

Walks should be 20 minutes long. This time is enough for small breed dogs to relieve themselves, run around, and unwind.

After the walk

After each walk, teach your pet to wipe, and it is best to wash his paws. This is a necessary procedure for caring for a dog. Along with ordinary street dirt, a dog can step on spilled harmful liquids, glass shards, garbage or thorns while walking. Especially in wet or snowy weather, you should wash your pet’s paws with a special shampoo in a ratio of 1:5, but do not overuse it.

Check your pet's paws regularly to ensure there are no cracks, wounds or swelling. The influence of winter reagents scattered on city streets can cause inconvenience and pain to your baby. By corroding the paw pads , they penetrate the skin through small cracks and can lead to more serious problems.

Pet stores sell special wax to protect against reagents, which must be washed off with regular warm water after a walk. Or purchase special dog shoes with a thick rubber base.

Do not ignore your pet's persistent restless behavior after walking and washing its paws, but rather contact your veterinarian.


Alexandra Pavlovskaya: “I toilet trained my Spitz for 2 months. He refused to go to the tray or to get the newspaper. I liked the diapers. The problem of random puddles on the floor has disappeared. The dog endures to the last, but does not spoil the house.”

Vladimir Nevmerzhitsky: “The puppy began to wear a special diaper 2 weeks after appearing in the house. It helped that after each correct action, he was given his favorite treats. Later this need disappeared. The puppy began to behave as expected, without expecting any rewards.”

Ekaterina Bykovskaya: “For three months we covered half the apartment with napkins that absorb moisture. Then they removed everything at the same time. The result is continuous puddles. The dog trainer suggested what was wrong - it was necessary to gradually reduce the number of diapers. The advice helped. We managed to achieve our goal."

If you follow the rules and recommendations of dog handlers, you will be able to toilet train your Spitz puppy quickly. From 2 months he should understand what is required of him. But if difficulties arise, it means the owner is making mistakes.

Is it possible to toilet train an adult dog?

The best period for toilet training a Spitz is puppyhood. But sometimes a dog comes into the house as an adult. This does not mean at all that she will not be able to be educated. She can also be taught to relieve herself in a specially designated place. To do this, you need to carry out the same step-by-step work as with puppies.

Adult pet in home dog tray

How to train an adult Spitz to the litter box

To make it easier for an adult Spitz to get used to a litter box in an apartment, the owner should adhere to several rules:

  • Place the animal on the tray during the period of time when it would usually be taken for a walk.
  • If the dog sits in the tray for at least 1-2 minutes, it should be praised and stroked.
  • You cannot play with your pet while you are near the toilet. The tray should not evoke any associations with games.

Note! Secluded places in the house where the Pomeranian can leave puddles should be treated with antigasin or water and vinegar.

Photo and video

How to Housetrain a Pomeranian: Make a Schedule

Feeding, watering, and walking your Pomeranian on a regular schedule will make house cleaning much easier. Puppies are like children and they thrive on routine. Try to take your dog outside at approximately the same time each day so that he can adjust to his physical functions. The first thing you should do early in the morning is to take your Pomeranian puppy out of the dog crate and not let his feet touch the ground. Bring him to where you want him to go, give a signal, and praise him for efficient completion. Take your Pomeranian puppy outside at least every two hours, after eating or drinking, and especially after playing. Before you know it, your Pomeranian puppy will let you know that it's time to go out and do his own thing.

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Toilet in the apartment

Since Spitz are very small dogs, they can go both in the tray and in the diaper.

It is important to start training your puppy to the right place to relieve himself from the very first days of his arrival in the house.

But first you should prepare the place and conditions in the apartment in order to help the baby better orientate himself and quickly get used to the new rules.

What to do if your dog refuses to go to the litter box

Sometimes, having figured out how to train a dog to use a litter box at home, owners are faced with the fact that the dog refuses to sit in the container.

Reasons that may contribute to this:

  • The sides are too high for a small dog.
  • Inconvenience of use - the tray is unstable, or the puppy does not like the filler.
  • Demonstration of character - often seen in cables. The problem can be solved by installing a column.

Important! Some pets try to attract the owner's attention by refusing. In this case, you need to try to spend as much time as possible next to your pet.

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