Features of pit bull mixed breeds: photos of popular crossbreeds, description of their appearance and main character traits

Pit bulls, now popular as pets, are distinguished by their friendly attitude towards people and love of children.

However, their natural zoo aggression complicates their learning process and can cause serious problems in the future.

That is why people interested in breeding animals that retain such qualities of pit bulls as strength, endurance and loyalty to humans cross them with dogs of other breeds in order to improve the livestock.

In addition, the fashion for designer dog breeds also played a role, and therefore some pit bull mixes have a very unusual and striking appearance.

What types of pit bull crosses exist and what is remarkable about these dogs, each of which, in fact, is unique?

Staff breed standard

Appeared in 1972. The official name of the dog, approved by the breed standard, is the American Staffordshire Terrier. Under this “name” the breed is registered with the FCI. Characteristics:

  • The head is proportional to the body. Large, with a wide forehead. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth. Cheekbones are weakly expressed;
  • The eyes are small, low-set, dark in color;
  • Black nose:
  • Ears are erect or semi-erect;
  • The jaws are powerful;
  • The body is elongated;
  • The chest is powerful, cylindrical or round;
  • The legs are long and muscular;
  • The tail is thin, reaching the hock joint;
  • The coat is short and lies close to the body;
  • Any color is allowed, except harlequin, albino, liver and black and tan.

The main differences between the Amstaff and Pitbull are in proportions.

IMPORTANT! The pit bull is not registered with the FCI. The breed does not have an official standard. ADBA and UKC are organizations dedicated to pit bull terriers. But representatives of the breed cannot participate in exhibitions.

Care and education

There are no differences in care and training between a pit bull and an amstaff. Both dogs can be kept in a house or apartment provided there is sufficient exercise.

An American Staffordshire Terrier or Pit Bull should not be kept on a chain. Because of this, the animal will develop aggression and have problems with territorial behavior.

Dogs tend to be dominant. They are recommended to be owned only by experienced owners.

Education should be strict, but not cruel. It is built on the basis of trust, rewards and punishments. Classes with a dog handler are shown.

Dog care includes:

  • at least two walks a day for 1 hour;
  • bathing once a month;
  • daily brushing;
  • trimming nails as they grow;
  • rubbing the eyes and ears with a special solution once a week.

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What does a pitbull look like?

Pit bulls have a slightly different appearance. He is stockier, with short legs and slightly disproportionate. Characteristics:

  • The head is large, wedge-shaped. Quite large in comparison with the body;
  • The cheekbones are very well defined;
  • The nose may be brown. In general, any shades are allowed. They should be in harmony with the color;
  • The jaws are more powerful than those of the Amstaff;
  • Ears are erect. Standing tall;
  • The body is powerful, seems somewhat short;
  • The chest is wide, resembles a barrel;
  • The legs are short and muscular;
  • Any solid color, except for albinism and merle.

If you compare photos of both dogs, the differences in appearance are immediately obvious.

How is feeding different?

Both breeds are considered not particularly demanding when it comes to food. That's why they are considered practically omnivorous. It is permissible to use natural or industrial feed for feeding. It is important to ensure that the diet is balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Of no small importance is the correspondence of nutrition to the age, physiological state and health of the dog.

Expert opinion

Karnaukh Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Graduated from the National University of Shipbuilding, majoring in Enterprise Economics

It is important to consider that a number of products can cause allergies in pit bull terriers. These include corn, wheat, rice and beef. It is also not recommended to feed these dogs cereals. The fact is that grain products cause pit bulls to develop obesity. This leads to increased stress on the heart and joints. The only exceptions are puppies during active growth.

Description of the character of the pit bull terrier

Staff and pit bull are considered dangerous breeds. What they are not prescribed: killer dogs, cannibals, fighting dogs.

There is no concept of “fighting dog” in cynology. This is a human invention. And the owners are to blame for the cruelty of the staff.

What is the difference between a pit bull and a stafford:

  • More aggressive. Pit bulls were used for dog fighting. Most likely, this is what gave rise to the name “fighting dog.” This cruel sport is still attractive in some countries. And representatives of this species are its main participants;
  • The pit bull terrier is distinguished from the staff by its endurance. A dog can hold out for up to three hours, fighting with other dogs;
  • Stubbornness. The pet needs a strong master's hand. This does not mean that the dog should be beaten and raised using cruel methods. On the contrary, mechanical impacts on it will lead to dire consequences. Raise a representative of the breed only on the positive;
  • Aggression towards other animals. A pit bull terrier and a cat are not compatible in the same territory. An exception can only be when a very small puppy was brought to an adult cat, and she took an active part in his upbringing. It is not recommended to bring a kitten into an apartment where a pit bull lives. The dog will kill him. Representatives of the breed do not like rodents either. Pit bulls were bred not only for protection, but also for hunting. They know how to kill rats.

Who are the mestizos?

Pit bulls, in fact, are themselves the result of interbreeding, since their ancestors, called bull and terriers, were obtained as a result of mixing the blood of Old English bulldogs and terriers.

Probably, later, when the ancestors of the modern pit bull terrier came to America, where the final formation of the breed took place, their owners also resorted to interbreeding in order to improve the quality of the offspring.

At the present time, when some professional breeders and dog handlers support the ideas of lovers of designer breeds, while others sharply object to the deliberate breeding of mixed breeds, people have developed an ambiguous attitude towards pit bull crosses.

Many breeders of purebred dogs believe that mixed breeds do not always inherit the best qualities of the two original breeds and that the results of such experiments can often be unpredictable.

Other experts believe that by adding blood from other breeds to pit bulls, it will be possible not only to get rid of the innate animal aggression inherent in this breed, but also to make pit bulls suitable, for example, for guard duty or for working as bodyguard dogs.


Most pit bull mixes are bred to improve the working and guarding qualities of these dogs, although, of course, among them there are also dogs obtained as a result of accidental matings that occurred due to the carelessness of the owners.

Amstaff character

The Pit Bull is similar to the Stafford in character. Both aggressive and stubborn. Pit bull and staff do not like other pets. This is where the main similarities end. Differences:

  • The Staffordshire Terrier is more docile. If his “brother” is lazy and tries with all his might to prove his superiority over the owner, then the Amstaff loves to learn. He is dominant and will happily “sit on your neck” if allowed. Having no respect for the owner, he is able to ignore his commands. The dog enjoys the learning process itself. At this moment it becomes a model of obedience.
  • Loves children. This love takes on an all-encompassing form. Give amstaff free rein, he will not part with the child. He will protect him, accompany him everywhere, invite him to play together. Such friendliness is very touching. But no matter how sweet and kind a pet is, it is a dog. And he is capable, without meaning to, of injuring a child.
  • Quite a cunning animal. If a pit bull terrier is prohibited from doing something, he will not try to circumvent the prohibition. Staffordshire will work hard to achieve this.
  • Lover of outdoor games. A dog that looks like a wind-up toy will delight active people. Don't feed your staff bread - give him the opportunity to play and run. Will be happy to take part in a long walk.

Mongrel cross

The size, appearance and character of such a dog largely depend on who its second parent was.

Pit bull and mongrel mixes are rarely above average size. Most of these dogs have fairly short or medium-length hair, semi-erect or almost erect ears, and are predominantly black, red or white in color. There are also brindle mestizos, but the blue or isabella color of the coat of these dogs is very rare.

Among the character traits, it can be noted that crosses with mongrels are distinguished by endurance, mobility and energy. In most cases, they are loyal to people, even strangers, and love children.

However, they often get innate zoo aggression from pit bulls, which makes it difficult to keep them with other pets.

Of all the possible combinations of the blood of a pit bull and other dogs, it is mixed breeds with mongrels that are considered the most unpredictable, since it is not known who the ancestors of their second parent were.

Whom to choose

Staff or pit bull – this is a question asked by many dog ​​breeders who want to acquire a reliable guard at home.

Just for the soul and protection, a pit bull is suitable. Amstaff is a show breed. This is his advantage over pit. The cost of a purebred Staffordshire will be much higher.

The question that worries the future owner is who is stronger of the two. Pit bull terrier, of course. The dog is smaller, but more resilient. And his grip is much stronger than that of the Amstaff.

Both dogs need a serious approach. Amstaff or pit bull are not suitable for beginners. A person without proper experience in dealing with these breeds runs the risk of growing a killing machine. Animals need to feel the owner’s weak spot in order to sit on the neck. Such a pet will eventually not obey. He will turn out to be an aggressive, uncontrollable creature. The media talk about such representatives of the breed, presenting them as dangerous to society. It is not the dogs that are dangerous, but the owners who failed to raise the dog correctly.

When choosing a pet, a person wants to know how a pit bull differs from a staff dog in terms of maintenance. No problem, Staff and Pit require the same care. Both are heat-loving and cannot be kept in enclosures. These animals are intended for home keeping.

It is prohibited to put representatives of these breeds on a chain. Firstly, they will freeze in winter. And secondly, such content will develop unmotivated aggression.

Staffordshire and Pitbull dogs need long walks. The staff, at the same time, will not refuse to run and frolic.

Staffordshire Terrier: brief description

The American Stafford is a smooth-haired dog of medium height, powerful and harmonious build. Specialization: companion dog. Easy to train, gets along well with the owner's family, and is friendly with children and pets. He is not aggressive and is not suitable for the role of a security guard or bodyguard.

According to the AKC standard, the Amstaff is "gentle, reliable, excellent with children" and "happy, friendly, determined and confident, making an excellent family pet."

AST can be kept both in a city apartment and in a country house (it should be taken into account that we are not talking about living in the Russian climate - here they are not suitable for being kept in an open-air enclosure on the street, they should be kept in the house). The standard characterizes the Amstaff as being in dire need of attention and love from the owner.

Fighting Bulldogs (English, French, American)

Bulldogs are a very strange breed in selection. Greyhounds, mastiffs and even Pugs participated in its creation. The result was small, short-legged dogs with a flat, upturned muzzle, but a death grip. They were used as fighting and baiting weapons, and later as guards.

There were 3 different branches:

  • Previously bred - English Bulldog .
  • The American (Ambul) was distinguished by increased aggressiveness and the largest size, because it was not mixed with Pugs.
  • French bulldogs , in turn, are considered miniature. They are most often bred as ornamental.

All Bulldogs have increased aggressiveness towards their relatives, but a peaceful attitude towards people . They love children, are active and cheerful on walks, and are resistant to any weather conditions. However, like all fighting breeds, they need serious training.

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