What does a dachshund cross look like: photos of mestizos, their description and character traits + what is the difference between a mixture and a mongrel?

Dachshunds are small dogs belonging to hunting breeds.

They are distinguished by their unusual appearance - elongated body, short legs - and cheerful character.

The weight of an adult is from 6 to 12 kg, while the maximum weight according to the breed standard should not exceed 9 kg. Height at the withers is 14 - 21 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The dog has a fairly high tendency to bark, dig, and also has a high need for communication.

How to keep

A cross between a dachshund and a mongrel or any other mestizo needs the same maintenance as all purebred purebred pets.
A puppy needs to be taught commands from childhood. At the same time, you should be persistent. Genes take their toll and most puppies have a stubborn and independent character. Every year, pets need to be vaccinated against rabies and a number of other diseases. It is better to check with your veterinarian which specific vaccinations are needed.

Important! You need to walk your dog 2-3 times a day. If the pet is still young, walks should be long and active.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. It is not advisable to overfeed your four-legged friend. Dachshunds are prone to obesity and joint problems due to excess weight

The same applies to mestizos. Nutrition should be balanced. If it is dry food, you need to feed it based on the weight of the animal. Typically the serving size is indicated on the package. You can also give fruits and vegetables. For example, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, sweet bell peppers, apples, pears

Dachshunds are prone to obesity and joint problems due to excess weight. The same applies to mestizos. Nutrition should be balanced. If it is dry food, you need to feed it based on the weight of the animal. Typically the serving size is indicated on the package. You can also give fruits and vegetables. For example, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, sweet bell peppers, apples, pears.

What not to give to dogs:

  • avocado;
  • grape;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • flour.

In addition, it is not advisable to feed adult dogs milk.

Dachshund mix is ​​a very sweet dog

Crossing options

Mixes of dachshunds with any other breed are not recognized by the FCI and FCI. Therefore, the main purpose of such a dog remains to interact with humans as a pet and companion. Today there are many hybrids, among which the following are the most popular.

Spaniel mix

In terms of exterior, in most cases the animal will have pronounced features of both breeds, but with greater similarity to the spaniel. These dogs typically have the same elongated body as a dachshund and an incredibly active disposition. The body of the animal will be covered with long hair, the color of the animal can be different. As a rule, a dog at the withers reaches 25–30 centimeters and weighs about 10 kilograms. Since both breeds are hunting breeds, the hybrid will have similar instincts and will therefore require long walks in the fresh air.

Dachshund and Jack Russell Terrier

The dog will be smaller than average in size, the pet is characterized by a playful disposition, the color is usually inherited from the Jack Russell, and the constitution of the dog is similar to a dachshund. Dogs are very loyal to humans and suffer greatly when alone.

Dachshund and Chihuahua mix

An active hybrid with an elongated body. The animal remembers well and follows commands. The dog's muzzle will be small, its ears will be small, erect, and set wide apart.

Hybrid with Yorkie

The pets are active and friendly, ideal for families with small children. The animal is contact not only in relation to humans, but also to other pets in the home, if there are any. The exterior is more reminiscent of a dachshund, and the mestizo will inherit the character of the Yorkshire terrier.

Yorkie and Dachshund are the breeds most often kept in the home, so this hybrid is in high demand.

Dachshund-Spitz hybrid

The animal will inherit the external qualities from the hunting breed parent, however, the coat and color will resemble the exterior of a Spitz. The dog loves outdoor games and is distinguished by its courage. However, during the training process it can show stubbornness, so there may be problems with learning.

Pug mix

In this case, the hybrid will have a strong torso and the presence of skin folds with an elongated body shape. The dog is non-aggressive in contact with humans and gets along well with other animals in the house.

Mixed breed with husky

The animal will inherit its size from the dachshund, the dog’s legs will be short, and the muzzle will be more like a husky. This also applies to coat color and thickness. At the withers, the hybrid will not grow more than 30 centimeters, while the weight of the pet can vary between 10–20 kilograms. Wayward notes will be predominant in the character, while the pet willingly spends time with younger family members.

Mixed breed with poodle

The dog's exterior will be more reminiscent of a poodle, but only as a mini-copy. As for the coat and limbs, the animal will inherit them from the dachshund. An active dog, but easy to train.

Papillon mix

Dogs with short legs and an elongated body, the hybrid will have a pronounced hunting instinct, the animal is very devoted to its owner.

Dachshund and toy terrier

The pet is suitable for active breeders because it has a hyperactive disposition. The animals are characterized by medium body sizes, as well as good innate hunting skills. The average weight of a dog will be 5 kilograms. Her ears will be erect, the color may be different.

Mixed breed with pit bull

The exterior of the dog will stand out for its uniqueness, since the animals will inherit the small body of the dachshund, while the head will be disproportionately large, since its external characteristics will resemble a fighting dog. Typically, the height at the withers of mestizos is 35–38 centimeters.

During the training process, the breeder should pay special attention to the socialization of his pet.

Hybrid dachshund and mongrel

In this case, it is quite difficult to predict what exterior qualities the mestizo will inherit, and this also applies to the pet’s character. In most cases, the animal will outwardly resemble a yard dog, since outbred genes will be dominant. There is great variety in the color of these dogs. On average, their weight will not exceed 10–15 kilograms, with a height of about 30 centimeters.

Chihuahua mix

These puppies look like both of their parents, but there are pros and cons to keeping them.

The advantages include:

  • low cost. In general, mixed breeds usually cost much less than purebred dogs;
  • Dogs take on the best traits from their parents. Therefore, they are playful, affectionate and loyal;
  • adapts to new conditions much better and faster than representatives of the breeds of its parents.

But there is also one major disadvantage - you will never know in advance what the dog will look like. Only genes will play a role here. This mixture can remain a baby, or it can grow into a three-kilogram dog.

You will be lucky if the muzzle of a grown-up hybrid turns out not to be shortened, but elongated, like that of a toy. This is also a definite plus, because due to the structure of the skull and nose, Chihuahuas often have breathing problems. It must be remembered that these problems result in diseases of the intestinal tract and digestion.

Colors come in a variety of colors, but permanent ones can only be distinguished when the dog is one year old. Mostly it is black or brown with tan, red and sand.

Temperament is slightly different from the parent's, although mostly individual. Mestizos love to play and walk, despite their small size. They are also more lenient with children than with adults. They do not like loneliness and are picky eaters.

In general, their dimensions coincide with those of a toy terrier - 28 cm at the withers and up to 3 kg in weight. Although it happens that babies can weigh 1.5 kg, and their height will be 15-20 cm.


The Toy Terrier-Chihuahua mix does not have an undercoat. For this reason, in the winter and autumn seasons, they will have to be walked in special clothes.

Who are they?

The Dachshund breed is represented by animals with well-developed hunting instincts. Dogs stand out from other representatives of pets with their elongated body, active and friendly disposition, and short limbs. As a rule, the size of dachshunds rarely exceeds 20 centimeters at the withers; weight varies between 6–10 kilograms. Dogs live no more than 15 years.

Since this breed is very popular among breeders of hunting dogs, as well as among dog lovers who keep them at home, today you can find a cross between a dachshund and a variety of large and small dogs. Mestizos adopt exterior and behavioral characteristics from their parents, and are also distinguished by their increased training abilities in comparison with purebred and purebred animals.

Hybrids are positioned as designer dogs, however, due to the loss of purebred qualities, they are not allowed for exhibitions. When breeding mestizos, it can be quite difficult to predict the result of the crossing, since not a single breeder can reliably state how the animal’s body will behave. Dachshund crosses with mongrels can be particularly unpredictable.

The demand for hybrids is due to their low cost, as well as immunity to many diseases, which dogs usually acquire from different breeds. Today, there are many crossbreeding options, each of which is popular among dog lovers.

Rules of maintenance and care

Caring for your pet should be regular. This will not only keep your dog’s coat clean, but will also keep your pet healthy.

The dog should be combed 2-3 times a week to prevent the formation of tangles. It should also be taken into account that such dogs love to dig and often get dirty, so bathing should be regular.

It is highly advisable to visit a grooming salon with your dog at least once every six months. Although such a dog is not a show dog, the salon will still provide him with proper care, and you will be given the necessary recommendations.

Your pet should have its ears and eyes cleaned regularly, and its nails trimmed. If you are a novice dog breeder and have no experience, then it is better to turn to specialists, this way you will avoid injury to the dog and problems with subsequent care.

You need to brush your dog's teeth at least once a week. Use a special brush and toothpaste designed for dogs for this purpose.

Dorgi dogs are not suitable for living on the street; an aviary or a chain is not suitable for them. Keep your dog at home and be sure to walk it twice a day to avoid problems with excess weight and joints.

IMPORTANT! You should not use shampoo every time you bathe your dog. If you have to bathe your dog frequently, do it without using detergents.

Use shampoo no more than once every 2-3 months.

Keeping a rabbit dachshund

First of all, you need to decide why this breed of dog is needed. Only after this can you go to a nearby nursery or to a reputable breeder who are characterized as responsible. In the nursery or from the breeder you can learn a lot of interesting things in terms of keeping such a dog at home.

Care and hygiene

Despite the fact that dachshunds love to take water treatments, you need to be careful with them to avoid the effect of hypothermia. Hypothermia can contribute to the development of various ailments. The puppy also does not need to be bathed often, but only if necessary, and then with the use of special detergents. Until the age of 6 months, water procedures are carried out no more than once a month. The rest of the time you should make do with washing your paws, as well as cleaning them with a special brush.

The claws on the paws are trimmed as necessary, as they do not grind down naturally due to the animal’s light weight. The condition of the eyes is checked daily, as they often become inflamed in representatives with long and coarse hair.

Smooth-haired dachshunds need to be brushed monthly, while wire-haired dachshunds need to be trimmed or plucked twice a year. Long-haired representatives are bathed and professionally combed once every six months.

It is advisable that your pet be examined by a veterinarian at least 2 times a year. We should also not forget about timely vaccination, as well as protection against ectoparasites. As a rule, this approach significantly increases the life expectancy of a pet.

This breed is quite neat and easily learns to relieve itself in a litter box. They patiently wait for their next walks, but they do not like to walk when the street is muddy and slushy. The process of walking should be controlled, since the dog can easily fall out in the mud or find out what is hiding in the burrs, after which it will take a long time to make the pet’s appearance attractive.

What to feed

Dachshunds are quite picky in their diet, so it is enough to correctly calculate the diet, paying special attention to its balance in nutritional components. If an animal eats factory-made dry food, then the dog should not be given natural food either. As a rule, dry food, especially premium food intended for small dogs, is balanced

The main thing is that your pet has free access to water.

As a rule, dry food, especially premium food intended for small dogs, is balanced. The main thing is that your pet has free access to water.

If an animal eats factory-made dry food, then the dog should not be given natural food either. As a rule, dry food, especially premium food intended for small dogs, is balanced. The main thing is that your pet has free access to water.

Diseases and breed defects

These small and smart dogs have a fairly strong immune system, and together with timely vaccinations, they guarantee good health for your pet. Despite this, due to their peculiar physique, problems with the musculoskeletal system may arise.

On top of that, dachshunds can suffer from spinal diseases, joint diseases, acanthosis nigricans, which is typical for this breed, and intractable skin ailments that can be caused by poor nutrition. Almost all small breeds of dogs suffer from eye and ear diseases, so preventive measures are very important.

Education and training

Dachshunds, among other things, are also quite smart and intelligent animals, so they quickly master all the basic commands. Upon reaching six months of age, the pet should be trained using the services of professional dog trainers so that the process of education and socialization takes place competently and guaranteed. This breed is characterized by the fact that it can be disobedient and stubborn. As a rule, owners who do not have specific skills in training an animal are unable to fully realize the animal’s potential and cope with the dog’s stubbornness. As a result, a naughty animal grows up, which brings a lot of problems to its owner.

Description of the Dorgi

This designer dog breed was created by Queen Elizabeth II by crossing Welsh Corgis and Dachshunds.

This peculiar mestizo is small in size: it is longer than it is tall.

From Welsh Corgs, Dorgis received the typical light colors and erect ears.

Due to their hunting blood (in addition to their protective instinct), they are very active and courageous.

They can handle the role of a security guard in an apartment (and even in a country house).

If the owner wants to achieve unquestioning obedience, it is worth teaching obedience and basic skills at a young age.

This designer dog breed has a stronger immune system compared to Welsh Corgis. This designer breed is quite popular not only in agility competitions, hunting, but also in reindeer herding.

How to distinguish a purebred puppy from a mixed breed

Pedigree puppies have predominantly brown eyes. Blue and gray are less common and are considered defective. You can also distinguish them by their bite. In purebred dachshunds it is scissor-shaped. The gums and tongue are light pink. The legs should not look too thin and the body should not be squat.

Important! An incorrect bite may indicate that the puppy has health problems.

Mixed breeds of different breeds are not always worse than purebred dogs. Often puppies are born stronger and healthier. But in some cases, puppies may be predisposed to more diseases.


Possible diseases: Acanthosis nigricas - a disease associated with changes in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, causing thickening of the skin and hyperpigmentation of certain areas (inner thigh, chest, abdomen, armpit); Swimmer's syndrome is a disease associated with osteoporosis that causes puppies to be unable to stand up and crawl on their stomachs; Discopathy - deformation, displacement or damage to the vertebral discs; Idiopathic epilepsy, which consists of the appearance of seizures (impaired coordination, vomiting, involuntary urination, muscle tremors); Eye diseases (optic nerve or retinal atrophy, cataracts); Enteritis is an inflammatory bowel disease that is caused either by poor diet (non-infectious) or by viruses and bacteria (viral); Baldness (alopecia) associated with weakening of pigment; Infectious diseases - plague, rabies, leptospirosis, adenovirosis.

Disease Prevention

To prevent the occurrence of various diseases it is necessary: ​​When coming from the street, immediately clean your shoes; Wash the floor regularly; Prohibit the dachshund from picking up something from the ground, as well as from playing with unfamiliar dogs; Do all vaccinations on time; Give antihelminthics once every three months. To avoid diathesis and obesity in your dachshund, you need to feed it simple and healthy food. Prevention of discopathy consists of: Proper physical activity (long walks, running, climbing stairs, swimming); Good nutrition; Control the weight of the dachshund (avoid obesity); Prohibition of unwanted behavior (jumping, standing on hind legs, playing with large dogs). To avoid many infectious diseases, vaccinations are necessary. The dachshund vaccination schedule may vary. Dachshund puppies from 1 - 1.5 months are vaccinated twice, with an interval of 2 - 3 weeks (fixing vaccination). Adult representatives of this breed receive a comprehensive rabies vaccination every year.

Photo gallery

From this review it is obvious that there are a huge number of different combinations for mixing dachshunds with other breeds. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of these crossings by viewing our photo gallery.

A cross between a German Shepherd and an Alabai: distinctive character traits

Central Asian Shepherds are brave, reliable and loyal pets, but sometimes they are characterized by excessive hostility and aggressiveness. Freedom-loving and independent Alabai are able to make their own decisions and it is almost impossible to force an animal to do something against its will.

Dogs of the German breed are distinguished by their intelligence, loyalty and friendly disposition, which are always ready to fulfill any command of the owner. Germans are smart and observant, but sometimes they lack independence, because before acting, they patiently wait for a signal from the owner.

The German Shepherd and Alabai mix has the ability to make decisions, but is always owner-oriented

A cross between an Alabai and a German Shepherd combines the most positive qualities of both breeds. Dogs born from such a marriage have courage, determination and the ability to quickly navigate any situation, inherited from Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. At the same time, mestizos, like the Germans, have a playful, inquisitive and sociable character; they are not characterized by anger and aggression.

Such pets are excellent guards, since their protective functions are inherent in nature and such a vigilant watchman can be safely entrusted with the protection of the house and territory. But thanks to their friendliness and flexible, obedient disposition, mestizos can also become an affectionate friend for the whole family. The animals are easy to train and teach different commands; they are not distinguished by the stubborn and obstinate disposition of the Alabais, therefore they are happy to obey the owner, carrying out all his orders and instructions.

A cross between an Asian and a German Shepherd can be successful if you mix the blood of a leader and a balanced dog

Crossing these two breeds in some cases can have unpredictable results. Sometimes a puppy grows up to be too cowardly or, as it grows up, turns into an angry, uncontrollable pet. This is what happens when a German and an Alabai, who have strong leadership abilities, are crossed.

To ensure that puppies inherit only the best qualities from their parents, a strong and brave dog is paired with a balanced and calm partner.

Dox-Bull: a hybrid with a pit bull

Wanting to get a more balanced protective dog, they crossed a dachshund and a pit bull. The resulting designer breed is quite stubborn, but trainable and can be obedient.

Owners of this breed of dog should be patient in advance in order to get a reasonable, wise assistant and guard.

In appearance, Dox-Bull resembles a dachshund with the head of a pit bull.

The coat may have a bronze tint or dark brown. White markings on the chest are acceptable.

Review of the most famous and interesting mestizos

Mixed dog breeds are sometimes so unusual that they become more popular than their titled purebred ancestors.

This dog is very similar to a shepherd, but the eyes give away the husky ancestor

Baby chow chow and husky - affectionate pet bear

The mestizo inherited many features of its appearance from the chow-chow: a fluffy fur coat and an incredible resemblance to a bear. From the husky he received amazing blue eyes, height and location of spots. This is a very kind animal, but needs serious training.

Golden retriever and dachshund

This is the owner of silk wool of the original color. From a dachshund he inherited short legs and an elongated body. Also called zolax.

Descendant of Husky and Corgi

At first glance, it seems that this is a miniature copy of a husky, black and white coloring and blue eyes complete the similarity. But the pet has an elongated body and short legs, like a corgi.

German Chow Chow or Chow Dog

The charming red pet with a mask on its muzzle, characteristic of shepherd dogs, combines the best characteristics of both parents in its exterior.

Golden Husky

The descendants of Siberian Huskies and Golden Retrievers are called Rehaskies. They adopted their good-natured character, ability to obey, and soft, golden-colored fur from retrievers.

Note! This mixed breed does not require long walks

Golden Husky looks very beautiful

Golden fur and sky blue eyes will make this dog the most beautiful on the dog playground.

Akita Inu and German

A charming pet with lush fur, whose character combines independence and wonderful hunting qualities.

German and Shar Pei

Crossbreeds of dogs of different breeds often differ in their original appearance. The German Shar-Pei has short hair and a crescent tail, more closely resembling a Shar-Pei than a Shepherd.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Dalmatian

The appearance of this little dog resembles a classic Welshman; he inherited a unique spotted color from a Dalmatian.


This is a large mixed breed dog, the ancestor of three breeds: malamute, German shepherd and husky. In appearance it resembles a wolf.

The charming utonagan has every chance of becoming a separate breed

Labsky (labrador and husky)

This beautiful half-breed dog resembles a gray wolf, a predatory forest inhabitant. Peculiarities:

  • Leadership skills.
  • Needs a strict and experienced owner.
  • Long active walks are required.

Blue eyes.


This is a funny mixed-breed dog whose parents were a Shar Pei and a Basset Hound. From the latter he inherited long ears and a phlegmatic character.


A cute dog with a muzzle decorated with folds and round, erect ears is distinguished by good nature and devotion. This is a cross between a Pug and a French Bulldog.

Husky and pitbull

In appearance and “rat” muzzle it resembles a fighting ancestor, but the sky-colored eyes reveal the husky ancestor in the dog.

Pomsky baby

This breed variety has gained wide popularity due to its cuteness and good nature. Stunning appearance - a lush fur coat and piercing eyes - is the reason for the high cost of a mixed-breed dog.

Pomsky is a very popular mixed breed, puppies are so in demand that they are booked


This is a hybrid of two breeds - Labrador and Afghan. It is distinguished not only by its interesting appearance, but also by its excellent watchdog qualities.


This is the ancestor of two purebred parents - a husky and a German shepherd. She has excellent protective qualities, but has no sense of moderation and is very stubborn.

Note! The breed is strictly not recommended for beginners


It is the result of a mixture of a pug and a small Chihuahua. Distinguished by its energy and miniature size

Other Chihuahua mixes

There are several more dogs descended from the baby chi:

  • With a continental spaniel: the result is a long-haired hybrid with elongated ears and sad eyes.
  • With a dachshund: the mixed breed has short legs and a long body.
  • With a beagle: a funny and dynamic baby with a tiny face.

Pug mixes

There are several such unique “mixtures”:

  • Miguel (second parent - beagle).
  • With Petit Brabançon.
  • Bullpug (with bulldog).

A cross between a pug and a beagle – pure charm

Alaskan Malamute and Husky

This is not only a beautiful animal with lush fur, but also a very hardy pet that is not afraid of any cold weather. He loves his owner very much and becomes his faithful friend.

Beagle and Jack Russell mix

Jackaby is a small but very powerful dog. It usually resembles the body structure of its terrier parent, but its muzzle is similar to a beagle.

To understand better. what traits this crossbreed can inherit, read about beagle and jack russell.

Jackabies have large and flexible ears, and the color is most often creamy with brown and black spots.

Average dog weight: 6-16 kg; height – up to 33 cm at the withers. Life expectancy is from 13 to 16 years.

Jackaby has a friendly and loyal character, ideal for families with children. Gets along easily with any animals.

But he often experiences anxiety and shyness when meeting strangers. When very frightened, he may become aggressive.

To stay calm and comfortable, this dog needs active and long walks. In addition, Jackaby enthusiastically takes on any mental challenge in training.

This breed is prone to allergic reactions (itchy skin, red, watery eyes, nasal allergies).

Top Chow Chow Mix

There are 2 varieties of chow:

  • classic longhair;
  • smooth-haired or short-haired smooth.

The variety of Chow Chow and the representative of the second breed influence the appearance of the puppies as a result of crossing.

Below is the top most popular mestizos of this breed.

Chow chow and husky

Representatives of a cross between a Chow Chow and a Husky are often called Chowskies or Chaskies. There is only one documented case of mating between a husky and a chow chow.

In most cases, Chows are similar to the Chow Chow breed. From their Chinese parents they inherited the following external qualities:

  • body type;
  • voluminous, thick coat;
  • predominant reddish color.

From the husky these mestizos took:

  • Blue eyes;
  • large growth;
  • pattern of spots characteristic of the color of a husky;
  • activity.

Chauski inherited their character from representatives of the Husky breed. These mestizos are friendly and loyal. The gentle nature of the husky eliminates the aggressiveness inherent in the Chinese. However, when there is a threat to the life and safety of the owner, the Chauski is ready to stand up for him or another family member.

Unlike purebreds, husky crossbreeds are very energetic, so they will make wonderful friends for families leading an active lifestyle.

The mestizos took willfulness and stubbornness from both parents, so they need an owner-leader who will tame the obstinate chaski.

Husky mixes are characterized by heavy shedding, especially in the spring. Therefore, owners should carefully comb their pets.

Chow chow and shar pei

A cross between a Chow Chow and a Shar Pei is especially popular, as it successfully combines the best external qualities and character traits of both parents.

Mixed-breed dogs look like miniature bears, covered with long, thick, fluffy hair. They are very devoted to the family in which they live and are raised. Unlike both parents, they are phlegmatic; these dogs are not characterized by aggressiveness.

Despite all the positive qualities, mestizos are very willful, so they need an owner with a strong character who will teach the stubborn ones to discipline.

Chow Chow and German Shepherd

Mixes of Chow Chow and German Shepherd are called Chow Chow or Shepherd Chow. The dogs resulting from such crossing have a memorable appearance:

  • medium in size;
  • physique of a Chinese bear cub;
  • thick, medium-length fur reminiscent of a lion's mane;
  • black color shepherd dog.

German Shepherd and Chow Chow mixes are very loyal animals, always ready to stand up for those they love.

Chow chow and husky

Puppies resulting from crossing with a husky look like small, fluffy wolf cubs. They take external data from both parents:

  1. The long fluffy coat and massive build of the Chow Chow.
  2. The muzzle and tail are like a husky's ring.

Like other mixed breeds, these dogs require early socialization and training.

Chow-chow and mongrel

Crossing with mongrels most often occurs if the owner did not keep track of the purebred dog. It is almost impossible to predict what appearance and character a puppy will be born with. It depends more on the mongrel than on the purebred dog.

Unscrupulous breeders may remain silent about the fact that they are selling non-purebred dogs. Therefore, if you plan to buy a purebred Chow Chow, you should choose kennels with a good reputation, where you can get acquainted with the puppy’s pedigree, see its parents and see in what conditions the animals are kept.

The deliberate purchase of a mixed breed of chow-chow and mongrel will cost several times less, maybe even for nothing. The character and upbringing of such a pet completely depends on the owner.

You need to start training the animal as early as possible, then the dog will grow up to be a wonderful, obedient pet.

Chow Chow and Alaskan Malamute

Chow Chow and Alaskan Malamute crosses that look like big fluffy puppies are very popular. These mestizos have a bright appearance:

  • big dogs;
  • strong, massive build;
  • long and fluffy fur.

The character of the crossbreed is quite calm. These dogs are friendly towards people and are very loyal to their owners. However, they can be capricious and may refuse to carry out useless or unnecessary commands. Therefore, like other crossbreeds, they need the owner’s firm hand and patience when training.

It is impossible to accurately predict what character and appearance traits a pet will inherit from each parent.

It is worth remembering that in any case, a mixed-breed puppy is a pig in a poke. Therefore, the choice of a future pet must be treated carefully and responsibly.

Dachshund Mix: Designer Breed or Mixed Breed

People first started talking about designer breeds in the 80s of the 20th century. This happened after American breeders began breeding purebred dogs with each other. Designer breeds are those with a long pedigree and documents. If these two factors are absent, then the puppies are considered mestizos.

Who are they

Mixed breeds are most often the result of accidental crossing of two different breeds. It is difficult to say what kind of puppies they will turn out to be. The result may be unpredictable. To understand what kind of character an adult dog will be, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of both parents. The most difficult thing is if the parents were two breeds with an extraordinary character. Most often this concerns hunting dogs. For example, if the puppy was born from a dachshund and a Jack Russell terrier, Pekingese or miniature pinscher.

This is what mestizos look like

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrids

Mestizos have both positive and negative traits.


  • Fewer genetic predispositions to diseases.
  • Stronger immunity.
  • Small size of the animal.
  • Pets quickly become attached to their owner.
  • Endurance and energy.
  • They are good guards.
  • Active and physically resilient.

One of the disadvantages is the nature of the pets.
They are often stubborn, wayward and disobedient animals. They always try to do everything their own way and are not willing to listen to the owner’s commands. Additional Information! Metis do not interact well with other animals and can even be aggressive. Especially on the street towards unfamiliar dogs.

Origin story

Interbreed outbreeding is the mating of dogs of different breeds in order to obtain new qualities, both working and exterior. The history of mestizos goes back more than 14 centuries. As soon as man began to breed purebred dogs with certain qualities, then half-breeds appeared.

They arose when breeders needed to “inject” fresh blood, achieve the appearance of certain character traits, appearance, and get rid of breed diseases.

Among the most unusual mestizos are:

Pomsky – Pomeranian Spitz + Husky;

pitski – pitbull + husky;

Golden Siberian Rehasky – golden retriever + husky;

porgy – toy poodle + corgi;

The list of famous mestizos could go on for a long time. Along with mestizos bred by man, there are half-breeds created by nature itself. With random crossing, it is impossible to predetermine the result of mating.

Pug mix – Daug

You can recognize this designer dog breed by obvious breed characteristics.

From the pug they received a strong, compact structure, an impressive head, huge eyes; the presence of folds; tail curled into a ring.

Along with this, the mestizo has an elongated body and short legs of a dachshund.

The typical Dachshund/Pug mix has a good-natured personality. They will be able to find a common language with every family member.

Another advantage is that the fur of such a dog is hypoallergenic (similar to a dachshund).



A group of hunting dog breeds, descended from medieval Spanish dogs, whose purpose was to hunt game birds from dense thickets. Currently, spaniels are divided into those who hunt on land and the so-called “water ones”.

All spaniels share common characteristics of the breed - long ears and, as a rule, soft and silky, straight, wavy or even curly hair.

Most spaniels are short in stature. Only the Irish Water Spaniel, which measures 51-59 cm, can be considered a large breed.

Among modern spaniels there are also such exotic breeds as the Tibetan spaniel and Japanese chin. Despite their name, they are not related to real spaniels and are considered to be decorative dogs.

The colors of spaniels can be very diverse, both single-color and bicolor or tricolor.


Spaniels are characterized by poise, affection, activity, friendliness, intelligence and intelligence. They make not only excellent hunting dogs, but also wonderful companions - favorites of the whole family.


Spaniels are used as gun dogs. They can hunt waterfowl, field birds, as well as swamp and pine forest game. At the same time, they search for prey either by upper sense or by following the scent, but they do not make a stance on the bird.

Useful video

From the video you will learn what mixed-breed Jack Russell Terrier puppies look like:

Dachshunds are small dogs belonging to hunting breeds.

They are distinguished by their unusual appearance - elongated body, short legs - and cheerful character.

The weight of an adult is from 6 to 12 kg, while the maximum weight according to the breed standard should not exceed 9 kg. Height at the withers is 14 - 21 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The dog has a fairly high tendency to bark, dig, and also has a high need for communication.

Pros and cons of hybrids

Mixed breeds of purebred dogs have their advantages over individuals of the original species:

  • Hybrids have high immunity and fewer hereditary diseases. This characteristic has developed due to interspecific crossing, in which the defects of the breed overlap.
  • Wool from designer breeds does not cause allergies. Cynologists strived for this quality when they knitted different types.
  • The character of mestizos is more docile than that of purebred dogs. By combining two contrasting breeds, experts hope that the worst behavioral traits will be smoothed out.

When breeding hybrid dogs, breeders are faced with their disadvantages. The result of crossbreeding can be dogs that have acquired hereditary diseases from one of the generations of their ancestors. The temperament of an animal cannot be predicted. A litter may produce puppies prone to aggression and mistrust.

Cross between dachshund and mongrel

Unfortunately, not many breeders are interested in hybrids. In people's minds, designer breeds are the same as mutts.

Mixed dogs, including dachshunds, have been bred for many years. You should take a closer look at the crossbreed; perhaps a mixed-blood dog will become a good friend and win the hearts of the household no less than a purebred dog.

What kind of dogs are called mestizos?

Mixed breeds are dogs that have purebred parents in their genes. Crossbreeding is carried out by professional breeders; they use animals with good pedigree. Experts are constantly experimenting with genetics, trying to create a breed with improved qualities.

Mixed dachshund and toy terrier

Metis began to be actively bred in the 80s of the 20th century. The task was to get a friendly companion dog with hypoallergenic coat. Nowadays, breeds are mixed to get a dog with strong immunity, which is formed in puppies with different genes. A cross between breeds has a more flexible character and less rancor.

Despite the fact that gene mixing has been practiced for several decades, mixed breeds are not recognized by the International Canine Federation. To establish a designer breed, it is necessary to breed it for several generations in a row.

Interesting! The wool of mestizos does not cause allergies.

Maltese mix

These mixed-breed dogs are very cute in appearance, and their character is the most compromising of all the declared mixed-breed dogs.

Adult dogs have long hair and are very similar in appearance to Yorkshire terriers. The color of Toy Terriers is dominant, but white spots on the coat still remain in most cases. Most often in the muzzle area, on the chest and paws.

The dogs are very friendly and affectionate in nature and are good with children. They inherited gullibility from lapdogs, so when walking you should be very careful and monitor what your pet is doing.

Despite their friendliness, the crossbreed can be very touchy. She will never tolerate it if you suddenly start yelling at her or even accidentally touch her and hurt her. You will have to beg for forgiveness with affection or treats for a very long time.

Among the features of care, only timely combing of the coat is distinguished. In this mestizo, it can be quite long, which is why unsightly tangles can form, and the fur can also become matted from dirt and dust.

They do not differ in size from other mestizos - height is about 30 cm and weight on average is 3-3.5 kg.

NOTE! The big disadvantage of this crossbreed is the early loss of teeth. This complicates the training process, because the dog becomes nervous and almost uncontrollable.

For this reason, your pet should be taught oral hygiene from a very early age.

Popular types of mestizos

Mixed breeds are dogs that are born by crossing two different breeds.

They do not differ at all in their characteristics from their purebred counterparts. But, at the same time, they can seriously differ in appearance and character.

When it comes to health and learning ability, mixed breeds are often superior to purebred dogs in these indicators.

The most common dachshund mixes:

  • Spaniel mix . The dog usually takes on the characteristics of both parents, but is more reminiscent of a spaniel, with the difference that such a pet has a longer body and a more explosive character.
  • cross is not a large, very active dog, similar in color to a Jack Russell, and similar in body structure to a dachshund. The dog is active, devoted to its owner, and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • A hybrid with a Chihuahua has an elongated body structure, a miniature muzzle and widely spaced ears. This is a loving, active, sociable animal, easily trainable and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • mix is ​​playful, active, and quick to learn. Such animals are very friendly, get along well with children and others and pets, have the appearance of a dachshund and the character of a Yorkie.
  • Spitz mix . In size and body structure, it is more like a dachshund, and its coat is more like a spitz. This dog is very mobile, active and fearless. At the same time, he is proud and stubborn, and is also difficult to train.
  • cross has a strong body, many folds and an elongated body. The dog has a calm and good-natured character.
  • cross looks very harmonious, it has a slightly elongated body, medium-height paws and smooth fur. These dogs are active and good-natured.
  • Welsh Corgi mix. These pets are very cute and have a cheerful character.

Character of dogs

The guard dog Yorkshire Terrier, the photo of which is given below, has excellent hearing. Even before the guests arrive, you can hear them. Its appearance resembles a small toy animal. These are fearless, brave and inquisitive real dogs. Yorkshire terriers also love to be the center of attention, to feel their uniqueness and individuality.

A playful and sociable toy terrier becomes a devoted friend and the main source of positivity in the family, gets along well with other friendly animals, and is always cheerful. This smart, easy-to-groom and very neat toy terrier can live both in the city and outside it. He does not experience discomfort when he is in a confined space.

Tell us about other popular Jack Russell crosses


This is a designer dog known for its playful and loving nature.

The Jack Chi is poorly adapted to cold climates and is considered exclusively a lap dog. At the same time, we must not forget about his ebullient energy and desire to dominate.

These qualities make training a Jack Chi difficult and require a lot of patience and perseverance from the owner. Otherwise, the pet’s character quickly deteriorates, nervousness and many unpleasant habits appear.

The Jack Chi is prone to dental disease and all sorts of skin and coat problems. However, with constant and proper care, these problems can be avoided.


A cute cross between a Corgi and a Jack Russell Terrier, amusingly combining the appearance of both parents. He is very loyal to all family members and animals, affectionate and tireless in communication.

Does not tolerate loneliness well, shows great anxiety when separated from its owner.

This dog is not prone to loud barking or whining, but is often stubborn.

This dog just loves to learn new tricks and travel.

Her incredible activity constantly requires movement, new experiences and games.


A charming designer dog up to 25 cm tall at the withers and weighing up to 12 kg. It has a long wavy coat that requires serious care.

Jackpoo is easy to care for and quite easy to train.

This is an affectionate and very curious dog that needs exciting walks and a variety of games. Feels great in a large active family with children and pets.

Often such mestizos have serious health problems (epilepsy, hypothyroidism, joint dysplasia). Therefore, you need to take your choice of breeder seriously. In general, the Jackpu has good health and can live remarkably well up to 13-15 years.

Dachshund and Husky

This cute animal will also have an elongated body and short legs. In this regard, he will inherit the genes of his dachshund parent. It will grow from 20 to 30 cm. It will weigh from 10 to 27 kg.

But for the most part, a mestizo will still be similar to a husky. The first thing that catches your eye in terms of similarity is the muzzle. She is completely similar to a husky - the same outline. The ears are also inherited from northern dogs.

The tail is fluffy - just like its northern counterparts, who are used to using it to protect themselves from the cold while resting. The fur is thick and dense. There is, as I noticed, an excellent undercoat. This mestizo will definitely not be cold in winter - an excellent combination of endurance and compactness.

This trait is quite typical for huskies. Even if they are treated well and not offended, the craving for distant travels still outweighs attachment to home from time to time.

Just like the urge to dig holes. Having made a dig, the dog can easily get out of the enclosure and overcome the obstacle in the form of a fence. If the animal lives in an apartment, the tendency to dig holes can cause a lot of problems. Few owners want their pet to practice destroying floor coverings.

But all this is more than made up for by the dog’s extraordinary friendliness. It is known that huskies are very fond of children, and northern peoples often used them as nannies. Metis also inherited this quality, so you can leave your kids with him without fear. He also loves adults, and is always happy to take part in active fun.

Photos and descriptions of crossbreeds

Here we will look in more detail at the features of the most common dachshund mestizos.

With a spaniel

This dog is similar in appearance to a spaniel. He has long wavy fur, floppy ears and a strong build. His body will be more elongated, and his legs will be shorter. The color of such a dog is most often pale brown, cream or caramel.

The dog has a lively and bright character, it is sociable, active, and easily finds a common language with all family members and other pets. The size of the dog is about 25-35 cm at the withers, weight – 10-18 kg.

With Jack Russell Terrier

This mixture can equally possess the qualities of both parents.

As a rule, this is not a large dog with pronounced hunting qualities; it gets along well with children and other pets. At the same time, the dog is prone to depression and does not tolerate loneliness well.

Outwardly, the dog resembles a Jack Russell terrier, but is slightly larger and wider in bone, while the legs of the mestizo are shorter than those of the Jack Russell, but longer than those of the dachshund. The shape of the muzzle is elongated, built towards the nose. Height at withers – 23-33 cm, weight – 7-12 kg, color – light with black or red spots.

With a chihuahua

These mestizos are classified as pocket pets; they are friendly, loving, love children and become strongly attached to their owner.

The body structure is reminiscent of a dachshund (elongated body and meek paws), the muzzle is that of a Chihuahua, and a pronounced feature is large erect ears, like those of a bat (dominant feature).

The height of the dog at the withers is 15-25 cm, weight is 4-7 kg. As you can see, the hybrid of a Chihuahua and a dachshund is quite miniature; it is a fragile pocket dog that can be taken with you on any trip, for walks, to visit, etc.

With a shepherd

This is a unique animal, it has the body proportions of a dachshund, but is slightly larger in size. This crossbreed is slightly taller on the paws, has erect ears and a muzzle that resembles that of a shepherd dog .

We can say that Ovchaksa (the name of the crossbreed) took the features of both parents. In most cases, the dog has a zoned black and tan color (like a shepherd dog). This pet is suitable for both an apartment and a private home.

This is a kind, intelligent, moderately active animal that is easy to train. In addition, the sheepdog is an excellent watchman and security guard.

Pet sizes:

  • height at withers – 25-35 cm;
  • weight – 10-17 kg.

With Yorkshire Terrier

This is a medium-sized animal with a slightly elongated body, short legs and a wide muzzle. The coat of this individual resembles that of a Yorkie (long, soft, slightly wavy) and requires regular brushing. Color – black and tan with gray hair.

These are kind, sociable dogs, they love children and active walks.

But they also have their disadvantages, these are:

  • Tendency to dig holes.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Slight aggression towards other pets.
  • Manifestation of jealousy.

Dog sizes:

  • height at withers - 22-30 cm;
  • weight – 6-8 kg.

With Spitz

The lush and thick coat of a Spitz is a dominant trait, and hybrids most often have just such a coat. The dog has an elongated body and short crooked legs. The muzzle is elongated, more like the muzzle of a dachshund, the tail is curled into a ring. Color - from light beige to dark red.

Such a dog is usually larger than a Spitz - dog sizes:

  • height at the withers – 15-25 cm;
  • weight - 4-9 kg.

The dog is prone to excessive barking, is slightly cocky and stubborn, but at the same time very loyal to its owner, active and affectionate.

With Pekingese

Such a dog is characterized by a certain inconsistency, since it combines the features of both breeds, and they are very different from each other.

This pet has an elongated body and a slightly flattened nose, short legs and a curled tail. Their coats vary, some have long, thick coats (like the Pekingese), while others have smooth coats like dachshunds. The same applies to colors, they can vary, from light red to black and white and dark fawn. Sometimes the dachshund gene turns out to be stronger and the dog has a black color with red tan marks.

By nature, the hybrid of Pekingese and Dachshund is moderately active, has a sense of self-esteem, but is not at all against walks and outdoor games. Such a pet is quite jealous and selfish, and in adulthood it perceives new pets negatively.

Dog sizes:

  • height at the withers – 15-25 cm;
  • weight - 4-8 kg.

With a pug

Metis has a dense, compact structure (large impressive head, large eyes, folds on the skin). At the same time, the dog has an elongated body and shortened legs. The tail is curled into a ring and resembles the tail of a pug. In most cases, such individuals have a fawn, fawn-red or fawn-beige color with darkening on the face and ears.

This is a moderately active, kind, but stubborn dog, it easily finds a common language with all family members, loves care and attention. In adulthood, the dog becomes lazy.


  • height at the withers – 20-28 cm;
  • weight – 6-10 kg.

With a beagle

It looks very harmonious, it is usually taller than a standard dachshund, has a less elongated body and a muzzle reminiscent of a beagle. Externally, the dog looks more like a beagle than a dachshund. The color of such pets is very diverse from light beige to black with tan.

The dog has pronounced character traits of both breeds. These dogs are stubborn, willful, active, they love walks and active games in the fresh air. At the same time, such pets are kind, inquisitive, and devoted to their owner.


  • height at withers – 25-35 cm;
  • weight – 6-13 kg.

The disadvantages of the breed include a tendency to dig holes.

With Labrador

This mestizo can be called a smaller copy of a Labrador with short legs. The dog has a slightly elongated body, a wide muzzle, dark eyes and short legs.

This is an excellent hunter and companion, the dog is good-natured, cunning, but obedient. Color - from light fawn to black.


  • height at the withers – 30-37 cm;
  • weight – 10-18 kg.

It is a favorite of children and a wonderful companion for the elderly.

With husky

These are medium-sized dogs with strong bones, an elongated body and short legs. The muzzle of such a dog is more similar to a husky than a dachshund, and the same applies to color. As a rule, this is: black and white or gray and white with a characteristic mask on the face. The coat of a mestizo is dense, thick with a soft undercoat.

Approximate dimensions:

  • height at the withers - 20-30 cm;
  • weight – 10-27 kg.

The pet is willful, prone to digging holes and running away, but he loves children, is friendly and active.

With Rottweiler

In appearance and body structure it resembles a dachshund, but larger and calmer. The color is usually black or brown with lighter tan marks, the legs are short, and the body is elongated.

The pet has powerful bones and a wide chest. This mixed breed is much larger than a dachshund, but smaller than a Rottweiler. The character of the dog is calm, persistent and powerful; if it is not raised correctly, it may have a tendency towards aggression.


  • height at withers – 35-45 cm;
  • weight - 20-28 kg.

Features of character and behavior

The breed is a hunting breed, so the dogs are temperamental, wayward, but very smart and active. They learn quickly, remember commands and become good helpers.


The advantages of the breed include:

  1. Goodwill, friendliness, lack of innate aggression, devotion to family;
  2. Positive thinking, activity until old age;
  3. Good relationship with children while maintaining distance;
  4. Good intellectual abilities, quick learner;
  5. Hunting instincts and developed qualities: sense of smell, vision, speed, endurance, agility;
  6. Security qualities;
  7. Variability (you can choose your pet by size, color and coat length).

Pinotax: Miniature Pinscher Mix

In adulthood, these dogs have the size of a miniature pinscher and the elongated body of a dachshund. The color of the coat varies from black to dark chocolate. The ears are drooping and not too long.

This funny miniature creature can quickly win the respect and love of all family members. To maintain good physical shape, one long daily walk is enough for them.

As a rule, these dogs are in good health, but hereditary diseases can also manifest themselves.

Popular nicknames for girls and boys

Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. Do you believe it? Then choose your nickname very, very carefully!

Male Chihuahuas are often called:

  • names of heroes of Greek mythology: Ares, Zeus, Hercules, Achilles, etc.;
  • classic American names: Richie, Simon, Lennard, Hank, Harold, Mickey;
  • sometimes the choice falls on royal names: Louis, Bonaparte, Louis, Caesar;
  • by character trait: Shustrik, Zubastic, Helper, Funtik, Killer, etc.

Sometimes they choose really funny names! But this is not for everybody.

They strive to come up with gentle and very beautiful nicknames for Chihuahua girls. For example, their names are:

  • in tune with flowers: Rose (or Rosie), Daisy (chamomile), Flora, Lily, Iris (Iris), Jasmine;
  • foreign names, often French: Nicole, Natalie, Amelie, Jacqueline, Chantal;
  • affectionate names of treats: Bun, Bun, Cherry, Toffee, Jelly (jelly);
  • The names of movie heroines are in demand: Leia, Sarah, Ariel, Mulan, Elsa, Cinderella, etc.

Often you have to start from the nickname that the puppies were given upon registration. Then you can make an anagram from an existing name or shorten it.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Do not try to choose a puppy of a rare color or extremely small. The best choice would be a healthy, medium-sized baby.

It is better to buy a puppy from a trusted nursery, whose owner monitors its reputation. Study several nurseries, talk to breeders, look at the breeding fund.

You should not buy a puppy without documents, flattered by the low price. The documents must be RKF or, in extreme cases, SKOR. If you are offered to pay extra for a pedigree, then it is guaranteed to be fake! A purebred puppy automatically receives a puppy card, which is exchanged for a pedigree within six months. The cost of such a dog does not change regardless of whether you draw up documents for it or not.

You should not pick up a puppy before two, or better yet, three months, especially without documents. Due to the popularity of the breed, unscrupulous breeders can pass off any mestizos and mongrels as Chihuahuas. Be sure to weigh your puppy: a three-month-old kitten weighs about half its future adult weight.

The Chihuahua puppies themselves should be vigorous, cheerful and moderately well-fed, with shiny fur, clean eyes and ears. The choice of gender is yours, but girls are more cunning and pretentious, and boys are more cocky.

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