The Bavarian Mountain Hound dog breed and its characteristics with photos

The breed of large and hardy hunting dogs appeared at the beginning of the 19th century in the vicinity of the Bavarian mountain range. Today, the Bavarian mountain hound is a rare breed that has fully retained its working qualities. In addition to hunting, these dogs are used to search for climbers and skiers who have disappeared in the mountains. The Bavarian hound has a phenomenal flair - the ability to accurately follow an already cold trail, which is extremely highly valued in rescue and search work.

Origin story

The dog's ancestors were hounds from Upper Saxony - powerful and strong animals that follow the blood trail well.
Unfortunately, these dogs did not work well on winding mountain paths - they were too heavy and clumsy. There were even tragedies - in the excitement of the prey rut, dogs fell into the abyss. Hunters began to cross Saxon (Hanoverian) hunting dogs with the nimble and dexterous Tyrolean hounds and other breeds adapted to work in mountainous areas. As a result, in 1883, a new breed was officially recognized for hunting roe deer, mountain goat, and ram. The Bavarian Mountain Dog combines the endurance and strength of the Saxon hounds and the agility of the Tyroleans. There is no need to talk about the animal’s keen sense of smell - the excellent sense of the Bavarian hound’s ancestors has only intensified.

The almost completely lost population of hounds during the world wars was restored with great difficulty only in the second half of the 20th century. In Germany there is a club of hunters who keep dogs of this breed. The laws of the country strictly ensure that puppies only fall into the hands of hunters, gamekeepers or rescuers. Only by spending its life in hard work, according to the specialization of the breed, will the dog not lose its qualities.

Photos from Pyrenean Mountain Dog owners

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Pros and cons of the breed

As a breed with a narrow scope of application, the Bavarian mountain dog has a number of disadvantages that do not allow a beginner or a person far from hunting to keep the animal. The positive and negative characteristics of the breed are given in the table:

Excellent hunting qualitiesStubbornness and willfulness
Lack of aggression towards humansDoesn't get along with other animals
Loyalty to the ownerRequires a lot of space to walk
Balanced psycheProne to obesity


The Finnish Hound (or Suomenajokoira) is a popular breed in Scandinavia and Finland. Mainly used on fox, hare and game birds. It works well on lynx, wolf, raccoon and even large animals like elk or deer. In his free time from hunting, he is an ideal companion dog and family member.


The main feature of these hounds is tirelessness and constant readiness to hunt. Thanks to their well-developed sense of smell and vision, they work well independently and do not lose their enthusiasm even in the most unfavorable conditions. In search of prey, they are not afraid to move several kilometers away from the hunter.

As a breed, they originated from various hounds that were imported into Finland over many centuries:

  • Harriers.
  • Russian harlequins.
  • English Foxhounds.
  • Kerry beagles.
  • German and others.

Interesting fact

Throughout the selection, the emphasis was on improving and consolidating working qualities. Appearance was considered secondary, but a tri-color color had to be present.

Distinctive features


The head is small, proportional. The skull is slightly convex. The muzzle is elongated and tendonous. The groove from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly visible. The occipital protuberance is well developed.


The teeth are large, tightly set, in full set. The jaw is strong and powerful. Scissor bite.


The ears are elongated, hanging with the tips turned inward. Located at eye level.


The eyes are oval and medium in size. The color of the iris is dark brown. The look is very expressive and interested.


The body is elongated, strong, lean with pronounced muscles. The neck is athletic, of medium elongation. The back is not long, smooth, muscular. The chest is wide and deep with noticeably prominent ribs. The croup is powerful, slightly sloping, fully developed. The stomach is slightly tucked.


The legs are strong, muscular with oval bones and flexible joints. The length is in harmony with the body. The paws are of medium size, elongated. The fingers are tightly clenched into a fist. The claws are strong and strong.


The hair is short, dense, and harsh in texture. The undercoat is thick and protects well from cold and moisture. The color is bright black-reddish black. At the same time, the back is black and snow-white spots on the chest, muzzle, tip of the tail, paws and belly.


Finnish hounds are energetic and passionate in hunting. At home they are friendly and calm. They do not have the habit of spoiling the owner's things and furniture. Quite independent, so their personal space should be respected.

They adore and love their owner and build friendly relationships with members of the household. Children are treated well, they take part in children's games with pleasure, but they have difficulty getting used to the appearance of new family members.

They cannot stand loneliness at all; it is important for them to be among family members, to feel their closeness, since long absences of loved ones cause apathy and the development of stress

Relationships with other pets, even those with whom they grew up, are on the verge of conflict, since all cats and other small animals are perceived as prey.

They behave warily with strangers, but without aggression. For this reason, the breed is completely unsuitable as a watchdog. They have a loud, booming voice, but do not have a tendency to empty barks.

They require early socialization and training. Education must begin from puppyhood. Training should be serious, but without physical and psychological violence.

Interesting fact

In their homeland, suomenajokoira are used for hunting exclusively in the warm season.

a brief description of

  • Other names: Bavarian mountain hound, Bayerischer Gebirgsschweißhund, Bavarian Mountain Scenthound, Bavarian brakk, Bavarian.
  • Height: up to 48-52 cm.
  • Weight: 25.0 – 28.0 kg.
  • Color: fawn, red, brindle.
  • Coat: shiny, short, thick, hard to the touch, close to the body.
  • Life expectancy: up to 12 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: Born hunters in mountainous areas. Dogs work great on a cold scent. The breed is characterized by good health. By nature, these are fairly balanced animals.
  • Difficulties: Dogs of this breed are not recommended for those who are adopting a puppy for the first time. In education, certain difficulties arise due to the stubbornness of the animal, but this does not apply to training. Training requires a lot of patience.
  • Price: $2000.

Choice at the nursery

Before going to the nursery, look at the reviews about it, and independently study the information about the breed you are interested in.

Ask about the health of the puppy and its parents. There are various diseases that are inherited, and there are breed-specific predispositions to certain pathologies. Make sure that the dog is in good health, examine the ears, eyes, fur, and feel the belly. Ask about vaccinations and parasite prevention. A professional breeder will readily provide the necessary information, recommend a good veterinarian, and give a list of suitable dog care products.

Pay attention to the dog's behavior; he may show distrust, but there should be no aggression or fear. A healthy dog ​​shows interest in toys and actively plays with his brothers and sisters

It is recommended to pick up puppies after they are 8 weeks old; during this period they are not very dependent on their mother and are able to adapt to a new environment.

Ask the breeder to show the parent dogs; if he refuses, then there are probably some problems with their health or behavior. The parents of the baby dog ​​must be mentally balanced, without signs of physical illness. Character is inherited, if you don’t like the behavior of adults, then don’t rush to buy.

Kennels provide the buyer with accompanying documents:

  • contract of sale;
  • acceptance certificate;
  • veterinary passport;
  • metric.

Please submit for review:

  • organization registration document;
  • act of mating;
  • parents' pedigrees;
  • certificates, diplomas, exhibition photographs, etc.

The amount of documentation in dog breeding institutions varies.

Professional sellers willingly provide information without leading questions, are interested in the future fate of their charges, ask for a telephone number for contact, give recommendations on care, feeding, education, assist in planning exhibition events, breed matings, and provide possible discounts on services and dog accessories.


The Bavarian Hound is a born hunter. Do you want to give your pet true pleasure? Take part in the hunt with him, but only after appropriate preparation. True, the Bavarians are obstinate and endowed with a sufficient amount of stubbornness. Therefore, an experienced dog trainer is simply necessary for training. Since the breed is extremely sensitive to methods of correcting the training process, classes are conducted based solely on rewards.

Did you know? Bavarian Hound training should be regular and systematic.


The Russian hound (abbreviated RG) is the pride of Russian cynology and an amazingly tireless assistant to the hunter of hare, fox and other game, both in pack and gun hunting. Doesn't lose interest even in the most confusing and complex trail. At home, she is a very attentive and affectionate pet.


In physique and some habits, RG resembles a wolf. The dog, like the gray predator, has a high front (the height at the withers is 1-2 cm higher than the height at the rump). At the moment of hunting, he follows the trail like a gray “orderly” of the forest, with his head bowed low.

Interesting fact

The main feature of the breed is its surprisingly musical bark. Because of their melodic voice, the hounds are called “the music of the Russian forest.”

Distinctive features


The head is dryishly built and wedge-shaped. The skull is flat with an unclearly defined occiput. The muzzle is slightly elongated. The transition line of the forehead to the muzzle is smooth.


The teeth are massive, strong and white, in full force. Scissor bite.


The ears are triangular, hanging, thin, set above the eye line, and fit snugly to the head.


The eyes are large, graceful almond-shaped. The color of the iris is dark brown.


The physique is graceful but stately with well-developed bones and muscles. The neck is dry, athletic, and equal in length to the head. The back is powerful and straight. The loin is short, slightly convex, strong. The croup is elongated, slightly sloping. The chest is wide, noticeably dropped down. The stomach is well drawn in.


The legs are straight, parallel, muscular with moderately developed bones. The paws are oval, the toes are arched, gathered into a powerful fist.


Hair of heterogeneous structure. On the neck and hips it is longer and thicker, on the legs and ears it is short and sparse. The color is saddleback, grey-tan and crimson. There are white markings on the legs and neck.

Interesting fact

The history of the origin of the breed is unknown. Presumably the dogs were brought by the Tatar-Mongols, or are descendants of aboriginal huskies with alien cops.


The Russian hound is faithful and devoted to its owner, and for a professional hunter it is also the “right hand”. Hardworking, energetic and extremely sensitive, she will never disappoint her “leader” and will do everything possible to ensure that he returns home with a trophy.

At home she is always calm, friendly and inquisitive. Treats household members and children kindly and kindly. Patiently endures the child's pranks, but tries to avoid excessive games.

Relationships with cats and other domestic animals do not work out very well, because they perceive them as easy prey. Not only purrs, but also dogs of miniature breeds (toy terriers, Pekingese) can fall into the victim category.

As a watchman or security guard, the hound is not a particularly suitable option. Although he barks at strangers, but without aggression. The dog is not capable of great actions, since it clearly separates its “royal” hunting status and everyday routine duties, which it considers beneath its dignity.

It lends itself well to training, but since it tends to dominate, education and training in “literacy” should be carried out by an experienced trainer, preferably with hunting experience.

Care and maintenance

This dog is not kept in an apartment or cramped enclosure. The Bavarian Mountain Hound needs a lot of exercise to stay in good physical condition. The ideal option for keeping an animal would be a country house with a spacious yard, where the dog will spend most of the day. Daily physical activity – running, overcoming obstacles – is an integral part of a pet’s life.

The Bavarian hound is not adapted to the Russian winter. Keeping her outdoors all year round is not suitable for her.

Caring for your pet involves regularly cleaning the ears. In all lop-eared breeds, the ears are a weak point, since the hanging earlobes cover the ear canal and it is easy to miss the beginning of otitis media. Otherwise, the hound will not cause any trouble. In summer, the dog will enjoy swimming in a river or lake. It is not necessary to specifically bathe the animal; it is enough to wash its paws after a walk in bad weather.


Hunting dogs are not picky about feeding. For good health and replenishment of energy with an active lifestyle, the animal must be provided with all nutrients and trace elements. Modern dog owners prefer ready-made super-premium dry food. The market offers products from manufacturers from different countries, with prices. It must be remembered that high-quality food cannot cost less than meat. The brands Akana, Hills, and Proplan get good reviews from dog lovers.

If there is enough free time and the dog owner wants to feed the pet naturally, the animal is prepared with regular food. The basis of the dog's diet is lean, stringy meat and offal - up to 70% of the daily diet. Some of the meat can be replaced with boneless sea fish. Next come vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini), buckwheat porridge, rice or rolled oats. As an additive, the dog's menu should include: cottage cheese, eggs, vegetable oil (unrefined).

The Bavarian Mountain Dog is prone to obesity due to overeating. The owner’s task is to monitor feeding standards and prevent the pet from overeating.

Feeding the puppy

Babies begin to be fed from the age of 3-4 weeks, when they leave the nest and begin to explore the world. You can immediately start complementary feeding with ready-made canned food or dry granules intended for one-month-old puppies. Dry food for babies is first soaked in warm water or milk until it becomes mushy.

There are other ways to feed your puppy. Complementary feeding begins with low-fat cottage cheese, boneless lean meat (rabbit, lamb, veal). Boiled vegetables, grated, and porridge are gradually introduced into the diet. It is necessary to monitor the puppy’s stool and skin condition to see if there are any allergies. A dog on natural food must be given vitamin complexes. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right supplement composition.

Training and education

The Bavarian Mountain Hound is distinguished by its sharp intelligence and intelligence. The dog is easy to train on game, it reacts sensitively to the owner’s commands while working on the scent. In ordinary life, the pet is stubborn and willful. Only a persistent and strict owner can achieve obedience in the house and on a regular walk. The Bavarian is a true hunting dog, whose best character traits are narrowly focused. A true connoisseur of hunting with hounds will be able to cope with the animal and fully reveal its talents.


The Estonian hound has two characteristics: fearlessness, mercilessness in the hunt and incredible friendliness towards the owner and his family. If outside the house the dog is assertive and vicious, then in the family circle a more affectionate, devoted, patient, obedient dog cannot be found. Therefore, you can take the animal into a family with growing children, to whom it will show tolerance. The hound will unconditionally obey its owner, like all hunting pets, who see the owner as the leader of the pack.

By nature, she is an independent hunter who can quickly make a decision. During the rutting process, a good result depended on him, which is why the dog has such a well-developed intellect. At the same time, the “Estonian” is aimed at fulfilling the commands of a person - naturally, the one who will show and prove his authority to her.

An “Estonian” will get along with other animals if she knows them from childhood, otherwise conflicts are inevitable, especially if there is a cat in the house. The owner needs to establish relationships between the hound puppy and existing pets, preferably other dogs. He will get along with his brothers, and will consider small animals - hamsters, raccoons, decorative rabbits - as potential prey.

A dog is a source of indomitable energy, which does not always fit within the four walls of a city apartment. Therefore, the ideal habitat for it would be a country house - this is one of the main maintenance requirements. “Estonian” is unpretentious, very clean, and will be easy to care for.

In hunting, which can be taught to a hound from the age of 6 months, the pet shows great passion and sufficient aggressiveness. The animal is persistent: having taken a trail, it can not let it out of sight for three days until it overtakes the animal. When hunting, the advantages of the Estonian hound are fully manifested: its small stature allows it to climb into any crevice, its agility will not allow it to lose sight of the game.

Although the “Estonian” was bred for hunting, she is fully endowed with these qualities, she shows herself perfectly as a guard dog. Due to its extraordinary devotion and calmness, they prefer to keep it as a pet. Since the breed was bred from several others, it is worth noting its hunting qualities:

  • Rapid onset of maturity - inherited from the Swiss Hound.
  • Loud voice, obedience - taken from beagles, Swiss hound.
  • The strength of the paws is inherited from the Beagle.
  • Obedience and politeness are developed by proper upbringing, but are also characteristic of Russian hounds.

Health and life expectancy

Bavarian mountain hounds have good health. With good care and feeding, they rarely get sick. The most common problems are injuries associated with increased activity and sociability:

  • Minor sprains, bruises, cuts;
  • Dog bites;
  • Insect bites.

At a young age, the following are more often recorded:

  • Poisoning;
  • Adenovirus;
  • Oral papillomavirus.

There are no hereditary diseases or pathologies observed in the breed. Breeding animals must be checked for hip dysplasia. Life expectancy is 11-13 years.

Important preventive measures are timely vaccination, deworming and treatment against external parasites, which, among other things, are carriers of dangerous diseases: piroplasmosis, dirofilariasis, and others.


The character is courageous and loyal. These dogs take care of the owner and protect him from offenders. They hunt thanks to their well-developed sense of smell, following a trail of blood. This property makes them very convenient for hunting.

These dogs are quite friendly and rarely show aggression. But the Bavarian Mountain Hound has a hard time getting along with other animals; she feels uncomfortable with them. This is the difference from hounds of other breeds.

Representatives of this breed are attached to people and always try to be close to their owner. If you need a guard dog, then this breed is not for you, although they do not trust strangers. These dogs can be trained in much the same way as other dogs.

But it is important to remember that it was bred specifically for hunting. These dogs won’t hurt children, but they won’t show them much love either.

Since the breed was bred for tracking and is a tracking dog, it differs in character from other hound dogs that are driven. The animal becomes attached to its owner's family and always tries to be close to people. If a dog is left alone, it causes him suffering.

These dogs are rarely kept as companions, so it is difficult to say exactly how they treat children. But some breeders say that in many families in Russia they live as companions, including with children and pets. It can be assumed that due to their friendliness they find a common language with children. But most likely, they don’t get along very well with other animals. As already mentioned, they are uncomfortable in their company.

Bavarians get along well with other dogs if they are trained correctly. But, if we compare them with other hounds, we can say that representatives of this breed are less friendly. Since they are essentially hunters, they usually chase other animals. Some representatives of the breed can even live together with a cat, but only if they did not grow up nearby. But this does not apply to all dogs. Often instinct takes over.

Bavarians are not easy to train, just like other hounds. But this is not due to the fact that they are not smart enough, but to their stubbornness. Therefore, to train a Bavarian, you need a lot of experience. The dog does not listen to all commands and is stubborn. If a representative of the breed has already taken the scent, then it will be especially difficult to command the dog. Therefore, during walks you need to keep her on a leash. She will follow the trail no matter what.

Bavarian mountain hounds are distinguished by their endurance. They can work for several hours without slowing down their activity. These dogs need to be given the exercise they really need. Otherwise, the dog may become irritable and restless. In this way the animal shows its boredom. Bavarians should walk for at least an hour a day. And we're not just talking about physical activity. The dog must experience emotions and train its mind.

Of course, these dogs will feel best while hunting. Therefore, it is not advisable to keep them in an apartment, although many people do just that. It is best to get a Bavarian hound for those who have a good garden plot.

Education and training

Bavarian mountain hounds respond well to training; they are sociable and smart. They quickly understand what they want from them. Working with them requires moderate persistence, consistency and understanding of the dog’s nature, as well as the complete exclusion of pain and suppression of independence. Bavarians feel the limits of what is permitted, but will periodically test the owner’s strength. You should also remember that they are excellent manipulators and actors.

In the process of education and training, the owner must be not just a leader and mentor, he must be understandable and interesting for the dog, and do not forget about positive reinforcement in the form of treats and praise.

Bavarian hound training begins early. From 1.5-2 months the dog is introduced to skins, paws, and hooves. Already from 4 months you can start working on the trail: they do a “scavenger hunt” and lay a blood trail along the black trail. Already from 9-10 months the dog can be taken to the grounds.


This hunter needs space to run. Representatives of the breed are active and require regular exercise. The hound feels most comfortable in the forest and mountains. During a long walk, she literally comes alive. At such moments, you can see your pet in all its glory - playful, with sparkling eyes. This is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a great workout. New smells captivate the dog. Coordination of movements and mental stress become an excellent workout.

But the dog does not forget and runs to check in with the owner. Despite the exciting walk, she rarely runs away from her owner. Therefore, when going with him to the mountains or forest, you should not be afraid that your hunter will run away or get lost. At the same time, they are not annoying at home. The pet senses the owner's mood. If the owner is not in the mood for play, the dog will not attract unnecessary attention and insist.

How to choose a puppy

Important! When purchasing a puppy, you must sign a sales contract with the breeder.

The puppy is ready to move to a new home as soon as the mother stops feeding the litter - at 2.0-2.5 months. When purchasing a dog, remember that the puppy must have:

  • clean eyes and ears;
  • quiet light breathing;
  • dry skin without traces of infectious lesions;
  • teeth – white, gums – healthy pink;
  • paws are strong, walking and running without limping;
  • under the tail - clean, dry;
  • The ribs should not be visually prominent.

In addition, the puppy must be active, cheerful and friendly even towards strangers.

It is imperative to examine the mother and (preferably) the father of the litter. Parents should have a stretched format, but at the same time a well-developed wide chest, a powerful, non-sagging back, straight strong paws and a high-set tail.

Each of them should have a powerful, elongated head, a wide domed skull and a well-defined stop. The ears are medium in size, set high, the base of the ears is wide, the drooping tips are rounded. The nose is black (dark), the nostrils are wide. This breed has powerful jaws - the breeder will definitely show you the “teeth” of the parents.


The first thing that attracts a Bavarian in appearance is its unusual color. Red body with smooth transitions and a black velvety mask. This “design” was chosen for a reason. It allows the dog to completely “dissolve” in the autumn landscape, and autumn is the season for hunting ungulates. The Bavarian Mountain Hound is harmonious, agile, flexible, of medium height, slightly elongated, with well-developed muscles. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced.

  • The height at the withers of males is 47-52 cm, weight is 20-30 kg.
  • Height at the withers of females is 44-48 cm, weight is 17-25 kg.

The skull is slightly convex, the brow ridges are well developed. Stop is expressed. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull, wide, not pointed. The bridge of the nose is straight or slightly convex. The lobe is large, not very wide, the nostrils are well open, dark red or black in color. The lips are well fitting, of medium thickness, the corners are clearly visible. The jaws are strong, scissor bite, straight bite allowed. The eyes are not too round and not too large, dark brown or somewhat lighter. the eyelids are well pigmented and fit tightly. The ears are hanging, reaching the tip of the nose, heavy, set high, wide at the base, rounded at the tips.

The neck is of medium length. The skin on the throat is somewhat loose. The body is well balanced and muscular. Topline with a slight rise from withers to rump. The back is flexible and strong. The circle is long, slightly inclined (20-30 degrees is considered ideal). The loin is short and wide. The chest is deep and long, moderately wide. The ribs are laid back. The chest reaches the elbow joint. The stomach is slightly tucked. The tail is of medium length, set high, carried horizontally or carried slightly down. The limbs are straight, parallel, well placed under the body, with good angles, pronounced joints and developed muscles. Paws are oval in shape with tightly knit, arched toes. The pads are well pigmented, durable, and rough. claws black or pink.

The skin fits tightly and is durable. The coat is smooth, thick, moderately hard, with a slight shine, and lies tightly. On the head and ears it is thinner and shorter, on the stomach, limbs, and tail it is stiffer and longer. Colors: dark red, fawn, red, russet, brown, and brindle or mixed with black hair. on the back the color of the coat is usually more intense. There should be a dark mask on the face of any color. the tail is often darker. A small white spot on the chest is allowed.

Owner reviews of the Bavarian Hound

Before getting a pet of this breed, many scroll through forums. They are interested in reviews from owners. The information received will help you decide whether you should get such a puppy.

Most Bavarian Hound owners are happy with their pet. Below you can find reviews from owners.


I love hunting, so I regularly go into the forest. Recently my German has been accompanying me. An ordinary walk in the forest brings joy to the dog, and hunting for several hours is a genuine delight. I didn’t regret buying a Bavarian hound puppy. I live near a forest, there are all the conditions for keeping such a hunter. An obedient dog, although sometimes stubborn.


I first encountered representatives of the Bavarian hound breed several years ago. And I was eager to buy myself a puppy of this breed. I bought it and didn’t regret it. Even though it is not recommended to live with these puppies in the city, I took the risk. If you walk your dog regularly, it will feel comfortable. But if you can’t go for a walk with her, then she starts to get bored. They are also very loyal and affectionate.

Advertising: Advertising: Irina Kutsak

Education University: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Year of graduation: 2010. Specialty: Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine. Experience I have experience working in a veterinary clinic for more than 7 years. Experience of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

Search on Avito

The popular site is replete with advertisements for the sale of animals and their photographs. Pets are distributed in this way by professional breeders, amateur dog breeders and scammers.

For a reasonable price you can find a worthy purebred representative, or it is also possible to become a victim of fraud. Often, mestizos are sold under the guise of purebred dogs; even a breed connoisseur can find it difficult to identify inconsistencies among small puppies. Of course, a mixed breed can become a faithful companion, but it’s a shame to pay an unreasonable amount; you can get a faithful outbred dog for nothing.

If you buy from an ad, you may encounter a replacement puppy. A photo of a cute purebred baby is displayed on the site, but in fact another one is being sold, and the seller says that “yours” was just bought, and “this one” will soon be taken away too. The buyer, obeying the initial impulse to buy a dog, agrees to what is offered to him. Therefore, before your trip, contact the seller and ask to send a new photo or video; the scammer will probably not fulfill the request and will stop answering calls.


Payment for foster care is discussed with a veterinarian, dog handler, and volunteer. Depending on the purpose of the overexposure, prices will differ. If the dog undergoes a general training course, he remains in the care of dog handlers who observe and care for him. Overexposure costs 20,000.

Training is carried out by dog ​​handlers. The course price includes meals and care. By the end of OKD, the puppy will be able to carry out basic commands, will be socialized and will learn to interact with people. You can invite a dog handler or training specialist to your home. This reduces the amount of costs associated with training by 50-60%.

Based on average prices, you can derive general indicators and create a monthly schedule of expenses for each year. Before buying a dog, you need to calculate the costs associated with it and follow the results. But you also need to take into account unplanned expenses.

Purchasing a dog should be considered and agreed upon with family members. It is advisable for an inexperienced dog owner to enlist the help of an expert or become thoroughly familiar with the standard of the chosen breed. A pet can be purchased through an advertisement website, in a nursery, and also “from hand” in zoological markets, each method has its own characteristics.

Young Hunter School

Activities that allow the development of breed abilities - an active search for something or someone (preferably with overcoming obstacles) - are popular with Bavarians at any age. This can be a search by smell (develops the so-called “superior sense”), tracking (search by trail), searching for an object by its name (memory training) or a familiar person by name. Classes can be supplemented with elements of controlled movement - in the direction of the hand, with verbal commands “left”, “right”, “forward”, “no”, “stop”, “search”. It is very useful to teach you to choose the method you propose to overcome an obstacle: “barrier” or “crawl”. There are situations when a person at height can see a safer path, and in this way one can easily control the dog’s behavior.

Team "Voice!" . Teaching the command is not difficult - the most important thing is to come up with a way to provoke the dog to bark: tease it with something tasty, a favorite toy, etc. (for some dogs, training by imitation is effective - find a friendly, wise dog who has already mastered the desired command, ask him to demonstrate the skills and praise him for the result in front of your dog). As soon as the dog starts barking, quickly consolidate the effect - say the command “Voice!” several times, praise very actively and give this very piece of goodies or toy. The command must be executed from any position (sitting, standing, moving).

Another specific command is “Give it!” . Learn to serve different objects and do it carefully, without clenching your teeth. Useful both for hunting and in everyday life.


The Bavarian hound does not suffer from lack of appetite. However, owners should take into account that the dog’s nutrition during service and at rest should differ not only in calorie content, but also in the quality of the food. When active, your pet will need 30% more protein. In the autumn-winter period, it is advisable to increase the amount of animal fats.

Less fat can be compensated for by increasing carbohydrates. As a rule, these are cereals and vegetable additives, as well as dried wheat or rye bread. It must first be soaked in milk or broth.

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