4 types of haircuts and features of Pomeranian hair

The Pomeranian requires careful grooming due to its length, texture and thick undercoat. All this can create great difficulties for the owner. To create a beautiful, neat look, you should trim your pet's hair. This can be done in different ways. An experienced groomer will advise you on the best option for cutting your Spitz after examining the condition of the fur.

Features of grooming

Up to 3 months inclusive, the coat of Spitz puppies is not completely formed. Until this age, dogs are only taught to handle hands by gently combing their fur, cleaning their ears and trimming their nails. At the age of 3.5 months, the first molt occurs. From this moment, it is already possible to give a rounded “cat” shape to the hair on the paws and trim the hairs on the ears.

At 11 - 12 months, the dog's body and coat are finally formed. During the same period of time there is a second moult, after which you can do any model haircuts.

Pomeranians have very sensitive skin. Therefore, you should not shave your dog's head - this can cause baldness.

What is the danger?

The problems of Pomeranian owners begin with the desire to shave their pet like an adorable bear. These problems can harm the baby and haunt him throughout his life.

The first haircut can ruin your fur for life.

Many novice dog lovers want to cut their pet this way because Boo is a modern trend, not realizing that just one haircut is not enough. In 99% of cases, it will be impossible to restore your pet’s fur, even if it was shaved once. As a result, the baby will have to walk like this for the rest of his life.

The structure of the coat

Up to 3 months, the puppy’s body is covered with thin hairs that resemble fluff. A dog’s full-fledged, “adult” coat begins to form at 3.5 months and finally changes by the age of one year. The Spitz coat consists of 2 parts:

1. Guard hair – hard and straight hair. It stands perpendicular to the dog's body.

2. Undercoat - soft, long spiral hairs. Makes up the bulk of wool.

The Pomeranian's thickest hair is located on the collar, tail and hind legs.

Photo and video review

The attractiveness of representatives of the fox-type breed, their miniature size, and their beautiful fur surprises not only in real life. Spitz dogs look impressive in photos and videos.

Proper care of an animal will make it the pride of its owner. A dog’s healthy, shiny coat is not just beauty, but an indicator of the quality of health of your four-legged friend.

Grooming Basics

To keep a Spitz's coat looking neat, it needs to be combed and trimmed regularly . Dogs of this breed especially need grooming during the molting period. The fact is that due to the spiral-shaped structure of the coat, fallen hairs remain on the dog’s body and, if they are not combed out, they form lumps that are difficult to comb out.


Regardless of whether the dog is a show-class representative or not, it needs to be brushed at least 2-3 times a week. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit a groomer. This can also be done at home. It is enough to purchase a minimum set of tools:

  1. Massage comb. Even a regular human comb with long teeth (about 3 cm) will do. Combing with a massage brush helps to detangle the fur before using a slicker. It is also convenient to use while drying wool with a hairdryer.
  2. Puffer. For Spitz dogs, slicker brushes of medium size, moderate hardness, and long teeth without plastic roundings at the tips are suitable. She needs to carefully comb the fur from roots to ends, dividing it into partings. The slicker is indispensable during the molting period.
  3. Comb . Lifts hairs, creating additional volume and cleans out remaining hairs. The comb is also actively used by the groomer during haircutting.


You should wash your Pomeranian Spitz no more than 1-2 times a month. The rest of the time, wiping the paws with a damp towel after a walk is enough. The exception is the upcoming exhibition.

If your dog gets very dirty during a walk, wash it in the shower, but without using detergents, or use a spray shampoo.

Washing your dog during shedding is contraindicated. Water puts a lot of stress on already weakened hair follicles, which causes hair loss and matting.

After bathing, the dog should be thoroughly dried with a soft towel and dried with a hairdryer. Natural drying is not suitable for dogs of this breed, as the porous hairs absorb too much moisture. This can trigger the development of fungal or bacterial diseases on the pet's skin.

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

You can cut your dog’s hair either at a grooming salon or on your own..

If a dog is preparing for an exhibition, then it is impossible to do without an experienced specialist. If the pet is not a show pet, then you can cut it yourself. This will require special tools, patience and treats for encouragement.

If you're not confident in your skills, watch a professional at work or take a few grooming lessons..


You can trim your Pomeranian Spitz both in a grooming salon and at home (if you have such skills). Before grooming, your pet must be washed and combed. The most common are the following 4 types of haircuts.

Exhibition (classic)

A classic haircut is a kind of “cleaning of feathers” before an exhibition. The animal must be cut so that it is not noticeable, but at the same time all the advantages are emphasized, and all the shortcomings are hidden. The tips of the ears are given a rounded shape using thinning scissors. Excess hairs are also removed from the ear canal. The paws are given a rounded “cat” shape. Excess hairs are trimmed along the contour of the fingers and between them.

The collar and tail are made more magnificent and spherical with the help of thinning. Lastly, the groomer carefully trims the area under the tail.

To the "bear cub" (Boo)

Recently, the “teddy bear” or “Boo” haircut has become increasingly popular.

Boo is a dwarf Spitz whose cute photos conquered Facebook in 2009, and then the entire Internet. He was loved by the public due to his resemblance to a plush toy.

The distinctive features of the “Boo” haircut are as follows:

  1. Round head - ears should be level with the back of the neck.
  2. Short hair on the body - it should be the same length.
  3. Short hair on the paws - giving them a rounded shape.

As a result of the haircut, the dog looks like a funny teddy bear. Despite its touching appearance and practicality, a dog with such a haircut will not be able to take part in competitions. In addition, the hair will grow back for a very long time after it.


This haircut differs from the show classic because it has a more careful silhouette. As a result, the dog looks very round and cute, but at the same time does not lose its breed appearance. If the haircut was performed by an experienced groomer, the structure of the coat will not deteriorate and the hairs will grow back quite quickly.

a lion

The so-called “lion” haircut. Using a clipper, the hair on the front paws, hind paws, back and belly is cut. The groomer leaves long hair in the collar area and on the muzzle, as well as a tassel at the tip of the tail. The remaining wool is given additional volume using thinning scissors.


This haircut can ruin your dog's coat and lead to baldness!

When should you trim your pet?

When purchasing a representative of the Pomeranian breed, you need to understand that he will require careful care. Bathing, fur trimming, and combing are carried out not only for exhibitions and shows, but also for personal hygiene. Haircuts for Spitz dogs help prevent:

  • formation of tangles;
  • tangling of fur;
  • severe shedding;
  • breakage, loss of spine;
  • bald areas.

A beautiful fur coat is not only a decoration for a dog. It also performs a protective function: it protects against heat or cold. Therefore, cutting your pet almost bald will not help relieve your pet from the heat of the sun. Moreover, exposure of the skin leads to burns and heat stroke. A coat that is too short cannot grow back quickly, so experienced groomers leave 3-4 cm in length.

Choosing a Groomer

Not only the quality of the haircut, but also the pet’s well-being after the procedure depends on the professionalism of the groomer. A master of his craft, he knows how to connect with animals and understands cosmetics and care products. He is also always ready to give advice on choosing good food and vitamin complexes to keep your pet's coat healthy and shiny. The following 5 parameters will help you distinguish a professional from an amateur.

  1. Reviews. Be sure to read customer reviews of the grooming salon before bringing your dog there. The best solution would be to find other Pomeranian owners on the forums and ask who they prefer to groom their pet.
  2. Knowledge of the breed and its characteristics. A good groomer knows how to cut dogs of a wide variety of breeds, but most specialists have a rather narrow specialization, aimed at the bulk of clients. For example, for grooming Yorkshire terriers. Ask the master if he has experience working with a Pomeranian Spitz - a professional will not take on a dog whose breed characteristics are unfamiliar to him.
  3. Tools . A good groomer's workplace always looks neat, and his tools are high-quality and durable . Even if the master works at home or at a veterinary clinic, his equipment must be in good working order and kept clean. Rusty scissors or a wobbly cutting table are a good reason to find another specialist.
  4. Contact with animals. For most dogs, getting a haircut is very stressful, especially if the procedure is unusual and the salon is unfamiliar. Whether your pet will feel comfortable in his hands or not depends on how well the groomer knows how to connect with animals. Do not leave your dog alone during the procedure immediately. Attend the process of introducing a specialist to your pet - everything will become clear to you right away. Rough handling of the animal - grabbing the scruff or paws is unacceptable! If you witness such behavior from staff, immediately remove the animal from the salon and notify the management of the establishment.
  5. Professional growth. A professional groomer must have diplomas and certificates confirming his attendance at courses and master classes. If the chosen groomer is constantly improving his skills and testing new products in his field, you have made a good choice.

And finally, selection of photos by topic.

Preparing the dog for the procedure

It is especially important to prepare your pet if you are going to the salon for the first time. The same applies to the first haircut within the walls of his own home - the dog may become nervous due to the abundance of unfamiliar tools.

For everything to go well, by the time of the haircut the baby should know what bathing and blow-drying are. People are accustomed to water procedures from childhood.

It is ideal if the dog already knows the master - for example, you went to him for a nail trim. If not, you can bring the dog to the salon, introduce it to the groomer and take it away, after giving it a treat - this will cement a positive attitude towards the salon.

At home, before the procedure, you need to bathe the Pomeranian and praise him. Let your dog sniff the laid out tools - let him understand that they do not pose a danger.

Required Tools

To groom your Pomeranian you will need::

  1. Sharp scissors with rounded ends.
  2. Thinning scissors.
  3. Fine-tooth comb.
  4. Comb with wide teeth.
  5. Pukhoderka.
  6. A dog clipper or trimmer.

Before the procedure, the pet must be combed and bathed.

Bathing after a haircut

After the haircut, the dog needs to be bathed using a special shampoo. You need to lather very carefully so that the soap does not get into your pet’s eyes and ears. After shampoo, conditioner is applied to the body, after five minutes it should be rinsed off with warm water. At the end, the Spitz is thoroughly dried with a towel, then dried with a hairdryer.

The procedure itself must be carried out regularly. This is especially true for owners of white or light-colored pets. It is recommended to bathe your pet before the exhibition. Hygiene procedures must be carried out at least once every two months.

Important! You should not wash your dog frequently, as the PH balance of the skin will be disrupted.

Bathing your pet

How to choose?

You need to purchase such a pet with documents, from a nursery or from a breeder. At the same time, it is very important that the puppy is healthy himself and belongs to healthy lines.

It would also be useful to agree on an examination of the selected baby in the clinic before purchasing . As a rule, conscientious breeders have nothing against this, since they are confident in the health and quality of their dogs.

When choosing a baby in the litter, you also need to pay attention to how active and friendly he is.


A good dwarf orange puppy is quite active and playful, he is not afraid of people and willingly approaches them to get to know them.

At the time of sale, children must have received the age-appropriate vaccinations and undergo quarantine.

When buying white, black, and brown puppies, you need to keep in mind that their color should be as uniform as possible.

As for orange oranges, at an early age they often have a grayish coating, which will disappear over time.

Treatment of consequences

Why doesn't wool grow?

Many owners of this beautiful decorative dog breed notice that over time, after constant short haircuts, spots appear on its skin, as if it is going bald. And such doubts are indeed justified. Alopecia or baldness can be caused by several factors:

  • allergy;
  • effects of toxic or irritating substances;
  • parasites or fleas;
  • hormonal imbalance.

It is very easy to see the manifestations of this disease; the animal’s hair begins to fall out. This may happen suddenly or gradually. Baldness can be accompanied by unpleasant itching.

Reference! Alopecia in dogs is not an independent disease; there is always a reason for its appearance.

How to recover?

If you are sure that the dog does not suffer from any diseases that could cause hair loss, then this is mechanical alopecia. Baldness is always treated based on the reasons that cause it.

The veterinarian selects a course of medications. In the case of mechanical alopecia, the owner of the affected dog will only have to wait:

  • give up short haircuts;
  • give the dog time.

She will need six months at best. If the case is extremely severe, it will take up to two years to grow new hair.

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